Trump Should Be Arrested ...for His Crimes.

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by LastOutlaw, Sep 29, 2019.

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  1. LastOutlaw

    LastOutlaw Legendary Survivalist

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  2. Sonofliberty

    Sonofliberty Master Survivalist

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    Yeah, the dhimmis are throwing stones in their glass houses again. This will bite them in the ass once more.
  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    When I vote, this is what I'm thinking, "Which candidates have the most respect for the U.S. Constitution?"

    The U.S. is not a prison. If someone better likes European government paradigms, OK, no one will keep that person from getting on a ship or getting on a plane and leaving for the European Union Utopia.

    Anyone wanting to come here should think about the condition of the USA before doing so. As big as the U.S. is, as many resources as the U.S. has, we too have fixed limitations as do all countries. Something else to consider is that our currency is unbacked and within the next few years (or next week) is going to hyper-inflate into just so much toilet paper. Post economic collapse, things here are going to get less than happy-fun in this once land of the free, home of the brave. Think billows of black smoke -- that's what our cities are going to become.
    TMT Tactical and Sonofliberty like this.
  5. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    What we call the deep state today is a very very olde olde organization going back over 300 years. The American Deep state is a subsidiary of the English Crown or Merchants....out of Olde London...not the throne of England but the Crown Merchants under the Lord Mayor of London..their figurehead.

    It is they who have been interfering all over the globe since the 1600s to increase and manage their profits no matter who they have to get involved into wars to so matter who's economy must be made to collapse or conversely prosper.

    It is this group who have been interfering in our elections since back in the time of Teddy Roosevelt and before.., the American Civil war...and before. It never was Russia.

    One mention of Christopher Steeles MI6 Connection and I smelled the Crown working behind the scenes.

    The Crown and it's deep state here in America also run most of our controlled and rigged media...electronic as well as print...including school textbooks.

    Almost all Presidents since before Trump were controlled by this London who also control our deep state apparatus for their profit...through olde established families in America. This is the English/American connection to the Crown.

    You can find much of this information in books by Lyndon Larouche as well as Anthony Sutton and others over the years....the British Connection and control over our government and for whom we have been fighting a series of endless wars for their profit..

    Anyone so writing has been immediately labeled a bad guy and quickly become persona non grata across this country and it'
    s business institutions to the point they can no longer do business here.
    Anthony Sutton had to go to Australia to get his book published as no one would touch his material here in America.

    And Anthony Sutton's books are right on point about a what is happening and closely parallel Lyndon LaRouche's materials.

    The Economics professor who taught me was put in jail for speaking about these concepts and control mechanisms over America ...and this history ….
    America was never to know or hear of any of this history or olde established families...such as the Roosevelt/Delano families and others...

    The problem today and way overshadowing Lyndon LaRouche and Anthony Sutton is that Donald Trump is in the White House and big time upsetting the Deep State Timetables for America as well as for the Crown interfering in our country.
    Donald Trump is not one of them and not under their control or management as were previous Presidents and the vitriol demonstrates this.

    Remember this what I am saying about Crown control through our deep state subsidiaries over our media ….as you hear this 24/7 Vitriol going on like a broken record trying to overshadow and take up all the media space to sway public opinion....
    Very much in like pattern to the 24/7 media coverage and opinion polls used to sway public opinion over the Lewinski protect their system. Again...good cop/bad cop. It gets tiring as well as predictable.

    Last edited: Sep 30, 2019
    TMT Tactical and Sonofliberty like this.
  6. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    America is supposed to be someone's private fiefdom.....a private colony/terriotory managed by the deep state handlers working secretly and or privily for their Crown Handlers...and their profits...on a world wide scale....internationalists.

    If America breaks out of the Crown/Deep State Control....the huge danger is that other nations will follow suit.

    I believe that at some level both Trump and Putin are fighting the same handlers. Other nations as well...and they want to break out.

    I am wondering if North Korea is in the same boat...

    What concerns me and also verifies to me that there is a time table this sudden switch in conversation to Civil War.....this greatly concerns me.

    I am aware that certain leftist groups have been quietly arming themselves across this nation for the upcoming chaos.

    We shall see what comes forth.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2019
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Trump does not appear to be one of them.....and this greatly disturbs them and is working against the Crown ..against the Internationalists....and their goals...Chief among them is the British Crown..though their are others amongst these Internationalists.

