Herbal Remedies

Discussion in 'Herbalism - Medicinal, Practical, and other Uses' started by Lunasurvivor, Apr 27, 2016.

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  1. Lunasurvivor

    Lunasurvivor Member

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    Herbal Remedies come in a variety of different forms and when you have familiarized yourself with some of the common ones you will have an edge on those who do not know these handy tactics. Herbal remedies can help with everything from toothaches and bellyaches to scrapes, cuts, scratches, and insect bites. A great example of an herbal remedy is utilizing ginger root to help settle an upset stomach.

    Ginger root can be shaven and boiled. This will make a ginger tea. When one drinks some ginger tea, the ginger will help settle the stomach. Another great example of a medicinal remedy is when you combine different flowers and herbs together and brew them making tea. There are many different teas that can be made using a multitude of different natural herbs. You are not expected to know these by nature it is something you will have to go the distance to teach yourself.

    Infusing certain things together such as ginger and mint can be just the remedy one might need if you are keeled over and in horrible and excruciating amount of stomach pain. Take the time to read up on some basic remedies and remember how to make them in case the situation you are in calls for a little herbalism to make the day better.
  2. BeautifullyBree

    BeautifullyBree Active Member

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    I've never heard of ginger root. I've been getting upset stomachs a lot recently. Is this something you can buy at local walmarts? I would like to keep some around my house.
  3. Lisa

    Lisa Active Member

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    Ginger is good for nausea and you don't have to get it from ginger root although you can, ginger ale and ginger biscuits will do just as well. Also flat coke (pepsi or coca cola or any kind of cola) is very good for easing nausea too.
  4. HealthandVitality

    HealthandVitality New Member

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    I have been exposed to ginger from childhood, and I will say that it is one of the best stomach settlers, I drink ginger tea almost 24/7, 365 days a year, unless of course am on holiday, in a place where it isn't available. I will vouch for it any day as it has excellent medicinal properties.
    Jonathan Solomon likes this.
  5. Vinaya

    Vinaya Expert Member

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    I am a proponent of herbal remedies and natural remedies.I even have a website dedicated to alternative healing including herbal remedies and natural remedies. For minor health conditions never go to doctor, for example if cough is giving me problem I will take ginger juice mixed with honey. If i have heart burn I drink milk with tumeric; of I have cuts, wounds and burns on my skin I will apply aloe vera. There are many such home remedies that I regularly use.
  6. Vinaya

    Vinaya Expert Member

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    I am a proponent of herbal remedies and natural remedies.I even have a website dedicated to alternative healing including herbal remedies and natural remedies. For minor health conditions never go to doctor, for example if cough is giving me problem I will take ginger juice mixed with honey. If i have heart burn I drink milk with turmeric; of I have cuts, wounds and burns on my skin I will apply aloe vera. There are many such home remedies that I regularly use.
  7. Scarlet

    Scarlet Member

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    Aside from all of those above mentioned, the best use of ginger is a blood thinner which has no side effect than taking aspirin tablets to prevent blood clot. A very versatile herbal medicine that can cure many types of illness. The purest form is better than those that are processed although this plant only grows in tropical climate.
  8. Vinaya

    Vinaya Expert Member

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    Ginger is the best herb I have ever known. It is beneficial for various ailments. You can use ginger for your sore throat, cough, upset stomach and inflammation. Ginger is also beneficial in heart diseases and diabetes. Ginger is good for various stomach conditions such as gastritis, indigestion and heart burn.
    Radar likes this.
  9. Inqogn1to

    Inqogn1to New Member

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    Ginger is a powerful healing herb for sure, another one is turmeric which I have more experience with. Very responsive against inflammations and infections among many other benefits.
  10. Richa94

    Richa94 New Member

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    Herbal remedies are used for centuries and it has it has its importance Herbal remedies is naturally occurring, plant-derived substances. ginger is used as home remedies for many it not only helps. It is used in nausea, muscle pain, Osteoarthritis it also helps in lowering blood sugar and improve heart disease risk factor.
  11. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Herbs and Spices are an area all on their own that you need to prepare for. Their are so many out there and you will want as many as possible when things settle down and you can plant your garden. There are some things that are going to be native to your area and you need to be familiar with those but there are so many others that if you don't have seeds you will never have. I am fortunate in that where I live there are a lot of plants that have medicinal uses. The combination of willow and yaupon Holly makes a good pain reliever. Mints are good for lots of things and I love mint. I raise several types of mint and stevia for teas and such and it is good for stomach problems.

    I use this place a lot for information...

