World War Three

Discussion in 'The Apocalypse' started by poltiregist, Jul 10, 2022.

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  1. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    The big news event today - Big Wig military guy announcing N.A.T.O. military troops will be deployed openly into Ukraine . Again perhaps a member will care to share their information on this .
    Last edited: May 18, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Obviously, the West has intel boots on the ground, plus specialists in military equipment (trainers). The West will not send-in ground-pounders unless someone in the deep state has lost their mind.

    The Israel / Gaza situation has taken president.

    Only the daft and/or the paid-off crews see any hope in protecting Ukraine.

    What if the Ukraine won. There would be just another invalid dirty little regime.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I dont much care about the politics of Ukraine, but the Ukrainians wanted to live as a free nation, outside of Soviet control, why shouldnt they be allowed to do so? its their choice.
    anyone in Eastern Ukraine can move to Russia if they want to be Russian.
    1. Old Geezer
      Crap! The people of Ukraine are anything but free living under the current regime. Hundreds of thousands have already left Ukraine. Was it due to the vulgar, demonic Russian invasion? Sure. But then, there are those who have left due to the invalid "leadership" in Kyiv. This actor/comedian turned dictator has shut-down opposition parties, banned free speech, and has now this week lowered the age of military conscription due to his having killed-off the "older" ones (in their 20s). Sounds like Hitler sending-in German children to fight there at the end of WWII when everybody knew that the war was over.
      Old Geezer, May 19, 2024
      TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  4. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    its a war, different conditions and controls exist in wartime, people just cant do what they like, like now.
    granted their politics may be different to ours, they were once part of the Soviet bloc but that dosent make them bad.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  5. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    By Poltiregist...from the bottom of the previous page...

    Though I do not know how many ...but have noted a significant absence of attack boats in Pearl Harbor ....many of them being in dry dock....and yet ...not knowing how current are the google map views.

    Submarines do two things very very well.....intelligence gathering in information of all kinds...and hunting other ships/boats of all kinds including other submarines.

    Todays submarines...including Diesel and AIP boats..and not just nuclear boats.....are capable of stopping almost all surface traffic around the world....just stake out certain choke points wherein the surface traffic must transit to save time and monies.

    Mostly peacetime ....submarines collect vast amounts of information....both radio traffic and underwater sound traffic and often retransmitting it to be analyzed elsewhere..

    Though it is of an older Cold War any of you know the story of Whitey Mack???

    And remember ..this is a story which can be publicly told today.....many stories cannot be so told...

    The Ballad of Whitey Mack - Submarine Force Library & Association (

    I thought some of you might find this story interesting...You know....skippers who have solid brass ones hanging!!!!!!

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: May 19, 2024
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  6. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Someone in the West/Deep State is trying to provoke the Russians and or escalate this conflict.

    Is the Ukraine even a Nato member??? I do not know!!! I do not believe so.

    I suspect gaslighting here...big time..........................................................again!!!!!

    Not an Ishmaeltie.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  7. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Yes...poltiergist...I was told this by text from a source out west...about three days ago....that this is what NATO is doing...and or planning....

    Ishmaelites run wild.....

    I suspect that the long term goal here is to destabilize Russia into Deep State Control...profit.....power.

    You the Deep State had done to the United States....and for many many many years now !!!???

    Not an Ishmaelite
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Ukraine is not yet a member of Nato but wants to be.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  9. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Ahhhhh...ok...thanks lonewolf...for that update...

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  10. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    You got me to thinking something about down it has been a long long time since I checked on Google Maps.....

    There is a very very intreseting site near Alice the NT......and it is called Pine Gap. Very interesting potential there ....electronically speaking if one knows certain things about the discipline/art.

    Do you really think this is something that only NASA uses????

    On the other end of Australia there is another very very interesting site..which may not be of much use now days with so much satellite tech taking over...even on the long range...long wave bands..

    It is way out west on a peninsula called Exmouth...and it is called the Harold E Hold Naval communications station. It is also very very well located for this kind of thing.l Looks to me as if it is capable of both OMNI reception/transmission and or directional as the set up of the antenna towers.

    At first it looked like the set up of a SAM anti aircraft missile site...but on further/closer look can see the towers...emanating out of a central point....

    This is a very very expensive set up and in precisely the correct location to listen in on anything in Asia as well as transmitting as water sends out a signal a long long way with little power....low signal losses.

    Oh...and Alice Springs itself ...looks like a very very interesting place from the satellite....very interesting.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Blitz and TMT Tactical like this.
  11. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "China Launches Two Days of ‘Punishment’ Military Drills Around Taiwan"

    Begin quote

    The PLA described the drills as “strong punishment for the separatist acts of Taiwan independence forces and a stern warning against the interference and provocation by external forces.”

    This was presumably a reference to the inauguration on Monday of Taiwan’s new president, William Lai Ching-te. Lai succeeded two-term President Tsai Ing-wen, also a member of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and also denounced by China as a “separatist.”

    Communist China attempted to intimidate the Taiwanese out of voting for Lai, and, when that failed, it howled that his largely conciliatory inaugural speech was a “confession of Taiwan independence” by a “dangerous separatist.”

    In one passage from his speech, Lai advised China to “face up to the fact that the Republic of Taiwan exists.” Many observers felt this was the line that enraged Beijing.

