How Comfortable Do You Feel In Our Present Society?

Discussion in 'The Hangout' started by Keith H., May 29, 2018.

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  1. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I hate having this nagging feeling that all is not well, & that it is going to get worse. From what I have seen of our police force they are NOT for the people, their attitude is you are guilty until proven innocent, I notice this on a personal level when an officer comes into my home to do a firearms check!
    We have basically lost the right to self defence, possessing any object specifically for the purpose of self-defence, lethal or non-lethal, is a criminal offence in Australia. There are many people hospitalised or murdered, who would have been liable to prosecution had they been carrying anything that might have saved them. Add to this our gun control laws, they are clearly not designed to keep people safe or to curb crime, so I have some concern as to why we have this gun control.
    We have our government promoting, sanctioning & paying for the genocide of West Papuans solely for the purpose of stealing the mineral wealth in West Papua. Our military is training the Indonesian troops who are carrying out this genocide. So if our military is prepared to do this under orders, what is to stop them from turning against their own people if ordered to do so?! Australia is not alone in this, the American government is also involved in this genocide & the rest of the world, including the UK are saying & doing nothing!
    We are being ruled by Big government & Corporatism, our taxes go up, & big corporations pay no tax at all! Do you recall seeing "The Hunger Games"? Basically the poor were there just to keep the wealthy clothed & fed & in a lifestyle they had become accustomed to. The poor were ruled, not lead. Well right now we are being ruled & not lead. I can't remember the last time we had a referendum! The government decided to confiscate our guns & we let them do it!!! We are not talking assault rifles here, they were confiscated a long time ago along with handguns, this last time they took our semi auto .22 bunny rifles & our shotguns including pump action shotguns!!!
    Has it made a difference to our crime rate? Not that I have noticed, & I don't trust government statistics!
    Domestic violence is rife in Australia, & the government has cut funding to women's help centers & has even closed some down. AVOs do not stop a male partner from battering women. If the woman leaves, she has no where to go, so the husband can claim ownership of the children! IF a male perpetrator is imprisoned, it is not for long, & when they get out they go straight home & beat up the wife & in some cases kill them.
    Please see part two of this thread.
    Morgan101 and TMT Tactical like this.
  2. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Part Two of
    How Comfortable Do You Feel In Our Present Society?
    This is a list of assaults & home invasions for the month of May 2018:
    Home Invasions & Assaults 2018

    Teen arrested over two 'frightening' attacks on women in Sydney's west

    11 May 2018 — 4:58pm

    A man allegedly throws rocks at police in Darlington after attempted break-in

    WA Police hunt for man in relation to sexual assault

    Investigation continues into Margaret River massacre

    Judge cries in court while sentencing woman who killed abusive partner

    CCTV of missing 12-year-old moments before he was pulled into car

    Another home invasion!

    Man on the run after assaulting 12-year-old girl

    Another home invasion! Eight-year-old girl 'assaulted after man climbs into bedroom window'

    Home Invasions. New Victoria police taskforce targeting wayward teens in home invasion crackdown

    Masked men threaten family with machetes and tomahawk in home invasion

    Home Invasion. Man charged over death of young mum found next to baby

    Police release CCTV of Elizabeth South home invasion in which a bullet was fired into a bedroom


    THE VICTIM of a terrifying home invasion has recalled the moment three thugs stormed her home and held a doona over her head.It comes as police make a fresh appeal for public assistance following the aggravated burglary and false imprisonment in Cairnlea in

    Nine charged with murder over stabbing death of woman

    'I was screaming blood-curdling screams': Brave woman speaks of shock sex attack

    Lake Macquarie Police District officers charge man, 44, over alleged axe attack of man, 73, in Rathmines this morning

    Man threatened with gun and knife during Hornsby home invasion

    Armed Home Invasion. A TEENAGE boy has been charged with armed robbery after an alleged break-in at an Armidale NSW house.

    Man kicked in head in Sydney home invasion

    NSW meat cleaver home invasion injures two

    20th of May 2018

    Woman repeatedly sexually assaulted on train 22 May 2018

    Home Invasion. Oxley police investigate firearm theft in Narrabri. MAY 22 2018

    Murderer on bail for violent home invasion

    22nd May 2018

    Investigation underway following home invasion in Colyton

    Monday 21 May 2018

    MAY 24 2018 - 12:23PM

    Man charged after home invasion

    Elderly man in intensive care after invasion at Gosnells property

    May 23rd 2018.


    25th May 2018.

