Why Some People Still Think Climate Change Isn’t Real

Discussion in 'Climate Change' started by Keith H., Oct 9, 2019.

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  1. Dalewick

    Dalewick Legendary Survivalist

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    Follow the 30th parallel to the other side of the planet. Top 10 Hottest Countries In The World 2021 (Right Now) – Information (naijaquest.com) If the axis is changing and these are getting closer to the equator and North America is getting closer to the pole, what would happen to the worlds weather?
    If say, the middle east, Afghanistan, India were to drop to the 15th parallel and the southern USA shifted to say the 45th parallel. How would that affect the global climate. How would Mexico be affected. Just asking. How would places like Greenland and Antarctica be affected? What places wouldn't change as they wouldn't have shifted as much or at all?

    One of the reasons I think this is possible: Inuit elders issue warning to NASA and the world—the Earth has shifted | Ancient Code (ancient-code.com)
    I trust these elders much more than government scientist.

    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
    1. Dalewick
      What affect does the Northern Hemisphere have on the planet as it "rebounds" from the receding glaciers? Geologically, the planet is going through major changes after the last ice age.
      Dalewick, Feb 17, 2021
      TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  2. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Fortunately there is no evidence that the axis of our planet is changing. Understand if it changes the angle to a greater angle the poles are going to expand. The arctic and antarctic circles are the points where there are days when the sun never rises above the horizon. If the angle increases that point is going to grow proportionally and if it shifted more than a handful of degrees it would bring on an ice-age that might lead to a world completely encased in ice. The problem is that as the poles increase they will cause the Earth to receive less light as the snow and ice reflects it away.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  3. Dalewick

    Dalewick Legendary Survivalist

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    I have to disagree with you on that. The current shift is known and at a constant. NASA study uncovers three factors responsible for Earth's irregular spin (newatlas.com)
    I would be interested in why you believe a shift would increase the size of the worlds polar ice. I don't think I had heard that theory before but would love to hear the science behind it. Thanks.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I have kept and maintained Kerosene heaters for just such reasons. Several of them. Mind you I do not have little children here ....and I don't necessarily like the kerosene smell...and know to keep a window cracked when running them.
    But they are enough to take off the freezing cold edge.

    These heaters are not dependent on electricity and will keep a room area warm if you section it off and not have to heat a while house. I also have spare wicks stored for them....and know how to decarbonize these wicks.

    I knew enough years ago to take a second look at them and realized that they were not dependent on the electric grid to keep them going like is the case with my natural gas heater....electricity goes out so too does my natural gas solenoid.

    But if need be with the power going out I can open the breakers to the street and plug in my generator and get power to my natural gas solenoid. Or go the Kerosene heater route.

    One of the best things I've done over the years is put in those double pane energy efficient windows. I should have done that years before I did..but you know procrastination. It makes a significant difference in heating ones home.

    Nonetheless I have a type of back up heat system should the power and heater go down.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2021
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  5. wally

    wally Master Survivalist

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    i don't remember if i have said this before but i'll say it again. there is always climate change going on thats not the real argument the real argument is what is causing it.

    1. is it a nature cycle to include everything dalewick and pragmatic suggested?
    2. is it because the sun got 1 degree hotter awhile back?
    3. is it man made?
    4. is it God made according to scripture?
    5. is it a little of all of the above?

    i am picking #5 if its anything but #3 there is nothing we can do and if it is #3 there is nothing we can do since not every nation will do their part(hint:india, china and others).

    since no one has been around for the last 6,000-13,000 years(yes i am a young earth guy)i don't see how we can accurately say whats going on right now even with the different possibilities... JMHO
  6. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good morning Wally,

    Does it even matter what the cause of climate change is ?

    What I see is most important is the restructuring - and in tandem with the revenue streams - of the US economy.

    There is much more to the public funding of electric cars than private citizen transportation.

    I do not believe Virginia can stop fossel fuel use in 30 years as announced by our Governor.


    There are schools of thought - I'm in this - that coal / petrol use by India and China represents goodness. If these societies can't get cheap fuel, there will be war. So far, we're not mobilized.
    wally likes this.
  7. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    People just can't seem to grasp the difference between climate and weather. Weather is what happens tomorrow, next week or maybe even next year. Climate is what an average is over a period of time measured in CENTURIES.

