Free Waterproof Fire-starter

Discussion in 'Newbie Corner' started by Justin Baker, Jan 6, 2020.

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  1. Justin Baker

    Justin Baker Expert Member

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    Hey, y'all, I just stumbled across this and wanted to share it with everybody here. Free emergency waterproof fire starter. I figure it's great for the bug out bag, since having multiple ways to ensure you can start a fire is always smart! I have a film case with waterproof matches, a zippo in a ziplock, a flint and striker, and am well-versed in primitive fire starting techniques as well. I figure I'll just throw one in the go bag, one in the glove box, and one in my wife's glove box. ;)
    here's the link:
    Caribou and howler like this.
  2. howler

    howler Expert Member

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    they work good, but you have to top up with lighter fluid about every 6 months or so, and keep an eye on the O ring ,,, cheers jas
  3. Justin Baker

    Justin Baker Expert Member

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    Thank you for the heads up! that doesn't sound too bad as far as upkeep goes!
    Caribou, howler and TMT Tactical like this.
  4. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I grease the O-ring with a little touch of vaseline and so far it has held the fluid for a little over a year. These are actually two ways to start a fire. The little wick as a match as it is designed and then if you fluid evaporates the little striker on the side is actually a little ferrocerium rod so you can start a fire with just that if you need to.
  5. Justin Baker

    Justin Baker Expert Member

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    I just got word that we have 1923 of these in the warehouse that they are going to let me give away exclusively to mysurvivalforum members!!!!
    in case you missed it in the first post, here's the link to the EverStryke match:

    This thing can sit in water for 24 hours and still strike up!!!!
    Caribou, TMT Tactical and howler like this.
  6. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    its not the fire starter that's the problem, its when you have damp tinder.
    Justin Baker and TMT Tactical like this.
  7. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Just a thanks to Old Geezer . I took his advice a few days ago and bought a quart of Naphtha to refill my zippo lighters . I already had multiple cans of zippo lighter fuel in the stash but just wanted to extend my zippo lighter capability before I have to rely on my flint and steel , or ferro rods . . Along with the Zippos in the stash is packs of replacement flints and wicks . ----- I guess this kind of overlaps another thread a bit concerning barter items . After someone is down to watching their family members eating raw meat I suspect a lighter would have a great trade value . I can not see me wanting to trade for anything but some members seem to rely on a trade plan .
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2020
    Justin Baker and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Good. I'm glad that something I said helped somebody.

      There was some Christmas closeout -- I think it was at Michael's store (they sell craft crap) -- so my wife bought over 20 pounds of bulk candle wax for less than a dollar a pound. I bought large thick candle wicks and wooden candle wicks. Wooden candle wicks last on and on. These candles pop and crackle like a miniature campfire. Wooden wicks give off heat and are brighter than your regular large candle, but the eat wax. You can heat a little iron pot of soup over these.
      Old Geezer, Jan 9, 2020
      Justin Baker and Caribou like this.
  8. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

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    I'm really interested in this - thanks for the link.
    Question though, who has successfully ordered? As anyone had any "negative" experiences dealing with "clickbank"? I ordered something through "clickbank" a few years ago and they kept taking money out of the account, so just want to check before ordering.
  9. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    howler and TMT Tactical like this.
  10. Justin Baker

    Justin Baker Expert Member

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    Very true, TexDanm, and I know that the ones that seller from Hong Kong has listed are not guaranteed, nor are they guaranteed waterproof ;) - but alas, my small commission comes from the fact that the other stuff that SurvivalLife has to offer is pretty awesome, and worth a whole lot more! Not the EverStryke, per se, and, upon getting that little bit of profit, some of the money actually does stay here in the US and, me being who I am, goes to help a fellow prepper and an herbalist, as apposed to someone overseas who more than likely has an "in" at the manufacturing plant, so lots of profit for them! Either way, I'm definitely not trying to burst anyone's bubble! I just got what I thought was an awesome offer from a company who's product I like! Just trying to share the awesomeness!
    TMT Tactical and howler like this.
  11. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

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    Hey TexDanm, is the one you get a commission from on that click site, or is there another site (I'm wondering because you mention "SurvivalLife".

    I meant no disrespect to you by the way and appreciate your post. I was just checking the validity of it, not wanting to get scammed or ripped off.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. Justin Baker

    Justin Baker Expert Member

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    Heya' Blitz - I have heard of people getting bummed about clickbank, as well as amazon, and all the other sites as well. There are plenty of people that have bad experiences everywhere... As for me, I have purchased from clickbank five times and have never had an issue, so.... it's all relative and in each individuals experience, I guess...
    .....and I do get a small commission form purchases made from SurvivalLife, The EverStyke is just introductory!
    TMT Tactical and Blitz like this.
  13. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Well, these aren't free.

    "QuickFire provides a 10-15 inch flame at 750 degrees for up to 10 minutes of burn time."

    Have some. They'll get a fire going.

    If the tender is way too wet -- takes half-hour to boil-off water content -- then only a blow-torch can start it; maybe not even a blow torch.

    Or, go chemical, potassium permanganate and glycerin
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  14. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

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    True. So where's the best place to purchase it from - the original link you posted, or from SurvivalLife?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. Justin Baker

    Justin Baker Expert Member

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    Well, if you use my original link, then I get tagged for a small commission, so I vote for that one! ;)
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

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    Okey dokey. Thanks.
    TMT Tactical and Justin Baker like this.
  17. Richard Earley

    Richard Earley Well-Known Member

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    dryer lint...And tinder from a mechanical pencil sharpener (the one's you hand crank..) And do not forget the blastmatch..
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    No problem. No, I am not in any way affiliated with any commercial or nonconventional organization. I was just posting a place on eBay where you can get the same for less. I've bought these and they are waterproof and work pretty well. They have limited use for making a fast fire but in the long term, the Ferro rod on the side is usable even after the fuel is used up.

    Where did I mention Survival Life?
    howler and TMT Tactical like this.
  19. Justin Baker

    Justin Baker Expert Member

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    maybe she was confused... I mentioned them!

    I agree @TexDanm , they are a useful gadget! I like having a lot of options!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. Justin Baker

    Justin Baker Expert Member

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    The more options you have at your disposal, the better chance you'll have of a successful fire!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I am all over that!! I also like the little peanut lighters for the same reason. They are small and will get a fire going in a hurry without the problems of the plastic disposable lighters. If you get them wet they are impossible to use until they have dried out totally. These and the little peanut lighters are watertight. I am a big believer in having backups for your backups or your backups when it comes to the things that you just MUST have. I also usually have two or there blades on me and always have at least three in each bug-out kit. The knife version of there might be the credit card knives. They are not a first choice or the best choice but they are small, easy to carry and will work if you need them.
    Justin Baker and TMT Tactical like this.
  22. Justin Baker

    Justin Baker Expert Member

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