    12:30PM: Police have arrested a man in relation to a number of alleged assaults in Kennington on Friday and Saturday. 26th May 2018.

    Man arrested at Prospect service station over home invasion involving meat cleaver

    May 25, 2018 7:49pm

    'We'll come back and chop you up': Man threatened with machete in home invasion

    8:15pm May 25, 2018

    After murdering his pregnant partner, killer drove to a police station in a crazed state

    26 May 2018 — 12:00am

    Woman stabbed, man charged in Adelaide

    Australian Associated Press

    26 May 2018

    Employee locks robber in store during armed hold-up

    26 May 2018

    Man 'punched food delivery driver' as he dropped off order

    27 May 2018

    Teens hit man with spanner after being caught stealing two bottles of coke

    Australian Associated Press27 May 2018

    WA police hunt for armed, dangerous man

    MAY 27 2018 - 12:27PM

    Women terrorised by truck driver armed with hammer in road rage attack

    28 May 2018

    Mum's horror after finding naked stranger inside home

    27th May 2018.

    Police search for trio following Bunnings axe robbery

    28th May 2018.

    Trio raid pub with machete, samurai sword in terrifying hold-up

    28th May 2018

    That is just 4 weeks, & only the ones I have read about. What is it like where you live?
    Sonofliberty and TMT Tactical like this.
  3. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    over 60 deaths by stabbing in London so far this year.
    good job I don't live in London or near our big northern cities.
    TMT Tactical and Keith H. like this.
  4. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    Holy CRAP!!! I can't even imagine living someplace like that. I would just be a criminal.

    I'm not at all comfortable with what I see in the world around me. I have never really fit in real well with a lot of people. I'm not and never have been money motivated or very ambitious. Honor means more to me than most people these days and I don't seem to need the approval of people as much as others seem to. All that said, what I'm looking at these days is a lot like looking as a loved one that is just eat up with cancer. I don't see much hope for a simple or painless solution to what we are heading towards. Honestly I think that a TEOTWAWKI disaster might be the least painful solution.

    I look at this and wonder how people allowed this to happen to them and why even though they try it hasn't happened in the US except in places like the People's republic of California. I wonder if it doesn't have to do with the roots and history of different nations. Britton was ruled by Kings and Queens for hundreds and hundreds of years. People that couldn't live with being peons and serfs either left, became criminals or ended up executed. Do you think that this led to a sort of predisposition to allowing rulers to have near total authority?

    I look at Australia, England, Scotland, Ireland, Canada and the USA and wonder exactly why some have given up their rights and others haven't. I notice that Australia, The States of Great Britain and Canada all seemed to do well, thrive and be comfortable under the rule of the Monarchy to the point that in the end their establishment of a free and independent nation came as a gift. The USA and Ireland fought it over and over until finally London decided we were more trouble than we were worth and we stopped fighting about it. Ireland has been much the same.

    Americans are stubborn, mean and violent people. I admit this. We fought for our freedom and that attitude was impressed on us as children. When I was a kid there was no doubt in my mind that if we went to war my Dad would rather me go and die than run and hide form service. I was taught that to stand and watch someone weaker being hurt and not doing anything was as bad as doing it myself.

    The US is the way it is because from the very beginning we have fought and died for our freedom. Our heroes were men and women that fought and all to often died demanding and protecting that freedom. "Give me liberty or give me DEATH" might as well be our American motto. Even inside the US, Texas is a bit, LOL, more aggressive about this than a lot of other states. You have to understand, we have fought for our freedom THREE times. Once as Americans against the Crown, Once against Mexico for our freedom to be a country and once against the oppression of the mini states that ran the Northern part of the USA. If the day ever comes that the Washington crooks think that they can take our freedom they will find out that we still remember what it takes to be WORTHY of being free.

    My ancestors have never been ruled. We were an unruly lot from day one when we were shipped to the ?New Georgia penal colony. England was using North America as they used Australia as a place to dump their troublemakers until we tossed them out.

    You mentioned the cops coming into your house to check your guns. Here if a cop wants to enter my house he had better have a court ordered search warrant and had better have a justifiable cause to request that or they will get sued at the very least.

    I honestly don't see us keeping our freedom for more than a couple more generations. They have figured out that the way to take our freedoms away is to make our children weak minded and without honor. We ARE allowing that to happen. Most people these days are to busy to raise their kids and so the liberal schools and the TV and video games are replacing parenting. Give it another 40 years and they will be able to do here as they have done ibn Australia.
    Last edited: May 29, 2018
  5. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    To be horribly honest, I am perpetually angry.

