Terrace Garden

Discussion in 'Gardening, Plant Propegation, & Farming' started by iamawriter, May 16, 2017.

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  1. iamawriter

    iamawriter Well-Known Member

    Blog Posts:
    The joy of designing my own home cannot be described in words. Looking at my creation gives me satisfaction every moment of the day.
    Ours is a concrete house with a concrete ceiling. Leaving the ceiling bare would mean heating up that which lies below.
    While constructing thouse I told my engineer to have a ceiling a bit thicker than normal as I had plans to grow a lawn that would have to hold the soil mixture.
    A rexin sheet was spread and after a layer of sand and brick pieces a 4" thick layer of rich soil was spread. The lawn grass was then planted.
    It is now over 20 years and the lawn is growing well. I do not replant as just breaking it and spreading a layer of soil over it will help it give out new shoots.
    terrace lawn.jpg
    Old Geezer likes this.
  2. Vinaya

    Vinaya Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    Wow, your terrace lawn looks wonderful. I have seen many terrace garden, however, I have never seen a lawn on the terrace. They say gardeing on the terrace will weaken your roof. However, you say you built your
    terrace lawn 20 years ago and still looking fine. This means if you make your roof extra thick and use rexin sheet on the base, your tarrecelawn will be fine. I have potted plants in my terracem but never considered gardening in terrace.
  3. iamawriter

    iamawriter Well-Known Member

    Blog Posts:
    One should plan when the house is being built and that is what I did. Our slab was half inch thicker and had a 2"slope for water to drain. The pipes leading to the ground are 4" in diameter and as I have said with all the treatment given to the surface of the slab before planting the lawn there will be no leakage.
  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    As to terracing, if one lives in the hills, he'll she'll learn the art. My mom's parents were put to it and became masters thereof. I'm standing there now in Spirit.

    Before my grandfather died, he came to me in a dream. He handed me his tan jacket, and said, "You'll need this." I was taking my grandmother to the funeral home, she went back inside their home, came out with my grandfather's tan jacket and said, "I may need this."
  5. iamawriter

    iamawriter Well-Known Member

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    I am not quite sure how living in the hills will help anyone have a state of the art terrace garden. May be they had their own talent not because they lived in the hills. Probably they did what I did anyway. I am happy that my terrace garden does not leak and cools the area down.
  6. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    When the hills are sufficiently steep, a critter's legs will grown longer on one side.
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