The Writing Is On The Wall. You Need To Watch This Video!!!

Discussion in 'Climate Change' started by Keith H., Mar 8, 2019.

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  1. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Now please, global warming climate change is a very real threat, we are talking an End Of The World event, the extinction of all life on the planet proceeded by TEOTWAWKI. If you are a non believer, please do NOT bother commenting on this post or on this video, I really am sick & tired of this ridiculous macho approach to this subject such as "I am ready, bring it on"!!!
    As preppers we do need to prepare, but as sensible, rational human beings we also need to do all we can to stop this disaster from happening. We of all people on a forum such as this have the power to communicate with others & to contact organisations that are planning to rebel. If you are a pro Trump supporter & therefore completely blind to what he is doing to this planet, to America & to the people, then again, do NOT bother to comment. I have heard all the diatribe I need to hear about how great Trump is!!!
    PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO. The speaker likes long words & tends to repeat himself, but he knows what he is talking about & is a MUST LISTEN TO!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Keith, out of respect for your sincere beliefs, I won't go into full detail about what I thought of the lost 1 hour and 16 minutes of wasted time I spent watching that drivel. Fear mongering and not one single solution proposed, besides rebelling. Climate change believers are tilting at windmills if they think it is going to make any difference. Telling people to rebel and make changes but fail to tell them what those changes are really going to entail. Telling them they need to cut back on energy use, really, like why not tell them they need to go back to burning wood to stay warm. oh wait, that pollutes too. There are no easy solutions to the problem if it really is man made. That entire video did not offer any thing beneficial, except people need to rebel but they don't know what they need to accomplish from the rebellion and that is why so few are on board this train wreck.
    Sonofliberty and watcherchris like this.
  3. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I had no idea you were in fact a "Ishmaelite Herder." Think like me or else....!!

    Or else what...rebelling...revolution...holding others hostage and in bondage to someone else's beliefs???

    Remember the siren call of the left........Keith......


    They are even pushing that kind of leftist pabulum at work.

    It disturbs me Keith to find that you are not that Diverse , Tolerant or Inclusive....Particularly to people who do not automatically default over to your belief system....your religion if you prefer.

    I should probably post here Amendment 13 to the Constitution of the United States....since I did not so do in my previous post...and only mentioned it..


    Amendment 13 to the Constitution of the United States.

    I think about this kind of thing often as our super intelligent leadership tries to bring Illegal immigrants on board unlimited and put them on the public purse..and thus putting the rest of us into bondage and involuntary servitude to pay for it. No one in leadership or in the news wants to frame it in those terms...involuntary servitude and slavery but that is exactly what it is.

    Well Keith me Climate Change is no different....bondage...involuntary servitude to pay for it..........forever.

    I don't need a degree to figure this one out....the gaslighting going on behind it.

    It was not difficult to figure out that our government was gaslighting us about putting troops into Yugoslavia when the initial reports stated that they would be there about a year....under the Clinton Administration. It wound up being over ten years...and into other administrations. No rocket degrees needed for this to understand it was gaslighting.

    Oh...don't worry...if Climate Change does not work.....the "Herders" of this world will come up with another one to continue the constant "Herding " of the people. Another Emergency."

    Gotta go now Keith....

    Have to get in early today to handle several uranium fuel cells to prepare them to be installed in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) to make steam.


    My non Ishmaelite .02,


    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

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    Ay Watcherchris Do you glow in the dark yet or do you still have a way to go?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    funny that, as preppers we all believe that SHTF will happen don't we? yet some don't believe that the climate is going through change?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

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    I don't think that anybody disagrees that , Yes, the climate is changing. The issue is how much is it changing? How much of that change will be harmful to Mankind? Is it really caused by Mankind? What can we do to correct it?

    The 800 pound gorilla in the room that people in this country refuse to even acknowledge is Nuclear Energy. This is the option I would vote for as an alternative to fossil fuels. Michael Shellenberger is what we would call a real Tree Hugger Environmentalist. This is the most compelling argument I have heard.

