Collapse Of Europe

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by Old Geezer, Feb 14, 2021.

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  1. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    In New York City, many illegals are getting $3,000/month.

    Seems taxpayers are less than delighted that the money for which they worked is being handed-out to people who have no right to be in America in the first place. Hmmmm ... the sheep need to get used to being sheered by the globalist gods.

    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  2. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    You may know that...but the rest of the world does not ...especially times we really are that dumb....!!

    By Olde Geezer...

    America and Americans in last place vs Trump and America first......huge difference and gap..

    America Last place is the Deep State Internationalist plan...while we work and risk for first place.

    And I also think that someone wants to do the same to Russia and Russians.....last place.

    I also don't think the Average American has a clue ....

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Once upon a time, Americans were real people. They actually worked. They read. They had belief systems.

    Today, the education system has been dumbed-down so far that most youth are unable to think. The dumbing-down was to allow people to graduate who are too inferior to achieve this.

    When I was in high school, we had Chemistry and Physics. These were anything but easy; however, these went A LONG WAY in getting me through university. Back then, universities would fail you out for fun and relaxation. During our Electronics education, half of the people failed-out. Those who couldn't cut it were culled. This was intentional. They told us at the start to look at the person sitting next to us and said that likely one or the other wouldn't make it (me I aced the place, 4.0 out of 4.0; my brain is wired for visual/logic ... other studies, I was only so-so; I've always struggled with language skills; one of my sons is also dyslexic ... but can see in his mind whatever he needs to get done; isn't genetics a riot). My chemistry skills weren't so hot; yet for some reason, I did well in the biological sciences (don't know how that happened). Words having Latin origins help very much in the spelling realm. English needs to be repaired -- what a crazy quilt. Now I'm old. I'm hovering over the Earth at altitude. I'm just an observer. I don't feel like I belong here anymore. It's all stupid down there.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    By Olde Geezer...

    That is how military boot camp worked when I enlisted way way back.

    The objective was that if you could not handle certain basics....they did not want to spend a lot of monies and time sending you to a specific and expensive training school.....

    The objective was to weed out the weak ones...before spending too much monies on them...or getting others hurt or killed..out in the field..

    Physics and Chemistry back then were never my forte.....and math...I was horrible in math.

    Were it not for the help of a few others taking time in teaching me ...I would have not made the grade in learning Electronics...and or radar..

    Only later in life....did I come to learn that Math is a type of language...with definite rules.

    I still do not like math...but one cannot get away from it.

    As a machinist...I had to make myself learn to think down in the thousandths of an inch...and apply the math...

    Today ....with a lot of reading/water under the bridge so to speak...I learned that in the early days...I did not have much of a vocabulary....and thus kept a dictionary close by.

    Eventually I learned/discovered something called Etymology...the historical derivation of words..and I found that fascinating.

    Many of our words actually mean something deeper than what most of us recognize today.........and not just in English but in Latin, al.

    What I discovered is that the Olde ones who came before us and formed our language were not all...

    I love the smell of an olde dusty book store.......

    The great thing about books.....they will outlast an electronic shutdown.

    Oh...and also it became clear that when you read olde books...100 to 150 years olde....compared to todays writers....many of those Olde ones could write...and knew the language....they were not the dummies you see today with language skills at the newspaper/cartoon level.

    I have had people tell me that at times I speak strangely.....not in a manner to which they are accustomed.

    And that is when you begin to realize this............

    The Elders who taught me .....spoke that people back then had a vocabulary of some 4000 to 4500 words and knew what they meant.....

    Today the average college grad has a Vocabulary of some 1000 to 1200 words and most of them four letter words.

    I was a bit stunned by that......but over time began to realize that these Elders were correct...

    And remember something ....many of these Grads are today in leadership positions.

    Gives me the warm about you folks.

    But you members decide for yourselves....and for your own reasons.

    My non Ishmaelite .02
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      The smell and adventure of book stores -- yes. Libraries are in the blood of both my wife and I. We've a library at home. When young, we'd go on yard sale safaris and mount classics on our own shelves. This, on the cheap. I found a leather-bound set (in horrible shape, mind you) of Victor Hugo -- it was like the second edition. An old man had died. We wouldn't let these books die with him. Still have the set.

      You are a spacial relations type of thinker. My youngest son, also. He didn't do well in school so we got him into computer drafting. Did great. He's got a steady job and continues to learn about city infrastructures / large scale projects. You guys can see the end in the beginning. If this isn't an evolutionary survival skill, then I'm at a loss as to what would constitute such.
      Old Geezer, Oct 2, 2023
      watcherchris likes this.
  5. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Amen 0n this Olde Geezer....

    A older woman I used to date....may she rest in Peace.....taught me about flea markets and yard sales. Lots and lots of books for sale in these places...

    I still go to flea markets and yard sales today when time allows...and for the same reasons....on the cheap.

    As a side light of what this older woman taught me....I learned that one can get pure junk in the regular retail stores unless one learns to think outside the box of our standard programming/education.

    I've gotten a lot of good used tools at flea markets and yard just has to know what is a good tool....versus junk.

