David Attenborough's Grim Warning On Climate Change

Discussion in 'Climate Change' started by Keith H., Dec 4, 2018.

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  1. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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  2. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    one of our, if not the, greatest of our British naturalists tells us that we have a calamity in the making, why is it that some people think its just another con? I have seen comments calling Sir David Attenborough "a silly old coot", not here, but on other forums.
    people will have to wise up, pretty fast, and cast aside their "normalcy bias" or else SHTF could happen a lot sooner than they think, rising sea waters and flooding will be the least of it.
    TMT Tactical and Keith H. like this.
  3. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    As governments willingly and eagerly go about ceding their sovereignty to these Climate Change governments.....be prepared to watch your own government carrying out Democide.

    Death by Democray....by your own government.

    This verses Genocide...death by another government.

    The only and ultimate solution to Climate Change is population control.....as per step 1 of the Georgia Guidestones...which is the ultimate goal...of the UN Mandate..

    From this wiki link...


    Read the rest of the lines in the Georgia Guidestones and then connect them to line 1...in the bigger picture and you realize that you are looking at the Ultimate Herding plan or idea. Keeping people properly Herded like animals.

    This is totally contrary to the Constitution of the United States which also explains why one worlders do not like our nation or our charter.....until they are in trouble.

    They believe that our Constitution and form of government is and should be ceded to world control along with our production to solve this Climate Control emergency....without end.

    Make no mistake....Climate Change and the accompanying Carbon Tax...is intended to fleece many nations and people of their production..and put them into bondage and control ...Propery Herded.

    Climate Change is Herding ..on a world wide scale...

    People do not want to be Herded.

    Our own media is lying and deceiving us about what is going on in France with the protests getting more and more violent as the days go by.

    And France has clearly ceded it's sovereignty to Climate Change managers of whom most of us do not know nor have ever heard their names...nor will you.

    Costs in France are rapidly rising with no end in sight as they take on more and more burdens to finance these immigrants being forced upon them.

    And now to this economic burden add this ever increasing Carbon Tax put upon them by their leadership and he French people feel taken advantage of ...and they certainly have been. They are being sold down the drain to immigration as well as Climate Change.

    And this is exactly what is being planned for us here in the USA and being covered up deliberately by our fake and phony MSM...as well as public education..in avoiding the connection to the Carbon Tax in France. Here our MSM are concealing it by calling it Fuel Taxes...when it is the Carbon Tax which has been fitted into the already high fuel taxes in France.

    Our own Media is lying and deceiving us about what is going on in the French protest and riots and it's connection to The Paris Climate Change Accord which Donald Trump was wise enough to pull America out of it.

    Donald Trump and company realized that the Paris Climate Change accords were a shakedown of a people and nation and we see the effects of this currently in France.

    None of the pro Climate change people will be want to make this connection so as to keep the members here ignorant of what is going on and planned for nations and people in the future.

    Without fossil fuels ...most of the nations on this earth will not be able to farm crops for the people to purchase .

    Nor will the crops be able to get to market....transport..most of this is shipped by truck, train or boats/ships.

    You have to be educated into stupidity to avoid this side of how things are out here.

    But don't worry....you can count always on "Feel Goodism" and blame while the rest of the world starves...including your nation and people.

    Be very careful about feel goodism types who come to public office..including Al Gore and company.

    Feel goodism works well on people with the attention span of a commercial. It is just not the reality out here.
    What is worse to me..is that many of these short attention span ...feel goodism types are voters.

    Remember what I am saying and watch history take place in front of you .

    Climate Change is the deliberate Herding of people and nations.......eventually unto fitting into line 1 of the Georgia Guidestones.

    Climate Change is Ishmael run amok..


    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    Agreed, I can understand people not wanting to believe, I wish it were not true myself, but the evidence is overwhelming, & we have very little time left going by the latest chart. As you say mate, rising seas & flooding will be the least of our problems.
    TMT Tactical and lonewolf like this.
  5. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    watcherchris, that's exactly the sort of comment I was referring to.
    do nothing and most of the world will be under water in the coming years.
    I hear Trump wants to open the coal mines again, when the rest of the world wants solar and wind.
    TMT Tactical and Keith H. like this.
  6. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    I can't comment on the USA, but carbon tax here does not exist. Carbon tax was supposed to be payed by companies polluting the environment, at least that is how I understand it. It was not a tax that the common people had to pay.

