The End Of The World Is Coming?

Discussion in 'The Apocalypse' started by lonewolf, Nov 30, 2021.

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  1. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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  2. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

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    Well, he does still live with his mum and dad, and they seem (from he article) to be unable to move, so I'm not sure why the Sun felt it was a story.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I imagine because of what he said about the end of the world.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Humans are advanced roaches. Couldn't get rid of them even if you tried.

    The people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki built back even though many had been exposed to far too much radiation. One young man got radiation burns from being in the first city hit, then he traveled (without having recovered) to the second city nuked, so he got even more radiation burns and internal organ damage (systemic radiation poisoning). That nuked young man lived to be around 90 years of age.

    Ten percent or a bit less survive Ebola. Milkmaids who'd contracted cowpox survived or didn't even get smallpox.

    There was a reason that early humans formed a symbiotic relationship with wolves. The humans weren't far removed from the wolves in the realm of savagery.

    The wimpy humans who are omnipresent on Earth today will get Darwinized. Mother Nature is one merciless monster, simultaneously beautiful and rapacious.

    Seven years to an apocalypse of some sort, hmmmm ...... I'd put that happening a bit sooner. Long before seven years rolls around, there will come horrific wars that will see weapons of mass destruction being used.

    Tick, tick, tick, ...........

    Last edited: Dec 2, 2021
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I can't even remember how many the sky is falling end of the word predictions I've survived. It seems that every 5 to 8 years some dumbash starts it up again. the ones that I like best are the holy rollers. They predict the end of the world and then tell people that unless they want to go to hell they had better give them money to pray for their forgivness. If the world is going to end you don't need money!!!

    The world will most likely end in the next ten to fifteen years. I'm getting old and am going to die and you all may well be nothing but figments of my imagination and go POOF when I'm nolonger around to imagine you!!!
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  6. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    all civilisations end at some point, many have in the past and so will this one, we are not exempt, its just a matter of WHEN not if.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  7. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    The higher a civilization rises the further it will fall when it collapses. Take the US for example. We can't fall back to a civilization like we had in the late 1800s. We will fall a lot farther than that simply because we don't have the necessary things that they had back then to keep even that level of civilization. There are not nearly enough animals trained to harness to go back to nonmechanical farming. We will fall back to basically the hunter gatherer level. If you try to farm you will be robbed of your crops and probably killed for your efforts.

    Human powered farming is almost an every man for himself operation. I live in rural Texas, and we have a lot of horses, millions of cattle and hogs running wild already BUT the horses are pleasure horses untrained to harness. There aren’t any harness makers so even if you have an animal you will still be limited in the use you can put it to. The hogs and cattle will be killed in mass by the starving idiots that will flood out of the huge cities. The cattle that we have are BREEDING stock and if you kill them, you will not last long.

    The other problem is that the places that have the livestock are not usually very close to the major urban centers. Most of the people in the big cities don't know what to do with a whole animal. Texas has lots of hunters but killing an animal of any size will be a problem. they won't have freezers for all that meat and very few KNOW how to preserve it. Most hunters make the kill and then take the carcass to someone else to process it.

    I know one thing for a fact. If you live in a big city and plan to go to a rural area if things go to pieces you need to go NOW and make connections because hungry refugees that don’t have anyone there to take them in are NOT going to be very welcomed. We had a hurricane a few years ago that caused LOTS of people in Houston to “Evacuate”.

    They showed up with a bag of chips and a canned soft drink and wanted to be taken in, fed, housed and cared for. They tore everything up and stole what they didn’t destroy. After the first day they blocked off the exits and blocked off bridges. I know of several Churches that will NEVER take in refugees again. There were thousands of dollars in damages and anything that wasn’t locked down was torn up or stolen. NEVER AGAIN!!!

    The stupid thing was that nearly all of them were evacuating from areas that were not threatened. It was a total disaster. In the event of an end of the world as we know it the blood is going to flow!!! The masses pouring from the now uninhabitable cities are going to find a very poor reception from the people living in the small towns and in the country.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I think in the UK we will regress to a life style similar to the mid 18th century, pre the industrial revolution, without power generation, fuel processors and any imported items we will have to, those that survive that is!
    there are still some of us that know how to grow stuff but we are all getting older, if the younger generation dont learn then they will go hungry, most of them dont know where their food comes from, which animal or what the plant looks like, they eat ready meals and McDonalds and KFC, I knew people in my past who couldnt cook, if they tried it was either burnt black or swimming in grease and inedible.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    It would be interesting to know how many old tractors out there have no electronic components.