    And the same in retail stores.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    computer skills are survival skills, really?
    when TSHTF we wont need computer programmers, we will need people to grow food and know about keeping animals, fishermen, butchers and cooks. REAL survival skills.
    watcherchris, Blitz and TMT Tactical like this.
  7. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    same reason I go to UK car boot sales and markets.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    If you might need to learn how to build / fix / jerry-rig post-SHTF, putting back build manuals and repair manuals could come in very handy. I have several books and manuals that fit into this category. Too, books need to be put back for the post-SHTF years. Humans always build back. If the sun goes super-nova, then that would be rather bad for the extended future of our specieshgbg.

    No one can do everything, learn everything.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Thank you lonewolf....

    I struggled and lost out with my last post....

    Boot sales is the word for which I was looking. That is not a word usage familiar to us here in America...but I shall have to remember that.

    Thanks for reminding me.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    When I visit the yard sales ... then ... now ... not as often now, I remember to pray for those who have passed from this physical plane of existence leaving unseen & unknown treasures. My mate and I treasure that which they treasured here in the physical realm.

    God's blessings be upon them. Guide me and my wife you who would have your treasures treasured on and on.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    its what we have here, we dont have much in the way of yard sales although they do happen but not very often.
    I go to several car boot sales which are located on various sites, mostly community playing fields and cricket and football fields and at least one on a cattle market site-thats the main one we go to although it is 30 miles each way.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  12. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Berlin: 174 arrested at unauthorized pro-Palestinian events"

    "At least 174 people were arrested and 65 police officers were injured at unauthorized pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Berlin on Wednesday night, according to a police spokesperson.

    "Authorities had banned such protests, which have been called in response to the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the militant group which killed around 1,400 Israelis in a terrorist attack two weeks ago.

    "Clashes broke out in the district of Neukölln between police and protesters who did not comply with orders to disperse.

    "Some attendees used pyrotechnics, set fire to barricades and pelted police with stones and bottles, law enforcement said.

    "The incident comes after after two Molotov cocktails were thrown at a Jewish community center in Berlin in the early hours of Wednesday morning. "

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Maybe visiters to the European Union from civilized countries should follow the example of illegal migrants and sneak-in using small boats and dinghies.

    "Achtung! US Travel To Europe Will Require Prior Approval, Biometric Scanning"

    Begin quote

    Traveling to most European countries is about to get more complicated and invasive for American citizens: In spring 2025, you'll have to first request permission. And you'll be saying adieu to passport stamps and ciao to facial and fingerprint scans -- and having your biometric data stored in an enormous government database.

    On Friday, an agency of the European Union announced the updated timing for the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS), which has first set to roll out in 2024. It applies to travelers from more than 60 countries that are currently exempt from visa requirements. Those countries have an aggregate population of 1.4 billion.

    The approval will be tied to your passport, and will be valid for up to three years or until your passport expires, whichever comes earlier. Once you have it, you'll be able to visit as much as you want, so long as it's a "short-term stay," which generally means up to 90 days in a 180-day period.

    ETIAS recommends applying for permission "well in advance" of your trip, but doesn't specify what that means. The agency does caution that the approval period "could be extended by up to 14 days if you are requested to provide additional information or documentation, or up to 30 days if you are invited to an interview." There's no indication where such interviews would be conducted or by whom.

    Participating countries will no longer give passport stamps that some travelers collect with pride. In a move that's causing electronic-privacy advocates to sound alarms, you'll have to submit to both fingerprint and face scans, with the information then stored in the European Commission's Common Identity Repository (CIR), which is fed by multiple systems, including police agencies.

    Even those who trust governments to only use the CIR for good should be wary of the risks of hacking by criminals or other governments, or the demonstrated tendency for rogue employees to give or sell the information to other parties. Of course, none of us should trust governments with massive personal data repositories. Recall that the US Drug Enforcement Agency was caught using information from warrantless intelligence-gathering to unconstitutionally initiate investigations.

    The European announcement is one more step toward dystopia, where citizens are little more than tax-cattle to be tagged and tracked as we move from pen to pen across the globe. Naturally, our masters assure us we have nothing to fear...that it's all for our own safety, particularly in times of danger. As former German interior minister Thomas de Maziere said, "Privacy is nice, but in times of comes first."

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    Good thing that illegal migrants prone to "radicalization" don't have to go through all this. That would be "oppression".

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  14. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Over 7,000 Women in Germany Have Been Raped or Sexually Assaulted by Asylum Seeking Migrants Since 2015: Report"

    "A report from the Swiss-German paper of record, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, claimed that statistics from the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) show that more than one thousand women — mostly Germans — have been sexually assaulted by migrants seeking refuge every year since 2017.

    "Extrapolating from this figure, the paper calculated that therefore at least 7,000 women have been raped or sexually assaulted by asylum seekers since former German Chancellor Angela Merkel ushered in the European Migrant Crisis in 2015 by unilaterally opening the gates of Europe to massive waves of migrants from the Middle East and Africa.

    "Last year, NZZ reported, asylum-seeking migrants were vastly overrepresented in reported cases of rape and sexual assault. Out of the estimated 10,000 suspects, 6,366 were German while 3,679 were foreigners. Of those, 1,115 were asylum-seeking migrants, meaning that while they represented just 2.5 per cent of the population, they were responsible for over 11 per cent of the sex assaults and rapes.

    "The deputy chairman of the German Federal Police Union, Manuel Ostermann, said that the migrants committing sexual assault and rape — mostly against German women — are often already known to the police and sometimes have already been convicted of a crime but remain in the country due to lax deportation standards."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Hopefully, farmers will cut back on sending food to major cities / urban areas. Farmers, small towns in agricultural regions, all Heartlanders need to join together and starve the elitists.