    And I believe they are willing to manufacture constant and increasing amounts of confusion and or chaos to get rid of Trump and company to regain their control over America.

    I believe that in attempting to Drain the Swamp.....this Biden and his son business has been exposed and this is just the tip of the iceberg. What I believe is at stake here is the exposure of the Deep State apparatus and it's control over our Senate and Congress and their dirty dealings for their profits and the profits of their deep state handlers at the expense of the American people.

    This , I think, is the source of much of the vitriol against Trump and Company ….by both phony leftist democrats as well as the phony republicans....exposure of their corruption in government and who is or are their real handlers/controllers.

    And "Fake News" is a great part of this perception/herding/control over the American People.

    I have become so disgusted over the attempts at blame and re direction over this Biden business..for we have seen this "Movie " all too many times over the years under different guises...but the same pattern.

    The big difference here is what is at stake in exposure...I believe this is a new aspect..with so many possibly being never before.
    Cornered Ishmaelites....and I believe this is the reason for the 24/7 vitriol against Trump and Company ...and attempts at Civil War.

    I believe impeachment is a cover hide their desperation at being exposed for with what they, the deep state and their handlers, have been getting away for over a hundred years on the backs of the American people.

    I also believe this is the same internationalist deep state apparatus trying to keep the UK in the Common Market and out of BREXIT...bound and herded for someone else's profits and control.

    My sometimes maddening and rabid .02,

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2019
  8. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Very very interesting video and historically instructive to we who know and remember history ...beyond the NFL...beyond the Kardashians.....beyond television and or movie educations...

    It is long but very instructional to those of us who remember...and know what is missing from much of our history lessons..

    Particularly concerning not taught principles of Admiralty Maritime Law...the laws of the sea encroaching onto land..and how it has effected our history.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    TMT Tactical and Sonofliberty like this.
  9. Duncan

    Duncan Master Survivalist

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    I'm not sure how this ties in with prepping, a potential collapse of the nation's infrastructure, and sharing advice and thoughts about "pulling through" the up-and-coming hard times.
    watcherchris likes this.
  10. Duncan

    Duncan Master Survivalist

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    For what it's worth, I don't think Donald Trump should be in jail, either, since he hasn't been convicted of a crime. I can think of one crime which I believe he has committed (violation of the Emoluments Clause delineated in Article 1 Section 9, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution), but he hasn't even been charged with it -- yet.

    Of course in the United States, impeachment is not a legal remedy; it is a political one. Although the U.S. Constitution calls for impeachment as a remedy against (among other things) "misdemeanors", in actual practice all federal impeachments have been for something more like "conduct unbecoming" which means whatever a majority of the U.S. House and two-thirds of the U.S. Senate say it is. There doesn't have to be "proof beyond a reasonable doubt" or "legal evidence" as we'd expect to see in a court of law.

    In other words, the Legislative Houses can impeach and convict a President (or Senator ) for lying, cheating, whoring, insulting, draft-dodging, or even having bad breath. The reason Trump is in hot water right now is because many Americans believe all those things about him (except maybe for the bad breath -- you'd have to ask his friends about that).

    Again, I want to reiterate that I don't want Donald Trump convicted of a crime and jailed; I want him impeached and removed from office because he is incapable of doing the job a president due to his lies, sociopathic activities, lack of any morals whatsoever, incipient senility, and overall stupidity.

    Hell, I'd even let him keep his pension, as long as he spends it and all his tweets from somewhere other than 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC!
  11. Sonofliberty

    Sonofliberty Master Survivalist

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    Wait so cankles sold our uranium to Russia and billary got hundreds of thousands of dollars and you think Trump is in violation because his businesses rent out office space to foreign companies????? This first is a clear violation but since the dhimmirats did it, you are ok with that? Hypocrite much?
    Coprepper likes this.
  12. Duncan

    Duncan Master Survivalist

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    Son of Liberty, it seems you are attacking me as a hypocrite because you made the assumption that I am "ok" with the putative crimes of the Clintons and "cankles" (whomever he/she may be).

    That assumption is incorrect; I am certainly not defending the Clintons. I never voted for any of them: I voted for Libertarians Andre Marrou in 1992, Harry Browne in 1996, and Gary Johnson in 2016. However, this thread is about Trump; I was limiting my comments to him alone.

