The issue of looting

Discussion in 'Safety' started by Corzhens, Jun 10, 2016.

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  1. Corzhens

    Corzhens Master Survivalist

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    We have a saying here that when disaster strikes, looters are born. Often when there is a fire in a neighborhood, not only the firemen are summoned but cops as well who would maintain the peace and order in the fire-stricken area not to mention the watching of criminals.

    Whatever the disaster, there is a tendency of looting when there is food shortage in the area. They say that hungry people lose their decency and morals that's why it is natural for a hungry man to loot a store or any place that has food. But it is not only food that is looted. Sometimes even other things like appliances or even gasoline. That's why we have to be mentally prepared of a possible looting when there is a shortage of a commodity.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    Looting is really a cultural thing.
    Most cultures will loot within seconds of trouble!
    A few cultures will only loot as a last resort.
    In Australia there is very little to no looting during troubles!
    In The USA looting seems to be a high school course if you are of certain cultures/ethnic groups!

    It seems mostly to be the general respect for law and order!

    I hate to say it but the majority of the worlds cultures think looting is normal
    as opposed to the Anglo-saxon and similar cultures where there is a deep rooted respect for property ownership!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. Endure

    Endure Expert Member

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    Is during food shortages when is revealed the moral integrity of a society and respect of individual property. Right now in countries like Venezuela, where failed policies led to food shortage, news of looted businesses and wrecked cargo trucks are not uncommon.

    Looting is awful, even in dire disaster situations is not a justified action. Unless you're a centralist government, nobody has the fault of your hunger and misery. And yes, when there are a looting rampage, food is not the only good that is
    stolen but everything remotely valuable.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. remnant

    remnant Expert Member

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    Looting is an opportunistic thing. It occurs in times of conflicts and riots. The interesting thing about looting is that anybody can turn into a looter including the seemingly innocent citizens and denizens. But the biggest compliment of looters is criminal but the numbers soon swell. Businesses targeted are those with the greatest visual appeal
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    which is why preppers have a food stash, this enables us to hunker down whilst all the looting and general mayhem ensues, putting oneself in danger by going looking for supplies at a time of social unrest and upheaval is not recommended and is counter productive.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. jonthai

    jonthai New Member

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    It's normal. If even in a normal society there are looters out there, specially in a disaster occasion, they will start showing up in more number.I think it's normal, even though I don't agree with it, that people tend to start looting for survival. It's their instinct and many people will do that. There's no way of stopping this, and we should just try to educate people towards a control behavior in case of a disaster
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    whilst you have a society that relies on the "just in time" delivery system and who don't have a larder, pantry or even a food cupboard, when any event happens we will see mass panic.
    when people think that the "status quo" will last forever and they think there is no need to store food, that this is somehow "weird" and "odd" when an event happens there will always be looting.
    whilst this mindset prevails nothing will change.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Here are some videos of store owners shooting looters. These videos can be gruesome and the language is often beyond foul, we are talking savage vulgarity. Therefore, if you are in any way sensitive about these things, DO NOT watch these videos.

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  9. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Looting is theft and in Texas you have the right to shoot a thief if you catch him more or less in the act. LOL, a few years ago the cops did a strike for about two days. The crime rate plumited!!! Everyone strapped on a handgun and let it be known that the cops weren't protecting the criminals any more. If you attacked or robbed someone they were going to KILL you. It was GREAT. I wish that they would just retire and let people handle thieves themselves.

    The funny thing was that the thieves hid out and ALL sorts of crime just petered out to almost nothing. The gangs were quiet and even the stop and rob convienence store roberies stopped. Would YOU try to rob a place when you figured that EVERYONE in the store was armed and would just love to shoot you? For a fact, cops do a much better job of protecting criminals from good people than protecting good folks from criminals.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    If guns are so bad, why are there no mass shooting at gun ranges? Just about everybody there has an evil firearm. LOL
  11. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Today, it is in the cities; in time, no place will be safe. Either thieves will be attacking or representatives of government will be coming to destroy your world. The ownership of private property is going to be made illegal with armed enforcement unless everything TOTALLY comes apart or the locals kill-off their would-be overlords. If everything comes apart, regional people who once were sane will be looking to gain power so as to take from locals and redistribute needed items to their families and to their cohort. There are followers everywhere. Followers are the most dangerous people because they enable monsters.