    Last edited: Mar 8, 2019
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    lonewolf, it isn't that we don't believe in climate change; it is that we don't believe that crushing America's economy will make anything better. Climate is just weather patterns that express over a longer period. Climate, like weather, is constantly changing. In the last 15 years, we have had summers where the temperature ran over 100 degrees for 40 days in a row with 8 in a row above 115. We have had fires everywhere. We have had wet cold years like this last year where we had our entire annual average rainfall happen in two days. We had winters that we didn't have a single hard freeze and a couple of insane winters where it snowed and we were at times colder than Fairbanks Alaska.

    Weatherchangesasdoes climate. I have no doubt about that. I live on a sort of geographic borderline. Half of the county is heavily forested piny woods and the other half is rolling prairies. Over time exactly where this line is has changed. You have little communities in the woods with names like Roans Prarie and Crabbs Praire. You can look at the woods and see that there are no trees older than about 40 years old. The climate is cyclic and these areas change with the amount of rain that they get.

    The one constant thing over all these years is that after every hard year the doom and gloom patrol rolled out and told us that this was how it was going to be from then on. The drought lasted 18 months. This year is soaking us. The bad hurricane year that had Katrina and Rita was followed by one of the longest periods when no major storm landed in the US.

    Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. They have in my lifetime predicted iceages, end of the world by a never ending winter, the collapse of the gulf stream that would lead to England being similar to Greenland, Holes in the ozone layer that was going to give us all skin cance and now the rnd of the world by global warming. If fool me twice is shame on me what is fool me a dozen times???
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  8. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Still a ways to go. These fuel cells have not yet gone critical....been started up by/in the chain reaction. Hence you can handle them without extreme shielding. They must, however, be maintained very very clean...but not with radioactive/contamination controls.

    Once they are started up...gone critical for the first time...all bets are need extreme procedures and shielded equipment to handle them.

    You will know if they are going critical...the gamma alarms will be going off...thus telling you that you are screwed...big time.

    Too late then to worry about glowing..

    Agree with Morgan 101 here....

    Someone out here privily wants to bring the Western nations down to the social and economic levels of third world nations.....

    Someone out here wants social and economic wide..

    This is the gaslighting going on. Most nations out here cannot be like the west.....the proper ingredients are not there for them to so do. Their systems are not correct for them to be like the west...and no one wants to declare the real reasons this is so....even to have us in the West know why this is so.


    The world can be made to be equally poor....everyone and everything at the same level. Equality can always be found at the poverty levels...for everyone. This too is the big secret someone is hiding from us.

    And this is what this educated idiot Alexandra Ocassio Cortez is promoting ....equality at the poverty level ...concealed by people feeling good about themselves as their standard of living falls or is subsidized by someone else. Bondage....involuntary servitude...slavery.
    They don't dare call it that but use all the "feel good " words to hide what they are doing..but it is nonetheless..bondage..involuntary servitude....slavery. It is nothing more than Ishmaelites run amok.

    And what is AOC's siren call to justify holding others in to bondage, involuntary servitude....slavery.........."Climate Change."


    Not an Ishmaelite

    Not an Ishmaelite
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2019
    TENNGRIZZ and TMT Tactical like this.
  9. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I believe that the climate is changing, the poles are definitely reducing in mass and the weather patterns of the last few years have been much more extreme, I don't know how much of this change is due to mankind but I feel it's worth making the effort to respect our environment in order to avoid a possible extinction event.

    I suspect that the lack of political will to confront the difficult questions of what changes do we need to make to mitigate our effect on our environment will be like a tin can kicked further down the road to get left for future administrations/politicians to address until it's too late to do anything.
    I'm 50 this year and I expect it all to go to shit within my lifetime, whatever the cause.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    What I don't believe in lonewolf and that in peoples rabid belief in Climate Change ......that these people have the authority or moral right to hold others guilty and or shame them for not getting on their their herd to be herded by their zealous religious belief in Climate Change.

    I don't believe in the Herding of people that these Climate Change religious zealots want to do to people and nations in conformity.

    I don't believe that in their zeal to get their way or "Herd" people into conformity with their climate change religion ...that these people...these zealots... are holding the moral and ethical high ground.

    I think that they are Ishmaelites hell bent on conformity....manufacturing Xerox copies of the same olde blandness....sterility....inertness. Exactly what happened in heavily socialist and communist nations.....complete with democide and or starvation of entire populations/peoples. And these people are so stupid...they call this

    I am not against prepping...I am against Herding. And Climate Change is the ultimate Herding scam.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    TENNGRIZZ and TMT Tactical like this.
  11. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Renewable energy is someone selling the world a placebo....not the real thing. This is an Ishmaelite doing what they do best....sell other people and nations into bondage....involuntary servitude. To take from people and nations the fruits of their make people and their efforts/systems bondage....

