Back To "normal"?

Discussion in 'The Apocalypse' started by lonewolf, Jan 18, 2020.

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  1. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    many preppers do not take long term survival seriously and in many cases give it no consideration at all, they seems to be more concerned with stocking their retreats and hoping to hold out against all comers until things, they hope, return to normal or some semblance of normal.
    by longer term we mean surviving AFTER the initial event or events whatever the cause, not just for a year or two but into the distant future, this is an event of such magnitude it completely rules out a return to the way we are now, and means a completely different way of living.
    much of what is written about survival in the short term can also be useful in the longer term, but much of what is written assumes that things will get back to "normal", some preppers seem loath to discuss or even contemplate that things may never get back to normal.
  2. Blitz

    Blitz Master Survivalist

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    An interesting subject lonewolf.

    I wonder if there are some preppers who actually look forward to a disruption in their lives so they can practise their survival skills more for the enjoyment of a challenge. Meaning, they are happy to put up with a short term disruption so they can experience the difficulties that ensue but are happy when things get back to normal.

    As an analogy, going camping in the bush. You go for a week or two, or longer, have to put up with a lot of inconvenience and challenges, including some disasters, are confronted with difficulties such as digging a drop toilet, being rained out (and having to go to the toilet in pissing rain), unable to do washing with a washing machine, having to be conscious of water usage, insect bites, things breaking, etc, etc, but are happy when you go home to sit on a toilet without worrying about snakes or other bities, a hot shower, instant food, heating, cooling, etc.

    In other words, perhaps for some it's a bit of a holiday mentality.

    Hope that makes sense.
  3. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I think you are right about the holiday analogy, many seem to be okay with it as a short term event but would be hard pressed or impossible to do it as a permanent lifestyle so involved they are in modern lifestyles and attitudes. the complete loss of electricity seems to be the one thing that most cannot envisage.
    I have only met one or two who could even contemplate it .
  4. Blitz

    Blitz Master Survivalist

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    I haven't met one person who would even contemplate it (other than my husband but he doesn't really count seeing as he's dead).

    People generally that I talk to, think it's all a load of bollocks and refuse to even contemplate such a scenario, even with what is currently going on in the world. They all live in this illusion that the government will look after them and everything will get back to normal, even better than before. Makes my head spin.
  5. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    well, now you've met another, and I know a couple more!!
    I think maybe that's the difference between a prepper and a survivalist, in the UK anyway.
  6. Blitz

    Blitz Master Survivalist

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    Yep. I think you're right lonewolf. The difference between a prepper and a survivalist, that is.
  7. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    in any case, its being said over here that it will be 18 months before the UK gets back to "normal"- if it ever does, it wont happen until either a vaccine or a cure is found.
  8. Blitz

    Blitz Master Survivalist

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    Exactly. If and when a vaccine or cure is found.
    TMT Tactical, Sourdough and lonewolf like this.
  9. Kranky

    Kranky Expert Member

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    It was kind of the way we were prepping. There being no more normal. Have felt like this consumerist house of cards would be knocked down with something (and am unsure if this is even it), and there would be no more normal.

    As we were still working on it, this pandemic caught us not yet prepared. Kind of. We didn't have a year of food, toilet paper, etc. But we did get our living expenses cut down to the bone, got our piece of land and have been working on it towards more sustainability, and going with the idea that items will not be as easily available in the future. Like moving towards low-tech, I suppose. We are trying to be less dependent on stuff because I've felt that stuff won't be easy to come by, or price to acquire them will skyrocket.

