War In The Middle East

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by Old Geezer, Oct 8, 2023.

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  1. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    America has been without a commander in chief for the last 4 years, all we see from over here is a senile old man.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    We have a commander in chief.....indeed....but it/they are not elected...not appointed.....but working the strings of what most think is the commander in chief........we clearly have a non representative government..

    This business of what is happening on the boarder of our country is a clear indicator that we have a non representative government.....run by someone or something'/group...but not representative of the American People.

    Thus....clearing up for me the idea...and or realization that the true standards for President of the United States are not nearly as high as we had been lead to believe...and so too....clearly the Vice President....
    I have been thinking this since back with Jimmy Carter..

    In short...we have an Ishmaelite government.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    While biden's wife wipes his chin, globalist operatives are running the White House. One of these is likely Valerie Jarrett, Obama's puppet-master. She holds dual citizenship, U.S. and Iran. The globalist-owned Left is very pro-Muslim and anti-Israel. These traitors wish to do as little harm as can be managed to Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah -- thus, the calls for Israel to stop their cleansing of Gaza and their giving terrorist groups a heads-up on coming attacks. The globalists want to keep Trump, or any Republican, out of the White House by any means necessary.

    "House Republicans say airstrikes are 'too little and five days late' "


    “The Iranians didn’t warn our troops before murdering them," Rep. Jim Banks, R-IN, said in a statement. "These strikes are better than nothing but they’re too little and five days late.”

    Florida Rep. Mike Waltz said that he is interested if the airstrikes will impose any "real costs" on Iran.

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    House Republican said that the President Biden-authorized airstrikes against Syria are "too little and five days late."

    “I’ll be interested in what effect the Biden Administration telegraphing these strikes for the past five days had on our ability to impose real costs on Iran,” Waltz said.

    Rep. Carlose Gimenez, R-FL, said that Biden's weakness "emboldened the enemies of freedom" to target the U.S. and it's service members.

    “Biden’s failure to isolate the regime in Iran, annihilate Hamas, and support our strategic partners in the Middle East has emboldened the enemies of freedom to target, attack, and murder US troops,” Giménez said in a statement.

    “President Biden is weak and our enemies know it," he continued. "His misguided foreign policy has invited these attacks against the United States. In fact, Biden lifted President Trump’s sanctions on Iran which were among the most effective in history. Oil sanctions need to be immediately reimposed on the Iranian regime and Biden should’ve taken action much sooner to adequately deter further attacks from Iran & its terrorist proxies."

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  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Biden regime does what it can to protect terrorists from symbolic retaliatory strikes:

    "Why On Earth Did Biden Give Iranian Proxies So Much Time To Prepare For Our Retaliatory Strikes?"


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    Iran and its terror and militia proxy groups had days to prepare and bunker down for the U.S. retaliatory strikes that began on Friday, prompting criticisms that the Biden administration took too long to act.

    Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East Simone Ledeen told the Daily Caller News Foundation she believes the delayed response was intentional because the Biden administration doesn’t want to strike Iran and its allies too harshly. The Biden administration has been vocal that it wants to avoid a war with Iran or broader conflict in the Middle East.

    “I think it’s a feature of the policy of appeasement this administration has followed since 2021 – allowing both the [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC)] and local Iranian-backed militias to leave and take as much as they can with them,” Ledeen told the DCNF. “This is a purposeful decision on the part of the Biden administration.”

    “While they must take action for domestic political reasons, they want to avoid causing real damage. This weakness increases the risk to our troops and our allies in the region and I fear will lead to more tragedy,” Ledeen told the DCNF.

    “It’s almost like we want to minimize Iranian casualties by giving them as much notice as humanly possible,” Gabriel Noronha, executive director of Polaris National Security and former State Department official, said on Friday.

    “How many IRGC and IRGC-QF commanders will the U.S. kill and how senior are they? Or did they all get out of Dodge after days of the Biden administration telegraphing these strikes?” Mark Dubowitz, CEO of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, said on Friday.

    Several Iran-backed militant groups had already “evacuated many of their headquarters inside Iraq and on the border with Syria and moved their weapons to new locations” to avoid the strikes, one U.S. official told NBC News on Friday. Kataib Hezbollah, an Iran-backed group part of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq – who the Pentagon suspects was behind the drone strike on Sunday – had ceased military operations ahead of the U.S. response.