    However, time is running out now, & climate change is far more of an immediate threat. Although it is true that it is difficult to predict how bad it will get & when, the latest chart shows that we do not have very long to stabilize Global Warming. That is STABILIZE, not turn the clock back but slow it down. By my reckoning we have about 30 years, but that is starting right now, stopping the use of coal powered electricity, stopping the air pollution from big industry.

    30 years is not very long, my sons may still be alive, my grandchildren will still be alive, My great grandchildren will not survive! It is that serious & people need to wake up fast & either force the government to act, or overthrow the government.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Keith H,

    I used to fish off the jetties at the coal fired electricity plant in Yorktown, Virginia. Just down the road further from the Coal fired electric plant was the AMACO Oil refinery. The oil refinery would burn a flame of not needed elements in the refining process up a stack all day and all night long.

    The very interesting thing to me is that the homes around the coal plant..had their annual Azaleas blooming and not dying from soot....nor were the homes covered in soot.

    This coal plant was shut down under the Obama Administration. But it was not polluting the air as many with a television and movie education in fear and insecurity claim.

    As I was saying...they are not going to do anything about the pollution generated by China..and they are among the worst today. They do not dare...for many western businesses are invested in China...China is their private location for reasons of costs..lack of unions and lack of pollution regulations.

    I have known this for over 30 years now...since an entire railroad system was shipped from this harbor...the C&O Railway...to China.

    What....China has to go outside China to get a railroad system to do business???

    Watch carefully in France with the mobilizing of their Army/Armor for at what point they are going to carry out democide on their own people and keep with the Climate Change and the Carbon Tax.
    In short...the French Government is going to run the clock out in order to keep and Shakedown their people in favor of the Carbon Tax and Climate Change.

    Exactly what they want to do here in America.


    Most of the world does not want solar and wind. Most of the world wants what works the best at the least cost.

    What are you thinking here??

    Solar and wind will not work in many places on this earth...and most people with a television and movie education do not know this,

    I've seen the wind generators/Farm...on the Big Island of Hawaii...near the place called South Point.

    Some of the heavy castings for these wind farm generators were made here in the foundry at this shipyard.

    Also most of the wind turbines at this wind farm are not working...they are broken and not being repaired.

    I don't know what you are thinking here...but to keep one of those wind generators working...you have to have some big ones hanging to go high up into one of those wind turbines and disassemble one and then put it back together again.

    They are a long long way up there.

    Also ...you need to have a generous supply of parts and lubricants available ...records kept...etc etc etc. Testing properly done..

    Looks to me like whoever designed the wind farm on Hawaii...did not factor this in or could not keep maintenance and or engineering people...spare parts...etc.

    In other words....it was a temporary government spending project...never intended to keep going...once the money ran out.

    If most of the world is going to be under water...I'd better stick close to one of these Nimitz class air craft carriers on which I am working as a machinist.

    Not an Ishmaelite
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2018
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    While I am thinking about it....

    Does anyone know how many wind farms are being planned for the future.....within the next 30 years. How about solar farms???

    How about the lead time on the contracts to produce/manufacture the generators, The castings, the blades...and a multitude of other parts and assemblies?? How about lead/lag time to properly train the operators and workers...maintenance people???

    I say and bring up the lead and or lag time to get this and or these parts and spares in place for a successful project.

    Do any of you know this information if we only have some 30 plus years??

    Do any of you have any idea of the lead/lag time is on a submarine contract...design to manufacture including spare parts??

    How about an Aircraft carrier???

    Is any of this being done....particularly if we only have about 30 years.???

    I thought some of you would like to know and or research this aspect of such an project....versus overthrowing a government in your panicked state.


    Not an Ishmaelite
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

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    I keep looking at the data as I have been for four and a half decades and still there is NOTHING outside of NORMAL climate variations that points to global warming, in fact a few indicators point to a global cooling!

    I review the same data as the experts and do the same maths but some how the experts get different results, their maths is different to the maths I was taught. much of it is rounded up again and again!
    This is so regular that I now disregard their maths completely!

