World War Three

Discussion in 'The Apocalypse' started by poltiregist, Jul 10, 2022.

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  1. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Brought my Geiger Counter home from work and put it with my home counter...already here..

    RADEX RD1706 Dual-Pro Professional dual-sensor Radiation Detector / Geiger Counter: Science Lab Radiation Protection Supplies: Industrial & Scientific

    Wow...have these items more than doubled in price since I bought the two I presently have. Has the demand gone up that high as reflected in price???? Or the components redirected to other uses...than private sales????

    Let me put it in another manner.....are we getting ready for a war?????

    You members figure that out for yourselves and for your own reasons.

    So too the 500 foot roll of 12 gage stranded wire I use for making wire style antennas. It too has more than doubled in price.. Glad I put back four rolls of this wire.

    Thinking mayhap I should get one more...and put it back as well.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  2. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Oh....your call members...

    But buckle up and prepare for Cell phone shutdowns nation wide as well as land line shut downs.....

    Be ready to go without your preps.

    Get a good AM/FM Portable battery operated radio.....even one with solar if you can.

    If you can afford it a radio receiver with AM/FM and short wave reception and if possible which will pick up both Upper and Lower Side Band traffic/reception learn what the Hams are doing....nation wide...

    This will also get you news and info from foreign stations when they broadcast in English.

    Most of us now have an idea how rigged is our American news shilling and pimping for the phony two party system.

    Nonetheless...I suggest those of you who can ....try to get some kind of coms outside of cell phones.....and land part of your preps.

    Your call...your choice...

    There is a lesson behind this recent cell phone black out.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  3. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I dont much worry about mobile phones post SHTF, nobody I'm going to be desperate enough to get in contact with. radios may be useful but the normal stations will be full of govt BS.
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  4. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    For those without a bunker , consider having on hand something ready to go for covering doors to stop the entrance of radiation dust . I probably have already posted this before , but don't believe it can be over stated . Doing nothing and pretending it won't happen , isn't a very effective strategy .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    This is where peering into the future and preparing before the event is even cresting over the horizon for most people , pays off , saving much money purchasing survival items . Radiation detectors is one such item . A prepper without a radiation detector will be operating blind , in the aftermath . As one mile could make a huge difference in the radiation level . Even if someone could somehow receive a government radiation broadcast , it couldn't be trusted , and a broad general area radiation level broadcast will be totally unreliable .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    nuclear war may be survivable -just- on a continent the size of the USA but not on an island the size of Britain, if the blast zone dosent get us the Nuclear Winter will. I do not prepare for something that is not survivable, that is a total waste of resources and finance.
    an all out nuclear war has no winners only losers and a dead planet will be the final result.
    Nuclear War is the only thing I do not prepare for, in fact I do not prepare for any specific event, I prepare for what comes after, namely TEOTWAWKI and societal collapse.
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  7. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Much of a contrast on a video that I pulled up today , supposedly filmed recently , of Russia's leader Puttin , Co-piloting a Nuclear Bomber aircraft and the United States leader that has problems walking up or down stairs or even making a coherent sentence . For any that want to see Puttin in the aircraft , it can be found on today's " Canadian Prepper " broadcast . --- Even if that nuclear capable bomber never left the runway , just think of the effort it would take to physically pick Biden up and place him in the cockpit and then have to pick his frail body up again to get him out . --- What is even more scary , we don't even know with certainty whom is running the U.S. White House . As someone that has experience being a caretaker of an elderly person , believe a very large portion of running the U.S. Government is being directed by " Hunter " . Hunter seldom leaves his dad's side . The same person the demented Biden said was " the smartest person he knew " .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    I was informed Shortley ago , of another families plan for World War Three . They plan to converge on a farm one of the tribe owns . That group will number very large . I am glad to see people in this area making plans for A Nuclear event .
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
  9. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Just thought I would add to the above post , the mentioned group I would expect to number around 100 , all kin . Amongst the group are several medical trained people including a nurse that works the Emergency room of a hospital and a medical trained person that has delivered many babies as a midwife . --- A different group that boarders my group , I expect would also number 100 but probably more than that , all kin . -- My group is only about 20 , all kin . --- Another group that I have never met likes to put on survival topic videos on You Tube and Patrion and I have seen their leader portrayed on televisio0n survival topic shows . --- This is only a sampling of what is going on around these parts . --- I will not proclaim even a single person will survive from any of these groups . But preparing and trying is 100% guaranteed .
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
  10. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    We have been taught that a radiation/contamination level of over 20'000 Micro Micro curies/per 100 cm squared... will go airborne....versus lesser amounts.

    100 cm squared is an area of about 4" by 4."

    You do not want to be breathing that stuff internally.

