Climate Change And One World Control......

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by watcherchris, Apr 22, 2024.

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  1. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    In my sometimes rabid musings.....something came to me about Climate Change.....

    And I think an avenue of thought for which none of us are ever supposed to go there ...never supposed to be able to connect the think outside the box.

    That Climate Change is the world wide Emerg3ncy ..for which One Worlders....Internationalists One Worlders can now declare a world wide Emergency override all forms of government....even override Free Market Economic/Social principles ....and limit peoples thoughts, freedoms and liberties to a type of International/Marxist control over our very lives...and futures....our very thoughts....and liberties...freedoms.

    Climate Change is the way they are planning to bring in a One World Type of Government and controls across borders and get rid of individual national sovereignty....

    Because of this Emergency....because time is running out.......etc etc et al...

    You must cede all thoughts and actions to Climate Change the new overriding Emergency.....time is running out....Al Gore!!!!

    If you think about it fits...

    Remember what I have been saying.....the government has no business ...telling us what kind of cars to drive....or what kind of stoves or furnaces to have in our homes.....etc etc et al.

    Historically whenever government does this it violates every advantage that the free market has brought us...and so does in the most expensive manner possible..but great profit for those on the inside and guiding this rigged system.

    But.....Remember the Emergency ...time is running out.....the ice is melting.....or freezing too hard....etc etc et al....always an must be afraid and obey because of this world wide Emergency.

    You have to be afraid.....particularly if all you ever had was a television and or movie education....

    Da Tovarich????

    Food for thought.....

    Watch closely your Ishmaelite leadership over this topic.....

    Remember much pollution of all kinds volcanos put off...daily....while we are further herded out of our liberties and freedoms....

    Be Warneed these Ishmaelites who would try to herd us into their one world ..internationalists control.

    And I think Climate change and their fear behind it is the way they intend bring nations into one world control.....and get people to cede their liberties and freedoms....on a world wide scale....

    Ishmaelites at work...........of the highest intelligence....ideologs.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Be Warned these Ishmaelites........who must always work to keep you afraid...;and under their control....

    How much carbon is the Ukraine war puttin out???

    How about the Israeli Gaza conflict..and now including Iran????

    Hearing anything about this angle from all these Carbon Freaks?????

    Da Tovarich??????

    Are we ever...ever....ever ...ever supposed to think this far outside the box...outside the plantaion.....outside the fear........Ever????

    And particularly without the permission of our betters???????

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    there is no point Western governments and people like W.H.O. going on about Climate Change when China is the worst polluter of all, until that changes nothing we do or our governments do will make one bit of difference, Britain emits 1% of all global carbon so whatever we do will only make 1% of difference, too little to have any effect on the outcome.
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  4. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    The world Globalist solution to climate change . " Kill off the human population " . However everyone on this site likely is well aware of this plan . Prepare and foil the world globalist extermination plan . We are in a battle for survival . Many have already succumbed to this evil plan . Others will follow . In the eyes of the rich globalist , only the extremely wealthy should enjoy living on the planet . The poor or just scum to be exterminated .
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2024
  5. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

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    The way climate change emissions are calculated are part of the problem the world has dealing with climate change.

    Basically under current terms the climate emission of a produced item is conferred to belong to the country of manufacture not the country of receipt/sale. For example if one buys a car made in China, all the emissions emitted from manufacture and shipping belong to China. The emissions are only calculated in the country it is purchased from the point of purchase.

    What this means in practice is that China's emissions are extremely high and the consumer in the UK has low emissions for the same product.

    A fairer assessment would be to calculate all the manufacture and shipping of a product at the point of sale in the recipient country. For example the Tesla car bought in the UK has a very low carbon footprint, due to being manufactured elsewhere. In reality 50% of the carbon emissions of a motor vehicle are in manufacture so Tesla is still as carbon intensive as any other vehicle in its manufacturing phase (of course of it is charged by electricity generated by burning natural gas its emissions are the same as that of an ICE car).