    Esmail Qaani, IRGC brigadier general and commander of the Quds force, traveled to Iraq earlier in the week and met with the leaders of some of the militant groups to discuss preparation options, the official told NBC. Ghaani reportedly encouraged them to move their forces underground and “to not pop their heads up from the parapet and offer the U.S. targets.”

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    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I am suspecting that the Biden Group....not Biden himself...but the group operating the office of President for him and behind his name...are showman...not real gifted leaders.....

    They are group players...not real leaders. Real individual leadership skills are not needed within the arena in which they operate..group think for their masters is what is needed...

    Representation of the American people is also and thusly not needed within the arena in which they operate.

    And I believe more and more people are catching on that something is very very wrong up in Washington DC....and with the Biden Group.

    That Washington DC is not a representative government...representing the people and states of the nation but instead representing a private group.....private interests on a global scale....and not Americanism....as outlined in Pan Americanism and the Monroe Doctrine....America First.

    We know this also because many states are now approaching rebellion against the central government simply because they too sense ...." non representation." More and more violation of the oath of office by the Central Government.

    Thus with these strong suspicions...I am asking myself....if something desperate must needs be manufactured...controlled...made to happen to keep the public distracted...and manipulated between now and the coming election.....to keep and maintain power....to keep the American people under their control and so distracted. To keep the states in line as well.

    Be Very Very Warned......these Ishmaelites.

    I also suspect that at a very deep level...Islam has been compromised by someone in the West....by internationalists who need Terror as they also need the Russians to keep Americans in line...unthinking and afraid. Fear is the telling and common denominator here..particularly on a television and or movie trained public.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Remember some history going way way back to the 1970s...when the Shah or Iran ....made a statement in a public recorded interview and aired on American Television about the then on going Oil Shortage.

    When asked about the Oil Shortage then going on in the news....the Shah laughed....and then declared there was no oil shortage..

    Soon after that he was overthrown ....and the radical Islamists brought into office from whence they had been hiding from the Shah ...in Paris, France..

    To me this was a deep state operation ...to plug a leak in their rigged system. The Shah got out of script and the Radicals brought into Iran to plug the leak....and there they remain to this day.

    I remember that history and how odd it was....and continuing to this day.

    I think the name of the Shah back then was Muhammed Reza Palavi. ...and also he got cancer and shortly died..

    Catching on yet???

    I am also asking myself if the radical Islamists are being used/misused and manipulated to keep Israel in check for the deep state masters.???

    Not an Ishmaelite.
  7. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    well they arent doing very good keeping Israel in check in Gaza are they??? not that I have anything against Israel defending themselves which they have every right to do.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  8. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Yet another example of the biden regime's collusion with Palestinian terrorism:

    "IDF Rescues 2 Israeli Hostages in Rafah — After Biden Warned Israel Not to Go There"


    "The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) rescued two Israeli hostages on Sunday in the town of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, bringing elation to Israel and hope for the rescue of more hostages.

    "According to online biographies, Har is originally from Argentina. His release comes after the visit last week of Argentinian President Javier Milei, who visited families of Argentinian-Israeli hostages and survivors of the October 7 terror attack.

    "According to Israel’s Army Radio, the hostages were rescued from within, or underneath, a 'refugee' camp in Rafah. Rafah is a town on the border with Egypt that is the last stronghold of Hamas, with four battalions thought to be hiding in the city.

    "Earlier Sunday, President Joe Biden warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to attack Hamas in Rafah until there was a credible plan for evacuating the roughly one million Palestinian civilians who have fled there from elsewhere in the Gaza Strip."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    The Palestinians deserve everything they got, they allowed Hamas to take over, they colluded in the Oct 7th attacks and they applauded 9/11. they are no friends of the West despite what those on the London marches say.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  10. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I too do not have anything against Israel defending themselves. However ...I have noticed this split between the Biden Administration and the Israelis and am thinking that this split is deliberate...as well as for deeper reasons than most can fathom....even historical. I think also that the Israelis know something about the true line up of power going on in the world...a knowledge denied to most of us who are depending on the main stream what passes for news and information.

    I think that in addition to Deep State...the Biden Administration is the third term of the Obama administration....who is also Deep State...and pro Iranian...through Vallery Jarrett. I think that most people forget this connection.....within the Obama Administration. I also think that Obama's true religion is Islam....or at least the world religion....the Deep State Religion.


    I also think that the Deep State...their true religion is not Christianity....if anything anti Christian.....and more.

    Again Ishmaelites run wild.....