    If you just look at right now and where you are, based on what is going on in Texas we are in the midst of a freaking ICE AGE!!! Our summers have been very mild and the winters are getting colder to a LOT colder. I'm sorry but that is called WEATHER not climate change. If our winters stay cold and snowy for a hundred years then that might mean a climate change...or it might just mean that we had a century of cold weather.

    A lot of people that get paid to study climate change love to predict bad things...it get them more money. Right now the buzz word is global warming but I well remember just a few decades ago when we were headed into a certain ice age. THAT was the big money getter then.

    In a few more years if we have a few more cold winters the ice age will be back as the big threat. The ONLY way we will know what the weather will be like next year is ti wait and experiance it when it gets here. A few years ago we had a bad hurricane season. the people in the "know" predicted that this was how it was going to be from now on and they added a bunch of new names to the list...We didn't have a hurricane land on the American coast for nearly ten years.

    Understand, there is no money in good news but there are fortunes to be made in predicting disaster and then asking for money to study it and figure out how to minimise the disaster. It nearly never happens but we elect a new batch of dumb butts every 2 and 4 years that will go for it all over again.
    wally and watcherchris like this.
  8. wally

    wally Master Survivalist

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    well yes and no...no it doesn't really matter its gonna happen anyways. yes because there are people(those in power) that will blame mankind alone and destroy everything along the way to stop it....
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

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    It would appear this is the correct place to post this.

    1. Dalewick
      Thanks! I've been screaming this for years.

      Dalewick, Feb 24, 2021
      Morgan101 likes this.
  10. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

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    Me too, but it seems to be falling on deaf ears. Climate ALWAYS changes. We have nothing to do with it. Mother Nature is going to do whatever she wants to do.

    Somebody tell me what the Neanderthals did to cause an Ice Age. Maybe then it will give the argument some credence. Must have been all that Wooly Mammoth flatulence.
  11. Dalewick

    Dalewick Legendary Survivalist

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    Sadly, the science behind all of this has been known for almost 200 years,
    "Only a few years later, the Danish-Norwegian geologist Jens Esmark (1762–1839) argued for a sequence of worldwide ice ages. In a paper published in 1824, Esmark proposed changes in climate as the cause of those glaciations. He attempted to show that they originated from changes in Earth's orbit.[18] During the following years, Esmark's ideas were discussed and taken over in parts by Swedish, Scottish and German scientists. At the University of Edinburgh Robert Jameson (1774–1854) seemed to be relatively open to Esmark's ideas, as reviewed by Norwegian professor of glaciology Bjørn G. Andersen (1992).[19] Jameson's remarks about ancient glaciers in Scotland were most probably prompted by Esmark.[20] In Germany, Albrecht Reinhard Bernhardi (1797–1849), a geologist and professor of forestry at an academy in Dreissigacker, since incorporated in the southern Thuringian city of Meiningen, adopted Esmark's theory. In a paper published in 1832, Bernhardi speculated about former polar ice caps reaching as far as the temperate zones of the globe.[21].....Wikipedia (Ice Age)

    But, that doesn't prop up the current politicization of climate change which is being used to further an agenda of power and control. They want the power to take our money for there uses and the control over people to keep it. Any time someone says that they want to do something for the "common good" but they won't do it themselves, they are evil. What other single word describes such people?

  12. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Agree with Dalewick....being used to prop up an agenda for power and control.

    And students of history know that the quest for power and control is not a new thing. It has been done under various guises/systems since the beginning of men....

    Or as some men have been quoted....."Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.."

    "The Common Good" is often a watchword for more "Herding."

    Not an Ishmaelite
  13. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    "Climate change" of any kind is fodder for the born-again Secular Humanist cult.

    wally, TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  14. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Climate Change is happening now, in a few years cold winters in the UK will be for the history books. I was reading a piece only this morning about the Gulf stream being the weakest it has been for 1,000 years and is close to tipping point, the results would be catastrophic for Europe and the US would see major rising sea levels.
    I'm not talking about taxation of climate change, yes thats a con, just for the politicians but real climate change is here now.
    and I'm not talking cattle farts either but large industrial complexes have more to do with climate change, that and chopping down the rain forests and fossil fuel extraction, that and overpopulation.
    mankind has a lot to answer for since the Industrial Revolution but heavily industrial nations will never acknowledge this.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    We need to be passing laws against active volcanos....as one active volcano can spew out more pollution than all the worlds industries combined.

