The World Of Woke

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by Old Geezer, Mar 25, 2023.

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  1. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    This is a place/bucket for the New World Order of Wokedom.

    If somebody has come across an event, a news item, that reeks of our strange new world -- oh, I'm sorry, this "progressive" new world -- and wishes to share; well, here's the place to do so.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Local Govt Promises to Stop Placing Kids in Care of Paedophiles After Girl Abused by Convicted Molester"

    "A left-run city council in Britain has vowed that it will never put a child in the care of a paedophile again after authorities were exposed for doing just that, leading to a young girl being sexually abused for years and ultimately impregnated.

    "Labour Party-controlled Leeds City Council has been forced to pledge that it will increase safeguards to prevent a repeat of the case of 'Ruby', a vulnerable local girl who was put into the care of a known paedophile by a family court on the advice of the local authority.

    "The Labour Party-controlled administration’s executive member for children’s social care, Councillor Fiona Venner, attempted to point towards a recent inquiry by Ofsted, which gave Leeds an 'outstanding' rating for child services for the second year in a row last May — despite the abuse of 'Ruby' coming to light prior to the grading.

    "According to the report from the Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership that uncovered the case, a convicted child sex offender was granted legal custody over Ruby despite concerns about his suitability given his history as a paedophile, and nothing was done to stop it.

    "After being granted custody of the child, he was arrested over allegations of illicit photographs being on his computer, although he was ultimately released without charge for lack of evidence.

    "The abuse Ruby suffered at the hands of the convicted paedophile was only uncovered after she became pregnant and sought to have an abortion while she was still a minor. As she was still below the legal age of consent — 16 in England — Ruby was referred to social services who later revealed, through testing, that her paedophile guardian was in fact the father."

    "Meth-Smoking Satanist Vicar Convicted of Paedophilia, Zoophilia"

    "An Anglican vicar who smoked crystal meth, boasted of corrupting young boys, abused animals, and discussed sacrificing babies to Satan with online paedophiles has been convicted in England.

    "Reverend David Renshaw, 63, was convicted of 'three counts of possessing indecent images of children; three counts of making indecent images of children; possessing prohibited images of children; and possessing extreme pornographic images portraying acts of intercourse with animals, namely dogs and horses,' according to a Sussex Police statement.

    "Strangely, he does not appear to have faced any charges relating to animal cruelty or neglect, despite police officers finding his vicarage full of dead and dying animals including cats, dogs, and chickens.

    "What the British judiciary considers a lengthy prison sentence seldom lines up with what the British public considers a lengthy prison sentence, however, and high-profile paedophiles like Renshaw are frequently spared any time behind bars at all.

    "Former Labour Party councillor Roger Spackman, for example, was let off with a suspended sentence despite downloading 290,672 indecent images of children, including graphic imagery of children being raped, in 2020.

    "The same year, a former Member of Parliament (MP) for Labour with a history of assault convictions, Eric Joyce, also got off with a suspended sentence despite being found in possession of videos of the most extreme category of child pornography."


    "Children entrusted to pro-pedophiles? Two scandals shake up LGBT activism"

    Begin quote:

    Two news reports in recent hours bring the issue of the ongoing attempt to "normalize" pedophilia back into the limelight. Although using the term "limelight" is an antithesis, an exaggeration: the big media are ignoring the issue. And their silence fits, we do not know whether knowingly or not, into that very process of pedophilia's clearance.

    Let's look at the first case, in Germany. In Berlin, the organization Schwulenberatung - which, as its name implies, provides psycho-social assistance to queer people - has decided to open two daycare centers, with the stated intention of exposing toddlers from 0 to 3 years old to homosexual content in order to accustom them to "alternative lifestyles." These kindergartens will be incorporated into a larger housing structure, with apartments, restaurants, even a hospice, all aimed at non-heterosexual people.

    The news will, in itself, raise more than one eyebrow, because for many, issues related to sexuality should be excluded from the education of young children. But what has generated the fuss is that one of the three Schwulenberatung board members is the controversial sociologist Rüdiger Lautmann. In 1994 he published a book, Die Lust am Kind ("The Attraction to the Child"), devoted to exploring pedophilia. An academic work, sure, but one in which some, shall we say, "objectionable" positions are expressed.

    Lautmann referred to psychiatrist Eberhard Schorsch's judgments that pedophilia could not be considered "inherently bad" or "dangerous," but should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. This led him to a slippery ridge, questioning the sexuality of children and how it could meet in a "consensual" manner with that of the adult. All the more so since the book is based on interviews with pedophiles and, therefore, sometimes their perspective and the author's fade into each other, in an ambiguity perhaps sought in order to afford "stronger" statements. "In the final analysis," the book reads, "it is the pedophile who wants and initiates the sexual aspect of the relationship; this, no less, is done within the limits of what the child allows and what the child is ready for."

    Let us now turn to the second news and move to Great Britain. The scandal concerns the NGO "Mermaids", which has been working with so-called "transgender" children since 1995. The organization is also infamous for having played a major role in pushing the London clinic in Tavistock to indulge in early sex changes on children (the number of surgeries had become so absurdly high that a few months ago, thanks in part to the push of lawsuits brought by victims such as Keira Bell, it was announced that the service would be abolished and devolved to regional clinics).

    In September, the “Telegraph” dealt an initial blow to Mermaids' image. A journalist contacted the organization by e-mail, posing as a 14-year-old girl. After an exchange of letters, without ever seeing the interlocutor or even caring about her psychological state or her parents' wishes, the NGO agreed to provide her with a breast binder - a tool that the same promoters on the Internet admit can cause back pain, chest pain, difficulty breathing, lung or rib damage. The British charities regulatory commission has launched an investigation, meanwhile suspending the lavish public funding (£500,000!) that Mermaids receives through the National Lottery.

    In October came the second blow. The "Times" discovered that one of Mermaids' administrators, LSE professor (where he teaches "Gender and Sexuality") Jacob Breslow, had spoken at a B4U-ACT conference in 2011 (when he was already a Ph.D. student), which focuses on psychological support for pedophiles. Such a mission is not evil per se, but B4U-ACT is accused of wanting to normalize pedophilia. On its website, psychological support is not presented as aimed at preventing child abuse: it is stated that pedophiles should turn to them for issues "unrelated to their sexuality" or "caused by society's negative reactions"; it is explicitly denied that pedophilia constitutes a sickness or that support should serve to modify the pedophile's sexual feelings. Some concern is also raised by the fact that the founder was a convicted child molester.

    End quote
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  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Judge Duncan’s Struggle Session Shows Why We Need Fiercer Protection Of Free Speech"

    "The Stanford disruptors’ objective was to destroy American civil society and replace it with leftist authoritarianism, preventing dissent."

    "The culture of free speech that for so long characterized American academia is dead. Increasingly, struggle sessions and violent eruptions are how the nation’s best and brightest choose to handle the ideas, individuals, and situations that make them uncomfortable.

    "Earlier this month, Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Kyle Duncan was invited by the Stanford Federalist Society to their law school to give a talk titled 'Covid, Guns, and Twitter.' What ensued is what has become the norm. A coalition of the dysgenic and well-dressed filled a lecture hall to shout down and demean a federal judge while a school diversity administrator chastised him with prepared remarks.

    "Disagreement is OK and clearly would have been welcomed by Duncan, but when students feel emboldened to tell a federal judge, “We hope your daughters get raped,” as one individual allegedly did, a course correction is desperately needed.

    "On Friday, Duncan addressed this very topic in a talk titled 'Free Speech and Legal Education In Our Liberal Democracy' at the University of Notre Dame’s Center for Citizenship and Constitutional Government.

    “'This is a talk about another talk,' Duncan quipped to inform those in the audience who were unaware that he would be, in part, discussing the incident at Stanford.

    "In a general defense of student protests, Duncan stated, 'It’s a great country where you can harshly criticize federal judges and nothing bad will happen to you. … The students at Stanford and other elite law schools swim in an ocean of free speech. … Has any group of people ever been so privileged?'

    "Continuing, the judge referenced a memo published on March 22 by the dean of Stanford Law, Jenny Martinez, in which she condemned the disruptions and 'threatening messages directed at members of [the Stanford Law] community' and pledged to adopt stricter policies regarding event disruption.

    "The universities that, at one point in time, were renowned for their unyielding commitment to free speech and the relentless pursuit of excellence in all things, to this day — despite the diminishing quality of graduates — still churn out leaders in every single sector.

    "Noting the undeniable trend of woke radicalization among young people in elite universities and the threat it poses to the maintenance of civil order and liberal democracy, Duncan asked, 'What would happen if the cast of mind in that Stanford classroom becomes the norm in legislatures, in courts, in universities, in boardrooms, in business, in churches?'

