Water as an energy booster

Discussion in 'Finding, Purifying, and Storing Water' started by Iohndee, Jun 22, 2016.

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  1. Iohndee

    Iohndee New Member

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    While we go about our daily chores, there are times we feel our energy levels going down. People have different ways of revitalizing themselves.

    Some will take a cold shower, others will take a nap, while others will result to some energy drink or various other energy boosters.

    As for my part, I believe that when my energy level starts going down, my body needs water. I have found a glass or two of cold water quite refreshing.

    Do you think water is the best natural energy booster?
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
  2. tb65

    tb65 Active Member

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    I think water does boost your energy. Being dehydrated can cause fatigue so believing that water can give you energy does make sense. I always drink water before anything when I'm thirsty. Water is a lot more healthier than those energy drinks any way.
  3. Toast

    Toast New Member

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    Well, I think that's half the point of water! If you want to stay healthy and alert all day, for normal hours, water is probably your best bet. If you go with caffeine or anything similar, it's more likely to make you tired after a short while than anything else. Staying hydrated and well fed is just the best way to get natural energy.
  4. Karen Martin

    Karen Martin New Member

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    A good question, but yes I think and know that water is an energy booster, because when you drink any other drinks besides a gatorade; it drowns your body with all of the sugar and takes your energy away! Versus drinking water or any other energy drink boost your energy without having all of the carbon minerals in it and sugar that can cause use to be lazy and without energy! That's why you see the athletes all they drink are water and power aid drinks!
  5. SirJoe

    SirJoe Expert Member

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    One of the side effects of dehydration is fatigue. I don't think that water is working as a energy boost but rather helping your body regulate itself better. Most people don't drink enough liquids during the day.
  6. joshposh

    joshposh Master Survivalist

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    It is not a energy booster. Water is vital for life. Without it you die. Internal organs cease to function properly and you could potentially die. Again, it doesn't boost energy. It doesn't have special electrolytes or proteins.
  7. pwarbi

    pwarbi New Member

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    I'm sure it's common knowledge that we all need water for our bodies to function properly, and without it we simply would just die, but as for it being an energy booster I'm not sure that I'd go that far. Having a glass of cold water when we're thirsty can be refreshing but it doesn't actually have any properties in there that will heighten any of our bodies senses or anything along those lines as far as I know.

    I guess if you become that dehydrated that you can barely function, having the necessary amount of water to help your body function properly again could be considered an energy boost, but all you've done is replenish the water that you need to help your body function as it should, so it's not exactly a boost as such.
  8. gracer

    gracer New Member

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    I think water does contribute a great deal in energizing me throughout the day. I notice this with myself whenever I feel weak and I lack energy. Once I am able to drink an ample amount of water, that's when I feel more alive. This most especially happens during warmer months when it can get really really warm. The lack of body fluid does makes a person feel weak and hydrating the body back with water helps in boosting energy, at least for me. :)
  9. pwarbi

    pwarbi New Member

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    I do take your point, but isn't that just your body getting it's level of water back to where it should be? It makes you feel better in yourself but doesn't give you a boost exactly like caffeine would do. I'm no doctor or nutritionist or anything of course, but hen you look at how much the sports science industry spends on finding the best formula for drinks to be consumed by the top athletes, if water provided the necessary boost instead then surely they wouldn't bother?
  10. Vinaya

    Vinaya Expert Member

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    You can g without food for a week, however, you cannot live for more than 3 days without water. If you are in a survival situation,the most important thing you should consider is have enough water. If you don't have water, your first step in a survival situation is to find water. Your need water to hydrate your body. When the body is hydrated, you will have energy to go live for few days even if you don not find food. Even in normal situation,you should drink more water.water releases toxins from, your body.
  11. pwarbi

    pwarbi New Member

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    I'm not disputing the fact that your body needs water, all I was saying is that as far as I'm aware, it doesn't contain any nutrients that will actually boost your energy levels. It hydrates you and makes you feel better that way, but as for adding nutrients into your body such as guava or caffeine does. Like I said, what's the point in all the isotonic drinks that are being developed to increase and boost your energy, if drinking a couple of pints of water can do the same?
  12. ZoeZoundBarrier

    ZoeZoundBarrier Member

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    I do think that water is one of our most precious natural energy sources. There are also ways that you can increase the productivity of your water just by adding a few items. Both are household, the first being baking soda, which is said to cut the fluoride present in tap water. Then adding some fresh lemon juice will also add to the alkaline properties of the water which is ideal for the immune system and cell regeneration.
  13. gracer

    gracer New Member

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    I guess it also does that in a sense since I mostly feel weak whenever I'm exposed to extreme heat. My body tells me that I have lost a significant amount of body fluid and when I start drinking an ample amount of water, that's when I finally feel better. I remember this one day when we were very busy going around town for a whole day and most of the fluid I was able to drink at that time were sodas and juices. I felt quenched and better for a given period but it wasn't enough. I knew that my body was asking for pure water so when I finally got home and was able to drink almost a whole liter in one gulp, that's when I felt more energized again. :)
    pwarbi likes this.
  14. Scarlet

    Scarlet Member

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    Yes, because our body needs water. Our body is composed of 60 percent water so water is vital for life. Water also flushes the toxins in our body through our kidney. Drink water when you are thirsty. Being thirsty is a sign that you are dehydrated.
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