    On top of that .....and often unspoken about...those nations with developing industries with very cheap labor.....are spewing out pollutants unchecked.....but little to nothing is said about it because the profits are so great...

    Most people in the west are not thinking about this nor is it spoken about by our leadership.

    This knowledge makes much of this climate change nothing but a big Ishmaelite Herding scheme.

    The long term objective will be democide....killing off ones own population...by their own government...to solve climate change.

    This was already tried by the French Government back after the Revolution and by the Encyclopedias...the intelligentsia..

    This is sometimes called in certain history books about the French Revolution as "The first Scientific Revolution."

    Again....you gotta be educated to become this stupid...

    You are not supposed to know this information nor be able to think this far on your own...

    Now.....back to the Kardashians!!!!!!; ESPN!!!! And other Ishmaelite Distractions..

    Not an Ishmaelite
  16. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    we are the first generation to know that our lifestyle is ADDING to climate change and we are the last generation to be able to do anything about it.
    it has long been said that if every country had the lifestyle and wants of the industrialized countries then we would need two and a half Planet Earths, at some point the over consumerism has to stop. I blame globalization myself.
    Ystranc and TMT Tactical like this.
  17. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Agree with TexDanm here....

    There are certain records of very very cold winters out in cattle country out west in the United States...colder than normal.....and many cattlemen took significant losses in cattle..this back in the 1800s.

    Very now and then the chill from up in Canada comes down on the Jet Streams and does a real number on the United States....,in very very cold weather. This used to be called an "Alberta Clipper."

    I can remember some years back in the 1970s when it snowed about a half inch in Miami, Florida...those people were losing it...though it did not stay on the ground long...

    I laughed myself silly on that one.

    I still plan to obtain for myself one of those heavy surplus military Greenland, Alaska winter parkas....

    They are warm even if they are heavy and bulky..I had one when I was stationed in Iceland.

    They are good to have on tap.....should the cold become extreme.

    I also am looking for a down feather tick. My parents had several of them for us kids ...a pillow as big as the double bed and when you got under it you were warm like being under Momma Hens wings. You hated to stick out your feet/legs or you would get cold fast.

    Have insulated coveralls for working outside....as well. Makes a big difference. The right gear makes a big difference.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2021
  18. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    There is so much hatred in the U.S. at this point in time , I could indeed phantom those behind the razor wire compound scheming the death of those that oppose their " One Global Regime " dream . They are already emptying prisons of some very bad folks and making room for those that cling to the idea of individual freedom .
  19. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    by lonewolf.....

    We have these weather records going back 1000 years??? Wow!!! And especially about the Gulf Stream......now that is something....must be records kept by the Vikings or such early Atlantic Crossings.

    The Vikings kept those records....right!!!?? They kept lots of those records..Their writings/language are that sophisticated??? They left lots of such records for us!!??

    How about the Phoenicians????

    You know ...the guys who brought cocaine back from the new world and traded it to the Egyptians so that they could put it in jars in their Tombs.....for the wealthy!!!
    Those guys kept records of the Gulf Stream...and they must have coined the words for us..."Gulf Stream!!"
    That way we would not get lost in history.!!!

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    wally, TMT Tactical and Dalewick like this.
  20. Dalewick

    Dalewick Legendary Survivalist

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    Lonewolf, How do we know that? Science is wrong about 90% of the time. That's why it is constantly changing. When I was a kid it was known that Neanderthals went extinct because of modern humans. Now we know that we still carry around some of there DNA. We used to think the Mesopotamians were the oldest civilization. Now we find a city built during the last ice age (Gobekli Tepe) around 12,000 YBP and others in the Pacific. They recently announced that they "discovered" a new bone in the human body. Just when you thought everything was in Greys Anatomy. When I was a kid they said the Amazon basin was mostly uninhabited when Columbus got to the Americas. Now they say it was at least 60 to 80% populated.

    I guess what I'm getting at is, we don't know what we don't know. After working so many years for the government, I do know papers and reports are written for known results, ...if you like your job.

    Not that long ago there were Billions of megafauna (10 species of mammoths plus elephants) wandering the planet with far less tropical rain forest than current and far less sea grass than current. We have no idea how much CO2 those animals were adding to the atmosphere.