    This results in countries that are heavy consumers, mostly the western world being quite happy to brag about their carbon reduction when , in reality, it is only a net carbon reaction.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Climate change has occurred forever on the planet earth . One only has too look at some of the aired dry regions we see today and look at the fossils and such other evidence that points out these dry regions were once green lush environments supporting many forms of life such as giant now deceased dinosaurs . Even the bible speaks of the lush green environment along the Nile River . Ancient large villages have been found in numerous places that are now un-inhabitable due to climate change , or perhaps I should just say would be very challenging to live and survive in . Oceans have dried up and now are just dry salt layered beds . -- Trying to put today's noted environment changes on the backs of the peasants , just shows what the rich world globalist think of the intelligent level of those that are not as rich as themselves . We only have to look at some of the ridiculous statements by rich politicians to see what they think of the mental capability of the people that have not been born with the acceptable inherited blood line .
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2024
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  7. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    The basis of most climate change forces is not about the climate. It's about politics. In the West when the climate obsessed lot got a toe-hold, far left parties and the communist party latched on to environmentalism in their fight against capitalism.

    Climate Change now spews the same sort of fanaticism as religious fundamentalism.

    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  8. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Totally agree....Climate Change is about the populace......and in this case herding people out of their freedoms and liberties...aka...the Communist Chinese size fits all.

    Also agree with poltiregist....that the ultimate solution to Climate Change is "Democide"...death by ones own government......culling out the herd...

    One of the dumbest thing I have ever heard is forcing people to switch to electric cars.....particularly when so many people live in suburbia or cities...wherein the electric grid ...and particularly in the summer months is operating at or near their load limits. Now you want to add....charging cars to the load limit.

    One has to be seriously educated in professional stupid to be that giftedly dumb.

    As a leader have to be educated to be that stupid to force people into electric cars...overload the electric grid and also force people into paying more for electricity .....and increased taxes on electric cars because of the loss of taxes on petroleum products...

    It is compound ignorance while being proud of one's ignorance. It is planned engineered Ishmaelite bondage..

    I genuinely do not believe we are supposed to think this far outside the box.....while being dumbed down..with feel goodism.

    Talk about stupidity run amok...

    This is what happens when Ishmaelites run things by Hollywood feel goodism.

    Once again....the "free market" should determine what kind of cars people drive....not government..

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2024
  9. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Whenever people get so stupid as to worship nature...nature conquers people...not the other way around......people become subject to nature.....

    What someone is want to do is to make people subject to nature....Pantheism......a variation of a religion called Pantheism...

    Be warned these Ishmaelites.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  10. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

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    Absolutely - the clearest evidence is, of course, sand deserts which were once seas. It is possible in parts of the Sahara to pick up seashells that are tens of thousands of years old. The climate changes but we humans are not here long enough to see or feel those changes (much of what is portrayed as climate change is actually weather -there is a key difference). The Earth's species change and adapt or become extinct - it is claimed that 99.6 per cent of all species that lived have become extinct and yet, somehow, we humans believe we are above that natural process.

    I would certainly say that we should clear up our back yards, so to speak, and carbon emissions via pollution and all the piles of crap we see everywhere are clearly detrimental to the planet and life on it. Part of the solution seems to me to be less consumptive. There is a whole industry of storage with people renting units to store possessions they do not use - and they pay for the privilege. To me that seems not only counter productive, but also a shocking waste of money. We need to live with less. As far as transport, well the ICE vehicle is the bogeyman and often blamed for the planets imminent demise, but I would ask if that is really the case why do the representatives at the COP summits all fly in on private jets? What do they know that we don't. Is it all just a ruse to control the populace? What better way to do it than tax them into poverty in order to help them live a little longer.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  11. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I dont think anyone said anything about worshipping nature, but it makes more sense than worshipping some invisible supernatural being. at least we can see nature all around us. I have never believed in anything I cannot see with my own eyes and that includes climate change.
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  12. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    by lonewolf,

    I said something about worshipping nature....and this is not a new religion.....but is in fact....very old...ancient.

