New Member Hello from South Africa!

Discussion in 'New Member Introduction' started by MelissavdW27, Jun 20, 2016.

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  1. MelissavdW27

    MelissavdW27 New Member

    Blog Posts:
    Hi, everyone! I am so very excited to see a forum like this. A couple of years ago I didn't even think to prep to survive if something should go horribly wrong. Then I met a few people that completely changed my views and my mind regarding this. Now, every opportunity I get to learn and share I grab with both hands. I hope to learn a lot on this forum and maybe also share some of the tips and tricks that I've learned. I'm quite new at this, so please bare with me? Happy to meet you all!
  2. Moroccanbeauty2266

    Moroccanbeauty2266 Active Member

    Blog Posts:
    Hi MelissavdW27, really nice to meet you and have you in this forum.
    I have just joined 2 weeks ago and I have already learned so much which is really great.
    You will definitely be able to contribute with your tips and tricks!
  3. Nedbushcrafter

    Nedbushcrafter Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    Gooie more eek is Ned hoe gaan dit im new too so nice to meet you
    MelissavdW27 likes this.
  4. BeautifullyBree

    BeautifullyBree Active Member

    Blog Posts:
    Most of the people here seem to be pretty friendly with beginners. Like you, I also just began preparing. It is easy to become interested with all the new TV shows, and movies. I'm Bree by the way, and its nice to meet you.
  5. Vinaya

    Vinaya Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    Hello Melissa,
    We have met on many other forums. I am glad to see you here. I have couple of friends in South Africa. Ever since I knew Mandela, I have taken interest in South African history and culture. I hope to learn lot of things from you.
  6. Karen Martin

    Karen Martin New Member

    Blog Posts:
    Hello, Melissa: Welcome Aboard and most definitely you will gain tips on survuvial from this forum if nothing else! I look forward to sharing my survival tips and interests with you and can't wait to hear yours!
  7. MelissavdW27

    MelissavdW27 New Member

    Blog Posts:
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! So far I've been enjoying it a lot on this forum! @Nedbushcrafter you speak Afrikaans?
  8. Nedbushcrafter

    Nedbushcrafter Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    I only speak a little I was in sa many moons ago was in a place called wellcom boer country so
    Picked up a little not everyone speaks English lol and its nice to meet you
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