    I love it that farmers are fighting back in Germany, the Netherlands, and France.

    "Fiery Tractor Protests Launched in France as Farmer Uprising Spreads Across Europe"

    Begin quote

    Following a week of farmer uprisings across Germany, disaffected farmers rose up in protest against the globalist government of Emmanuel Macron in France, with manure being dumped and hay set on fire in Avignon and Toulouse on Tuesday.

    A veritable peasants’ revolt appears to be budding across the continent as overregulation, inflation and the green agenda are taking their toll on the ability of farmers to earn a living in — and consequently feed the people of — modern Europe. The latest protests to crop up in France came over the low payout from supermarket chains to food producers.

    Signs hung on tractors read: “No farmers, no food,” and: “France, do you still want your farmers?” the local La Provence newspaper reported. Footage posted by video journalist Clement Lanot on X showed farmers dumping mature, agricultural waste and even wine on the streets of the city, while some set bales of hay ablaze to express their anger.

    Brief clashes also broke out as farmers attempted to break into a chain supermarket, which they claim has been price gouging their produce and keeping the increased revenues to themselves.

    An estimated 450 tractors and other vehicles in three convoys also rode into the city of Toulouse on Tuesday, with manure and straw being strewn across the city as well, Le Figaro reported.

    Florian Arnoux, a farmer from Caderousse said that amid years of inflation and rising costs, there has been little consideration given to the economic realities faced by farmers, saying: “It’s anger, it’s the fatigue of so many years of work for nothing… We always exhaust ourselves so much for nothing.”

    French farmers have been protesting against the interference of the state in their ability to farm for many years, but these latest protests in Avignon come after a week of large-scale farmer civil disobedience in Germany, where farmers shut down major highways and cities after the left-wing government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced in December that it would be eliminating seven-decade-old tax exemptions on agricultural fuel to fill a gap in the federal budget, while at the same time increasing funding for the war in Ukraine.

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  16. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "African Knifeman Wounds Three People in Paris Train Station Attack"

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    (AFP) — Three people were injured Saturday in a knife attack at Paris’s Gare de Lyon railway station, a major travel hub, police said, adding that a suspect had been arrested.

    The detained man, a Malian national, went on a stabbing spree at around 8:00 am (0700 GMT) at the station, which operates domestic trains as well as those heading to Switzerland and Italy.

    One person suffered serious injuries to the abdomen while two others were lightly wounded, police said.

    “The suspect did not cry out (any religious slogans) during his attack,” a police source said. “He presented the police an Italian driving licence”, which gave his date of birth as January 1, 1992.

    The assault took place less than six months before Paris hosts the 2024 Olympics and and an expected 15 million visitors.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Macron Berated by French Farmers: ‘You Gave Ukraine Colossal Sums, But Gave Us Crumbs!’ "

    Begin quote

    French President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday was surrounded by groups of farmers who chastised the neo-liberal leader for his green agenda and for prioritising Ukraine over his own people.

    At the 60th Agricultural Show held in the Porte de Versailles exhibition centre in Paris on Saturday, agricultural unions and organisations clashed with security and breached the gates in order to air the grievances of farmers to Emmanuel Macron directly. After initially showing hesitancy, the French president acquiesced and held an impromptu debate with several farmers.

    According to the German-based think tank the Kiel Institute, Macron’s government has committed approximately $2 billion in French taxpayer money to Ukraine since 2022. However, the French taxpayer has paid substantially more through the European Union’s funding of the war, which is set to total over $150 billion after Brussels recently approved an additional $54 billion to Kyiv.

    Farmers in France, and indeed throughout Europe, have been financially impacted by the war in Ukraine in more ways than having their tax dollars sent to Kyiv. Last year, the European Union decided to allow Ukrainian agricultural imports to flow into the bloc without any tariffs. The move has severely hurt the ability of local European farmers to compete, given that the lower regulatory burden and the lower cost of labour in the former Soviet state means that food can be produced at a much cheaper rate.

    Ukraine was not the only issue raised by the farmers to Macron on Saturday. Multiple farmers spoke of the problems they are facing due to transitioning their operations to organic farming at the urging of the government in Paris and the EU.

    “I went organic, it’s a stupid thing I did: I sell my cereals at the conventional price,” one farmer said per Le Figaro, adding: “I don’t pay myself not low income, my income is zero. You are putting a plaster on an open fracture.” Another farmer said: “People no longer have purchasing power, they cannot buy organic!”

    They also reiterated grievances such as over-regulation, excess paperwork, and the EU’s green agenda as a whole, which many in France have tied to Macron’s government, given his party’s backing of climate policies in Brussels. In addition, the farmer’s groups called for the release of tractor protesters from police custody.

    Following weeks of tractor protests throughout France, including a “siege of Paris”, Macron’s second in command, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal announced some concessions to farmers, including ending planned tax hikes on agricultural diesel, additional financial support and a commitment to oppose the free trade deal with the South American ‘Mercosur’ bloc.

    However, while tractor protests have mostly subsided for the moment, the anger among struggling farmers has not. Arnaud Rousseau, the head of the FNSEA agricultural union in France, has said that it is “very probable” farmers will once again take to their tractors to protest. Farmers throughout Europe will likely try to keep up the pressure on their governments and Brussels ahead of June’s European Parliament elections.