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office on Tuesday vowed to take “countermeasures” and “penalize the DPP authorities for colluding with external forces in their provocations for ‘independence.’”

    The drills that began on Thursday were apparently part of that “penalty.” Chinese state media published a map showing that “Operation Joint Sword-2024A” would almost completely encircle Taiwan, with operations in five different nautical zones. The “A” appended to the name of the operation was clearly intended to suggest that more drills could be forthcoming.

    The Taiwanese public and government did not seem terribly alarmed or intimidated by the exercise, even though it was larger than most of Beijing’s previous temper tantrums and simulated a more direct threat to Taiwan’s outlying defensive islands.

    Taiwanese officials said China’s actions were not unexpected and did not represent a dramatic escalation from the tedious “gray zone” intimidation tactics it has employed against Taiwan for the past few years.

    The Taiwanese Defense Ministry nevertheless condemned China’s drills as an “irrational provocation” that demonstrated Beijing’s “militaristic mentality.”

    “The launch of military exercises on this occasion not only does not contribute to the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait,” the ministry said.

    “We stand by with firm will and restraint. We seek no conflicts, but we will not shy away from one. We have the confidence to safeguard our national security,” the ministry vowed.

    Taiwanese officials noted they were obliged to activate their defenses and scramble jets in case China decided to turn the drill into a real attack. This is always the case with gray zone warfare, in which the vastly larger Chinese military seeks to exhaust and demoralize Taiwan by making it respond to endless provocations.

    Taiwanese military experts said the latest Chinese drill was notable for simulating a “full-scale attack” rather than an economic blockade of the island and for practicing assaults on Taiwan’s border islands of Kinmen, Matsu, Wuqiu, and Dongyin.

    Chinese state television network CCTV published posters that showed off the hardware tested in the exercise as though the planes, ships, and missiles were glamorous movie stars, billing them as “the magic weapons killing separatists.”

    President Lai’s office said it was “regrettable” for China to use “unilateral military provocations to threaten Taiwan’s democracy and freedom.”

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I am want to ask myself......a question about China...per se....

    And that question is....whom is going to get a Communist Chinese Ishmaelite form of government first.....

    Taiwan or us here in the USA????

    Not funny when you realize the steady erosion of our American Way of life and the constant introduction of Herding techniques and methods by "Progressive" leadership in this country...particularly on college campuses and amongst our youth.

    Steadily being "Herded" into "Absolute Power....Divine Right of Kings."

    Particularly by one Emergency decree...after another ...after another infinitum.

    Remember...the preferred model of government via the WEF or World Economic Forum the Communist Chinese Model.

    Da Tovarich????

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Do you members even grasp as to what I am alluding here....

    A New Progressive system at work wherein you can work infinitum ...and take first place risks for your monies...but the system is rigged against you sexual orientation...'and or any other control mechanism that Progressive leadership can devise......wherein you cannot get the fruits of your labor but must needs socially, politically, economically cede them to others forever...come in second , third , and fourth place in your own country.....even behind illegal aliens.....

    A rigged system wherein the system is set up to support certain social/political, economic views and positions on the public purse... in this link...this is what is happening and coming....going to wax worse and a a plan...

    Rick Scott: 'We've Got a Federal Government that Does Not Represent America Anymore' (

    I have been thinking this for some time now....that we have a non representative government ....a government representing the deep state interests and not the American People...and this for some time now.....even before WW2...and even back to WW1....this switch was quietly made under the guise of Patriotism......and so called Just which we fight other peoples wars...with us getting no new spoils or territories.....for our efforts...

    Clearly a rigged Inflated system in which the ordinary American is being priced out of the everyday ever increasing rates....exponentially if you like..

    Nolte: Explosion in Fast Food Prices Hurting Joe Biden in 2024 (

    Remember....we are not strictly speaking of fast food here...but everything in the marketplace.......everything.... one indicator or tell tale....of a non representative amok..........

    Be Warned these both political parties......on this one.......both parties..

    Oh................and are we ever supposed to think this far on our own ...and think and act the the plantation.......and even our thoughts and questions to the reservation/plantation...of Progressivism.????

    Da Tovarich??????

    Remember...what Saint Greta said........................."How Dare You !!!!!?????"

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: May 25, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  14. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Is the Illegal Alien Situation....really a form of Wealth Redistribution for votes????

    Are we even supposed to be able to think this far on our own and without permission ..but only to keep an eye on more "Victimization???"

    And by this....put ourselves on the social political plantation where we are needed to the ersatz leadership we have..running the show into the ground.....

    These Illegals are know??? And You have a higher social duty to help them along on the public breast/purse....even more than Regular Americans in need....and thus support certain political parties whom are not even representing America and Americans..

    Who was it who said that.........."America Last?????"

    Or did they say...."America First???"

    "Make America Great Again."

    Any members catching on yet?????

    Be Warned these pseudo leaders in both political parties......who are not the product advertised and would put Americans last place......even by their silence...

    My non Ishmaelite .02
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Intelligence reports earlier this month suggest Russia is getting ready to activate sleeper cells in Germany, Sweden and UK in response to Western backing for Ukraine.
  16. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    France and Poland have gone brain-dead and will likely pay a harsh price for their military actions against Russia.

