A Humor Article

Discussion in 'The Hangout' started by Pragmatist, Oct 25, 2019.

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  1. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Good afternoon all,

    Above is a humor article to start off the weekend.

    Note the article's "... potential decrease in value of untapped reserves ..." Attention Sandra Termini and the New York State Teachers' Pension Fund: Get out of oil and into Ben and Jerry's preferred common stock ! Soonest ....... faster !

    Attention Eric Waltman: A favorite bumper sticker of mine: "Let Them Freeze In The Dark"

    Of course the Supremes lets cases continue. That's how the lower-echelon legal beagles get paid.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    American law enforcement is not taking seriously the need for man's best friend to take over the steering wheel when his companion human is intoxicated. Drunks shouldn't drive! We can all agree on this, I do believe. The following article demonstrates how police officers often presume that a canine is utterly incompetent to be a decent driver. What's that about! This is speciesism at its worst. In my humble opinion, the arresting officer needs some time off to receive further training in the realm of species bigotry and the dangers such a poor attitude poses.

    "Driver trades places with dog to avoid DUI"


    "A DUI suspect in Colorado tried unsuccessfully to pin the rap on his dog, according to police in eastern Colorado.

    "Cops in Springfield, Colo., wrote on Facebook that the attempted switcheroo happened around 11:30 p.m. Saturday when officers pulled over a vehicle driving 52 mph in a 30 mph zone.

    “ 'The driver attempted to switch places with his dog who was in the passenger seat, as the SPD officer approached and watched the entire process,' law enforcement officials said Sunday. 'The male party then exited the passenger side of the vehicle and claimed he was not driving.'

    "When police asked the suspect if he’d consumed alcohol, he ran away, abandoning both vehicle and pooch. He was caught about 60 feet from where the incident began.

    "Charges against the unidentified driver, who allegedly had outstanding warrants, include suspicion of DUI and resisting arrest.

    “ 'The dog was given to an acquaintance of the driver to take care of while the party was in jail,' police said. 'The dog does not face any charges and was let go with just a warning.' "

    Last edited: May 19, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    History of a quote

    Ancient sayings often have multiple (read, "many") origins. Wise humans know themselves. Life is full of death and unimaginably hard lessons. Our views change radically as we mature ... if we mature. I've known wise young people and adolescent old folk. The wise young have endured hell in their lives. The old adolescents led soft lives or were dull of mind.

    If you are an adolescent faced with SHTF scenarios (there are going to be many ... and of many degrees of severity), you will fail and may die. Stupidity also gets your loved ones killed. Even among preppers, there are naive notions. If you think it can't happen, then you will face that very thing. Kids, things are going to go pure insane, pure unpredictable. Strange is going to happen en masse.

    "If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain"


    Begin quote

    Edmund Burke? Anselme Batbie? Victor Hugo? King Oscar II of Sweden? George Bernard Shaw? François Guizot? Jules Claretie? Georges Clemenceau? Benjamin Disraeli? Winston Churchill? Anonymous?

    Dear Quote Investigator: Some individuals change their political orientation as they grow older. There is a family of sayings that present a mordant judgment on this ideological evolution. Here are three examples:

    Not to be a républicain at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head.

    If you’re not a socialist before you’re twenty-five, you have no heart; if you are a socialist after twenty-five, you have no head.

    If you aren’t a liberal when you’re young, you have no heart, but if you aren’t a middle-aged conservative, you have no head.

    Quote Investigator: The earliest strong match known to QI appeared in a history book titled “Histoire de la Révolution de 1870-71” by French literary figure Jules Claretie. The book included a reprint of a public 1872 letter from academic and politician Anselme Polycarpe Batbie who employed the saying. Interestingly, Batbie, credited the remark to “Burke”. Below is an excerpt in French followed by an English translation. Boldface has been added:[1]

    Plusieurs de mes amis m’engageaient à répondre par le trait célèbre de Burke: « Celui qui n’est pas républicain à vingt ans fait douter de la générosité de son âme; mais celui qui, après trente ans, persévère, fait douter de la rectitude de son esprit. »

    Several of my friends urged me to respond with Burke’s famous line: “Anyone who is not a republican at twenty casts doubt on the generosity of his soul; but he who, after thirty years, perseveres, casts doubt on the soundness of his mind.”

    Batbie was probably referring to the statesman Edmund Burke who was noted for his support of the American Revolution and his later condemnation of the French Revolution. However, QI has not located the quotation under investigation in the writings of Burke. Anselme Batbie lived between 1828 and 1887.

    Below are additional selected citations in chronological order.

    In 1799 a thematic precursor of this expression was attributed to John Adams who was the second president of the United States. The topic was a change in political viewpoint, but the remark did not contrast liberal versus conservative:[2]

    A boy of fifteen who is not a democrat is good for nothing, and he is no better who is a democrat at twenty.

    As mentioned previously, an 1874 book by Jules Claretie reprinted an 1872 letter by Anselme Polycarpe Batbie that contained the saying under examination. In 1875 Claretie published the same quotation again within a book chapter about Batbie:[4]

    The quotation appeared yet again in volume five of the “La Grande Encyclopédie” (“The Great Encyclopedia”) which was published circa 1888. The statement occurred within the entry for Batbie, and he received credit.[5]

    In 1905 a French history journal called “Revue d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine” published a review that included a version of the saying using a different phrasing. The words were attributed to an unnamed man:[6]

    « Nous entendions dire dans notre enfance par un homme qui avait connu l’existence et qui n’etait pas sans esprit: « Celui qui n’est pas républicain à vingt ans révèle une bien vilaine âme; mais celui qui l’est encore à trente est un imbécile ». Aujourd’hui nous pourrions ajouter: ou un coquin ».

    “We heard in our childhood from a man who had known life and was not without spirit: ‘He who is not a Republican at twenty reveals a very ugly soul; but he who is still a Republican at thirty is a fool.’ Today we could add: or a rascal ”.

    In 1923 the “Wall Street Journal” credited King Oscar II of Sweden with a version of the remark using the word “socialist” instead of “républicain” or “republican”. The quote appeared as a freestanding short item under the title: “The truth in its proper use”:[8]

    A man who has not been a socialist before 25 has no heart. If he remains one after 25 he has no head.—King Oscar II of Sweden

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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