    In this kind of work there are special engineered ventilation systems used with special Hepa catch such airborne particles. I've seen them changing out these Hepa filter banks using special contamination procedures.

    Just some additional information for the members here.

    I have several ventilation masks/ respirators.... and boxes of gloves....just in case.

    One also needs to know how to put on and or remove gloves to prevent the spread of contamination....similar to medical procedures for removing gloves.

    Free cover charge..

    Not an Ishmaelite.
  11. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    I can't reveal where, but in a weapons factory here in the States, a sufficient amount of uranium dust was found in their ventilation system that should it have all been scooped all together in one pile, it could have begun going "hot". Yes, I did know a couple of people who worked there. Nobody's dosimeter readings ever did go to dangerous levels; but hey, I wouldn't want to do any work for that facility which would have required me to be on-site.

    Post nuke, you don't want to be downrange unless you have suits, filters, and a decent bunker. I've never worked around the radiation suits, but have been where suites were available to protect against biologicals and organophosphates (nerve agents, incl. sarin). Average folk would be a bit disturbed were they to find out about how many specialized response teams are sent out to sporting events and other locations where many people are gathered. The suits are stored for immediate access. Note also that these teams gather outside the venue. Local rescue workers go out to the field's sidelines to provide aid for sports injuries, spectator coronary events, ... all those everyday pathologies.

    Do you know what on-site response teams are trained to do when they see people foaming at the mouth and seizing?

    They are trained to get out of there as fast as they can, decontaminate, and the survivors don suites.

    Once in a suit, you may be able to atropine!, atropine!, atropine! someone out of a death spiral if they didn't catch a full dose of toxin. (2-PAM Cl, also ... if they look like they may make it)

    You can't help those who caught a nasty level of sarin, they are 100% going to die. Response teams have binoculars and use them. You don't want to be particularly near a targeted mass of people. You can't be of much service if you're dead.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  12. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    a group of 100 would have a problem with logistics, just getting an ongoing replenishable supply of food and water for such a large group would be very difficult, plus having somewhere to store it all, never mind all the other things they would need.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    They're called tribes. Among the Scots, clans.

    I was raised in that world. Come Sunday, you went visiting kin. That's how it was. My dad's mom was a seamstress and a canner. When visiting, you traded. Crops, smoked meat, home-made & home-repaired clothes, canned goods, root cellar items, ... . One family in trouble = entire clan issue.
  14. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    0 --- Here is a link , that I thought some of you may be interested in . The link is a New York City boy coming to visit one of my neighbors to see what preppers are like . Pastor Joe Fox and I have never met , but that will likely change soon as I have already initiated the first move for us to meet . --- The same culture and mindset exists in Old Geezer' s hangout . --- I suppose because of the environment that I somewhat take for granted and thrive in , sometimes makes me inpatient with people that are " like that New York City Boy " . --- However I will give the city boy a - A - for guts to venture into the prepper world . --- I know this doesn't fit the thread title that much , but I don't know of any title that would .
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2024
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  15. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    --- There is no logistics , no need for bringing in supplies . These Clans / tribes are self sufficient as they have been preparing for years for serious S.H.T.F. not the Mikey Mouse stuff . These folks will not only survive but likely enjoy it . Driving down the road to barter or buy , is just not something they need to do . -- I really just can't adequately explain so will refer to my above provided link . The link however doesn't go into logistics , but such tribes hidden away in the hills and hollows are like the small hill country communities of 200 years ago , only better armed and supplied than the communities of 200 years ago .
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Brings back so many memories. All my kin are dead now. Recon I have cousins all over S.Appalachia, but we didn't stay in touch. Even my friends have died. Only time I get with them is when they visit me in my dreams.
      Old Geezer, Feb 25, 2024
      watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  16. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Y'know, the word "prepper" I came across well into my life. At first didn't know what it meant.

    One could use that word for all of my ancestors & immediate kin during my upbringing. The behaviors described by this word "prepping" was just normal / what everybody did back then. Obviously, I see nothing strange nor out of the ordinary about "preppers". Look at it from my point of view, from the view of those masses of Southerners who are just like me and me like them. Preparing for hard times is what you did. My region has known levels of poverty that would give today's generations a collective nervous breakdown. Being poor, going through tragedies, having the mining companies treat you like sub-human work mules, ... will make you tough. It will also create a people ready to fight for each other. Humanz iz humanz.



    In 1970, the following filmmaker could have run into my pap and I out hunting. They'd have had to go up further in the mountains to find us, however.

