Do you believe in Evolution?

Discussion in 'Religion, Religious Views, and Life After Death' started by Coputere, Jun 15, 2016.

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  1. Coputere

    Coputere New Member

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    Do you believe in the evolutionary process? Some times I feel that we as a race fight too hard for things to stay the same and as a result the powers that be have to force us out of our comfort zones. Don't you think that a global disaster will just be mother nature's way of forcing us to evolve in a new way?
    The Innkeeper and Keith H. like this.
  2. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    I believe evolution and creation are the one thing!
    I think the slow steady process of evolution is on occasions rudely interrupted be bouts of catastrophism
    and creation is actually REcreation from the last catastrophe.
    It fits remarkably well in the timeline! and explains most things!
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  3. OursIsTheFury

    OursIsTheFury Expert Member

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    Evolution is basically adapting to situations, when initially you are at a disadvantage. It's the process of changing through countless years, so that we can survive challenges along the way. That's what I think evolution is. Throughout history, people have been evolving. Warfare, for example. People found that rocks and sticks aren't going to cut it when facing much deadlier predators in the wild, so they decided to sharpen them. When that didn't work, they tried making them longer, for better reach. When they fought with other humans, they figure long range is the way to go, and developed weapons from bows, guns, to even missiles. That's what evolution is, the eternal race to get the upper hand.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  4. thePENofGODx0x0xz7

    thePENofGODx0x0xz7 New Member

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    We can not deny science no matter how strong our beliefs.
    To struggle is to get stronger, so everyday we are evolving.
    Evolution is not just a physical thing.
    You should try to evolve now from within.
    The Innkeeper and Tina Thompson like this.
  5. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    Some people have different abilities depending on the environment they live in. For instance, I live in a forest, & I am more aware of what goes on around me than the average person who lived in the city. Even though, there may be at any given time, more dangers present in the city than there are where I live. But I did say "some people". My abilities may also differ from other people's because of my past experiences when I have been confronted by danger.
    I don't think that any of this is as clear cut as it may seem. Some people, even those living in the country can still be oblivious of their surroundings. I have had interactions with wild animals, & from this contact I have learned that intelligence is not a species thing, it is an individual thing.
    My sense of smell is fairly high, at times off the scale. Can you imagine what it is like for me when I have to go to the city?! Same for my hearing. So whilst I think that a shtf situation could improve some people's abilities & senses, I think other people in the same situation may not gain from it at all.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  6. glreese

    glreese Member

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    I believe that the world was created by God as well as mankind and the other various things in the world. However I believe that the creations adapt in various ways. I believe Species work together and evolve into better civilizations. But I don't believe creations evolve into different things and species.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  7. judyd1

    judyd1 New Member

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    If evolution were scientific fact, instead of a theory, there would be more proof in nature. That's why I can't believe in the theory of evolution. But I'm not alone. There are many scientists who don't believe life happened by means of evolution. Scientists have learned more about the chemistry and molecular structure of life than ever before, yet they still can't define with certainty just what "life" is.

    Scientists have differing views about where life began—for instance, was it within a volcano or under the ocean floor? Another belief is that life’s building blocks first formed in outer space and arrived here embedded in meteors. They can't even agree on these matters., they can only speculate. After decades of scientific research in virtually all branches of science, the fact remains that life comes only from preexisting life.

    One example of a scientist who no longer teaches evolution is Antony Flew, a professor of philosophy who at one time was a leading advocate of atheism. When he learned about the staggering complexity of life and the physical laws of the universe, Flew changed his opinion. Citing an ancient approach to reasoning, he wrote: “We must follow the argument wherever it leads.” For Professor Flew, the evidence pointed to the existence of a Creator. If you have a chance, you should look up his information on Wikipedia. Pretty interesting stuff.
    Steve-0 and The Innkeeper like this.
  8. djordjem87

    djordjem87 Member

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    We actually think this is evolution that we do and what happened to us during the years. Evolving should mean getting better and not getting worse and destructible. I am not a scientist and really I cannot say whether the theory of evolution is close to the truth because it is a theory not a fact. My personal opinion that we developed physically and mentally but we only managed to use the physical part well but not entirely actually. It would be much better for the earth and animals if we stayed on trees. We destroy everything we touch and it is because we have 'superior' mind. We call things what we want to call them and maybe it sounds philosophical but evolution would have a different name if we could understand animals. They would call it the path of destruction or something like that.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  9. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    yes and yes. how do you think humans got here otherwise.
    I don't believe in the supernatural theory, that's for frightening uneducated peasants with.
    The Innkeeper and Coputere like this.
  10. Coputere

