How much do you want a disaster to take place?

Discussion in 'General Q&A' started by ProNine, May 24, 2016.

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  1. ProNine

    ProNine Member

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    I know this may sound ominous and possibly bad wishful thinking, but are you actually wanting such an event to take place? Personally, if I know I have the materials and skills necessary then I definitely would not mind to see how such an event will play out. However, at the same time, I realize that a lot of people end up being causalities in such devastating events. Nonetheless, what are your thoughts on this?
  2. ukpreppergurl

    ukpreppergurl Member

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    I have absolutely NO desire to see a disaster happen. A lot of preppers/survivalists have a romanticised idea of themselves sitting pretty on their 10-acre homestead, with their own water source, power and tooled up to the max to ride out any eventuality. But I fear the reality would be much different IF a serious 'event' were to take place. I prep for the worst but would never, ever want it to take place. The thought horrifies me.
    Arboreal likes this.
  3. Arboreal

    Arboreal Active Member

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    None at all, and I would put a lot of effort into preventing one, if there was way to foresee and forestall it (not applicable to natural disasters, stuff like earthquakes etc. of course). It's not a healthy approach to wish for your dreams at the cost of all the people who would fall victims, and besides, it's very naive to believe to just because you're better prepared than average Joe, you won't suffer or experience your quality of life declining.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Member

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    I definitely don't want a disaster to happen! But, I prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Even though I'm prepared for a small disaster (a month at most), my family would be completely miserable during that time. We would have to ration food and water, plus we would also be insanely bored... but we would survive.
  5. Endure

    Endure Expert Member

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    Haha If I ever yearn for a disaster to happen only because I desire to make use of my survival skills. Lock me up into an asylum because I went insane. Is really intimidating to ever think about it, given how much the odds can go against you and even a ghastly thought if you think about the possible casualties number.
  6. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    I have no wish's either way!
    I know it will happen, I know it will get worse before it happens and worse still during and after it happens
    I also know it must happen to provide a reset point before it can get better!
    So my opinion is the sooner the better though I would rather it was not needed!
  7. iseeyou

    iseeyou Member

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    No i definitely don't hope for a disaster to happen! That's just insane. No matter how prepared and equipped i think i am, i'm realistic enough to admit that the chance of survival might be slim to none. The real thing is no doubt different from what we've seen in tvs and movies, some might think it's interesting, fun even, to reenact our favorite characters' adventures in the apocalypse shows, but i highly doubt it will be as exciting and fun in the real world.
  8. PracticalToby

    PracticalToby Member

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    Personally , I most certainly don't want a disaster to happen. In a disaster scenario, I suspect that if you haven't already lost all your stashes of food and stuff to bomb/earthquake/flood damage or whatever, your marauding former neighbours or some do-gooder 'making sure everyone has equal shares' (and that might even be me!) will soon take it off you!
    No, from my point of view, being able to take care of yourself and your dependants, family or otherwise, in a practical way, without being entirely dependant upon a modern infrastructure is no bad thing and keeps us just a little more in tune with nature.
  9. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    not wanting it to happen but I am expecting it to happen. i'm not scared of the consequences when it does.
    Keith H. likes this.
  10. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    I have had some experience in a variety of survival situations, each one dangerous, but not long lasting. We have also lived for over 30 years off grid & for over 20 of those years without electricity. Now I find myself living the life that I want & dreamed of as a young lad, but my complete happiness is overshadowed by a totally corrupt government & a corrupt local council. We can not ever become totally self-reliant whilst we a have to pay the local council taxes/rates. Failure to pay these rates, for which we get no services & have not contracted for any services, would result in our eviction from our own property & our property sold.
    The only way I can see to get out from under this threat of total control by the Federal government & continued rates demands from our local council, is for something to happen that will change all that. A TEOTWAWKI situation would answer that need. Having said this I fully realise that for a short time at least, life would be downright dangerous, no doubt about it, & I have family to think about. So though I am in no hurry to bring such a survival situation upon myself, I am at the same time wishing it would happen. I will point out here that we are a large group of family & friends, & we do have the ability to sustain ourselves over a long period of time being totally self-sufficient & self-reliant.
  11. ukpreppergurl

    ukpreppergurl Member

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    Buy some games and a deck of cards to help while away the hours. I have a few board games and numerous packs of cards kicking around the house, just in case!
    Destiny likes this.
  12. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    back a few years ago, we were snowed in for nearly a month, very unusual for this part of the country-our usual weather is rain. no biggie, power stayed on and the water still came out of the tap(faucet), we just couldn't go anywhere. nearly ran out of milk-longlife UHT- but I've increased the stocks since then so no problem.
    Keith H. likes this.
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Member

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    That's a great idea! We keep playing cards in the storm shelter but never end up playing them because we're always too busy keeping track of the storm. I live in Oklahoma so the shelter stays pretty busy this time of the year.
  14. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    You can't beat a good book or some decent DVDs, we have both, but in a major shtf situation, you should not have time to get bored. Too much to be done, constant work, chores, precautions to take, security etc etc.
    lonewolf likes this.
  15. meganisonfire

    meganisonfire New Member

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    A part of me would like to see a disaster play out. I think that it would allow a lot of people to wake up out of their every day routine. At the same time I do not want a disaster to happen. I am deathly afraid of the super volcano that is under yellow stone park. I hear that it is overdo to erupt and when it does erupt the entire world is over with. What a scary thought!
    Keith H. likes this.
  16. John Snort

