Hоw wоuld а unit оf 100 sоldiеrs frоm diffеrеnt timе pеriоds аnd соuntriеs survivе during а zоmbiе а

Discussion in 'General Q&A' started by Goodman, Jul 2, 2016.

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  1. Goodman

    Goodman New Member

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    Fоr еxаmplе, thеrе аrе:
    100 Spаrtаn wаrriоrs
    100 Rоmаn lеgiоnаriеs
    100 еlеphаnt rаidеrs frоm аnсiеnt Rоmе timеs
    100 Mаyа wаrriоrs
    100 еnglish bоwmеn
    100 Spаnish соnquistаdоrs
    100 drаgооns frоm XIX сеntury (with thеir hоrsеs)
    аt thе stаrt, еvеry sоldiеr wоuld hаvе аs mаny suppliеs аs hе саn саrry. Fоr simpliсity, wе will suppоsе, thаt оnе mаn саn саrry 50 kg оf suppliеs, еquipmеnt аnd оthеr stuff.
    Zоmbiеs аrе сlаssiсаl - stupid hоrdеs оf wаlking dеаd, trying tо supprеss yоu by numbеrs.
    Yоu mаy аdd аny оthеr histоriсаl units if yоu wаnt :)
  2. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    I think that any period where hand to hand fighting was the expected or possible norm, any soldier or militia would stand a good chance of survival. 17th & 18th century militia possibly more chance than most, because they were better equipped.
  3. Danny Luke

    Danny Luke New Member

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    In my opinion, everyone of those groups of soldiers you mentioned will be obliterated by a horde of zombies. We are talking about groups of soldiers here from ancient times who aren't yet educated about the reasons why zombies arise. Sure, if it's 100 Roman soldiers over 100 zombies, the Romans will likely win every time. But we are talking about hordes of zombies. Zombies will win every time.
  4. Mekada

    Mekada Master Survivalist

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    I will put my money on Persian Immortals, Japanese Samurai or Viking Beserkers. 1 on 1 zombies have no chance. So a hundred versus a hundred i would still vote the same. Endless hoardes of the undead however and any type of soldier from any era would eventually fall and join their ranks. The dead outnumber the living and always will.
    jeager likes this.
  5. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    Flame throwers are the way to go :)
    jeager and Mekada like this.
  6. Mekada

    Mekada Master Survivalist

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    Let it burn!
    Keith H. likes this.
  7. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    no such thing as Zombies so I wont waste my breath.:rolleyes:
    jeager and Keith H. like this.
  8. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    I have seen them in the city! Heads tilted downward, hand over one ear. They appear to walk in a daze.
  9. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    ah! Londoners you mean!:rolleyes::p
    Keith H. likes this.
  10. keenonthedaywalker

    keenonthedaywalker Active Member

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    They all would do good, but you need to remember they all had armor, some had better than the other, but at a cost of speed. But I say the Dragoons would be the best, because they had horses, guns and swords or blades of some kind. Their guns might be the least effective out of all the other weapons though.
  11. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    Roman Legion! period!

    Shields, spears, swords, teamwork and awesome tactics backed up by endurance!
  12. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Of the original list, the Dragoons would own the field.

    People from the 1800s in general would do the best. People began getting soft in the 1900s. The folk of the 1800s had all manner of tool-making capability plus gunpowder preservation / casings. Repeating weapons came along in the 1800s. All four of my grandparents were born between 1890 and 1910. As a kid, I knew a few folk born in the 1880s. When young, all my maternal grandfather had for hunting was a cap and ball rifle (.32 cal). For them it was cabins and kerosene. I continually visited and hunted with my relatives back up in the hollars of Southern Appalachia. These folk did better than "just get by". Everyone was at the very least a sharpshooter. Everyone could do repair work on any machine or device. My dad and his brothers could work on radios and anything electric.

    When it hits the fan, the weak people of America are going to turn into something far worse than zombies during the days they manage to survive. Along with your repeating firearms, you are going to need some mean hungry dogs to protect your perimeter. Keep them respecting only you. Find a way to get them a steady supply of clean-ish water and shelter. Trespassers will provide them blood.
    keenonthedaywalker likes this.
  13. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    Zombies DO exist.


    Meth heads become very much like zombies.
    Meth addicts can absorb an amazing amount of lead also.

    I spent some time in Iowa and meth heads are a real problem.
    Iowa has lots of fertilizer plants so meth makers raid the plants and night to steal some
    chemical used to make meth.
    I don't know what chemical and don't want to know.

    Haiti has real zombies.

    Surviving a real meth zombie problem could be a real issue for some I think.
  14. Rere

    Rere New Member

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    I will put my money on Persian Immortals, Japanese Samurai or Viking Beserkers. 1 on 1 zombies have no chance. So a hundred versus a hundred i would still vote the same. Endless hoardes of the undead however and any type of soldier from any era would eventually fall and join their ranks. The dead outnumber the living and always will.
  15. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    I'd go with Leonidas and the 300 Spartans.
  16. hpro hamed

    hpro hamed New Member

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    I think man you only need a time machine to bring them to you and you need just those awesome dragons and you can fly them above the zombies and set them into the fire of the dragons and woriors can kill a few of them who past the dragons and if you have time machine bring s good girl from ancient age and enjoy it...lol

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