    “'We must resist this at all costs,' Duncan continued. 'Otherwise, we will cease to have [the] rule of law.'

    "Toward the end of her memo, Martinez also ruled out disciplining the individuals who disrupted Duncan’s lecture at Stanford Law, as it would be onerous to discern which students 'crossed the line into disruptive heckling while others engaged in constitutionally protected non-disruptive protest' and that university administrators sent 'conflicting signals about whether what was happening was acceptable or not.'

    "Instead, the offending students — along with the rest of the law school’s student body — will be required to attend a 'mandatory half-day session in spring quarter for all students on the topic of freedom of speech and the norms of the legal profession.'

    "The point of heckling Duncan, denying him a chance to make his case, and even wishing rape upon his children was to make an example out of him and to intimidate the students who invited him to speak. The disruptors want to destroy what is left of American civil society and replace it with an even more omnipresent woke authoritarianism, further preventing the dissemination of dissent. In order to accomplish this, they need future generations of leaders — their classmates — to be afraid, so they jeer and they threaten.

    "Days after the incident at Stanford Law, militant Antifa groups descended upon the University of California, Davis, in an attempt to prevent Charlie Kirk, founder of the conservative student organization Turning Point USA, from speaking on campus. Prior to the event, Gary May, the chancellor of UC Davis, circulated a video claiming Kirk “advocated for violence against transgender individuals.” Ultimately, the militants were unsuccessful in their attempts, but unlike at Stanford, the disruptors attempted violence and destroyed public property in the pursuit of denying an individual’s right to free speech.
    "How much longer can we continue to delude ourselves about free speech? There are, to be sure, legal protections for speech, but the leftists who control the institutions where these protections are most needed (academia, Big Tech, et al.) actively eschew and chip away at them in collaboration with the federal government.

    "A more muscular approach to protect the speech of Americans is needed.

    "Sure, threatening to cut off federal grants might encourage university administrators to be more vigilant in their defense of (or less hostile in their attacks on) free speech. But, at the end of the day, the left controls these institutions and interprets 'free speech' in a way that is fundamentally at odds with the American founding and the First Amendment; speech must be contained within their preferred paradigm, or else it and anything descending from it is an affront to their very existence and must be eradicated."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    OOPS!!!! My above post went on too long, so I had to chop it. :eek:

    Therefore, here's my continuation / thought-stream / running my mouth too much ... whatever ...

    Old Gzr: Do please allow me to be a bit of a disruptor for a moment. Under the heading of "Benefits of SHTF Collapse
    Events", one might list the reality of when Western governments go broke, most all universities will be extraordinarily defunded. During that time, the academic dons of private universities and their snooty privileged students will be busy trying not to be robbed or beaten by the hordes of looters making off with their possessions.


    Speaking of which ...

    During the flooding caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, everyone remembers the looting and mayhem that followed. Even a few police officers were involved in the looting. Do you remember the hospitals getting looted. I sure do. I was working for a medical school that had a hospital immediately adjacent (my school was a thousand miles away from New Orleans). When Tulane's University Hospital got hit with looting, this more than a little bit caught my attention. Hospitals in New Orleans were having to evacuate patients due the the flooding, of course; however, at the Tulane Medical Center hospital, patients were having to be evac.ed to one side of the facility where the looters had yet to invade.

    Now, go to the web and find information, photos, videos of this hospital looting. No, don't bother. You won't find much, if anything at all. This information and visuals-appertaining have been wiped from the web. If you use Google, you will be fed all manner of propaganda informing you that there was little looting (BIG lie) and Google will send you links that say something to the effect of "rumors of looting caused the police to overreact".

    The following medical article documents at lot of the catastrophic events and mayhem the Tulane teaching hospitals had to endure due to hurricane Katrina's wrath. Within this article I found a few sentences that mentioned the looting impact on patient xfer:

    "Hurricane Katrina's Impact on Tulane's Teaching Hospitals"
    Journal List Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc; v.118; 2007 PMC1863583, pages 69-78

    "... Despite the confusion, both MCLNO and Tulane's hospital personnel did a remarkable job of evacuating so many seriously ill patients under such difficult conditions. Indeed, the evacuation of patients from “Charity Hospital” (MCLNO) had to be halted on Thursday after the facility came under sniper fire on two separate occasions, and armed looters threatened medics and over-turned one of the boats.

    "... Had the National Guard entered the city in significant numbers the day of the disaster, as they had following the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, it is likely that the looting and sporadic sniper fire would not have occurred. Because of the delayed response of the government to the disaster (4), Tulane's security personnel had to assume responsibility for the safety of patients and hospital personnel and their families for several days. Intermittent gun fire in the immediate vicinity of the Medical Center and rumors of armed drug seekers looting hospitals added to everyone's anxiety."


    In my mind's eye, I remember the videos of hospital security providing protection for orderlies and nurses evacuating patients down glass wall corridors to the "safe" sections of the hospital. Talk about some fast hospital bed rolling! Those images sure did stick in my neurocircuitry! My brain is very bad in the realm of auditory/linguistic skills (except music; this brain sure is wired for music), therefore I can't remember the details of spoken reports. I must re-read to remember spoken reports. Dynamite in math/science, but disabled in language skills -- that's my brain. Maybe it's good that I forgot a bunch of that. Those were horrible days ... far beyond negative. AND, I wasn't even there! Mercy of the Lord to those who endured all that. :(

    As to "... rumors of armed drug seekers ... ", I remember the videos of rescue boats going out to evac citizens out of flooded areas -- sometimes off rooftops. These rescue boats took gunfire from homes, flooded homes, that were occupied by drug dealers trying to protect their drug stashes. The rescuers couldn't just head towards a house with people sitting on the roof. They had to use bullhorns and signals/waving to see if the people were friendlies or a crew who were going to open fire on them.

    All of the mayhem appertaining to the Katrina disaster is not good press for the Woke folk. Therefore, the information gets "disappeared". Poof!, the links go bye-bye.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Begin quote:

    Nearly one-third of Generation Z says they'd be just fine with government-installed surveillance cameras in every household under the guise of reducing domestic violence and other illegal activity.

    "Would you favor or oppose the government installing surveillance cameras in every household to reduce domestic violence, abuse, and other illegal activity?" asks a new survey from the Cato Institute. Of the responses, 29% of those aged 18-29 said yes.

    When it comes to other age brackets, 20% of millennials (between the ages of 30 and 44) also want everyone watched.

    Then, wisdom appears to kick in - as just 6% of Americans aged 45 and older were OK with government surveillance in every home.

    Broken down by politics, 19% of liberals and 18% of centrists agreed that our daily lives should be monitored by the government for our own safety, while 9 - 11% of those who identify as conservative, very conservative, or very liberal agreed in what appears to be a "horseshoe" issue that unites both ends of the political spectrum.

    Broken down by race, 33% of black Americans said they're fine with government in-home surveillance, as did 25% of hispanics, 11% of whites, and 9% of asians respectively.

    The question was asked as part of the Cato Institute's survey on American attitudes on the prospect of a 'central bank digital currency.' What's interesting about that is that 53% of Americans who support a CBDC also support in-home surveillance cameras.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    Give them ALL a free one-way ticket to a Soviet Country!!!

    Those that don't value freedom don't deserve it so we should give them what they want and take their freedom away. If they want to stay here let a prison or someplace restricted to only them and nobody else. There they can grow their on food and build their own house or starve and freeze to death. Then they would be SAFE and not have to be surrounded by the dreaded free people.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    I don't think the Russians want the liberals. It took them forever to throw off the worst of communism. The East Germans through-off their Stasi police state. Only Western liberals hold onto utopian beliefs / bullsh##.

    Anyone believing that any human social engineering schemes can bring about any sort of paradise on Earth are terminally naive.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I cant believe anyone would want more govt surveillance , just how naive are these loons?
    speed cameras and CCTV in shops is okay but in ones actual home? its ludicrous.
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      It is difficult to believe those numbers; however, given how men and women have turned into beings I no longer recognize, the numbers may indeed be accurate. I actively HATE having someone watch me. Start staring at a person in a bar and there's gonna be a fight. AND the wieners who work for Big Brother are idiots. In the smoking areas, nurses talk about their patients and make fun of them. There are few professionals out there. People are unfunny clowns.
      Old Geezer, Jun 9, 2023
  9. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Firing Good Educators for Refusing the ‘Black Panther’ Wakanda Salute"

    "New York City’s public school system is serious about equity. So serious that they are removing good educators for refusing to make the new symbol of racial equity: the Wakanda salute from the ‘Black Panther’ movie.

