Questions on ethics and morals?

Discussion in 'Mental Preparedness' started by ProNine, May 23, 2016.

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  1. Neiltarquin

    Neiltarquin Member

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    I dont like bullies, swindler and people who would take advantage of the weak. So as much as i can, i will help people and will definitely avoid to be the bad guy.
    Lee CT NE likes this.
  2. PriscillaKing

    PriscillaKing Expert Member

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    Before the rest of the world gets ticked off...the U.S. is a huge country and does a huge amount, but sometimes we don't see a lot of what's going on elsewhere.

    The rest of the *English-speaking* world isn't far behind us, considering the populations of the other English-speaking countries. We're bigger, not necessarily better. The socialist European and Asian countries have put up what seemed like honest efforts to help poorer countries, too, before their economies collapsed.

    I was thinking about this yesterday. Not much on war stories, I only just got around to reading Stephen Ambrose's "D-Day"--and it hit me suddenly that none of my school history books ever mentioned Canadian troops being right there with us. And *only* at a church school, not at a public school, was I taught about Australia and New Zealand joining our efforts against Japan. It's like people want to think that, oh well, maybe the U.K. recognized that Germany was our enemy first and was (in their minds our only?) real Ally, but basically what happened in the 1940s was that the U.S. beat Germany...and some even prefer to forget the Pacific theatre, though that was where my neighborhood's Local War Hero served...

    Information collapses. Details get lost. I try not to post about international relations at all.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2017
    Lee CT NE likes this.
  3. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    Juno Beach - The Canadians On D-Day
    On D-Day, June 6, 1944, “Operation Overlord”, the long-awaited invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe, began with Allied armies from the U.S., Britain and Canada landing on the coast of Normandy. On D-Day, the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division landed on Juno Beach.

    Canada made HUGE contributions to WWII.
    Canadian troops used U.S. equipment.
    No nation could match U.S. industrial
    Lee CT NE likes this.
  4. GS AutoTech

    GS AutoTech Expert Member

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    I trust very few people. I've seen enough ugly in my life to know most ppl can't be trusted.
    In survival, your number one responsibility is to survive. Protect yourself & your family.
    It's not immoral to survive. It's not immoral to dispatch a thug or looter who trespasses your person or property.
    I hold myself to my own high standards of honesty & morality in my everyday life. I'm also honest when I say I will not hesitate taking any action required to protect myself & my family. I will act, not blink & not regret.
    lonewolf, Lee CT NE and Keith H. like this.
  5. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    A good moral persons safety can be put at risk by that person doing what comes naturally, trying to help someone. Devious cruel people will use this trait to lure you to your death. A person lying in the road or pleading for help. A person that appears to be alone but is not alone. A child for instance will be a real draw card, remember Vietnam?! It will be very hard for some people, & you can either choose to pass on by, or you can do your best to suss out the situation as to whether or not you consider it safe to stop & help. If you are alone this makes the situation harder & more dangerous. If the person in need of help can move, call them to you, DO NOT go to them. Treat them as dangerous & frisk them with them on the ground, arms spread. If you are going to take this risk, use every precaution. If they refuse to comply, then obviously you leave & you may assume this is in fact a trap.
    GS AutoTech and Lee CT NE like this.
  6. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    In hard times, you'll be hard pressed to even be able to help blood kin who have proven themselves extraordinarily responsible in times past when some other testing event presented itself.

    In times of panic, just count on good guys being perceived as victims by those who have lost their humanity (if they ever possessed a soul in the first place). This is particularly true in urban areas; however, don't think that just because people live in the countryside, they are going to behave like "the salt of the Earth." No, no, no. Man oh man, have I ever run up against some rural monsters!

