What Is Your Favorite, Not Most Important Or Necessary, Prepped Item?

Discussion in 'Ladies Section' started by MountainCutie, Jun 6, 2017.

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  1. MountainCutie

    MountainCutie New Member

    Blog Posts:
    What is your favorite item that you Prepped? Not the most necessary or important, but the item you love the most that has nothing to do with anyone else. Mine is either my BOB, which I use for backpacking, or the Chocolate I Prepped.
    Tina Thompson likes this.
  2. Anniee

    Anniee New Member

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    Cookies. Distilling water to go to farm with it. I had an interesting childhood where we look up to the farming season because of the fun we have running and playing around the farm while the men work.
  3. Clara1993

    Clara1993 Active Member

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    hallo there as a survivor my favorite but for me most important and a must have prepped items is a wide list that I always check and over and over whenever I leave home oils for engines this one is very important especially when I go camping or have to drive down town, another must have item is a map: my work is about travelling to new places and regions so I always keep maps of my next mission. this helps me to not get lost and may be in dangerous places.
  4. Scarlet

    Scarlet Member

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    Comb and lip balm because although not important but it is what I usually have inside my bag or small pouch whenever I go out. I usually have dried lips so I moisturize my lips often and my hair needs a comb because running fingers on it is not enough.
    AuroraBird and Neiltarquin like this.
  5. Neiltarquin

    Neiltarquin Member

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    Before it was a pack of cigarette, lighter and tictacs. Now, i guess it would be my vaping gear. And i thing i need to bring a couple of spare batts and a power bank and 5 100 ml juice.
  6. Tina Thompson

    Tina Thompson New Member

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    Mine would be my Bible ( and I don't want to get into a religious debate with anyone please). It's my comforter, and reminds me that God has me covered and to not lose faith, that no matter what it's all okay.
  7. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Alpaca socks, hygenic and comfortable.
  8. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    My knife. It does so much and just makes me happy to have with me.
  9. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    I'm not happy about having to prepare for natural disasters or preparing for people being stupid. Nothing about this is happy-fun.

    I deeply loathe stupid people -- especially those who are proud of their ignorance. If humans were a better species, we would all just work together after some natural disaster. We would unify and rebuild. But noooooooo!, people panic; people loot. People fight over how things are to be rebuilt. People will fight over anything. Disgusting. I would that I could bug-out to a different planet; go be with a superior species. Maybe I could wash and wax their space ships, be a chauffeur, work for room and board. It would be better than having to deal with my own filthy stupid species.

    I used to say that most humans are horse crap, but that isn't true. At least I can fertilize my garden with horse crap. Humans stink to high heaven when alive and when dead -- worthless.
  10. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    The fact that the stupid people will get thinned out should put a smile on your face at least Old Geezer. For me all the stuff related to survival has made a rather nice lifelong hobby. I've met a lot of really nice people along this way and pretty much had a good time.

    You need to up grade the people that you hang around with though. The smile on my Grand daughters face when you stop and get her an ice-cream makes me hope for a better future. I spent yesterday in my boat with a very good friend on a beautiful river. I admit that if you watch to much TV it seems that there is nothing out there but bad people but the fact is that good, kind, hardworking decent people are mostly boring and don't get on TV.

    We do seem to live at a time when the number of useless and ill-mannered people has reached epidemic proportions. I think though that what we are seeing is just a cultural shift rather than a real change in people. Let's face it when we were kids the world was a vastly different place. Kids were to be seen and not heard and in my case this concept was reinforced into my memory with a belt strap. Please and thank you were the "magic words" out parents demanded from us and in the case of all children where I was raised "yes sir, no sir, yes mam and no mam were required. People back then placed a lot of value on politeness, manners, honor and truthfulness. Now none of that matters. This is a cultural change and like all such will swing back in the event of hard times.

    When times are easy and you have few needs or little need for assistance silly things like honesty, honor and manners are one of the first things to do. We also are killing herself with kindness. Charity begins at home.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2017
  11. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

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    Backpacks and Flashlights. I am obsessed with both of them. I probably have enough to supply the Chinese army.

    We have a vendor that comes to our work site regularly. They sell a myriad of things all at very reasonable prices. One of my co-workers asked, "So, did you buy a flashlight?" My reply: " No. I didn't buy a flashlight. I bought three flashlights."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    my knife, I have several.
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  13. Duncan

    Duncan Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The one thing that would keep me sane if I had to bug out for an extended period of time would be my 1971 Martin D-28. It is always cleaned, packed, with extra parts as needed, and is easy to 'grab and go' when and if TSHTF!
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2019
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  14. Sourdough

    Sourdough "eleutheromaniac"

    Blog Posts:
    One thing stands far out in front of all others.........my wilderness homestead in Alaska.
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