    Coputere New Member

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    I do not mind the creationist view, but I do not believe that if there is anyone involved in the plight of man kind that they did anything without technology. When it comes to what is written in ancient books, I think that what we call extra-dimensional or extraterrestrial beings come into play. Other than that, it is obvious that man was meant to exceed his current position in life. We adjust too well in current situations for it to not have been a factor in the possible hundreds of thousands of years that we have been here.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  11. kamar19

    kamar19 Member

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    Evolution is the natural way of things in the universe and as time goes on change causes evolution on many levels such as the the earth and all life on the earth evolution is a part of change and change is a reality.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  12. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    Evolution? Of course.
    Can't deny overwhelming scientific evidence.
    That said who is to say "God" didn't use evolution to create us?
    There are some zealots that preach a young earth and some that even believe "God"
    said "poof, you are a human".
    Some creationists believe the earth was made in six literal 24 hour days.
    Recall that when the Bible was written science wasn't even a word.
    I'm comfortable with evolution and God and Special Creation.
    I think the Adam and Eve story was written by the people for the people that didn't have a clue about
    scientific theory.
    Did humans evolve from so called lower life forms?
    Most likely but science hasn't "proven" that either.
    There has yet to be found the "missing link" between modern man and apes.
    That said I have dealt with a lot of humans that act like animals.
    Disgusting what?
    Back in ancient times when something occurred that people didn't understand the "god"
    did it.
    To this very day when someone dies unexpectedly people say "God took_________ because
    He needed another angel in heaven.
    "so and so is in a better place"...really?
    NO! So and so is DEAD. Period.
    No wonder some people grow up hating that god.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  13. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    Is there a missing "link"?
    Well depends upon who and what you read.
    There are article that do claim there is NO missing link between hominid and modern man.
    Frankly I don't know or really care.
    We are here.
    Lets do something positive with us.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  14. wizzywiz

    wizzywiz New Member

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    I don't believe in evolution. I am a christian and also a believer and we don't believe in that. We believe in the one true God and his son Jesus.
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  15. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I don't have a problem with others beliefs, that for them to decide.
    but if we didn't evolve we would have stayed the same and we'd still be living in caves and wearing animal fur, we've come a long way since those days, some would say too far.
    The Innkeeper and jeager like this.
  16. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    Sometimes I wish gunpowder had never been invented.
    But we'd still be killing each other with sticks and stones anyway.
    If there were no danger in this world this site would not exist.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  17. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I wish nuclear hadn't been invented.
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  18. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    You ain't the only one!
    " I don't know how WW three will be fought but WW four will be fought with sticks and stones."

    A. Einstein
    The Innkeeper and lonewolf like this.
  19. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    Personally I think that since the 19th century humanity has been devolving. Our senses were at their peek in the Stone Age, & certain peoples managed to retain this advantage throughout time. But the city environment has killed off these senses, people living there have lost contact with nature. A global disaster may well bring back these senses, IF They Survive long enough!!!
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  20. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    Sure 'nuff.
    Modern man's survival instincts seem to be gone ergo so many snowflakes.
    Can you imagine all the "gimmie" people on government dole for generations when the
    freebies are gone?
    We think they riot over b.s. now wait 'till they have to actually DO something to survive.

    Those types will be the first to become lawless and disorganized.
    I can only hope the prey on one another first and lessen the numbers of them running

    I'm old enough to remember when people needing assistance did WORK in exchange.
    Many cut brush along roads, picked up trash, and other minimum labor.
    Now expect them to work and they'd riot.
    Riot, a way of extortion from taxpayers.
    A real shtf will drastically reduce those numbers quickly.
    Steve-0, The Innkeeper and lonewolf like this.
  21. CivilDefense

    CivilDefense Expert Member

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    Evolution is both a scientific fact and a theory. Read this on what a theory is in the scientific world. It is not a guess or a hypothesis.