    And what we see around us does not constitute anything I would feel comfortable calling "society".

    I pray that the decadent and overtly evil mega-cities on Earth are annihilated. The Good Physician of the Universe needs to step in and burn these spiritual cancers out of existence.
    TMT Tactical and Keith H. like this.
  6. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I agree, we started off as a penal colony, & we still are! We have no bill of rights. The English crown totally ignores our pleas for help. Totally different to the US. My wife says that Australians have never trusted the government because of our beginnings, but that distrust has not stopped this totally corrupt government from taking our freedoms away. It will make no difference if Labor wins the next election, they are both as corrupt as one another. They promise one thing to gain votes, & then don't deliver, & the totally gullible people fall for it over & over again.
    I agree that a TEOTWAWKI situation would be the less damaging, though I can't see a revolution ever being a possibility here anyway.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    Once a people have reached the point that you are dealing with revolution in the traditional sense really isn't possible. If it ever gets unbearable the only option would be the sort of underground guerrilla warfare like would be fought in any occupied country that has been taken over against the wishes of its citizens. I assure you that if people like the Clintons and Obama thought that they could have done it they would have made America look like Nazi Germany with the death camps and all. Hillary would have had all the deplorables rounded up and shipped to gulags.

    I can't understand why a free people would actively CHOOSE to follow the patterns and ways of Nazi Germany and just hand over their rights. A RIGHT is only a RIGHT when you can demand it and get it even when your government might prefer otherwise. What you have if you lose that ability is the illusion of rights and freedoms until they get ready to drop the pretence. What could you do in Australia if the government just decided not to do elections any more? What could be done if they started sending people that they considered undesirable off to the ovens. You would be as helpless as the Jew were in Nazi Germany.

    If they come to take my guns I will understand that it isn't the guns that they are taking it is my freedom and my basic humanity and making me a THING that the government can use, abuse and toss aside as they wish. Why else would they spend more time trying to take the guns from good honest people than taking them away from the criminals. Why would they make the punishment for defending yourself worse than the punishment for the criminal that wanted to beat you to death and rob you?? In too many cases The Government , The cops, The criminals and the lords of the criminal organizations are all just fingers on the same hand now days.
  8. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Basically Tex we have already lost the right to vote. We are being ruled by Big government & Corporatism. There are ONLY two parties, liberal & labor, both are corrupt. We can vote for independents, but they have no real power over the government.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  9. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    It is mostly the same here. Trump is the first and probably going to be the only person elected in the last 50 years that wasn't/isn't a part of the Washington Mafia. There is no real difference between the Republicans and the Democrats except their rhetoric. In the end they both want to destroy the middle class and turn the United STATES of America into the REPUBLIC of America where ALL power will be in Washington.
  10. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Just finished a movie about the Holocaust. Many human-condition, belief in God, issues were covered. Existential themes wrung-out. I've had many a conversation concerning these over the decades.

    However, what kept troubling me was that there were thousands, tens of thousands, of prisoners in these camps. Had they rebelled, they would have been killed. Had they done as they were told, they would have been killed. Two options, one ending.

    I'd rather be shot than humiliated. I might have died, however some young people would have survived a mass charge against the guards. Death before dishonor. But I'm an American. I take a loaded gun with me to answer the front door of my home.

    Under dire circumstances, why do people NOT fight?! Men allowed their families, their children, to be loaded onto box cars. The Scots or the Irish or a bunch of other blood lines will kill over honor -- somebody harming their children would set them into a killing frenzy. Would me.

    I don't understand the lemming syndrome. How could anybody be so weak?! The women in my family now and generations back, are/were far more aggressive than today's urban "men". Even the gang-bangers pick out the weak as victims -- zero bravery.
    TMT Tactical and Keith H. like this.
  11. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I don't know, but perhaps we are more informed these days, do you think back then that anyone thought that the Germans would carry out a genocide? Would they just go along with it not realising what was actually happening? If they knew they were going to die, then I would find this lack of rebellion hard to understand.
    Then again, why is the world ignoring the genocide in West Papua? Why are the American & Australian people allowing their government to aid in this genocide? This is happening NOW, not 70 odd years ago, right now & right on Australia's doorstep. These West Papuans were our Allies in WW2 & saved many of our diggers!!! How close to home do you think this sort of abominable murder of human beings could happen before people said ENOUGH! America had a civil war, people killing their own countrymen! What was that, 160 years ago? And here we are in 2018 burying our heads in the sand whilst the Australian & American governments pay the Indonesian military to kill the descendants of our WW2 Allies!!!
    We are living in a very very sick world where our lives are worth nothing to our governments! WE are allowing this to happen. How many signatures do you think I would get on a petition against this genocide?!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I think back in WW2 people didn't know this was happening, it wasn't until the troops entered the camps in 1945 that it became fully apparent, most of the jews and the others just thought they were going into an internment camp not an extermination one.
    these days we have wall to wall 24/7 news coverage.
    TMT Tactical and Keith H. like this.
  13. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Not on the West Papua Genocide we don't!!!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  14. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    its not reported here either mate.
    Keith H. likes this.
  15. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I disagree slightly Texdanm..with your statement here..