    How the experts come up with their conclusions I can not understand, the data says cooling but they conclude it is warming!
    I can only conclude their agenda is money, ripping the people off with lies, sucking on the teat of grants.

    Rule number one "Follow the money"
    Rule number two "Follow the money"

    It is a scam!

    This is my opinion and not directed at anyone here, there is no profanity or aggro in this post and it is not intended to and it should not cause offence to any member/ moderator here.
    Again I have studied GW data for 45 years now with the only evidence in the conclusions of research papers not the actual data!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    If global warming is true and not a hoax , the global warming problem will stall and quite escalating when people start dying off .To be one of the survivors of the die off is the trick . So basically if there is global warming the problem will solve itself .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

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    I think it is just one very big "misdirection"
    What is it they don't want us to notice?
    I would be inclined to think the opposite of what we are told!
    Maybe it is catastrophic cooling they see coming and need a free hand to prepare!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    most people who take notice of climate change are not American, those that think its a con are American, I see a theme developing here, I wonder why that is?
    we used to have coal mines in the UK too and all the houses in the villages were covered in coal dust, not soot coal dust, and you couldn't put your washing out, thankfully those days are now behind us. Aberfan was another consequence of coal mining.
    anyway SHTF will sort out this problem for us, as that will probably come before anyone or any country does anything positive about climate change, of course we could all be waist deep in water by then.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    This is because we are American Citizens and not British Subjects....and do not have that conformity background....
    In the big cities in America is where you see more of the conformity...but not mostly across America.

    We have no concept here of being a Subject of Government or of the state....which is what Climate Change is....becoming a subject of the state....absolute power/divine right of kings.

    Climate Change , when they finish with it, will be another form of Divine Right of Kings..or Absolute Power which Oliver Cromwell put an end to in 1649 by putting Charles 1st on the block and removing his head.

    Climate Change is just another way of returning back to Absolute Power...the dream of all despotic governments...how to properly herd their people and nation....back into a Royalty..with absolute power.

    We have big piles of coal across town here from mines in the interior of the country several states over and brought here by railroad. The way they keep down the coal dust is to spread water across the piles. This works well in keeping down the coal dust.
    This was not feasible nor thought up back when the mines you describe were in operation.

    These piles of coal I am describing are awaiting ships to transport it off to Asia.

    Not an Ishmaelite
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  14. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    yes and Asia is where you see those huge polluting smogs, where they have to wear face masks when outside.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Back when, still working in the industrial world, "scrubbers" were put into factory chimneys to cause the precipitation of soot within confines of the chimney's perimeters prior to going up and out into the atmosphere. Turned out that soot traps bad chemicals even when out in the atmosphere. Soot would precipitate in the environment, keeping the contaminants (several being ozone-damaging) out of the sky. When the smoke was scrubbed, these dangerous compounds went straight up into the upper atmosphere. Cleanliness = ozone damage. Life is a series of dark ironies.

    Again, what warming is happening on Earth is primarily due to this planet's lines of flux losing strength and allowing solar winds to crash their radiation straight on into lower latitudes. In the past when this planet's flux lines were stronger, the radiation was transferred to the poles. One saw the aurora borealis at the poles and not down where human population and agriculture is thick.

    As to rising seas, here in America, I'd like to see NY NY, L.A., S.Fran., Seattle, ... all go under. Shame is that the rat-people will have time to abandon the cities. Maybe we'll get several Richter 11.5 earthquakes and category 22 hurricanes to scrape the spiritual death of America out to sea. Mother Nature doing a bit of house-keeping, as it were.
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  16. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    By Olde Geezer,

    This post by Olde Geezer..got me to thinking....and remembering ..

    There are two machines on a Submarine which work for air production from seawater.

    One is an Oxygen Generator..and the other is a CO 2 scrubber.

    The Scrubber helps control the amount of CO2 in the various submarine compartments to a safe level..by scrubbing action...chemical action.

    There is a chemical granule used in this scrubber and their are two such scrubbers in certain compartments on the submarine.