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    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    France is constrained by the EU's common agricultural policy.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    To hell with rules. Following rules sure didn't run in my family.

    Skirt the law or pay them off. Tradition!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    families can skirt the rules, countries must abide by international law.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    What if the globalists want your country dead?

    America is hated. Individualism is hated.

    The Big Brother globalists are the enemies of Liberty, so let them all die.

    Maybe when some American enemy nukes D.C., many globalist operatives within the US government's deep state will get exterminated.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    WHY would they kill off the very people that buy all those international goods?
    dont make sense.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Anything conservative is deemed "far right" by the globalist dictatorship.

    "French MEP Blocked by Police From Brussels Conference Says Europe Feels ‘Like Communist China’ "

    Begin quote

    The “authoritarian” order to shut down a political conference of European populists and conservatives on Tuesday was emblematic of the “last-ditch” efforts of globalist forces seeking to cling on to power by any means, a French Member of the European Parliament who was blocked by police from entering the event told Breitbart News.

    On Tuesday, the National Conservatism Conference (NatCon) at the Claridge, near the European Quarter of Brussels, was blockaded by police after they were ordered to shut down the event by socialist municipal Mayor Emir Kir.

    The police reportedly cited security concerns over stated plans from Antifa to protest the conference, however, Kir admitted according to Sky News that his decision was prompted to show that the “far-right is not welcome” in Brussels.

    Some scheduled speakers, such as former French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour and and National Rally (RN) Member of European Parliament Patricia Chagnon were even barred by police from entering the venue at all.

    Speaking to Breitbart London, Chagnon said that seeing such a blatant act of censorship in the heart of the European Union were scenes one would expect to see in Communist China or the Soviet Union.

    “When I actually started to understand what was going on this morning, it was like a punch in my stomach as a French citizen, being profoundly attached to Europe, we can’t even have a debate… This makes you think of what it would be like to live under communism in Russia or China but we are in Western Europe, it is really scary.”

    “This is the most horrendous, authoritarian, ideologically motivated suppression that you could possibly imagine… You sort of stand there and go; ‘right, all the EU legislation that push through, this is what it all boils down to’.”

    “I’m a politician, I welcome debate, I will debate anyone, anywhere on any subject. I believe in free speech, in debate, in opposing ideas, in differing visions of society but I don’t believe that just because I don’t like you, you can’t talk,” she said.

    Chagnon argued that the incident demonstrated that globalist elites throughout Europe are “petrified of what’s around the corner… the people taking back control and defending their rights.”

    With less than two months out from the upcoming European Parliament elections, in which pro-farmer and anti-globalist parties, including her own National Rally, set to make large gains, Chagnon said that there is a broader effort throughout Europe to “stifle” free speech and therefore clamp down on the populist uprisings occurring.

    End quote

    Old Gzr: Hopefully, the Heartland folk will cut-off the cities from food.

    . ....................
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  24. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    This is what happens when you have a "Non Representative Government."

    A government of entitled Ishmaelites...

    And this is the desired model for America.

    By the way......

    They are obviously trying to rig the system...stifle any opposition voices....or view points.

    Would such an system ......rig an election??? And of course...once agaiin....are we supposed to be able to think this far off the

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Common sense = "far right"

    "French MEP Blocked by Police From Brussels Conference Says Europe Feels ‘Like Communist China’ "

    Begin quote

    The “authoritarian” order to shut down a political conference of European populists and conservatives on Tuesday was emblematic of the “last-ditch” efforts of globalist forces seeking to cling on to power by any means, a French Member of the European Parliament who was blocked by police from entering the event told Breitbart News.

    On Tuesday, the National Conservatism Conference (NatCon) at the Claridge, near the European Quarter of Brussels, was blockaded by police after they were ordered to shut down the event by socialist municipal Mayor Emir Kir.

    The police reportedly cited security concerns over stated plans from Antifa to protest the conference, however, Kir admitted according to Sky News that his decision was prompted to show that the “far-right is not welcome” in Brussels.

    The conference, organised by the American Edmund Burke Foundation and the Brussels-based Mathias Corvinus Collegium think tank, was surrounded and blocked off by police as Brexit leader Nigel Farage was delivering remarks on stage. Other speakers on Tuesday included former British Home Secretary Suella Braverman, who slammed the actions of the “thought police” in trying to shut down the event.

    Some scheduled speakers, such as former French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour and and National Rally (RN) Member of European Parliament Patricia Chagnon were even barred by police from entering the venue at all.

    The “authoritarian” order to shut down a political conference of European populists and conservatives on Tuesday was emblematic of the “last-ditch” efforts of globalist forces seeking to cling on to power by any means, a French Member of the European Parliament who was blocked by police from entering the event told Breitbart News.

    On Tuesday, the National Conservatism Conference (NatCon) at the Claridge, near the European Quarter of Brussels, was blockaded by police after they were ordered to shut down the event by socialist municipal Mayor Emir Kir.

    The police reportedly cited security concerns over stated plans from Antifa to protest the conference, however, Kir admitted according to Sky News that his decision was prompted to show that the “far-right is not welcome” in Brussels.

    The conference, organised by the American Edmund Burke Foundation and the Brussels-based Mathias Corvinus Collegium think tank, was surrounded and blocked off by police as Brexit leader Nigel Farage was delivering remarks on stage. Other speakers on Tuesday included former British Home Secretary Suella Braverman, who slammed the actions of the “thought police” in trying to shut down the event.

