Lost in the desert with a camel

Discussion in 'Survival Stories' started by Corzhens, Jun 20, 2016.

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  1. Corzhens

    Corzhens Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    How would you survive if you are on a camel and lost in a desert with no communication and navigation system. All you have is a canteen of water and sunblock lotion.

    Given that data, I would size up the location and try to remember which way is back. Maybe I would stand on the back of the camel to get a good view of the surrounding. And when I see anything aside from sand, I would head to that direction - it can be an oasis or maybe a station or outpost that has personnel to help those who get lost in the desert. And if worse comes to worst, I would be sleeping beside the camel at night for I know it is the safest place in the desert.
  2. Moroccanbeauty2266

    Moroccanbeauty2266 Active Member

    Blog Posts:
    Of course, trying to remember how you even got there in the first place
    would help tremendously. This means you could just turn around and walk as much as you remember your way back.
    On the way I would take lots of small breaks and if possible in places with more shade, for example, under a palm tree.
    Maybe I am lucky and I find a tree that has lots of dates. I would then eat as many as possible because they are rich in vitamins and proteins!
  3. FuZyOn

    FuZyOn Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    That would actually be a pretty bad thing, I would be pretty lost if I was stuck in the middle of the dessert with no directions. I would try to analyze my surroundings and see if I can somehow get to a safe area until the night (nights are really cold in the dessert), otherwise I would make a survival plan for at least a day depending the distance until the nearest point with civilization.
  4. Endure

    Endure Expert Member

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    For as long as 5,000 years, people from the Arabian peninsula have been working and travelling with these creatures, whose hardiness is as legendary as the landscape is unforgiving. As all of you already know, camels can go long periods without eating thanks to their hump, which is filled with fat and can weigh more than 35kg. Perhaps more impressive feat is the camel’s ability to carry on as nothing happenedl even when there is little or nothing to drink.

    While a human can typically survive only for a fewdays without water, for camels the timespan is measured in terms of months, at least in winter. They can lose as many as 25 gallons of water before their condition begins to seriously deteriorate and die. If you're lost in the desert, at least you can count that the camel will be in good shape.
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