    My non Ishmaeliite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    sorry, I don't see that renewable energy is selling anyone into bondage!
  13. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Of course you don't lonewolf...Keith too.

    I am not against renewable energy per se....but I am against it to the exclusion of other forms so as to lower the standard of living of people and nations. And this is exactly where this crop of rabid Climate Change leadership wants to go.

    Renewable energy cannot possibly meet the needs of our nation and people...someone will be going without...meaning limits on their lifestyle...their modus operandi....their options with their labors.

    They will be in essence free...bound within government imposed limits.

    This is known as bondage...involuntary servitude...slavery....

    See Amendment my previous post.

    Lonewolf and Keith.....

    A tax....what is a tax...??

    NO matter what nonsense they teach in government schools about a the layperson...a tax is work we do for which we get no goods or services.

    What is inflation.....???

    Inflation is work we do for which we get no goods or services....same thing as a tax..

    Inflation = a tax.

    Climate change will eventually mean increased and or additional we do for which we will get no more goods or services.

    NO rocket science needed here...but there will be limits on what we can do and or enjoy with our labors. Government imposed limits...backed up by "Experts."

    And this is bondage lonewolf...lack of freedom and liberty.

    This is Ishmael.....and not Isaac.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  14. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    renewable energy might not be able to meet the entire needs of a country the size of the USA but it can meet the needs of a country the size of the UK, in any case what are the options, Nuclear Power? that's not cheap especially when you take into account the clean up costs and the expended rods are still radio active for thousands of years and have to be stored somewhere and that's without taking into account possible nuclear accidents, I would rather have renewable energy and have reduced power access at times than have nuclear.
    still it seems some people will take any risk just so they can have their current lifestyle, but this may not be possible for much longer and that's even without a SHTF event.
    TMT Tactical and Sourdough like this.
  15. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Renewable Energy is not going to be able to meet the needs of the UK or the Continent as long as you keep importing immigrants carte blanche and putting them on the government breast....the working public feeding, clothing, medicine and housing them....including energy.

    This means that the working public is paying twice....lonewolf.....once for themselves and again for these immigrants....this is bondage and involuntary servitude...slavery. The powers just propagandize it to make people feel good about their next round of bondage.

    It will be the same here in America...for this is exactly what the progressives here desire to do in carrying out the continued Cloward/ Piven overburdening economically a nations economy/people....bringing in wholesale...unlimited numbers of Illegals and putting them on the public breast as well as on the voting rolls that they can vote for even more of these government give aways.....more bondage....for those who must pay the increased taxes so support more of this.

    Everything people do is going to be taxed more pay for more government....and of course government sponsored renewable energy....programs...while the taxed people go with less and less and less.

    I think about this every time I go to the grocery store and make do with less ...because of tight budgets and people on government support are buying what I cannot afford...that week. The knowledge that I am paying for both...them and family. And in addition to this...I know the Risks I take for my monies.....they get it without risks.