    Some scheduled speakers, such as former French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour and and National Rally (RN) Member of European Parliament Patricia Chagnon were even barred by police from entering the venue at all.

    Chagnon argued that the incident demonstrated that globalist elites throughout Europe are “petrified of what’s around the corner… the people taking back control and defending their rights.”

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Europe’s New Tyrant: The European Court of Human Rights?"

    Begin quote

    Your government may soon impose higher taxes, stop you from heating your home, limit your driving, and rob you of your freedom—and there’s nothing you can do about it at the ballot box. A new ruling from the European Court of Human Rights will force European governments to impose tough environmental laws, no matter what voters say.

    A group of older women brought a case against Switzerland. They argued that climate change causes heat waves, and heat waves disproportionately affect older people and women; therefore, Switzerland has to do something about it.

    The European Convention of Human Rights creates a much larger set of rights. Adjudicating it is the European Court of Human Rights, with judges appointed by national legislatures. These judges have little regard for what national law actually says, and instead impose their opinions on the entire Continent. Half of the 46 judges have never served as a judge in a lower court. Eleven were lawyers. One judge served as the “gender equality rapporteur” at a Council of Europe committee.

    It’s nonsense. The court has decided:

    > Climate change is happening.
    > It is caused by human beings.
    > Government regulations can stop it.

    Every one of those judgments is debatable. Often, climate change regulation in the West leads to more government control and more pollution. Laws on industry mean factories move to China and ship their goods west. China’s carbon dioxide output has doubled in the last decade. Other environmental laws are simply counterproductive: Bans on single-use plastic bags, for example, have increased the amount of plastic thrown away. Heavy-handed government regulation often does the opposite of its intent.

    Then consider the fact that many more elderly die of cold than of heat: One study concluded that Europe has over 200,000 excess deaths due to cold each year, but only 20,000 due to heat. Applying the court’s logic, European governments should actually be forced to pollute as much as possible, since a warmer climate would save more European lives.

    But the court had a political agenda and cut the law to match. It will take time, but this will impact everyone in Europe. Even the United Kingdom, though out of the European Union, is under the European Court of Human Rights.

    Norway is being taken to court for issuing new oil and gas licenses. A man with multiple sclerosis, whose health suffers when it is hot, is taking Austria to court. National courts across Europe will have to follow this precedent. Activists could soon go after businesses as well as governments. It could even affect rulings from the International Court of Justice and set precedents for the world.

    Escape is not easy. The court holds the convention to be a “constitutional instrument of European public order” and holds itself above European constitutions. Germany has pushed back, insisting its constitution and constitutional court are superior. It is also enshrined in several international treaties. The EU is legally obliged to join the European Convention on Human Rights and has incorporated the convention into EU treaties. For EU members, getting out from under the court could mean quitting the EU.

    The European Convention on Human Rights was created after World War ii to stop another return to dictatorship and lawlessness. By setting themselves up as the absolute power and refusing to be constrained by law, they are becoming the new tyrants. But they endanger Europe in another way.

    The convention’s rulings on immigration have caused real harm to country after country. So France has hit upon a novel solution: Break the law. Last October, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced that France would deport dangerous criminals without waiting for the court to rule. If the court decided those deportations were illegal, then the government would just pay the fine.

    At best, the court is destroying the safeguards designed to prevent another tyranny. At worst, they’re becoming the tyrant themselves.

    European nations have generally been democratic for the last 80 years. People take that democracy for granted—perhaps that’s why few are worried about these safeguards.

    There are good reasons not to take this for granted.

    In 1945, Herbert W. Armstrong wrote that Germany would rise again after the war as part of “a European union.” In 1959, he wrote, “This coming union … is first to start as an economic system with very great prosperity. Later it is to become a political union.” He said that it would develop a “common currency” and that fear of the Russian military “will be the spark to bring the heads of nations in Europe together.”

    But then he said they would go even further. He wrote that “a politically and militarily united Europe is coming!”

    European nations are becoming “distrustful of America and thinking more and more about uniting themselves into a united states of Europe,” he wrote in March 1950. To do that, they need a “new supreme leader—the successor of Adolf Hitler—to rise up and assert himself and take command.”

    This a crucial next step for Europe—the rise of an undemocratic strongman.

    In eroding the rule of law, the European Court of Justice is aiding this development.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    The ECHR was a good idea just after the Second World war but it has recently got involved in matters that are none of its business, matters that should be decided by national governments not a foreign court, and the "pyjama" ruling where a decision is made late at night at the last moment should be scrapped altogether.
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  28. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "French Prison Guards Killed in Ambush, Convict Mohamed Amra Escapes With Gunmen"

    Begin quote

    A convicted gangster identified as Mohamed Amra was snatched from a prison convoy in an “attack of incredible violence” by four gunmen, leaving two officers dead and three injured.

    Four gunmen in two cars ambushed a convoy of government vehicles transporting a convicted criminal from court back to prison in France on Tuesday morning. France’s Le Parisien reports the focus of the jailbreak is 30-year-old Mohamed Amra, whose street name is ‘The Fly’.