    You ask if I think Trump was in violation because he rented out office space to foreign companies? That is only a part of it, but, yes, that is in violation of the law as outlined above in the U.S. Constitution. But that question is not germane to my previous post; if you re-read it, you will see that I am not calling for Trump's jailing for a crime, because he has not been charged.

    Instead, I believe that the American people should rid themselves of him by a political means, which is why I want to see him impeached and removed. If you want to go after anyone else -- including the Clintons -- by all means do so; I certainly wouldn't get in your way!
  13. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    By Duncan


    Wow!!! Rented office space to foreign companies.

    I think that Our congress..both the House and Senate are very worried that this Administration will expose them for selling this government to the highest bidder...foreign and domestic....also how long this has been going on.

    Also and to my limited understanding ...Trump divested himself before taking the oath of almost all of his business dealings and put them under other as to prevent such accusations. That he went way further in this than was necessary. I submit because he knew what he was going to be doing in draining the swamp and the chaos and rabid accusations it would bring.

    Now think about the Clinton the highest bidder...,..and this Biden Incident ...on tape...admitted on tape..

    Government sold to the highest bidder...foreign and domestic..

    Rented office space to foreign companies...Wow!!

    Congress is afraid of the Light being shined on them and are willing to go to any amount of speculation and or deflection to get the Light off of them...including impeachment before the Light shines brightly on them..,.including chaos all across this land and they can hide behind the…..the MSM. They will hang out anyone's laundry to get the Light off of themselves. And the MSM will help them.

    Remember....Trump doesn't owe these people anything....,they did not buy him as they did previous Presidents.
    And that is one of the items hated about this President...He is not indebted to this corrupted system or buying selling and or trading the very souls of America and the American people.

    Americans who can still think for themselves...are disgusted with Washington DC ….both parties ..and also the MSM so obviously pimping for them.

    What Americans really need to know for their survival is who or what bought and sold Congress.....the highest bidder...….,.and thus will know where to shine the Light.
    And I think Trump and Company know who or what this is that they are fighting. I think they also know about the Light...not light.

    Someone out there wants Americans and America to never know.....ever..,aps,165&sr=8-18-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExSEgxTzk1MUxINkY4JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTQxNTU5MllZU0ZXMzg4OTg5NiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMTY2NDA1M1REN1laSEc3M0JEMiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0Zl9uZXh0JmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==

    I have known about this for over 30 years now. Still.. it took me a bit to realize what Trump was about.
    Getting rid of the Ishmaelites in our government who would put us continually into bondage for someone else's profit.
    This bondage includes war after war after war ad nausea...which is why I believe he wants to pull our troops out of Afghanistan...tired of fighting someone else's war for their profits....and with our finest blood.

    LOL LOL LOL>..renting office foreign companies....LOL LOL LOL...

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2019
  14. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Good afternoon Duncan,

    Preface: I, too, am a libertarian.

    Ref "lies", "sociopathic activities "[??], "lack of any morals", "incipient senility", "overall stupidity";

    The US national indicators say otherwise. Just about anything cataloged in the above has been reflected upon and discounted.

    As long as the dividend checks keep flowing, many are comfortable with the situation. POTUS can even take a swim in the Tidal Basin with a staffer ... vaguely recall US Senator Wilbur Mills had a staffer swimming naked in the Basin and the public had nil concern. The electorate wants benefits; not morality.

    The financial markets say that there's no real danger with Trump - or we'd be hearing about it.

    The military is still "in the barracks".

    Part of the POTUS job is to lie; "I seek no wider war" (LBJ). Wilson, FDR and JFK deceived the public on their health conditions.