    This chemical granule looks like Tasters Choice Coffee in the plastic container...but it is a very powerful compound. If you get close to it...it will gag your breathing...literally. You have to wear a respirator when getting close to this stuff....really nasty stuff. But it helps in scrubbing the CO2 out of the air before returning the scrubbed air back to the various compartments sans the high CO2 levels.

    I wonder if anyone has thought of doing this on a world wide basis if CO2 gives us only 30 years or so.

    We are gong to need a bigger boat.....Oops..I meant machine/machines!!!

    As to the magnetic lines of flux becoming more and more weak. I was told this by some olde timers...many many years ago.
    They basically said that the rotation of the earth is slowing down...and thus the flux lines are becoming weaker as a spinning generator producing a magnetic field but weakening as the generator slows down.

    Made sense to me.

    Thanks Olde Timer for bringing back to me what they taught so many years ago.

    Not an Ishmaelite
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Still waiting....since we only have some 30 years or so left on the clock...by "Experts" in a settled science????

    Surely Sir David Attenborogh is an excellent source for this information on future plans for solar and wind farms within a 30 year window!!

    Watcherchris..of the Inquiring minds!!

    Not an Ishmaelite
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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  19. Pigpen

    Pigpen Active Member

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    the science is settled...global warming might be real.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

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    The science is settled there is NO global warming!
    Only one giant con job!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    LOL LOL LOL...textbook of todays television and movie education in emotions.

    If the science is settled...there is no "Might" to it.

    Now...once again...in desperation of the 30 year time limit...rapidly approaching.....how many wind farms and solar cell projects are on the drawing boards...materials ordered for them...sites located and surveyed....and people hired to do the work???

    How many ?? Before the 30 year deadline comes due in a settled science????

    Just my Non Ishamelite .02,

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    there is that American bias at work again.
    every where else accepts that climate change is happening, but not in the USA.
    could it be something to do with the fact that America is number 2 on the list of major world polluters after China ??
    "Emissions of greenhouse gases of human origin are the MAIN CAUSE of climate change". unquote.
  23. arctic bill

    arctic bill Master Survivalist

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    chris, They basically said that the rotation of the earth is slowing down...and thus the flux lines are becoming weaker as a spinning
    yes the earth is slowing down, instead of 24 hours per day it is 23.9999999999999999999 hours per day . no real change
    as to flux lines it is caused by our molten metallic core . that is in flux meaning that it is always changing . magnetic north is always moving . this magnetic north south pole stuff protects us from solar radiation and other nasty stuff. one of the reasons that we went to mars was to try to figure out what happened to their molten core ( it is now solid) and because of that all sort of nasty stuff happen to the planet .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    What you see as bias Lonewolf is basically just a difference of the nature of the people here and the people in the UK. Look at your situation. Your government said you don't need or deserve to have guns or even the right to defend yourself. As a group you said OK. The government said that Islamic people have the right to come to your country and do as they please and as a people you said OK.

    What you don't understand is that the US was founded by and still has a majority of people that told the King to go to hell. Our government would like to turn us into powerless slaves too but we are still saying hell NO!. When "experts" tell us something we don't just assume that they must be right because some people in governments say it is so. We tend to look into it for ourselves. I will admit that we are hardheaded. When we are pushed we push back. Over and over the so called "experts" have sold us a pig in a poke. Their "I know but this time we aren't lying!!!" doesn't cut it anymore.

    What I keep finding is that for example "experts" predict that the north polar ice cap is melting and going to be open water maybe in five years. The polar bears will be threatened with extinction in five years. When you look into this prediction that is still often quoted you find that this was put out TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO! That means that for twenty years they have been telling us something that any idiot can see did not, has not and most likely will not happen.

    I listened to a fool the other day talking about making it against the law to burn wood in fire places because it releases CO2 just like coal. That has to be the dumbest thing that I have ever heard!

    Let me explain the carbon cycle as it relates to our planet. Originally the atmosphere was breathable and was mostly carbon dioxide and other inert gasses and there was very little free oxygen in the air. Early life was in the oceans but eventually plant life managed to get started on the lands. We can not imagine how fast these plants grew! A plant works by taking in CO2 keeping the carbon and turning it into the body of the plant and releases the oxygen as waste. Eventually the plants covered every square inch with plant life. Slowly but surely the atmosphere changed until the oxygen was several times more common as it is now. Free oxygen is volatile and fires were common. The fires fed the plants because what we think of as fire is actually a chemical action of oxidizing carbon. Fire makes CO2. Nonetheless the oxygen content of the air drew the animals from the seas.