    Post-SHTF, all interlopers must be eliminated with deadly force. Repeating weapons and lots of ammunition will be required.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    gang of feral youths on the south coast causing mayhem to shop owners and the general public in a coastal town (Paignton), not a one off not exclusive.
    in another area, gang of 10 teens sentenced to 124 years in prison for the knife murder of a randomly selected complete stranger -18 year old walking home from the funfair.
    why is it always urban areas? something in the water, the air? or is it because everyone is herded together in a confined area ? or just lack of parental control?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    A lack of Parental control, moral guidance, social condemnation and severe punishment, all combine into the problem.
    lonewolf likes this.
  14. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Pack-behavior ... They can hide in compacted populations. All that ...

    But too, many haven't the neural wiring to create the intelligence and forethought necessary to overcome their animal urges.

    People who are without sufficient brain cells in the frontal lobes of their brains require FAR more external/environmental discipline to make them civilized. In most Western nations, do these people get such rigid external behavioral control? Certainly not. In many Muslim nations, if you are a thief, you stand to get one of your hands cut off. We Westerners consider this uncivilized. We must NOT judge Islamic law for this! Without such strict constraints, there would be far more uncivilized behavior in those countries. Indeed, in countries such as Saudi Arabia, there is no where near as much thievery as in Western nations. Strict laws their are necessary and quite frankly, that's their business, not ours. The centuries following the appearance of Muhammad and the Koran, have taught them what is necessary. So long as things were strict, they were mighty and brilliant nations.

    Know too that in adolescents of ANY race, ANY peoples, the brain's frontal lobes have not completely developed. This is why young men must live in an environment of strict rules until their brains become sufficiently complex to allow the level of self discipline necessary for civilized behavior. All men look back on their adolescence and say, "Dear lord, how could I have been so stupid?" When I was a kid, things were strict. Start getting arrogant and you got smacked down. This made me civilized because otherwise I could have easily turned out to be a monster. I enjoy causing injury. That MUST be suppressed; it was; still is.

    The peoples of Arabia and Africa see Westerners as weak, even deserving, of being run over. The baser side of our nature enjoys stepping on the next guy's head and taking what was his. Our animal nature is the same nature as wolves. God knows I have one inside of me. You do too.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    In the US the THREAT of punishment far exceeds the actual acy and after a criminal takes a few months vacation in the State run criminal hotels they lose most of their fear of it. At least in Texas they get three meals a day competant medical and dental care (not fancy but decent) and a warm place to sleep that is probably safer than most of the places that they were at before being in prison. Our prisons farm, ranch and run factories that make most of what they need. If they are faily young and don't have a highschool diploma they are offered the oppertunity and encouraged to get it done while they are in prison.

    Prisons are nothing like what you see on TV or in the movies. There is not much violence. If you become a peoblem you get shipped off to segrigation and then don't have anyone to fight with. Very few people see spending 23 hours a day alone in a cell to be the good life. You get to spend an hour outside, weather permiting, once a day even when you are in seg.

    Nearly everyone that I know is or has worked in the many prisons around here. I don't know anyone that has been harmed while at work. My wife spent almost 20 of her 25 years either on the unit that housed death row or one of the maximum security prisons. She neverf had a problem. One inmate asked her what she would do if he bit her andshe asked him if he wanted to see the roof of his mouth and his uvula (the hangy down thing in the back of your throat.) hanging on the end of her dental pick, that ended that discussion!!

    LOL, My wifes brother was a piece of crap and in and out of jail all the time. She learned early how to deal with people like that. He hit her one time when she was about 14 and she grabbed his crotch with a pair of pliers and made him cry lik a baby and BEG to be released and promise to NEVER hit her again. He never did either. The pliers were laying on top of the TV to change the channels after the plastic knob stripped and rounded off the stem.