    I kind of feel like this pandemic is just a starting event that will affect a lot of things, badly. They will try to get everything to return to 'normal' when the smoke clears and maybe will succeed, maybe not. But it will just be an illusion until the next thing hits. In the mean time, we will continue on getting our end more sustainable with this in mind, while we are still able to.
  10. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    yes, that's the way I feel and have felt for some time.
  11. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I've always thought whatever the event was that caused SHTF/TEOTWAWKI (maybe this virus is it?) it wouldn't stop at just one thing/one problem, that it would cause a domino or cascade event and other events would follow on, a lot of people have died not only here in the UK but all over the world, will this cause other things? like a recession maybe, or a lack of fresh food in the shops, maybe a break in the supply chain for other non food items, maybe some industries will falter or even collapse because many key workers have died? I don't know, like they say "the possibilities are endless", one thing I do know and that is this virus isn't over yet and many more will die or be made sick in the coming months or even years to come. maybe we will never get back to normal, welcome to the new "normal" which is nothing like anyone alive has even known or seen before. maybe we are witnessing the evolution of a new age.
  12. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    A good topic , It seems to me most people even those that consider themselves preppers would not survive a severe financial and food chain collapse . And as of right now we are right on that edge and are just beginning to slide into that bottomless abyss . Some are grasping at the political pep rally speech's as they know they or their families could not survive a true global collapse . ---- What if anti - virus drug was NEVER found . Return to work and pretend the virus really isn't deadly or shelter in your survival retreat and watch everyone else die ? Those returning to work will be exposed and die over the weeks or perhaps years as they wait for the miracle drug . If the majority of people shelter in place as that is the correct political term today , then Economic and political collapse will be certain . --- Some even think the virus will just disappear on its own for no apparent reason . I consider this just more pep rally talk .
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
  13. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    if a virus vaccine was never found then I think that is it for "society" in general, economic and political collapse would be inevitable, any survivors would find themselves very much on their own and would have to survive by their own efforts. forget money, or credit and debit cards, they will no longer be of any use.
    the virus would eventually disappear like the black death did before it, without any further human hosts to inhabit it can only survive for so long.
    TMT Tactical, Blitz and poltiregist like this.
  14. Blitz

    Blitz Master Survivalist

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    Even if they do find a vaccine, it won't be available for the entire population for some time - it will take years for everyone on the planet to be immune by which time a lot more damage to the economy will follow.

    We're already on the brink of a recession. I can see this turning out to be worse than the Great Depression, if things aren't returned to a semblance of "normal" in the near future.
  15. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    I am an old man. My immune system is decidedly against me. This virus could kill me. The virus is thus a biologic threat to people in my niche, which is quite frankly, rather narrow.

    To the masses of humanity, this virus is also a real threat, but not so much biologically as economically.

    China may not become a pariah, however its days of being Earth's slave-labor source #1 are Over and I do mean OVER! Other countries will take their place as industrial ingredient suppliers.

    China is going to take it in the teeth economically and be made infuriated to the point of war. As communist China suffers economically, watch that country go mega-aggressive. China WILL push down into the South China sea and seize the oil reserves lying therein -- they now have no other choice but to do so. China WILL go nuclear in any real confrontation with the United States Navy. They are already attacking the navies of Vietnam and the Philippines. They want this region of Earth, they are hell-bent on securing it, and they have no qualms about risking the lives of tens of millions / hundreds of millions of their own people to have their way. China WILL start a nuclear war if they perceive the need to do so. They will inevitably block the Strait of Malacca so as to cut-off trade between the USA and India & Middle-East. This will start a nuclear war.

    I could now go around the world and describe what the coming economic collapses will bring, including war and famine. I haven't the energy to proceed. It is late and I'm getting tired of it all. Lonewolf has brought up the domino-effect as have others, me too. Even at these earliest stages of this one pandemic (others are sure to follow) we witness governments struggling mightily to pretend money into existence to prevent THE collapse. Such cannot last.

    The beginning of the end has begun. We can only speculate as to how long it will take this age's Tower of Babel to fall, however ...

    It is finished.

  16. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    yes, I believe this virus is only the beginning not the end, if they let people out of lockdown too early then they will just get infected and many will die.
    I think we are seeing the START of TEOTWAWKI but the masses and TPTB will not be able to realise this until its too late.
  17. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Old Geezer, I will have to disagree regarding a nuclear war. I do see all the other points happening but the Leaders of China are not going to kill themselves if they can't have what they want. They will kill off millions of their people at the drop of a hat but the leaders will want to continue to live the good life. China has a lot of cannon fodder (people) but that does not include the part leaders.
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