Of All Human Diseases, 60% Originate In Animals – “one Health” Is The Only Way To Keep Antibiotics W

Discussion in 'First Aid and Medicine' started by Keith H., Nov 14, 2018.

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  1. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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  2. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    There is promising news



    I don't know if the above articles cover a new drug I heard something about. Anyway, some big leaps are being made in the way of defeating antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

    The use of antibiotic drugs put into feed for farm animals is a major issue here in the USA. Agri-business I want to see do well / make lots of money. On the other hand, it angers me when they act in reckless ways. The communists are always looking for businesses to make stupid mistakes because the communists want to nationalize all aspects of life. Funny thing, the former USSR couldn't care less about the environment -- the communists raped Mother Nature daily.
    Keith H. likes this.
  3. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    Good post, good info.
  4. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

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    I was under the impression that humans are animals
    but now I see that humans are not animals
    It is sooo good to be enlightened:):rolleyes:o_O
  5. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    this is why we buy all our fresh food in the local market or at a local farm shop, the meat is all traceable back to its source, even the venison we buy is from a deer that has wandered into the farm yard !
  6. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    When younger, we'd go to the country grocer to buy packs of meat. These small stores had a butchery in the back and you'd speak to the butcher and he'd roll out a side or quarter of beef or hog (chains went up to the ceiling that had a heavy-duty runner line/conduit). Telling him the cuts you wanted, he'd saw and wrap your purchase. We'd also go to a rancher who went to our church and pick out the critter to be slaughtered. Say, two or three families would take their needed quarters / cuts from that animal. When people got to where they could afford chest freezers, this really helped in putting back a longer time stretch worth of meat.

    One knew where the critter was raised. The butcher was picky about what he'd buy and from whom. One primary slaughterhouse for our county was two miles from our house and everyone knew the family who owned that business.

    The taste of highly processed meat is very different -- and not in a good way -- from truly fresh meat.

    Urban consumers want convenience. Convenience has its price.

    Side point, but I simply have to say it: For a goodly long time now, people do not keep food in their homes. Twenty, thirty, years ago when our kids were actual kids, they would go to other kids' homes, come back and tell us that there was no food in these people's refrigerators nor had they pantries. The homes were virtually barren of food. I guess it was the classic, "We'll buy it if we need it," or, "Here's you some money; go buy a burger."

    Due to an ice storm this week, we were two days without electricity. This was a supreme inconvenience for this old skeleton of mine, however we had firewood, wax for the can-type candles I make, kerosene for the lanterns, and plenty of food. I must say that having the correct clothing and fine blankets sure helped with one's comfort level. We have this huge down comforter which kept us toasty in bed.

    Note also that when major diseases plagued the land, a very high percentage of people were malnourished and went without proper clothing and shoes. Staying well fed and warm allows one's immune system to fight bacteria -- even the worst of diseases.
  7. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    we still have a butcher like that, all the meat is either raised on their own farm or on farms very close to theirs, the carcass is butchered in the farm shop and you tell them what cuts you want.
  8. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    The food disease thing got me to pondering , my ancestors commonly live into the 90's , I've always presumed it was good genetics . But our life style may play a part , we gather a lot of wild game for consumption . I have slowed down on my hunting and turned most of that over to the younger folks in the group . Been processing deer lately .
    Ystranc likes this.
  9. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    we tend not to buy supermarket meat if we can help it, the mass produced commercial meat is riddled with chemicals and hormones and antibiotics, we buy closer to home and from a source we trust. even eggs we buy from someone who only has a few in a back yard and supplements their pension not some big supplier with hundreds and thousands in big barns.
    Ystranc likes this.
  10. arctic bill

    arctic bill Master Survivalist

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    This is how i see it.
    diseases keeps us strong by riding us of the weaker people . rightnow the world is overpopulated because we have these wonder drugs that can cures all problems allowing people that are not as fit to multiply.
    that being said at one point we will run out of effective drugs and the weaker will start to die off as they should.
    pretty severe i know but this is how i see it.

    Ystranc likes this.
  11. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    The problem with the way food is produced these days is that nobody wants to starve to death. If you tried to feed the population with no chemicals and no effort to genetically alter the plants and animals to be more productive about half of the people would need to die IMMEDIATELY. Have you ever looked at a domestic turkey and then at a wild turkey. What you are seeing is genetic modification of a species. Corn was originally a grass with tiny seed pods. Go out in any wild area and try to find some peas, beans or squash. They are all domestic plants and only exist because we modified them and now they are dependent on us for their survival. If we turned all the chickens out into the woods how many do you think would be around a year later?