    "France and Poland Approve Ukraine Using Western-Supplied Missiles to Strike Inside Russia"

    Begin quote

    The war in Ukraine may be on the precipice of expanding into uncharted territory as NATO members France and Poland stated publicly that Kyiv was allowed to use their missiles to strike targets within Russia, prompting warnings from the Kremlin of a full-on war with the West.

    Following controversial comments from NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who said over the weekend that Ukraine should be free to use Western-supplied weapons to attack sites inside Russia, both Paris and Warsaw have come out in support of the apparent escalation in the war.

    Amid reports that top White House officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, were lobbying for President Biden to lift his prohibition on Ukraine using American-supplied missiles to strike targets within Russia, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters on Tuesday there was “no change at this point, we don’t encourage or enable the use of U.S. supplied weapons to strike inside Russia.”

    Russian President Vladimir Putin also warned of the possibility of the proxy war expanding to a Europe-wide conflict if Western missiles are used to attack his country.

    “This constant escalation can lead to serious consequences. If these serious consequences occur in Europe, how will the US behave, bearing in mind our parity in the field of strategic weapons? Hard to say. Do they want global conflict?” Putin said on Tuesday according to state media RT.

    “These representatives of NATO countries, especially in Europe, especially in small countries, must be aware of what they are playing with,” the Russian leader continued, ominously noting that many of those countries have “a small territory and a very dense population” in a thinly veiled nuclear war threat.

    End quote

    Old Gzr: France has a grand total of one nuclear carrier strike group.

    As to its Navy, this is all that France has:

    "France’s Nuclear Inventory"

    "France is estimated to possess 290 nuclear weapons, of which about 280 are deployed. The remaining weapons are thought to be in maintenance or storage. The vast majority, or approximately 240, are deployed by the French Navy, which maintains a continuous at-sea presence via its nuclear-powered submarines. This posture ensures a secure second-strike capability in the event of a nuclear attack. "

    "Russia and weapons of mass destruction"

    "Russia possesses a total of 5,580 nuclear warheads as of 2024,[5] the largest confirmed stockpile of nuclear warheads in the world. Russia's deployed missiles (those actually ready to be launched) number about 1,710, also the largest confirmed strategically deployed arsenal in the world as of 2024.[6][7] The remaining weapons are either in reserve stockpiles, or have been retired and are slated for dismantling. Russia's predecessor state, the Soviet Union, reached a peak stockpile of about 45,000 nuclear warheads in 1986.[8] The number of weapons Russia may possess is currently controlled by the bilateral New START treaty with the United States."

    Old Gzr: Russia laughs at those who follow treaties.

    Russia could step on France tomorrow afternoon using only its tactical nukes. Relative to Russia's Navy, France's Navy is a joke.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    --- I present this , for those that prefer to face , prepare and hopefully overcome . The reaction and preparation level , is up to the individual .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    What a wonderful time to tour Europe! There will be so many profoundly interesting things to see.

    France! Visit France! Be sure to bring your nuke-proof parasol.


    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  19. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    I know some can not handle horrific information and that is understandable . It would be difficult for an information source to be more prepper / survivalist oriented than this link . So for those that like to know of the potential World War Three as it pertains to the world today , they may be interested in this .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    As I keep saying, Putin will not stop at Ukraine, it is becoming very clear that the Russian dictator and his cohorts want to resurrect the lost Soviet Union, and the next targets will be the Balkan states, wiser heads than mine have stated that "European security will not be safe for years maybe decades". unquote.
    time to increase the size of the British armed forces and increase the spending, not in 2030 but NOW!
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  21. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    It appears Putin's personal palace mysteriously caught fire and burnt down . At least that is the information that I received . There is so much disinformation being distributed , that I won't assume most of it as being the truth .
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  22. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Russia would be fried to ashes if they started a nuclear WW3, and they know it, they may be bullies but they arent stupid.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Nine more days and the baby chicks that I have been on the list to get will finally be here . It has been a six month wait to be able to drive 100 miles and pick up these specialist chicks , that are much coveted by serious preppers . I could have simply drove about 30 miles and picked up run of the mill chicks , but what I seek is winter laying chickens . After the Nuking , the only food available will be what is within walking distance of your location . Strange to me that some cling to the idea their neighbor will trade them the items they failed to prepare for .
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    after the nuking nobody will be walking anywhere outdoors and any livestock with be radiated if they arent already dead. nothing will grow either due to the nuclear winter and the contaminated soil.
    the only people that may survive are the ones locked in their bunkers and they will be in there for years maybe decades, just like The Morlocks in "The Time Machine" movie and look what happened to them.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    I agree not many will survive . What few remains will enjoy a depopulated planet , that is if they are of the variety that would have no problem living a medieval lifestyle . As for as believing no one will survive , I do not buy into that . That would depend mostly as to the type nukes used , targets hit and the amount of Nukes deployed . --- Those vaporized will certainly be gone . Those close to the blast likely will receive too intense a radiation to survive . Most of the remaining will die from lack of water and food or succumb as being dispatched by those that prepared .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    If there's a full-throw nuclear exchange, VERY FEW areas in the northern hemisphere will be left livable. Even if military bases were to be hit, ground-burst & diggers mind you, the amount of irradiated earth dredged-up would take-out croplands and anything anywhere near these bases.

    Maybe remote Canada could be semi-safe and that's only if the massive amounts of fallout stay south in the US. There's some places in France and Northern Italy that wouldn't get much plutonium. Same is true of Southwest England. The effects on climate -- especially in the northern hemisphere -- could negate garden-growing for more than one season.