    "The New York Post has reported two separate accounts of women who were let go from their teaching jobs in the New York City public school system for—what they believe was—their unwillingness to participate in woke virtue signaling.

    "Both veteran educators were asked to cross their arms in front of them mimicking a greeting or salute popularized by the blockbuster Marvel comic-book movie, ‘Black Panther.’ Apparently, the Wakanda salute now represents racial equity for New York City educators."



    Speaking of comic book matters ...

    "Woke Marvel Eliminates The Punisher Due To 'Problematic' Conservative Fan Base"

    "A year ago progressive news outlets were calling the idea of the culture war a 'right-wing conspiracy theory' that had no basis in reality. Yet, the injection of far-left politics into entertainment media had already started years previous, with noticeable propaganda efforts in movies, streaming television, children's shows and books, even commercial advertising was replete with progressive ideological imagery by 2016 onward.

    "The goal is relatively obvious – To erase competing ideals and viewpoints while saturating the market with only one political vision; a woke vision. It's called social engineering, and anyone who claims this is not happening in the US today is gaslighting.

    "Strangely, the American comic book industry has become a major battleground in the culture war, with heroic symbols being increasingly erased or hijacked as vehicles for woke talking points. A vast array of comic book characters are now race-swapped, converted to LGBT or they have had their histories rewritten to make them more “acceptable for modern audiences.” At the same time, they promote everything from BLM, to climate change propaganda, to gender identity politics and anti-gun messaging.

    "Why would leftists target something as frivolous as comic book heroes? Because pop-culture is first and foremost a playground where children grow up, and by rewriting heroes as social justice crusaders and communists they hope to indoctrinate the next generation."

    "Sex Education in Public Schools: Sexualization of Children and LGBT Indoctrination"

    Begin quote:

    Did you know that…
    • Some public schools teach children they
    could be born in the wrong body?
    • Young teens are shown videos with tech-
    niques to pleasure their sex partners?
    • Students are told how to get secret abortions
    without telling their parents?

    Well-funded international pressure groups have
    been extraordinarily successful in pushing what
    they call “Comprehensive Sexuality Education”
    (CSE) into American public schools, an agenda-
    driven curriculum that sexualizes children.

    Education has given way to indoctrination.
    Consider the emergence of no-opt-out laws
    and policies that revoke the right of parents to
    opt their children out of sexuality-based lessons.
    California9 and Illinois10 have taken this radical
    step. When Illinois parents started keeping their
    kids home during LGBTQ Week (lesbian, gay,
    bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning), the
    school board vice president suggested not telling
    parents when it would occur: 'Not telling people
    the time of the curriculum is an option.'

    Parents have two main concerns about sex ed to-
    day: That it sexualizes children and that it is load-
    ed with LGBTQ indoctrination. This pamphlet
    will reveal troubling examples of each problem,
    will discuss the powerful organizations behind it
    all, and then will offer some action steps for par-
    ents to consider in their fight to protect the health
    and innocence of their children.

    What was once simply imparting science-based
    information and skills to save sex until marriage
    has now become creating young radical sexual
    ideologues with the desire to exercise their 'sex-
    ual rights.' Preparing children to have sex with
    multiple partners over the course of a lifetime
    seems to be a basic assumption underlying much
    of sexual education content. Needless to say, this
    is not in line with Christian and other faith views
    on sexuality and marriage.

    The starkest change to sex education today is that
    it is now saturated with “LGBTQ sexuality.”
    Marriage, sex/gender, and sexuality are the sub-
    ject of profound debate in the culture and the
    courts. Yet many school districts have, effectively,
    chosen sides on these issues and are using sex edu-
    cation as the vehicle to enforce conformity with
    their views

    Lessons can be highly manipulative—carefully
    designed to get children to approve of the
    concept of sexual rights and fluid sexual “identities,”
    and to reject their religious beliefs, the authority
    of their parents, and even physical reality itself.
    And these lessons are given to young children to-

    The LGBTQ movement demands that homo-
    sexual relationships be presented to children as
    good, healthy, and equal in every way to hetero-
    sexuality within man-woman marriage. Many sex
    ed developers and providers are all too happy to

    In Austin, Texas, schools introduce sexual orien-
    tation and gender identity concepts to third grad-
    ers and have sixth and seventh graders play a sex-
    uality matching game with terms like “bisexual,”
    “gay,” “lesbian,” and “homophobia.”

    What would you call a program that asks teach-
    ers to avoid using the words “mom” and “dad” to
    describe parents? You’d call it the radical new cur-
    riculum in Austin, Texas adopted in the face of
    overwhelming community opposition.45 “It is im-
    portant to avoid terms which refer only to ‘male’
    and ‘female’ identities when speaking with young
    children,” the teacher instructions say. “Try not to
    only use terms like ‘mom’ or ‘dad’.

    End quote

    The above pamphlet quotes are only a fraction of the information included. For the entire presentation, visit the website. One reason I'm unable to quote the pamphlet is due to the sexually explicit content -- the same content as that which is shown in children's books. We're talking about some seriously sick images and descriptions.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Will woke win?!

    "Girl Sues Hospital For Removing Her Breasts At Age 13"

    "A hospital and doctors in California are facing a new lawsuit for removing the breasts of a 13-year-old girl after she claimed she was a boy.

    "defendants carried out 'ideological and profit-driven medical abuse' when they prescribed her puberty blockers and hormones and, later, performed a double mastectomy, Charles LiMandri, one of the lawyers representing the plaintiff, Layla Jane, said in a statement.

    "Jane, now 18, was influenced by people online when she was just 11 and told her parents that she was a boy, prompting them to ask for guidance from doctors.

    "While three doctors said Jane was too young for cross-sex hormones, she was eventually referred to several other doctors who prescribed her puberty blockers and hormones. Within six months, they removed her breasts."


    The name for these sorts of procedures used to be "malpractice".

    From the Hippocratic oath: "first, do no harm" (or "primum non nocere," the Latin translation from the original Greek.)
  11. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Under the rule of the New World Order, it is just fine for educators to persecute students who hold beliefs that are politically incorrect. Oh by the by, "Church" leaderships have been massively possessed of the same psycho-babble hysteria.

    "Teacher Calls Child ‘Despicable’ for Saying You Can’t ‘Identify as a Cat’, There Are Only Two Genders"

    "A 13-year-old girl and her friend were scolded by a Church of England-school teacher for refusing to accept that people can identify as cats or that there are more than two genders, sparking a political row about how this is occurring in British schools despite 13 years of ostensibly Conservative rule.

    "Audio released by the Turning Point UK campaign group revealed a teacher at Rye College calling a student 'despicable' after she refused to accept the validity of a classmate identifying as a cat and maintaining that there are only two genders.

    "The teacher at the Church of England-run secondary school informed the children that 'gender is not linked to the parts that you were born with, gender is about how you identify, which is what I said right from the very beginning of the lesson.'

    "the girls refused to accept the leftist indoctrination, by maintaining that those with vaginas are girls and people with penises are boys, the teacher became noticeably enraged, saying: 'Cisgender is not necessarily the way to be – you are talking about the fact that cisgender is the norm, that you identify with the sexual organ you were born with, that’s basically what you’re saying, which is really despicable.'

    “ 'If you don’t like it you need to go to a different school', the teacher said, continuing: 'I’m reporting you, you need to have a proper educational conversation about equality, diversity and inclusion because I’m not having that expressed in my lesson.'

    "Meanwhile, The Telegraph reports that Rye College allows children to identify as a whole host of non-human identities, including dinosaurs, horses, and even one child who identifies as a moon, refers to himself as 'moonself' and wears a cloak to school and claims the ability to put curses on other students.

    "Although other students are bound by school uniform codes, those who identify as cats are allowed to wear fake cat ears in order to express their 'true self'."


    When people interact with the medical community, that community will consider their biological sex to be either XX or XY.

    XX = female; XY = male; Genitalia is not the differentiating attribute. Sometimes developmental issues will cause genital anomalies. Speaking of anomalies, XXY, XYY and other genetic disorders are just that, disorders. It happens. It is however not as how Mother Nature intended. Too, XXY and XYY are exceedingly rare. No thoughtful person would use these as examples of anything other than genetic anomalies -- they should never enter any discussion of gender. The scientific word that leaps to my mind is "stupid". It is stupid to bring up genetic screw-ups ("screw-up" is another scientific term).

    Example: If an XX person has too high of levels of male hormone, they will be considered to have a disorder. First thing to test for is an ovarian tumour.