    Want to hear the sound of an emotion grenade having its pin pulled? Well here we go, "Mommy, I'm hungry!"
    GS AutoTech, Lee CT NE and Keith H. like this.
  7. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I will be willing to help those that are helping themselves but have no use for beggars. Even those that I help though will be watched close and killed in a flash if they try to screw with me or mine. There are no second chances in survival. I don't want an enemy out there mad because he got caught and thrown out. I will bury mt mistakes. I have one neighbor that will be on thin ice from day one. He is a user and lazy. I won't feed him and if he crosses me he won't do it twice.
    Lee CT NE likes this.
  8. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    trust no one and you wont be surprised when they let you down, think everyone is good and you wont live the day out.
    in a SHTF situation everyone will be out for what they can get, don't let your guard down for even a second.
    Keith H. and Lee CT NE like this.
  9. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    Unfortunately I learnt the hard way! Now I am a hard case.
    Lee CT NE likes this.
  10. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    i learned a long time ago by personal experience not to trust other people, now I prefer animals to people, animals don't let us down like people do.
    Keith H. likes this.
  11. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    depends on the survival rate, most estimates put the mortality rate at around 90% so you could go a long while post event before you even see another person much less have to interact with them.
    Lee CT NE likes this.
  12. omegaman

    omegaman Expert Member

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    I would do whatever necessary.
  13. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Just like many wars, how do people die? Bullets and bombs? History teaches that it is disease. Dysentery disses dynamite. Malaria trumps Mausers.

    If Puerto Rico and other Caribbean island nations don't get their act together, gastrointestinal disease will kill FAR more people down there than did the fury of the hurricane.

    Remember that using proper water purification techniques is your #1 life preservation responsibility to your family. A firearm is of little use when you are dying of dehydration.

    During WWII, the better part of my dad's company was put out of action. Buzz bombs? Nope, the mess hall crew did not properly wash and rinse the kitchen pots, pans, and utensils. Another time, he contracted Hep A from tainted water supplies.
    Lee CT NE likes this.
  14. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Famine and plague have always been the big killers that follow into every war. As people begin to starve their immune systems weaken and the next thing you know people are dying all over the place. Typhoid, Dysentery and just plain infections become killers. In Puerto Rico the crops will rot in the fields and most of the food we send will spoil before it can be distributed. Before you can receive help you have to be ready to help yourself.
    Lee CT NE likes this.
  15. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I keep telling them on my British forum that disease will kill more people than violence ever will, poor sanitation, poor hygiene, drinking bad water, food not cooked properly, that will all kill them post event.
    Lee CT NE likes this.
  16. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I've run into that wall myself. People just can't understand that when the water stops so does the sewage and when people start throwing human waste in the streets the fuse on a time bomb is lit and if you are still there when it goes off it will be too late to leave. Those that do leave are going to quickly find themselves VERY unwelcome anywhere. They will be seen a a plague both in the sense of coming in and eating everything there is in a small town and even more when the people in those small towns realize that they are CARRIERS of disease from the filth of the dying big cities. Without antibiotics diseases that now are minor will become killers.

    Check out this partial list of diseases that result from contact with raw sewage...

    To this you can also expect Typhoid, Diphtheria and possibly things like Small Pox that in our sanitary world are thought to be gone but they aren't extinct and once they get a toehold they will spread like wildfire. Even the plain old bubonic plague occasionally pops up even in the US.
    Understand this while they estimate that 90% of the people may the same time the rats will THRIVE and be everywhere in a short time. The insect population will flourish. Dogs will be everywhere and not all of them will be nice and a lot of them will become rabid. All of the various living things that for millennia were carriers for horrible diseases have been kept down by human actions. Without us they will rebound with a vengeance and bring their illnesses with them. If you live in warm areas mosquitoes will be more than just pests. They will return to carrying malaria and all sorts of other ugly gifts for people...guns aren't going to help much for diseases.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2017
    Lee CT NE likes this.
  17. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    dogs will all go feral after SHTF, there are 10 million dogs in the UK, not sure how many cats I don't think anyone's ever counted them!
    they say here you are never more than 3 ft from a rat, they saw plenty recently in Birmingham when there was a refuse strike and the streets were full of garbage.
    Lee CT NE likes this.
  18. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Most dogs won't outlive their masters by long fortunately. As they were bred into their many shapes and sizes they became weaker and in many cases dumber. They will starve and also be eaten alive by parasites. The problem is that those that do survive are going to be a real problem. Most wolves have a natural inclination to avoid people. Thousands and thousands of years of people killing wolves that didn't has made the survivors in most places pretty shy creatures. Feral dogs will have no basic fear of people and many that will survive have been actually bred to be more aggressive and violent than wolves.
    Lee CT NE likes this.
  19. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I'm not sure how much of a problem roaming dogs will be post event, they have feral dogs and cats in places like Crete and they cull/shoot them once a year to keep the numbers down.
    Lee CT NE likes this.
  20. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    We used to have to do that where I lived. People (LOW LIFES) like to dump their dogs out in the country. After a while they just have to be killed. I can't imagine what it would be like if there were hundreds of thousands of them in a city without power, water or food. Who wants to waste their ammo on dogs? Also People where I live like BIG dogs. Lots of Pit Bulls, Cow dogs, Shepherds, Rottweilers and Dobermans. For years I had HUGE Malamute Huskys that were over a 100 pounds. LOL, now I have a Yorkshire Terrier and a Rat Terrier. That Yorkie thinks she is the BADDEST of the BAD!!!

