This guy didn't make it...

Discussion in 'Survival Stories' started by Para173, May 19, 2016.

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  1. Para173

    Para173 Well-Known Member

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    I don't know if this will work or not but I am posting a link to a story about a man who was burned to death by a mob. The mob thought that he had robbed an old man for $5 in cash. He started running, the mob caught him, took him down, beat him and poured gasoline all over his head and lit it. Right now the country where this story originates is basically a nation where there is no law or rules. It is survival at its most primitive. In other words, that means you must be ready to fight or run on a 24/7 basis.
  2. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    lots of problems in Venezuela at the moment I hear.
  3. Lakeisha Brown

    Lakeisha Brown New Member

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    Wow that is insane. So there is no laws, I can only imagine the chaos!
  4. Dilof

    Dilof New Member

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    Bit like an apocalyptic scenario with no laws and every man for himself.
    Para173 likes this.
  5. Para173

    Para173 Well-Known Member

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    Dilof, my point. One of the best keys to survival is to keep a very low profile. There is an idea among survivalists called "the gray man concept." Gray is a sort of color that blends into the background rather well in the majority of cases and that is what you want to do. This guy in the article failed to blend into the background and drew all sorts of attention to himself. Whether or not he stole something is a moot point. He drew all sorts of unwanted attention by running in a crowded area. All it takes is ONE thing to set off a mob or attract the attention of a mob and you can find yourself like this guy: dead in a matter of seconds. This is what is going on in the Middle East. ISIS justice is basically mob rule where they execute people in horrible ways for perceived transgressions whether the religious law violation is real or not.
  6. Dilof

    Dilof New Member

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    Honestly this is happening in a lot of south america and parts of africa too. Thieves in these relatively poor areas are looked down upon with extreme aggression to the point where noone will help them even after they have stopped being beaten. I saw a gruesome video of a man who was set of fire.... everyone just stood around watching while this normal man just like everyone else was burning to death. In different cultures thieves are seen in different ways; I'm in no way justifying the brutality of "self-policing" but these people are most likely just thinking about their family, and stealing from them is like stealing from their childrens mouths. That being said the police are pretty corrupt in south american and middle eastern countries with the chances of being bribed being incredibly high.

    The mob mentality is just terrible and normal people can be dragged in to terrible things. This doesn't just happen in countries like these it happens in every day life. Think of cases in america and other places where teenagers have murdered eachother, and the relatively calm "keep to themselves" kid who everyone likes was dragged in to a murder by a more boisterous friend.
  7. acheno84

    acheno84 Member

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    This is very sad to hear, but it is definitely better to just "be another face in the crowd" than to attract any sort of attention to you. as you've mentioned, it's important to just sort of blend in and keep a low profile. It's sad that this is normal behavior and that nobody does anything, but that is probably because they want to keep a low profile as well. Hard to believe that this is considered an every day, common occurrence, but if you have nobody to turn to due to the widespread corruption, what do you do? Just kind of keep quiet and stay out of the line of fire, I guess.
  8. Para173

    Para173 Well-Known Member

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    Keep in mind some things here. Anything, and I do mean ANYTHING at all, can set off a mob to attack a lone or strange individual. The guy could be wearing the wrong color shirt, have the wrong color eyes, have an accent, have a problem with his speech or might not be doing anything at all. That's right even doing nothing at all can get you hurt, attacked or killed in the wrong place and at the wrong time. So, being the gray man is not an easy thing to do. It takes skill and savvy. Being a face in the crowd also takes savvy as well. Study up on the 7 disguises used by ancient Ninjas to get around and gather information.

    More modern disguises along the line of what the ancient Ninja used would be something akin to:

    1. Street vendor
    2. Utility/electrical power repairman
    3. Phone line repair man
    4. Water company line man
    5. Sewer line man
    6. City inspector
    7. Surveyor working a public contract of some kind

    If you do pretend to be one of the above, you will need documentation backing up your identity in some fashion. Keep that in mind. Photo identification card and maybe even a shield/badge of some kind. If you get caught by the local law enforcement you will be arrested and detained.
  9. Sealpikachu

    Sealpikachu Member

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    That is really sad, even more so because it makes sense to a point. When we are our most desperate, we regress to animalistic reactions. Setting a guy on fire was ridiculous, but same as canibalism as a last resort, its just one of the things some people do :/.
  10. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    which is back to my point on other threads about staying indoors when the madness starts, hunker down, stay away from the windows and keep a low profile.
    the point about having food stocks is that we don't have to put ourselves at risk when others are raiding the shops for any morsel of food they can find, because they couldn't be bothered to store any emergency food.
    Para173 likes this.
  11. remnant

    remnant Expert Member

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    Cases of mob justice are prevalent around the world especially in countries where policing is inadequate or corruption is rife. Mob psychology is usually targeted at the victim as an outlet to past and ongoing crimes suffered by the populace. But it gets worse when criminals frame a person to distract attention from themselves. I have seen evidence that in a good number of cases, criminals are at the frontline of a lynch mob so that the person being lynched does not have a chance to disclose his accomplices.
  12. tb65

    tb65 Active Member

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    This place sounds very uncivilized. You would have to be ready to fight in a place like this but that's not enough. There has to be laws put in place in order to keep things like this from happening and someone to enforce those laws. Most nations are a product of how there governed, if there governed by corruption or not at all, chaos usually follows. The main goal of any nation should be to gain Freedom Justice and Equality. Who ever commited this horrific act has no knowledge of how to carry out justice.
  13. Harrysung

    Harrysung New Member

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    Things like this do happen in my country, we call it jungle justice. There has been debate over time about this, I think people resort to these form of justice because of the failure of the government, especially the law enforcement agencies. I don't support jungle justice because justice is supposed to be based on verifiable evidence and facts which is not sometimes so with jungle justice. But sometimes when you hear peoples reasons for undertaking this form of justice, one can't fully blame them for their actions.
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