The importance of a bug out plan during an apocalypse

Discussion in 'The Apocalypse' started by Aneye4theshot, Jan 25, 2016.

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  1. Aneye4theshot

    Aneye4theshot Expert Member

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    During an apocalypse, the importance of having a bug out place in plan could be the difference in survival for you or your group. Having a bug out plan helps you to know alternate routes to safety when you need them most. A bug out plan is something that can be executed on a moment's notice and has been practiced ahead of time. By grabbing the necessities and basic supplies that you need and very quickly and efficiently loading them into your vehicles in order to make a quick getaway is essential with a good bug out plan. Making the plan is only one step of it. You must actually practice this plan to make sure you worked out the kinks and flaws. The first time you practice your bug out plan time yourself and see how long it takes. Several times later try to beat your time until you have it down to the quickest possible time imaginable. Many people who practice their bug out plans find that they can drop times from 15 minutes to less than 7 minutes. A good bug out plan will include emergency medical supplies, fuel, food, and transportation to another location that is already set up with emergency supplies. Once again planning ahead is the essential part of any bug out plan that will result in a successful survival situation.
    Keith H. and Para173 like this.
  2. Para173

    Para173 Well-Known Member

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    You hit it right on the head. Forethought and flexibility are the two main things that a good survivalist needs to have in his thinking at all times. A good survivalist will plan ahead and keep a bug out plan available in the back of his mind even if he plans to bug in. So that means that even though a guy might hope to bug in, just in case the need arises, a survivalist will also be ready to bug out. Survival is not about holding an objective for military purposes. It is about living through tough times under dire circumstances with the odds stacked against you.
    Keith H. likes this.
  3. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    just wandering about hoping to find shelter, food and water is NOT bugging out, its being a refugee, I for one have seen enough of those on the TV lately to not want to be one.
    being a survivalist means having a bug out location, pre planned and previously located, not leaving it until the event actually happens.
    Keith H. likes this.
  4. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    If most of the sheeple are going to flee the cities and invade the countryside, the countryside becomes way too dangerous to be in!
    If most flee the cities would that not make a nearly empty city a relatively safe place?
    You would be surrounded by resources just for the taking!

    Find an easy to fortify hirise hotel and quietly fortify then scavange what you can and store in vacant rooms.
    Keep a very low profile and life should be better than average!
  5. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    just wandering about hoping to find shelter, food and water is not a plan, its a death wish.
    Keith H. likes this.
  6. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    Nothing stopping one from looking now
    That is one of the options I have now, it is not plan A closer to plan L
    In a singular vehicle or three pedestrian trips I can reach my pre chosen hotel with 1 year plus food
    Two vehicles to restrict access to the front and a wheelbarrow of packing tape to fortify the small glass front doors
    Rear parking access is a really heavy duty rollerdoor with anti vehicle security!
    It has two silenced generators and a 15,000l fuel tank for the genny and light truck!
    It also has a large water storage tank that collects rainwater run off.
    15 Levels a bar and restaurant and a large storeroom
    Highest point by a few meters in a km or so! sewers do not back up here, week spot is about 400m away!

    So long as I am quiet and out of sight will have good chance of going un noticed
  7. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    that's sounds like a plan:D
  8. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    I wonder how many people have their backpacks & other tools ready to go? We have a pack for each member of the family old enough to carry a pack, even though we are already living off grid & away from city & town. We have enough of us to protect what we have out here, but it is always wise to have other plans in place just in case!!!
  9. Doubletap45

    Doubletap45 New Member

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    If you are already in your chosen location and it gets over run, the most important thing is to have supplies, weapons and ammo stashed not to far away so you can run, re group and can re take your home.
    The biggest problem with being in a remote place by yourself or just with a few is the group who discovers your location and snipes you while you are out tending to crops, animals, getting firewood or water. This is why I prefer the right type of small community
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