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    better watch out, it is being said that Michelle Obama is set to take over the Democrat nomination from Biden, probably at the last moment, I dont know if she would win but if she did that would make it Obama part FOUR!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Does Iran know something we don’t? Or is it stating the obvious? "


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    While the world is focused on Israel’s war in Gaza, another conflict is simmering on Israel’s northern border. Hezbollah, the Lebanese terrorist group called by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (csis) “the world’s most heavily armed nonstate actor,” has been skirmishing with the Israel Defense Forces (idf) since October. Hezbollah is far better armed than Hamas. Despite rumors of an informal “peace” treaty, the threat of war remains high.

    Iran, Hezbollah’s and Hamas’s paymaster, wants to obliterate the Jewish state. Hezbollah’s strength and proximity makes it one of Iran’s best weapons to accomplish this. With Israel sucked into Gaza, Hezbollah may never get a better chance.

    Yet Iran told Hezbollah to stand down.

    Iran sent a delegation to Lebanon earlier in February to speak with Hezbollah. It gave what seemed like a surprising message. One Hezbollah member summarized it to the Washington Post: “We are not keen on giving Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu any reason to launch a wider war on Lebanon or anywhere else.”

    The source claimed two of Iran’s main goals in starting the Hamas war were to get the international community to pressure Israel to disengage from the Palestinian territories and to cause problems with moderate Arabs opening relations with Israel. Iran has achieved these goals. But if Israel goes to war with Lebanon, Iran worries it will lose more than it has gained.

    The Hezbollah member summarized Iran’s instructions: “Netanyahu is squeezed in the corner now. Don’t give him a way out. Let us not give him the benefit of launching a wider war, because that would make him a winner.” In other words, Iran told Hezbollah not to do anything that could provoke Netanyahu into a war.

    csis estimated in 2021 that Hezbollah had roughly 130,000 rockets. These include precision-guided missiles, antitank missiles, anti-ship missiles and antiair missiles. Hamas’s rockets before the war were estimated at less than half that number.

    In short, as bad as war with Hamas is, war with Hezbollah is more terrifying. Even if Israel were to take the battle to Lebanon, an Israel-Hezbollah war would almost certainly bring catastrophic casualties. Already, politicians both inside and outside of Netanyahu’s Likud party are ready to oust Netanyahu after the war concludes. Starting a war in Lebanon could decrease his chances of staying in office. And the international community would be even angrier at him for setting more of the Middle East on fire.

    Yet according to Iran, starting a war in Lebanon “would make him a winner.” In what way?

    Lebanon is a poster child for everything that could go wrong with a country. Its presidency has been vacant since 2022. Its economy is in shambles, partly because much of the international community doesn’t want to give money to Hezbollah. Because of Hezbollah’s stonewalling, nobody has been brought to justice for the 2020 Beirut blast that killed over 200 and injured thousands more. Its own army is too weak to counter Hezbollah’s power.

    Hezbollah may be Lebanon’s most powerful militia, but it’s far from the only one. Lebanon’s sizable Catholic population remains hostile to Hezbollah. If war starts, everybody will blame Hezbollah. They already blame Hezbollah for many of Lebanon’s other problems.

    There is only one likely way Netanyahu could be a “winner” in a war with Hezbollah: permanently preventing Hezbollah from threatening Israel ever again. If the Lebanese people side with Israel, Hezbollah could be out of Beirut for good. Losing Lebanon would be a painful defeat for Iran.

    If Israel invades, there is also the chance foreign partners could come to help. Germany has been especially pushy against Hezbollah since the war started. German pressure may have stopped Hezbollah from intervening months ago.

    Iran seems genuinely concerned it could lose Hezbollah if it doesn’t play its cards right. But if this is the case, it wouldn’t require an Israeli invasion to uproot Hezbollah. Israel invaded in 2006 and Hezbollah is still in power. If Hezbollah today is this weak, anything—another economic depression, turf wars with other militias—could catalyze a revolution. Once this happens, Iran would lose one of its strongest weapons against Israel.

    In a 2014 Key of David episode, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry predicted Lebanon would fall into this kind of turmoil. “That means there’s going to be now a civil war,” he said, “a bloody civil war in Lebanon for control of Lebanon, and you’re going to see Lebanon and the European power prevail in that battle.”

    Mr. Flurry made that prediction because of a prophecy in Psalm 83. The psalm lists a coalition of Middle Eastern peoples waging war so “that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance” (verse 4).