    I agree, that human population growth is a concern for many reasons. On a global scale, I don't believe we make a single bother to the planet and it's climate. If we all vanish today, the planet wouldn't know or care. We are an egocentric species and refuse to realize that not everything is about us.

    Just my opinion.
    Morgan101, wally and TMT Tactical like this.
  21. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good afternoon Lonewolf,

    I'd have to know specifics as to defining our generation.

    Those born at the end of the 19th century and a little after ... Think of President Harry Truman ... knew and discussed the atomic era and how it could affect the climate. I remember the expression "blot out the sun".
    wally and TMT Tactical like this.
  22. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I dont agree, to just ignore climate change as nothing to do with the actions of humans is a little niave to say the least.
    I'm not saying that humans are causing ALL of climate change, what I am saying is our actions are ADDING to it and making it worse.
    in the past numbers were so small that what we did had little or no effect on the planet, but as the numbers grew and from the mid 18th century when the industrial revolution started this then escalated both the human numbers and the pollution caused by industrial factories coupled with deforestation and the encroachment into natural environments and the extraction and burning of fossil fuels only increased the effect.
    climate change is happening and its happening right now, "most" countries accept that and want to do something about it, there is an old saying "if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem!"
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    My fault , your fault , nobody's fault - it really doesn't matter because nobody on this forum has the ability to change the weather . As preppers / survivalist what we can do is prepare on an individual level to survive whatever is coming our way . On a individual level if it makes someone feel good about themselves by thinking they are doing something good for the planet by eating less beans , then that will leave more for me .
  24. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    cant disagree with that.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  25. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good morning all,

    There is a small effort to "retool" some polluting factories such as by adding "scrubbers" to chimney smokestacks.

    A bigger problem is the factory fishing boats that can and do "fish out" areas.

    There is no real answer at the national level. It is a global matter and other issues are tied into energy matters.

    Plus, think about this: Isn't the large scale use of polluting fuels like coal frequently enough a sign of goodness ? The alternative is NOT tidal basin electric generation or windmills on top of the apartment buildings.

    The alternative is war.

    Before discounting all this as nonsense, note that the delayed Nordstream 2 pipeline was recently back in the news.

    Thus, besides scrubbers on the Mr Heater propane contraption for the tent, inspect the armored HAZMAT suit and INCH bag.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    If someone is truly alarmed and think the weather is getting hotter or colder , as a prepper perhaps they should get out their shovel and start digging an underground retreat . This is an very old technique used to combat severe weather conditions . I have seen such shelters refer to as dug outs . Waiting for someone else or some government to save you is something I never do .
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021
    TMT Tactical and Dalewick like this.
  27. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Fault and blame must be assigned....over and over and over ad nauseum.

    This is the only way that new power can be assigned by default to government/deep state sufficient to herd people against their individual liberties and freedoms.

    Herding is necessary and a must to control the Profane masses.....the unwashed ....
    Someone needs to control what we see...think,...believe ....spend our monies on....our children et al ...etc etc etc.

    For the liberties of the people are an anathema to the need for more power over the herd on individual as well as global agenda.

    This is not new and goes back to the Tower of Babel...one social/economic system after another after another..all variations of the same Feudal control system.

    The historical exception has been The United States of America....and thus it must be brought to heel....back under the world Feudal control...International Control...deep state control....Occult Control. Occult=the olde Feudal Control...

    People are controlled best when they are constantly kept afraid of everything and anything news and education and or leadership can throw at them...the rigged Occult system

    You must have a new enemy ....new fear.....new bad guy...

    And Climate Change is the ultimate Globaal........fear technique...not a mispelling.....Baal.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021
  28. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Make no mistake...the ultimate control technique over the long run will be genocide/democide...

    Death by your own government...death by Democracy....

    This is the only way to achieve their Deep State Control...goals...get rid of "Useless Eaters" as the olde deep state cliché goes.

    The plan is for population control....always has been since the 1940s and into the 1950s.....

    But the roots of this go back into the 1700s....

    Openly some have been speaking about it since the 1970s and 80s.

    Most have just been distracted and have not picked up on it.

    Remember the thousand points of light...that is a part of it..

    Their goal and solution has always been population control.....and I mean the phony fake United Nations.