    One can change, via surgery, the structure of their genitalia; however, this makes ZERO change to their gender. Same with hormones. Overwhelming the body with the incorrect hormones often causes disease. An XX human body is genetically programmed to experience female hormones. An XY human body is genetically programmed to experience male hormones.

    Men generally do not give birth via their anus. Just saying. Oh, and the sun does not revolve around the Earth.

    Report me to Big Brother. Likely I'm on all sorts of lists as it is. I've already pulled my time on Earth. If "they" get me, well it will have been decidedly late of "them" to do so. They'd have to accommodate a gimp old fart in their jail. Were they to shoot me, they'd be doing me a favor.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    the world and especially the western world has gone nuts.
    this sort of thing would be laughed at when I went to school either that or the person would be taken off to a Psychiatric unit and sectioned.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Perverted ideational patterns are one part of what is seen in collapsing civilizations. Witness the fall of Rome. Things got deeply sick and violent as Ancient Rome crumbled. It is not just individual humans who go insane, entire civilizations become irrational. Aztec, Mayan, and Inca cultures sacrificed adults and children (Incas slaughtered hundreds of children at just one ceremony). The Woke of today are perfectly willing to sacrifice children.

    "12-year-old girl's alleged rape by boy in trans-inclusive bathroom discovered after mother read her diary: 'I was raped. F***ing kill me' "

    "In Rio Rancho, New Mexico, the young girl was washing her hands in what was described as a girls' restroom at the ASK Academy middle school. At that point a male came into the bathroom and allegedly walked over to the girl, pinned her against the counter, and wrestled her onto the floor. After allegedly hitting her head, he also reportedly held the girl down and raped her.

    "The daughter had been exhibiting signs of grief, anxiety, and depression. She was also put in therapy, as the mother insisted that the girl must have been bullied at school.

    "Months after the alleged incident, parents pressed the girl about the diary entry, and the young girl admitted that the attack took place. The family took the girl in for a physical exam and began questioning the school. The mother reportedly concluded that the alleged horrific act was only made possible because the school embraced gender ideology.

    “ 'We learned that kids were pledging allegiance to the Pride flag instead of the American flag,' Maggie said. 'We learned that some teachers were discussing daily the normalcy of transgender people and gender dysphoria and that this school had a higher population than anyone would expect for such a small school of kids saying they were trans and parents not knowing.' "

    "The young girl also reportedly said the school pushed a far-left culture that pressured her to accept men in women's spaces. The students were allegedly taught to avoid improperly 'judging' transgender people."


    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      "School 'There Are Only Two Genders' T-Shirt Ban Upheld By MA Federal Court"

      Middleborough, Massachusetts

      "Court comes close to adopting the “words are violence” campus mantra, finding the words on the t-shirt put other students at risk. And you can’t even mock the ban by putting 'Censored' over the censored words. That is banned too. Hopefully this absurd ruling will be overturned on appeal."
      Old Geezer, Jun 21, 2023
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  14. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Bud Light sponsors Toronto Pride parade attended by naked men, children"

    "Videos from the event showed naked men riding bikes and waving to a crowd that included kids.

    "Bud Light is serving as an official sponsor of the Toronto Pride parade, where video footage shows naked men standing around and riding bicycles in clear view of children attending the event.

    "A second video shows a group of naked men with hats standing in a circle amidst the crowd. Several children walk past the group of men with their families.

    "Another clip shows a person wearing a giant penis costume that covers his entire head. The camera captures a young girl sitting in a stroller and staring toward the phallic-costumed individual.

    "Other videos show a group of naked men playing and rinsing themselves off alongside a fountain surrounded by kids. Meanwhile, a stage, clearly adorned with Bud Light branding, featured scantily clad dancers wearing fishnets, nipple stickers and strange sock-like masks.

    "The company's website notes that this year's sponsorship is representative of a longstanding partnership with the Pride event.

    "Bud Light Canada has been a proud partner of Pride Toronto for the last 10 years. This year, we're commemorating this milestone with Pride Toronto by featuring them on our can design, as well as continuing as the official beer sponsor of the festival," the beer brand's website states.

    "According to the website, Bud Light Canada also provides $100,000 to various organizations that support the LGBTQUA2S+ community across Canada and has created a range of commemorative Pride beer cans to celebrate the collaboration.

    "Despite losing business, Bud Light continued to anger customers for co-sponsoring an "all-ages Pride event" in Flagstaff, Arizona, on June 17.

    "The party, called "Pride in the Pines," included drag queens and other performers, and listed Bud Light as one of the companies sponsoring the June 17 event. (Bud Light was initially mentioned prominently in one of the posters.) The event is listed as a "family festival event" and a family-friendly, 'safe space' for all visitors."
    1. Old Geezer
      " 'We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children' Queer Nation chanted at NYC Drag March"

      Old Geezer, Jun 26, 2023
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Three years ago, American Cancer Society complained that treating patients created too big of a 'carbon footprint.' Now, the United States faces a cancer drug shortage"

    "On May 18, 2020, CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, a journal of the American Cancer Society (ACS), published a bizarre 'science' paper lamenting the vainly imaginative myth that treating cancer in the United States is somehow contributing to man-made global warming. It has been a little more than three years since that study was published, and strangely, the United States is now suffering from a shortage of cancer treatment pharmaceuticals.

    According to the ACS in 2020, the 'carbon footprint of cancer care' has become so large that trying to rid patients of the disease threatens to accelerate man-made climate change. Now in 2023, either predictively or by design, there is a mysterious lack of the usual drug-based tools that cancer clinicians use to treat patients, and that some of them were previously complaining are damaging the environment.

    "Is all of this just one big strange coincidence, or was the plan all along to blame modern medicine for planetary warming while simultaneously phasing out cancer care under the guise of there no longer being enough cancer drugs available to treat everyone?

    "Marc Morano of Climate Depot chimed in on the matter, noting that it is certainly strange, to say the least, that things like anesthesia and cancer drugs are suddenly in the crosshairs for elimination by the global warming crowd. With anesthesia, they are outright trying to ban certain types of it that supposedly impact the climate the worst, but with cancer drugs, there are all of a sudden, not enough of them making it into cancer clinics.

    "The Lancet recently published a study about the cancer drug shortage and how it affected cancer care. Chemotherapy drugs, in particular, are in short supply in the United States, reaching three-decade lows to the point that experts are now calling it a 'crisis point.'

    "As many as 100,000 patients, we are told, no longer have access to chemotherapy drugs like they once did. And media outlets like Politico and PBS News are warning that both doctors and patients are increasingly having to make tough choices about what to do as an alternative.

    "Since 'green' is typically code for anti-human, we can only assume that what they mean by the 'greening' of health care is that patients will be left with increasingly fewer treatment options. More of them will end up dying as a result, which will 'green' the planet further by leaving fewer people alive.

    "There is also a power shift happening as well, thanks to the new allowances by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the importation of cancer drugs from communist China, which increasingly produces drugs for America. In other words, another American industry is being outsourced to one of the country’s biggest political enemies."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    "Michigan Hate Speech Bill Would Make Using Wrong Pronouns A Felony With $10K Fine, Prison Time"

    "A new hate speech bill passed by the Michigan House of Representatives, HB 4474, would criminalize causing someone to feel threatened by words - including misusing someone's desired pronouns."



    Post by Old Geezer
    Pronouns: he, him, your grace, oh divine one, your majesty, oh one of infinite honor

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Here's a period piece out of the USSA:

    "Tampon brand CEO calls customers 'menstruators' instead of women, wants to be a 'gender-inclusive' brand"

    "The CEO of tampon brand August said she wants to build a 'gender inclusive' brand that appeals to 'everyone who menstruates' and referred to potential customers as "menstruators" in an interview with "CBS Mornings."

    "25-year-old entrepreneur Nadya Okamoto revealed that she wants to make her brand August extremely gender-inclusive, which is noted on the product's box as well as in the name, which she believed to be gender-neutral."


    Old Gzr: What the bloody hell is going on here!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I saw something on youtube yesterday that said waking up early is a sign of white supremacy!!! that was the title of the video.
    you couldnt make this stuff up, maybe someone did!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    When I wake up, I sure don't feel elite. :(
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    waking up early and going for a walk amongst nature is the best part of the day.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Woke is going to die along with the major cities of Western nations.

    The vile, degenerate, deeply decadent Western major cities are going to be destroyed and will burn. The sky will be black with the carbon of the conflagrations.