    John Snort Well-Known Member

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    I'm sure there aren't many people who want to be in survival situations. I've survived a terrorist attack. Would I want something like that on a larger scale? No. Am I prepared for something like that? Almost. But I keep learning and even if something were to happen I guess I'd better be off than many people who know absolutely nothing about survival.
  17. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    most of the population don't even think about survival, if they do they think "it'll never happen" or if it does "the government will save us" so they do nothing.
    if someone chooses not to prepare, that is their decision-one they may regret later on.
    prepping is not so much about wanting something to happen, but being prepared WHEN it does.
    I've said elsewhere...i'd rather be proved wrong than proved right, but I don't think I will be.
  18. crmeche2

    crmeche2 New Member

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    I feel that being prepared for the worst is logical. Wanting the worst to happen is insane. I can test my skills and my readiness through drills and scenarios. I agree with so many others on this thread that survival prepping is about training and readiness to survive in the event of a disaster.
  19. rootle

    rootle New Member

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    I don't want to a disaster to happen at all. The purpose of discussion on this forum for me is more for learning how to deal in the event of such a situation. I don't want the actual situation to happen though. I think even if a disaster were to happen, although you may enjoy it for a while, you'd eventually find it extremely difficult knowing that you wouldn't be able to return to your old life.
  20. Valerie

    Valerie Active Member

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    You know, I'm going to go against the grain here and say that I'm slightly being pulled in both directions. I, for one, think civilization needs a kick in the butt. Not just one nation, one location, or one group of people. Humanity as a whole needs to wake up, and a disaster that encompasses the entire planet would be the ultimate solution. A "weeding," so to speak. Or a rude awakening.

    But if I was true to the above, then I'd be one cold-hearted mother wishing death on everyone...and I certainly don't. The other half of me that is perfectly content living the life I am at the moment. I wouldn't want anything to harm my family or loved ones or strip from me what I've accomplished. People deserve to be happy, not eking out a life and suffering.
  21. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I think society as a whole needs a "kick up the arse(butt)", people have become too complascent, some clearing out of the gene pool is required, and we need to get rid of the welfare mentality.
    Keith H. likes this.
  22. hades_leae

    hades_leae Active Member

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    I don't want one to take place at all. Now in an imaginary scenario, I would love it, like an alternative virtual reality because it's like living in a movie. I know that there are a lot of people like me who watch movies and pretend that we are some of the characters in the movie as a fantasy. When I watched Captain America Civil War, I would've loved to be the Black Panther every time I saw him in action, and then wanted to be Iron Man when I saw him in action, as well as the Hulk in all of the other movies he was in, plus many others.

    I wanted to be Nicholas Cage in NEXT, which was a really good movie, and I also wanted to be living on water like in Water World. There are many situations one would like to live in, but they don't actually want it to be reality. I don't want to live a life where I'm always having to protect my family every second of the day due to dangers like in the movie I Am Legend, I don't want that life. While you may find humor, and fun in living that life, I would never trade it for this life I live now.
  23. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    I do not think about wanting it or not as that is beyond my control!
    But it is coming like it or not!
    Resistance is futile so I am quite prepared to go with the flow to maintain a semblance of control of things around me!
  24. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    I do not & would not find any humour or fun in being in a TEOTWAWKI situation. But when a government is a dictatorship & is totally corrupt, if the people are so weak & apathetic that they refuse to throw that government out, then a major SHTF situation is the only thing that will turn things around.

    No I don't really want this to happen, it would be a bad time for all & many would not survive. But I value my freedom, I value my choice & right to make my own decisions. We no longer have a democracy here, I can't remember when we last had a referendum! There are so many things wrong in this country that I fail to see any other solution.
  25. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I don't think its a question of IF more a case of WHEN, its just a matter of time before something happens.
    I intend to be prepared for when it does.
    Keith H. likes this.
  26. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Zombies don't exist, only in someone imagination, prepare for stuff that is real instead.
  27. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    True, if you survive, you can learn a lot from the experience. However, unless this "zombieism" is caused by something developed by a hostile invading enemy, you are unlikely to encounter any zombies other than the crack heads that already exist in our society today. You may encounter cannibals though, not as dangerous because if they are healthy in body, then you are not likely to get infected, but of course they will kill you & eat you. Regardless, defence is an important issue & should be a part of your preparations. Choose your tools carefully & learn how to use them properly.
  28. Rere

    Rere New Member

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    Personally , I most certainly don't want a disaster to happen. In a disaster scenario, I suspect that if you haven't already lost all your stashes of food and stuff to bomb/earthquake/flood damage or whatever, your marauding former neighbours or some do-gooder 'making sure everyone has equal shares' (and that might even be me!) will soon take it off you!
    No, from my point of view, being able to take care of yourself and your dependants, family or otherwise, in a practical way, without being entirely dependant upon a modern infrastructure is no bad thing and keeps us just a little more in tune with nature.
    Keith H. likes this.
  29. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    I agree Rere, except when it comes to greedy local councils & a corrupt government it makes it hard to be self-reliant. In a shtf situation we are likely to have lawlessness, & we would no longer have to pay rates for things we don't use anyway. Yes we would get raiders, but we have had experience of this before. Raiders can be dealt with, the government can't be dealt with. Our worst enemy is our own government.
  30. kamar19

    kamar19 Member

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    I do not want to see no disaster take place in this Country however through tragedy people tend to come together, not saying disasters are a good thing but seeing unity and communities come together gives me a warm feeling on he inside.
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