The Pareto Principle...vilfredo Pareto And The 80/20 Rule

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by watcherchris, Nov 29, 2017.

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  1. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I put this in the Politics section because I recognize that this kind of thing is a belief as well as an operating system of some people...consciously or unconsciously..and I have noticed it among many. But for years I had never heard of it under an economic study by Vilfredo Pareto or as the Pareto Principle.
    I only came into the formal awareness of such an operating principle in the last four or five years.
    And the other night at work suddenly clicked into what you are going to read here.

    Here goes.....

    I seldom do this but the other night at work I blew up at the crew to which I am assigned. To my surprise these fellows felt I was out of order for so speaking up and tried to put the blame on me...

    To me this is textbook Ishmaelite thinking...and I don't think most even know of it. Ishmaelite ...putting others into bondage.

    What has been happening since I have been in this crew is a noticeable trend of getting a job and everyone going to sit down and take it easy until briefing time...eating, talking about sports/the Kardashians, reading, and doing anything but getting ready for the job. This could be hours until briefing time.

    What happens is that it is always the same people who step foreword and begin the preparations ..get procedures properly updated and verified as to the current status of said procedures, the general everything needed for the job...including coordinating other support trades and people.

    These other people just show someone set up the buffet line for them....and expect to just blend in and no one notice what has happened.

    I realize that some of this is a supervision problem..but to me a person involved in a job should be, over time, able to step back and view the job/task and see what they need to reach the get the things needed in place to reach the goal. But it is always the same few who do this. The same few who self start. What would happen if these same few people doing this preparation were out that night..or transferred to some other place...or gave up the ghost.

    This is not the only crew in which I have worked where this kind of thing is noticeable.

    Some people are just not self starters...or even eager participants. They want someone else to set up the buffet line and then show up and "Watch" the show....and not contribute much.
    And they got upset at me for bringing this out into the light about them wanting someone else to set up the buffet line for them...while they just sat around...and the same olde people constantly setting up the buffet line for them.

    This is known to most of us as the 80/20 rule...where 80% of the people do 20% of the work and 20% of the people do the other 80%.

    A fellow named Vilfredo Pareto came up with this economist...and it is called the Pareto Principle.

    My point in bringing up all this whether we would want such performance in our SHTF or TEOTWAWKI groups???

    Do we want such people surrounding us in life and death situation....the Kardashian types as I am often, tongue in cheek, want to refer to them.

    Have any of you members ever thought it through from this kind of angle???

    It just strikes me that in a SHTF ...these people ... could work you to death taking risks for them being expected to set up the buffet line for them so they can just show up gratis. Many of these people are the "Love love love types as I call them...we must love everyone... or it is not fair"
    They don't seem to have any clue about how "Unfair " are they themselves...that their 20% operation/operating patterns put other people into bondage for them to make up the other 80%.

    My mind tends to think in this pattern from time to time.

    To me ..this kind of person/persons are "High Maintenance."

    Well...I'm tending to ramble on now in my ire...but I think many of the members here understand the point or the pattern.

    I can take this further in my rabid patterns of thought..such as asking myself if our affluent economic situation tends to support such an 80/20 principle and is this one reason our country is loosing it's greatness...because this 80/20 principle is now subsidized for political clout for votes??

    In other words has it become a devout political religion for the purpose of securing votes!!??

    What would a 70/30 change do to America and it's greatness??? 60/40??



    Not an Ishmaelite.
    GS AutoTech likes this.
  2. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Now think about this....

    Again my mind ran down rabid trails as it is often want to do.

    Now think about what I posted contrast to this other line of thought.....which just came to me.

    Our own government/ledership..including at public schools/colleges has us distracted by political/social nonsense....dross...garbage....while many of us are being put in to bondage...herded by what I call the 80/20 rule and the pattern of thinking behind it...and accepting it.

    But.......we are being race sex/sexuality issues....transgendered....LGBT..issues and any other pabulum that can be manufactured....good cop bad support the distraction...herding. Keeping us bondage...distracted.....

    Does that make sense in a times twisted way???


    Not an Ishmaelite.
    GS AutoTech likes this.
  3. tominwash

    tominwash Member

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    All I can speak to is life here in the US, I know there are many here from all over this big world. I own a small woodworking shop. We run at capacity. Never once in 25 years have I had one kid knock on my door and ask for work. Those I have tried that are older are more interested in smoking breaks and waiting to be told what to do. The thought of taking a broom and cleaning up just doesn't occur to them. They weren't told to do it. And it goes on. I could expand tomorrow and employ another two people, but I don't. It isn't worth it. The work ethic is completely gone in general here. Your 20% is probably right and those 20% are most often working for themselves, in leadership positions, and over time succeed in life. Everyone else, looking to the government and subjecting themselves to a form of slavery. You vote for me and I will give you just enough to live. Morons.

    We are becoming like Rome and history will repeat itself. We are collectively soft and the third world is hungry for what we got. Maybe it is a natural social condition. One group through work becomes great, then lazy generations follow only to be replaced. And the cycle repeats. We tend to focus on natural disasters, EMP's, financial collapse when talking about survival and prepping, but there is another threat that you outline very clearly. Those 80% care not a thing for what you have worked for and own, in their mind they are owed, entitled, and if you have two of should give them one of theirs.

