No Ny Ins.cost-sharing For Virus Testing

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by Pragmatist, Mar 3, 2020.

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  1. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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  2. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Somebody will pay for the testing. The insurance companies will find a way to pass it along. Remember there is no such thing as a free lunch.
  3. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    It will be cheaper to test and catch it early than to let it go and then have the person land in the hospital. In general, most insurance companies figure this out and make the preventative and early diagnostic tests either fully covered or with a minimal co-pay.

    Insurance companies are nothing more than high-class bookies. they get rich off the margins. They bet that people will pay more than they will need to receive in the long run. They don't place big bets because that exposes them to the possibility of a big loss. If they were to charge too much for their coverage people will stop buying. They charge just slightly more than they spend but they run so many dollars through that even if they only take a tenth of a cent off each Doller that passes through their hands the profits are unimaginably huge. They then take those massive profits and invest them in the safest possible investments and just let that investment grow and GRow and GROW!!! They take the long view on things and investments that mature in decades or centuries have placed them in the background of most big business deals. they will not kill the geese that lay their golden eggs.
    varuna likes this.
  4. F22 Simpilot

    F22 Simpilot Master Survivalist

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    Personally, if the medical insurance company's had any intellect, they wouldn't stifle the people for this testing since if that person does come down with coronavirus the insurance will have to fork out untold amount of dollars, and like a massive act of God such as a fire, flood or hurricane, insurance companies may go belly up if too many people need coronavirus care.

    If the shit really hit the fan, the Fed will have to step in and pay for treatment.

    This whole thing is a major problem, not only from an economic perspective with jobs, the workforce and the stock market, but medically as well.
  5. Overwatch

    Overwatch Expert Member

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