    Some Deep State Internationalists in our own government are just waiting to substitute United Nations controls over our Constitution .....and that will open the door...

    Be Warned...the goal has always been population control...climate change is a cover for population control...

    The only way to achieve their climate change goals is to get rid of huge portions of the human population...do not be deceived about this...

    Also this has already been tried in the French Revolution ..by the famous Encyclopedias....The first Scientific Revolution...

    Again Be Warned.....Ishmaelites run wild...and trying to be gods..

    Not an Ishmaelite
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021
    TMT Tactical and Dalewick like this.
  29. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    No offense, however I'm thinking that low fertility rates are no threat to humans continuing to exist. Actually, I think that this phenomenon wouldn't even put a dent in the overcrowding issue. Thus the need for mega-tsunamis, electrical grid-killing solar flares, and other such fatal festivities.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Maybe Dr Swan limited her research that excluded some areas with large birth rates that governments stepped in to slow the population growth.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  32. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    If one is really worried, then we can shoot some sulfur into the atmosphere


    We have plenty of sulfur. Chimney scrubbers were invented and were put into use decades ago to keep sulfur OUT of the atmosphere. Ironic that some want to shoot it back up into the atmosphere. Fickle "scientists"!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. Dalewick

    Dalewick Legendary Survivalist

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    Sperm counts are negatively affected by nitrates, you know, that stuff that makes bacon and so many other things taste so good. Remember when militaries used to add saltpeter to food and drinks to cut down on problems with local populations?
    A couple things to think about.
    1. Nitrates are used as preservatives in most processed food (especially meats) What countries eat the most processed foods?
    2. Nitrates in inorganic fertilizers are absorbed and available for uptake at greater levels than natural fertilizers. Which countries eat more of there own produce that is commercially farmed?
    3. What countries import the most vegetables and fruits produced by commercial farming. What is the level of inorganic fertilizer use on commercial farms in the countries being imported from?

    What correlations can be made?

    In my area of the USA most of the produce commercially produced comes either from inside the USA or from Mexico. What about where you live?

    There are a number of other variables in this (nitrates in public water, pesticides, herbicides, agri runoff into fisheries, etc.) but they don't look very good for us.

    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  34. Dalewick

    Dalewick Legendary Survivalist

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  35. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    TMT Tactical and Dalewick like this.
    1. Dalewick
      Of course we are!
      I do wonder if such a study has been done.
      Dalewick, Feb 27, 2021
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  36. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

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    Brit OS maps are pretty much the best you can get, more info on magnetic shift here for those who don't know shift happens https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/newsroom/blog/magnetic-north-continues-its-march-to-the-east

    GPS sats are checked every 12 hours, its SOP.
    Dalewick likes this.
  37. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

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    The sulphur from the fires of the industrial revolution in Europe and the U.K. Is still causing a rise in the acidity levels of our streams and rivers with the result that some of our rivers were almost lifeless. They now line upland stream beds with limestone in an effort to neutralise the acidity downstream. Expensive but it's beginning to get results.
    1. Dalewick
      I remember acid rain here in the USA. In the 70's and 80's it was so bad that rain in the northeast US starting around Pennsylvania, could break you out in a rash (mild chem burns) and it was killing entire forest. That got a lot better with the scrubbers added to power plants.
      Dalewick, Feb 27, 2021
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  38. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Glad to see that limestone works.

    What is now being talked about is injecting sulfur into the upper atmosphere, not low level.

    As WatcherChris sez, one good KABOOM! volcano and all of our "protecting our atmosphere" activities will be toast. We would however see the sun's light blacked out -- which could have chilly consequences.

    Partial shade veggies:


    Full shade veggies:


    "Pak Choi: Pak Choi or Bok Choi is also known as Chinese cabbage, is a versatile plant that you can grow from the spring to the autumn. It loves cool weather, so you can take advantage of this and find it is one of the best-growing plants in the shade."

    Growing your own mushrooms:



    TMT Tactical likes this.
  39. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good evening Dale,

    I do remember the messhall stories regarding the saltpeter.

    Doctors have always told me not to eat processed meats.

    Here in Tidewater, Virginia, produce comes from all over, from Mexico to the Asian ones.

    I know China's birth rate was increasing until a restrictive law was enacted.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Dalewick
      Dalewick, Feb 27, 2021
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  40. Dalewick

    Dalewick Legendary Survivalist

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    Do you see any correlation between fertilizer use, birth rates and for western countries where they import there food from.