    This vid doesn't run on its own. For the following video to run, just click on the "Watch on YouTube" button:

    1. Old Geezer
      50+ year ago, a half-century ago, I was already a man, like it or not, there it was. Things get foisted upon your shoulders, ready or not. Can't dodge reality. "Preppers", now here it is upon you, ready or not. I sure as sh## didn't create this world nor even my own self. Take what's coming, even as The Christ took upon His shoulders the cross. Unfair? Take it up with your Creator when you pass from this temporary dirty "reality". What's coming has been foretold in centuries past by souls divorced of this world. NO, I don't understand all this myself. ... beyond this, I'm without any words nor observations. I'm left with a bowed head. I'm not a man unfamiliar with sorrow.

      Last edited: Feb 26, 2024
      Old Geezer, Feb 26, 2024
  17. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I was born a few years after the end of WW2, there were no supermarkets over here until the early 1970s, shops shut promptly at 6pm and didnt open at all on Sundays, storing stuff was just common sense back then and if you didnt store stuff you were considered an idiot.
    I didnt hear the term "prepper" until about 15 years ago when I first went online, I had heard the term Survivalist especially as in "American Survivalist" which was mainly in relation to anti govt militia groups, but Prepper was a new one, I think that was adopted in the UK as survivalist was seen as too extreme.
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  18. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I was just thinking more about Britain when I made that remark.
    over here a group of 100 would not be practical even if they were all related and families just arent that large here.
    modern British people do not have the skills to live self sufficiently, they rely too heavily on the supply systems and would not survive without them, they would freeze to death in the winter without electricity and would starve to death anytime as they do not grow their own food and do not know how it is grown or reared, hunting is also heavily licensed outside of organised shoots or on your own land. city people here are anti hunting ("I couldnt eat bambi") and many are vegetarian or vegan. ready meals are commonly consumed and cooking from scratch is a dying art. shut down the power grid and empty the supermarkets and the die off will be huge.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  19. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    --- I know some people have a hard time accepting " apoplectic news " . For those I suggest " don't view this video " . For those that prepare for the worst , thus want to face and confront , then this is for them . There is so much fast hitting news on this link that I suggest being sure you have had your coffee and are alert for the information bombardment . It is what it is and this will escalate regardless as to whether someone has prepared or not , as missiles or bombs , just don't care .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    My thoughts on prepping for the very possible coming Nuclear War . Whether the following global winter will be as bad as some predict or not , from a logical view - have enough stored food to feed the people in your household enough to last " at least 7 or 8 months to survive the coldest portion of the year of the global winter . The warmer months may have to see gardens oriented toward cooler weather plants than would normally be grown that time of year . Be sure you have your seeds " now " . Before the now ongoing wars grows even larger and combines as the Japanese , German war did of World War Two . That gives the household one more year of life to experience . --- As I was told when I reached my assigned designation in Nam to replace a guy that was killed - If I could survive 5 weeks their statistics showed my chance of surviving after that would be much higher . I would think the same thing would apply to someone that could survive the first year of the global winter . From experience the hardy will learn and adapt .
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    A tidbit that I gathered today " the UK is now trying to build or acquire many more military trucks . Their goal is to have them ready for combat before the month of November . Now what happens in the United States in November ? Or perhaps the question should be " what is scheduled to happen in November ?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    More CIA dirty-work -- this time, their meddling could lead to a third world war. Hey thanks, deep state! But here's a suggestion: Nuke your own homes and families. Stick some dynamite up your own distal alimentary canal and light the fuse.

    "CIA Built "12 Secret Spy Bases" In Ukraine & Waged Shadow War For Last Decade, Bombshell NYT Report Confirms"

    Begin quote

    On Sunday The New York Times published an explosive and very belated full admission that US intelligence has not only been instrumental in Ukraine wartime decision-making, but has established and financed high tech command-and-control spy centers, and was doing so long prior to the Feb. 24 Russian invasion of two years ago.

    Among the biggest revelations is that the program was established a decade ago and spans three different American presidents. The Times says the CIA program to modernize Ukraine's intelligence services has "transformed" the former Soviet state and its capabilities into "Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin today."

    This has included the agency having secretly trained and equipped Ukrainian intelligence officers spanning back to just after the 2014 Maidan coup events, as well constructing a network of 12 secret bases along the Russian border—work which began eight years ago. These intelligence bases, from which Russian commanders' communications can be swept up and Russian spy satellites monitored, are being used launch and track cross-border drone and missile attacks on Russian territory.

    This means that with the disclosure of the longtime "closely guarded secret" the world just got a big step closer to WW3, given it means the CIA is largely responsible for the effectiveness of the recent spate of attacks which have included direct drone hits on key oil refineries and energy infrastructure.

    "Without them [the CIA and elite commandoes it's trained], there would have been no way for us to resist the Russians, or to beat them," according to Ivan Bakanov, former head of the SBU, which is Ukraine’s domestic intelligence agency.