    The evolutionary model has nothing to do with how "life happened". That would be abiogenesis.

    Being a Christian and a belief in evolution are not mutually exclusive. Dr. Francis Collins, for example, is a devout Christian, and has contributed greatly in the field of genetics. And he knows evolution is true:

    "Yes, evolution by descent from a common ancestor is clearly true. If there was any lingering doubt about the evidence from the fossil record, the study of DNA provides the strongest possible proof of our relatedness to all other living things."
    — Collins: Why this scientist believes in God, editorial, CNN (April 6, 2007)​
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  22. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    I'm Christian and have no conflict between my faith and the scientific evidence of evolution.
    There is zero conflict between "special creation" and evolution.

    I believe in a Power greater than me.
    "God" is as good a noun as any.
    Who says God's creation tool isn't evolution?
    God is the ultimate scientist.
    Think of something.
    The Genesis account was written by and for people that had zero concept of science.
    Science in fact wasn't even a word.
    I have an open mind and it's a shame many do not.
    Fear and superstition of ticking off "God" drives many to shun scientific evidence.
    The God I believe in wants his creations to excel and USE our intellect for progress.

    "There is a premise that condemns mankind to everlasting ignorance. That is contempt
    prior to investigation."

    Hebert Spencer

    Too bad many people who claim to believe in Christian concepts have never studied the
    Christian Bible.

    STUDY, not merely read or have some preacher read it to you.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  23. JeffHart

    JeffHart New Member

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    Evolution and the Christian faith can co-exist to an extent.
    Just like the big bang theory can co-exist with Genesis 1 of God's creation.
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  24. Chiari

    Chiari New Member

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    We are now in an interglacial period, there were at least 5 mass extinctions, the biggest ones were the Permo-Triassic that wiped out about 95% of the species, and the most popular one, the Cretaceous-Tertiary, known as K-T extinction that deleted the dinosaurs from the Earth's surface. Scientifically speaking, another glacial period will cover the Earth in about 80,000 years and humans will see if they're strong enough (both physically and intellectually) to adapt to that extreme conditions and evolve in some way.
  25. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    Sorry but you are incorrect there!
    We are due now for a Glacial to start and last approx. 80,000y until the next interglacial.
    The current interglacial has actually already ended but due to the immense mass involved it takes time as in decades for the cooling to take effect!
    How have the winters been lately? one long cold one after another year on year! getting longer and colder maybe?

    For Four decades the warming fanatics have been telling me it is getting warmer and winters will get lesser!!!!
    Still not seeing it:D
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  26. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    In my part of the U.S. we've had the mildest winters ever and for several years now.
    If we get snow that actually lasts a day or so people wonder what that white stuff is.
    I'm old enough that remember walking a mile to the school bus stop in minus 10 degrees
    and 14 inches of snow on the ground that lasted till mid April.
    Latest snow I remember was June 3rd but I've forgotten what year.
    At least 30 years ago.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  27. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    About evolution.
    Some fundamentalist Christians believe the earth was created in six literal twenty-four hour
    These are the ones that beat their kids based upon "spare the rod and spoil the child" which isn't
    in the Bible at all!!!!!

    Probably it's hearsay, from one dummy to another dummy that never read the Bible.

    To begin with, this "verse," as quoted, isn't in the Bible. The closest verse like it is Proverbs 13:24 which reads, "Those who spare the rod, hate their children, but the one who loves their child disciplines them diligently."

    in the 23rd Psalm where we read, "Your rod and your staff comfort me."

    The "rod" comforts, it does not hurt.
    So what does the rod represent???

    The word of God!
    So........."spare the word of God and spoil the child".
    There is a huge difference between merely reading the Bible and understanding the Bible.