    In a SHTF scenario that was sub-apocalyptic, fuel would be allocated to food production. Then military would likely be covering the allocation. Passenger cars would be LOW on the priority list. Used to in Russia, everything was diesel.

    As far as raiders entering agricultural lands, I think that would go seriously wrong for the interlopers. Most rural fold have at least three long guns and sometimes a pistol or revolver. Everybody has a .22 rifle, a shotgun, and a dear rifle. Just was at a gun show in an agricultural region and people were buying-up ammo. Of course, it still is hunting season. Recently traveled to a city of around 100 thousand people where there was an outdoors store and they had stacks of 9mm and .45 auto on the shelves -- 12 ga ammo also. Deer rifle ammo prices are still 2x what they should be. Not finding .357 mag; good thing I'd put back a bunch of that ammo (I've a .357 Winchester Wrangler carbine, 16" barrel, fun & functional, no big deer around here).

    I want rural people to buy extra ammo. Lord knows if it hits the fan, I'll not be any kind of resource for other folk. I could go out and help a farmer, I guess. A co-worker back when had as a young man a job guarding cattle for a rancher. During a meat-shortage back in the 1970s, ranchers started getting hit by cattle rustlers. These ranchers paid guys for 3rd-shift guard duty. These fellers WOULD shoot you. Same thing will be true in the next few years. Aggie people will shoot the sh## out of roving bands of ne'er-do-well interlopers.

    Now days as gang-bangers spill out of the cities into the suburbs to pull-off robberies and home invasions, I've NOT heard of neighborhood watch crews arming-up. Odd. They should. You can't make armed citizen arrests, but you sure can read interlopers the riot act. If they pull a gun on you, then you can send them to hell, but you sure CANNOT behave like a cop. Post-SHTF, citizens' committees will be shooting people who do not belong.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Can you imagine what the reception of the welfare gang is going to be after they finish looting the cities and then head out into the country side??? They have spent their entire life depending on others for everything. They are not going to want to suddenly change that lifestyle. Now they can always go and rob a convienece store for extra spending money. In the small towns and rural areas that will get you killed. We had a guy a few years ago that was tired of his place being robbed of copper. He put up a stand and killed two thieves.

    No problems with that and he was not even arrested or looked at. No warning and no second chance. He let them break in gather a bunch of copper and then he dropped them. They were both teenage black kids and the local blacks tried to throw a fit. He offered them more of the same if they came on his property and attacked him. They quietened down and guess what??? He has not been robbed since.

    That is justice TEXAS STYLE!
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  11. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    "They have spent their entire life depending on others for everything. They are not going to want to suddenly change that lifestyle."

    That right there is the crux issue. Fungi live off of other creatures and death.

    Here are some anti-fungal compounds:

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    anyone who relies on other people post SHTF and is not self reliant isnt going to be able to survive for long once the welfare system collapses.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

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    You can't be self reliant in the UK, most other places for that matter, communities is the only real sustainable future post fall, you can't do it all on your own.
  14. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    depends what one's plan post collapse is, the simple plans are always the best ("Keep it Simple, Stupid"), the simpler the better.
    we cannot always depend on others to help us , they might not be around after the collapse, any plans made on this basis would fail, especially ones which involve non family members, there is only one person we can rely on completely and that is ones own self. I KNOW because I have done it before and will do it again.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

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    We differ on our planning. I plan for community living. I have extensive outdoor skills but relying on them solo would merely be surviving and not stabilising and hopefully growing.

    ##Personal remarks about other members are not allowed on the main forum, these have been removed from this post. what others may or may not due is none of your business. please read the forum rules and comply.(moderator).##

    My lad is in self isolation just now, three friends from his 'gang' have covid, one's at home feeling shite, ones at home OK, mild flu like symptoms and one is seriously ill in hospital, none of the three infected had had the vaccine the rest of his mates had :(
  16. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I do not plan to rely on community because that community may not exist post collapse for a very long time, if ever, its as simple as that.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    When discussing post shtf events, the time frame is important. During the first two phases of an event, people will need to be self reliant. During the rebuilding phases, then and only then will community groups be viable. The first two phases of a major shtf event will be violent and lack any reliable communication. Too many unknowns and uncertainties will make communities a very risky venture. Isolation and self reliance will be the best course of action until the predominate violence has been reduced and a reasonable amount of safety has been reestablished. The individual and family group will be the primary survival setting during the first two phases of a major event. The "KISS" principal (Keep It Simple Stupid) will be the best method of survival. Community setting require too much complexity to be viable during the first two phases of any major shtf event. The more people involved in a venture the more logistics required to support that group. The more people involved, the more ego's and personalities involved. Families units tend to already have establish rules for living and working together. Family units already know each person's weak and strong points. That is an unknown is a group setting. Loyalty to the group vs. self interests would be another unknow in a group setting. People under very stressful times are not the same people you knew during normal times. There are always those that will collaborate with the enemy, it they feel it is in their best interests. During the violent phases of a shtf event, you do not want to bet the future of you and your family to the good nature of untested / unknown people. Just because a person is a hard worker /valued member of the community during the day, does not mean they are not going to collude with the enemy at night.
    Max rigger, DirtDiva and lonewolf like this.
  18. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

