Can You Spot The Ishmaelite Shakedown In This Article?????

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by watcherchris, Nov 24, 2023.

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  1. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I caught this ...this morning when reading some headlines and spotted the shakedown...right away based on pattern recognition...,.

    There is a fallacy here...a legal fiction .......big time....,and very emotional, gullible, television and or movie trained folks will take a huge bite out of this dung sandwich....and think it is ambrosia...honey...,when it is in fact the very opposite....

    Be very very warned about think......,.be careful about any type of group think....

    Here from this link....I was astonished by this ....and it's tendency or track ...tack of taking advantage of peoples ignorance and gullibility....

    21 Things MAGA Followers Permanently Destroyed For Everyone Else - Because Mom Says

    Number 1 on the list...personal safety....

    Notice the tack or pattern are not responsible for your personal safety...someone else is.....and this someone else has the responsibility ...even to the point of putting themselves into Involuntary Servitude to serve someone else's personal safety. You owe it to them to make changes in your belief system to accommodate someone else's personal safety.....understand..????

    You will see this pattern repeated over and over ad nauseum one after another of these 21 issues they are trying to brainwash people into believing in order to form their leftist utopia.

    Their leftist utopia means involuntary servitude in the beliefs of others to accommodate their leftist dreams of the perfect utopia. They are not responsible for are...even if it means turning your world and practices upside down to accommodate them.

    Watch for this to be repeated over and over and over ...with predictability.

    Notice the next one ....

    The American Shame....

    You have the higher duty and obligation to not be proud..but accommodate someone else's shame and embarrassment in being American...or put another way put yourself into involuntary servitude to go along with the Shamed American belief....or there is something very very wrong with you.

    Got it now...catching on to the pattern.. This is a very very insidious form of deceit....

    Politicians lowering the bar.....

    What....politicians lowering the bar......the more politics you have ...the less liberty you have...common sense.

    No PHD needed to understand this ....

    It is the their constant putting people into shame and involuntary servitude one political practice after another after another who are lowering the bar...particularly the economic bar...

    When you try to put programs over embarrass peoples get them to conform..without putting it into codified have lowered the bar.... no genius needed here....

    This simply because you have herded people into involuntary servitude....

    See Amendment 13 of the Constitution of the United states.

    I have bookmarked this article for future use and sending out to people I know who can think past their immediate emotions.....and or entitlement.


    This one is self explainatory ....give me the law codified in the books on this one...

    How about the MAGA insult.????

    Roached out of the woodwork???

    This one is textbook blame game......

    No tolerance...diversity. or inclusion of which the left demands of everyone else.

    Notice that......more blame game...everyone else much change to accommodate us. Notice that...we deserve..even if we must force you ....or bully and or intimidate you into giving up your liberties and freedoms and into involuntary servitude to accommodate us. IF Not you are a roach...

    Again...what law is being broken here...what is the citation the law books??? Other than that have a legal fiction going on here...a fiction of law.

    You are trying to force upon someone else ...a belief system which the law does not is not in the books..

    And if you cannot pull that off on label them Nazis, racists, fascists etc etc al.

    Point of order here.....who are the real Nazis here.....racists, and Fascists???? Who are the bullies???

    Catching on yet...

    Point this article linked ....go through one issue after another after another on this 21 point list and look for a law citation of what law is bring broken...?? Look for it....find it.....

    These 21 articles is not their blame game.....

    But what is mentioned...over and over and over must change your beliefs and standards under the Constitution and put yourself into involuntary servitude to accommodate them...and their new world and order....

    You must go have the higher duty and obligation.....even if it means giving up your rights, liberties, and freedoms to accommodate someone else's liberties and freedoms and your expense.....involuntary servitude...,

    But Government's purpose is to protect your rights, liberties and freedoms not herd you to accommodate someone else's version of rights, liberties, and freedoms at your expense....again...involuntary servitude....

    Let me put this another have to be educated ...brainwashed to be this stupid and not catch it.

    The rise of the bigot

    This one really takes the cake for me...

    Do as we say or demand for we are the tolerant, diverse and inclusive ones...

    You have the higher duty and obligation to make changes in your life to accommodate us and our beliefs and change yours to accommodate Subsidize us and our system .....even though we do not declare the citation or law number ...code you are breaking...,..,

    There are people out here who only want to take care of their private business......

    They do not want to view everything through the prism of sex, sexuality, sexual orientation...race.....or even trans...before they take care of their private business.

    Put another way...they do not want to be "Herded" by whatever is currently not acceptable or even moral...or intelligent to them.

    They do not want to run with the crowds.... law....code number...what law are these people breaking.....????

    This is a big time Ishmaelite article...full of legal keep us properly cattle.

    Once you know to ask for the citation number...codified into have them in a corner...but they are to entitled to even notice what you have done...and are in denial.

    I did this in my living room with a woman who has a Masters degree...and caught her flatfooted.....she was not prepared for someone to think and or ask...outside of the rigged show...

    Once you know it is a rigged keep you off have them.....

    You are not supposed to be able to think this far on your own without permission....on any issue.

    My non Ishmaelite.02,
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Be warned these Ishmaelites and their involuntary servitude Ishmaelite techniques.....

    Be Warned...

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Continuing on with the 21 things that MAGA has ruined/permanently destroyed for others

    21 Things MAGA Followers Permanently Destroyed For Everyone Else - Because Mom Says

    Accidently dating a MAGA.....

    Remember what the left demands from others....this is textbook of what they do in duplicity.

    Remember when reading this type of article that the left brags about diversity, tolerance, inclusivity....