    Such is the destiny of the damned.

    lonewolf and TMT Tactical like this.
  22. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    a lot of things will burn when society crumbles, the good along with the bad.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Female recruit considered resigning after being forced to shower with trans women with full male genitalia"

    "The 18-year-old recruit's options included resigning to avoid the 'extremely uncomfortable situation' "

    "An 18-year-old military recruit forced to shower with biological males as part of the Biden administration's transgender policies is complaining about being placed in an "extremely uncomfortable position."

    "The report was first raised at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing Tuesday. The girl is afraid to speak out of fear it will harm her career, Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD) told Fox News Digital in an interview. Her options were slim and included resigning from her early-career position.

    "It was believed raising the matter in a complaint could have harmful impacts on the new recruit's military career.

    "According to Rounds, the military recruit, 18, is complaining about being forced to sleep in between 'two individuals who were supposedly changing from male to female.' The girl also has to shower with the individuals and reported significant distress about the matter. The individuals housed with the 18-year-old had initiated chemical interventions to change genders, but without having reassignment surgery, their genitalia were fully intact.

    "When asked whether other women in the military may be experiencing similar discomforting scenarios due to the transgender policies in place, Sen. Rounds pointed to the Biden administration's failure to meet recruitment goals.

    "The 'recruitment crisis' is partially due to Biden's 'woke agenda that we now see coming down by executive order,' Rounds said."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Colorado diversity teacher fights urge to ‘burn things down’ after colleagues trash talk him, emails"

    "Colorado diversity teacher fights urge to ‘burn things down’ after colleagues trash talk him, emails show"

    "Colorado Democrats voted on Saturday to fill an open state House of Representatives seat with a Marxist GenZ teacher who called for a 'FORCEFUL Cultural Revolution' against 'Whiteness.'

    "Tim Hernández was chosen by a committee of Democrats charged with the duty of filling the seat left vacant by Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, who was elected to the Denver City Council, Fox News Digital reports.

    "In a July 2022 Twitter thread, Hernández railed against the 'racist conditions of teaching.'

    “ '80% of teachers are white because the education system wants them to be, and it isn’t ready or equipped to create conditions for teachers who aren’t white, either,' he wrote. 'Instead, they choose to promote the oppression their ‘equity’ departments try and fail to dismantle.'

    “ 'The language of white privilege/ racial oppression is not for white people to grow. It is directly designed to subvert a system that perpetuates white power,' he claimed. “Its purpose is not to encourage white people towards inclusivity in a racist system. It is to take power from them in it.'

    "It’s a view he’s clearly held for a long time.

    "In January 2021, Hernández made his call for a 'FORCEFUL cultural revolution.'

    "At a protest organized by unions, Hernández urged people to “get out into the streets” to promote Marxism.

    “ 'I want to tear some s—t up it out for you. Are you ready?' Hernández said, according to Fox. 'What I think is happening in our schools, what I think is showing up in my classroom, is a lot of the things that we get into ideological circles up here. We like to compete who knows Marx better, who knows these things better, who’s a Leninist.'

    “ 'Listen, all right, I’ll give you a real take on this s**t,' he said. 'Kids don’t care.'

    "Online, folks aren’t so pleased with Colorado’s choice.

    “ 'You need know nothing more about the Democrats in Colorado and the rest of the country,' wrote one user on X. 'They just elected a confirmed and outspoken Communist to the state legislature, Tim Hernandez. He calls for the removal of Whiteness.'

    “ 'Tim Hernandez, booted from DPS and openly racist against white people, gets selected by a sham committee to the Colorado House,' stated another.

    “ 'Despicable. This lunatic call his fellow teachers white supremacists, made vulgar, curse fill threats towards the DPS superintendent and was fired from North High for his disruptive behavior,' fumed a third. 'The Dems in the Northside are openly embracing hate filled racists.' "
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "After Shooting, CNN Anchor Cues NAACP Smear: DeSantis 'Waged War on Black America' "

    "In the aftermath of a racially motivated murder spree in Jacksonville, Florida, CNN host Fredricka Whitfield on Sunday afternoon allowed two of her guests to try to push blame onto Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) while discussing the killings.

    "At about 2:20 p.m. Eastern, the CNN host gave no pushback when her guest, Wisdom Cole of the NAACP Youth and College Division, charged that Governor DeSantis has 'waged war on black America.' "
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "FEMA Holds Employee Trainings on ‘White Supremacy’ As More Than 1,000 Hawaiians Remain Missing"

    "The federal government agency tasked with leading the response to natural disasters has its hands full as more than 1,000 Americans remain missing following wildfires that devastated the Hawaiian island of Maui. FEMA nonetheless is mandating a three-hour diversity training for employees that argues, among other things, that white supremacy is 'ingrained in nearly every system and institution in the U.S.' "

    The cover-up:

    "The key idea of the video is that Joe Biden's lack of action and response to the Maui massacre and wildfires reflects a failure of the government to prioritize the safety and well-being of its citizens."


    Meanwhile, other fires on other islands of Hawaii occurring after the Maui inferno have been readily contained. This due to the cooperation of local fire departments, the U.S. Military, and State of Hawaii fire-fighting resources. When the Maui fire hit the town of Lahaina, the water to the town was turned off by the head of the water department. Of all the military bases on the Hawaiian islands (more than a dozen, some with firefighting aircraft) none came to the aid of Maui.

    Go figure.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Either citizens have freedom or not. A woman is pregnant or she is not pregnant. Yes or NO. Toggle. Nothing in between. Freedom's sacred value is something for which one must be willing to die fighting to achieve.

    "Swiss Writer Sentenced to 60 Days in Jail for Calling Journalist a ‘Fat Lesbian’ "

    "GENEVA (AP) — LGBTQ+ groups hailed the 60-day jail sentence a court in Switzerland gave to a writer and commentator for deriding a journalist as a 'fat lesbian' and other critical remarks.

    "The Lausanne court sentenced French-Swiss polemicist Alain Bonnet, who goes by Alain Soral, for the crimes of defamation, discrimination and incitement to hatred on Monday. He was ordered to pay legal fees and fines totaling thousands of Swiss francs (dollars) in addition to the time behind bars.

    "Soral lashed out at Catherine Macherel, a journalist for Swiss newspapers Tribune de Geneve and 24 Heures, in a Facebook video two years ago. He called her a 'fat lesbian' and said Macherel’s work as a 'queer activist' meant she was unhinged,' according to Swiss public broadcaster RTS."


    "Germany went from envy of the world to the worst-performing major developed economy. What happened?"

    "ESSEN, Germany (AP) — For most of this century, Germany racked up one economic success after another, dominating global markets for high-end products like luxury cars and industrial machinery, selling so much to the rest of the world that half the economy ran on exports.

    "Jobs were plentiful, the government’s financial coffers grew as other European countries drowned in debt, and books were written about what other countries could learn from Germany.

    "No longer. Now, Germany is the world’s worst-performing major developed economy, with both the International Monetary Fund and European Union expecting it to shrink this year.

    "It follows Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the loss of Moscow’s cheap natural gas — an unprecedented shock to Germany’s energy-intensive industries, long the manufacturing powerhouse of Europe.

    "The sudden underperformance by Europe’s largest economy has set off a wave of criticism, handwringing and debate about the way forward.

    "Germany risks “deindustrialization” as high energy costs and government inaction on other chronic problems threaten to send new factories and high-paying jobs elsewhere, said Christian Kullmann, CEO of major German chemical company Evonik Industries AG.

    "The price of gas is roughly double what it was in 2021, hurting companies that need it to keep glass or metal red-hot and molten 24 hours a day to make glass, paper and metal coatings used in buildings and cars.

    "A second blow came as key trade partner China experiences a slowdown after several decades of strong economic growth.

    "These outside shocks have exposed cracks in Germany’s foundation that were ignored during years of success, including lagging use of digital technology in government and business and a lengthy process to get badly needed renewable energy projects approved.

    "Now, clean energy projects are slowed by extensive bureaucracy and not-in-my-backyard resistance. Spacing limits from homes keep annual construction of wind turbines in single digits in the southern Bavarian region.

    "A 10 billion-euro ($10.68 billion) electrical line bringing wind power from the breezier north to industry in the south has faced costly delays from political resistance to unsightly above-ground towers. Burying the line means completion in 2028 instead of 2022."


    To kill a snake, you gotta cut off its head.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Police Raid Laurence Fox’s London Home following Comments About Sadiq Khan’s ULEZ Spy Cameras"

    Begin quote

    London police raided the home of Reclaim Party leader Laurence Fox on Wednesday morning in the wake of comments made about members of the public destroying Mayor Sadiq Khan’s green agenda spy cameras.

    At least six police officers searched the home of My Son Hunter star Laurence Fox, who took to social media while the raid was occurring, saying in a video: “Look how many coppers there are in my house…Coming to take everything out of my house. That ladies and gentlemen, is the country that we live in.”

