Reader's Digest On "doomsday Preppers"

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by Pragmatist, Apr 4, 2020.

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  1. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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  2. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    once this pandemic is over how many will remember these tips? very few I think.
  3. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

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    I completely agree. Once the crisis has passed 99% will revert back to their previous lifestyle. Very few will come over to our side.

    Whether it is fair or not I will put some of the blame on the media. You would think that Preppers would get some modicum of respect for planning ahead. Au contraire. We have gone from tin foil hat wearing lunatics to selfish hoarders. I have no patience with it, and will not even try. I will continue to be the ant.
  4. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    at one time post WW2 everyone planned ahead, you had to or went without, most had a larder and many grew their own food, my father did as many of my friends fathers did.
    these days people have become lazy, I can count on the fingers of one hand people who grow their own food-even in a rural area like this, reliance has been put on the supermarkets, and very few people even know about the "just in time" delivery system that supermarkets( and most other shops) employ today.
    we still have the "it'll never happen" philosophy even whilst Covid-19 is still amongst us.
  5. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I'm with those who predict that precious few will learn from this mini-plague (I could die of it, but then my health is such that it no longer takes some crashing boulder to kill me; can't run a nation wringing your hands about people in my circumstance).

    The "precious few" who do learn are indeed precious. In America we have 300 million people. One or two million are a blip, however if only a few million learn to get up off their butts and begin thinking ahead, then there's some blue sky in that. Such would be the strengthening of any nation.

    There are strong people, then there are lemmings.

    One of my take-aways from this time is how the cities and Leftist states blamed the federal government for not protecting them as sufficiently as they expected. They behaved as children. Urbanites did not look to themselves for strength. They bleated, "We are weak, you are strong, you must protect us." This makes me want to puke. As much as one hates these people, seems there is even more reason to respect them even less.

    Did everybody notice how the masses were shocked that we had a plague (a mini-plague at that)?! Why would anyone be shocked? I mean, isn't that just sad. All around our planet, we witness horrors, some caused by humans themselves, others brought about by geophysical events. "Oh, that only happens somewhere else." I have heard people say those words. And, "It can't happen here." Then something happens and they soil their pants.

    Obviously, the lives of the masses hasn't prepared them for any national emergency. And in the suburbs this phenomenon is multiplied multi-fold. Our suspicions were confirmed, they are prepared for nothing.

    Here in Heartland America, people are going on about their business. I wear gloves, I see others wearing gloves, and occasionally see people wearing masks. I do not think such is overkill, indeed wouldn't it be wise to be a bit more cautious during ANY flu season. During this covid thingy, people have somehow conveniently forgotten about the flu, which kills tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands some years.

    The Left has made the most of this contagion using their 5th column press to spread panic when zero panic was warranted. The collectivists have shown their @$$e$.

    The strong will simply endure and then better their preparedness for the next hideous misfortune this world brings in wave after wave.
  6. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Yeah..but how about those Kardashians...or ESPN.??

    Excellent post Olde Geezer...excellent..well said..well said.

    Today I brought in more canned foods to put in the lockers I have cleaned out for just this purpose. Have sterno stove and pans...bowls if need be...knives, forks , and spoons.....but for now ...microwaves are available if power is available.

    I now have two such lockers and also another locker wherein is my communication equipment consisting of a shortwave set with single side band capabilities and a two meter/440 MHZ amateur radio walkie talkie and spare battery.

    Which reminds me ...I need to bring two spare batteries from here at home and swap them out ...bringing the olde ones back here to be charged.

    Something is telling me to keep and update these stocks and supplies before the election arrives. Just an instinct.....just in case..the two legged wildlife runs amok.....prior to election day.

    Not an Ishmaelite
    Last edited: May 13, 2020
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Ahhhh, the election. For the past 2+ years, I've given thought to how the November 2020 U.S. elections would go. All manner of bad blood building in good times. Now, witness how this c19 thingy has given the MSM all manner of ammunition with which it has further divided this nation. The collectivist mistakenly believe that given misfortune, more folk will be forced to lick the boots of Big Brother (the King of Canada took a shooting event as an opening to ban more firearms). What is not understood by the collectivists is that people who are adults and thus more self-sufficient, see the supremely undesired meddling of state governments into their daily affairs and their essential need to hold a job as being overt aggression. Thus we see people amassing on the steps of state capitals. The Virginia governor was delighted that he could use the covid virus as an excuse to keep Patriots off his steps when he went about making certain firearms illegal to own. Such governors scream, "You serfs WILL submit!!!

    But it's not going well. Instead of growing submission, we are seeing growing ANGER. November 2020 approaches. The rhetoric gets hotter. Collectivists panic and demand that mail-in ballots be printed with a fury -- else, how can they cheat themselves into office!

    November 2020, gonna be a'whole lotta shakin' goin' on!

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Can you feel the Earth shake? I can.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Olde Geezer and other members..

    I was not raised with a whole lot of Drama in my life....per se..

    I was not raised in front of a television set though I have one.

    I was not raised with Phil Donahue or Jerry Springer to where I think this kind of Voyeurism is the norm in life....watching other peoples problems from the safety of the TV a spectator sport.

    I find this kind of Voyeurism for ratings to be disgusting.

    And to me this is precisely what has become of our news media in shilling for various political party platforms....

    The division and or merchandizing of the American people....ala...the template of Phil Donahue or Jerry Springer.

    This is one reason I am often want to describe so many Americans as having a television and or movie education....

    Not for me thanks.

    But to me politics and the media in bed with them in an incestuous relationship is become exactly that ...Phil Donahue and or Jerry Springer and hell bent on dragging America thorough that Voyeuristic mill....or grape press.

    The real term I am want to use in describing this kind of "Non Slick Merchandizing of the American Soul" is "Whoredom."

    I am not into that kind of merchandizing or "Whoredom."

    You members choose for yourselves.

    I am just not interested in taking care of my private business and before I do...I have to view and or take into consideration someones …… oriention…..,gender beliefs/baggage. and or any other lead weight someone wants to politically, socially, or economically they desire to burden me onto my back to carry around before taking care of my private business.

    I do not want to view the world through someone else's prism ...they are want to burden onto me.

    I will choose my own thoughts and views.

    You members choose for yourselves....decide for yourselves...that is your very right as an American.

    Just be aware of what I am describing as someone wanting to put on your back in lieu of your private business...and for you to carry around for them ….and for free.

    As an American you do not need to be carrying around this extra Ishmaelite burden...for someone else.

    Don't let them con you...particularly between now and the are going to be seeing much much more of these Ishmaelites trying to burden you with guilt and being an American and exercising your Rights as an American.

    They are dividers...not uniters…….and in this they are con men....the media in particular.

    Last night in particular...during some slack time ..I listened to Alex Jones and also Mark Levin on my shortwave radio....

    Both of them were blasting the media in shilling for the body politic.....and it needed to be done....

    Serious L used here.....needs to be put on the media …..between now and the election....Serious Light.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    TMT Tactical likes this.
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