Exercises to Prepare the Mind for Survival Situations

Discussion in 'Mental Preparedness' started by Aneye4theshot, Jan 21, 2016.

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  1. Aneye4theshot

    Aneye4theshot Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    There is no one exercise that is better than another when it comes to preparing the mind for survival. However, the exercise for the mind I would suggest the most would be meditation. Learning to clear your thoughts and center your mind is important in the strategic handling of survival techniques. Readiness and preparedness will ultimately help your survival situation. You may also practice things such as trips by yourself overnight camping. This will allow you to see what it is like without human contact. Many people do not go a full 24 hours without human contact. This can surprisingly wreak havoc on a mind even to those who would not believe that it could.
    Also by participating in marathons, and competitions of endurance you will help to condition the mind for circumstances and situations where it must be pushed pass the realms of normal day-to-day life in order to achieve the desired outcome. The more you practice to prepare yourself for survival situations the better you will be equipped to handle them should that day come. Those who have strong survival skills and have mastered different techniques will be the leaders that will help to influence and save others. Having power is knowledge and having knowledge is half the battle to win.
    sunnytn and Ricky Jeringan like this.
  2. NormaD

    NormaD New Member

    Blog Posts:
    If I had to choose just one exercise, it would be Strengthening my Confidence. In a lot of situations that I've been in my life, what got me through even when I didn't have an answer or a plan was my confidence. When you have confidence in your ability to get through absolutely any circumstance that may arise in your life, then you are assured of survival in any situation, especially if you took the time to acquire knowledge beforehand.
    sunnytn likes this.
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