The 1965 Cambridge Debate; Portents Of Times Future

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Requests' started by Old Geezer, Jul 8, 2020.

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  1. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The 1965 University of Cambridge debate between James Baldwin and William F. Buckley, Jr. speaks to the American condition of 2020.

    The only people at that debate who "didn't get it" were the supposed educated. I am going to post a link to that debate. The beginning of James Baldwin's speech is located fourteen (14) minutes into the video. William F. Buckley's retort begins thirty-nine (39) minutes into the video. Everything said prior to Balwin's presentation is intellectual masturbation and nothing else -- truly, is it but shoe-shining beneath a pathetic gossamer veil. Therefore begin at the beginnings of the words of the presenters themselves and utterly ignore their inferiors.

    Never read comments about their debate back in 1965. Listen to the words of these two speakers. Listen to every word. Listen to every word of theirs spoken in 1965 so as to come to know America's current situation in 2020.

    You will hear the word "negro" used. In 1965, that was the proper word to be used in civilized debate. That word and many others are considered defamatory in our current parlance.
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  2. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    1965 University of Cambridge debate between James Baldwin and William F. Buckley, Jr.

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  3. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good afternoon Old Geezer,

    Obliged to avoid much screen time due ophthalmology reasons. Thus, just skimmed through a The Atlantic article on the '65 "debate".

    There are people who grew up in Harlem and "made it" into the middle class. It definitely takes the proper mental attitude and work. Harlem was surrounded by a few "free" universities such a CCNY, the "Poor Man's Harvard". Some rich Manhattan areas produced acid heads and alcoholics. Perhaps there are common denominators. Not too much is new under the sun.

    Blacks were not the only ones building the railroads. Recall the term "Shanghai - ed". Yes, slave labor used ... along with indentured servants, drifters, anyone who could be found and placed on the work crews.

    Baldwin didn't like Christianity - but he moved to France. Perhaps it was Gershwin's music and not the French cafe life. Egypt and Turkey didn't have large Christian populations.

    It's a major flaw for Baldwin to want Americans to say they were complicit in the US socio-racial structure. Many Americans had ancestors who hadn't even arrived here until the late 19th, early 20th century.

    An example of a black man who experienced racial discrimination but handled it. Mathew Hansen (1866 - 1955) was the first to reach the North Pole. He was enrolled in some explorer societies and Admiral Byrd, his boss, was recognized as NOT being the first.

    Meanwhile, to the tune of "An American in Paris" .................
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  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The Chinese did the dangerous labor on the rails whose origin was California. They drilled the mountain rocks and set the explosives. What wages the Chinese received, most was sent back to their families and the crime gangs who sold their labor.

    After the railroads were built, the Chinese were consigned to their ghettos. They were told to go back to China, their homes were burned, and many hundreds were killed for simply being Chinese. There were Anti-Chinese leagues.

    The Chinese ignored the oppression and are now our nation's "curve-busters". Whereas American universities welcome the communist Chinese, they have quotas for Chinese-Americans because Chinese-Americans are genetically more intelligent (secular humanist dogma holds that genetics play little if any role in intelligence, when it is proven that DNA does determine intelligence, university professors have them a lynching) and because Chinese-Americans have a work ethic. Plus it is well known that Amerikan universities are controlled by collectivists.

    I was in a near ecstasy when I watched the Korean merchants open fire on the scummy looters of L.A. back in 1992. As a person whose dad was born in an iron-mining camp, I soooooo identified with them!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like I was there; we were the same thing; I would have brought my own shotgun and/or rifle to help them fight off the savages. That they were Asian meant little, if anything at all, to me. Somewhere inside of me, some inarticulate wiring had it that they were the same people as my own here in my neck of the woods. Looks don't mean much. Actions mean everything.

    Even such communist rags as the Huffington Post acknowledge that Chinese communities (Asian communities in general) were the object of aggression to include arson and murder. The Left assiduously avoids conversations on how it was that these American people went on to live the American Dream and succeed in unimaginably grand ways.

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