    The man is reported to have been convicted of burglary on May 10th and was also facing charges of “kidnapping… leading to death” and “attempted homicide by an organized gang”. Per that newspaper’s police sources, he is “described as being at the head of a narcotics network”. Further, Amra is reported to have attempted a jail break last week, and had already been placed under enhanced security.

    The attack on the prison officers transporting Amra from a court in Rouen and Évreux prison has been described as a commando-raid and saw two vehicles ambush the convoy at a toll road pay booth. Images from the scene show a black car having rammed the lead vehicle head-on.

    Several government figures have decried the attack, including French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal who called it an “attack of incredible violence” by “brutal” perpetrators. He revealed that in addition to the two prison officers who had died — both fathers, and one of them leaving a five month pregnant wife — three others were injured, including two in critical, life-threatening condition.

    End quote


    "Swedish police leaks scandal: How gang criminals got hold of sensitive information"

    "A new report in Dagens Nyheter has revealed over 514 suspected leaks of sensitive information from at least 30 members of the police force to criminals since 2018. Here's what we know so far.

    "Why is this important?

    "It’s important because Sweden has seen a rise in gang-related violence in recent years, with a surge in shootings and bombings as gangs fight for control over different drug markets.

    "Swedes also have a high level of trust in the police force – 72 percent according to a 2024 study by Medieakademin, topping the list of state authorities, with a higher level of trust than universities, healthcare, the courts and even the Swedish church. This was five percent higher than in 2023."


    "Teen girls spend afternoon wandering around city with bag of hand grenades"

    "Two teenage girls spent an afternoon wandering around Stockholm carrying a bag of hand grenades.

    "They are also seen riding on public transport, standing on a busy train platform and drinking coffee – often surrounded by lots of people, including children.

    "To onlookers, they would have seemed like two friends out shopping, with nothing sinister to hide.

    "The 14-year-old took the bag home with her and the following day her mother found it in her daughter’s bedside table drawer and called police.

    "The 15-year-old was sentenced to eight months in juvenile detention for a serious violation of the Flammable and Explosive Goods Act.

    "The 14-year-old is too young to be convicted."

    If you are not armed, then don't confront drug dealers. Dealers are most often armed; note that gun control laws mean nothing to career felons:

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico Shot, Suspect Arrested"

    Begin quote

    The Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot during a public meeting in a mountainous central district of the country, a witness speaks of his head and chest having “bloody injuries”.

    A gunman shot recently re-elected left-populist Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico on Wednesday afternoon in the central town of Handlova, in the mountainous Trenčín Region. Slovakian publication Denník N reports Fico was meeting members of the public at a local cultural centre when shots rang out. A witness is reported to have said: “When the shots rang out, they were deafening” and that she had seen Fico fall to the ground with “bloody injuries on his chest and head”.

    Images supplied by Getty show Robert Fico, unable to stand, being dragged to his car by his team. According to Slovak press, Fico is still being operated on, hours after the attack.

    Also pictured is the arrest of the suspected gunman, which mainstream Slovak media reports is a 71 year old man from Levice, a historic town 50 miles to the south of where the attack took place. Denník N reports the alleged attacker is a poet and “member of the leftist Rainbow Literary Club”.

    Right-wing publication Konzervatívny denník Postoj (‘The Conservative Daily Post’) claims to be able to name the suspect as Slovakian author, poet, and activist Juraj Cintula. According to the publication he has published three collections of poetry and is a member of the Association of Slovak writers. He has publicly expressed himself against violence, and eight years ago said he was founding an organisation called Left Against Violence.

    Getty now has a series of images from the Slovak Prime Minister’s arrival at Banská Bystrica hospital. When we heard from the Prime Minister’s office earlier they said he was being medevac’d to Banská Bystrica rather than the capital Bratislava because he needed surgery urgently. Fico is shielded from view on an emergency gurney after being removed from a helicopter, and is surrounded by paramedics and bodyguards.

    Juraj Blanár, the Slovak foreign minister has said Fico was hit “several times” at “close range” by the would-be assassin and is in “very serious condition”. Nevertheless, he made an expression of hope, saying: “We all believe that the Prime Minister will handle this difficult fight.”

    Whether this is an expression that Fico’s prognosis is improving or mere words of hope is yet to be seen.

    Fico was re-elected to the Slovakian leadership at the end of last year, having already held the post twice before. An economically left-wing populist with a strong focus on border control and Slovakia for the Slovakians, he has been called “Slovakia’s Trump” in the past for his opposition to mass migration to Slovakia and criticisms of unfair elections. The politician is also a Eurosceptic and a strong ideological opponent of the coronavirus lockdowns, and in a remarkable turn of events was arrested on live television in 2021 for openly defying the then-government’s covid rules.

    More recently, criticism of Fico from the European mainstream has focussed on his opposition to the war in Ukraine, leading to some to accuse him of being “pro-Putin”. Fico, for his part, strongly denied these assertions and stated he is not pro-Russian, just anti-war. Fico has recently suggested Ukraine should be willing to cede territory to Moscow to get peace, and has strongly rejected suggestions by French President Emmanuel Macron that NATO should deploy troops to Ukraine itself.

    End quote



    OldGzr: The political tensions in both Slovakia and the US are very much similar. Thus, I fear that the Left will have Trump assassinated if their court attacks are unsuccessful. The Democrats currently do not have a valid presidential candidate. The Chinese paid for this current "biden administration", so they deeply want Trump to "go away forever". We are living in scary times, boys and girls.