    Into this oxygen rich atmosphere things were possible that could not exist now. Bugs the size of eagles and the prehistoric animals as big as houses. They lived in a perfect world where oxygen was easy and food was endless. Now they would smother like people do that go up onto Mount Everest.

    The coal deposits are the remnants of the plant life run wild of this period. Slowly over time CO2 levels fell and one of the things that that caused was ice-ages. Without plant life the CO2 wasn't used and slowly it began to rise again. The world warmed eventually got too hot and then cooled again.

    When a plant grows it takes the carbon and releases the oxygen. When that plant dies it rots. Rotting wood is just a slower version of oxidizing carbon. The wood that you burn was going to die and release its carbon back into the air no matter what you do. The carbon foot print of burning wood is EXACTLY the same as it would be if you just let it die and rot in the woods.

    As the CO2 rises we will see a rise in the speed that plants grow. This is just as sure as the fact that water WILL run down hill. Think also of this. If the ash from a volcano might cause the world to get cold then why wouldn't the smoke from burning coal also have a cooling effect. I know that the "experts" were sure that if the oil fields in Kuwait caught fire it was going to freeze us to death. They need to make up their minds!! Is burning oil going to cause global warming or a world ending winter??

    I am an American. I don't believe lies. You can tell the same lie a thousand times and it is still a lie. If the "experts" want me to pay them attention then they need to start being consistent in what they tell me and when it becomes obvious that a prediction is WRONG you need to move on. Stop telling it as if it was accurate. If I tell you every day that you are going to die and every day you live on then my prediction isn't valid. Even if you do eventually die it doesn't make my daily announcements any more meaningful.

    I remember a decade or more ago when we had a bad hurricane year with at times 3 hurricanes lined up to hit us especially Florida.. The global warmers ranted that this is how it was going to be from now on. They made the weather people add more names to the list because there weren't enough names for all the hurricanes that we were going to have. For the next ten years not a single major storm made landfall in the US coast and the Gulf was strangely quiet. Every year though the global warmers ranted that the oceans were hot and we were going to get smashed... didn't happen. Finally we got a couple of storms and they were gleeful. They were shouting all over the place "SEE WE TOLD YOU SO!!!!!" Bull Poop, we have always had storms and always will. Where were all the storms for that decade when we had none?

    The global warming thing is still uncertain whether it is a reality or just possibly a slight temporary thing. What is even more still in question is whether IF it is turning warmer are we causing it or is it just weather. If they want an American to believe them then they need to use REAL science and that starts with a question NOT an answer. They aren't really looking to see if it really is getting warmer. The accept that as a given fact. All they are looking for is a way to prove it. That sort of science is useless. The fact is that if it is getting warmer we could fix it if we wanted to. The solution will never be found in going backwards technologically.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2018
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  25. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    by lonewolf,

    Let us try some thinking here.....thinking can be very difficult in the emotional moment ...particularly the emotional moment of "Herd Mentality."

    Where is it written that America must needs run with the rest of the "Herd??" Where is it written that we must needs run with the rest of the world and not go our own way???

    Where is it written that we must needs pay for and or subsidize the rest of the world in any and everything imaginable with our substance and or monies???

    Where is it written that we have the moral and ethical duty to not think for ourselves and join the herd no matter how obvious the "Shakedown??"

    The common technique used and misused ...covered up by our phony fake media here...and in unison with the world system...is guilt and shame.

    Those of us who know what it is and have been observing it for over 20 years now can see it coming with certain predictability.

    That somehow ...non bias to the point of not thinking for your self and joining the herd is morally and ethically superior.

    There are those of us here who do not think so.

    We are Americans ..yanks and often rebels...and proud of it.

    We are interested in our manner of liberty and freedom with the product/products of our labors..not being herded by government/governments ....foreign and domestic....while ceding out substance to others.

    Those of us who can think...are also very very tired of fighting someone else's wars for them and their profits...while we return home with no fruits....under the guise and scam of the moral high ground.