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    All our food and other items we store regardless of quantity are nothing more than a buffer that will buy you some time to organise and find the lay of land so to speak.

    Regarding groups/small community I believe luck will be as important as planning, you'll eventually have to work with what you have. One thing the army taught me was how important redundancy in a team is, by which I mean if you loose a player you'll have another player with skills to fill the gap even on a temporary basis so skill/knowledge sharing/cross training is vital. We should all aim to equip ourselves with a secondary skill set.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    the fact that any stored food is a buffer is well known to any real prepper, its one of the first facts any newbie learns. anything we store is limited, use it up and its gone.
    a lot of people will only survive post collapse as long as their stockpile does, its just delaying the inevitable nothing more, its learning how to live without such creature comforts that will decide who is in the secondary waves of mortality and who isnt.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I personally can easily survive an end of the world sort of disaster IF most of the other people die. Other people will be the greatest risk that survivors will have to face and doing it alone is almost certain suicide. Sooner or later someone is going to just kill them and take what they have.

    The welfare animals are not going to change and when the government isn't there to give them a good life, they ARE going to TAKE it from those that prepared. One person just can't watch their back 24/7/365 and sooner rather than later they will be targeted by those that have never worked and never will as long as they can find someone to rob.

    The problem is, these days is people are so used to modern transportation that they have no concept of distance as people used to know it. I live out in the country just outside of a tiny town. There really is no town just a post office a couple of convenience stores/gas stations, and two restaurants. The people live in the woods around this area. Here people measure their home’s yards in acres.

    If things like power suddenly were only memories it won’t take long before cars and trucks will be nothing more than yard ornaments. At that point you will have to provide for yourself as far as security and groceries.

    When people get hungry, they are going to get desperate. People nowadays start thinking that they are starving if they miss a meal! The ones that are already of criminal bent are going to eventually find you and try to TAKE what you have. This is why you need to have a group and not just you alone.

    If you have a garden and livestock, you will have to guard it 24/7 or it will disappear. Do you really think that the people on welfare that won’t work even though there are lots of places looking for workers are going to suddenly change into worker bees? They have spent their entire life expecting and demanding that others that work support their leisure lifestyle and that won’t change.

    They will show up and either just steal from your garden and livestock, or demand that you give it to them. If you deny them what they want they will leave and then come back later, kill you, and take what you have.

    We have allowed this sort of person to flourish and multiply to the point that when something happens, even now, they crawl up out of their holes and start to loot, rob and, attack anyone that has anything that they want.

    It isn’t as bad where I live. People here are armed and have full right to defend themselves and property but in other places in even the US none of that is true.

    Criminals are not that way by accident. Most of them are the end result of a lifetime of having excuces made for them. “My Mama was mean to me!” “We was poor and didn’t have anything to eat!” THAT is a flat out lie. Between food stamps and the gazillion places that offer at least two meals a day for free to the poo poor if you starve it is because you were either too lazy or to drugged up to go and eat for free.

    I at one time donated a lot of time and work to a local mission. I’m sorry but I just couldn’t do it for long. Most of the people that we were feeding, clothing and supporting were just trashy animals. We took in a lot of clothing donations and the nicer clothes were cleaned, pressed and sold to support the Mission. One of the workers was attacked because one of the trashy people DEMANDED that they GIVE her one of the dresses that were for sale. They gave them clothes but if you are dirt poor what use do you have for an expensive evening gown?

    I quit helping them when the directors made them give the bitch that dress. I would have had her in jail!! At the least she should have been banned from coming on the property but NO she got what she wanted.