    LOL, He warned me one time after we had been dating for about a year that if she ever threatend or warned me that I had better believe her. I guess that it was good training for her. Even the guys on deathrow knew better than to cross her. If they acted like civilized people she treated them good BUT if they acted like an ass she would just step back and say in a tone they never questioned, "Get UP, GET out and send in another request when you think that you can act like a big boy!"

    One dumbbutt tried to nip her only once. She hooked the roof of his mouth with one of the scraping tool and he opened his mouth up before it was even close to hurting her. Her swore it was an accident and she agreed that she only hooked him by accident and suprise when he nipped her. End of story but the point was well made. Two years later an inmate asked her if she really had ripped the roof of a guys mouth out for biting her. She just gave him and evil grin and nodded. Tales in prison grow big and fast!!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "How social media is fueling the rise of Chicago's large-scale teen takeovers"

    "CHICAGO - We don’t always know when or where a teen takeover will take place, but one thing we do know is they’re not small.

    "In a FOX 32 special report, Anita Padilla looks at how this social phenomenon often becomes a large scale event.

    "The question is how do so many teens - all of whom don’t know each other -- wind up going to the same place at the same time?

    " 'Most teenagers at this point use social media. Primarily they are using things like TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram,' said Carly Kocurek, associate dean at Illinois Institute of Technology. 'They’re also likely using things like WhatsApp or even just general phone texting.'

    " 'This is mob action. This is what this is. They don’t get it because they think it's just a bunch of kids having fun, putting it on social media and getting those likes, getting those follows,' said Dr. Steve Webb, a school superintendent and police officer.

    " 'It's more than just a flash mob. This is an organized effort. They create flyers. They send flyers on their social media. So if you have an influencer who has 900 followers, and those 900 followers share it on their pages, now you have 900, a thousand, 10,000,' said Rich Wistocki, a retired cyber crime police detective. "


    Last edited: Aug 6, 2023
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  17. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    isnt this what they used to call a "flashmob" ???
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  18. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    "Flashmob" sometimes can mean a non-violent gathering of theater groups, musicians, and often dancers gathering and performing in a public place / shopping mall.

    "Teenage flashmob" = masses of looters who use their cellphones to gather and loot stores.

    "Teenage" = black youth aged around 13 yr to 19+ years old. Usually they raid at night, often after midnight at 24 hour convenience stores / gas stations. These places have cigarettes = valuable on the street. Sometimes it is retail stores that are looted. Back in "the hood", there are open-air markets for stolen goods.

    The MSM will never say "black teenagers". To the woke, blacks are sacred, oppressed, misunderstood, deserving of redistributed wealth (via legal or illegal means; doesn't matter). That is, until one of their loved ones or close friends gets put in the hospital. Old people stomped and beaten sometimes die.

    And no, there are no responsible parents of these black kids to set curfews. There most certainly are no black fathers -- even if known.

    The media changes terminology as responsible people begin making fun of each last cover-up term.

    It is exceedingly racist to tell the truth.

    Some whites believe a truly racist cop to be "just doing his duty" when accusations of abuse of power are made. Why? Because so many FALSE accusations are made. Leftist fanatics accuse ALL cops as being evil. So, when a really really really mean / killer cop gets accused of being evil (which is very true), many folk just say that it's just another crew "crying wolf".

    Cops often DO abuse their power; however it is far more rare than TV and movie producers portray in their propaganda shows. Too, other cops don't like it when one of their own makes the rest look bad. Embarrassing is embarrassing.

    The above is especially true when a cop pulls an in-your-face act of unholy aggression / murder. Hell, in this day and age, the cops get filmed nuking perpetrators. Me, I most often side with the cops, but because my family was on the wrong side of the law, we witnessed cops pulling sh## that can get people killed. Too, sheriffs deputies would recruit combat veterans to actually nuke those they couldn't handle. I KNOW the latter to be true. My mom and grandmother (during WWII when most young men were at war) witnessed two cops using billy-clubs on a guy's head with sufficient force to kill. The guy lived. Thing was, they were almost killing a guy in plain view of the the public, in front of women! Holy sh##!!!!!!!!!!