    A main source of the NYT revelations—disclosures which might come as no surprise to those never willing to so easily swallow the mainstream 'official' narrative of events—is identified as a top intelligence commander named Gen. Serhii Dvoretskiy.

    Clearly, Kiev and Washington now want world to know of the deep intelligence relationship they tried to conceal for over the past decade. It is perhaps a kind of warning to Moscow at a moment Ukraine's forces are in retreat: the US is fighting hand in glove with the Ukrainians. And yet the revelations contained in the NY Times report also confirm what President Putin has precisely accused Washington of all along.

    End quote
    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. Old Geezer

      "Among the most interesting and curious moments of the NYT report is a description of the CIA program's expanse under the Trump administration. The report suggests that the true scope may have even been hidden from Trump. The Russia hawks in his administration quietly did the 'dirty work', we are told:

      " 'The election of Trump in November 2016 put the Ukrainians and their CIA partners on edge.

      " 'Trump praised Putin and dismissed Russia’s role in election interference. He was suspicious of Ukraine and later tried to pressure its president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, to investigate his Democratic rival, Biden, resulting in Trump’s first impeachment.' "
      Old Geezer, Feb 26, 2024
  23. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    we also have an election around that time too. half the world has elections this year.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  24. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    What " I reported " on this forum days ago - now is being publicly announced . French President " Macron " has announced " the west may be sending ground troops into Ukraine . When the Nukes begin to drop , is when some will realize the difference between denial , reality , prepared or not-prepared. I have already accepted most people will simply die and there is nothing I can do to shake them awake and get them to prepare . I just hope things will hold off until July so that I can pick up my new batch of survival chicks . --- I scrolled back and did not find where I posted about boots on the ground , being sent into Ukraine via N.A.T. O. troops . Likely I just failed to find it , but possibly I simply knew of this being swirled about by country leaders and decided not to post , to avoid the unbelievers .
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Scratch off another Russian fighter / bomber jet . The tally over the last 10 days is 10 aircraft . That averages one per day . Already 1/ 3 of Russia's navy has been destroyed . At some point expect Russia to find these losses too heavy to accept and un-leash the Nukes . Mercenaries sitting in the cockpits of Ukrainian F16 's perhaps .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Ukrainian pilots are now being trained in the West. Arrival time on the F-16 fighters should be next year, 2025. End of this year could be a bit early. Without training on the F-16, a Ukraine pilot might as well just stick a gun in his mouth. Western pilots will NOT be flying in combat for Ukraine. Mercenary pilots? I couldn't say. When American fighter pilots retire out of the military, they have jobs waiting on them in our military industrial complex. Military large aircraft pilots when retiring (20 years) go to work for the airlines.

    From what I've been reading, Macron, et. al., could send troops as rear-guard reinforcements -- this, to allow Ukraine soldiers (and foreign mercenaries; note that the French Foreign Legion has zero trouble scooping-up merc.s -- neither does anyone else) to head to the front.

    Ukraine is losing its key cities in its eastern front. In the West, governments are taking heat from their people about supporting the Ukraine. People are finding out what a corrupt piece of work Zelenskyy is.

    Westerners are looking at allowing a corrupt / monster Putin to win, or to support a failing corrupt Zelenskyy. Both Putin and Zelenskyy are running out of soldiers. Forced, Putin will start using his nasty weapons and/or begin wiping-out Ukraine civilian populations. So far, civilians haven't been primary / wipe-out targets. That could change.

    The West has but a small fraction of the battlefield/"theater" nukes the Kremlin has and nobody is going to go to strategic nukes. Nobody in Europe -- East or West -- is that suicidal.

    Want to watch a third world war begin, then watch as China continues to grow hyper-aggressive. China has hundreds of millions of people to sacrifice and the leadership doesn't care one bit about losing a hundred million here, a hundred million there. How many countries in Europe have hundreds of millions of people to lose and keep on fighting?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    About this Olde Geezer....

    The stories I have been hearing have to do with a significant rift between the CIA and whom they really represent and the Trump Administration trying to reel in the CIA and their Deep State Masters.

    My take on the CIA and the US State Department is that they are representing someone or something but not the American People ...someone in private...someone or some groups in private....and not representative of the American People..

    This becomes obvious and clear when you read books like

    National Suicide ...Military Aid to the Soviet Union


    Anthony Sutton.

    I am convinced that the CIA is the private military arm of the US State Department....and represents private interests and not the will of the American People.

    Also I think that there was a significant rift behind and Between Trump and the State Department/ trying to get the CIA to the Trump administration...,and not run they have been doing for years and years and years.

    These stories and tales are mostly covered up by our non representative leadership and if you dig deep can find them.

    I think also that the US State Department and it's military arm in the CIA...are desperate to keep Trump from Running deep is this busines....going on in secret....

