Have You Ever Swim Deep-down In An Ocean?

Discussion in 'Other Advanced Survival Skills' started by Maria_C, Jul 1, 2017.

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  1. Maria_C

    Maria_C New Member

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    I am fascinated seeing deep sea divers and surfers. Though I don't know how to swim and don't think I will ever learn. I am so much afraid of water especially a vast open sea, the sight itself makes me sick.

    Just seeking, can you share your experience swimming deep down underwater. Were you using oxygen mask? or just freely swimming.

    I am to choose any of the water sports, I will go for surfing.
  2. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    Damn woman learn to swim! it is a basic survival skill!
  3. Bishop

    Bishop Master Survivalist

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    Swimming is easy once you relax the more tense you are the less you float you also have to keep air in your lungs and different ethics have different mucle density it's also a good skill to have you may not go out to sea but what if your car runs off the road into a steam or river or there's a flood.
  4. Bishop

    Bishop Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    This is the training that I have done and taught including the helo dunker there are more Marine killed in helo crash you can loss whole platoons in a 53 sea stallion crash.

    The bird that went down was a ch46

  5. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I passed my instructers certificate at 12yo! but they did not hand the certificate over until I turned 16yo the minimum age to receive it!
    Did not stop the school using me to teach swimming though from 12yo!
  6. Bishop

    Bishop Master Survivalist

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    Maria you should take a class they will not let you drowned and when you get done you will feel really good then you can go surfing
  7. Bishop

    Bishop Master Survivalist

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  8. Maria_C

    Maria_C New Member

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    I enjoy reading responses here. I'll surely try and get me a coach for swimming lessons, though we don't have any water body where I live.
  9. WildSpirit

    WildSpirit Active Member

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    Yes, many times and I can say that it is one of the best sensations in the world. :rolleyes: You feel so free and it seems like you have no limits on where you really can get. I think everyone should have the right to do this at least once in their lives. :)
  10. Vinaya

    Vinaya Expert Member

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    I don't know how to swim and there are no seas in my home country (I live in a landlocked country), therefore, I have never been deep down the ocean. However, I have this dream to dive into the sea, if not too deep, at least to some level. This could be an experience of life time. In order to dive into the sea, I need to travel to another country though.
  11. Koala

    Koala Well-Known Member

    Blog Posts:
    I have been taught how to swim at a very young age. My whole family consists of swimmers and therefore it was logical that it was my turn to learn next! I actually love swimming. I often go to the pool and have a relaxing day. We even drive down to the seaside, once or twice per year - we rent a bungalow or do a camp near the sea. So when you wake up, it takes literally 5 minutes to go for a swim. It is heavens!

    I have done all. I've tried swimming deep without the oxygen, just the mask, and also with the oxygen tank. We had this scuba-diving course when I was in high school where they taught us how to do it. That all happened in a big pool though.

    The only thing that I dislike about the sea and swimming deep is all the potential danger that lurks below. I have recently started to develop a fear of the deeps. I am okay if I can see what's under me, but if I can't... then I don't swim far from the shore.
  12. Neiltarquin

    Neiltarquin Member

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    I love the ocean. If me and my family wants an excursion, it will be byvthe beach. Me and my wife would spend hours snorkling and enjoying nature's beauty. Last trip that we did was in Palawan Philippines. With just a few steps away from the shorelines, you can already enjoy marine life.
  13. remnant

    remnant Expert Member

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    I don't know how to swim but I believe I would be able to swim instinctively since its about creating buoyancy to keep afloat. I dread drowning and remember when I was swimming along a coastline, barely making it afloat when some young men warned me that he I went beyond the point I was standing, I would drown. I have never been so scared,
  14. omegaman

    omegaman Expert Member

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    I worked as a diver for 20 years. Both military and civilian. But also tourist diving around asia and the medeterrenian, egypt and so on.
    My last job as a diver I was the divemaster on an icebreaker. Diving under ice is cool (huhu). It resembles the world in a way. The bottom being ground, the water our air and the crust our sky.
  15. omegaman

    omegaman Expert Member

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    Btw. Learn to swim people. Everybody can learn to swim. Here its a part of preschool.
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