    “In London’s knife-ridden capital city where a 15-year-old girl was stabbed to death with a sword, we’ve got one, two, another three [police officers] upstairs stealing, going through my house.

    “This is what the police are, they don’t police with consent anymore, they police with fear and intimidation, that is the Stasi police force we’ve got nowadays, instead of going on the streets and solving crimes.”

    “The ULEZ scam cameras outside of London are a complete scam… it’s the of a complete surveillance state and these boys are the Stasi,” he said in reference to the police officers. “Have a lovely day, I’m going to spend mine in the clink, innit!” Fox signed off.

    Fox had previously made posts on social media in which he seemingly encouraged the actions of the vigilante ‘Blade Runner’ group, which is believed to be responsible for the destruction of hundreds of the spy cameras.

    Fox’s fellow GB News presenter Calvin Robinson claimed that the pretext for the raid was on suspicion of “conspiracy to criminal criminal damage”.

    “Laurence has not yet done any Blade Running. This is a pre-crime,” Robinson claimed.

    Former Reclaim Party political candidate and friend of Fox, Leo Kearse added: “Laurence’s house is being searched by police, presumably because they think he’s the Blade Runner. Man, there’s more chance of him being Banksy. Thoughts and prayers to all the Londoners who get stabbed while Sadiq’s goons are distracted going through his underpants drawer.”

    GB News presenter Martin Daubney quipped: “If only this many coppers turned up if you had your house broken into, or were mugged/assaulted in London. No chance!”

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Equity is Bravo group herding.

    Being woke is herding others to join the intimidating and or bullying.

    Thinking, Educated, disciplines people do not define themselves by race...nor by sexual orientation.

    That is not high on the list......and I don't believe it is high on Maslow's list of priorities./needs....though I am not fully onboard with Maslow's theory. where in there is the number one priority your race.....

    Nor you sexual orientation.......per se....

    Once you understand this can take a closer look at what government is doing to the American people in trying to define most people..even our military people by this woke nonsense.

    Once you catch onto the technique of group these indexes.....non important realize it does not make good nonsense...

    But it makes great politics...the politics of division/chaos......not of unity.

    Now think.....think for yourself ...away from these sol called "Experts" trying to run our lives and make us think like a one size fits all....bee hive/ant herd us like cattle.

    You do not, as an individual capable of thinking for yourself, You do not have to accept anyone's sexuality for your reasons.

    You can accept or reject anyone's sex and or sexuality for your own reasons. There is a name...a word ...for people or groups who force sex and or sexuality on people who do not want it....and or have no interest in it...who reject it.

    So why is government doing this??? Are we even supposed to be able to think this far on our own and without permission???

    Once you catch realize how stupid these people are matter how many degrees or letters they have by their name.

    I do not define myself by my race or my why would government be doing or encouraging this people....and thus preventing individual thinking...and or analysis?? You see??

    I do not think much of people who only have sex and or sexuality by which to define themselves or others....same thing with people who only have race by which to define themselves or others.

    Once you catch onto realize how desperate someone is to keep us properly herded to prevent thinking..

    Herding the Beehive/ant bullying.

    Let me put this another way case the members did not catch it the first time..

    You have to become educated to become that giftedly stupid....for only education/indoctrination can naturally dumb people down that far and fast that they lose sight of these basics..

    But it does make for great politics.....the ability to sell, barter, or trade peoples very souls to stupidity to the advantage of the body politic....

    In short dumbing people down.

    Read this from this link.....this is what happens when people get into a position to bully you by someone named Erin Heaney,

    Be warned these Ishmaelites...who would herd you without many being aware of how and why it is being done.

    Groups That Spent Years Calling White Americans Racist Are Now Crawling Back For Their Votes (

    Catching on yet...???

    Why is our government trying to define people by race......manufacturing good guys and bad guys by race...

    You realize who are the racists out here...dependent on race and racism to keep and maintain power .....and or votes..

    Racism is the very drug of certain politicians and political parties to keep and maintain power..they have become dependent like a drug on race and racism.

    This also means that they are dependent like a drug on the Victim Dictum well.

    Wokeness and such nonsense is become a justification for government and social bullying....herding Ishmaelites....bondage...involuntary servitude.

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites ...who need to put us into bondage and involuntary servitude to a template which is not even American....and call it Woke.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2023
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
  30. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Wokeness is BS.....Bravo Ishmael....bondage...Involuntary Servitude..

    It is chaos manufacturing...confusion....division....not unity.

    This means it is also not leadership.

    I can get BS at work least I am on the clock...

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Wokeness is BS, sure it is, but you tell that to the idiot snowflakes who believe in it.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  32. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    They can believe whatever they want.....but often and eventually the question is whether it fits with reality...

    Reality can be a real....B--ch!!!

    I am noting that many among our leadership ...after years of living in fantasy land....reality is setting in.

    GOP Rips Biden Administration ‘Hypocrisy’ over Sudden Need for Border Wall: ‘So Walls Do Work?’ (

    Note where it states.....they are only doing this because Democrat states are hurting and complaining/whining.

    Reality setting in among the snowflake class....and in the snowflake big cities.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Truth be told, reality is a weight beyond which most are ill-equipped to bear.

    For those of us who have almost learned to bear this travail, our travail, we wax callous and scarred.

    Yet ...

    The outcome of these scars and damnations are somehow precious to our Creator. Precious gems, crystals of beauty, are born of fire and infinite crushing pressure. This we are told by the Holy Prophets. He sent them, I guess because we cannot bear to be in His presence full-on. Diving into the sun.

    Thus, His Holy Souls are all we can bear. All whose Teachings we can follow, we should cherish. Appreciative? Yes. OK. Such is that to which the wise and damaged souls cling.

    Even this purchase brings pain and sorrow. I close my eyes.

    Silence. Inevitably, the soul becomes silent.

    My Creator may love me. I feel His Presence not. If it is that I do now reflect His light, if I twinkle, this dark cave obscures such from my own beholding. He may be Delighted.

    Hear this; I do not appreciate these Sisyphean tasks foisted upon me. My acquired humor is toxic, razor sharp, and a thing to be assiduously avoided. My Creator laughs.

    Insanity. We become lost in Divine insanity.

    The true awakening is dying unto one's own self and then becoming lost in the Will of God. God, your Creator, knows the path you must follow, that to which you must submit.






    Last edited: Oct 6, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    truth be told, all cities are snowflake cities, people get too used to having stuff done for them, either govt, private companies or charities, WTSHTF they will know reality, Woke wont help them then.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  35. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    There are the lost. Even their Creator knows them not

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  36. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
  37. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The "woke" know not their Creator's Purpose. They know not this Reality for the sacred Enlightenment of their very own souls. They are without a Compass.

    If a man's body die and no soul is to be Found therein, then the dire depth of death shall be marked. I look away.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  38. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    by lonewolf...

    I have actually been sort of protected in a manner....having been on the back shifts for so has protected me from the chaos and or madness of working days....and facing al....etc etc.
    Most of these foreign to me...


    For the last three months I have been transferred to dayshift and find myself back in the middle of all that mess described is madness to me.

    I am having to significantly up my skills in that department...particularly driving with the maddening crowds.....many of them Ishmaelites to me as some drivers are plenty insane....

    And I am not a crowd person. I despise standing in lines. We spend all to much of our lives standing in lines at various taking care of our business.

    And now I am become a daywalker.....after years. I am having to re adjust to this new reality....and or up my skills so to speak.

    Yes indeed.......reality can be a B--ch...

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  39. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I dont do much driving in rush hour traffic, if I'm going anywhere I get up and go early, by the time anyone gets to work I'm probably on my return journey, I tend to go across country (minor rural roads 1 lane only) and there is little traffic on these roads and then only locals.
    I dont like crowds and I dont like the general public very much. too many idiots.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  40. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Thousands of protesters demanding eradication of Israel clash with NYPD"

    Begin quote

    Thousands of anti-Israel protesters clashed with police Saturday night after they refused to vacate the Bay Ridge street they had flooded for hours.

    The “Flood Brooklyn for Palestine” demonstration devolved into chaos as night fell, with protesters completely shutting down traffic, screaming at police and lighting small fires in the middle of the roadways.

    The aggressive protesters dug their heels into the ground when the NYPD tried to push them out of 72nd Street and Fifth Avenue, where 5,000 ralliers converged earlier in the day to demand that the United States withdraw support for its closest ally in the Middle East.

    Officers began plucking individuals out of the massive flood — as well as from the inside of one pick-up truck carrying ralliers — of the Palestine flag-waving horde in an effort to quell the out-of-control rally.