    Even the Southern Hemisphere would be affected. Nowhere near the Northern Hemisphere, but still it wouldn't be happy times for them.



    The next map leaves-out Southern California. The Navy stores nukes down there and these bunkers would most assuredly get hit with ground bursts / diggers. This map shows what would happen if our silos and air bases got hit. Our B2 air bases and development/build factories are in Oklahoma and Southern Missouri. He's now retired, but my wife had a relative working on the B2 bomber project. We didn't get any "low-down" intel -- that sh## is mega-sensitive; however, I learned a bunch from him.

    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  28. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    The above information is great . Preppers need to be well aware of facts and not controlled by ignorance or fear . Look at the problem with clarity and have a plan devised to face , overcome and survive . If this thing goes down panic and chaos will be rampant by those that " accidently survived by pure luck " . Especially in the areas already known to be populated by wimpy people .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    In America, sure there's "wimpy people". Beyond that however, one observes people going through life not unlike had they been hypnotized. People "go through the motions" of being alive. People don't pay attention. Heavens, witness how people drive :eek:! Anything outside of the norm, people largely ignore. Very few think of "what if this" / "what if that". Let us discount the paranoid and the crippled neurotics -- the "normal" citizen really doesn't give much of a sh## about anything outside of his or her life.

    When I'm driving, I'm constantly on the lookout. I've driven several vehicles until they totally gave out, so I've driven at the very least a half-million miles. I've been driving for well over 50 years and have had only two accidents and both involved terrible road conditions. Hit a telephone poll at age 16 (ice on wooden bridge; pole was on far end of bridge) and hit a bridge wall during a monsoon downpour (driving pickup truck with no weight in the bed = fishtail; cop said that they'd had around 18 traffic accidents that day due to the strange downpour; that, in a small town). I did get hit one time by a idiot running a stop sign -- couldn't see him coming due to a 6 foot fence a homeowner had put ALL around his house (= zero view).

    I'd put good money down that most "preppers" were raised in environments that made them preppers from the get-go. This sure as h3|| is true for me. I came from poor. Poor people get prepared because they KNOW that things can go wrong ... bad luck slams you all the time. My family and I have had god-awful things happen to us and perpetually so -- to include multiple deaths in the immediate family. Drunk drivers killed two of my relatives. And here' another thing, poor folk get to know war all too well. My parents went through the Great Depression and my dad served in WWII. My dad's parents were born in the 1890s and as a boy, I was perpetually around my grandparents and heard all the stories, plus learned how people lived back then.

    As a prepper, I know that there are millions of folk JUST LIKE ME out there.

    My world view makes it difficult for me to understand how anyone could be dismissive of what is going on in the world right now. Hey people, this is 1938 all over again! It is beyond obvious that people didn't learn history, or if they did, they've written-off the lessons and now imagine that we are in "different times". No we're not! Human nature is human nature and consider that we HAVE NOT changed genetically for the past 20 thousand years minimum. How you think, your behavior patterns, how you react to your environment is HEAVILY genetically-written into you. You and everybody else are ONLY human and nothing more.

    Well, now's the time to wake-up and use what free will you possess and get ready for some seriously hard times. Plural, it's not going to just be one catastrophe that's coming. When these boulders come tumbling down, nobody is going to come to take care of you and your family. We humans are way overdue for an @$$-kicking. Nations are bankrupt. Nations are at each other's throats. Feeding billions of people requires high-tech farming. We are addicted to having electricity available 24/7. On and on.

    The world today is a house of cards and I'm being generous.

    There are big gales coming.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  30. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    0 05122021 1.2-20210512144644/groups/394.html --- I post this for our member that thinks everyone is going to die , there is no need to try to survive . While the scientist predict this outcome , I will say we are talking about something those scientist have never personally went through . No need to take this link at face value whether right or wrong . This information is readily available and easily found with this being on multiple information sources . --- For those curious this link is to the 7 / 10 rule of Nuclear Fallout reduction .
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    I could likely dig up information debunking the dire global winter after the Nuking is done . The actual prediction is not near as dire as some sources won't to taut . Scientist of not the fear mongering variety , the prediction is for some cloudy cooler days , but nothing even close to catastrophic . Right or wrong I couldn't say , but my bet is on the minor degree cooling . The period in the time line of cooler days is also short . I don't recall the time line the scientist gave with any certainty , but think it was measured in months not years .
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  32. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Were a nuclear war fought with air-bursts, there would be no nuclear winter. However, in a strategic nuclear exchange, millions of tons of irradiated earth would be tossed into the upper atmosphere. This would block the sun for a protracted period of time and render croplands unusable. Such a war would annihilate America's grain growing areas. The cities will die irrespective (duh!). But areas that "survive" will see the growing season MASSIVELY reduced in the Northern Hemisphere.

    "Volcanic winter of 536"

    Begin quote

    The volcanic winter of 536 was the most severe and protracted episode of climatic cooling in the Northern Hemisphere in the last 2,000 years.[1] The volcanic winter was caused by at least three simultaneous eruptions of uncertain origin, with several possible locations proposed in various continents. Most contemporary accounts of the volcanic winter are from authors in Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, although the impact of the cooler temperatures extended beyond Europe. Modern scholarship has determined that in early AD 536 (or possibly late 535), an eruption ejected massive amounts of sulfate aerosols into the atmosphere, which reduced the solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface and cooled the atmosphere for several years. In March 536, Constantinople began experiencing darkened skies and lower temperatures.