    "Trump Secret Service protection could be removed under Bennie Thompson proposed legislation"

    "WASHINGTON – Democratic Congressman Bennie Thompson from Mississippi, the Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, introduced legislation that would remove Secret Service protection from anyone convicted of a felony and sentence to prison.

    "According to a news release, the Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act or the Disgraced Former Protectees Act (H.R. 8081) would reform the U.S. Secret Service’s protective mission by automatically terminating Secret Service protection for those who have been sentenced to prison following conviction for a federal or state felony—clarifying that prison authorities would be responsible for the protection of all inmates regardless of previous Secret Service protection."

    "Former NYPD Commissioner says Democrats may attempt Donald Trump’s assassination to stop him from running in 2024"

    "Kerik said he was ‘deadly afraid’ for the former President after the reports of the feds’ raid at his residence in Florida. He talked about the raid during his appearance on The Balance hosted by Eric Bolling.

    "He compared the ongoing investigation against Trump to the incidents that have happened in countries with dictatorships and said in those countries, those who got investigated were either imprisoned or killed. He asserted something similar could happen with Trump. "
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Leftist Radicals Riot in France Despite Victory for Far-Left in Snap Elections"

    Begin quote

    Despite the far-left New Popular Front winning the second round of elections, riots broke out in France after leftist radicals had gathered in anticipation of a potential victory of Marine Le Pen’s populist National Rally.

    Ahead of the second round of voting on Saturday, the government mobilised 30,000 police officers, including 5,000 in Paris, in expectation of riots from the far-left if the populist right repeated its success in the first round of the snap elections called by French President Macron.

    Black bloc Antifa-style radicals were filmed setting fire to street furniture and bicycles, as well as shooting fireworks and other projectiles at police as they ran ruff shot through the French capital. Demonstrators were seen waving Palestinian and Antifa flags.

    While the New Popular Front alliance between socialists, radical environmentalists, and outright communists won the most seats, currently being projected to have secured between 187 and 198 seats in the National Assembly, the far left still showed their violent edge, clashing with police in Paris and other cities on Sunday evening.

    Contrary to the scare tactics deployed by Macron, the French political establishment, and the legacy media concerning the rise of the so-called “far-right”, it has been Macron’s new leftist partners such as Mélenchon who have been broadly supportive of political violence and riots over the past year in France.

    End quote

    "French left coalition comes out on top in elections, in shock upset over far right"

    Begin quote

    PARIS — After the shock of French President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to call snap elections last month, another surprise came for French voters as polls closed Sunday evening: the far-right National Party (RN) did not receive the majority of the parliamentary seats pollsters had predicted. It didn’t even come close.

    Early results put the left-wing NFP with the most seats, but short of an absolute majority needed to govern; Macron’s centrist Ensemble coalition in second; and the far-right RN in third. Final results aren’t expected until early Monday morning, but with no party reaching an absolute majority, the country’s future remains uncertain.

    Prime Minister Gabriel Attal announced his resignation about an hour after the results came in Sunday evening, and Macron will be under pressure to appoint someone from the NFP coalition.

    The elections, which saw a 67.1% turnout, the highest in over 40 years, point to an outright rejection of a far-right government. Even if the RN did make its most significant gains in the party’s history, its campaign has been tainted by accusations of racism and antisemitism.

    At the RN electoral base in eastern Paris, supporters watched in shock and disbelief as the initial figures came in on a giant television screen. “I’m incredibly disappointed, but democracy has spoken,” Joscelin Cousin, a 19-year-old RN supporter, told NPR minutes after the first results were announced. “I suppose people are still afraid of the false caricature image that RN has spent years working dispell,” he said. Stacks of celebratory champagne flutes were barely touched as the crowd quickly dispersed.

    End quote

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    the fact that the National Alliance came top in the first round of voting but didnt repeat it in the second I find rather suspicious.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Note that the communist rioters came out into the streets after voting part #1. Then voting part #2 came out of nowhere. Even the Leftist press was taken aback.
      Old Geezer, Jul 8, 2024
  32. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    You make an excellent point.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "France is one accident from calamity"

    "Behind the chaos of this election, does a financial crisis loom?"

    "Imagine last week’s UK election had resulted in a government coalition between Labour, the LibDems, the Greens – and George Galloway. Hard to imagine, you might think. But something similar just happened in France.

    "Right now, France and Europe are celebrating the defeat of Marine Le Pen and her far-right National Rally in Sunday’s second round of the parliamentary elections. The winner is the left-wing New Popular Front, a group made up of four parties. This is indeed a moment to behold. But be careful what you wish for. The main political result of these elections is not glorious victory of the united front of anti-fascists, but political fragmentation. It is happening everywhere in Europe. The Netherlands is leading the way. There is more fragmentation ahead in Germany too. Fragmentation is the defining European experience of the 2020s.

    "The new French government will be backed by a coalition of parties that have traditionally stood in opposition to each other. They could encompass some combination of the following: former Gaullists, Emmanuel Macron’s centrists, two other centrist parties, Socialists, Communists, Greens, and potentially also Jean-Luc Melenchon’s La France Insoumise, one of Europe’s most radical parties of the left.

    "The scenario I worry about the most is a sovereign debt crisis between now and 2027. It would be a eurozone crisis on steroids. France falls into the category of countries that are too big to fail, and too big to save.