    Nonetheless...when men historically worship nature...they become subject to nature.....and not capable of using nature to their benefit...but instead become limited in their abilities..or put another way....subject to nature.

    Oh...and in case I did not mention it......,.it is also known that one of the aspects of nature worship the fertility cycle....and would explain why so many of high intelligence to go back to the olde Fertility religion patterns wherein so much of how we think and do is based on fertility ritual...principle.

    This is also part and parcel of the olde nature worship......the fertility rituals...wherein much is determined by sex and sexuality...sexual orientation.

    Someone or some group is trying to bring us back to the olde fertility religions of Ancient days.....or put another way...the Pre Flood pattern.

    Thus people and nations defined themselves by their sex, sexuality, sexual orientation ...particularly around their holidays...holy days.

    History is replete with this if one knows where to read.....

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites.....who would lie and deceive us about much .....historically ....

    Someone wants to return the world back to the pre flood religions....,

    For those in the know...historically ..and about the Occult pattern....this is sometimes referred to as "The Restoration of the True Brotherhood."

    We are not supposed to know about this aspect of history....ever.........while we are being led down this path by our ersatz leadership.

    My non Ishmaelite 02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    the old religions were based on nature, not worshipping it but based on nature, long before this new religion from the East arrived and took over many of our existing holy sites, customs and feast days.
    many of our church sites here have a Yew tree in the grounds and the yew tree is older than the church and had religious significance much older than the church.
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  14. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Now lonewolf.....about this...

    Your joking about this right????

    This is why in the nations with a feudal history ...their leaders were often referred to as "Lord!!" A Lord we can see...yes????

    Are we ever supposed to think this far outside the box????

    We just get so intelligent we worship a being we can see......right??

    This is why under our Yank system of government no titles were to be granted...

    But don't worry...most Americans are so dumb they too even no longer know this history or why!!!

    Henry VIII just traded a Pope in Rome for a Pope in Westminster.....and put himself at the head...but it was still feudal nature worship....Royalty....blood lines...

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    that was more to do with Henry wanting a divorce which the Pope would not do, than any kind of religion.
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  16. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Agree...about this history...but.....

    It did not change the social and or economic status of the ordinary peon....their social and economic condition remained the same for thousands of years..... feel goodism..we are never supposed to be able to connect these dots......ever...while we feel good and worship the point of Ishmaelite bondage...

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    the feudal system remained and is part of our history until almost WW1, many of the employees never came back so the old system had to change, many of the old estates had to open to the public because that is the only way they could and can finance them.
    Britain has a 2000+ year history - some of our history can be traced right back to the end of the last ice age-and lots of things have changed over that time, some for the better some not so.
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  18. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    by lonewolf...

  19. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    there is NO pope in Britain and never has been.
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  20. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    LOL LOL LOL.....lonewolf.......

    What I stated was a metaphor for the shift in power from Rome to Westminster....not the Pope per se...but the seat of power......

    It is the very power that historically corrupts......

    What is that fellow's name...Santayana....power corrupts...and absolute power corrupts absolutely as Charles 1st was to find out on January 30 ...1649.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    well that is ancient history, power now rests with the politicians , to the detriment of us all, same in the US.
  22. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    History clearly has a tendency to repeat itself.....lonewolf.....Power has always rested with one group or another but it has always been power......and History.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Yes...indeed ...history has a tendency to repeat itself....

    'Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler."

    "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution."

    " Wall Street and FDR"

    "National Suicide....Military Aid to the Soviet Union."

    "The War on Gold"

    All by Anthony Sutton.

    There are other authors writing on this same pattern...same topic line...

    Who or what built Communist China into what it is today...complete with massive technology transfers??? China was built into what she is today by massive transvers of money and technology from western nations.

