Collapsing Of The United States

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by poltiregist, Jun 18, 2020.

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  1. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    " 'Fed-up' cities are passing laws to combat brazen organized retail theft: 'The situation is out of control' "

    "Some cities are passing their own laws in order to combat an epidemic of brazen organized retail thefts across the country that have led to some stores shutting down.

    "In one example from the King Soopers grocery store in Brighton, Colorado, two thieves were caught on video on Monday loading up a grocery cart with detergent and other high-price items before running for the exit.

    "The video shows a security guard and one bystander try to stop the couple, but a black male fights back and they escape after tossing all their ill-gotten goods into a car.

    "The male had allegedly brandished a screwdriver and threatened, 'You'll have to shoot me or give me my stuff. I'll stab you if you don't give me my stuff.'

    "These kinds of incidents are pushing local lawmakers into passing laws to strengthen the law enforcement response to such robberies, according to a report from CBS News"


    Note to our site's visitors, these sorts of events are but a tiny foreshadowing of that which WILL occur post-SHTF.

    These sub-humans will not only predate on stores, they will also be breaking into your homes to steal that which you have put-back to take care of your family and children.

    Please!!!!, prepare now if you have not already have done so. No matter where you live, this can happen to you.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    its not up to store employees in the UK to stop thieves, and I havent seen a security guard in a supermarket for years.
    the cost of any theft is added to the prices law abiding shoppers pay.
    Police do not attend if it is under a certain limit, that is currently £200.
    over here we even have seagulls stealing from shops!
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Gun violence" = misnomer.

    In the USSA, black-on-black violence is that which is driving the Big Lie of "gun violence". Firearms = inanimate objects. Black people = animate objects.

    No fathers at home = die-off of black youth (that and abortion of black babies, Democratic Party origins)

    Historic context:

    "Brooklyn Day" Baltimore Maryland:


    Fast forward to July 2023 (i.e. last night):

    "At least 4 dead, 25 injured in Baltimore mass shooting"

    "At least four people have been killed and 25 others are injured after gunfire erupted at a party in Baltimore, Maryland, local officials and witnesses say. Only few details are currently available.

    "Reporter Rebecca Pryor, after speaking with witnesses, said hundreds of people had gathered in the area for an annual celebration called 'Brooklyn Day.' A witness reported hearing up to 30 gunshots: 'They just kept going off.' ”

    Note to Brits and Europeans: In the U.S., most firearms owners are white. White people have the LOWEST murder rates in every state, i.e. all 50 states. Asian Americans whose ancestors here in America lived through absolute hell, have the lowest murder rates and the highest grade point averages in secondary schools and universities.


    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
  5. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I put no signage on my house nor my car.

    In today's litigious environment, such can be used against you in court. Even a "Beware of dog" sign can get you burned in court, "You knew your dog would bight. Is that not true sir?!"

    I do have a sign denoting our having a security system.

    Posting on this site is my biggest faux pas. But then, I'm old; nothing much to lose. Maybe the info we provide to site visitors can help them prepare for hard days ahead. I feel like I'm living in France 1938 and know full good and well that Adolf Loony Hitler is certain to invade. Many of the citizens of Pompeii got out'a there when Mt. Vesuvius began rumbling. For me today, there is nowhere to which we can run. Might be able to get to my home state, but real estate prices have gone bat-sh## crazy ... along with interest rates.

    In the South, everybody knows that everybody is armed. In the South, everybody knows that no jury will send you to jail for nuking a puke. Profoundly unlikely any charges will be placed. Home invasions happen, but are rare. North of the Mason-Dixon, it is a different story.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I've got a "no cold callers" sign on my front door and it seems to be working.
    I've got stickers on my car, some humourous, some just obvious, and a county flag sticker, in a small place like this everyone know what you drive and where you live, probably where you work as well.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Having trustworthy friends and neighbors is more valuable than gold. And, I do mean this literally.
      Old Geezer, Jul 4, 2023
  7. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Biology Professor Fired For Teaching That Sex Is Determined By Chromosomes X & Y"

    "A veteran biology professor who has for 20 years taught that sex is determined by chromosomes X and Y, has been fired after students walked out of his class, accusing him of ‘religious preaching’

    "Dr. Johnson Varkey who was teaching in Texas claimed his position at St. Philip’s College in San Antonio was terminated in 2022 following the incident.

    "He said he was discussing the human reproductive system in November last year when four students stormed out of the lecture.

    "The Mail Online reports: Varkey was then accused of ‘discriminatory comments about homosexuals and transgender individuals, anti-abortion rhetoric, and misogynistic banter’.

    "The professor said he received an email from the Alamo Colleges District Human Resources department in January, which said his credentials would be revoked pending an investigation. He was later fired. "
    Old Gzr: I can't quote the entire article above. This professor has retained lawyers and is suing the university. That which he was currently teaching, was that which he's been teaching for twenty years (with updates, of course). But the sex determination via the X and Y chromaosomes goes WAAAAAAAAAAY back! See below:


    "Nettie Stevens: A Discoverer of Sex Chromosomes"

    "Following her own path. Nettie Maria Stevens grew up in America just after the Civil War. Beyond teaching, nursing, or secretarial work, little opportunity was available to women looking for a profession; most simply hoped to marry well. Stevens, however, would not go that route. She was a teacher, but it was only a means to an end. Stevens wanted to be a scientist and worked her way through school, eventually reaching her goal and earning her place in the history of genetics.

    "Stevens was born July 7, 1861, in Cavendish, Vermont ...

    "Finally, at age 39, Stevens began working as a research scientist, and the next 11 years would be the most productive of her life. Stevens was interested in the process of sex determination. While studying the mealworm, she found that the males made reproductive cells with both X and Y chromosomes whereas the females made only those with X. She concluded that sex is inherited as a chromosomal factor and that males determine the gender of the offspring.

    "Not appreciated, yet. At the time, the chromosomal theory of inheritance was not yet accepted, and it was commonly believed that gender was determined by the mother and/or environmental factors. Most scientists did not embrace Stevens's theory immediately. Another researcher, Edmund Wilson, made a similar discovery at about the same time, but Stevens is generally considered to have made the larger theoretical leap (one which was ultimately proven correct)."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The Left hates Christianity.

    Feds Want the Sanctuary Lamp Extinguished at Catholic Hospital

    Begin quote:

    UPDATE (5/9/2023): On May 5, the Biden administration backed down and rescinded its threat to freeze funding over St. Francis Health System's sanctuary lamp.

    The vice president and senior counsel at Becket Law, Lori Windham, stated, "The government has seen the light and has abandoned its attempt to force an Oklahoma hospital to blow out a small candle or stop serving elderly, disabled and low-income patients."

    She added, "The government knew it was playing with fire — today it announced its decision to allow the living flame so Saint Francis can continue to serve God and its community, as it always has."

    WASHINGTON ( - President Biden's Department of Health and Human Services is demanding a Catholic hospital in Oklahoma snuff out its sanctuary lamp or lose federal funding for patients treated under the Children's Health Insurance Program as well as under Medicare and Medicaid.

    [Background: ]

    HHS and its subagency, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, recently gave the ultimatum to Saint Francis Health System, which describes itself as a "not-for-profit health system wholly governed and operated in Tulsa, Oklahoma whose mission is to extend the presence and healing ministry of Christ to all who seek its services."

    The reason cited by HHS for its decision is a fire-safety citation.

    But on Tuesday, Becket Law, a religious-liberty organization, sent a letter to HHS in defense of SFHS regarding what it called an "impending lawsuit for emergency relief and monetary damages for your violation of Saint Francis Health System's First Amendment rights."

    Lori Windham, Becket vice president and senior counsel, called the government's demand "absurd and unlawful." She added, "The government has a simple choice: either stop this attack on Saint Francis's faith or expect a legal firestorm."

    Becket's letter to HHS begins by explaining how the denial of federal aid would cripple the hospital's operations, causing unreasonable financial losses and jeopardizing services to elderly, disabled and low-income patients.

    The letter then highlights the bizarre and arbitrary timing of the demand, stating that "for 15 years, that flame has burned without problem or concern in Saint Francis Hospital South in Tulsa; and for 63 years, the eternal flame has burned at Saint Francis Hospital Yale Campus, the largest hospital in the state of Oklahoma, without problem or concern."

    Under the Biden administration, hostility against Catholics and other Christians has increased among the people and the government.

    According to the Family Research Council's 2023 first-quarter supplemental report,"criminal acts against churches have been steadily on the rise for the past several years, and the first quarter of 2023 has continued the upward trend."