  12. Jyotirmoy Deb

    Jyotirmoy Deb New Member

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    Plants have been the primary source of medication since the prehistoric times. Many of the medicines we get in the pharmacy today are derived from organic compounds present in plants.The statistics shows that about eighty percent of the population in countries like ASIA and AFRICA
    use Herbal Products derived from plants. We still don't know whether Herbal Medicines can cure cancer for sure. Herbal medicines and Drinking products have a great impact on today's society.

    Please check my full blog on this
  13. Jyotirmoy Deb

    Jyotirmoy Deb New Member

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    Please also check this wonderful book
  14. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Great info, people!

    Thanks much for all this info!

    When a boy, I used to go picking herbs with my grandma (who was born before 1900). I've forgotten sooooooo much, too much; thus, I love getting these info sources. Thanks again!
  15. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    I grow a lot of mints, stevia and some herbs. We use them in infusions along with various fresh fruits and vegetables. I love to take an orange mint leaf, a chocolate mint leaf and a stevia leaf and roll them together. It tastes like a really nice light candy and settles my stomach.

    Great info about the teas.
  16. Justin Baker

    Justin Baker Expert Member

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    Getting a grasp on the medicines that are in your backyard, your bug out location, and the general area put you a step ahead of anybody else in that area. I've been researching and practicing hebalism for 10 years now, and I still learn something new every time the weather changes! - as soon as I can post blogs here, I plan on posting some of what I know to share with y'all.
    In the meantime - https://bit.ly/2rlY0tC
    i posted about the Lost Book of Herbal Remedies in the reference thread as well!
    It is a really REALLY good book with over 169 healing plants, lichens, and mushrooms of north america. Good, quality color pictures (2-4 per plant for easy identification), and the remedies made from them! It also contains something many volumes tend to overlook: HARVESTING INSTRUCTIONS! I can't stress that fact enough. So many people wildcraft at the wrong time or harvest the wrong part! The book also contains a Medicinal Herbal Reference Guide that will allow to easily cross-reference an affliction, malady, or disease to get to the herb you need to use!!!
    Remember, a crisis is what people 150 years ago called daily life; no electricity, no computers, no internet, no Facebook, no supermarkets, no Walgreens pharmacy.... they obviously succeeded, otherwise, we wouldn't be standing here!!!!
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2020
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good afternoon Justin,

    I like that line about a crisis today 150 years ago was daily living.

    I'm transmitting from near some colonial houses - finished wood, log, brick. They're still here along with the descendants.

    "Where one can live, one can live well." Anon.
    TMT Tactical and Justin Baker like this.
  18. F22 Simpilot

    F22 Simpilot Master Survivalist

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    On the subject of ginger. I do believe they sell ginger pills and those are great to take with you and take one before you go on a boat to combat sea sickness.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good morning F22,

    Yes, ginger pills are available.

    Just saw Madam's ginger pills in refrigerator.

    I'm not into pills but have a couple of pounds of candied ginger chewy-type snacks ... coated with cane sugar. I use as part of meal.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. F22 Simpilot

    F22 Simpilot Master Survivalist

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    I'm not into pills either. Especially the damn TV Ads. "Ask your doctor if triptologic is right for you. Side effects may include gonorrhea, diarrhea, AIDS, crack addiction, hay fever, genital warts, and the overwhelming desire to sniff your own carpet." Remember! If you're allergic to this pill don't take this pill!

    Then about a year latter you see the lawyer scumbag commercials. "Did you take this pill and get cancer? Call out law offices at 555-we-screw-you and we'll get you the money you deserve." It's damn racket! And money talks, BS walks. Same applies to the court room. No money for a good, reputable lawyer or jury, then in the can you go, serf.
    Caribou and TMT Tactical like this.
  21. Justin Baker

    Justin Baker Expert Member

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    Personally, I did not put this book onto the shelves with my herb books, I categorized it with my prep books - it just makes more sense. Everything is laid out in a more pragmatic way than most plant books and the like...
    Caribou and TMT Tactical like this.
  22. Justin Baker

    Justin Baker Expert Member

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    I am also in the 'NO PILLS' fan club, so I prefer to learn how to use the real thing - and grow it!

    I actually made a post about this just a few days ago -
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Exactly, at one time before modern pharmaceutical companies took over natural remedies were all we had and will be again post SHTF.
    most modern medicines were made from the old natural remedies until they started making them from derivitives from the petro chemical industry, one reason I don't like taking them, a bit like processed food you never know what "additives" they put in them.
  24. Caribou

    Caribou Master Survivalist

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  25. Justin Baker

    Justin Baker Expert Member

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    TMT Tactical and Caribou like this.
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