    The "third rail of American politics": the Social Security checks are still flowing.
    Coprepper and TMT Tactical like this.
  15. Bishop

    Bishop Master Survivalist

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    Well I think they should all be kicked out and let the Marine corp take over we run the show any how .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    The impeachment thing is just a desperate attempt of the Communist / Democrats to get Trump out of office because they know they can not win at the polls . The idiots don't realize even with Trump out of office they still couldn't win . It would have the opposite effect . Enraged citizens would turn out to vote the Communist / Democrats out of office like has never been seen before . Fighting corruption internally as well as corruption extended to other countries is part of the U.S. Presidents job . The Communist / Democrats are desperately trying to not have Biden exposed . Nearly all the Communist / Democrats are involved in corruption and do not want their corruption exposed . Talking to foreign leaders is also part of the U.S. Presidents job . Either way the Communist / Democrats lose . The unfortunate thing is if the U.S. loses Trump the citizens will be the losers as well as the Communist / Democrats . Actually though I seriously doubt Trump will be impeached because it would have to be voted for in the Senate and the Republicans hold the majority of votes there . What would cause the Communist / Democrats brains to explode if they impeached Trump and then Trumps daughter and Mike Pence ran on the Republican ticket and won , which they would win . Donald Trump would still be residing in the White House and fighting corruption .
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2019
  17. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    It does have a lot to do with prepping / survival because an coup attempt by the Communist / Democrats could very easily lead to a U.S. CIVIL WAR . Militias will not stand by and watch this happen . They have been actively training for their response in case this ever happened for years . Don't underestimate the patriotism and strength they have .
  18. Duncan

    Duncan Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    • I think that conflating Democrats with Communists is as silly and ignorant as conflating Republicans with Nazis.
    • I doubt if there will ever be a civil war, because most Americans believe our political differences -- as deep as you might think they are -- are something that the country will get past as soon as Donald Trump -- or any other incipient strongman -- leaves the scene.
    • I also believe that the "Militias" are mostly a bunch of middle-aged military wannabees who have managed to talk their wives into letting them play Rambo on weekends and would fold when faced with a bunch of legitimate people like the police and the ANG if things started to go sideways.
    • Finally, I doubt if any serious preppers would deliberately place himself in a fire-fight between bands of heavily armed people shooting at each other and anyone else who would get in the way.
  19. Bishop

    Bishop Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Funny how when the people are sworn in to up hold the constitution they are the first that want it changed Trump may or may not be the best president we have but he is better than Hillary Clinton by far and it's funny how someone on the other side of the partys always are try to throw someone on the other side under the bus if they worked as hard as making us better as they did with trying to take control of the government then we would be in better shape take a look at a bird left wing right wing work together get to where you are going don't work together spin around in a circle and die
  20. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    I tend to agree up to a point...….

    However....what most Americans seem not to know is that Communism...or in particular that the Russian Revolutionary forces in 1917 was supplied and trained here in America...shipped out and was stopped in Canada....and then on instructions from Washington DC....released to be allowed to journey to Russia and carry out the October Revolution.

    None of this information is to be found in most History books.

    The main Communists and Socialists have always been here in the west...non in the East..

    Someone set up a private fiefdom in Russia and tried to exploit it and set up manufacturing shops in Russia which did not work out.

    Gorky Park was such and early attempt.

    What they found out was that when you build a factory in Russia....and put the stuff in one end and the product came out the other end..the profits were negative..

    It was not the location per se..but the people....and the Russian people were not the proper ingredient versus the Germans and Japanese....understand??? Today the Chinese. The Russians were not the proper type of worker bee ants..drones..

    This also does not work well in a society burdened by a caste system.

    Almost none of this history will ever be taught to the American people....versus …….the NFL or the Kardashians and other distractions to substitute for thinking and turn out predictable, malleable, guaranteed voters. Drama Queens.

    Also what the olde timers taught me was that when dealing with a large country ….too big to attack or is often best to divide said country and have it fight itself....a civil war..

    This too will never be taught to Americans versus the NFL or the Kardashians et al.

    I think about this all the time when watching our phony two party political system scamming us...also our phony MSM misleading us and reeling the line in after setting the hook.

    I figured out many many years ago when shortwave listening to foreign news broadcasts.... when they broadcast in rigged our news media actually was...

    One needs a so called secret decoder ring when listening to the news and other media here in the states...and we talked junk about the Russians.....the phonies were here all along...setting the hook and reeling us in..

    I was in the Army National Guard many years ago...155mm towed artillery. I got out because I disagreed with all the beer drinking going on out in the field and while shooting artillery....handling/fusing high explosive rounds.