    One can read about surviving different potential shtf situations but if one doesn't fully
    understand the consequences of not being prepared then disaster can result.
    Some with over prepping for the wrong shtf situation.
    Prep for nuclear war but get a terrible winter and one could be in deep doo doo.
    A hazmat suit won't keep you warm.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  28. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    that's not evolution, that's climate change.
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  29. working3

    working3 New Member

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    Aa a creationist, I do not believe that the world is billions of years old. I believe that the world is likely 6-10 thousand years old. Very recent discoveries prove that life has a complexity that would not have been possible through evolution. The great biblical flood explains a lot, in that, the earth's atmosphere, sediments, everything shifts and changes in a massive flood. This could explain why radiocarbon dating is wrong. Things make perfect sense as it was written in the bible. Scientists spend lots of time disputing and discrediting the Bible when they should spend more time reading and understanding the facts!
    The Innkeeper and Tumbleweed like this.
  30. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    Post some links to scientific facts and evidence please.
    Actually don't.
    Y.E.C. people have closed minds and this forum isn't the place for this scientific argument.
    By the way. What are your academic credentials?
    The Innkeeper and CivilDefense like this.
  31. wizzywiz

    wizzywiz New Member

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    Evolution does not give credit to God as the creator of all things. At least i still remember this from my social sciences and geographical classes.
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  32. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    why should it?
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  33. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Why should it?

    It's science not religion.
    I have two science degrees and religious studies were in zero classes and rightfully so.
    If I wanted a degree in divinity then the Bible would be in the studies.
    How to fleece the faithful out of money would absolutely be included.

    "Send the Almighty Church more money to buy vacations for the preacher."

    Many faithful church goers may not realize that ministers make very little money.
    Usually the minister has a Doctorate of Divinity degree, lives in a house owned by
    the church, drives a car owned by the church, gets a bit of money for food from the church,
    and has one hellofa time getting any kind of credit at all, ever.

    Why? They don't pay their bills. Who is going to take a minister to court or collections
    and piss off the entire congregation.
    $57.5 million deal to permit the Catholic Diocese of Orange to purchase the iconic glass sanctuary

    The glass (Crystal) church built on DONATIONS by the faithful.

    Like God want's a glass church? Really?

    Did Jesus or the Apostles charge money for preaching the "Good News"?
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  34. working3

    working3 New Member

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    Folks, give it a rest. I went to a Baptist school and every subject injected God and Christianity into the lessons. I love that people are passionate in their beliefs. We all should be!
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  35. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    I went to a State college where NOTHING religious in any form was taught.
    ( or tolerated )
    My second degree came from strict Christian University where our first text book was...................

    a BIBLE.

    Loved it.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  36. Okaviator

    Okaviator Member

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    I actually don't believe in evolution. I just find it hard to believe that we all came from one Big Bang. So instead I decide to believe that we came from an intellectual creator.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  37. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    Yes I believe in evolution. All this bullshit about an invisible god all mighty goes far beyond science fiction. There is nothing in the bible about life on other planets! Did this fictional god create dinosaurs & then kill them all? What did it do that for?! Total bullshit. If you are one of those people who needs a god to pray to in order to keep you going & get you through hard times, fine, but to say that evolution is not fact & that Alien life on other planets are not fact, well that is just plain stupid & makes no sense.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  38. Scarlet

    Scarlet Member

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    I don't believe in the evolution because it is made by man. I believe that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God because we are made according to His image.
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  39. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I believe in evolution because I don't believe in some invisible supernatural being.
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  40. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    There is no image of any god, there can't be because no one has ever seen a god. I suppose you could argue that if Jesus was the son of god, then god was an Arab with Arab features, but talking of gods fathering humans is getting into science fiction again. The Bible was written thousands of years ago, & since that time it has been changed. But its original purpose was to lay down a set of rules for people to live by. The Bible was written by humans, not by any so called god. God is a myth, & if you want to believe in this god, then you are probably better off not challenging reality.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  41. Jameson

    Jameson New Member

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    Evolution is a reality and it is essential for the survival of the human race. It occurs both physically and spiritually. It is essential for these two states of existence to work in accordance otherwise there would be an imbalance.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  42. joegirl

    joegirl Member

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    Are you asking about the theory of evolution populated by Charles Darwin which says man evolved from apes? No, I do not believe in this theory. I believe man was made and created by God.
    Evolution as a process of growth is a view I believe in. We all have to grow to be healthy.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  43. Tina Thompson

    Tina Thompson New Member

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  44. Tina Thompson

    Tina Thompson New Member

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    We aren't meant to stay the same. Evolving within is the answer to a lot of the problems we have today. We were meant to grow and explore and learn from our experiences. If we would focus on our inner life more than our outer life, we could accomplish so much more and evolve faster. The things outside are temporary, your soul is forever.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  45. CivilDefense

    CivilDefense Expert Member

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    And your evidence of a 6-10 thousand year old Earth is what exactly?