    Summer temperatures in 536 fell by as much as 2.5 °C (4.5 °F) below normal in Europe. The lingering impact of the volcanic winter of 536 was augmented in 539–540, when another volcanic eruption caused summer temperatures to decline as much as 2.7 °C (4.9 °F) below normal in Europe.[2] There is evidence of still another volcanic eruption in 547 which would have extended the cool period. The volcanic eruptions caused crop failures, and were accompanied by the Plague of Justinian, famine, and millions of deaths and initiated the Late Antique Little Ice Age, which lasted from 536 to 560.[3]

    Tree ring analysis by the dendrochronologist Mike Baillie, of the Queen's University of Belfast, shows abnormally little growth in Irish oak in 536 and another sharp drop in 542, after a partial recovery.[20] Ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica show evidence of substantial sulfate deposits in around 534 ± 2, which is evidence of an extensive acidic dust veil.[21]


    "Why Much of the World Went Dark for 18 Months in 536 A.D."

    "The ninth plague of Egypt was complete darkness that lasted for three days. But in the year 536, much of the world went dark for a full 18 months, as a mysterious fog rolled over Europe, the Middle East and parts of Asia. The fog blocked the sun during the day, causing temperatures to drop, crops to fail and people to die. It was, you might say, the literal Dark Age.

    "The main sources of that fog, researchers found, was a volcanic eruption. A 2018 report in the journal Antiquity concluded that a volcanic eruption in Iceland in early 536 helped spread ash across the Northern Hemisphere, creating the fog. Like the 1815 Mount Tambora eruption—the deadliest volcanic eruption on record—this eruption was big enough to alter global climate patterns, causing years of famine."


    "New Study Outlines The Nuclear Winter We'd Have if US And Russia Blew Up Their Bombs"

    Begin quote

    The simulations have been run, and it's official: even today, a nuclear war between the US and Russia would plunge the planet into a nuclear winter, with clouds of soot and smoke covering the planet.

    Globally, temperatures would plunge by around 9 Kelvin (9 degrees Celsius or 16 degrees Fahrenheit) on average, due to the lack of sunlight reaching ground level.

    The new model matches one of the best existing models we have, published in 2007. Both reports predict a nuclear winter of several years, upwards of a 30 percent global reduction in precipitation over the first few months, and a cloud of smoke enveloping first the Northern Hemisphere, and then the Southern Hemisphere, too.

    If both the US and Russia released their entire nuclear arsenal on each other's countries, the model shows, around 150 teragrams or megatonnes of soot would be released by the nuclear explosions and ensuing fires.

    It would cover the Northern Hemisphere in one week, and the whole planet within a fortnight, reducing surface light levels. Then, it would take around three years before surface light was back above 40 percent of its original level.

    The team used data from forest fires, volcanic eruptions, and previous nuclear bomb detonations to map the huge changes to the planet's climate that would follow, which would include "devastating" agricultural losses, shifts in wind patterns, and the collapse of the summer monsoon season.

    This blanket of cloud, scattering and absorbing solar radiation, would take around a decade to disperse, the new simulation shows. You'd better hope that your nuclear bunker is well stocked with long-lasting food.

    However, the levels of smoke released into the atmosphere would be "orders of magnitude smaller" than those that helped wipe out the dinosaurs, so the scientists leave open the possibility that humans could hang on to life – but it's not a hypothesis we really want to be testing.

    End quote

    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  33. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I'll say it again and I'll keep saying it.
    in a nuclear war nobody wins we all lose.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Yes and here we have Western Nations poking the Russian bear. Really brilliant that. :eek:o_O
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  35. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    nobody invaded except the Russians.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  36. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Horrid thing Putin did. Is it worth getting into a nuclear war to stop Putin?

    "Moscow: U.S. Faces ‘Fatal Consequences’ for Letting Ukraine Use U.S. Weapons to Target Russia"

    Begin quote

    Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Monday the United States could face “fatal consequences” for allowing Ukraine to use American weapons to strike targets on Russian soil.

    Ryabkov was responding to statements from U.S. officials on Friday that President Joe Biden reportedly granted Ukraine permission to hit targets in Russia with weapons provided by the United States under certain situations. More specifically, the Ukrainians were cleared to hit positions in Russia launching devastating artillery and missile attacks against the border city of Kharkiv.

    “I would like to warn American leaders against miscalculations that could have fatal consequences. For unknown reasons, they underestimate the seriousness of the rebuff they may receive,” Ryabkov said in response on Monday, as quoted by Russian state media.

    Ryabkov contemptuously advised U.S. officials to “spend some of their time – which they apparently spend on some kind of video games, judging by the lightness of their approach – on studying what was said in detail by Putin.”

    Ryabkov said Russian leader Vladimir Putin has issued “a very significant warning, and it must be taken with the utmost seriousness.”

    Putin said last Tuesday that the “constant escalation” of Western nations supporting Ukraine, culminating in them allowing Ukraine to use their weapons against targets in Russia, could “lead to serious consequences.”

    “If these serious consequences occur in Europe, how will the United States behave, bearing in mind our parity in the field of strategic weapons? It’s hard to say. Do they want a global conflict?” Putin asked rhetorically.