    "France is a country with relatively high public sector debt – 110 per cent of annual economic output. The French private sector is in an even worse financial position. As of May this year, the trend in the French public-sector deficit was still rising compared to previous years. Economic growth is low. The dynamic is toxic.

    "What will keep the rainbow coalition in power is not a joint agenda, but what the Americans call debt-financed pork-barrel spending. This cannot last.

    "Financial crises have causes and triggers. The deep causes of a French crisis are easy to make out: a rotten economic and social model, unsustainable fiscal policies, and political gridlock. The triggers are harder to predict: it could be a government crisis, another economic shock, or a large bank going broke.

    "The elections left the country in a position where it is one accident away from calamity. This is Macron’s legacy."



    "Spanish public debt sets new record: 1.613 trillion (109% of GDP)"

    "The Bank of Spain (BdE) reported on Friday that the debt of all public administrations in Spain rose in 1Q2024 to 109% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 1.3 percentage points above the close of 2023, while the amount of Spanish public debt set a new record at €1.613 trillion, with record indebtedness of the State and the autonomous regions."






    "The Origins of Greece's Debt Crisis"

    "What Is Greece's Debt-to-GDP Ratio?

    "In 2023, Greece's debt-to-GDP ratio was 160.2%, according to the IMF

    "The Bottom Line

    "The Greek debt crisis had its origins in the fiscal profligacy of previous governments, proving that, like individuals, nations cannot afford to live way beyond their means. As a result, Greeks may have to live with stiff austerity measures for nearly a decade."


    "Navigating Distress and Opportunities in Germany"

    "Looking back at 2023, it would be difficult to discuss Europe’s economic fate without referencing Germany in some respect. Germany emerged as the most distressed market in Europe, influenced by rising interest rates, deterioration of the investment market, liquidity pressures and stagnant profitability, which has persisted since the start of 2023.1

    "Macro headwinds include weaker global trade which continues to hurt German exports along with high energy prices impacting energy-intensive production. Debilitated trade is exacerbated by increased competition from China, particularly in the automotive industry.

    "We believe these macro challenges are more cyclical than structural and sit alongside heightened geo- and domestic political tensions, including the rise of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. Economic activity dragged as a result, with GDP falling 0.3% in 2023. Inflows into Germany open-ended property fund turned negative in 2023 with many funds becoming net sellers, revealing liquidity challenges and signs of distress. These challenges are especially visible when looking at debt markets. With approximately one third of commercial real estate loans in Germany facing higher borrowing costs over the next three years, the risk of credit defaults has risen.2

    "Russia’s invasion of Ukraine led to heightened energy costs in Germany due to its significant dependance on fossil fuels from Russia. Germany has replaced fossil fuels from Russia by other sources over the recent years, such as by liquid natural gas which is delivered by container ships via the Baltic Sea at a higher cost, in turn restricting industrial activity. The chart below shows German dependence on coal to be higher than the European average and fossil fuel sources dominating Germany’s energy supply mix.

    "Despite the government’s attempt to contain rising energy costs with gas and electricity price caps, the number of households living in energy poverty—spending more than 10% of income on energy—has risen steeply since the onset of the energy crisis in Europe in 2022.6 The knock-on effects have led to a squeeze on household disposable income and weaker consumer spending, with particular pressure on residential tenants. This is further exacerbated by continued rental growth across the major German residential markets, ranging from 4% to 8% Y-o-Y in 2023."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    The French Left coalition was a put up job to stop the Right taking power .
  35. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Anytime European countries go socialist / centralized government, matters go massively sideways. Actually, this is true of ANY country.

    If you do a Google search concerning this topic, you will get SLAPPED with over a hundred links telling you that you are not only wrong, but a danger to "progress". I often test the Google search engine (ALI, artificial lack of intelligence) and every time I test it, Google's AI screams at me with communist propaganda. Obviously, I'm a "deplorable".

    upload_2024-7-9_4-8-19.png Google is God! Kneel all ye peasants!
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  36. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Jewish people being afraid of government -- is this under the WWII French Vichy government?! No, this is today.

    " ‘No future for Jews’: Prominent French Jews decry far-left’s gains in vote"

    Begin quote

    Prominent French Jews lament the electoral success of a political bloc that features a far-left party widely regarded as antisemitic in the country’s parliamentary elections.

    Moshe Sebbag, a rabbi for the Synagogue de la Victoire, tells The Times of Israel that “it seems France has no future for Jews.” He advises young French Jews to leave for Israel.

    “But people my age, who are 50, 60, we’ve made our life here and we fear for the future of our children,” he says. His assessment is not due solely to the left-wing bloc’s success, but to the mainstreaming of antisemitism in general in France, he says.

    “The left is once again kidnapped by the infamous Melenchon. Divisive language. Hate of the republic on the lips. Around him right now are some incarnations of the new antisemitism. A chilling moment. A stain: Continue to fight against these people,” French-Jewish philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy writes on X.

    Jean-Luc Melenchon is the leader of LFI, and in a 2017 speech called French Jews “an arrogant minority that lectures to the rest.” He is on record in an earlier speech as celebrating anti-Israel protesters days after some of them stormed a synagogue, condemning in that speech only French Jews who demonstrated to show solidarity with Israel.

    “Melenchon’s victory is a terrible signal of impunity sent to the anti-Jewish Islamo-Faschists,” writes French-Jewish journalist Yohann Taieb on X.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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