    If things go bad people like her will get a bullet in the first month…
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Crime causes poverty.
      Old Geezer, Dec 11, 2021
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I can personally survive the end of the world as we know it as long as I am far enough away from other people, I dont need others to survive, I am a recluse, and I dont want them around me especially any strangers. I have lived alone for many years growing my own food and will do so again.
    if someone lives near a big city or a large town then they will have problems with looters post SHTF but they are unlikely to get very far out as the pickings become slimmer and more spread out, they will spend more energy getting less return and maybe getting lost in the process, looters are cowards without the mobs to back them up and without power and fuel their limit of travel will be confined to one or two days travel at most , one out-one back.
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  22. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Here's one of Old Geezer's theorems:

    How far raiders get out and away from urban areas is directly related to how many canned goods suburban and rural folk have in their pantries and inversely related to how many guns are owned by suburbanites and rural folk.

    Stealing fuel is a given -- ice picks vs. gas tanks. Motorcycles will be owned by the most evil of people. All nice or inattentive motorcycle owners will definitely loose their bikes and maybe their lives also. Raiders are cut-throats -- literally. When wolves get hungry, nothing stands in their way.

    Human Nature 101: "If you can't protect it, you don't own it."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I agree with the "if you cant protect it, you dont own it", but too much credit is given to so called "raiders".
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Not in America. The drug trade has changed that.

    Too, there's the matter of violent people moving into Heartland areas. But it all starts with the drug trade, it seems.

    It's happening everywhere. Civilization is breaking down. Faces never seen before are showing up in every nook and cranny of Western nations. It is an invasion. Some places it is fast. Some places it is slow. Much like cancer, this.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    all illegal drugs in the UK have to be imported, usually by boat, that will stop post SHTF.
    then they have to be moved from the big cities main drug dealers to the minor dealers in the smaller cities, normally via motorways , that will also stop post SHTF with no fuel available. druggies will have to go cold turkey if they want to survive, many will not and good riddance.
    same with alcoholics although alcohol may be more readily available post SHTF.
    I dont want anyone near me who hasnt got a clear head not addled by drink or drugs.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  26. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    [QUOTE="lonewolf, post: 93051, member: 363"although alcohol may be more readily available post SHTF.
    I dont want anyone near me who hasnt got a clear head not addled by drink or drugs.[/QUOTE]
    Exactly my way of thinking when I was in the war zone of Viet Nam . The Colonel made sure I had all the booze or beer I wanted for free . However even though I went for months living on intaking only one liquid " beer " I made sure I drunk it sparingly as when the shooting started I wanted a clear head .--- On another thought , when our battalion was getting ready to leave Viet Nam they went through the battalion and culled out the undesirables and gave them to me to put them cleaning up our weapons and getting them ready for departure . I had guys hooked on Heron that could only go for a few hours between fixes and one crazy guy . I got along with the crazy guy better than I did the drug addicts . The point being the various company commanders within the battalion didn't want the drug heads around them or their lower ranking personnel .
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2022
    TMT Tactical and lonewolf like this.
  27. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Although I have never served I have been around enough druggies in my adult life to not want anyone like that near me post SHTF, I would rather be alone than be near people I could not depend on. no point in taking chances. hence my love of solitude and isolation.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. paul m

    paul m Expert Member

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    Wrong. Cannabis farming is rife in the UK. It’s home grown, not imported I live in a very rural location, and in the last month, two ‘farms’ have been shut down in the village. And alcohol is a piece of piss to make , if you will forgive the pun !
    TMT Tactical and Qwerty like this.
    1. TMT Tactical
      To me cannabis falls into the same category as beer. Drug addicts and alcoholics are not to be trusted, during normal or hard times.
      TMT Tactical, Jun 14, 2022
  29. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I have never been much of a drinker. It makes me sick as a dog and oh my lord the next day is hell. I guess that my drug of choice if I'm going to get loaded is/was marijuana. I never did especially like to be mentally messed up passed a very slight buzz. I have known too many alchoholics and watched what it does to their life. I KNEW at a young age that that wasn't for me. I have enough alchoholics in my family that I KNOW it could happen to me so I just never went there. I probably don't drink a six pack a year.

    I don't want to even be around a bunch of alchoholics when things so south. When they run out of their hooch it is going to get UGLY. The same is even truer of up, down, or sideways drug addicts.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Alcohol consumption causes more health issues than marijuana use.

    One should not drive nor use potentially dangerous equipment when toking-up.

    If you imagine that you can still drive while having a cannabis buzz, then you are wrong, or you have some seriously crappy weed.

    Is there quality moonshine? Oh yes!; however, you sure will have to look for it. Ban runs = methanol = blindness, neuropathy, even death.