    Success as a society may sow the seed for it's own destruction.
    GS AutoTech likes this.
  4. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I will add to your 80/20 rule because I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. To make it even BETTER have you noticed that when the boss gets unhappy that things aren't moving along that they usually come and chew on the people that are doing all the work and never on the slugbugs that as sitting on their arse?.

    This is a cultural/societal flaw that is sort of related to the Peter Principle and is one of the things that makes it hard for American companies to compete on an international level. It isn't the workers because the top Toyota plants as far as productivity are in the US. The thing is though that these plants are run on a Japanese business model.

    In general in my experience in the US the harder you work and the more energy that you put into your job the more likely you are to get in trouble and get gripped at and maybe let go. You are perceived as rocking the boat I guess.

    This is one of the big reasons that I went into business for myself and never was much interested in growing or hiring other people to work for me. I worked hard. Did a quality job and didn't have to deal with all the crud that goes along with trying to get other people to work OR leave me alone and let me work in peace. Other people make friends at work among their coworkers. I instead looked at my customers as my friends and it worked out pretty well most of the time. Most of the people that I've actually gotten friendly with over the years came to me first as customers. Even in my retirement I still do work for my friends and so have a little cash flow and fun visiting with them. Some of the BEST fishing is on private lakes owned by these friends.

    Not everyone is cut out to be their own boss. I will tell you for a fact that I was the biggest butthole to work for that I ever had. I worked rain or shine, sick or well, day or night and there was never a boss before me that I would have done that for.
    GS AutoTech likes this.
  5. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    You are exactly right about this Tex...

    I've seen this many times...the self starters get chewed out ...not the slackers.

    Don't get me wrong here Tex...if nothing is going on ...I can find something to do or even creatively slack..but always in phone range of the boss if needed.

    But when things need doing or preparing or staging up for a job....get it done and we all take it easy...not a handful hang back and leave the work and preparations up to the same self starters all the time. Sometimes this kind of thing just torques my jaws like a set of vice grip pliers.

    But it has come to me that these kinds of people you would not want around you if the SHTF...or TEOTWAWKI.

    High Maintenance whiners and blame gamers...guilt manipulators/politicians.

    I can see why people would not want to work for someone else...they do not want to be herded..or manipulated/defaulted by people such as these.

    If the SHTF ...or TEOTWAWKI happened some of us are going to have to make some hard hard choices...I think.

    I wonder if this is why you don't hear much coming out of Puerto the news after the hurricane...the 80/20 rule...making life hard and people who can are leaving???

  6. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    "I wonder if this is why you don't hear much coming out of Puerto the news after the hurricane...the 80/20 rule...making life hard and people who can are leaving???"

    I think that this is just the way our media works now. When something bad happens they cover it in MASS for a few days and then POOOF that's it. They never mention it again. On to the next story! There is no real depth in the media because they are too busy twisting the story to fit their agenda and too much truth might get in their way. I would never believe that things like Las Vegas and the Texas Church killings could pass as being a one week wonder. How much time is spent on some bimbo's accusation that some bozo copped a feel on her 10 years ago? I guess if you watch the media you you see that those accusations are too important to just drop but mass killings are just business as usual. Huge parts of the Texas gulf coast were and still are wiped out. When was the last time you heard about it? Believe me it is STILL a mess and people are still living in motels and shelters. My Wife's boss is living in a travel trailer in his driveway. With as many homes as got flooded you have to sort of wait in line to hire contractors to rebuild even if you have the money and Insurance. NOT NEWS!!
  7. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I've been thinking about this from your previous post...and I am trying to stay focused with something in mind concerning this pattern of which you posted.

    I think that entirely to much time is being spent on this. I am not interested in someone else's sex life and instincts long ago developed concerning the pimping whorish media...wave for me a warning flag.

    I am thinking to keep focused on up and coming events in Congress before the recess...and perhaps during the recess if they can get together a quorum.

    That someone out here is using sex and sexually to keep the American people Voyeuristically distracted so as not to see what is coming...a distraction from the real coming events planned.
    The tell tale to me will be if this sex/sexuality business accelerates and intensifies between now and the Recess.
    What is someone trying to legislatively get snuck by without the American Public knowing by keeping them distracted with someone else's sex life.

    Sort of a bait and switch thing....if I am even describing this right. Is someone out here planning more Ishmaelite bondage on the backs of the American people and needing them distracted while they get away with this continued bondage program???

    But that is the warning flag going on in my mind over all this sex business. It is just getting tiresome to me...and I believe designed to keep peoples minds off the real bouncing ball....a deliberate distraction.


    Not an Ishmaelite.
  8. GS AutoTech

    GS AutoTech Expert Member

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    80/20 rule is right in line with people as a whole.
    When SHTF the 80% or more will be the lost sheeple. Sad. Humanity culled by their own worthlessness.
  9. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Historically only about 15% of the population are meaningful. The rest are just flotsam floating along in the currents created by the real people.
    Old Geezer likes this.
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