    Ryabkov said on Monday that Ukrainian forces have attacked Russian early-warning radar systems, and the response from Moscow could be “asymmetrical.”

    “This is not the first time that the regime in Kyiv has tried to disrupt the normal functioning of important parts of our military organization, in particular those related to the strategic sphere. These intentions will be stopped by us. Responses may be asymmetrical,” he said.

    Russian Defense Ministry officials and military bloggers claimed on Monday that Ukraine fired a U.S.-made M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) at targets in Belgorod, a Russian city about 25 miles north of the Ukrainian border. The governor of the Belgorod region said two city officials were killed in the bombardment and three others were injured, along with six civilians.

    Ukrainian media also said on Monday that a HIMARS was fired into Belgorod but the target was a Russian S-300/400 air defense system.

    End quote


    Old Gzr: Apparently, the Social Democrats are willing get us into a nuclear conflict to shut-down the November election.

    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  37. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Agree Old GZR , Joe Biden and the other communist cohorts are trying to either jail Trump or instigate World War Three . The communist know they have not any chance of winning a real election . Russia leadership are not bluffing . Perhaps they are withholding going to a much escalated war in an effort to see if Trump will gain control of the White House , knowing he will look at the situation in Ukraine in a rational manner . The world globalist regardless of which country they reside , know they have only six months left and at that point the possibility of Trump squashing their globalist / communist agenda could become reality . -- Long range decades of apoplectic living preparations should be on the prepper's plan .
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  38. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The War mongers are here in the West....hiding behind the Deep State Puppets...trying to rig another war for personal gain...profit/power....for the Deep the expense of millions.....

    The Dosimeter in my pocket is reading currently.. .15uSv/h.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  39. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Coming-up 40 yr ago on the nose, I could have gotten me a job at a nuclear power plant. Didn't take it, maybe I was chicken. Whatever. Homey does NOT know nuclear.

    So, is ".15uSv/hr" good, bad, deadly, Chernobyl, ... man, I don't know. Kris Kringle do enlighten me! ... but not in a radioactive kind'a way.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  40. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    by olde Geezer..

    .15uSv/hr. is less than normal background and is pretty much normal.

    At work we use milli rems instead of sieverts. I have to convert in math ..but no problem.

    You do not generally want to get over .2uSv/hr...which starts to go above background around here...thus indicating something abnormal has occurred.

    I try to take my dosimeter with me constantly as it has a pen like attachment which clips on my shirt pocket.

    I monitor it when I go to the grocery store.....before entering...same at Lowes/Home Depot...the bank, auto part al.

    It only takes a second to monitoring a reading and thus your surroundings...and keep a mental note. Compared to my other two counters ..these pen types are very very portable.
    My other two are about the size of a cigarette pack.

    For those who might be interested..this is the model I have....and am describing here..

    Geiger Counter Nuclear Radiation Detector,CHNADKS Upgraded d Personal Dosimeter,Beta Gamma X-ray Portable Handheld Radiation Monitor,Battery Powered (0.08uSv – 50mSv): Industrial & Scientific

    This model has surprisingly come down in I recall it was at the time of my purchase it was close to 50 bucks each...and I have over time acquired some 4 of them.....

    The pocket clip is a cheap plastic one and tends to break. I have replaced mine with a metal clip from a magic marker Marks a Lot.....but you members decide for yourselves and for your reasons.

    Y0u members decide for yourselves and your reasons.....but........

    I am suspecting strongly that we are being mislead about the real status of what is going on in the Ukraine.....and much news is being kept from us....about the true status of conditions there.

    I suspect strongly that many of the lies and deceit about this Ukraine business is here in the west among Deep State players in and over our government and ersatz news media..

    I think this business is quietly being ratcheted war and for Deep State purposes and players behind the scenes and governments ....loyal to no country or people but only their personal gain and or power.

    That these deep state players..behind the scenes have a very very strong grip over the governments of the Uk, France, and or well as the USA. That they want desperately to have control over Russia and Putin.

    I do expect this to get out of hand at some point....before or after our election.

    I am suspecting strongly that some of these Deep State players behind our ersatz government are getting desperate.

    But members decide for yourselves and your reasons....and take appropriate steps..

    I have a spare dosimeter in my locker at work and two more here by this computer desk...charged up and ready to go.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2024
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  41. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Here is another conformation on exactly what we have being discussing on this forum . However this link has the advantage of receiving hundreds of view points through her comment section . Again this is simply conformation and nothing new to our members . This link covers the persecution of Trump , rigged election , World War Three , The danger the planet is in as election time ticks away , starvation , economic catastrophe and deepening Civil unrest . --- People need to take these multiple threats serious and prepare for some serious things that are about to bust wide open . That rotting corpse has swelled up and is about to pop .
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2024
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  42. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    About the 2024 election..,.

    Some 6 months to a year back some of the members here were speculating that there would not be a 2024 election due to some planned...engineered emergency.....Executive al.

    I was slow to catch on ...but eventually caught it and agree with whomever the poster was on this board.

    That particular woman in the link/video....I like her. I've watched her on U Tube and tend towards agreeing with her...

    Also she does not get too emotional for me and talks some common sense. I tend to like that sense and not too much emotions. My preferred method.

    If I want drama....I can get a plenty at least I am on the clock..