    Bacteria and Viruses adapt. They have a generation every few days so their ability to change is FAST. We get sicknesses from animals but then they also catch our illnesses. Mankind is a part of the biosphere and trying to pretend that we are some how separate is silly. Nature treats us all equally. When a volcano erupts it kills people just as fast as it does any of the other critters. Part of the problem today is that people refuse to face the reality that nature isn't impressed with us. The fires in California right now are a direct result of people refusing to face the fact that if you let brush grow right up against your home WHEN a fire starts it will burn. We have controlled burns here in Texas that mostly prevent fires from getting to places where a lot of people live.

    A LOT of people these days just can't fathom that nature can and will bite them in the butt if they don't act any smarter than the animals. WHEN another big hurricane hits New Orleans a lot of people are going to die. They just can't understand that building your home in a hole that is 12 feet below sea level on the Gulf coast is insane. Best of all after they were drowned by Katrina the government HELPED them rebuild in their holes.

    Slowly people are just getting dumber and dumber and in the end result we will not survive as a species any better than the monkeys...possibly no better than our chickens. Man has become a domestic animal with very few of the skills needed to survive in the "wild".
    Ystranc likes this.
  12. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    how true that is, most people do not have any skills apart from the one they earn their living by, anything outside that is unknown to them, they just get someone in to do the work, they wont be able to do that post SHTF, if they or their group if they have one cant do it then it dosent get done, and that could be fatal.
    human being these days are so specialised and if they cant adapt they wont make it.
    Ystranc likes this.
  13. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    In the past it was our adaptability that has made us the most successful species of this epoch. Most people are not very adaptable anymore.
    Ystranc likes this.
  14. arctic bill

    arctic bill Master Survivalist

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    tex wrote (adaptability that has made us the most successful ) and i couldn't agree more . i worked up on baffin island and the inuit lived in harmony with a very severe location. there were no trees, not much vegetation that you could eat . but they lived in igloos, built kayaks out of skin and bones, and hunted and fished . so yes you can say we are very adaptable.
    Ystranc likes this.
  15. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    humans are getting very lazy, a lot of the "first nations" are breeding out their adaptability, a lot of the children don't want to learn the old skills but want to go and earn big bucks in the cities, when the seniors die these skills will die with them.
    Ystranc likes this.
  16. arctic bill

    arctic bill Master Survivalist

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    agreed. One of the things i saw up in the arctic, was that children would be taken away from their parents and sent to a white man school, to learn white man's ways. but to live in the north old way you need your father to teach 15 years of wood craft. today most kids lack that woods craft knowledge that i fear is just going to the grave with the elders.
    Ystranc likes this.
  17. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    there was a programme on tv not long ago, a tribe-I think it was South America somewhere, they trekked 15 days through the jungle to get to a trading post to buy a box of matches, they had lost the skill of making fire, during the programme they were retaught this skill, by a white man!!
    Ystranc likes this.
  18. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

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    There was a similar program where Ray Mears taught a Maori group of families how to use a fire plough to create fire. It was a traditional Maori skill that had been lost. There is now much more of a movement towards embracing 1st nation heritage and skills rather than a failed policy of forcefully re-educating their younger generations in an effort to absorb them into our industrialised western culture.
  19. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    A survival skill mostly lost today is preserving meat . Most have read or watched a video on meat preservation but have never done it without modern conveniences such as electricity or propane . Using a wood fire in a log and stone walk in smoke house I occasionally preserve meat , partly for practice for an apocalyptic situation . Perhaps I am using too much salt on the salt curing method , sure wish my grandfather was still alive to coach me on this method . The jerky is really good , requires no salt , and is my preferred method . I almost always use wild game in the smoke house , no chemical additives in this meat .
  20. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

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    People are still adaptable! most have adapted to the modern world!
    there are still some who refuse to adapt and cling to the old ways
    they wont adapt to this world so I see little chance they will adapt to what comes next!:(
  21. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    If the world truly goes down the tubes it will probably be repopulated by the people that are not at all dependent on "modern" technology. What effect will a truly massive EMP have on those people living in the Amazon forests or the African jungles or the people already living in the outback of Australia or the Western parts of the US in the Native American reservations. I can assure you that the swamp Cajuns couldn't care less about a lot of the things that we things are necessities.

    We need to leave those people alone. They may be all that will preserve us in a worst case scenario. Think of them like the Animals that live in the various sanctuaries.
  22. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    WHEN the world goes down the pan the survivors wont be IT consultants and games technicians, it will be people who can breed and grow their own food.
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