    The very thing you do not hear from this article on Accidently dating a MAGA.

    Who is the real bigot when it comes to diversity, tolerance, inclusivity. What you find out about these types of people is that they are anything but diverse, tolerant or inclusive..they are very very one way...while demanding those things out of you.

    Automatic Rifles..

    Now this one is stupid and also very very stupid on the part of our President who was so dumb/stupid that he tried to frame the issue on Hunting when the 2nd Amendment says nothing about Hunting.....

    You gotta be educated/brainwashed to be this giftedly stupid.

    This is how you know these people are into a non representative government...they are in Disneyland...

    Show you how stupid these people are....want to curb violence in America....start with Hollywood...that is mostly Hollywood's stock in and violence...

    No genius needed here....

    While I do not play video games....I am told by many that they are often very very members decide for I do not participate in video games.

    Another thing...the biggest arms dealer in the the US government and often to dictators and non democracies.....or democracies in name only .

    Once again ...someone in this fallen system needs us that we do not catch on to their stupid.

    Not only that...we often arm nations..we wind up fighting later....ever notice that stupid our leadership can be????

    Big Bald White Guys. we go again....racism....sexism, and ageism.

    Remember how diverse , tolerant and inclusive these people are !!!!

    The impact of empathy.

    Wow..this one is deep....

    Good cop/bad cop.....remember how diverse, inclusive and tolerant these people are and demanding the same from others????

    loss of Christianity

    Wow...that easy...were they ever Christian or the Disneyland version of Christian.???

    Christians are the salt of the earth ...not the sugar....

    Not sure many today even know that!! Christian and non Christian both!!

    No Political Peace...

    Wow.....related to the previous section....Peace is one of His names..among many. Why would you ever expect to find political peace.....particulary if one is highly educated in the history of men.

    Do any of the members here even know that before the American Civil war...a Southern Senator came down out of his chair and beat a Northern senator making a speech in the Senate senseless..

    Wondering what world it is into which some of these people are living...

    The Disappointing US Supreme Court

    Wow.....someone is trying to herd the Supreme Court as well. And this is true for both political parties..but particularly the left to buy any means.....including rigging the Supreme support their Ishmaelite agenda.

    Hijacking the American Flag...

    Now this one is a beauty.....

    When I see a President trying to frame the 2nd Amendment in terms of hunting...I already know that someone has hijacked the American flag.

    When I see someone who is the President framing America in terms of their Racist White divide and conquer......for votes...I realize that someone has hijacked the American Flag.

    When I detect that someone is letting Illegals carte blanche into America checks and or due process.....I know someone has hijacked the American flag.

    Do I need to continue???

    Do I need a PHD at least to decide this for myself....or to think outside the herd/ the reservation.

    These people seem to have no clue that they are running around naked...that the King has no clothes.

    White Hoods in Disguise

    Now this one is scraping the bottom of the barrel to make their point...

    These people are so racism oriented...that some of us get tired of their constant dependency on race and racism to keep America racially herded for votes and power...

    It is so over used and misused today it is become predictable and even wolfie.

    It becomes clear who is the racist here...dependent on race and racism to control, bully, and intimidate the keep the herd controlled...racially herded..

    This is a total scam on America and evidenced by the leftist/democrat cities where nothing seems to change ..year after year and generation after generation ....under leftist leadership. Hard to blame that on white hoods when leftists have been in charge of these cities for decades...and decades.

    There is a combination at work here....needing and feeding racism to keep and gain political power over the herd....and it has become like a drug to certain leaders in this country...with predictability.....and it gets can see it coming..

    This is not leadership....but it is politic.

    Florida and Texas vacation spots.

    Now this one is textbook again...and predictable.

    These two states have not run with the herd...and now in the whorish body politic and news media..these two states are now the bad guys...for exerting their independence from the herd.

    These "Fallen " leaders and their pimps in the media want Texas and Florida to be as fallen as many leftist cities and states in this union.

    They would like all the states to be like Kalifornia and New York... Catching on yet???

    Conspiracy Theories..

    Years ago ...when I started my slow journey away from a television and or movie education.....this was often called the Conspiracy.... Today this Conspiracy pattern is known as the Deep State...Deep State Internationalists... One Worlders.

    The problem is that with more and more independent news coverage.along with the internet,,,..not being herded....many of these Conspiracy Theories have turned out to be true..

    Be warned Ishmaelite leadership..and Ishmaelite pimping news media.....

    Let us try this again in common sense...what law are these people breaking in expressing that there is a Conspiracy...particularly in dumbing down the American people and turning them into Emotional train wrecks...drama queens so as to guarantee how they will vote ...promoting fear in everything they can...with more government as the solution.

    You see?????

    free time and social dynamics...

    I'm pretty much going to leave this one alone because we as individuals are responsible for how we use our time...not someone else. Common Sense.
    Also as a rule ..I am not the Social butterfly type.....never have been.

    The White Peoples Agenda

    Here we go again...more racism on the part of leadership.....

    Again...people who can and will think for themselves do not define themselves by race....

    So why is leadership doing it??? Is this really worthy of leadership over this country ...singling out people by race and making bad guys out of them.?? For political lucre...votes??

    Is this really what leadership today has become in America...race pimps...??? Our pubic education system as well....part of the herding apparatus??? Bullying and intimidating our unprotected children and grandchildren by government approved and sponsored racism????

    Be warned these Ishmaelites in leadership positions. They are not the product advertised...

    These Ishmaelites are dividers...not uniters. Be Warned.

    My non Ishmaelite .02.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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