    That needs to be a bumper sticker....or a Tee Shirt....ball cap........"No Drama!!"

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  43. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Netherlands Joins Denmark In Saying Ukraine Can Use F-16s To Strike Inside Russia"

    "The Netherlands is the latest NATO country to announce that it backs allowing Ukraine to attack inside Russian territory using its weapons. More importantly, it has joined Denmark in saying it does not object to Kiev using F-16s to attack Russia."
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  44. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The following article must be read in its entirety. The West is entering into a realm that is reckless. The word "dangerous" doesn't even begin to describe this situation. Supplying Ukraine with weaponry is one thing, but to continue to support Ukraine while it begins attacks on Russia's phased-array / over-the-horizon radar systems is to risk a World War. Russia uses these to guard against STRATEGIC nuclear strikes from Western nations. These radars are core-critical for the defense of Russia. No leader of Russia can allow this to continue.

    Russia WILL use tactical nukes to protect its phased-array radar. Russia cannot lose these military assets.

    Previously, I've not thought that the war in Ukraine could lead to a nuclear war wherein strategic missile systems would be used; however, the current actions of Ukraine will inevitably result in dire consequences. The following article uses the word "dire". They are correct in doing so. The Ukraine MUST be stopped from continuing their current over-step.

    "Deprcon Warning"

    Begin quote

    These are the lines none of us would have ever wanted write, but we have to. The current situation in and around the war in Ukraine has opened a path, which could lead to a nuclear confrontation.

    Ukraine has struck another early-warning (over-the-horizon) radar, this time in Orenburg region, near Orsk, some 1500 km from Ukraine. This radar did not even look at the direction of Ukraine, which makes the strike an act of madness, or something sinister.

    These strikes to the Russian early-warning system can serve only two aims:

    1. Ukrainian leadership is desperately trying to fully commit NATO to the war in Ukraine, or
    2. Strikes are a preparation for nuclear strikes to Russia by the U.S.
    Needless to say that the latter is extremely speculative. However, it is one of the two motives that can be established for the strikes. Alas, we have to acknowledge its existence. We have gone through the former in our previous warning.

    What is more is that, according to Kremlin, the U.S., the U.K. and France would have deployed ground-based intermediate and short-range missile system to Ukraine. These systems were previously banned by the INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces) Treaty from which President Trump withdraw the U.S. in February 2019, citing Russian non-compliance and missiles developed by China.

    These missile systems can be used to strike deep into Russia. The risk is that, if Ukraine would continue to target the early-warning system of Russia, at some point Kremlin would simply be forced to act, because it would seriously undermine their nuclear deterrence.

    There are naturally other options than just a nuclear strike for Kremlin, but they all would need to be major, which would enflame the conflict further. If Kremlin would choose to enact a nuclear strike, it would probably use a tactical nuke, which is smaller than a strategical nuke (e.g., an ICBM), and hit a military target, like an airbase.

    This is why we (with an extremely heavy heart) issue a warning of a possible nuclear strike in Europe. This warning is effective for the time being.

    We don’t present any estimated likelihood for it, at this point at least, as it would be macabre. However we note that, while the likelihood is probably not very high at the moment, if strikes to Russian early-warning system continue, it will grow rapidly.

    While still unlikely, we urge you to start to prepare for the unthinkable.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  45. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Russia deploying air and sea assets for military exercises in Caribbean, U.S. official says"

    By Michael Wilner June 05, 2024

    Begin quote

    Russia is preparing to deploy aircraft and combat naval vessels to the Caribbean to conduct military exercises in the coming weeks, its first exercises in the Western Hemisphere involving both air and sea activity in five years, a senior administration official told McClatchy and the Miami Herald. The Biden administration is not expressing concern over the deployment, with the official stating it poses “no direct threat to the United States.” But the administration believes Moscow intends to use the exercises as a “messaging tactic” after President Joe Biden gave Ukraine permission last week to fire U.S.-made weapons across its border into Russia to defend its territory.

    The official said the administration expects Moscow will “conduct heightened naval and air activity near the United States” that will likely include port calls by combat naval vessels in Cuba, and possibly Venezuela — two longstanding Russian allies that have seen occasional visits from Russian naval assets in the past two decades. The exercises may also include “aircraft deployments” and flights in the region, the official said. Administration officials suspect that Cuba approved the Russian port call “at least in part” over an incident last year in which a U.S. nuclear submarine docked at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, angering the Cubans, a second U.S. official said.

    Moscow did not inform the Biden administration of the maneuvers. “Ships, of course, are observable, so they kind of don’t have to,” the official said. Biden administration officials notified members of Congress of the Russian deployments earlier on Wednesday.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  46. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Yup.....been slowly charging up all my electronic gear at work and will be doing the same here at home this weekend.

    This includes my coms...walkie talkies and dosimeters....also fueling up all my vehicles ..including my scooters...and their fuel containers.

    I have been in touch with some people across the country and they are keeping me abreast of some of these developments
    from their side of the country and the fact that the USA and the UK have not been informed by the Russians.

    I found that very unusual.

    The Naval Vessel that one needs concern about and with is a submarine......they are much much harder to track than a surface vessel.

    Today radars ...particularly from airborne radar platforms can detect something floating on the water the size of a wooden forklift cargo pallet...