    For a number of years now the obvious goal here in America as well as other western nations has been to "Feminize " the males...
    When these internationalists are finally is going to be very interesting to watch the females pick up the slack and then turn over their production to support the males in this country...for the male use and was known to happen in Russia ...under the Communists as well as today. This tidbit of history kept from most Americans.
    By the 1960s this resulted in the women in Russia living an average of two years less than the men...

    Chapter on the Communist Reality.
    It makes you realize how much the leftists/socialists in this country are gas lighting the people.

    The only thing the Communists were able to produce almost unlimited was their Vodka.
    This is also known to people who can think past the Kardashians and the NFL.
    Communist Russia was inhabited by a bunch of drunks....and if I lived there I too might turn on the tap.

    They are much further along with this template of feminizing the males in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and England. Also places in Continental Europe.

    This is being carefully kept from most Americans as to what is going on in this arena..feminizing the males.

    This must be done in order to make the males as predictable in their voting as the females...emotionally unstable...predictable, malleable, guaranteed voters. Even if this means making the male expendable and disposable...

    White Heterosexual Christian can see and predict this coming.....across this nation.

    They are the newly manufactured bad guys.....which is one of the problems with Trump and Company...big time..

    Traditional American thinking and values. Not going to be allowed versus New Age...New World Order...Internationalist.

    Socialist/Communist thinking and values...feminizing everyone in the system.

    The males must be made controllable, moldable, malleable ... or be made disposable and expendable...

    At the same time you flood the marketplace and population with Illegals and buy their votes by putting them on the public purse....welfare for which the rest of us must pay...costs the handlers of this rigged system ...nothing...

    Exactly what is going on in Europe....

    The Socialists/Communists are here in America and have been for many many years now.

    The Economics professor who taught me explained that there were more Communists/Socialists here in America than in Moscow and particularly on our College Campuses infecting our children and we are paying for it.
    And many of these students are now become our leaders...after college.

    I don't think it is a unfair comparison to link many of the Democrats and Republicans with Communists and or Nazis at all.
    And Certainly much of the MSM as well.

    I can tell you one thing that many of them definitely are ...if one wants to go to the next step...…."Demonic."

    Skip the Communist/Nazi moniker...just go straight to Demonic.

    When and if Civil War comes again...and the veil is lowered on these Demons and the Light allowed to might want to rethink this one.

    For now the goal is to conceal the Light behind mass confusion....and substitute their light....demonic light....counterfeit light.

    Do you know the name of the counterfeiter behind this demonic light....?? I do and have also known for over 30 plus years.

    I am sure many of the members here know as well.....,by name!!!

    And this too is a huge danger...that the public will find out ..put two and two together to equal four...not what the new fuzzy math teaches...

    They hide this behind the moniker...Nazis...or Communists ….when it is in fact something else...going on out here.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2019
  21. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Duncan - It may not be the dictionary definition , but my definition of a Communist is " anyone who tries to take away my freedom " . As for as deliberately putting myself in a fire fight when I could have avoided putting myself in danger , I have already done that to fight for someone else's freedom . I definitely wouldn't hesitate to put myself in danger and fight for my own freedom , or for the survival of my clan and supplies . Military fire fights is something I excel at . My Colonel in NAM liked to keep me close . I set between two milita groups and know many of the members and their leaders . They are not playing games .
  22. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I caught this today in the news cycle....

    Looks like someone in Washington DC is catching onto what I have been thinking for some time about Amendment 13 to the Constitution of the United States. Bondage...slavery/ involuntary servitude...

    Paying not only for ones own health care but for the health care of Illegal Aliens....paying about involuntary servitude....only government can be this naturally stupid and survive by selling someone else's very soul....and selling it twice.
    You have to be educated to be this stupid but our leftist government has done it and sold it deceitfully to the American people....just like abortion...

    Abortion is subsidizing someone else's sex life for votes...
    They can advertise it and stroke bleeding hearts as much as they want but that is to what it out...subsidizing someone else's sex life for votes....and in the publics face....pimping out some for the votes of others.

    Have all the abortions they want...just not on the public purse.

    Abortion should not be made illegal...just not on the public purse. is the link to the article which caught my eye this morning ...that someone in Washington DC is catching on ..and the left hates them for it....and particularly Trump and Company.

    About time someone caught on. Almost all of the leftist demonic programs are for subsidies on the public purse for votes...
    After awhile you can see them coming...hear them...smell them....
    And to do this ..they constantly and demonically advertise their vote buying programs emotionally as anything but what they are....Ishmaelite bondage of some for the votes. The some wind up paying twice or more....others get it for free.