    A republic is what we are supposed to have here Texdanm....a representative republic.

    What has been done and secret is a switch to a democracy. What Australia has is a democracy ..same with England. In these countries you have to prove your innocence...and often to an a file folder. Does the term KGB sound familiar??? IN a file folder ...not a jury of your peers.

    Keith has a good point made about this in prove your innocence.

    In these countries you do not have have privileges granted by government.

    Someone is trying to make America in this democratic image...a false image....different from what our founders desired for this people...and nation.

    What you have in these other countries ...England Australia, Canada....etc all power in the hands of government and thusly used to "Herd " people in the direction desired by government. It matters not whether you are safe in your homes and to and fro your jobs...but only that the forms are filled out ....correctly. That the numbers on the projections come out correctly.

    Anyone who thinks and speaks outside of this kind of "Herding Template" like Tommy Robinson quickly becomes an Enemy of the State. Because in nations such as these "The State is God." As GFW Hegel would say.

    Over time wind up with people in government who are ignorant administrators with high degrees but no common sense. They are not capable of representing the people..but only represent a government job opportunity to remain employed.

    The short of it is that these administrators..will eventually look at the people in a nation as competitors needing to be properly controlled or "Herded" if you like. and rules and legislation will constantly be changed to facilitate this "Herding."

    This is what is coming to America should the left get back in power.

    My .02,

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical and Keith H. like this.
  16. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Chris, I'm assuming that your experience of the British legal system is very in fact very difficult to secure a conviction for any criminal offence these days unless there is overwhelming evidence so your second paragraph in the previous post is very far from being correct. The British police don't get to assassinate people or make them disappear like the FSB/KGB are able to, it simply isn't true.
    I agree with Keith about the way governments prevent ordinary citizens from defending themselves but only up to a point, self defense is still completely legal in the UK but you must know the law to be able to react and remain within it.
    TMT Tactical and Keith H. like this.
  17. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    We live in the UNITED States of America. What that means is that each state has legal powers and rights to do things inside their state as they wish. If this was the REPUBLIC of America you wouldn't have possession of Marijuana legal in some states and a felony in others. ALL power to make laws and decisions would be totally placed in the hands of Washington and Washington politicians. If that happens the people in the small places that are thinly populated would have no rights and no power at all. The end result of this is always the same, revolutions. This was something that the founding fathers were very aware of and worked hard to avoid in their new country.

    The process of NOT electing our President by popular vote was done for a reason. Once again it has to do with the rights of the states to decide how they want to do things. Each state has a set number of representative that go into the Electoral College. If a state wishes to have those votes distributed based on the percentage of votes they got in that state that is their RIGHT. If on the other hand a state chooses to give all of their votes to the winner of the popular vote in that state is is their RIGHT to do so. Without this ALL of the power to elect would be in the hands of just a few high population areas.

    All of this and many other things were done specifically to make it hard for any special interest group to take over or have passed something that would cause a sudden and seriously bad change in our country. In general they seems to feel that the best government was the least possible and then they played the 4 branches of our system one against the other so getting anything done is a slow and arduous task.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Wow Ystranc......

    The end result in both America and Britain is becoming the matter what label the system claims. The fruit if you prefer.

    Politics and political correctness run amok...and being used to "Herd " the people ... Used to prevent thinking..

    As to this statement is astonishing to me......that you post in such a manner thinking no one can see it for what it is...

    This kind of power is never put in the hands of police or constabulary least not officially. This because he power structure fears a independent police force as a competition ...a competing political /social power.

    This meaning these decisions are not made at a constabulary level but at another level by people not wishing to be seen or known.

    With this knowledge I am watching the Tommy Robertson business as often as I can.

    Now as to this ....

    Self defense is become in name only. So too private property. As I am often want to say....the privateness of property is not the same as in America....but someone here is trying to make us into remove from us the privateness of our property....and the ability therefore to defend the same....from two legged wildlife.