    Nowadays, legal moonshine can be found in all liquor stores. It is regulated. It is almost always NOT aged. Drinking non-aged, non-charcoal-filtered, whiskey (ETOH) will cause you health problems ... and I don't mean just a bad liver.

    You do not want to die of cirrhosis of the liver. You can get portal hypertension. Portal hypertension often leads to esophageal varices. What are esophageal varices? You probably do not really want to know. Think having hemorrhoids in your esophagus. What happens when these rupture? Think Linda Blair (The Exorcist) ... except that it isn't vomitus that she is spewing. It is blood. Hosing-out that much blood most often leads to death ... and I do mean, right then and there d.e.a.d. (instant hypovolemic shock then death, even if it happens in-hospital). Infinitely beyond "yucky". And, this is no rare condition whatsoever -- every emergency ward has to attempt to deal with it x-times/year. In Veterans Administration hospitals, it is seen constantly.

    Don't die like that. Don't die like that in front of other people.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Cannabis is not grown in the UK, what is grown here is known as "Grass" or lately "Skunk" which is much stronger, I have smoked cannabis resin in the past and that is imported.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  32. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    we gave up alcohol over 20 years ago, decided the money was better spent on something else, like running a car and having days out.
    post SHTF I dont want anyone near me who is a drinker or a drug user, these types will not be trustworthy in a crisis. I want to have a clear head and I expect others around me to be the same.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. paul m

    paul m Expert Member

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    It’s cannabis, albeit a different strain.
    nd it’s a drug that can be grown here, not imported.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I was used to Cannabis Resin not the Skunk variety, that came after I stopped using, not that I was a heavy user or a regular.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  35. paul m

    paul m Expert Member

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    I don’t smoke, never have, and certainly not drugs. I fished a lake today, and two fellas were smoking that sh*t, and I told them to stop it, as I don’t want to breathe that into my body! They didn’t argue.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  36. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I gave up smoking in 1995, more for financial reasons, I smoked since I was 15, cigarettes then roll ups and a pipe, glad I gave up it saved me a fortune, someone needs to take out a mortgage these days to be able to smoke!!!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  37. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    I am an off again - on again smoker. I am quitting smoking again. The price has just gotten too expensive. I typically smoke about 6 cigarettes a day but at almost $10 per pack, time to quit. At $70 to $100 per month, that will buy a lot of prepping supplies.
  38. paul m

    paul m Expert Member

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    But you have told us you have used cannabis? I have not. That’s an illegal drug.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  39. arctic bill

    arctic bill Master Survivalist

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    my father had a saying, you are a fool to drink before 40 , and a fool no to drink after 40 .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  40. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    And then there is the saying that:

    "If a man is aged 20 and not a Socialist, he has no heart. If a man is past age 40 and still a Socialist, he has no brain."

    Whisky/whiskey -- aged or charcoal filtered ... and royally so -- seems to benefit the health of the arterial system in men.

    In women, alcohol (ETOH) doubles / triples blood estrogen levels and thus increases the odds of getting estrogen-positive breast cancer 2x to 3x. We are NOT talking HER2/neu here, OK!

    That's another topic altogether, we're not going there; this gets royally complex ... just trust me on this one ... complicated, OK. Don't go to the medical literature unless you've had monster loads of advanced anatomy and advanced physiology; otherwise, it is all gobbledygook.

    Worried about heart disease? One test to ask your doctor to perform is the test for H.Pylori / titer of antibodies. This BAD bacterium causes ulcers, stomach cancer, plus vascular/coronary problems. Totally BAD ACTOR bacterium! I myself have been infected and it is a freaking monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After horrible antibiotic regimen, I felt better, then better yet, then GREAT. Helicobacter pylori = danger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In Asia, it is responsible for millions of cases of stomach cancer. If H.Pylori goes systemic, you are deeply in trouble. No joke. It will attack arterial walls. It is a little monster.