    The author of the report, Arielle Del Turco, explains that the increase in secularism coupled with what she calls "secular dogmas" — for example, abortion and so-called same-sex marriage — is making the Left increasingly intolerant of Christian teaching in general and Catholic teaching in particular.

    Del Turco believes that this intolerance towards Christianity is particularly aimed at Catholic teaching.

    "[T]he left is getting increasingly intolerant of Christianity for this reason, and I think we're seeing that even being represented physically with these physical attacks on churches," she stated.

    The federal government's increasing hostility towards Christianity is exacerbating the situation.

    For instance, there is its push for anti-Christian policies on topics such as abortion, its support for mutilating children in the name of "transsexualism," its weaponizing of the FBI against Catholics and its failure to prosecute criminal acts of anti-Catholic vandalism and violence.

    For example, the Department of Justice failed to take action against a transexual who vandalized a Catholic church and wrote "F*** Catholics" on its walls.

    End quote

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Yet another cover-up, the stack of crap is getting rather tall.

    "EXCLUSIVE: Fingerprints Found on Cocaine Bag at White House, Security Sources Say"

    Begin quote

    Officials at the White House know who handled a packet of cocaine that was found inside the Executive Mansion, and have confirmed that finding via fingerprint evidence, according to sources with direct knowledge of the investigation.

    “We know who handled it,” one security source said. “We’ve known since last week.”

    Two sources disclosed the name of the person who is believed to have handled the packet. Soldier of Fortune is withholding the name pending official confirmation.

    Agents with the U.S. Secret Service found “suspicious white powder” inside the White House on July 2, prompting an emergency evacuation while tests were performed on the powder. A lab test proved that the white substance was cocaine.

    Another test brought back a hit on fingerprints, the security source said.

    The results came in quickly on the fingerprints because the sample was sent to a unit that gets results within 24 hours.

    Soldier of Fortune on Wednesday filed formal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with three agencies that are likeliest to know about the fingerprint results. The agencies are the Washington, D.C. Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department; the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia; and the U.S. Secret Service.

    End quote


    Currently, the big lie out of D.C. and repeated by the parroting press is that no fingerprints were found.

    The sheeple are expected to go on grazing. "Nothing to see here people. Just move on."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Biden’s DOJ Caught Scrubbing Information About Child Sex Trafficking From Website"

    "The Department of Justice (DOJ) has been caught quietly removing information about 'International Sex Trafficking of Minors', 'Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors' and 'Child Victims of Prostitution' from the DOJ website.

    "The Biden administration’s move to suppress information about child sex trafficking comes at the same time as the WEF is demanding world governments ban hit movie Sound of Freedom, to stop as many people as possible from seeing the movie and learning the truth about the scale of the child sex industry."

    upload_2023-7-15_22-10-16.png upload_2023-7-15_22-11-15.png
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Sound of Freedom is on my watch list. IIRC the film was completed in 2018 and Disney acquired the digital rights to the film and promptly shelved it. So its taken 5 years to get this film to hit the screen.

    This film is hitting some raw nerves out there for sure, I wonder why ;)

    Not sure if the snowflakes will go and see it, too hard to watch for these poor soles. I'd make ever blue/pink haired trans/LGB whatever its called go and watch it, some may realise their 'struggles' are SFA in comparison to what children are going through 24/7/365.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I concur about the snowflake/trans etc. but at the end of the day its only a film/movie, is it supposed to be a documentary or just so much more fiction? I generally only watch wildlife/nature/factual programs.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  13. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I'm sure that many events in the movie are fiction. It's no documentary.

    The sex trafficking of children however is NOT fiction. We see instances of this phenomenon reported in the press, but not to the degree they need to be. Attention must be focused on this horrific abomination. If any crime category needs national attention, it is the abuse of children. Any society that can not or will not protect their children is doomed.

    One of the actors in this film I used to watch on television. Jim Caviezel played a character who was a tough guy who prevented people from getting killed, i.e. a vigilante. That was a popular show and ran for several seasons. His character didn't say much, but got the jobs done. Me, I've known vigilantes (family) -- maybe that's why I mentally transferred appreciation onto the actor Caviezel. That show was "Person of Interest" (I just looked-up the name). Some computer genius and his giant computer would identify people who were going to get killed, then send out this ex-government-asset guy (played by Caviezel) to protect them.

    When it comes to protecting children, you have to go Old Testament on the offenders. The conclusions drawn from psychological studies are that there are treatments that have shown promise. The wording of the researchers always goes wishy-washy in their conclusions. The psychiatrists and psychologists will NEVER say that they can't treat these perv.s. That's how they get paid. But the truth is that once a person becomes wired a certain way, normal or abnormal, then pretty-much-so, that's that. Sexuality gets hard-wired by a healthy childhood/adolescent environment or an unhealthy environment. An environment that is downright sick and abusive, mars people for life. If these damaged people have the tendency to act-out and hurt people, then they have to be removed from society. Can't fix that.


    "California Democrats Resisted a Child Trafficking Bill — Until They Couldn’t"

    "It was a perfunctory committee hearing on a day full of them in the Legislature. The measure in question on Tuesday wasn’t novel, just another in a long list of attempts to reclassify a misdemeanor as a felony. Like most attempts before it, it met a quiet and undignified end.

    "The bill was new, but what it sought to do was not. Lawmakers from both parties had made numerous previous attempts to reclassify human trafficking of a minor for purposes of a commercial sex act as a “serious felony,” which would be treated as a strike under California’s Three Strikes law.

    "In 2007, twice in 2009, 2011, 2013, 2017 and three times in 2021, legislators tried and failed to reclassify child sex trafficking. But then something strange happened after the latest effort went down.

    "A backlash swiftly took shape on social media. Comments ranged from 'What on earth were these Democrats thinking?' to accusations that they were siding with pedophiles — and at least one Democratic member of the Assembly Public Safety Committee that quashed the bill reported receiving death threats.

    "So on Thursday the Assembly Public Safety Committee took it up again. And on the second go-around, it passed.

    "Human trafficking of a minor for purposes of commercial sex under current law incurs a sentence of up to 12 years in prison. If the crime involved force, fear, fraud, deceit, coercion, violence, duress, menace, or threat of unlawful injury to the victim or to another person, the sentence is 15 years to life. If the person is convicted of inflicting great bodily harm on the victim while trafficking them, a judge can add up to 10 years to a prison sentence."


    "California Democrats reverse course after killing bill to stiffen penalties for child sex trafficking "

    July 13, 2023

    "After rejecting a proposal to stiffen penalties for repeat sex trafficking of minors, a decision that triggered bipartisan outrage in the state Capitol, California Democrats on a high-profile policy committee backpedaled on Thursday.

    "Senate Bill 14, which would add human trafficking of a minor for sex to the list of “serious felonies” under California’s penal code, was sailing through the Legislature with bipartisan support all year until Democrats on the Assembly Public Safety Committee struck it down Tuesday amid concerns that it would penalize victims and worsen incarceration rates.

    "Chaos erupted in the Democratic-controlled Legislature after the committee’s vote, with Republican lawmakers blaming Democrats for failing to crack down on child sex trafficking and Democrats blaming Republicans for failing to address the root causes of crime.

    "Tensions reached a boiling point Thursday when Republicans unsuccessfully tried forcing a vote on the human trafficking legislation in the full Assembly, an effort Democrats thwarted. Instead, the bill was pulled back to the Public Safety Committee, where it passed 6-0 without any debate. Several Democrats who had initially abstained from voting on SB 14 reversed course and voted in its favor, including the committee’s chair, Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles)."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  14. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "It's Mourning in America"

    Begin quote

    Now that America has been transformed from a high-trust social order into a low-trust social order, there's no going back.

    The birth of financialization in the early 1980s was morning in America because finance-- the collateralization of previously low-risk assets and the resulting explosion of credit and leverage--gooses demand and asset valuations.

    Now that we've at long last reached the demise of financialization, it's mourning in America as the hyper-stimulation has reached its zenith and is beginning its inevitable end-game of uncontrolled implosion. The hyper-financialization of American life has fatally distorted the nation's production, politics, values and social order.

    Regardless of our political persuasion, we're all mourning for what's been lost to either decay or erosion, both of which are so gradual that we cannot discern the full extent of the damage. We sense it, though, and this fuels the nation's distemper.

    The decay, erosion and distemper remind me of a quote from French author Michel Houellebecq:
    "I have the impression of being caught up in a network of complicated, minute, stupid rules, and I have the impression of being herded towards a uniform kind of happiness, toward a kind of happiness that doesn't really make me happy."