    The people that make up the alliance are as follows: “The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes; Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assur also is joined with them …” (verses 6-8).

    Other prophecies show Germany and its allies will be in direct conflict against Iran and its allies. Right now, Lebanon is allied with Iran through Hezbollah. For the prophecy to be fulfilled, Lebanon has to switch sides. One of the most likely reasons this could happen would be if Hezbollah disappears.

    It looks like Iran knows this disappearance could happen much sooner than many realize.

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    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Iran's leaders may be radical but they arent stupid, they know a wider war in the Middle East would not be good and they cannot win against the might of the combined West.
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Their leaders can spew all they want, yet they are not in the mood to get their @$$ handed to them.
      Old Geezer, Feb 25, 2024
  14. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I've been thinking in the back of my mind....

    All this talk about the Ukraine and Russia going nuclear on the west.

    I am thinking that we may be looking in the wrong direction.

    Iran is looking to become a nuclear power....and with this in mind....keep an close eye on the Sampson Option....

    We may be looking in the wrong direction...here..

    Just a wild rabid thought running around in the back of my mind.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Iran would not and could not win if they attacked the West outright and they know it, they are perfectly happy to fund the terrorist groups but an outright war nuclear or otherwise would be the end of Iran.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Israel threatens to bomb nuke sites as Iran backs down from direct attack – report"


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    Following last week’s strike in Damascus and threats of retaliation from Iranian officials, Israel has signaled that it will attack targets in Iran if it were to launch a direct attack, according to an Arab report Monday.

    Citing an anonymous “Western security official,” the London-based Elaph News reported that Israel has been conducting air force drills in recent days that include preparing to target Iranian nuclear facilities and other key infrastructure.

    Unnamed US intelligence sources told CNN, however, that Iran is unlikely to attack Israel directly out of fear of American and Israeli reprisal, and will instead urge its various proxies in the region to launch attacks on its behalf in the coming days.

    Published on Monday night, the CNN report cast doubt on previous assessments by both Washington and Jerusalem that an attack by Iran was “inevitable.”

    Israel has been on high alert over the past week amid Iranian officials’ promises of revenge for a Damascus airstrike that killed their top commander in Syria, Mohammad Reza Zahedi; alongside six other members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and at least one member of Iranian proxy group Hezbollah.

    Both Iran and Hezbollah have vowed revenge for the strike. An adviser to Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei threatened Israeli embassies, telling Iran’s ISNA news agency on Sunday that “the embassies of the Zionist regime are no longer safe.”

    In televised remarks last Friday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said an Iranian response was coming.

    “Be certain, be sure, that the Iranian response to the targeting of the consulate in Damascus is definitely coming against Israel,” he said.

    Israel is bracing for potential missile and drone attacks by Iran-backed groups in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen — all of which have been carried out amid the ongoing Gaza war — and ballistic missile attacks directly from Iran, which Israel has not yet faced. Israeli officials believe the country’s air defense systems will be able to handle the threat.

    Iran has reportedly also put its military forces on “full high alert” ahead of any expected strike.

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    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Not with Biden and their ilk in the White House at the helm.....and or being the third term of Obama.....

    Anti Christian,,,,anti Jew...and anti west.....,pro China.....and masquerading as pro American.

    The concern is that both Turkey and Iran would turn on Israel at some point......

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Again to appease those that cling to the notion that " World War Three " ain't going to happen , put the following information on this thread . As I type this - Isarel is being bombarded with missiles and drones to weaken their " Iron Dome defenses . The main attack is reportedly to come later . Various countries are urgently warning their citizens to leave Isarel as they predict something big is about to take place .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    even my wife said " it looks like we are going to have World War 3" this morning and she isnt one to panic.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Biden regime doxes American diplomatic staff in Israel.

    "U.S. Fears Iran Attack on Israel; Tells Diplomatic Staff Not to Travel"


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    The United States believes that an Iranian attack on Israel may be imminent and has instructed its diplomatic employees in Israel not to travel far from their homes in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Be’er Sheva in the south.

    The warning came after days of threats by Iran to retaliate against Israel for an airstrike April 1 in Damascus, Syria, that killed two generals and five officers responsible for attacks on Israel via terrorist proxy armies in recent months.

    Israel warned that if Iran launches an attack on Israel directly from Iranian territory, it will retaliate against Iran directly — not against Iran-backed Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, or militias in Iraq.