    Notice what the Indian woman...Pocahontas was trying to sell as a vote buying child care for women ..for the women's vote.

    Illegal health care is the same ...buying votes for when needed..on the public purse.

    I think Trump and Company are trying to stop this pattern in vote buying and for this they are called Nazis and Communists....racists...sexists and other labels...

    This kind of vote buying can also be called tamping the vote....interfering in an election...….et al.

    None of this will be so covered in the news media for what is it....Ishmaelite demonic bondage and involuntary servitude.

    If you understand this can understand why they need desperately to impeach and jail Trump and Company.

    Trump is thinning out their cash cow...their vote buying schemes for power and control.
    I am suspecting that between now and the 2020 election they are going to reach critical trying to stop Trump.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
  23. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    It is now obvious that, it is now "out of the closet" that, the Democratic Party wishes to turn the U.S. Constitution into latex so that glorious document can be stretched to cover everything including mutant fat @$$es as wide as the Pacific Pond. The Democrats are having a perpetual adolescent tantrum, "We get to do whatever we want and Mommy & Daddy will pay for it! Nya nya-nya nya nya!" They wish to draw down the military as far as they can without causing a rebellion. They wish to gag the voices of those of Faith. They wish to appoint latter-day Benedict Arnold types to positions of power within the military, government, and the courts system. They wish to make America just another cluster-f### European Big Brother bloat. American cities have been taken over and destroyed by killer communism.

    Yet they need the food we grow for them. They need us to provide them with means to generate power. "Dig our coal, you inferiors!" "Grow our food, you deplorables!" Lick our boots!!!!!!
  24. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Amen Olde Geezer...Amen!!!...Amen!!! ….Amen!!!

    And so stated with an economy of words...

    Well Said.....Well Said....Amen!!!

    Not an Ishamelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Do you guys remember Van Jones ? At one time he was Hussain Obama's right hand man in the White House . He bragged about being a Communist . He stood before the public and explained how to bring the U.S. into his vision of "complete " communist rule . Crush the U.S. government by overweighting it with give away programs then bring it back up under communist rule . What did Hussain Obama do ? He crushed jobs with chocking regulations and advertised on television to the masses , come get your government give away . I don't see how you can get any clearer as to what the Democrats intention is . The last I heard Van Jones was on one of the Communist news stations still touting his communist dream .
  26. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    A little more info on the two milita groups that I mentioned earlier . One is actually the largest Ku Klux Klan group on the planet . They train and prepare for the apocalypse . They give classes in the woods identifying eatable plants , food storage and preparation . I will not say more because I don't want to be found hanging from the end of a rope . The other group whose membership I know is at least in the hundreds but probably in the thousands actively train for military conflict . The woodsmanship and survival skills of even the little kids of this group would put most of our members to shame . It probably is best I didn't say any more about them either . The democrats coup attempt could very easily lead to Civil War .
  27. Coprepper

    Coprepper Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    Then you are seriously underestimating the will of the people that are dedicated to keeping our country a Constitutional Republic and not becoming a Socialist crap hole.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2019
  28. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    What is happening in the realm of throwing out civilization in general is a phenomenon that is occurring planet-wide at this moment in history.

    "I don't like authority, but I want to control others and make them think correctly!" The latter statement makes a whole lot of sense ... if you are age 14 to early twenties ... or you are a socialist-engineering elitist. Think Bernie Sanders. College professors do not have to grow up, especially once they gain tenure.

    What enables "benevolent" dictators? This sh## does.

    Always has. Always will.

    There is bad Karma, then there is this, the turning away from the Light. All systems designed by humans are fundamentally flawed.

    How about this, turn to the Light and think for yourself. It is the Will of our Creator that we evolve and evolve and evolve and ... . Spiritual growth is eternal. All must become adults. All must take responsibility. The consequences of doing otherwise are well-recorded in the history books.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  29. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:


    I am so pleased to find that there is someone else out there who knows that this country is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic....not a Democracy..

    Most Americans with whom I have run longer know this....and have heard Democracy all their life...and thus know nothing well as think nothing else.

    And also about the Socialist crap hole...Amen on that.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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