    Substitute con for happiness and we have an insight into the source of mourning in America: we're being conned 24/7, on every level and in every nook and cranny of the economy and society.

    The key to any good con is to persuade the mark (victim) that it's not a con. The most direct approach is to claim the con is true, factual, etc. Once this claim starts unraveling, then the con switches to an alternative reality that has enough shreds of credibility to be plausible.

    This is why so many confuse the con and propaganda. Both are self-serving, of course, as the goal of propaganda is to generate compliance and conformity in the populace by constructing an emotionally compelling context that is both appealing and plausible. Those spewing the propaganda do so to secure their power and further their own self-serving agenda.

    End quote

    Old Geezer: I encourage all to read all of this article.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Redistribution of wealth via theft

    "White Lowe's Worker Confronts Black Thieves - Gets Black Eye And Pink Slip"

    Begin quote

    After 13 years of service to Lowe's, an elderly white woman has been fired after she received a beating and black eye from black shoplifters brazenly rolling $2,100 worth of goods out of a store in Georgia. That's the steep price she paid for heroically trying to thwart the trio's theft -- in violation of Lowe's policy.

    “They say that if you see somebody stealing something out the door, not to pursue, not to go out. I lost it,” Donna Hansbrough told the Effingham Herald. “I grabbed the cart. I don't actually remember going out but I did. And I grabbed the cart that had the stolen items in (it).”

    Police say that cart was being pushed on June 25th by Takyah Berry, who punched Hansbrough in the face three times, leaving her with a black eye that lingers almost a month later. Berry was allegedly accompanied by her uncle, Joseph Berry, and a man named Jarmar Lawton. After attacking Hansbrough, Berry and her accomplices left with the stolen goods. Lawton is in police custody on unrelated charges, but the two Berrys are at large.

    It's one thing for companies to adopt such policies after their own risk assessment, but now liberal politicians want to make it illegal for employees to stop thieves. Last month, the California Senate passed just such a measure, which would only compound the state's ongoing cultivation of criminal behavior -- best exemplified by Prop 47, the law that made shoplifting of up to $950 of merchandise a misdemeanor.

    End task

    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      "Oakland Fails Women As Staggering Crime Surge Goes Unpunished"

      "Compared to last year, robberies have surged 22%, while overall crime has risen by a staggering 42% in the first half of 2023.

      "Violent attacks on women in particular have increased - with recent data showing a higher level of violence towards female robbery victims, as assailants target individuals who are distracted by cell phones.

      "Oakland Police have admitted that robberies are generally crimes of opportunity in which women are often perceived as easier targets."
      Old Geezer, Jul 23, 2023
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    One imagines that things have gone a bit wrong when things like the following happen. The mass killings in major metropolitan areas are explainable under the title of "Drug Gang Warfare". The crazy stuff comes under the heading "Civilization Melt-Down".

    " Naked Woman Opens Fire on Oncoming Traffic in San Francisco"

    "A naked woman allegedly exited her vehicle on San Francisco’s Bay Bridge shortly before 5 p.m. Tuesday and fired a handgun at oncoming traffic.

    "ABC 7 reported police received a call about a “reckless driver” about 4:40 p.m.. After that call, a naked female driver allegedly exited her vehicle with a knife in hand, only to get back into her car and drive on.

    "She then allegedly exited her vehicle with a gun and shot at other drivers.

    "Cell phone footage of the incident was captured by 'Michael Crawford and his co-worker Alex…[who] were on their way back to the East Bay region after work.'

    "The Daily Mail noted the video showed the naked woman allegedly walking across the various lanes of Interstate 80 '[pointing] a handgun at passing cars.' ”




    Many fully-automatic and conversion devices are being smuggled into the United States. If you try to Google this, you will get shut-down and very rapidly so. The oligarchs and deep-state Leftists are wiping the web of any suggestion that "assault rifles" are being smuggled into the United States. Used (well-worn, many of them) AK-47 family of rifles come in. Why buy these? They are fully-automatic, no American registration, they are cheaper than current production, and they just work. AK-47s are difficult to destroy. The engineering is crude, the tolerances are not tight, so even if they get beaten up or caked in mud, they can be washed-off and keep on working. Actually, they'll work even if you don't clean them. This is very different than the American AR-15 rifles. AR-15s often have a "forward assist" to get around a failure to feed due to dirt.

    "Smuggling rifles into the U.S." information speaks against the dogmas of the Left's "Government is God" Religion. Fully automatic weaponry for Mexican drug cartels and American drug gangs is mainly coming from weapons warehouses in Central America (weapons are stored therein from the civil wars down there). Cartels are now using vehicle-mounted machine guns and RPGs (rocket propelled grenades). NORINCO, owned by Communist China, is still shipping weapons to America. Bill and Hillary were in on that trade back in the 1990s, but they got caught, not be the ATF, but by a Custom's Department sting. So, Bill banned the NORINCO weapons for a while, but within a few months NORINCO had their executives & representatives back in the White House.

    Same thing is happening in Sweden. In Sweden semi-autos and surely full-autos are banned. Hand grenades are banned, but the gangs smuggle them in from Eastern Europe. These weapons are easy to manufacture, therefore they are available if you've got the money and connections. Thus, the bad guys get armed and the civilians get pushed around, stepped-on by the gang bad guys and by the police bad guys.

    Here's a little article with some info (remember, the web has been wiped for several years now ... actually, almost a full decade now; finding real history is difficult, the commies want history dead, they always have):
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Please, no jokes about the victim's last name! The fellow is from a non-English speaking country. He's trying to do his work, raise his kids, ... He is NO loafer.

    He's what immigration should be all about. You apply for a green card, find work, and if you're aiming to stay, get your citizenship. Profoundly few Americans appose the legal system of immigration. However, no country can simply open their boarders and let-in untold masses of people. Many of the undocumented masses coming in now are carrying tuberculosis -- not fully clinical, but surely contagious. To legally enter America, one thing that is necessary is getting a medical examination ... Duh!

    TB can be successfully treated (expensive). Many of the migrant TB-carriers are children who will be educated, i.e. come into contact with American children. A few years back, migrant kids brought-in an intestinal virus that then spread through the schools of several states.

    "NYC cabbie savagely beaten on street fumes at ‘horrible system’ and Eric Adams: ‘Tell him die with the shame’ "

    Begin quote

    A struggling immigrant cabbie and married dad of two who was savagely beaten by a group of brutes in Midtown told The Post on Friday he’s appalled that two suspects were let go with a slap on the wrist.

    Taxi driver Afzal Butt, 60 — who suffered chest, neck and face injuries in the shocking Manhattan caught-on-camera beat-down — blasted New York’s lenient bail-reform laws as a “horrible system” after a pair of his alleged assailants were issued a desk-appearance ticket and allowed to walk free.

    “If they’re not going to put them behind bars, this is a horrible system,” fumed the cabbie, who emigrated to the US from Pakistan and has been driving a taxi since 2004. “I am hopeless and helpless with this system.”

    Disturbing video footage shows three women and two men punching the cabbie and hitting him with a shoe as he falls to the ground.

    Butt was taken to a hospital, and two suspects — 35-year-old Howard Colley and 51-year-old Natalie Morgan — were arrested, according to police.

    On Friday, police released photos of the three suspects who remain at large: an approximately 5-foot-5 heavy-built woman with her hair in a bun; a 5-foot-8 woman with long, braided hair; and a 5-foot-10 man with an athletic build.

    Police charged Colley with misdemeanor assault, and Morgan landed a rap of criminal mischief, according to police sources.

    Both were issued desk-appearance tickets by cops and let go because the charges were misdemeanors and the suspects had zero or no serious criminal history, sources said.

    Even if the suspects were put through the court system, they wouldn’t have gotten bail because nearly all misdemeanors are not eligible for bail, sources said. Even with recent revisions, the suspects wouldn’t have been given bail because they have no serious criminal past, sources said.

    End quote

    upload_2023-7-30_18-4-19.png upload_2023-7-30_18-4-31.png
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    they probably didnt want to pay the taxi fare.
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Old Geezer, Jul 31, 2023
  19. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I never can quote entire articles, only a few paragraphs. Thus, I provide a link or preferably, multiple links so that others can read and make up their own minds about any given topic. I won't, I can't, think for others. I'll just present info and give my "one man's opinion". Me, I'm very opinionated. I've told my grandson, "Don't be so opinionated!"

    On the full story of this group assault, I read that the cabbie had his windows down and had passed one group of black youths who were on the side of the road/sidewalk. They yelled at him and through food at his cab -- some of which made it into the cab, making the cab's interior filthy.

