Who Needs a Survival Kit

Discussion in 'Survival Kits' started by Aneye4theshot, Jan 25, 2016.

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  1. Aneye4theshot

    Aneye4theshot Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    When it comes to the silly question of who needs a survival kit, this is a silly question that has an easy answer. Everyone everywhere needs a survival kit. By having a survival kit in your home, office, and vehicle you better prepare yourself for emergency situations. A basic survival kit will have food, water, and medicine. Also, things to help emergency situations such as a shovel, a bag of cat litter, backup batteries and candles, and other items can be added to a basic survival kit depending on whether it is for your home office or vehicle. Adding a snake bite kit to your emergency supplies is a great idea as it adds an added extra layer of protection and peace of mind for you.
    You never know when a snake bite will occur, and you might just be the only one who planned ahead and had the survival kit needed to help make a bad situation better. It doesn't matter how old you are or how young you are, knowing where the survival kit is in your home, office, and vehicle is, is as important as knowing to lock your doors. Already assembled survival kits are available for purchase online and at many of your hunting supplies stores. Or you can put together your own survival kit that is custom tailored around your needs. Either way having a survival kit on hand is a great idea no matter who you are.
  2. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    Who Needs a Survival Kit

    Only those that wish to and deserve to survive need them!
  3. NomadWill

    NomadWill Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    Everyone honestly, I Have 2 and a Half.

    I have one in my truck that stays there all the time, It contains basics for if I'm ever in an accident, or stuck on the road in the middle of nowhere.

    I have my B.O.B which is always on my person whether I'm at home, traveling, at work or anywhere.

    and I'm making one to keep in my house, similar to my B.O.B its more like a Bug IN, Bag.
  4. amelia88

    amelia88 Well-Known Member

    Blog Posts:
    I agree with everyone needing them. To be honest, I was a bit naive with them until we moved to a very earthquake prone area as a result of my husband's work. The more I researched about preparedness, the more I wanted to make sure that I was ready in the case of any crisis situation - the fact of the matter is, you just don't know what could happen. It's nice to feel at least somewhat reassured that I have understanding of what it takes to survive and that I have supplies on hand - especially since I have young kids and need to ensure that they are safe and protected.

    It's one of those things that maybe you don't realize how much you need a survival kit until you're in a situation when you would need one - and then it can be too late!
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