Houston, Texas Info - Gov't Coronavirus Response

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by Jon Sophic, Mar 17, 2020.

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  1. Jon Sophic

    Jon Sophic Member

    Blog Posts:
    Hi all. I'm new here. In fact, this is my first post. I want to start off by praising the layout of the forums. This the best format to get to the point on these threads and to clearly see the responses. This being said.....

    I know someone who is friends with a member of local law enforcement. I cannot name names, and wouldn't want to jeopardize anyone's career. But some information I learned is important, at least to me, my family, my co-workers, and my friends....and likely to others. So, considering that I will this vague.

    From what I was told, local law enforcement is considering measures to restrict travel within the city of Houston and Harris County, Texas to contain the virus and maintain social order. There is a massive run on supplies. The hospitals have more coronavirus patients than are being reported to the public. We knew that early on from local contacts within government.

    In public, people are sizing each other up and becoming hostile. Houston is great, progressive, rich city. But the people can be very selfish and hostile, but I think money and materialism has that effect on people; even good people.

    My family (with young children) are moderately stocked on supplies. We spent what was left of my last paycheck to stock up. We didn't have the funds to stock up appropriately like we wanted, but we have the ability to buy more medium and long term. We have plenty of weapons and ammo, however...and they are 'ready to rock'.

    I am primarily concerned with social disorder, more so than starvation or lack of toilet paper. Yes, people are making ridiculous runs on toilet paper. This country does not even HAVE a shortage of toilet paper. It's pretty stupid. Most of the fiber for toilet paper in the United States comes from Mexico and Canada, but not overseas and supply is plentiful for everyone. Yet, one person would walk into a store and pack an entire shopping cart with almost a pallet worth of toilet paper. Speaking of TP, we are saving newspapers and preparing to use whatever means necessary to replace the usage of TP in the event supply does run out. Welcome to the mid-1800s, right?

    The local hospitals in Houston are running out of masks. Nurses and doctors, and other staff, are being issued one mask to wear the entire shift. We learned that from a local nurse we live near. That is highly dangerous and unsanitary and in my opinion, likely to spread the virus between patients and the medical personnel themselves. Knowing what I know about those medical masks, the fibers stretch out over time as you use them. That's why you have to replace them. If you move the masks around at times, it does increase the spaces between the fibers. In any case, those masks are not even that effective against viruses. But they do provide some minimal protection and re-using them between patients is a BAD idea. Haven't those people seen any movies about pandemics? I mean, their just movies, but cross-contamination is something very simple to understand.

    In another area of Texas where a friend of ours lives, there are reported to be home invasions by people trying to steal supplies. Our friend bought a bunch of ammo to protect her family.

    All restaurants, clubs, and bars have been ordered closed. Gatherings of people are basically banned. All schools are closed in Harris County and neighboring counties; and inside information from local educators we know is the entire school year may be canceled. The State of Texas is sending packets out to teachers to send to parents by email, so that parents can teach their own children. I am not sure what this means for single parents who can no longer take their children to daycares that may have closed. I know some co-workers may have some issues with child care. Our employer is VERY helpful in this regard and is making exceptions for people and is fronting a generous emergency leave policy.

    These times are getting dangerous; not only because of the virus, but because of the people's response to the pandemic. I am wondering how people will respond when / if many people begin to run out of basic supplies and become desperate. Will they try to break into homes? Will they be willing to kill people for food, water, medicine, and yes, toilet paper? I am tactically trained, professionally, so I would take a whole HELL of a lot of people out before they got to my family, and I hope I don't have to use those skills. But, I am still only one person and sometimes it takes only a lucky shot to take someone out...even me.

    I am considering getting together with some trusted people to develop / coordinate a response plan for the neighborhood. But then again, we don't know each other "that" well, even though this is a VERY nice area. Being in a nice area, we may be seen as a target for roving criminals and those who are desperate enough to turn to crime to survive. Luckily, though I do live in the Houston metro area, I live outside of the city and county and can access other areas that are further from such a populated city. We do have "go-bags" packed for the family in the event we need to bail and go to a safer place.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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