    When you have a system in place wherein private property is not secured or institute a system in which the two legged wildlife is run amok....and people who try to work within the system must work more and more to subsidize this two legged wildlife....often paying for their private property two and three times in this support of the same two legged wildlife.

    In short a system in which the people who work and take risks in their occupations take second third and fourth place in their own country....and with their own labors.

    American was rapidly going down this road under Obama Care...and if Hillary had won ....more of such programs would have been rapidly instituted ...giveaways on the public purse for anyone and anything but working people.

    And we see someone here in America trying to stoke or stroke these and or political right now here in America. If one looks carefully can see the same or similar pattern being put in place in Europe..and the UK but tailored for these countries and people.

    People taking second, third, and fourth place in their own country. And people are being taught....brainwashed ...indoctrinated as to how good this is for them as their system is collapsing.

    And so too it will be here in America when the left gets back into office. Ishmaelites run amok.

    And all of this stems from a view and understanding of Private Property....including your persons and labor..ability to labor....and the jurisdictions behind them at law.

    My .02,


    Not an Ishmaelite
    TMT Tactical and Keith H. like this.
  19. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Keith H.,

    Concerning this...

    History itself is an interesting phenomenon if you can follow it or have good teachers. While I agree with the point about the Germans...I don't think most of the Germans themselves knew this was happening. By this I mean Germans across Germany.

    At the same time I also know of a Genocide which took place in the Ukraine in the late 1920 and into the 1930s against the Ukranian people by Russia. Not highly covered in the history books while protecting the Soviets and Uncle Joe. Death by Starvation.
    I also don't think the average Russian knew this was happening back in those days.

    Genocide or if you prefer Democide...death by ones own government.

    Same applies in West PauPau....death by ones own government.

    This is also about what thinking people here in America are concerned if you can follow the political/social trends of manufacturing a bad guy for political capital. That it becomes clear that this government does not trust it's own people.
    And after this last Presidential Election this becomes more and more clear...that we have a type of Non Represenative government.... not the product advertised.

    Same can be said of the issues for which you speak..the product is not that which is advertised at a governmental level.

    My point being what point does such an government begin to turn on their own putting them in second , third and fourth place in their own country and if they resist...jail and then exterminate them???

    I am thinking here of Tommy Robinson in the UK. There will be others to follow.

    Point here being is that I Know of genocides/democides in nations other than the standard Nazi/German which is so often used and misused as a standard to "herd" the peoples thinking.

    The largest Genocide or Democide of which I know in modern times is in Communist China with estimates of between 30 and 40 million. This of which one hardly hears in the news and public schools in the west...and this is not an accident.

    The very interesting thing to me Keith H that it appears that in the so called modern times....more people have been killed by their own governments and at a faster rate than in all the previous wars combined. I am speaking here of in the last 100 to 125 years.

    Yet the irony of this, to me Keith H., is that these are modern "Scientific" times of Educated, Enlightened, Illuminated, Sophists in government running things.

    If you prefer..."The Upward Reach Of Mankind."

    I don't happen to think so.

    Here from R. J. Rummels work on Democide...

    From this article from wiki...

    At times ...genocide and democide go hand in can become difficult to separate the two and democide is scarcely taught today in many schools in lieu of genocide....and for good reasons ...we are never to be able to think that far so as to examine the character of our own government.

    Just another Ishmaelite method of operation on us to prevent thinking. cover charge.


    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
    Keith H. and TMT Tactical like this.
  20. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    It was well known what was going on in those camps.

    When the death trains would pass through the Polish countryside, farmers working the fields would slice their forefinger across their throats to the doomed Jews looking out the slots in the cattle cars. Here in the USA, our military intelligence knew full good and well what was happening. We pressed on with a military campaign of destruction, not liberation. Same conundrum with dropping the nuclear bombs on Japan. When it comes to "who do you save?" the most common response is, "our own."

    I'm going to look-up what is going on in West Papua.

    When the USA was "not in Central America", I heard stories from the men coming back about the military operations down there. Very specific "I killed this Indian with my service 9mm and it took the better part of the magazine to bring him down," type of stories.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    "Then again, why is the world ignoring the genocide in West Papua?"

    Honestly Keith most of the world has probably never heard of West Papua. I'm a bit of an info junkie and collect maps and I had to look it up. Civils wars are always the bloodiest wars and when one group keeps trying to split off it becomes the sort of thing where people start to get a "Just kill them ALL and lets be done with this!" attitude. you have basically the same thing in Northern Iraq where the Kurds have been trying to seperate for decades from the rest of the Muslim controlled Iraq. Saddam Hussein got in trouble for gassing them. You have this sort of thing regularly in a half dozen African Nations and sadly I'm afraid that it is just a matter of time before South Africa blows up.