    There are those of us here in America who think the best thing any government can do is stay out of our business...foreign and domestic.

    These governments do not need to be trying to control our biases and thoughts.

    One of our dominant biases is the concept that........." The best government one can have is the least government one can have."

    This is totally 180 degrees from climate change and the rabid and rampant taxation built into Climate Change...and the government it is trying to impose on all nations.

    We are not interested in being "Herded" by climate change scams on our wallets and way of life...while subsidizing other nations....and or governments from our largess.

    And for once we have a government and or more important a President who underestatnds what a "SHakedown" this climate change scam is on a people and nation.

    And What is going on in France is living proof of this scam and that their government represents someone...just not Frenchmen.

    Artic Bill...

    Thanks for your post, I am aware from the days in the USAF..when I worked on inertial navigation gyro platforms about magnetic lines of flux and that the magnetic flux...field maps have to be constantly updated because of this changing field.

    I was not, however, aware of what you are describing about Mars. Thanks for that update.

    Texdanm is correct about the CO2/O2 cycle...and how it works.

    The olde timers who taught me...gave a warning...about government and the "experts" supporting more government.

    They prey on peoples fears and insecurities constantly ....always. They come up with one thing after another to fear and the solution is always more government and often giving up your liberties for government security...real or imagined.

    Aids....crime...the Russians.....economics....weather....one after another after another...to get people to cede to more "Goverenment Herding."

    These olde timers taught me many many years ago..before the Iron curtain fell...that the Russians are not and never have been a super power.

    I don't have to go to Russia to confirm this . All I have to do is go to any grocery store or department store and find goods and services made in Russia. There aren't many out there.
    Super Powers can do this ..export goods and services.

    Someone has used and misused the Russians to keep us afraid...for years and years and years now..and they are still trying to do this with Trump and Company.
    Russia never was and still is not a Super Power.

    But you guys decide for yourselves. I am glad to have run across these olde timers and what they taught me.

    Herding is Ishmael...bondage...and bondage is the fingerprint or index of Ishmael.


    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  26. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    I wonder what the world would do if we actually DID what they seem to want? Pull our military out of everyplace except the places that directly effect US interests. Pull our support out of the UN and NATO except in balance with what our share should be. That means what part of the total cost is going to defend the USA or maybe the US and the UK. Pull EVERYTHING out of France until they pay their debts from WW2 and the many years that we have financed NATO. Bring the fleets home. Bring the troops home from the Middle E unless places like Saudi wants to PAY for our protection. They need us a lot more than we need their oil if the truth is known.

    We should stop polluting the air. That means we only plant and grow enough food to feed Americans and their real allies. We need to stop feeding people that won't control their population and stop fighting for other peoples freedom...especially if they aren't willing to fight for it themselves.

    Since we are so bad we should stop begging people to like us by giving away a huge part of our hard earned wealth. We could make a real dint in pollution if we would stop working in the oil fields all over the planet and only refine enough oil for fuel to cover OUR needs. Countries that don't trade fairly with us like Japan should not be allowed to sell their stuff here. Trade for the things we need with food. No free and equal trade means no food. No more giveaways of any kind.

    CLOSE our borders. Since we are so bad I don't understand why every freaking body seems to want to come here or at least send their useless and poor to us.

    We could be a lot richer and a lot less polluting if we stopped giving away more of our Gross Domestic Products than most countries HAVE for a GDP. We could close down most of our evil refineries if we only did enough for what we need. That would make the price of fuel go through the roof in most of the world but hey. less pollution would mean colder winters and that is good isn't it. The water won't rise it will just freeze in place. That wouldn't bother us, we could heat with natural gas and just let most of that nasty oil and coal stay in the ground.

    People all over the place seem to dislike us so much. I hope that next time they need someone to come to fight and die for their freedom that they will understand when we shrug and decline.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. Pigpen

    Pigpen Active Member

    Blog Posts:

    Yeah, I said that tongue-in-cheek.

    Thing is the climate is always changing. However, it really shows the arrogance and hubris of humans to think we could change anything.

