Treating A Bleeding Cut

Discussion in 'First Aid and Medicine' started by Corzhens, Jun 1, 2017.

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  1. Corzhens

    Corzhens Master Survivalist

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    Sometimes it cannot be helped that you suffer a cut that will bleed profusely. The impulse (which is actually the scientific approach) is to place something on the cut to stop the bleeding. Usually it is a hanky but sometimes the socks can serve the purpose. But when there are trees with soft leaves in the vicinity, that can be used as artificial bandage. Just place it on the cut and tie the leaf or leaves with straw or even sturdy grass. The bleeding will stop after a minute.
  2. TsuyoyRival

    TsuyoyRival New Member

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    Very simple and clever, i liked the idea, thank you ;)
  3. TsuyoyRival

    TsuyoyRival New Member

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    It's true that urine has no bacteria if you are healthy, but applying it to a wound, I'm not sure how exactly would work, scientifically speaking.
  4. Neiltarquin

    Neiltarquin Member

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    The best way to stop bleeding wound is to put pressure on the site for a few minutes. Putting tourniquet a few inches about the wound will also make the bleeding stop.
  5. Maria_C

    Maria_C New Member

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    Kerosene was applied to my bruised knee once. It was suggested by a neighbor and it worked. I don't the working behind that and maybe the implications. Anyone heard that before?
    Neiltarquin likes this.
  6. m33kuh

    m33kuh Active Member

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    In our neighborhood, when there are bleeding cuts minor or major, the first thing that we would do is take some moringa leaves (drumstick tree) and pound those leaves until it produces a nectar and becomes moist. Then drop those nectar or juices to the wounded area and cover the leaves to the area after. That works well and it heals the wound eventually after a couple of days. :)
  7. Neiltarquin

    Neiltarquin Member

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    Yes, it's being practice as first aid in my province in the Philippines
  8. PedroP

    PedroP Active Member

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    I have done that. Always played with knives and one time a big hunting knife of my escaped from my hands while I was swinging it around. I managed to catch it mid air but it opened a deep but small cut in my hand. It bled so much I thought I was gearing up for the next BBQ haha. But yes I put a lot of pressure on it with a clean rag, disinfected it and then applied bandages around it.
  9. Maria_C

    Maria_C New Member

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    Glad someone knows and probably used it.
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