    “We are calling for full liberation of all of Palestine . . . to every single inch, from river to the sea,” shouted one protester, repeating a refrain used by Hamas terrorists and their anti-Israel backers.

    “We are not like other groups simply calling for a cease-fire,” added the woman, wearing a T-shirt of one of the event’s organizers, the radical leftist group Within Our Lifetime.

    “We are calling not simply for an end to genocide. We are calling for an end to the siege, an end to the blockade. An end to the occupation.”

    The anti-Israel mob included all ages, from young children to 20-somethings to gray-haired elders.

    “Say it loud, say it clear, we don’t want no Zionists here!” protesters cheered while beating on drums and waving Palestinian flags.

    “We will free Palestine within our lifetime!” the crowd cried, holding signs reading, “Zionism is genocide” and “Resistance is justified when people are occupied.”

    End quote



    "Colleges see clashes between Israel and Pro-Palestine protesters — here’s where major institutions stand "

    Begin quote

    College campuses across the US have become flashpoints as groups protest and clash over the reaction to Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel.

    Although some faculties and professors stood in solidarity with the Jewish people, others have resorted to antisemitism under the guise of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

    Columbia University, New York City:

    A day earlier politics and history teacher Joseph Massad wrote an article online in which he praised Hamas’ terror attacks, calling it “astonishing,” “astounding,” and “incredible” as well as a “stunning victory of the Palestinian resistance” against “cruel colonizers.”

    A petition calling for his removal reached over 45,000 signatures before being placed “under review” by

    On October 11, a 24-year-old Israeli student was beaten with a stick outside the University’s main library, leading to 19-year-old Maxwell Friedman, who uses she/her pronouns, to be charged with second and third-degree assault, both as hate crimes.

    Campus protests continued the next day, with thousands of people representing both sides filled its main square.

    Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts:

    A day after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, a coalition of 34 student groups including the campus Amnesty International chapter signed a letter claiming Israel was “entirely responsible” for the terrorism which left over 1,400 dead, including babies, children and the old and defenseless.

    Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut:

    After professor of American and religious studies Zareena Grewal — who calls herself a “radical Muslim” on X — labeled Israel a “murderous, genocidal settler state” on the platform as news of Hamas’ attack began rolling in, Yale student Netanel Crispe started a petition calling for her firing from the Ivy League university.

    Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

    President Martha Pollack also initially issued a very mild statement about the “attacks by Hamas militants in Israel” on Oct. 10 which immediately caused a backlash leading her to revise it hours later to include the group’s “acts of terrorism.”

    However, associate professor of history Russell Rickford didn’t mince his words at a pro-Palestine rally on Oct. 15 when he called the brutal terror attack “exhilarating” and “energizing” and that the attacks “shifted the balance of politics and punctured the illusion of invincibility” of Israel.

    Stanford University, Stanford, California

    Homemade banners celebrating Hamas and condemning Israel could be seen flying from houses and prominent university buildings across Stanford’s campus within hours of the attacks on October 7.

    Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island:

    ... Since then 24 student groups — including Brown Beekeeping Society and Burlesque at Brown — have signed a letter from Students for Justice saying they “hold the Israeli regime and its allies unequivocally responsible for all suffering and loss of life, Palestinian or Israeli.”

    End quote


    TMT Tactical likes this.
  41. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Trans 11-Year-Old Becomes Youngest Grand Marshal Of Orlando Pride Parade"

    On Saturday, Dempsey Jara rode as the grand marshal at Orlando’s Come Out With Pride Festival, making Jara the youngest to do so in the Pride event’s 18-year history.

    11 year old trans-girl becomes youngest grand marshal of Orlando's annual Come Out With Pride Festival, which was yesterday.

    Dempsey Jara knew he was a girl since 18 months, according to his mom, Jaime Jara, a school teacher, from New York.


    — Tess T. Eccles-Brown, PhD (@TTEcclesBrown) October 22, 2023

    The child had the birth certificate changed in 2019 to reflect their new gender.

    Even though Dempsey began the transition at 5-years-old, Jaimie said that Dempsey has been gender non-conforming since the age of 18 months.

    This comes amid Governor Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) banning gender-affirming care for children and banning school lessons about gender identity or sexual orientation through the legislation “Don’t Say Gay Bill.”

    End quote


    One component of Woke is to pervert the children. By definition, children are not at a place in life to be exposed to matters of sexuality. Even during adolescence, sexuality can be confusing for some young people. Homosexuality has many serious negative health consequences both physically and mentally. In the realm of medicine, this has been known forever ... until Woke ideology metastasized into university health sciences curricula and even into medical schools. Woke ideology is a form of mass neurosis. Western nations have gone mentally ill. Witness civilization coming apart.

    Those who've gone Woke also accuse police of being "oppressors"; so, as the number of serving police declines, violence increases. The Woke deny the violence. Denial of reality is a major component of mental illness. It is bizarre to witness in person. Never work anywhere near a psych ward if you get "creeped out" by bizarre and sometimes violent behaviors on the part of those patients surrounding you.

    Assiduously avoid using Google as a search engine. Even when using strict Boolean search strings, Google's software code inserts the extreme bias of their programmers. Google and other software houses have gone raw Orwellian. Only approved "group-think" is allowed. Step outside of group-think and you become the enemy.


    "Democrats’ Push of Radical Gender Ideology On Children"

    "WASHINGTON, DC, Oct 26 — Thirty-four House Republicans introduced a bill called the Stop the Sexualization of Children Act last week. Lead sponsor of the legislation, House Republican Conference Vice Chairman Mike Johnson [R-LA], says “The Democrat Party and their cultural allies are on a misguided crusade to immerse young children in sexual imagery and radical gender ideology. This commonsense bill is straightforward. No federal tax dollars should go to any federal, state, or local government agencies, or private organizations that intentionally expose children under 10 years of age to sexually explicit material.”

    "It’s a timely endeavor. A growing number of news reports suggest that more and more teachers and schools are engaging in 'gender disorder' activities aimed at children in elementary school, leading some to conclude that these teachings are sparking kids to think it might be “cool” to identify with the opposite sex in and out of school.

    "In an article written by the former Lieutenant Governor of New York State, Betsy McCaughey, for the New York Post, she said that 'Children — as young as 5 — are being encouraged to disregard their anatomy and choose their gender based on their feelings.' McCaughey cited the case of a California woman who took two public school teachers in Salinas, CA to task, accusing them of secretly encouraging her 12 year old daughter to identify herself as a boy."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  42. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Here's another Woke tantrum in the news:

    Notice that in the article by the Daily Mail, the media outlet uses the pronouns "they/them" preferred by the academic who is defacing properties not belonging to her.

    "CUNY adjunct professor is filmed ATTACKING onlookers who filmed them tearing down posters for kidnapped Israelis"

    Begin quote

    An academic has gone viral after they attacked onlookers who filmed them tearing down posters for kidnapped Israelis who were taken hostage in the shock Hamas attacks.

    They say 'free Palestine' after the couple filming says to them: 'Shame on you.' The footage taken by the couple then cuts to Zimmerman telling 'f**k you.' They then appear to shove one of the people filming.

    The school claims that they 'do not believe' Zimmerman has 'engaged in such conduct on campus' but will be conducting a review.

    'In addition, Stony Brook has policies in place to support any student who believes they have been treated unfairly, and wishes to reaffirm our commitment to the deeply held institutional values of caring, respect and civility.' have reached out to York College for confirmation of Zimmerman's employment and a response.

    In their now-deleted biography for their employers, it states: 'Callen Zimmerman explores intricacies of material culture and queer experience, as fashion freak, educator and maker.

    They are a graduate of CUNY Graduate Center's Liberal Studies master's program and are currently studying 'women's, gender and sexuality studies' in a PhD program at Stony Brook.

    'Here, Callen will continue to explore the dressed body as a technology of power, through a multitude of creative means, looking at and the ways that queers have used self styling to convey desire, build affinity and signal safety.'

    Zimmerman teaches fashion studies and art history at York, though their biography at the school has since been deleted.

    It's the latest example of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic conduct coming from academia in the wake of the attack that killed 1,400 Israelis.

    End quote


    Old Gzr: Fascinating that this mental case is herself Jewish. Self-hatred or just a extreme case of neurosis? Me, I'd say both.

    Too, why is there a stupid PhD program for the mentally ill such as the hysteric anti-Zionist Jewish young woman in the story above? Who is paying for this person's education? Who's paying for stupid college programs such as this? I sure hope no tax dollars go into this madness!

    When she graduates, will she be referred to as "Dr. They"?