    The US State department and the CIA are full of Ishmaelites....running a secret government.

    And I think that John Fitzgerald Kennedy ran afoul of this secret government and he is not the only one too did Richard Nixon.
    I also think that someone was very very very desperate to keep Bobby Kennedy from gaining the Presidency in 1968 by any means because he knew who killed his brother and why ..and would have used the office of President to go after them. No way he could be allowed to ascend to the office of Presidency....

    Is that not where we are currently in affairs in this country???

    Da Tovarich????

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    if WW3 is a nuclear war Planet Earth will be a dead burnt over rock in space where nothing lives. no plants, no animals, no humans.
    modern nuclear weapons are many times more powerful than those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
    if the blast dosent kill you then the radiation will, this will cause cancer, severe skin burning and rupturing of internal organs. lungs will burst so will eardrums and severe internal bleeding will occur.
    those nations with nuclear arms know this and this is why they have not used them in anger so far. to do so would mean the annihilation of the human race, not just countries but the entire human population, all 8 billion of us.
    most events are survivable but nuclear war is not one of them.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Macron is full of crap, he only said that for home consumption because his approval rate is so low.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  31. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Russia is mobilizing their Mobile Nukes ., repositioning them having brought them out of their protective layers . Russia says this Nuke positioning is for a parade they plan for May 8th . Guys it ain't even March yet .
    Brownbear likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      I've read something about this also. Have had to have been a vid or photo. I have the photo in my head. Thus, I know what you're talking about. Why bring-out the toys now. If Putin won't use theater nukes, senior Kremlin generals sure do want to do so. F-16s, they'll burn the runways.
      Though my language skills are mediocre, I almost have a photographic memory. I'm an ordinary guy, but St. Peter or Whoever on High gave me a memory for technical info and a dynamite math processor. Straight A's in Calculus and Pulse & Wave Shaping, but can't remember or even use my own language well. I have to translate what someone says to me into a movie in my head. Dyslexic and then some. If only written English was phonetic like Russian!
      Old Geezer, Feb 28, 2024
      TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  32. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    The following article is somewhat long. I've only quoted initial paragraphs. I encourage everyone to read the entire article. Article is about Transnistria. Me, I never knew the territory/region even existed.

    "WW3 Watch: Eastern European Breakaway Republic Transnistria Asks Russia for ‘Protection’ "

    Begin quote

    Transnistria, a linguistically and ethnically distinct sliver of land to the west of Ukraine which has been a defacto if unrecognised breakaway republic since 1990 is asking Russia to step in for protection from the threat they claim to feel from pro-European Moldova.

    Officials in pro-Russian separatist Transnistria voted at the Congress of Deputies on Wednesday to ask Moscow for protection from Moldova, from which the country split in 1990 and fought a war of independence with until 1992 amid the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Transnistrians claim Moldova is attempting to use financial pressure to force it to reunite and complains of a sharp deterioration in relations this year, accusing Chișinău of trying to destroy their economy.

    Transnistria is internationally seen as being inside the borders of post-Cold War Moldova, and has never been recognised as a nation by any other country — not even Russia. Nevertheless, in practice the 1,600-square mile breakaway has been essentially ‘self-governing’ under a ceasefire with Moldova and in a legal grey zone for over 30 years.

    While Moldova itself is predominantly ethnically Moldovan-Romanian, the small Transnistrian region has a sizable Russian ethnic minority. The call for assistance to Moscow to protect a Russian minority from alleged discrimination by a pro-European Union government will naturally trigger comparisons to the early days of the Ukraine war in 2014, when ‘little green men’ appeared in eastern Ukrainian regions, ostensibly to protect Russian minorities from Kyiv.

    Indeed, it is possible Transnistrian authorities will take calling another referendum on integration with Russia as the next step, again a progression reminiscent of the events surrounding Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014.

    Transnistria has also featured in the Ukraine war before, with Western nations accusing Russia of defacto occupying the region already, and Russia accusing Ukraine of plotting to invade Transnistria itself. Observing the coming vote that passed today, the Ukrainian government has condemned any moves by Moscow to move the region of Moldova closer to the Russian orbit, accusing the Kremlin of spreading disinformation about Transnistria, and affirming its position that the area is a “integral, internationally recognized territory of Moldova”.

    There are no Russian “peacekeepers” in Transnistria but “occupiers”, Ukraine affirmed, and said today’s vote is an attempt to “create another point of tension on the border with Ukraine” and undermine Moldova’s attempt to join the European Union.