    The Israeli military canceled leave for combat soldiers and called up reservists from air defense units several days ago. President Joe Biden also reiterated Wednesday that U.S. support for Israel was “ironclad,” in an attempt to deter Iran.

    Anchors on Israel’s Army Radio were somewhat puzzled by the U.S announcement, and asked whether it was informed by accurate intelligence. They noted that the U.S. had inadvertently confirmed where its local staff lives. [emphasis, Old Geezer]

    Other world powers, such as the United Kingdom, have urged Iran not to attack Israel, and to avoid a larger war.

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    Blitz and TMT Tactical like this.
  21. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Get ready for a steep jump in fuel prices. A conflict between Israel and Iran could easily see Iran attempting to shut down the Strait of Hormuz.

    "Iranian paramilitary troops seize Portuguese ship with Israeli ties as tensions remain high"


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    Iran’s paramilitary Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) troops seized a Portuguese-flagged ship owned by an Israeli billionaire as tensions between the two nations remain at a high amid continued threats of attack.

    "UKMTO has received a report of an incident … northeast of Fujairah, UAE," the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations reported. "Vessel reported to have been seized by regional authorities. Vessels are advised to transit with caution and report any suspicious activity to UKMTO."

    The MSC Aries, a Portuguese-flagged ship owned by Israeli billionaire Eyal Ofer’s Zodiac Group, was passing through the Strait of Hormuz when an Iranian helicopter dropped IRGC troops onto its deck. Video taken by a crew member shows the troops rappelling down onto a stack of containers while the crew member tells his colleagues "Don’t come out."

    He then tells the other crew members to go to the ship’s bridge while the IRGC commandos set up to take the ship, with one troop kneeling on top of the containers to provide potential cover fire if those on the ship tried to resist as more troops descend to the deck.

    The Associated Press suggested the helicopter could be a Soviet-era Mil Mi-17 helicopter, which both the IRGC and Iran-backed Houthis have used to raid ships across the Red Sea, Sea of Oman and Persian Gulf.

    Geneva-based MSC reported that the ship had 25 crew members aboard, and the Iranian state-run IRNA said the IRGC was taking the vessel into Iranian territorial waters.

    Iranian officials usually provided some explanation for seizing a vessel, but so far have offered nothing regarding the MSC Aries other than to note its links to Israel, The Associated Press reported.

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    Blitz and TMT Tactical like this.
  22. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Breaking news and it's bad


    Iran has just attacked Israel

    "Report: Iran Launches Attack Against Israel with Long-range Drones"


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    AMNUN, northern Israel — Iran launched drones against Israel on Saturday that are en route, though they may take hours to arrive, according to Israeli media sources.

    In anticipation of the attack, Israel’s Home Front Command canceled school for the next two days, and ordered demonstrations in favor of the hostages still in Gaza — a Saturday night tradition in much of the country — to disperse. Other large gatherings were also banned.

    A military briefing scheduled with Breitbart News for Sunday morning was also abruptly canceled due to the ongoing attack.

    It is not clear whether Israel’s aerial defense system will be able to manage the drone attack, and whether Israel will — as promised — attack Iranian territory in response.

    Fighter jets were heard overhead in the northern Galilee on Saturday evening.

    The drone attack could mark a dramatic escalation in a conflict that has been fueled for three-and-a-half decades by Iranian radicalism against the West.

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    And yes, America is now wrapt up in it all. Great o_O:mad: ! How bloody stupid!

    "Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel has begun"


    "What we know

    " Iran has launched more than 100 drones toward Israel, military officials said, beginning its retaliatory attack weeks after a suspected Israeli strike on the Iranian consular building in Syria killed two of Tehran’s top commanders.

    " The Biden administration expects Iran will also launch dozens of cruise missiles and ballistic missiles targeting Israeli government sites, not civilians or religious sites, a U.S. official said.

    " It will be hours before the drones arrive and Israel will aim to intercept them, Israeli military officials said.

    " The U.S. and Israel have coordinated on a defense plan, including the USS Carney and other destroyers and assets, officials said."

    Blitz and TMT Tactical like this.
  23. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Yeah...that is what my sister just texted me about Iran attacking Israel.....

    Looks like the middle east is going to steal the show from Europe, NATO, and the Ukraine....

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Looks like Iran is beginning with drones. I believe they are doing this to draw-down Israel's iron dome. Somebody else on this site said the same ... I forget who.

    Anyway, Iran's next attack would likely be with them using their cruise missiles.