    After a while people get so that this sort of thing is just mostly considered unfixable. Lord knows the US has stuck its nose into this sort of thing a bunch of times and it NEVER turns out well. I will tell you for a fact I'm tired of us sending our troops to countries to fight for someone else's freedom when THEY aren't willing to fight for it or it just isn't a realistic goal. South Vietnam surrendered before we could even get out of the country. Iraq's freedom is totally dependent on Americans being willing to die for them. Why are we STILL in South Korea? We have been fighting useless police actions for my entire life. You can't win a major police action EVER.

    Maybe the people in West Papua need to give it up for a while and try to get along instead of fighting in spurts forever against a stronger foe that is well past sick of their being a problem. I know that a lot of people when they have been fighting a people for a long time develope a feeling that the only good"blank" is a dead "blank". Sadly that is just human nature and has always been true.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I just feel I don't fit into our present society, things were different when I was growing up, people were nicer more friendlier, but these days people are not so nice and in some places downright hostile, just look at the gun and knife crime in London, and that's just one place.
    no, I feel "society" has taken a wrong turn somewhere, somethings gone wrong, maybe its just that there are too many of us now, people haven't got room to breathe especially in the big cities, I always liken them to knocked over anthills, everyone scurrying here there and everywhere.
    its okay for me, I live out in the glorious English countryside, but how long will that last? they are concreting over the green spaces just as quick as they can, how long before there is no countryside left? 50 years? 60 years? wouldn't think its much more.
    TMT Tactical and Keith H. like this.
  23. Ken S LaTrans

    Ken S LaTrans Active Member

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    I had to stop and re-read the "when the police come into our homes to do a firearms check". I can't imagine, or envision that. I live in Arizona which is foremost a "Constitutional Carry State" which means the people have the right as guaranteed by our state constitution to carry a firearm specifically for self defense or any other lawful purpose. When I was a police officer, I assumed everyone with whom I had a contact, was armed. It was no big deal. Yes, you were cautious, but as a cop you were cautious anyway.

    Just the idea of having the right to enter someone's home without warrant or probable cause is just something an American cop can't truly wrap our head around. Thank God for the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights.

    A lot of people think that the police here aren't "for the people" too though. It's sad to say. It's not true for at least the extreme vast majority of cops on the street. Yes, there are the tiny fraction of a percent who shouldn't have badges and I recognize that. the point...I think that anyone who does feel comfortable in society as we now find it has blinders on. There are too many specific incidents and attitudes to list but as a street cop I saw the decline over three decades. At best, we are at a Dystopian Equilibrium where the good guys are holding the bad guys at bay but now many of the bad guys are becoming social icons and heroes within certain segments of society.
    Ystranc likes this.
  24. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

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    As for the first part of your statement where you reply to Keith, I also have a firearm certificate and since I'm in the UK we have very similar firearm laws to Australia. I have only ever had two visits from the police concerning firearms and one of those was just to check through my application form, the other was to introduce my new firearms liaison officer, neither time was intrusive. I guess it's down to the individual police officer and how good (or bad) they are with people.
    The second part of your comment where you describe criminals being idolised by large sections of society is just so true, it's like they have become so disaffected that they've lost all sense of what's right and wrong. They don't care as long as they get what they want. The sorry thing is that those same criminal scum that they idolise so much are just as likely to be preying upon them
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    I don't understand the current culture. I was raised in a different one where honor was massively important. Now the kids look at honor as stupid and seem to almost worship low life criminals and losers. Girls get knocked up before they are even old enough to be women and the males (I refuse to call them men) couldn't care less about their children. We now accept corruption as normal and no big deal from our elected officials. When people become so corrupt that they willingly elect liars and criminals then they no longer deserve freedom and it is just a matter of time before someone will take it from them. Nobody wants to be bothered to raise their kids anymore and families are just a group that flops in the same house most nights. NO, I don't fit in well at all anymore...
    TMT Tactical and Ystranc like this.
  26. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I don't feel I fit into any sort of society, i'm not really a society sort of person, I don't relate to people very well, i'm a loner, a hermit, a recluse, a solitary individual, I prefer my own company and that of birds and animals rather than other people, I love the countryside not the city. its easier for me to communicate on a key board rather than face to face.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

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    Simple answer old Geezer, many of them never got wind of what was happening to them until too late, they saw the warning signs but didn't believe that humans could be so inhuman until it was too late ( inhuman, what a silly word when you actually stop and think about what vicious creatures we are)
    Those that did escape and fight (both men and women) were some of the most dedicated, tenacious and successful partisan resistance fighters of the Second World War.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

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    As for the original question, I fit in wherever I's a knack..... but if I don't like a situation I just leave. Why take part in something that you don't want to if you have a choice?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    For most of my life I've worked the back shifts preferring to avoid working days as much as possible.