    Fertilizer consumption by country, 2020 - knoema.com
    Lowest Birth Rates In The World By Country - WorldAtlas

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  41. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good morning Dale,

    I knew the basics about fertilizer use from the spinoff environment of Rachael Carlson's book "Silent Spring". Here in Virginia had been told of honey having revealing traces of fertilizer chemicals ... not familiar with specifics explained to me.

    Had not focused on the agricultural aspects of birthrates. The countries I watch are in overall decline from low birthrates due the "problems"/ economic costs of having babies/children. South Korea is fading from the scene with much larger and richer Japan on this same list.

    The US birthrate is set to expand - via our ~ 40 million new immigrants. Even with high frutose corn syrup in everything also loaded with the Monsanto chemicals, healthy citizens not needed; just productive labor hours.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  42. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    I don't know about mankind's impact on the normal warming period in which we currently reside; however, I do know about one place in France that sure did get VERY warm due to human technology.

    "Warehouse With 900 Tonnes of Recycled Lithium Car Batteries Bursts Into Flames"


    Begin quote

    A massive fire broke out at a French industrial site used for recycling hybrid and electric car batteries on Saturday, sending thick clouds of smoke into the air.

    The town of Viviez in the department of Aveyron in Southern France was shrouded by black clouds of smoke after a fire broke out at a warehouse used to hold hybrid and electric car lithium batteries. Overall, the site held an estimated 900 tonnes of lithium batteries, however, officials claimed that the cause of the fire has still not been determined, Le Figaro reports.

    “The measurements carried out, on-site and around the site, with regard to the substances emitted in the smoke have made it possible to rule out any risk for the populations,” the Aveyron prefecture said in a statement.

    However, Météo France, France’s national meteorological service, has been tasked with modelling the spread of the smoke and determining any possible atmospheric effects of the pollution.

    Around sixty firefighters were needed to contain the blaze on Saturday, including a specialised team due to the technological risk posed by the large quantities of lithium batteries at the site. A

    End quote


    Last year there was a lithium battery fire at a storage facility in France. I'd not recommend anyone to work at one of these warehouses.

    Here's the video from a year ago:

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  43. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Why are we not going down the hydrogen fuel cell route, they are clean, last a long time and you 'charge' them up in the same time your fill your tank with petrol/gasoline?
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  44. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    You can blame the liberal folks. It is still to costly to manufacture "Green" hydrogen. They have fixated on EV and nothing else will satisfy them.
    Brownbear likes this.
  45. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    One cannot placate liberals. They are currently having an adolescent tantrum.

    "Climate change" (née "global warming") is a shibboleth of theirs. Leftist dogma is part and parcel of their anti-church church. When these perpetual teenagers spew, it reminds me of fundamentalist Christians speaking in tongues.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  46. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    the weather here has certainly changed and that is due to climate change, winters are wetter and warmer than they used to be where I live.
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  47. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Spot on LW its changing for sure, not sure how much is down to people or if its more a case of mother earth having a bad day...we certainly are not helping.

    I was talking to an Austrian radio ham who told me there has been no snow on the ground for over two weeks, unheard of to be snow free before mid March in his location.

    Growing season is underway here, yesterday I planted out in the polytunnel aubergines, chili's, sweet peppers and early crop determinate cherry tomatoes (Veranda Red) each plant covered with individual clotche's for the next few weeks. I started these seeds off early on heat pads and grow lights. Main crop tomatoes, courgettes and cucumber are planted and on heat pads/grow lights. If you'd told me five years ago that I'd be excited about growing food I'd have laughed.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  48. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    nothing will be planted out here for another month, have to make sure the frosts have finished first, and the ground is still too cold for anything to germinate or grow, at the moment any seeds planted out will get drowned, heavy rain last night and its continued all morning.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  49. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I got 2 heat mats off amazon Spain for about £30, they run at 20w each so 40w an hour

    and this kit with LED grow lights for £10 off Timu and would you believe it... its all worked well. I didn't use the tray inserts instead used small bio degradable tubes/bags so less root trauma when potting on (100 for £2 off Timu).

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  50. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    great for germination but the little plants will die if planted into cold ground, I wait until after the clocks go forward before planting out.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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