    My point about history repeating why do we keep building our next enemy to fight????

    Are we that intrinsically stupid..or is this a plan...a design.....????

    And again...are we ever supposed to think this far on our own ....without permission of our betters????

    I have my list made up to stock up on certain car and truck parts.....if possible.

    Then parts for my scooters as well.

    This is not accidental.....but thinking that some of these parts may become difficult to acquire down the road...and I have a large garage in which to store these parts.

    Planning on doing the same with car and truck tires...windshield wipers as well.

    Not an Ishmaelite.

    Last edited: Apr 25, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    "This is not accidental.....but thinking that some of these parts may become difficult to acquire down the road...and I have a large garage in which to store these parts.

    "Planning on doing the same with car and truck tires...windshield wipers as well."
    -- WatcherChris

    Today I went to this massively huge junk yard and got me a rusty 17" wheel to make me a spare tire for this beater truck I just bought. It was wall-to-wall good-ol'-boys there. Felt at home.

    This "beater truck" is turning out to be a great second vehicle / work-thingy. The engine purrs at 65-70 mph. Rust'o'rama, I couldn't care less. I'm high mileage but I passed a cardio stress test -- go figure. Same with this old pick-up. Next thing to buy are more parts for it like spark-plugs, case of oil, and whatnot. Since millions of these truck models were made, getting parts is no problem. Too, these old puppies are still on work sites, still getting the work done. Heartlanders never throw away that which is still workable and maintainable. If something still works, it works. Who cares how ugly it is.

    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  25. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Amen Olde Geezer....Amen!!!

    As I am oft want to allude...I am driving my own bus..and for my own reasons.....not interested with what the neighbors/Joneses are doing...or think.

    Agree on not throwing things out .....unless I determine it is time to clear out....and make room for other stuffs..

    Have my Dad's olde 1967 250 cubic inch 6 cylinder in my garage...three on the tree....and I have long ago rebuilt the engine and it has less than 30 k miles on it....but I keep it and it is appropriately named "Rustoleum."

    So too it is with my 1986 Ranger....Rebuilt that engine too and less than 20 k on it....and I will keep it till it wears out or rusts out. Don't drive it much ...but thinking about antique plates for I do not often drive it.. but when I need to haul significant and heavy is hard to beat a pick up truck.

    I have never had a new vehicle for myself....outside of a scooter..

    Now that first one I bought new cash.....and drove it off the lot.....after that is was used scooters....and I try to keep and maintain those as well.
    I buy the manuals for my vehicles ....if I keep them...for the scooters too.
    And manuals even for my washing machine and dryer.

    Like my father ...I am not want to throw away certain Items....when I determine they might be useful down the road.

    With having no children/young'uns here tugging at my britches.. scooters work out well....for the short local license, inspection, least not yet....buckle is coming...

    As a youngster....and the oldest male...I was very often helping my Dad with his labors around the home....and passing him tools.....and cleaned them when done....putting them back in the correct place in the tool box....but always watching the other kids playing and wishing I was out there with them.

    I did not at the time realize that he was teaching me to be more self sufficient...and today realize that I know how to do many things the average male out here has not a clue...

    Oh ...don't get me wrong here...this does not make me better...most certainly ...only different..and I have learned to not worry about being I am want to say...I am driving my own bus and for my own reasons.

    And I am not interested in running with the crowds....the to speak...

    Everyone else can hit the bricks as the saying goes.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Went out today and bought......

    Three sets of denim put away for future use...

    two multi packs of crew socks....,again for future use...

    Two multi packs of pocket Tee Shirts..same purpose

    Two multi packs of BVDs..again same reason.

    Will slowly add to this with time and as conditions allow.

    Now I will start on car and truck parts..

    I am sensing that in addition to hard economic times.....there will be great civil strife across this the a plan. This because we now have intellects.....educated people...wise men with a perpetual social/political erections/ entitlement mindset ...running things. Pardon the crudity.....but it fits...

