Scientists Prove Man-made Global Warming Is A Hoax

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by TMT Tactical, Apr 9, 2019.

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  1. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The climate change situation is a multi-faceted problem which is, in itself, part of the problem. One has to look at what we know of the Earth's history to see that, and facts and figures abound on the issue - for example when Tyrannosaurus Rex lived there was 40% more CO2 in the atmosphere. The thing is that knowing that is not really much use. Where we are now is at the relative start of a science that is working hard to catch up with earlier events - to put this into perspective Robert Fitzroy (he who captained the Beagle for Darwin's trip that led to the writing of "Origin of Species") was the first person to accurately record and theorise about the planet's wind, that was in 1850, so only 170 years ago, but the planet is many billions of years old. In addition to the parvenue status of climate science there are also a great many external effects that we do not yet understand, such as the planet's position within the solar system suggesting that we should be glacial, i.e, in a permanent form of ice age. In terms of Astronomy that is described as Interglacial. That state means that the planet has regular ice ages interspersed with warmer intervals (The Milankovic Effect). It is, therefore, quite plausible to theorise that climate change is merely part of that effect. Scientists do know that what we call "greenhouse gases" act as a form of heat reflector and radiate warmth back to the planet, we know that if the polar ice melts we lose its reflective capacity (the Albedo Effect) and the planet will warm exponentially, And so it goes on - the science is very young with so much to learn.

    Having said all that we simply cannot carry on using the planet as if it has infinite resources and it is our personal litter bin. The earth's resources will run out and even if TS does not HTF we are comprehensively screwed if we do not change way we live. Add to that the micro plastics that seem to have infiltrated even our food chain something must be done. But, as mentioned earlier in the thread no matter what we do in the western world if China and India continue as they are our efforts will be to no avail. Effectively our emergence from being extremely polluting into something marginally cleaner has only arisen out of our now buying stuff from the east and moving the polluting to there, so not really a great plan for global survival.

    I suppose we have each be mindful of our own views and if we feel the climate change is manmade, or at least exacerbate by man (which is my view) we might, perhaps, consider cleaning our own personal act up, but we are all different and have different ideals, beliefs on thoughts on this and many other issues. As they say - it is the business of the future to be dangerous.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Personally I think the Industrial Revolution has a lot to answer for, all those polluting factories, plus the explosion in air travel and car ownership hasnt helped, plus all the "slash and burn" actions of the 3rd world farmers and ranchers.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  3. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

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    The industrial revolution is, in a way, continuing as China and India modernise.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    yes their industrial revolution came much later than the UK's.
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  5. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    China isn't going to stop burning coal until they 100% retrofit everything else to nuclear. And they like nuclear, because they get bomb-grade plutonium out of it (for fission type nuclear bombs). With plutonium, you can also make lots of dirty bombs.

    "China boosts coal output, eases Australia ban to bolster energy security"

    "SINGAPORE, Jan 9 (Reuters) - The increasing need to secure energy supplies after easing COVID-19 restrictions has pushed China to gradually resume Australian coal imports and urge domestic miners to boost their already record output.

    "The lifting of the unofficial ban on Australian coal imports, which were halted in 2020 in a fit of Chinese pique over questions on COVID's origins, is the clearest sign yet of the renewed ties between them.

    "The resumption is also a reminder of their economic interdependence as Australia's raw materials play a crucial role in fuelling the export-oriented economy of China, the world's biggest coal consumer and producer."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    China has little choice but to burn coal, they seem to the west and we have a salacious greed for their cheaper priced goods. They have a huge nuclear power station programme going on.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    the UK politicians have allowed over the years the manufacturing base in this country to wither and die, and to buy stuff cheaper from abroad, that may make good business sense but its very short sighted if we ever had to be self sufficient in a war situation which is becoming more likely as things develop over time.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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