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

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    I watched an item yesterday that described the current fad for voting as "steaming". This particular instance involved a large group of young black men who invaded a store and ran through grabbing large amounts of stuff and then ran out out. A sort robbery en masse. The police were nearby so, fortunately, there have been some arrests (for a change). Apparently this behaviour is becoming more frequent.

    BBC article and some video in the links below.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2023
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  20. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Police had been forewarned about this and were in attendance in some numbers, which makes a change. some stores had extra door staff .
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  21. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

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    I was genuinely surprised to see how prepared the police were and also how they got involved immediately. It could have been a whole lot worse. I suspect that, in the future, we will see a lot more of this sort of organised looting and it may well become a surge of the big cities.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    When the looters start getting shot, the looting will stop.
    Old Geezer likes this.
  23. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    our ordinary Police dont carry firearms, thats the "armed response unit" and thats mostly geared towards terrorists and shootings not looters.
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  24. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I think it already is.
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  25. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    For looting, violent "flash mobs", steaming, ... the police need tear gas and shotguns loaded with bean bags and/or birdshot.

    There are so many thousands of members of black and Hispanic street-gangs, plus legions of felons/parolees on the streets of America that police would be in dire risk of severe injury or death were they not armed.

    As more African and Middle Eastern migrants flood into England, the U.K. will begin experiencing that which Sweden is experiencing. In strict gun-controlled Sweden, "no-go" areas of cities such as Malmo experience ongoing fully-automatic rifle fire and grenade attacks between migrant gangs. Gun control laws mean nothing to criminal migrant gangs -- as they migrate, they establish black market trade routes that allow them to bring in drugs and weaponry.


    I looked-up "steaming" and found information.


    Black ghettos in England are mirroring the flash-mob looting seen regularly in Amerika.

    In the UK and urban Amerika, the term "youths" used by the communist media means "black teenagers".

    Due to poverty, lack of adequate clothing, and enough food to eat, "youth" must rob mobile phone businesses, liquor stores, tennis shoe retail stores, and cigarette shops.

    "CCTV: Gang 'steam' London mobile phone shops"

    Films concerning a growing culture developing in the U.K.. Here in the USSA, this culture has dug-in and is intransigent -- vast urban areas are totally unsafe to enter during the night.


    South Africa gangs:



    "Meet Evil and his Loyal Gang Members | Jamaica | FD Bites "

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  26. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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  27. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

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    Those videos show exactly what has started in the UK recently. There was an attempted looting in Southend on Saturday but, apparently, the Police were out in force as the organiser had put in on TikTok (which obviously the Police have been monitoring).
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    The video in the following link really disturbs me, makes me angry. The looters appear to be over 50% white or Hispanic. These kids have the brain size, the pre-frontal lobe size, to overrule their impulses. Thus, they are feral or just downright evil. They are uncivilized and due to their lack of self-control, one wonders if they will ever become civilized, ever grow-up emotionally. Could they improve? Sure. Are they likely to ever be fully civilized? I fear that less than 50% will ever become truly good citizens. Have I known people who grew out of adolescent acting-out? Sure, a stack of them. Yet, I've known a half dozen suicides and a bunch who ended up in jail.

    Willfulness is inside of me, as is anger -- along with callousness towards human cattle and especially those who attempt to cross me. Therefore, I must discipline myself strictly. I cannot ever allow the decidedly dark things inside me to come out and play. That would be bad. Now that I'm old, disciplining myself is much easier even though I have a temper from hell. The men in my childhood and adolescent life were very authoritarian / ex-military. My grandfathers were born in a former era; paternal Pap before 1900 and paternal pap just the year 1900. So too was my paternal grandmother whitleather tough; she was not to be crossed. She would hurt you. She sure hurt me -- a green stick whipping was just a word away. These people burned discipline into me. Good thing that, what with my predispositions. Know that I am in no way unique. MANY people could easily go mean without proper discipline. Being intelligent AND evil is a recipe for a unique breed of monster.

    In our day and age, "discipline" is a foreign term.