    Agence France Presse reports the Transnistrian assembly had voted in favour of a resolution to call on Russia to “implement measures to protect Transnistria in the face of increased pressure from Moldova”. Russian state media was also quick to publish material on the vote, noting “Transnistrian leader” Vadim Krasnoselsky asked for support on the strength that “more 220,000 Russian nationals reside in the unrecognized breakaway republic” and claiming “Russian peacekeeping” has been so successful in the past.

    End quote

    Old Gzr: Again, I recommend reading the entire article. It has lots more information and too, I never quote entire articles. I put too many paragraphs in this quote, but to get core info across, I had no choice.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Putin makes nuclear threats to the west, AGAIN, in his annual address to the nation.
    hasnt he ever read " the boy who cried wolf"??
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  34. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    About the boy who cried wolf....

    Remember something about the West......something very telling and significant...

    Tucker Carlson was prevented years ago from doing an interview with Vladamir Putin and this was tried again of recent but did not work.

    Any honest media and or leadership would not have objected to getting both viewpoints...but here in the West ...this was not clearly desired...such that people could have alternative information's by which make up their own mind.

    In the Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladamir Putin I was surprised to find Putin much better versed in Russian History than many...including our own leadership versed in American History..

    This was unexpected.

    I strongly suspect that we here in the west...for political think...are often cried wolf to by our leadership and joined in this cry by our Main Stream Media and also public education in carrying the water for the political apparatus...not for the benefit of the American People themselves.

    In short ...this is a rigged show I am describing....Here in America...not in Russia...though I am sure they can rig their own show......for their reasons too.

    I am describing Ishmaelites here ...who would cry in keep us ignorant and unthinking for ourselves. Drama prevent thinking.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  35. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    From my perspective see not any , positive thing of Russia to keep warning but yet holding back , even though everyone knows Russia does indeed have the ability to make good on their warnings . Once they make good their warning and unleash the Nukes , they can not be called back . Trying to take comfort , that Russia has thus for shown constraint and that somehow means they will never take the final step , just doesn't compute with me . --- Then again I don't think like most folks . That is why the military after giving me mental tests picked me and two more out of about 300 people to go through special training . The military was very interested in my thought processing . Instead of the usual 18 weeks of training " at that time " , they kept me in training for about a year .
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2024
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  36. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    0 -- As a prepper I look for the worst case scenarios , so that I can prepare for the worst . So drawing up the extreme estimation on what the prepared will face after the Nuking is done , present the above link . Summary this prediction puts the global temperature to drop about 10 c. or 50 degrees . Therefore survivors will need to plant cold hardy plants during the summer time . Of course the warmer a climate one resides in during the aftermath will effect what preppers can grow . One advantage that I have is my chickens love a wild and abundant weed around my retreat that is a winter growing plant . Weeds and earth worms converted to chicken eggs is on my survival slate . -- Of course not many will survive , but a barren planet is only another adventure to face , adapt and overcome for this tribe .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. TMT Tactical
      I read the article and came away with the idea that Nuclear winter would be more in tune with a little ICE AGE, lasting a very long time verses just a little cooling of the planet.

      Quote: Robock said that it is now “even more urgent” for scientists to study the consequences of detonating nuclear weapons and ensure as many people as possible know about them. And, ultimately, to work for the elimination of these weapons. The threat of nuclear war has not gone away, and a nuclear ice age which would doom much of life on Earth for millennia is still a possibility.
      End Quote:
      TMT Tactical, Feb 29, 2024
  37. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Another thought on the aftermath the food availability and dispatching the starving un-prepared . The Spanish Conquistadors didn't kill all those Native Americans without help but used war dogs to kill them . How did they feed those dogs ? They feed fresh killed Native Americans to them . If you want such a dog for the new world , you may be in luck . They still exist though not trained for such matters . They are the Catahoula Hound which is much favored by Wild Boar hunters . And they will indeed eat about anything and are extremely ferocious . I know because I used to own one . I had difficulties growing a garden ,because that thing would go into my garden and eat it . There is little doubt that it would adapt to eating looters and such . I personally don't plan on getting another Catahoula Hound , because they are too vicious for my taste . --But perhaps there is someone that this man killer would fit into their survival plan .--- Don't confuse the Catahoula Cur used for herding livestock with the Catahoula hound . They are two different breeds with two different temperaments and body sizes .
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  38. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    I have done nuclear work....and also worked on our nuclear submarine both construction and overhaul of these boats....both fast attacks and boomers. I know what they can do ....and how those systems work.
    Spent a lot of time going up and down those missile tubes in a bosuns Chair..hooked onto the end of a crane.

    I do not believe much of what our leadership and rigged news media wants us to believe as I also believe they will gaslight us as Americans as well as they will gaslight other leaders in other countries.