    How about "Dr. No Thank You"

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  43. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    OK, it has now happened to me! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::(:(:(:(:(:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

    I was reading an article having to do with spec.s on a compound / food component about which I knew nothing (was just info/data; action, uses, side-effects, ... blah blah blah).

    Then, I was attacked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Don't pray for me. I do believe that I shall recover.

    However, give me a moment to catch my breath and reorient myself ........whew ...... gosh .... oh my.....

    Ok, so what happened was that I was casually reading when suddenly and without warning the article stated, "This effect seems to be more pronounced in people assigned male at birth."


    "... assigned male at birth." This phrase was used and supposedly they were serious!

    Me, I AM a male. My gender genetics is XY. It was Mother Nature who "assigned" me this gender. She did this under the direction of Her immediate supervisor, GOD.

    Won't ever be using that information source again. The writers at that site are infected with the Woke virus. Woke eats the brain in much the same way as does rabies.


    TMT Tactical likes this.
  44. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Is CUNY misspelt? Just wondering if the Y should be replaced with something else. I'll give you a clue. You can drink it ...

    "Dr. No Thank You". Hahahaha. Love it.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  45. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    According to the Left, the American holiday of Thanksgiving is a celebration of genocide. Stop with all of the Thanksgiving gore, you evil Americans! All people must kowtow to the Left -- we are gods! Obey!

    Here's the Leftist viewpoint:

    "PERSPECTIVES: To hell with Thanksgiving and genocide"

    "As innocent Palestinians are massacred in a war bankrolled by the Biden administration, families across the U.S. gather to ring in a holiday bathed in the blood of Indigenous people."

    Begin quote

    Make no mistake, folks, there is indeed a genocide going on right now. In Palestine, innocent men, women and children are being brutally massacred with bombs and bullets that have been bankrolled by the Biden administration.

    Meanwhile, all across the U.S., families will gather today around the table to ring in a national holiday bathed in the blood of millions of Indigenous peoples.

    Oh, the irony.

    Thanksgiving – or as we Indigenous folks call it “Thankstaking” or “The National Day of Mourning” or “We Are Still Here” or “To Hell with White Invaders with Buckles on Their Hats” – is a white victory lap that glosses over the genocide of the first peoples of this land.

    Yet, courtesy of the time-honored practice of whitewashing history, most Americans are not aware of the truth at the root of this nasty holiday.

    [When speaking to an evil white man in a bar, the native-American author told him:] When white people first got here those many centuries ago, their immediate plan was the complete subjugation and annihilation of us, the Indigenous peoples. They indiscriminately murdered and mutilated men, women, and children in the name of their god and the land they desired. Now, many centuries later, we are watching entire families be murdered in Palestine, entire lineages erased from the civil registry. This time, it is happening on primetime television on a holiday that would have you believe America’s hands are clean of its own state-funded genocide.

    I moved from my table to the bar so I could sit amongst my fellow news junkies who were already knee-deep in heavy debate. We talked about Israel, Hamas, colonization, genocide, and the role of the United States. “By the way,” I blurted to a blond-haired white man to my right, “You wouldn’t happen to know the history of Thanksgiving, would you?”

    Simon Moya-Smith is an Oglala Lakota and Chicano writer and journalist. His new book, “Your Spirit Animal is a Jackass” is forthcoming. He lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

    End quote

    Kill'em all! They deserve it!
    Blitz and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      "Virginia School System Suggests That Many In Public Schools Don’t Celebrate Thanksgiving"

      "The superintendent of the school system in America’s wealthiest county has moved the classic American holiday to the category of religious and partisan holidays celebrated only by some.

      "Critics say the message suggests that government-run schools are not seeking to integrate immigrants and instill American values in them, but instead cultivating a balkanized society in which celebrating an American holiday, without caveat, might 'colonize' the culture of immigrants, who make up an outsized share of public school families as those who can’t afford to flee the public school systems."
      Old Geezer, Nov 23, 2023
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  46. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Indigenous people is a nice political way of saying tribes / groups of people. Since the dawn of mankind, tribes of people have been migrating from one territory to another. When the various tribes came into contact with each other, battles would break out. The stronger tribe would push the weaker tribe out of the territory or simply wipe them out. The American (North and South America) tribes lament their lost territory. They lost their territory due to encountering a more advanced tribe ( European whites, Spanish, French, etc.). While I certainly appreciate some of the cultures of the American Indians, I do not cry over their lost territories. I am pretty sure the American Tribes were not very nice to the tribes they defeated, so why should they expect to be treated any different?
    Blitz likes this.
  47. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Indigenous simply means people who were born in the country, example: an indigenous Englishman is someone who was born in England.
    Blitz and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. TMT Tactical
      I was born in America but I seriously doubt the American Indians would classify me as one of the Indigenous people. LOL
      TMT Tactical, Nov 24, 2023
      Blitz likes this.
  48. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
  49. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "UK’s woke Left in toxic alliance with Hamas, says British-born Israeli politician"

    Begin quote

    “Woke” Left-wing activists have formed a “toxic alliance” with Islamic fundamentalists to stoke anti-Semitism in the UK, Israel’s most senior British-born politician has told The Telegraph.

    In an interview, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum also branded the United Nations as “the worst” after its women’s group was accused of taking 57 days to condemn the “brutal attacks by Hamas” on Israel on Oct 7 including the rape of Israeli women.

    Mrs Hassan-Nahoum, who was born in London and grew up in Gibraltar, flew into the UK to join a protest on Sunday against UN Women held outside Downing Street.

    “The UN is awful,” she said, “They are the worst. They have all these countries that are not democracies and give them equal standing and they whitewash them. They all feel they are in a democratic system but they are all dictatorships.

    “UN Women took seven weeks to call out the mass rapes and mutilation and violence against women. It is too little too late.”

    Mrs Hassan-Nahoum, a mother of four, insisted that Israel was the only country in the region that upholds gay rights and also gives Arab women the vote. Gaza, she pointed out, had not held an election since 2006 and it had been almost 19 years since a leadership election in the West Bank.

    She has been appalled by the pro-Palestinian mass protests held in the UK over the past seven weeks. “People don’t understand what a dark regime lives there,” she said in reference to Hamas’s rule over Gaza. She said it was a “pawn” of Iran, which has “global ambitions”.

    End quote


    "Rabbis at woke colleges describe ‘unnerving’ antisemitism as campuses become hotbeds of hate "

    "Thousands of rabbis gathered Sunday in Brooklyn for its famous annual Chabad event — including hundreds on the front lines at some of the wokest, rabidly antisemitic campuses in the nation.

    "Several rabbis who attended the photogenic event in Crown Heights and helm Jewish centers at liberal US colleges described to The Post how their campuses have been transformed into dangerous hotbeds of hate since the Hamas slaughter in Israel on Oct. 7.

    “ 'It’s been disturbing, unnerving — it’s been a shock to students to see that kind of immediate chutzpah, where the demonstrators came out even before the blood dried up, to shout with such audacity on the campus with no qualifications at all,' said Rabbi Levi Haskelevich, the Chabad rabbi at the University of Pennsylvania for the past 23 years, referring to protesters supporting the Palestinian cause."

    Here is some info for those who may wish to link-up with Jewish preppers. Me, I'm not familiar with this area of prepping, so all I can do is provide links. Hey everybody out there in the Jewish community, I hate that all of this hate is being directed at you all. Super sad. Beyond sad. My dad and one of his brothers fought against the NAZIs during WWII. Now, here in the West, we are seeing this ugly uncivilized anti-Jewish behavior raze its monstrous head again. The word "disappointing" falls infinitely short.

    Blitz and TMT Tactical like this.
  50. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Fired Senate Staffer Who Filmed Gay Sex Tape in Hearing Room Cries Homophobia"

    Begin quote

    Aidan Maese-Czeropski, the Senate staffer who filmed himself having anal sex in a Senate hearing room, cried homophobia after the video leaked online.

    The staffer was later identified as Aidan Maese-Czeropski of Sen. Ben Cardin’s (D-MD) office and was fired as a result.

    “We will have no further comment on this personnel matter,” a statement from Cardin’s office read.

    After his identity went viral, Aidan Maese-Czeropski released a statement on his LinkedIn that appeared to blame the fallout from the whole incident on homophobia.

    “This has been a difficult time for me, as I have been attacked for who I love to pursue a political agenda,” he said. “While some of my actions in the past have shown poor judgement, I love my job and would never disrespect my workplace.”

    “Any attempts to characterize my actions otherwise are fabricated and I will be exploring what legal options are available to me in these matters,” he added.


    End quote
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