    The following article and its included video reports on an incident of pack behavior writ large. Humans domesticated wolves into dogs; but that interaction went both ways. The wolves passed on violent pack behavior to humans -- the humans had to get mean to deal with blood-thirsty monsters. Engaging in evil pack behavior was not a long journey for humans. We are critters that naturally meld into clans. We are genetically social. However, we must assiduously avoid becoming part of any herd. Family and friends is one thing. Herd behavior is quite another. Get far away from human herds, for they are easily stampeded.

    "Mob of looters ‘terrorized’ California 7-Eleven store on video: authorities"

    "Looters swarmed Sacramento 7-Eleven after illegal street racing event"

    Begin quote

    Dozens of vandals in Northern California were caught on video looting a 7-Eleven convenience store earlier this month, authorities said Friday.

    The chaos unfolded on Oct. 8 at the store on Elkhorn Boulevard in Rio Linda, just outside of Sacramento, after a nearby sideshow, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office said. A sideshow is an illegal street racing event where drivers perform dangerous stunts like "donuts" and "burnouts" on public streets.

    Surveillance video from inside the store shows individuals streaming through broken plate glass windows, rushing down aisles and jumping over the counter.

    The mob was seen stealing cases of beer, cigarette cartons and other items from the store. Many of the individuals were seen covering their faces.

    Since the looting was nonviolent, most suspects will receive citations instead of jail time if they are caught, sheriff’s spokesperson Sgt. Amar Gandhi told KXTV.

    Cities in California, most notably Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay areas, have been plagued with smash-and-grab looters. Videos of the incidents have gone viral online and fueled critics who argue California takes too lax of an approach to crime.

    End quote

    OldGzr: These young criminals deserve jail time. Better-yet, they should be sent to work camps where some discipline can be branded into their souls.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Last night my attack dog was sleeping beside me , in the bed , when she let out a deep growl . Lots of rain thunder and lightening last night , but it had subsided by that time " around midnight " . As I did in my combat years , I sleep fully clothed , ready for battle , but At least I take my boots off to keep from ripping the sheets . Anyway I opened the front door and like a rocket she was out for the attack .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Good doggy! Good doggy! Loyalty = Gold
      Old Geezer, May 16, 2024
  30. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "South Africa: residents use guns and baseball bats to protect against looting"

    "New Guinea: Rioting looters kill 16 after police go on strike"

    Post-SHTF in Western nations will see "third-world" conditions coming to the fore. Thus, you must be armed to protect your spouse, children, and their children / your grandchildren. When you see a good deal on ammunition purchases, then purchase. If the ammo is not used for home-defense, then it will be a solid bartering currency (the dollar will be toilet paper). Ammo shelf-life is decades upon decades -- me, I've range-blasted 70 yr old ammo. Practice-practice! Develop "muscle memory". Shooting skills are literally hard-wired in your brain, the cortex, even the sub-basal nuclei. Neurology 101.

    For the 10-thousanth time, allow me to repeat, "Nothing wrong with handguns." This especially is true of personal carry outside your home. Beats the dickens out of a bayonet. However, rifles and shotguns are vastly superior to handguns for home-defense. "Assault rifle" cartridge chamberings are more powerful than handguns, yet inferior to the power and killing effect of hunting rifles / deer rifles. Hunting ammo, by definition, is designed to drop-dead where they stand, deer and elk -- animals weighing hundreds of pounds. Injuring game animals is far beyond cruel. They must not suffer, but be dropped where they stand. Be a good hunter. This is food for the freezer -- many suppers.

    If a human is shot central-torso with deer hunting ammo, he drops dead. Military ammo is wounding ammo -- take the enemy out of combat / neutralize the threat / get his mates to take care of him (if they are not communists who have no value to human life).

    Again, post-SHTF, center-fire hunting and target ammunition-chambered rifles, very accurate rifles, are superior to these semi-auto "assault rifles". Fighting a trained army = death. The only option for any oppressed people is guerrilla warfare. End of discussion. And gee guess what, hunting rifles put food on the table in addition to fighting-off oppressive government. George Washington (God bless him) said that it was the Scots-Irish who made the difference during the Revolutionary War. "Beware the man who owns but one rifle."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    any dog has far better hearing than any human, about 100 times better.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
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