    So to clean his cab, the cabbie had to pull to the side of the road. When doing so, ANOTHER crowd (not the food-throwers) accused him of trying to hit them. Because he had parked for the clean-up, this second crew dragged him out of his car and beat him up.

    These groups / crews / "black youths" / whatever are omnipresent in large cities and they are given to verbal and physical violence (these are NOT necessarily gang members, most are not). Crown Heights is a neighborhood in NYC where much of the populace are Jewish. Indeed, many of the people there abide by Talmudic traditions and thus dress in readily-recognizable clothing. In Crown Heights, black crews have a bad habit of beating-up Orthodox Jews. Happens all the time, but only a fraction of the time are these instances reported because the police will not, cannot do anything about it (no funding, no judiciary support). National news agencies only report these attacks when there is serious injury or death involved.

    The communists try to come up with ways to couch the black antisemitism in wording that diverts attention away from the violence this bigotry causes.

    "How to talk about Black anti-Semitism"

    Here's a stack of videos concerning the violence:"black"+youth+attack+"jewish"+"crown+heights"+new+york&biw=1467&bih=813&tbs=cdr:1,cd_min:2019,cd_max:7/25/2023&tbm=vid&ei=dTvIZM_bOPCuiLMP6bS84As&ved=0ahUKEwiP6rDqhLqAAxVwF2IAHWkaD7wQ4dUDCAw&oq="black"+youth+attack+"jewish"+"crown+heights"+new+york&gs_lp=Eg1nd3Mtd2l6LXZpZGVvIjYiYmxhY2siIHlvdXRoIGF0dGFjayAiamV3aXNoIiAiY3Jvd24gaGVpZ2h0cyIgbmV3IHlvcmtIAFAAWABwAHgAkAEAmAEAoAEAqgEAuAEMyAEA&sclient=gws-wiz-video


    Here's a stack of articles concerning blacks attacking Asians:"black"+youth+attack+"Asian"+OR+"Asians"&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjAifSJhbqAAxVVVTUKHSf0CWsQ0pQJegQIAhAC&biw=1467&bih=813&dpr=1#ip=1

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Don't worry, be happy. Nothing to see here. Just a bunch of fun-loving "teenagers" out breathing the night air.

    "Chicago mayor objects to reporter using the term 'mob' to describe dozens of looters: 'That's not appropriate' "

    "Mayor Brandon Johnson spoke after dozens of arrests from a mass looting event.

    "Left-wing Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson once again blasted efforts to condemn young criminals when he rejected a reporter's use of the word "mob" to describe dozens of looters on Wednesday.

    "Johnson gave a public press conference following the arrest of forty people between the ages of 12-20 for reckless conduct misdemeanors in Chicago’s South Loop Sunday night. It was estimated that approximately 300-400 people gathered and began to take part in "disorderly" behavior and attempted to loot a convenience store.

    "The Chicago mayor provided updates regarding the situation but took issue after a reporter described the massive group as a "mob."

    " 'No, that’s not appropriate,' Johnson remarked. 'We’re not talking about mob action. I didn’t say that.' "



    "Nearly 40 minors arrested after 'disorderly' gathering, looting in Chicago"

    "Forty people — 32 of them teenagers — were taken into custody and charged with reckless conduct misdemeanors after the group became "disorderly" and looted a convenience store in Chicago’s South Loop Sunday night.

    "Videos on social media appears to show the group attempting to loot a convenience store nearby.

    "Trash from the chaotic event could still be seen in the area on Monday. "
    This week:

    One month ago, same place, same mob attack "social phenomenon":

    Three months ago:


    Minority neighborhoods in Chicago are out of control. Civilized parts of Chicago remain civilized. The civilized areas do experience burglaries and other predations from the "youth" spreading out to find places to rob.

    "Chicago mother, 21, killed in shooting that wounded 8 others as weekend gun violence victims in city nears 50"

    "Another bloody weekend in Chicago saw nearly 50 shooting victims, authorities say, including a 21-year-old mother of two who was fatally shot in the face on Sunday.

    "Kanesha Gaines was with a group of women gathered in the 1500 block of South Keeler Avenue around 1 a.m. in the city’s North Lawndale neighborhood, when unknown individuals exited a black Jeep and opened fire, FOX32 Chicago reported.

    "The shooting was just one of 29 shooting incidents reported in Chicago from 6 p.m. Friday to 11:59 p.m. Sunday, according to police."

    Chicago, Illinois
    If you are forced to go to Chicago on business, then for heaven's sake stay out of the following areas:

    Last edited: Aug 4, 2023
  21. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    If you are a cop and you're not adequately paid and nobody respects you, why not dump the job?!

    Minnesota's urbanites are far left and believe commie "congresspersons" (Woke enough?) such as Ilhan Omar.

    "Entire police department resigns in Minnesota city, leaves mayor ‘blindsided’: 'Zero applicants' "

    "Goodhue's police chief said in July that he had 'zero applicants' to join force"

    "Goodhue, Minnesota, a small city in the southeastern part of the state, lost its entire police force after the chief and other members of the department handed in their resignation.

    " 'I think we're all a little bit blindsided by it, but we're resilient, and we're going to move forward,' Goodhue Mayor Ellen Anderson Buck told Fox 9.

    "Police Chief Josh Smith, who will continue to serve in his position until Aug. 24, told city officials that he could not find anyone to sign up to join the police force.

    " 'This has been three weeks now, we have zero applicants, and I have zero prospects,' Smith said on July 26. "I’ve called every PD around for the youngest guys out there, getting into the game. There's nobody getting into the game.'

    "The largest city in Minnesota, Minneapolis, is the site of one of the most important policing stories of the last decade.

    "The last ex-Minneapolis police officer to be convicted in the 2020 death of George Floyd received a sentence of four years and nine months on Aug. 7. Before the sentencing was decided, Tou Thao took time to talk about Jesus, recalling how while "distressed" in prison over the "false narratives" surrounding the case, he was reading the Bible.

    "The Goodhue Police Department, the mayor and members of the city council did not respond to a request for comment from Fox News Digital."

    "Tapper presses Omar on defunding the police"

    "Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota tells CNN's Jake Tapper that the Minneapolis Police Department is 'rotten to the root' and must be dismantled."

    Even other fellow-traveler Democrats got fed-up with her pro-Islamic terrorist, anti-American and anti-Israel tirades.

    "Ilhan Omar gets the boot: House votes her off Foreign Affairs Committee as Democrats cite 'racism' "

    "Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, R-N.Y., said she has seen Omar’s antisemitism and anti-Americanism firsthand.

    " 'As a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, I’ve sat there and heard the representative actually spew anti-American rhetoric as well," Malliotakis said of Omar. 'I’ve been in that committee room where the representative equates Israel and the United States to Hamas and the Taliban. Absolutely unacceptable for a member of that committee.'

    "The Republican justification for removing Omar from the committee was spelled out in the four-page resolution. It states that in 2019, Omar suggested that Jewish people were buying U.S. political support when she said, 'It’s all about the Benjamins, baby,' which struck many — including many Democrats — as an antisemitic trope."


    "Ilhan Omar blames the U.S. for the turmoil in Venezuela"

    "Ilhan Omar is considered admirable, or even a Congressional hero, simply because, as a hijabi Muslim, she’s seen as an oppressed person of color. My view is that she’s a provocateur and anti-Semite without any substantive accomplishments in Congress (granted, she’s new). Her main job in Congress seems to be making hotheaded statements, often followed by an apology. But because she’s seen as a “progressive” Democrat, much of the Left seems to idolize her.

    "Omar’s latest provocation is to blame the U.S. for the turmoil in Venezuela, documented in Real Clear Politics(see also CNN) which has a transcript of her remarks. (Note: I don’t support U.S. military intervention in Venezuela but I do support sanctions so long as Maduro is in power, and the recognition of opposition leader Juan Guaido as President, as most European countries have done.) What there is no question of, unless you’re someone whose hatred of America blinds their reason, is that Maduro’s authoritarian policies, and not the U.S., is what has driven Venezuela to the brink of collapse. He needs to go.

    "In contrast, Omar says it’s the U.S.’s fault, blaming “neocons and war mongers”, as well as U.S. sanctions. It looks as if she favors continuation of the Maduro regime. Her grilling of Eliott Abrams, a form of virtue signaling, is irrelevant to what’s going on in Venezuela and who’s responsible for the mess there.