    I also do not approve of our own leadership playing us by using the olde tried and true technique of good cop/bad cop. This tells me that we as Americans ....cannot be trusted with real news and information .....but must needs be herded like cattle....for social and or political

    I have long ago given up on any semblance of fairness and decency in our news it becomes clear to me that our media is a pimping extension of the political party apparatus...and are themselves playing us with good cop/bad cop...just as is leadership.

    I also believe some Americans are catching on to this but also wonder how demoralizing this kind of thing is to our military as well as the recruitment problem our military is facing....

    I do not think this woke good for our country as well as our military and our people but leadership is hell bent on pimping out the entire nation to it.

    Knowing what I do about much of our military hardware....I do not worry so much about the caliber of our military per se...but more about the caliber of our leadership which to me ...has severely fallen over the years...and I mean Fallen.

    I am not so sure the crazy ones are in Russia...but to be found a plenty here in America and also in the Deep State secretly running our government for years and years now....back to before WW1.

    You members certainly do not have to buy into what I am trying to say here...but I strongly suspect....that someone or some group on this this country want us to incremental steps...

    To make us weak from inside.....first. Thus the constant ....America Last ....of which we see all too leadership. Also the constant blame game.....passing for leadership today. Division ...not Unity.

    I do not worry about the Russians so much as I do our 'Fallen" leadership...

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  39. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    --- This video is definitely not suitable for some . As for myself , I like to stay informed and face adversity . To try to keep from offending some , will just say " many will die " from what appears to be an event like an unstoppable freight train , that can be seen coming down the tracks .
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  40. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Were I this Canadian Prepper, I'd be as disgusted, frustrated, and angry as him.

    This commie Trudeau is pro-China -- not pro Russian.

    He lives downwind (east) of nuke hits at military bases (you don't even want to be north nor south of such due to the extent of the massive hit). The munitions stored at Wainwright will be stored in bunkers, thus targeted nukes will be diggers = unimaginable amounts of fallout. Were I the Canadian prepper I would have a bug-out facility that was much, much further away from the fallout areas. He's only 180 miles 300 klicks downwind of Wainwright which isn't far enough away. I wouldn't know what to tell him to do.

    When Russia nukes the US, we will shoot down many of their warheads. Those puppies coming over the arctic means that nuclear debris will be scattered over the polar ice on down into Canada; but where specifically, nobody could know. The debris will not be explosive, yet nuclear waste is hot stuff. Russian missiles coming into the US that were not neutralized could land and detonate north and south (maybe even east / west) of their intended military base targets = messy / hellish.

    The Canadian prepper has very many followers and is making enough money for extensive prepping. Good on him. He lives downrange of military sites that could take a ground hit = lots of fallout. Since these would be strategic weapons, they would be full-size / huge nukes. Airbursts over cites do not give off as much fallout, but a lot of plain old smoke from burning buildings .

    Worth =

    Where he lives: Martensville

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  41. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I can see flaws in Canadian Preppers survivability , but one huge thing he has going for him is a warehouse full of long term survival food and nice gadgetry at his disposal such as radiation suits . But actually I see flaws in about everyone's survival plans , I just prefer to not point them out . When all the Nuking is done , some will survive by pure luck , I prefer to not depend on luck and try to stack the odds in my favor . Successful or not , I will not be curling up hysterically and soiling my pants as no doubt many will . -- I have already experienced life where you were only hoping for a few more hours of life not days , as I was not expecting to see another day . That is why I am 100 % percent certain of my reaction when the next such situation arrives . --- Adding to that hysterical comment , brings to mind a lady that I had the unpleasant experience of going through the eye of a cat 5 hurricane with . She was indeed hysterical with fear . Now that hysterical " couldn't handle it " behavior seems amusing .
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  42. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    by poltiergist..

    Radiation suits do not protect you from radiation per se....they protect you from contamination...loose particles of radioactive material.

    Alpha radiation. ...yes...but not so much beta and or gamma radiation. And decontamination is a tricky be done correctly....and or stop the spread of contamination....or these loose particles of radioactive materials.

    We, where I work, have been trained in certain de contamination techniques so as to decontaminate and not spread contamination further in the process.

    You also need to know that certain kinds of lettuce and even bananas can set off a radiation counter.

    One of the fellows in our crew liked bananas....and ate about 6 bananas...and when he went through the portal monitor the alarm went his head area....underneath his protective type surgery cap. He was then exited...from the portal monitor and manually frisked...with a hand radiation detector ...and sure enough the detector alarmed... It was in his hair roots...potassium levels above a certain amount detected..

    Finally someone was sharp enough to ask if he had eaten bananas and how many.
    But this generated some 3 pounds of paperwork on someone's part....but he was ok..

    And alpha radiation and or contamination is dangerous to take in internally. The wand on a counter is different for Alpha radiation counts than for beta and or gamma.