    Something moving underwater at depth is a different thing....much much harder to detect.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  47. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    why should the Russians inform anyone if they are about to start WW3???
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  48. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I am supposing our members are aware of the big many paged document Germany ,has now released to its citizens , in regard to an upcoming " World War Three " . It basically says everyone will be subject to be drafted , All industry will be converted to military use as the government desires , Citizens will have to fend for themselves when the bombs began to drop , Citizens will have to find their own spot to try to survive the nuking as the government will not provide fallout shelters " except for the chosen " . I could go on but will allow our members to tap into their own chosen information source . -- I know some have a problem facing the information obtained through " Canadian Prepper " but if anyone has a problem finding the above information , they can find it there .
    watcherchris likes this.
  49. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Joe Biden Is Walking Down the Path to a Nuclear War with Russia Joe Biden Is Walking Down the Path to a Nuclear War with Russia"

    Begin quote

    Last Thursday, President Joe Biden secretly gave Ukraine permission to use American-provided weapons to strike limited targets within Russia. What Biden did not explain, however, was an answer to the most vital question: how does this escalation serve America’s interests?

    It is stunning – and alarming – that such a question even has to be asked. Yet there is no evidence that anyone in the White House, State Department, or Defense Department charted a well-reasoned strategy ahead of the decision to allow American-enabled lethal actions on Russian soil.

    On Friday, Blinken explained the move was merely to “adapt and adjust” to changing battlefield conditions, yet even in this statement, offered no comment on how the policy shift would change the course of the war, lead to an improved condition for Ukraine, or produce a positive outcome for America. It doesn’t take much analysis to understand this action will do none of those things. What they may do, however, is worsen the situation for both Ukraine and the United States.

    We have the better part of a century’s worth of experience between the United States (and the West in general) opposite the Russians (and Soviets before) in the conduct of proxy wars. The Democracies on one side and the Communists or Autocrats on the other, have long fueled wars on the others’ periphery, with the intent to weigh down their opponent, drain them of resources, or blunt their expansionist desires. What all sides have studiously avoided has been supplying lethal aid to proxy forces to attack directly on the territory of their nuclear-armed adversaries.

    Until now.

    The belief in the West that allowing the use of long-range weapons and F-16s to attack targets on the Russian mainland would change the course of the war is embarrassing in its naiveté. Any elemental analysis of the balance of power between the Ukraine side (along with the support from the West) and the Russian side shows that Putin’s forces have decisive advantages in air power, air defense, armor, missiles, drones, industrial capacity, and manpower.

    There is nothing for the United States to gain and a great deal to lose by expanding the allowed target list of our weapons and ammunition to Ukraine. Risking nuclear escalation is foolish to the highest degree. Biden's permission last week should be rescinded immediately before any damage is done.

    End quote


    "The regime is cooking up its biggest and bloodiest election plot yet and Americans are sleepwalking right into it…"

    Begin quote

    In an absolutely unthinkable and reckless display of warmongering, Joe Biden has just given Ukraine the all-clear to use American weapons inside Russia. We’ve gone beyond just “poking the bear”—now we’re openly mocking and slapping it silly. This is a dangerous game of Russian roulette that’s destined for disaster. And for the record, it’s the US and NATO, not Russia, pushing the world toward nuclear war.

    There’s no two ways around it—this is the start of World War III, and it’s being wielded as a “weapon” to secure the 2024 election for a senile old man who nobody likes. Senator JD Vance sees the writing on the wall and is sounding alarm bells.

    So, why is this happening? Simple: because Joe Biden is a political relic from a time when Americans could be duped into cheering for pointless foreign wars and rallying behind leaders, afriad to make a “change” during “righteous” conflict. That’s how Biden’s out-of-touch regime still thinks Americans will react in 2024. In addition, as outlandish as it might seem, the threat of nuclear war could ironically pave the way for a massive resurgence of mail-in voting, and we all know how that worked out for Democrats last time, right? It’s time for Americans to wake up and see what’s really happening as we approach the next election with our eyes wide open to all the horrific possibilities that are on the table and what this regime, desperate to hold onto power, is willing to do.

    End quote
    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  50. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Putin has screwed the pooch. He can't afford to lose this war and he can't afford to win it either. If he loses it, Russia will be hit with huge and I mean huge reparation penalties, needed to rebuild the Ukraine. If he win the war, then Russia will be faced with huge rebuilding costs and the need to support the remaining Ukrainian people. Plus there will be very high cost to maintain troops in the Ukraine to fight the resistance that will surely rise up. The Russian economy has now shifted into a war production mode. Once the Ukrainian war ends, the Russian economy will tank. Between the sanctions (barely effective) and the shift into war production, Russia has financially screwed themselves. They are also now at the mercy of China, which is taking full advantage of their economic leverage. China has no friends or loyalty to any other nation. They are the second Alpha male in the world wolf pack. They are always looking for their chance to become the top Alpha wolf leader. It has taken Russia too long to win in the Ukraine. Now there is not face saving way out. Yes the west is more than just poking the bear, they are demonstrating to the bear that it is not the king of the jungle. Ukraine will now use the high tech weapons to hit Russian military points inside Russia but I don't think you will see any of these high tech weapons used against any civilian targets. Now the Russian troops / military cannot amass safely on their side of the border. They have become targets and the supply lines have also become targets. The Ukrainian war is headed for another long year of conflict.
    lonewolf and poltiregist like this.
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