    By the way, human beings have existed longer than that, let alone our planet.

    Name one.

    Carbon-14 dating is still a useful tool. Where are you getting that it is inaccurate?

    A YEC interpretation of the Judeo-Christian Bible is only one such view. One I might add not held by the vast majority of adherents to the faith.

    You have a bizarre view of the scientific community if you think that.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  46. Deathisue

    Deathisue New Member

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    I agree with you, the bible with the passing of the years has had many changes, its original purpose as you say was to lay the basis for the human being can live in peace, but over the centuries that same book has been changed too many times and for that I'm skeptical about it. Nobody ihas been seen a god these days and there are thousands of beliefs around the world so it is hard to believe the truth, just believe in yourself at least. And yes, I believe in evolution.
    The Innkeeper and Keith H. like this.
  47. CivilDefense

    CivilDefense Expert Member

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    Of course, the theory has nothing to do with man evolving from apes. Humans are more closely related to modern apes, but we did not evolve from either apes or monkeys. We share a common ancestor with modern African apes. That common ancestor existed between 5—8 million years ago.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2017
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  48. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I think evolution as described by Darwin is a part of what has molded the life on our planet. I say part of because I also have long believed that survival of the fittest is often trumped by survival of the lucky. The dinosaurs didn't die and were replaced by mammals because the mammals were fitter. Over and over through millions of years the planet has killed most of the life and then had to refill all the many spots in the environment again from the start. Cataclysmic evolution has been as big a part as survival of the fittest.

    We are right now in the midst of another cataclysmic period and extinctions are reaching the point of another ecological collapse. There has been big rock impacts, volcanic catastrophes. Ice ages and endless hot dry periods that caused extinctions. The current many extinctions are caused by a runaway population of humans that are killing everything. Eventually we will probably be victims of our own ecological destruction.

    Modern apes are our cousins not our grandparents. Honestly I have a few cousins that didn't fall out of the trees all that long ago! Dumb as a box of rocks!
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2018
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  49. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    Mate, when signs like this are needed at the public swimming pool, you know things are not quite right!!!
    ce6163d0f8cca0547f47f1cfd1c30e2c.jpeg Keith.
    The Innkeeper likes this.
  50. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    Evolution is a rather simple but slow process that a lot of people just don't seem to the man descending from apes idea. All evolution means is adapting. If you have a group of animals isolated someplace over time they will better adapt to their environment. Darwin noticed this about birds on islands. The same species of birds on separate isolated islands had each adapted their colors and such to best adapt them to the plant life specific to that island. The birds with the favorable coloration survived slightly longer and had more success in reproduction. Over a long time period the favorable traits became the most common on that specific island.

    Islands played a big part in learning and understanding the effects of this slow adaptation. Australia for example became an isolated island long before the mammals became the dominant species. This allowed the marsupial group of animals to fill all the environmental spots. Marsupials all over the rest of the world were not as successful and the similar places were filled by mammals. When Australia was found by the Europeans they introduced rabbits, rats, hogs and a plethora of other invasive species into a virgin environment and it has created chaos. It would be interesting to see what the dominant species there will look like in a couple of million years.

    People have been doing forced evolution for a long time and that is how a wolf turned into a Chihuahua, a big mean ox turned into a gentle cow and little grasses turned into wheat and corn. We were the defining factor in their adaptation. Natural evolution takes a lot longer and often goes down some odd paths but in the end the members of the species that have the most representative in the next generation will most strongly effect the species... unless a rock or something falls out of the sky and suddenly changes the rules...
    The Innkeeper and Keith H. like this.
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