    " '“I do not know a single Venezuelan who would agree with Ilhan Omar. Venezuelans roundly despise Maduro and blame him for their misery. Maduro and his criminal gang have plundered the country. Maduro has instituted killing gangs that patrol the poor barrios and do away with Chavistas who have come out against Maduro.'
    -- Jeffrey Tayler, writer and contributing editor for the The Atlantic

    "But he’s a socialist, albeit a nasty dictator, and so Omar and other progressive Democrats support him."

    Fellow travelers
    Sadiq Khan welcomes Ilhan Omar to London (Facebook)

    "Ilhan Omar should be shunned by our politicians, not celebrated"

    The Jewish Chronicle

    by Ian Austin

    "... And last year, she tweeted: 'We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the US, Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban.' Imagine comparing Israel, the Middle East’s only democracy and the world’s only Jewish state, to genocidal terrorists like Hamas which wants to wipe it out!"


    Old Gzr: I'd like to see the men and women of police departments of Leftest-controlled cities resign en masse.

    Up-state Minnesota is still part of America. Some Minneapolis - St. Paul cops might get jobs up there. Others who quit the cities would be welcome to come serve in Heartland America, the Constitutional America.

    I want the Leftists to go without any police protection whatsoever. They can send-out their psychologists and sociologists to deal with the armed robbers, murderers, and rapists. I'm not joking. I mean this literally. I want the Left to live up to their anti-police ideals. If they end up in the hospital or morgue, well ... gee whiz ... that's their personal Utopia where everybody holds hands and sings "Kumbaya".


    TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The death of nations begins with their cities, then spreads out.

    St. Louis may have high crime; however, East St. Louis is flat-out dangerous due to black gang warfare.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer

      Old Geezer, Aug 24, 2023
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    you aint seen nothing yet, if Trump is convicted AND JAILED, January 6th will look like a picnic.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Of all of the people on Earth, that this city-boy Trump should become some sort of martyr is mind boggling.

    Yet, I concur. He may actually rally tens of millions of Americans ... even those who have despised him in the past.

    "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

    It's come to that.

    Add that political enemies are looking for more reasons to hate those they oppose.

    Trying to put out a lit fuse is difficult. Fuses have all the ingredients to perpetuate their flame on into their explosive destination.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    We have us another race crime shooting. The shooter is white nutcase, complete with manifesto. He brought with him a manifesto he wanted the media to publish. Sound familiar? The media has gotten us another copy-cat crazy cowboy. Another victory for proponents of Big Brother "benevolence".

    Prior to the shooting, numbskull nutcase had been turned way by a security guard at a black university down the road. The guard must not have seen any weapons on him or in his car. Still, I think the guard should have notified the police because the fellow was acting "suspicious".

    Isn't it sick that we put security guards in our banks to protect money, yet many schools do not have guards to protect children from kidnappings, perverts, and nut cases (who should be housed in psych units, at the very least for their own protection).

    "Three killed in racially motivated shooting in Jacksonville"

    Joseph Wilkinson
    New York Daily News

    "A man fatally shot three Black people inside a Dollar General in Jacksonville, Florida, on Saturday in what authorities described as a hate crime.

    "The shooter was found dead inside the store. He died from a self-inflicted gunshot, according to police.

    "The gunman was identified only as a white male in his early 20s. Though Waters said he would “love to” release his name, investigators had not positively identified him as of Saturday night.

    "Just after 1:15 p.m., the shooter texted his father and told him to check the computer, Waters said. About 40 minutes later, his family called police, but by then he had already started shooting inside the Dollar General.

    "Prior to entering the store, the attacker approached the campus of Edward Waters University, a historically Black institution less than 2 miles down the road from the Dollar General, the sheriff said. School security determined he was acting suspicious and turned him away, so he walked down the road to the dollar store.

    "Following the shooting, police learned of three manifestos written by the gunman. One was meant for his parents, one for the media and one for law enforcement, Waters said.

    “ 'Portions of these manifestos detail the shooter’s disgusting ideology of hate,' Waters said."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      They also get copycat shootings in heavily gun-controlled countries.


      "Suspect in fatal Copenhagen mall shooting is remanded in psychiatric facility for 24 days, police say"

      Copenhagen, Denmark CNN —

      "A man arrested on suspicion of killing three people and wounding several others during a shooting at a shopping mall in Copenhagen is being remanded in a psychiatric facility for 24 days, Danish police said Monday.

      "The 22-year-old Danish man was known to psychiatric professionals, police said earlier"
      Old Geezer, Aug 28, 2023
    2. Old Geezer
      Denmark, same link as above comment

      "Only licensed gun owners may lawfully acquire, possess or transfer a firearm or ammunition.

      "Danish police on Monday confirmed the suspected shooter did not have a permit, according to Thomassen, the head of Copenhagen’s police force."

      Old Gzr: No permit. Copenhagen's captain crazy didn't get his gun legally. Duh!
      Old Geezer, Aug 28, 2023
  26. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "NYPD to dispatch drones to monitor backyard parties over Labor Day weekend; privacy advocates sound the alarm "

    "The New York Police Department will dispatch drones to monitor backyard parties and private social gatherings over Labor Day weekend in response to any complaints. However, some are saying that drone surveillance by police would be an invasion of privacy.

    "Privacy and civil liberties advocates immediately spoke out against the usage of drones to spy on people at private events.

    "According to police data, the NYPD utilized drones for public safety or emergency purposes 124 times this year – skyrocketing from just four times in all of 2022."


    Buy tents for your events. Screw Big Brother blind. Too, it could rain.



    Useful info for everyone begins 11 minutes into the following vid:


    The next vid is done by a very strange person; nevertheless, he has some interesting ideas as how one might protect themself from Big Brother, et. al. .

    Using theater makeup putty, one can alter the the bony ridge above their eyes. Everybody wears caps and the strangest of eyeglasses & sunglasses. Putty can be used to buildup cheekbones. Using theater makeup putty, one can alter the shape of the bony nose ridge ... easily. This putty and theater makeup is obtained at costume shops. Pay in cash. Theater makeup techniques are all over the web. On TV espionage shows and in the movies of the same theme, characters go around in broad daylight without disguise. This is total bullsh##, operatives ALWAYS are in disguise. Even before the Big Brother cameras, nobody walked around as themselves. Paperwork, stories, faces, ... all bogus to the max ... gimme a break! Holy crap.

    Last edited: Sep 3, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
  28. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Castration of the masses. The hoi polloi must be kept in their place!

    "School suspends first-grader for pretending fingers were a gun during game of cops and robbers "

    "A school in Alabama suspended a first-grader for pretending his fingers were a gun during a game of cops and robbers with another student, according to reports.

    "Jarrod Belcher said his six-year-old son was suspended from Bagley Elementary School in Jefferson County, Alabama. The first-grade student was reportedly suspended for using his "index fingers as a gun" while playing a game of cops and robbers with another boy at school."


    Teachers' unions are Socialist hubs, far-Left indoctrination perpetrators, anti-Constitutionalists, pro-globalism. Individual freedoms to them are heretical. Only god-government knows best.

    "Teachers’ Unions Plan to Become ‘more Political, Not Less Political’ "

    "In a landmark First Amendment decision, the Supreme Court ruled earlier this summer in Janus v. AFSCME that states cannot require public employees to pay 'agency fees' to unions. Prior to the decision, in 22 states, public employees who chose not to join a union could still be required to pay these fees — somewhat less than full dues — for union services. Some have suggested that unions might temper their left-wing politics in response to the decision, in the hopes of wooing potential members put off by union politics.

    "It turns out that the tea leaves weren’t that hard to read, after all. At the NEA’s annual convention and representative assembly in Minneapolis, things kicked off on day one with Parkland survivor and woke gun-control activist David Hogg joining NEA president Lily Eskelsen García on stage to exhort the cheering throng, 'There’s nothing more powerful in America than a pissed-off teacher.' The NEA also made time to award its Human and Civil Rights Award — given to those who have 'demonstrated remarkable courage and conviction to stand up for racial and social justice' — to recipients including First Lady Michelle Obama and former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

    "The NEA adopted 122 total New Business Items, including commitments to promote the Black Lives Matter Week of Action (including supporting BLM’s demand that 'ethnic studies be taught in pre-K-12 schools'), to support 'a strategy postponing confirmation of a Supreme Court justice until after the mid-term election,” and to encourage teachers to assign readings that “describe and deconstruct the systemic proliferation of a White supremacy culture and its constituent elements of White privilege and institutional racism.' The NEA also promised to respond 'in support of and in solidarity with immigrant families who are separated, incarcerated, or refused their legal right to request asylum due to the heartless, racist, and discriminatory zero-tolerance policies of the Trump administration.'