    If climate change is man made, as some say, and cause by use of fossil fuels, we don't have the technology to turn to alternate fuels/energy and still feed the current population.
  28. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

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    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    then we may end up NOT feeding the current population but a reduced one when everything goes "tits up", doing nothing and expecting things to still be okay wont be an option.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    In the end I honestly believe that THAT is inevitable no matter what we do. If we destroy America first though, if you live in Europe, I recommend that you start learning Russian NOW.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    i'm surprised we're not all speaking German over here.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  32. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    For those who do not know nor have ever read it...this is one of the Amendments in our Governing document..

    The Constitution of the United States.

    Amendment 13..

    Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

    Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.[1]

    Climate Change and the Carbon Tax are contrary to this amendment and for a foreign entity...

    Thinking Americans know this .....emoting Americans do not know this...and cannot even conceive of it beyond their runaway emotions.

    Our government is so incredibly stupid...they make legislation after legislation to put more and more Americans into involuntary servitude...and or slavery to pay for someone else...so that they get it for free...while those working take great risks. And the political parties voting for such slavery legislation get votes...ie...buy votes on the public purse.

    And now many of our own leaders..following "Feel Goodism" are willing to put Americans into bondage to finance a foreign entity. ...under the guise of Climate Change...and it's carbon tax.

    I labor this point because of the implications of what lonewolf and others make in statements like this one..

    But slavery and involuntary servitude will be an option??????!!

    You see!!!!???

    Agree with Texdanm...we need to pull our military out of most of the world....and let them take care of their own problems...and stop fighting someone else's war and for someone else's profits.

    My own mother ..born in Germany says the same thing. Get our people back home.

    I am often given to remember the saying by the Brits about us Yanks being in England during the war....

    That we were over paid, over sexed, and over there. They had a point!!


    I was asking myself if that was tongue in cheek but decided to post such nonetheless.

    Thanks for the confirmation.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    Last edited: Dec 12, 2018
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Now watch this carefully about history and compare this to the Carbon Tax being promoted by internationalists and counting on Americans not being able to think past the Kardashians or their gods of sports...et al.

    Back when this nations was a British Colony....the policy of the Throne of England was that taxes collected in the colonies were to be used for the purposes of the colonies.


    King George was involved in conflicts on the Continent and needed revenue. Hence taxes were imposed on the colonies to support this war.

    Now these taxes angered a number of the colonists and it became the cry of "Taxation without representation."

    Now this history is hardly taught to Americans now days and for a specific purpose...we are not to see or know England for it's history and to know why we are such a peculiar nation and people in the history of this world.

    We are never to be able to connect the dots. We are to fit in and not think for ourselves..fit in by default..by our ignorance...be Herded.

    When our founders began to think about rebelling against the Sovereign they looked to history for a precedent of a people turning on their king....and they found it only about 100 years before in the form of Oliver Cromwell and the Roundheads against the Cavaliers.

    There was indeed such an precedent in the English Civil war...

    The kings power was not absolute and the king could be held accountable to just English law.

    Now here we have someone working under a fear and intimidation technique to impose a Carbon Tax ...world wide ..on nations and people....against their will and over their objection.

    Again we are looking at Taxation without representation..and also bondage and involuntary servitude to theses taxes...a shakedown by a foreign entity.

    The Carbon Tax and it's sponsors ..their power is not absolute and they are willing to enforce bondage and involuntary servitude on our people...as was King George....and before him..King Charles.

    If you understand to what I am alluding here....you can understand why no one wants us to know this history ...in any form..

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    That was closer than most people realize!!! The US was in an isolationist sort of political state at the time. If it hadn't been for Japan attacking us followed by Germany declaring war on us we might not have gotten in for another year and that wouldn't have worked.

    The US citizens and parts of the Government were involved. We had the Flying Tigers in China helping the Chinese fight the Japanese and there were many Americans, my Dad's big brother was one, that went to Canada and enlisted. He became a pilot in the Canadian air corp and then transferred to the US when we got in.

    If Hitler had had another year he would have had jets rockets ever more dangerous than the V2 and maybe an atomic bomb. If the Brits had not held on we would have been fighting the war from our East Coast and that would have been a tough war. If the UK had listened to Chamberlain's "Peace in our time" Europe wouldn't even exist as a group of independent nations.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  35. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler

    Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution

    Wall Street and FDR

    The War on Gold

    All these books by Anthony Sutton.