    Occasionally I would be sent back to day shift which made me miserable until I could get back to the second or graveyard shift.

    I prefer graveyard shift....more Indians and less chiefs so to speak...but overall ...fewer people and much less traffic going to and fro work. Easier parking too.

    I am not and never have been what people would describe as a social butterfly. That sort of thing has little interest to me.

    I go out and about into society ...get my business done and come back home. Most of my traveling for years now has been via this computer or my Ham Radio.

    Oh...I've been around the lots of interesting places..but like Dorothy and Toto...."There's no place like home!!"

    I do not fit well into society and don't particularly care who approves or not. I am not a crowd person....and never will be.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    TMT Tactical and lonewolf like this.
  30. WarHorse52

    WarHorse52 Expert Member

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    Agree with you 100%! Both parties have the same agenda!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    I find being unarmed without a firearm almost uncomprehendable I suspect a lot of firearms were hidden away instead of submitting to a government like that . I know I would . Then you would need amo also but also storable . I just couldn't see myself submitting to that degree of government Tyranny . I've been told the first step a wanna be dictator does is disarm the people .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  32. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    We already have politicians in the U.S. wanting all firearms registered so they could do something similar and disarm U.S. citizens . Thankfully the U.S. citizens that cherish their freedom are resisting this , stockpiling amo and not registering firearms when they can .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I have thought about this long and hard. To answer the original question: How Comfortable Do You Feel in our Present Society? I do not feel comfortable at all. IMHO the Present Society is completely upside down. This society has no moral values. They do not appear to value the Rule of Law. Facts do not matter. I could go on forever with all of the things I believe are wrong. In the United States it has been getting progressively worse for the past 50 years. It started with Lyndon Johnson who could be considered one of the most, if not the most corrupt President ever. His " Great Society " escalated the Welfare State. It was during his administration that the American people lost faith in the Office of the President.

    Since that time the growth of the Government has been exponential. More and more freedoms have been taken away with smothering regulation and heavy taxation. More people are on welfare and government assistance, which is all part of the Government Master Plan. The more dependent the people are on the Government the more likely those that are running the Government will stay in power. People are not going to vote to cut off their welfare. All of the bureaucrats who work for the Government are not going to vote for reduced Government, and put themselves out of work.

    At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist there is a collusion in this country of Big Government; Big Business; and Big Media. All of them are vying for power. All are more intertwined than they would care to admit. The media gives credence to the absolute BS that comes out of the Government, and brain washes people into believing it. Where do you think a brainless idiot like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez comes from. She is a 29 year old bartender, who was fired from a fast food job for incompetence who is now an expert on foreign relations, international finance, and climate control. Her proposed policies would cost American taxpayers over $40 Trillion. Yes Trillion with a "T'. The estimate comes from the Washington Post, one of the most liberal rags in the country. The entire budget proposed by Trump this year is $4 Trillion. And this is the new voice of the Democratic Party!?!? Harry Truman and John Kennedy are rolling over in their graves.

    Who on this planet that breathes air believes that there are more than two genders? If it has a P$%&k it ain't a Chick. This country isn't perfect. Slavery and treatment of Native Americans is a horrible blight. No one is proud of that. But those people didn't murder innocent children, with malice and forethought, and call it a Choice. Police that are told to stand down, and not arrest looters or ignore civil disobedience. Clergy that molest children, and have the crimes swept under the rug with victims paid off or humiliated. Teachers who are not allowed to teach and have ZERO support from administrations that are afraid of being sued. These are just some hot buttons for me.

    For the past 50 years so many abhorrent behaviors have been accepted under the guise of tolerance and acceptance it has turned the world upside down. I think many people thought when Trump was elected that the pendulum would swing back toward the right or conservative side. It is painfully obvious what a battle this has been.