    "Somehow, the AFT’s new policies leaned further left than the NEA’s. The AFT unanimously endorsed a 'public investment strategy for health care and education infrastructure,' which includes: universal health care, 'whether ingle-payer health care or MediCare for All'; free tuition at all public colleges and universities, as well as 'funding for wage justice for adjuncts'; universal, full-day, free child care; doubled per-pupil spending for low-income K–12 districts; and 'taxation of the rich to fully fund' a raft of education programs. AFT further resolved that they would 'call on our endorsed candidates to support these priorities, and toward that end we will embed these aspirations in our questionnaires to potential candidates seeking our support.' Swing-state Democrats, beware.

    "For those who didn’t get quite get the message, AFT president Randi Weingarten told reporters, 'We’re becoming more political, not less political.' Let educators, would-be members, and public officials be forewarned."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "When Did Policing Americans’ Thoughts Become Part of Homeland Security?"

    "Key Takeaways

    "Given the general leftist bias in higher education, careful scrutiny of every DHS grant proposal for bias and responsible content would be in order.

    “ 'As feared, DHS has been weaponized as a political instrument. This happened because they committed the original sin of drifting from the core mission.'

    "The FBI, DHS, and other federal agencies have been ideologically captured at the top. They need reform and reorientation to the public, not party, interest."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The nation's capital

    "D.C. Crime So Dire That Locals Are Afraid to Walk Places, Go out at Night"

    Begin quote

    In interviews with the Washington Post, a handful of residents detailed the precautions they have started to take to avoid falling victim to the city’s growing violent crime problem, where murders are up almost 30 percent, and robberies have jumped nearly 70 percent since last year.

    “It’s so ridiculous,” 44-year-old Stephanie Heishman, a D.C. resident, told the Post about what she must do to avoid crime. “On the other hand, I don’t want to randomly get shot.”

    Heishman said she has started driving short distances rather than walking. She said she made the decision after there was a gunfight outside her apartment building in the Adams Morgan neighborhood of D.C.

    Likewise, three men were murdered on her block in August.

    Another D.C. local named James, 58 years old, said he and his husband moved to Maryland after they were violently attacked alongside another couple in 2019 by a group of young people near Dupont Circle. More recently, James said he had a bottle thrown at his head while walking to Whole Foods.

    Ronald Moten, a 53-year-old D.C. resident, told the Post he avoids going to the nearby gas station at night for fear of being robbed by criminals in the Hillcrest neighborhood.

    Twenty-eight-year-old Nora Fanfalone said she now uses the service entrance to her apartment so she is not attacked on her way inside her building or a witness to a shooting.

    So far this year, there have been close to 4,000 violent crime incidents reported in D.C. — a nearly 40 percent increase compared to 2022. Overall, crime is up almost 30 percent.

    End quote

    Google images search string; time period: Past Month

    "washington d.c. wanted for murder"


    One night in D.C.

    "6 shot, 2 killed, 1 stabbed in violent night in DC"

    Published: 11:47 AM EDT August 17, 2023
    Updated: 11:47 AM EDT August 17, 2023

    "WASHINGTON — Metropolitan Police Department officers are investigating a slew of violent crimes across D.C. Wednesday night. In the span of just a few hours, six people were shot, two of them fatally, and one person was stabbed.

    "So far, no arrests have been made in any of these cases. Anyone who may have information is urged to call police at 202-727-9099 or text the department's tip line at 50411."


    " 'We are in a warzone' | Councilman says it may be time to bring in National Guard to deal with DC crime"

    Begin quote

    WASHINGTON — A DC Councilman says it may be time to call in the National Guard after another violent weekend in the District.

    Councilmember Trayon White, Sr. who represents Ward 8 says the crime in D.C. is getting out of control.

    Editor's Note: The video above aired on Aug. 5, 2023.

    “The crime is out of control and getting worse by the day. We must declare an emergency regarding the crime and violence in our neighborhoods and act urgently. It may be time to call on the National Guard to protect the children and innocent people that are losing their lives to this senselessness," White said. "I am tired of burying our children. We are too comfortable with the state of our city. We must take action to gain control and protect our residents. Law enforcement is only one part of how we combat public safety issues. It will take all of us to heal our community."

    White and other community leaders had a simple message about crime on Tuesday. "Enough is enough."

    "We are in a war zone," White said.

    Several speakers during Tuesday's press conference spoke about needing the community's help to address crime. Speakers spoke about the importance of parenting.

    "I don't believe that police is the end-all solution to addressing crime in our community," White said.

    End quote


    Old Gzr: Thing about bringing-in troops to inner cities is that warriors are conditioned to shoot back. If National Guard units return fire, they will be deemed racist storm troopers.


    Most gun owners live in rural counties. The highest murder rates occur in urban counties.

    "2% of American Counties Account for 51% of Murders Nationwide BUT 54% Had No Murders at All"

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Wow!!! Ishmaelites run wild....

    Try that in a small town..............

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  32. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I am thinking that soon enough...if not already ....these Ishmaelites will be coming into Urban...Suburban areas to ply their entitlements.....and breaking into peoples homes...for their sustenance......

    Wow....there goes my four bottles of Crown...under the kitchen counter....also my six bottles of Bacardi 151 rum too.

    Part of my survival/prep supplies.

    One of those bottles of Bacardi 151 has to be over 15 years olde...but at that proof...the shelf life should be more than good.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Thinking about your Washington DC post Olde Geezer....

    Surely you have it very very wrong and backwards.....what are you thinking.....???

    What can you possibly be thinking here.......shame on you!!!!!

    The only crime happening in Washington DC is January 6. And that is being tracked down and punished severely.

    Leadership is doing their Job......Job Security..!!!

    Also Olde Geezer....none of this stuff you posted is imporanat ...

    Other than January 6...the other very very very important thing taking place in America is Trans...this ...and Trans that....and whatever Hollywood and or ESPN is doing...

    You need to come up to speed Olde Geezer...

    What can you possibly be thinking here...

    Get your priorities straight here......Olde Geezer..

    Come up to speed....get with the times....and be herded by Ishmaelites.

    Become an overly emotional Drama Queen..!!!

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    My bad.

    Thinking back to Jan 6, I remember all of the tens of thousands of rounds fired, the hundreds killed, the pocked / bullet-riddled walls of the capitol building, the rivers of blood, ... . And here's the worst, all those the dead bodies strewn down the hallways. It's just too much for the mind to bear!

    General Buffalo was such a bloodthirsty monster!

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  35. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Yes...indeed Olde Geezer....I remember that as well. Precisely...!!!

    Not an Ishmaelite..
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  36. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      District attorney accuses residents of racism for complaining about crime.

      Truth be told, even in jail, gang-bangers manage to arm themselves & kill each other. Sure can't stop them on the streets. All one can do is get away from the cities and get good with a gun. The weapons thingy is because when it hits the fan, insanity will spread everywhere.

      Last edited: Sep 15, 2023
      Old Geezer, Sep 15, 2023
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  37. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    In the U.S. people get robbed on the streets. Knife/gun robberies at ATM cash machines are common. People get robbed while pumping gas. While pumping gas, people get their cars stolen. Drivers get robbed in their cars. On and on ...

    They attack police:

    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      In the American South, armed robbers should re-think their occupation choice.

      Old Geezer, Sep 18, 2023
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  38. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Went to Lowes tonight and afterwords by the grocery store...for a few items ...then to fill up my truck before going back home.

    Carried my .357 mag in an underarm rig..and speed loaders....and watched the parking lot as I loaded up my groceries and then on the way ome when I pumped gasoline as is my habit.

    When I am with my woman.....she takes the grocery cart back to the holding pen..and I do not get in the vehicle.....I watch her till she gets in the car....then I get in.

    Not looking for trouble per se.....just being watchful....watching over my flock so to speak.

    Thinking about switching to my 1911...or my .41 Mag....

    I am concerned that it will get worse and worse as economic conditions also worsen.

    Already there are pan handlers from time to time hanging outside the grocery store...plying their trade. I think that too will get worse and worse.

    Ironic....tonight had something happened...I was buying four bottles of wine to replace depleted stocks here at the house...and a bag of tortilla chips....that is all I purchased.. Ironic had I been assaulted for wine.....but fortunate that nothing happened and experienced no two legged wildlife..

    Not an Ishamelite.
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  39. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Enjoyed reading your post. Thanx much.

    Y'know, things were bad in the past also. These things do not get on history's records.