    Anthony Sutton must have been hitting too close to the truth/mark..because soon enough he could not get any of his books published in America and had to go overseas to get his books into print.

    This world is not what most people are lead or mislead to think it is.

    We have a very very nasty habit of American banks and industries doing business and or building and arming our enemies...but these banks and or business are not at the War Crimes trials when the wars are over.

    Now think about that one....

    I am not just talking about WW2 here but Vietnam and the Gulf Wars 1 and 2.

    Also Iran..today ..and China too.

    Think about it,


    Not an Ishmaelite
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  36. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I've been thinking about this one ...Texdanm,....

    Looks to me that under the European Union ....someone has only postponed Hitler for some 72 years.

    Whether under the name..Hitler or someone else..it looks like it is happening.

    And those nations which want to get out are being conned/scammed by their own governments who are filled with devout and dedicated Hitlerisms...central control....an overbearing central government controlling all the members some of whom want to remain independent.

    This is also the struggle which took place here before the War of Succession in 1861....though it's roots go back much further.

    It looks like this struggle is still going on as the strong central government deep state types only replaced hitler or Stalin with their own version...but have better managed to hide this central government system from the Average American.
    But their visceral reaction to Trump and Company has forced many of them out of the woodwork and exposed more than is wanted to be in the Light.

    What I detect has been going on in this world and not spoken about for what it is ..in the history books is a struggle between various factions seeking to keep and maintain power as one "Empire" is created and comes into conflict with another "Empire" or power structure. Some of these "Empires" are and have been hidden and concealed from those not sufficient to detect them...and or they will not be discussed in history books for what they really are.

    The British Autor

    E. C. Knuth gave me my first glimpse into this hidden power struggle on a world wide scale with his exposing of the British Crown Merchants of Olde London.

    And this hidden and conealed group has infiltrated America to get us to do their bidding for them over and over when their investments are put in jeopardy...from back in the Boxer Rebellion unto today.

    Gulf War 1 and 2 was a struggle to limit competition in the Middle East and redraw the map in their favor. This is still ongoing.

    My question ..in my mind is how much do they control Trump ...as they controlled Bush and Obama??

    Nonetheless...I still stand by what I earlier said...that the power structure/lay of the land is not quite what we have been told or taught.

    I think this power structure is very very afraid of Trump and Putin getting together and comparing notes on this hidden and concealed power structure not known by most people in this world.
    One can see this clearly when watching the phony news coverage of them meeting....trying to steer this news and information as needed...to cover and conceal for their Ishmaelite masters.

    And Climate Change is the baby, creation, scam of these groups and people to properly control and herd nations to their will . Hitler could only dream of controlling people this easily ..by their emotions...fears and insecurities...and use/misuse governments to remove from these people and nations ..their substance.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  37. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    I feel like the only countries in "Europe" that are true allies and worth having on our side are the people of the UK. Maybe some of the northern parts but most of the central European countries have been fair-weather friends on their best day. Having France as an Ally is worse than having them as an enemy. They will hold out their hands for your help and then stab you in the back the first time you turn your back to them. They showed their true colors AGAIN when they abandoned the Brits at Dunkirk. We should dump the UN and NATO and reform a true North Atlantic defensive group that only included the US, Canada, UK, Iceland, Ireland, and MAYBE Sweden, Denmark and Norway.
    TMT Tactical and lonewolf like this.
  38. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    I have a great admiration for certain aspects of English History...and also the English People.

    I do not agree at all with the manner the English Government treats their people...also the British Crown Merchants.

    The English Government has been bought and or sold to higher bidders just as has our government and for many years.

    The English Government ...just like ours...has sold our Sovereignty down the drain for private lucre for the phony two party system.

    Agree....we need to get out of NATO...and the UN both...they are just charities which eat up a lot of our monies and military and return very little. The UN needs to move it's HQ to Europe and burden them with their phoniness.

    George Washington had it correct..."Trade with everyone and treaties with no one."

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

  39. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I second the motion. Get us the heck out of both of them.
    lonewolf likes this.
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