    Actually I have a use for all those dogs. They are like pigs and will happily eat my scraps and left overs and I will in turn happily eat them. Puppies are a lot nicer to have around than chickens!! I've raised and butchered all manner of other critters I don't think dogs would be any different. Pigs get so big and hard to deal with unless you have a bunch of people to feed. Pot Belly pet pigs are another thing that I will take in feed breed and eat.

    A lot of Americans freak out at the thought of eating dogs or horses. That is one moral belief that I will have no problem setting aside.
  21. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Glad to see topic of feral dogs brought up. In many states, feral dogs kill more deer than due human hunters.

    Most domestic dogs die if dumped in the wild ... but not all. In my home state, feral dog packs are a BIG problem. Back in the sixties when I was a youngin', a cop when I asked him what to do about some local feral dogs told me to just shoot them.

    Feral dogs are often things that have reverted to what wolf genes they still possess, which is to say that they are meaner than hell. If you hear them when out in the wild, climb a tree and shoot down on them if they get near. If a deer hunter in my state knows he isn't going to get a deer on a certain day and he sees dogs, he'll shoot what he can. A friend of mine's brother'n'law had a regular job, but used to get paid by farmers for killing dogs that were attacking livestock.

    A 30-30 will just about tear a rather large dog in half (shoulder, using 150 grainers) according to him. A .22 mag will take out 40 pounders and less. I friend of mine was out biking with friends, one a cop. Some guy sets his mean dog on them and the cop busts it with a .357 -- killed it instantly. Got other stories. A .22 rimfire isn't humane -- my dad would shoot dogs in the lungs so that they would go off and die somewhere else. Dad had a mean streak in him; he liked many people less than dogs.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2017
  22. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    I think that most people that live in rural areas have had this problem at some point. These dogs will run down livestock and then not know how to make the kill or eat it if it dies. They will just chase them because they run. Once they go full out feral they are a lot more dangerous than a wolf pack and have no fear of people. We usually used the lighter powered rifles like .243, .223 and such and shot them from the tops of the hills at long distances. The "varmint" type guns with powerful scopes work well on coyotes and dogs. At 400 yards if you can drop them clean you can often kill several out of a pack before they realize what is going on.

    I've seen a small pack of dogs kill 25 or 30 chickens and not eat a single one. And after you've had to put down a calf that a pack had run down and chewed the nose and ears off of you lose you sympathy for them. A wolf kills to eat. A feral dog kills for fun or at least that is what it looks like.
    Old Geezer likes this.
  23. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    at this time we don't have a problem with stray dogs in the UK, okay there may be the odd ones in a city but they aren't really a problem and I haven't seen any stray dogs since I left the city nearly 20 years ago. dogs are expensive to buy here so most are not going to let theirs stray, the odd ones get dumped when they have had enough of them but they get picked up fairly quickly and taken to the animal rescue centres where they are rehomed.
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