    Twice my paternal grandfather was assaulted by a knife-wielding attackers. I know not the decades -- likely pre-1950. He had to shoot one of them. The other "got religion". The .32 is diminutive, yet lethal.

    Childhood chum's dad, was in Ordinance as was my dad in Europe. This great guy (God's Blessings be upon him; he was a father to me also), had to shoot a black American soldier who was attempting to rob him knife-point in Marseille, France (Dad was stationed there offloading tanks and other heavy equipment; the two never met, not surprising; thousands doing the same operations); the alley-way was blocked by two black Americans. My friend's dad's "liberated" .32 auto, two rounds into the chest, put the thief on the ground ... permanently. The comrades of the thief ran away. No unity, no honor. The dead thief's last words were curses. The MPs didn't care. Nothing new to them.

    WatcherChris, go with your 1911! I say this only because an automatic is easily reloaded. In these days of beginning hell here in the USSA, the enemy attacks en masse. I recommend heavy-ish flying ashtrays that are proven to 100% cycle in your weapon. Don't go non-lead / all brass loads. I say this because of the need of penetration. These sub-human monsters oft-times have stolen body armor. Gotta knock them down before finishing them. Remember that they attack police in addition to civilians. Think WAR. We are in a war. Today, the war is slow, yet deadly. Soon, the race war, the civil war, will be going full-tilt boogie.

    If you have money to spare, Buffalo Bore has ammo that kills. Hot? Yes. Over-pressure? No.

    Factory ammo stands-up better in court. Attorney whores for the felons will eat you alive in court for using reloaded ammo, "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the man who murdered this young man used KILLER ammunition he himself loaded. He loaded these to do horrific bodily damage and death!"

    Too, the .41 mag. will likely sail right through the bodies of the likely thieves in your area. Most are not old. Most are young and wiry. Add that they attack in packs. Spare magazines are exceedingly important.

    At the range, practice double-taps and multiple assailants. Even the .45 won't drop a doped-up attacker with a singly round. The stat.s are the stat.s. I've read accounts of felons taking supernatural numbers of rounds and keep on firing -- forget the caliber. Drugs + alcohol creates monsters. You can't drop them, save with unimaginable numbers of rounds. It's mind-boggling. Stupid / untrained cops dump magazines of 9mm auto rounds. Don't be them! You and I are folk who know better.

    Lastly, I'm sorry that you must consider such matters. I am eternally grateful to my Creator in that I made it to retirement. Today, I suffered mightily due to my sacroiliacs going pure hell inflammation. Having to use one of my eldest sons' walkers. Yet, I didn't have to fight the stupid-idiot masses. I made it. I hope you do also. Life is pure hell, nevertheless ...

    Blessings to you and your family.
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      This vid is a few years old, but these black biker attacks are ongoing, maybe even increasing. I've not gone into research mode due to the lateness of the hour. Gotta go to bed, don't'cha'know.

      Cop's advice, "Hopefully you can get out of there safely."

      Old Geezer's advise: If they attack you, shoot them. Post SHTF, kill them all. Post SHTF, use a scoped high-power rifle to kill the ones who are attempting to escape. Shooting them in the back will save the lives of civilized humans.

      Africa (exact same behavioral pattern):

      These civilians were without weapons

      I would that these savages were shot dead:

      Old Geezer, Sep 19, 2023
      TMT Tactical likes this.
    2. Old Geezer

      Old Geezer, Sep 19, 2023
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  40. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I've never heard of Black Biker gangs in the UK, certainly not in the South West, knew a couple of half cast bikers back in my time but blacks werent interested in motorbikes, more into cars.
    attacks at ATM's do happen over here but more likely than attacks is criminals putting hidden cameras in the cashpoint to steal your card details and clone your card, a bit more subtle than attacking someone for a few pounds.
    any crime in this area is more likely to be anti social behaviour and youngsters at that, a lot of them being school aged and it happens when the schools close for the day and then its in the larger towns.
    have heard of attacks at petrol stations but again its rare, more prevalent these days is people filling up and driving off without paying.
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      In cities, it's kids on mopeds, not large motorcycles. One kid drives the moped and the other kid does the purse-snatchings and the thefts of wristwatches. They steal then zoom off. The mopeds allow them to cut through traffic and ride up on sidewalks. Most times, these kids don't go to school in the first place. There is no father at home to discipline them. A mother can't take-on a 160 lb muscular boy. A father could. And reason means absolutely nothing to them. These boys go feral.
      Old Geezer, Sep 19, 2023
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  41. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The following article does have its own video as the title says (sometimes these articles do not; the title is a lie):

    "Caught on cam: Masked carjackers attack Aston Martin driver in his own garage"

    "A Connecticut man pulled his Aston Martin convertible into his garage Sunday and encountered two masked men who attacked him and stole the vehicle in a brazen broad daylight carjacking captured on home security video.

    " 'Get out, get out,' a masked man can be heard telling the victim as he sits in his own Bayberry Lane garage in an exchange captured by a Ring camera in the corner of the room.

    "A second man opens the passenger door and then rifles around inside another luxury car parked to the side.

    " 'Stella, call the police, now!' he shouts, before they punch him and shove him and the clip ends.

    "The suspects fled with the stolen car and a dark blue BMW, which was also stolen in Norwalk, Westport police said in a statement.

    "The suspects were last seen driving north on Route 8 in the pair of stolen cars."


    Four days ago:

    "Girl, 17, charged in Chinatown carjacking"


    Three armed monsters pull guns on a man and his two children.

    "Renton Police warn of 'staged accidents' used to carjack victims | FOX 13 Seattle"


    "Illinois cop pleaded for her life before suspect fatally shot her with her own gun: prosecutors"

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  42. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Police are no longer supported in the former USA. The courts do not support them and the actions of local governments result in their numbers dwindling. One can call police, but just don't ever expect them to be there in time to save you.

    "The wife of Qualin Campbell, 31, accused Colorado Springs Police of not responding to her 911 call until after he had already died."

    "NEWNAN, Ga. — The funeral for the man who was killed in a reported hostage situation earlier this month, after his wife accused Colorado Springs Police of not responding to her 911 call until it was too late, was held in Georgia Saturday.

    "On its online police blotter, the Colorado Springs Police Department said it found two deceased adult males at the location where Talija Campbell said she feared her husband was being held by another man. It said the officers responded to a report of a shooting there at 2:09 p.m.

    "Talija Campbell said she called 911 just after 1 p.m. on June 2, when her husband, a father of two, texted his location and a photo of a man sitting next to him in his car. Then he sent messages saying “911" and "Send Please!” She called the emergency number.

    "Campbell said she told one dispatcher that she believed her husband had been taken hostage and described his car and location, which was about a mile from the headquarters of the Colorado Springs Police Department.

    "She was transferred to a dispatcher responsible for taking Colorado Springs calls. The first dispatcher briefed the second dispatcher on what Campbell reported, she said, before Campbell said she explained what she knew again to the second dispatcher.

    "The dispatcher said an officer would check it out and get back to her, but there was no sense of urgency, Campbell said, so she drove to the location herself."

    Old Gzr: ... there, only to find her husband's body. The police inevitably got there to fill out a report.


    "Hemet mom stabbed to death after asking couple doing drugs near kids' bedroom to move, husband says"

    "HEMET, Calif. (KABC) -- A Hemet mother was stabbed to death after she asked a couple doing drugs near her children's bedroom window to move, according to her husband.

    "Shawna Weems asked the man and woman to move down the street, her husband Cody Weems said. Instead, the woman took out a knife and stabbed the 28-year-old, leaving her three young children without a mother."

    Old Gzr: She should have called the police and her husband. True; however, the cops might have shown up an hour or so later. She should have NEVER gone outside to confront these sub-humans. Even if armed, one shouldn't go out. Once the enemy has a position and has oriented to the surroundings, you are now putting yourself in a very compromised situation. The dopers being outside of the children's room is another risk. She should have moved the children (even if disturbing their sleep) to another room. Had the dopers kicked the apartment door, then she should have shot them repeatedly until they ran or were utterly disabled. Handguns may or may not faze a "human" when they are inebriated AND numbed by illegal substances. They'll take numerous rounds and keep on coming. I've read stories of perpetrators taking multiple 12 ga. 00 buckshot loads (to the torso) and still be able to run away or at the cops. Think, "monsters".


    "Stunning surveillance footage shows the heart-pounding moment armed thugs ambushed a wealthy Texas investor in his driveway during a brazen botched robbery.