    Just a bit of advice. The research goes back decades. It is a topic unto itself.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  41. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Good luck. I was a chain smoker for about 30 years. My Dad had emphysema to the point of being totally incapacitated and my Mom lost a lung to lung cancer. I took a hint and eventually kicked the habit. It was HELL!! Even several years later in moments of stress I would catch myself pawing my shirt pocket looking for my pack of cigarettes. If you ever kick it NEVER smoke another one. I quit one time for about 6 months and then thought that I should be able to enjoy a couple a day. In no time at all I was back to chain smoking and quitting the next time was even WORSE. You are an addict even a dozen years later you are still just an addict that isn’t currently doing it.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  42. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    0 in the past. kind of went with the lifestyle I was then living, which is different to now.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  43. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

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    Back to the OP, that article is just sad. What a waste of skin. A classic example of someone who is too apathetic to live their life fully in the present, instead he’s dreaming of the “reset” as an excuse for still living with his parents at the age of 53 having achieving absolutely nothing. The Sun is a total rag of a newspaper but I’ve still no idea why the Sun’s editors would consider this loser’s comments newsworthy.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2022
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  44. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I dont know, I think he's got a point, not about the apocalypse but everything seems to be falling apart these days, look at the NHS.
    that your part of the country, maybe you know the area he is talking about.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  45. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    What point? He makes no point. His apathy is almost offensive. He is 53 and still living with his mum.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  46. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    not everybody can afford to buy their own house and have you seen the price of rents these days?
    his parents are 79 and 80, have you ever considered he might just be their carer?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  47. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I look at smoking weed in moderation as sort of like the fact that most people always drive 5 miles above the posted speed limit. Weed is about the least harmful drug that there is. Tobaco an alchohol are both MANY times more adictive and deadly. It is illegal because the other adictive drugs companies of legal drugs pay BIG buck to our elected officials to keep it illegal.

    I used to have an uncle that was basically a drunk. He had several DUI convictions and had been to jail several times for driving while intoxicated. He had more wrecks than anyone should be allowed to have and still have a drivers license. He was always bitching about pot head being trash. I smoked a bale of the stuff and never hurt myself or anyone and only spent one night in jail in my life for misdemeanor possession of marijuana. I actually never knew of a pot head getting in many fights and when driving they were more likely to drive 20 miles and hour below the speed limit than 20 miles and hour over it.

    The thing is that pot isn’t physically addictive. Where drugs like alchohol and other adicitve drugs require more and more to get you high nonaddictive drugs don’t have an increasing need. What it is, is habit forming. You are in trouble if you NEED any drug to cope with life but the weed is NOT the problem. If they based the laws on the problems and pain that a drug caused they would make alcohol a felony to sell. It makes heroin look like a fun family sort of drug. Drunk drivers kill a LOT more people than drug dealers or users. The sad truth is that laws have little to NO effect on drug usage.

    An adict is GOING to do his drug of choice and all making it illegal is put money in the hands of criminals. Addicts seem to be determined to be addicted. The problem is that once they get addicted to something they will ALWAYS be an addict. If they stop they are just an addict that is not currently using but for them it is a day by day lifelong battle.

    I had an uncle that was an alcoholic. He got sober and went for about ten years that way then one day he decided that he should be able to have a drink occasionally. He lost everything that he had worked for and cared about including his wife and kids. He never managed to get free of it again and didn’t live for long before he died in a head-on car wreck that killed him and several other people in the car he hit.

    I think that I was lucky. I just didn’t have much tolerance for alcohol and puking my guts up made it a lot less fun for me than it seemed to be for others. I eventually masters the skill of nursing one beer for several hours. LOL, I would pour the beer out of the can and just refill it with water after drinking a little of it. Hey, when you are young you want to fit in! I had more fun sober and laughing at the drunks and would feel fine the next day and could always do the appropriate things to convince a cop that I was sober and had only had about half a can of beer even if everyone else in the car was soused. The truth is that I don’t have to get drunk or high to be a goofy funker.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  48. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    His mum is probably still buying his underpants LW. If you check the article he’s lived there since the 70’s, it’s not like he’s moved back in to look after dear old mum and dad… inertia and apathy are what has kept that fella at home.
    Considering that paying a mortgage is usually half as much as rent the main stumbling blocks to home ownership are a big enough deposit or finding enough housing in the right area. Neither would be issues in the Llanelli area, cheap housing isn’t in short supply there. Housing certainly wasn’t in short supply there 30 years ago when any normal adult would have been leaving home.
    paul m and TMT Tactical like this.
  49. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Ystranc, TMT Tactical and paul m like this.
  50. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    if he's lived there since the 70s and he's 53 thats probably when he was born, I still think he could be his parents carer.
    there are probably a lot of people like him all over the western world, especially now with the cost of living crisis. I dont know anything about Llanelli but housing here buying or renting is anything but cheap.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Ystranc
      :) If he was born 1969 then that’s a pretty good guess. We will have to agree to differ but neither of us knows for sure.
      Ystranc, Jun 17, 2022
      TMT Tactical likes this.
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