    Israel WILL hit back. The US is aiding Israel in their defense. We'll see how far the US gets sucked-into this mess. Were I putting money on this conflict, I'd go 60 / 40 on it going large theater war.
    Blitz and TMT Tactical like this.
  25. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Iran attacked Israel with 330 drones and missiles the majority of which were shot down by Israeli defences, others were taken out by RAF aircraft, the question now is what will Israel's response be? the answer could come as early as tonight.
    Blitz and TMT Tactical like this.
  26. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    --- This is just breaking , about 3 hours ago . I don't know if this is for real . I can say though it certainly looks real . If this is actually happening , all I will say is I hope you guys are ready because this will not stay in the countries of Israel and Iran .
    Blitz and TMT Tactical like this.
  27. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I've pulled up "dogfight" (bombers and fighters) videos that looked super-real, but they turned out to be excellent IA mock-ups.

    The vid in your post looks mighty real; however ... I just don't know. I noticed that the path of the cruise missile was using ground-hugging technology, thus the non-linear path. Western nations also put this technology into their fighter aircraft and this is in mighty use in the B1 bombers.

    I have contacts in the defense industry -- or at least I used to have friends in key places, but now I'm retired and I just don't make the contacts I once perpetually had. Once, I worked for an international that did a LOT of military work; however, I was rarely in anything totally military (a bit, not much ... as far as I know). I was mostly in the industrial automation stuff. When the German industrial control / SCADA system screwed / massively sabotaged the Iranian uranium centrifuges (with a variation of Stuxnet worm thingy), I made one phone call and learned all the details. I'd worked with that German ind. control equipment -- tested it / quality control testing sh##. I can't get into the details on this public site, suffice it to say that my friend's stories of the surrounding internal events gave me a belly laugh, almost brought me to tears of joy. Funny stuff, but I can't talk about it. How they killed the centrifuges is absolutely laugh-out-loud brilliant! :):):):):):)

    Nighttime attack videos can be faked. I've pretty-much just written them off -- especially those from a distance. Seen a grandson playing an up-to-date IA war video and it looked very real ... almost frightenly so. The MSM uses this technology to back-up their lies.

    These look real. Sometimes the voices are computer-generated translations. The visual is real (somebody's cell phone vid), but the voice doesn't sound like a human voice. Seen/heard this stuff.

    Oh by the way, don't fear IA so much. I've worked with a stack of people who have the ability to f### that IA stuff sideways. If currencies go digital, then I'll know billionaires ... via their hacking abilities. I'm smart (graduated uni. summa cum laude in my undergrad majors), but I've worked with people who are freaky smart / down-right scary smart (far beyond anything I could ever muster). One of my sons' IQ is in the 145-ish area, but I've befriended folk with IQs off any scale -- like 160+. These people are different to the max and beyond. It's been hard for me and my former work mates to keep up with them. You haven't and you never will see these sorts of characters in the movies nor TV. Writers can't write this. Having conversations with these folk is like playing chess with grand-masters. Suffice it to say, when around them, I shut up and do a lot of listening. I've known nice geniuses. How do I know that they were nice? Because they put up with my lower-than-their IQ. I deeply appreciate their tolerance of what I could bring to the table. This reminds me to check my email. Gotta do that ... maybe tomorrow, getting tired right now.

    Maybe I believe this photo, but what follows, I can't be sure.



    Oh by the by, I've run into stacks of videos showing the recent Hezbollah attacks on Israel. Can't say the same about Israel's retaliatory strikes. Would that I could.

    Just now, I tried again and didn't get anything of quality. Israel won't release this stuff and by definition, the pro-Iranian crews were caught off-guard.

    Y'know what, my interest is only in the realm of gas prices and the threat of a Middle East war setting off the domino stack leading to yet another World War. I'm viewing this as an old fart who has children and grandchildren. I worry for them. I prep for them. This insane crap is 1939 all over again. Humans are insufficiently evolved. This is what you get when adolescents have weapons of mass destruction. Holy crap, why did the Creator put my soul on this planet at this time?!

    Blitz, watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  28. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Don't panic Captain Mannering!"

    I wish they'd either get on with it, or leave it be. All this pissing in the wind gets up my goat.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

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  30. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Geez, that's as scary as. What are those things that snake their way around before hitting the targets? Never seen anything like them.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Yeah, I'm pretty much the same. No, no, no. Not the IQ bit, the bit talking about fuel prices, domino stack. I worry for my son. Thank goodness he hasn't got kids.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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