Pepper Cultivation

Discussion in 'Farming and Gardening' started by iamawriter, May 24, 2017.

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  1. iamawriter

    iamawriter Well-Known Member

    Blog Posts:
    Pepper is an essential condiment. It grows on vines which take the help of coconut or areca nut trees to cling on to .
    They get their nourishment when areca or coconuts trees get theirs and therefore pepper is one of the cheapest condiments that can be produced.
    Once the pepper starts to ripen the pods are removed and the pepper separated. It is then dried in the sun for several days until pepper is free from moisture and acquires a black colour.

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  2. Vinaya

    Vinaya Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    I love the taste of pepper. I use it on various dishes. They say pepper is not good for people with anemia beause it drys blood, how true is this I don't know.
    I have a vegetable patch where I grow various vegetables and spices, however, I have never taken to growing peppers.
  3. Vinaya

    Vinaya Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    I love the taste of pepper. I use it on various dishes. They say pepper is not good for people with anemia beause it drys blood, how true is this I don't know.
    I have a vegetable patch where I grow various vegetables and spices, however, I have never taken to growing peppers.
  4. iamawriter

    iamawriter Well-Known Member

    Blog Posts:
    Pepper needs something to cling on to. Even a wall will do. I have it all over. It clings on my compound wall, on the coconut and areca trees. Pepper is easy to grow. I take it as a secondary crop in that when I feed my coconut and areca it gets nourished too.
  5. overcast

    overcast Member

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    I think it should be possible to grow the pepper in the container. And that can be more than enough for the space. Though It'd be favorable if you can put the plantation in the garden, that would be lot better I am assuming. It is also possible that pepper may be planted in any specific season? or you can plant it in anytime? I have to learn this I guess.
  6. streettallest

    streettallest New Member

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    I dont think any meal will be complete without pepper. expecially in my culture. thats why we have some of the best varieties that are even exported to Europe.
    But pepper comes in alot of varieties and serves different purposes.
  7. PedroP

    PedroP Active Member

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    Oh, i love pepper. I used to consume it daily with every meal and of the strongest varieties also. But about a year ago I started having some stomach problems due to this and drinking too much coffee so I reduced my intake drastically. But I still love it just consume it with moderation. Still, where are you from man?
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