    Running things for a social/political outcome......not for the benefit of the people....for free markets...but instead rigged markets.....including and especially the leadership marketplace.

    And if it leads to strife/ military take over...National Guard...etc will make it difficult to ship goods and services across this land.....constant delays/shortages due to military check points ...just like in the Olde Soviet Russia.

    This is the pattern of what I think is coming to the future...and by a plan...

    And I also think that this is why someone does not want Trump into the office once again...for he would set back this time creating social and economic stability ... he did in his first Presidency. Set back the One World Plans ....they need instability to put forward their One World/World Economic Forum Plans.

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites in leadership positions.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    About Economic instability ...hiding behind so called good intentions.

    Here is the moral question .....for you members to consider about Intellects.....wise men....gnostic feel good positions of power ....particularly leftists and phony RINO Conservatives...

    Any of you remember back when someone proposed that we pay extra into our mortgages to help others get a home????
    Remember that???

    It feels good...even sounds good....right....????

    But it is good and does it in effect subsidize the housing industry.....????

    Not only that....but is it a form of putting the public and their mortgages into "Involuntary Servitude" help out someone else when there was in fact one helping you when you bought your house????

    Involuntary servitude and or slavery is what is covered in Amendment 13 to the Constitution of the United which so many public servants take an oath to uphold...

    Yet they would in fact put the American worker into involuntary servitude as they are doing with so many of these Illegals...and having us pay for ...subsidize them.

    Understand now??

    Is in fact....wealth redistribution ...Risk Redistribution ...or is it in fact ....putting a segment of the working public into involuntary servitude to pay for this for others to get it without risk...that is the moral question...

    Are you constantly being put into involuntary servitude to subsidize someone or something in the Ukraine conflict....???

    You get your goods and services by work...labor ...risk taking in your occupations....and others get it without risk....including health care...

    You see...???

    We are being put into a state of perpetual involuntary servitude to in fact ...put us into second ....third...and fourth place in our own country.....while we labor pay for first place...and someone else gets it for

    Are we supposed to think this far outside the box without permission.....??? Only ignorant feel goodism allowed.???

    Wealth Redistribution is not Risk Redistribution.....remember that....

    Wealth Redistribution is political/social whoredom.

    We are following the pattern of economics and social conditions happening in the UK and the Continent....meaning same people and groups are secretly running this show and putting us into social and economic involuntary servitude.....

    This is Ishmael........bondage..

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites....particularly in leadership positions..

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Now think...people...think outside the box of where and how leadership and or our phony/fake media and public education is ever want to allow us to think...,.,

    About involuntary Servitude.../slavery....

    Is Inflation.....,government deficit...manufactured inflation...a form of involuntary servitude..????

    By Government manufactured inflation..price increases....artificial demand.....Remember...government gets all the monies they want and need by money creation....deficit money creation ....then goes out into the same economy we go into ...and government buys up goods and services ....without risk and without

    We on the other hand ...must needs work and take risks for our substance and go out into the same economy and buy for ourselves and our ever increasing prices...risks.


    Are we as a people...a nation ...being put into a position of perpetual involuntary a government constantly rigging the marketplace against us?????

    Are we supposed to be able to think this far on our own ..without permission of our betters....???

    If such an government would in fact rig the marketplace...would they rig an election entitlement.....???

    Again...are we ever supposed to be able to think this far on our own?????

    Be very very very warned ....these Ishmaelites in both political parties ....whose power is greatly based on our remaining ignorant.....

    Best that most Americans keep watching ESPN and or the Kardashians......rather than thinking for themselves..

    And now...on top of all this ......these Intellects in leadership positions ...want us to bow to Climate Change...more involuntary servitude....a Carbon Tax. A UN type Carbon Tax.

    Just for being alive!!!!!

    Catching on yet?????

    Da Tovarich?????

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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