    Alpha can be stopped by clothing and or walls etc ..easily..but not to be taken in internally.
    Most people never have any reason to know this type of information.

    Alpha particles and alpha radiation explained | Space

    Not an Ishmaelite
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
  43. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    thats the thing I have been saying on various forums for years, not all of us has a warehouse at our disposal to keep all all preps in, most of us have an ordinary sized house which we live in and our preps have to be stored along with all our other stuff.
    most of the population will be hysterical like that lady, best to stay away from such people.
  44. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The tar and nicotine in cigarettes don't cause lung cancer.

    I come from a tobacco producing area. Tobacco was growing everywhere when I was growing up. Growing tobacco EATS the nutrients out of the soil at a rate that cannot be sustained without massive fertilization. Fertilizer minerals are mined. These mines also produce radioactive polonium. Polonium is a Beta emitter, not a Gamma emitter (which will even penetrate bones). Beta penetrates tissues very little. Problem is that in the bronchi of smokers' lungs, the cilia die. Celia move out of your lungs all of the crud you breathe in every day. So, you cough, get up some phlegm, and spit it out. Yuck. But that's NOT a yucky thing in actuality. That is the lungs getting rid of the bad stuff.

    Since the smokers' cilia die, this leaves the yucky stuff down in their lungs. This is why smokers get constant lung infections. They cough and this is the respiratory system's full-scale attempt to get rid of this goo. When you get a cold or flu, you cough like crazy because the lungs are saying, "Holy sh##, I just HAVE to get rid of all this!"

    Radioactive polonium getting trapped in your lungs is like your skin were you to stay out in the sun incessantly. Too much sunlight (mainly Beta radiation) on your skin and you get skin cancer (I've had skin cancers removed due to my having been constantly out in the sun). Too much radiation exposure in your lungs results in your getting lung cancer. Chronic lung infections causes emphysema. The carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke damages the heparin lining of your blood vessels. Heparin prevents blood clots from forming. Toss an arterial blood clot and you get a heart attack, a pulmonary embolism, or a stroke (no blood to an area of the brain = brain tissue death). Ooooooh, what fun!
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  45. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I have seen a photo of tar infected lungs. it definitely is a killer, and anyone who still smokes in this day and age is an idiot. besides a pack of cigarettes over here is now around £16/$20 and someone would need a mortgage to finance their smoking.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  46. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    dosent matter if one plants cold loving plants or not, they will still be contaminated, the animals wont survive the nuking and nuclear winter and that includes worms and chickens.
    even if the chickens survive they wont lay eggs as the nuclear winter will block out daylight and chickens need daylight to lay.
    a barren planet is just that- barren, barren means plants cannot and will not grow ...period.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  47. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Hh....before I forget....decontamination proceedures....also involve how to properly remove one's gloves so as not to spread radioactive contamination.

    Similar to how medical people are trained to remove their gloves.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Yes. Thanx for bringing this up. Even when I'm using latex gloves for house-cleaning chores, I remove the gloves as if in a medical situation. If you think about it though, if working on nasty plumbing, maybe one should avoid contact with the bacteria-laden slimy side! One should always have med latex or nitrile gloves around. Any more, nitrile is the material used in medical venues. Many folk have latex/rubber allergies. When powdered, rubber gloves would give off the rubber-contaminated powder out into the air when removed. People with allergies could then breathe that it and almost go into anaphylaxis. Epi pen, epi pen!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:
      Old Geezer, Mar 2, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  48. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Germany Confirms Leaked Audio Of Its Top Generals Discussing Blowing Up The Crimean Bridge"

    "In a huge development and absolute smoking gun revelation, the government of Germany has confirmed the authenticity of a leaked audio recording file published by Russia's state-backed RT. The leak was first published by RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan, who described that she received it from Russian security officials.

    "It first appeared under the headline "Alleged audio of German officers discussing Crimean Bridge attack leaked" - as it featured top ranking Germany military officials in a private discussion of 'a potential German operation to bomb the Crimean Bridge in Russia,' as it was initially described by RT. Russian media is now openly admitting that the call was in fact intercepted by Russia. Moscow is now saying this shows 'direct' German involvement in the war."
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  49. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I have to say, I tend to agree with you wolfy. There was a time I was concerned China would join the bandwagon, but I'm not so sure now. War is a funny thing. Well, no, not funny haha, funny peculiar.

    The past tends to show that everyone was as surprised as F when war did actually break out. I can't imagine how the youth of today would cope. I really, really can't. Do you suppose earlier generations said the same thing about the youths of their day?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  50. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Yes. Silly me. I was starting to fall for the galahs on YouTube. I stopped watching them as I began to wonder where they were getting their info from. They never cite the source. So, yeah ... nah.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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