Whаt is thе bеst wаy tо соnsistеntly prосurе frеsh wаtеr оn аn islаnd using tесhnоlоgy?

Discussion in 'General Q&A' started by Goodman, Jul 1, 2016.

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  1. Goodman

    Goodman New Member

    Blog Posts:
    If I wаntеd tо livе оn аn islаnd (rеаl оr mаnmаdе) аnd thеrе wеrе nо sоurсеs оf frеsh wаtеr, hоw соuld I prоvidе еnоugh fоr а fаmily?
    I usеd thе wоrd "соnsistеntly" tо fосus оn nоn-оbviоus sоlutiоns аnd tо mоvе аwаy frоm things likе rаinfаll аnd sоlаr stills. аssumе еrrаtiс rаinfаll аnd mаinly оvеrсаst skiеs.
  2. Corzhens

    Corzhens Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    One way to get clean water for drinking in a waterless island is through the morning dew. Wake up early before sunrise and you will see the wet leaves fo plants and even the grass blades. You can collect that water by using a clean cloth and put it in a container. But if there is no morning dew, your last recourse would be the sea water which is saline. Make a way to boil the sea water to get the condensation which is free of salt. Imagine a pot that is boiling, when you take off the lid, you will notice water clinging on the lid. That's clean water because it is a condensation. For that improvised desalination system, take off the lid and collect the clinging water, put back the lid on the boiling pot and after 2 minutes, take it off again.... and again until you get enough water for drinking.
  3. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    If you are on an island surrounded by sea water I fail to see why a solar still would not be seen as a consistent supply of drinking water, unless there was no sun. Water can be stored against overcast days, in the same way as we store rainwater against dry days.
    Depending on the terrain, you may also have spring water.

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