    I am the first to admit I was born 100 years to late. I am not the least bit comfortable in the present society, and I am happy that I am close to retirement, so I can watch these Millenial idiots kill each other. We will just sit back and say " Told Ya! You wouldn't listen."
  34. Alaskajohn

    Alaskajohn Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I’m afraid the progressives have learned from their loss to Trump and have already achieved critical mass of creating a base of useful idiots in the key battleground states where future national elections will go their way. It’s only a matter of time before they completely rewrite the laws and history. We only have a decade at best before our freedoms are irreversibly lost. Another reason why I’ve already bugged out. But I’ve not stuck my head in the sand and I will adapt and overcome.
    elkhound, TMT Tactical and Keith H. like this.
  35. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    That is why I left the UK, I could have just moved to a different place within the UK, but for me the writing was on the wall. I guess it depends on what is most important to you, for me back then I wanted more freedom. The woodlands & fields of my youth were all gone where I lived, & I could see my future in front of me. Living in a ticky tacky house stuck in a job I didn't like. I would have eventually inherited my parents 18th century farm house, but the circumstances would have remained the same in regards to lost countryside & slaving for the rest of my life for no gain.
    I do not like a lot of things where I am now, but at least I am living off grid in my own forest which is something I would never have been able to achieve in the UK.
    elkhound and TMT Tactical like this.
  36. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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  37. Duncan

    Duncan Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Pretty comfortable in some ways, not so comfortable in others. Certainly societal mores are different and changing fast. Although as on old person I am not used to the concept of multi-sex* or changing-sex lifestyles; living with transvestism, homosexuality, etc. sure is better than when I was a high-school kid where we talked about "beating up queers" and locking people up for being gay. Annoying calls for reparations from people who have never been slaves is certainly less abhorrent than laws against 'miscegenation' or lynching black people.

    I think that one of the problems with both well-meaning liberals and conservatives is that each group thinks that they are the guardians of morality; yet both groups do immoral things. Many conservatives equate being a 'constitutionalist' with defending the second Amendment and calling the free press the "enemy of the people"; while many liberals cheer on an anything-goes lifestyle while trying to take my firearms.

    The biggest discomfort I have with society (American, in my case) is that we have become fragmented to the point where both conservatives and liberals think that they and only they are right, and they're both wrong. Each side wants to support their favorite stuff while demonizing the other guy's stuff, and both support a greedy, nosy, and tyrannical government which wants to steal our wealth and our liberties.

    A murrain take them all!

    *In this case, I tend to be a bit of a purist; "sex" refer to people, "gender" refers to pronouns.
    TMT Tactical and Keith H. like this.
  38. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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  39. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I am not comfortable with the present society. I can blend in (part chameleon DNA) but that is not the same as comfortable. I don't give a rat's Azz about their sexuality until they insist I accept it as normal. I don't want schools teaching social morals, not their job, that belongs to the parents. I don't believe in persecuting any folks but I will also not adapt to their beliefs either. I don't insist other think or believe as I do but I sure as heck will not be forced to accept somebodies else's beliefs either. To me P.C. stands for Political Crap, not correctness. You can be or do what ever you choose to do to yourself, as long as you do not require me to approve, accept or not judge you, based on MY beliefs. I never wanted to go out and beat up queers but I also would not want my children in that life style. I never wanted to persecute minorities but I am proud to be white too. I am not going to hang my head because some whites enslaved blacks.

    I do think this country will face a major economical collapse, due to all the social giveaways and the failure of imposing higher tax rates. Those with money will simply leave and this country will be unable to pay for all the "Free Lunches". If President Trump is reelected, it will only post pone the crisis but will not stop it. Pay as you go cannot compete with FREE EVERYTHING.
    poltiregist likes this.
  40. Sourdough

    Sourdough "eleutheromaniac"

    Blog Posts:
    I fit in perfectly with the society here. "Here" being the key word in that sentence. Here is deep-deep-deep-deep in the seven "Million" acre (28,000 km) Chugach National Forest. There is me and the bears, we have a strange arrangement that seems to work, you could call it a society animals.

    We have only one primary rule, try not to get killed and eaten. There are about 37 or 38 of them, and only one of me, a point that I try to be aware of 24/7/365. The only other rule is they are not allowed inside the cabin.
  41. Alaskajohn

    Alaskajohn Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Speaking of bears, my dog is telling me there is at least one that’s awaken from its slumber in the area. If bears are about it never wanders more than 10 feet from my side and has his nose in the air constantly.
    elkhound and TMT Tactical like this.
  42. Duncan

    Duncan Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I am afraid of bears and will avoid being where they are if possible. I have never hunted them and have no desire to either hunt or eat them. However, if you send me a bearskin rug, I will gladly pose nude for a Cosmopolitan Cover.
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