Truckers Warn Domestic Terrorists

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by Pragmatist, Jul 10, 2020.

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  1. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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  2. Alaskajohn

    Alaskajohn Master Survivalist

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    What happened to Denny can happen to any of us. Trucker certainly have unique risks. Although they have a considerable weapon in the form of their massive rigs, they have great limits in their mobility. I clearly recall one deployment in the 80s in a Central American country where I was suddenly being surrounded by dozens of paramilitary thugs intent to do me harm. My Chevy blazer 4x4 was my ticket out and I excised it quickly almost breaking my suspension as I jumped a 18 inch concrete median at floored acceleration. One of the many reasons I hate crowds and loathe city driving. I avoid both as best I can. My heart races today if I’m every caught in a traffic light where I am boxed in and can’t escape.

    I hope the truckers follow through and boycott delivery to any municipalities that have defunded of cut funding to police. We need to hit these cities where they hurt by taking away their supply chains if they want to play stupid game and put individuals at risk.
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    You have brought some brightness into my day.

    We must never forget what happened to Reginald Denny. The unchecked savagery that exists in our urban areas must be perpetually kept in mind.

    Put yourself in the place of this truck driver:

    I would to God that this driver had had a semi-auto and numerous spare 30-round magazines! He could have saved himself and helped clean-up the gene pool of that city.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. Alaskajohn

    Alaskajohn Master Survivalist

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    Why the hell did he stop? Even with 5-6 thugs hanging on to the truck, some distance between the truck and the mob would have made a difference.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Man, you got me. I don't know.

    There are folk who believe that you can appease a rapist. I can't understand that.

    There are folk that believe that you can submit to BLM and poof! they will magically be nice people. I can't understand that.

    Mean aggressive people cannot be fixed. The neuro-wiring for civilized behavior / work ethic / empathy isn't there in their heads. Weak neurotic people believe that they can pretend civilized behavior into existence within aggressive people, but it is of course a pathetic fantasy.

    I get so frustrated with adolescents posing as adults (leftist utopian believers) that I could pop an artery. This is why of late, I'm thinking that it might just be best if the cities don't just burn down. Now days, I want it all to collapse. Let the dollar fall. Let government go bankrupt. If the aggressors come for the productive people, then we'll simply slaughter them all. I want to hear the screaming and gnashing of teeth. Looks like this is totally inevitable anyway, economies and nations have been collapsing throughout the millennia, so let's just "get'er'done!"

    Hope you do well up Alaska way. I'm gonna head for the hills ... quite literally, goin' South. My people have zero-tolerance for trashy folk going on a rampage. And where I'm heading is armed to the teeth.
    Alaskajohn and TMT Tactical like this.
  6. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Antifa has been arming-up for a while now. During the 2017 riots in Charlottesville, VA several Antifa members plus other leftists (members of some other organization?) showed up with their AR-15 rifles.

    It's not just the far-Right who is arming-up as the press would have everyone believe.

    This artical is from 2023:

    "Armed Antifa Members Arrested at ‘Family-Friendly’ Drag Brunch by Fort Worth Police"

    "A clash of ideologies took place in Fort Worth over the weekend when a group of Antifa members engaged in a violent attack against protestors and police outside a “family-friendly drag show.”

    "Event organizers promoted the 'drag brunch' event at Fort Brewery and Pizza as the 'perfect event to celebrate a special occasion with your friends, family, or co-workers.' "


    Charlottesville, VA, riots 2017:


    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    I am a volunteer Range Master at my local gun club. I have seen and watch some of these left leaning folks shoot. if they get into a gun battle with a bunch of hunters / gun toting folks, they are going to loose, big time. They can't shoot for S--t. They think doing a mag dump makes them a "Top Gun" shooter. 2 or of 30 rounds, at 25 yards, actually hit within the target circle. After the mag dumps they are busy patting each other on the back and celebrating what great warriors they are. To quote an old TV series, " I pity the Fools".
    Old Geezer likes this.
  8. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    "spray and Pray" I think its called.
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Y'know what deeply saddens me is that the police themselves engage in this spraying and praying. I perpetually watch shootout videos (you'll rarely find these on YouTube). I constantly see police dumping their magazines on felons ... some of whom are NOT armed. The police officers panic and open-up. In past couple of months, saw a female cop dump her magazine into a black teenage boy. It was sick to watch. The kid did NOT point ANY weapon at her. The cop became frightened and opened fire. In the vid., I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Street gangs spray and pray, but then, they have the self control of a ferret. I expect more of cops.
      Old Geezer, Jun 1, 2024
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  9. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    The spray and pray thingy is one reason why a new firearm owner should never begin with a semi-auto. OK, so at age 12 I got a .22 semi-auto for Christmas. We sure didn't have money to waste AND my WWII vet dad was standing there, so it was target practice ... one shot at a time. In high-school, I had a retired Battalion Sgt. Major right behind me at the range (rifle team). No waste. No goofing-off. Everything was as serious as a heart attack. (Me, got my instructor's certification, rifle and handgun)

    Too, that .22 had a decent scope on it. Still have that scope. Has a German #4 reticle -- great for low-light / in-forest situations. Currently, have it mounted on a center-fire rifle -- shot that one a bunch, I have. The scope's stood up for over 55 years including a bunch of center-fire rifle heavy recoil. Hey people, buy quality scopes!

    When purchasing a firearm, a person new to this realm MUST seek instruction. I've attempted to help people when I go to a wilderness range (Forestry Service) only to get chewed out, so I just leave if any evolutionary throwbacks enter the range. In the past few years, I've not run into any; however, there's plenty out there, I'm sure. Maybe when these idiots get killed post-SHTF, disciplined survivors can take and use any ammo they've not pi$$ed-away.

    I've practiced a bunch of rapid-fire training runs, but have never sprayed and prayed. Can't afford it ... plus, it's stupid / embarrassing ... actually dangerous.

    Post SHTF or during an upcoming civil war, the most efficient in surviving will be those who have mega-accurate center-fire rifles and who can readily calm their nerves & make every shot count.

    Simply owning a firearm doesn't mean crap ... could even get you killed. Are you willing to train?! Are you willing to shoot game or felons?! Can you kill?!!! Have you killed?!!! If you are queasy about killing or not used to seeing blood-splatter, then don't buy a gun. You gotta have mindset. You gotta have attitude. This world sure as sh## isn't TV nor the stupid movies nor some adolescent video game. Watched real people, your people, die? Put your hands on the dead? Not fun, kids. Owning a firearm is serious business. Take it as such.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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