    "Mark Gardner, 73, had just pulled up to his $1.1 million Dallas home in his BMW when three would-be thieves jumped out and surrounded the vehicle around 1 p.m. Tuesday, ABC affiliate WFAA-TV News reported.

    "The gutsy Gardner said he startled one of the thugs by pounding on the car window, then sped away after about 15 seconds, leaving the armed trio in the dust in his driveway.

    "The wannabe thieves high-tailed it before police arrived and remain on the loose — but Gardner says he hopes the trio appreciates that they dodged a bullet.

    " 'Dallas police said three armed men followed investor David Gardner home from the bank and tried to rob him at gunpoint when he pulled into his driveway — known as “jugging.” He sped away before the thieves could get any cash.' "


    Old Gzr: Back in my home state, I had a carry permit. Got this because one son had to make his employer's bank night drops. He would drive to the night drop deposit box. I would park my car in a strategic location to cover him and to be able to see any vehicles entering the parking lot. I had with me my Browning High Power and and a spare magazine. It liked Winchester Silvertip hollowpoint ammo. Crazy accurate, that puppy.

    In the above article's reported event, the man and his stepson were PROFOUNDLY lucky that these thieves didn't just open fire on them. One is covering his face, i.e. they knew that they were on a security camera.

    This past year, a small Asian woman retrieved money from her ATM only to be attacked by a savage 6 ft. tall male. She resisted, so he picked her up and slammed her head-first onto the pavement. She is not paralyzed for life.


    Here in Amerika, it is now foolish to attempt to run a mobile food vending business. You'll constantly get robbed.

    "At least six Los Angeles street vendors were robbed late Wednesday in a wave of violent crimes that amounted to at least hundreds of dollars in stolen cash."


    "CHICAGO (WLS) -- Chicago police are investigating at least 10 armed robberies in neighboring Brighton Park and Back of the Yards that happened in less than two hours Wednesday morning."


    "Armed robbers target people walking Chicago streets in broad daylight"


    Here is what should happen to felons:

    "A quick-thinking concealed carry holder in Chicago flipped the script during an attempted carjacking earlier this month, evading serious injury while shooting the carjacker, who was already on probation for a previous carjacking, and his alleged accomplice, according to a report."

    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  43. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    More ...

    Using bogus statistics to rape Liberty:


    "No one trusts media's spin on America's crime wave"
    "Rise in crime should be a come to Mencken moment for the political press


    Demonic Amerika has started a killing war against a still spiritually alive America. We'll see how that goes for them.

    In guerilla wars, the saboteurs and snipers do the most damage. City folk, how good are they at 300+ meter shots? How good are they at growing their own food? City folk, how good are they at cooking over fires, killing their own food? How many tens of millions of rounds of ammo have they put back? Hmmmmm .......... I guess we'll all find out.

    We "deplorables" have done these things for generations, centuries. For my maternal grandfather, it was a powder horn, muzzle loader, and lead ball. Today we do better weapon-wise, plus we were trained by those who had nothing, came from nothing, lived off the land. By definition, only those few who could make it, passed on their genetics. I've been able to pass-on my knowledge to two more generations.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  44. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Victim, 17-year-old Ethan Liming. For photos of his murderers, click on article link.

    "Two teens who killed a boy during a fight outside LeBron James’ I Promise school in Akron, Ohio, ended up being acquitted of involuntary manslaughter and instead were convicted of felony and misdemeanor assault on Monday.

    "Deshawn and Tyler Stafford were acquitted of manslaughter in the death of 17-year-old Ethan Liming, with Deshawn being convicted of felony aggravated assault as well as a misdemeanor count of assault, and his brother, Tyler, only convicted on a single misdemeanor count of assault."



    Victim, Pava Marie LaPere. For a photo of her murderer, click on article link. Note that the killer is still on the loose.

    "Baltimore police warn suspect at large in female CEO slaying will 'kill' and 'rape' "

    "Baltimore police say that tech CEO Pava Marie LaPere was found dead in her apartment on Monday morning shortly after a missing-persons report was received.

    "LaPere, 26, was found dead Monday at 11:34 a.m. in the 300 block of West Franklin Street in Baltimore, police said. Officers found that LaPere had signs of blunt-force trauma.

    "During a press conference, officials revealed that Jason Deans Billingsley, 32, is a suspect in the case and wanted for first-degree murder, assault, and other charges

    "Police don't believe Billingsley had any relationship with LaPere.

    "Billingsley was convicted of attempted rape and other violent crimes in 2011 and received a sentence of 30 years, but was paroled in October 2022.

    "Billingsley is on the loose and hasn't been arrested.

    "Baltimore Acting Police Commissioner Richard Worley also issued a warning about Billingsley.

    " 'This individual will kill and he will rape. He will do anything he can to cause harm. So please be aware of your surroundings,' Worley said."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  45. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    This week it was Philadelphia that caught a mass-redistribution party. Need tennis shoes, liquor, fancy clothes, cigarettes, iPhones ... don't go to Philadelphia for a few days. These life necessities have been stolen by packs of "needy" "masked teens".

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  46. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Commit a felony to delay a vote?! Privileged class. Look the other way -- the Leftist media is. They are gods. Do as you are told. Shut up.

    "Rep. Bowman pulled fire alarm as Democrats tried to delay vote"

    "WASHINGTON, Oct 1 (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Representative Jamaal Bowman faced investigation on Sunday, the morning after he pulled a fire alarm in the Capitol complex as his party was trying to delay a key vote, prompting an evacuation of a congressional office building.

    "Video released by the Capitol Police on Saturday showed Bowman, who represents parts of New York City and its immediate suburbs, activating the fire alarm near the exit to an office building which houses congressional offices.

    "Police said they were investigating the incident, as is the House Administration Committee, a Republican-controlled congressional panel that overseas the House grounds."


    "In the photos of the double doors with glass windows, there are clearly two giant red signs on the door—they both say 'EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY—PUSH UNTIL ALARM SOUNDS (3 SECONDS) DOOR WILL UNLOCK IN 30 SECONDS.'

    "There is also another sign on a stand in front of the door that makes it clear this is an 'EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY.'

    "Off to the left on the wall is the fire alarm that Bowman pulled. The fire alarm clearly states it is a FIRE alarm.

    "A source familiar with the matter said Bowman casually, as the House was holding open the House Democrats’ motion to adjourn vote earlier in the day, walked up to the door and then ripped the emergency signs off and threw them on the ground.

    “ 'He ripped both of them off the door and threw them both on the floor,' the source familiar with the investigation told Breitbart News.

    “ 'Then, he leaned into the door and tried to open it,' the source added. 'Then, he pulled the fire alarm. When the alarm begins going off, he turned around and ran—going down to the first floor of Cannon and exited out of a different door then made his way across the street to vote. At no point did he say to anyone ‘sorry this is a mistake’ or ‘sorry I pulled the fire alarm by mistake’ or anything like that. He didn’t say anything to anyone until he was confronted by Capitol Police later. By doing what he did he caused a whole building to be evacuated. Capitol Police and emergency services need to treat any alarm like a real threat until they know otherwise.' "


    Old Gzr: Then too, it may just be that he is insufficiently intelligent to know about the operation of emergency exits.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  47. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Is that the same or very similar/parallel to election/vote fraud???? was I thinking....these guys would not infinitum!!!!

    Everyone knows they are the Entitled " Victims ."

    I think this is the same fellow that is on video screaming his outrage at Majorie Taylor Green.....out of control.....two legged wildlife ...and here we see him again conducting himself as two legged wildlife.. Entitled two legged the best they can do.

    Remember ...screaming at the top of your voice always makes you more moral, correct and right than your opposition.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  48. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    0 the way...

    I understand that certain companies are closing up a good number of their stores across the USA due to theft....shoplifting...product loss.

    This means these freeloaders are going to be journeying to other places across towns to do their stealing/shoplifting and these places will be closing their doors as well.

    I am thinking that one of these companies is Rite Aid...others in major cities wherein shoplifting is become a huge problem.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Post SHTF, some may reconsider shoplifting as a career choice due to having to walk over the bodies of those who were recently attempting this same endeavor. I'm in a "special mood" right now that would bode dire for anyone crossing me.
      Old Geezer, Oct 2, 2023
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  49. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Watch out W.Chris! You are deviating from Correct-Think!

    Give assimilation a chance! You will be embraced by the collective. Trust.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  50. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    wrong, that is HUGH and he was an individual who brought about the collapse of the collective after he was reintroduced to the hive following a stay on The Enterprise.
    see what an Individual can accomplish if he's not hindered by Woke ideology??
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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