    That is a huge difference...huge. That too is bondage ...involuntary servitude.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    that's politics and modern life, I don't pay tax i'm retired.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    If we as a planet are not going to use fossil fuels that means we likely can not produce enough electricity to pump in enough water for most citizens . Few people have a natural water source .Looks like there will be a lot of dead folks . There is simply too many people in most countries for them to survive without a mass amount of electricity . This is just another example of governments influence to get people thinking renewable energy is going to save them . Perhaps we can convince about nine tenths of the population to kill themselves . That way the remaining one tenth can survive without using fossil fuel . Actually I am simply going to prepare and wait for the die off to occur naturally . I just don't think that many people will kill themselves .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    i'm not so sure, when TSHTF I reckon the suicide rate will rocket, those that don't die of starvation and thirst that is.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Keith I hope you find this post . I have been thinking about your climate warming up problem .I know you pride yourself on the fact that you live 100 percent off the grid and your survival skills are far beyond most on this planet and is undisputable . The simples solution is to go partly on grid and get you an air conditioner for the hottest part of the summer . I for one certainly wouldn't begrudge you for going on grid for a few months out of the year . This past summer I finally gave in to my wife's complaining about the heat and bought an air conditioner . I doubt it is as hot here as it is there ,but there has been at least one occasion when me and my wife went to a spring feed creek to lay in it to cool off during a very hot day , only to find it full of my 50 plus year old neighbors laying in it with the same plan . The only other solution that I can think of is to build an underground shelter . I doubt anyone on this forum has enough pull to change the temperature even one degree . I think Keith will have to solve the problem . By the way you have done an excellent job as a moderator .
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2019
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    House design and building in a good position can render air conditioning un-necessary. Just as off grid micro generation using renewables can provide enough energy for the needs of a person who is willing to prioritise their use of power.
    Living off grid means making a few choices, tumble dryers and airconditioning may be too wasteful to sustain for most small systems.
    There are a couple of community owned wind turbines in the Scottish islands that have completely replaced the old oil powered generators that used to power the islands. The Islanders tend to alter their routine and when it's especially windy they do the jobs that have higher energy consumption.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    Part of the problem with dealing with hot summers is that people now don't understand how to build houses for living without air conditioning and central heating. Texas is HOT and always has been. The places that are less hot temperature wise are often even hotter. I was raised in coastal east Texas and while we didn't often have temperatures in the hundreds we nearly always had 100% humidity. That is a lot harder on you than 110 degrees with 25% humidity. Where I was raised when you sweated you were just wet and bathed in hot water.

    The way to build a house for living with the heat is different from a house built for Central air or air conditioning. First off you want high ceilings. 10' to 18' ceilings were common. Every room needs lots of big tall double hung windows. That is a window that you can open the bottom and the top. What this does is as the hot air rises it flows out the top of the windows and sucks in fresh air through the bottom. You then plant bushes all around the house so that this air is drawn from under the bushes and is cool and smells good.

    Later attic fans were added to make this work even better. I lived in several houses that had these attic fans and they did a remarkable job of creating a strong air flow that got the heat out of the house. A lot of these houses also had screened in sleeping porches and the older houses often had a big wide hall that ran all the way through the middle of the house that could be opened on the ends to further allow good circulation.

    Houses, as they are built now, will be death traps without power to cool and heat them. Even the ones with fireplaces are mostly just for looks and send more air up the chimney that they put into the house. They will be hot and miserable in the summer and almost impossible to heat during the winter.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2019
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  22. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Renewable energy is not carbon neutral. The carbon cost to fabricate the components and the hazardous waste material, that will constantly have to be replaced (panels, batteries) does not show any benefit foe leaving fossil fuel. Switching to all renewable energy is pie and in the sky wishful thinking. Yes a home or even a small village may be able to modify their life styles but factories do not alter production based on if the wind blows or the sun shines. The technology exists to clean smoke stack emissions from burning coal or oil or gas but is does not exist to make the wind blow or the sun to shine. Most urban folks won't walk 3 blocks to the grocery store, how are you going to get them to change their life styles?
  23. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    You know got me to thinking about my friend who moved to Tennessee..the fellow I often speak to on my Ham Radio.

    Well years ago ...when he lived about 12 miles from me ...he had in his house a large fan mounted in the hallway ceiling. It has protective louvers and this is fan with heavy metal blades and a very powerful motor off to the side and was belt driven.

    What he would do is open most of the windows in the house and start up the fan with a hallway switch. The louvers would open due to the strong fan action and it would draw air from outside ...through the screened windows and keep the temperature in the house manageable for a good part of the summer ..and without running the air conditioning too often.

    I was impressed with his set up and I am sure it saved him a lot of monies. I believe he had some kind of thermostat on it and could set it to a certain temperature setting and it would cut off when reaching that temperature.

    But it was not carbon just did not use anything near as much electricity as does an air conditioner.

    Years ago NASA Langley got funding for a energy efficient house.....and so built one with very low energy requirements.

    This was in the late 1970s. I am sure with more modern and energy efficient materials of today.....they could build a better one. It was a bit stunning how little electric energy was used in that house. But I don't recall what was the cost.

    And agree with poltiregist. While Keith and I do not agree on or within certain arenas/topics...Keith has done an excellent job as an moderator.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  24. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Was thinking along rabid trails on this post by poltiregist.

    This in particular because of something I recall reading some time back.

    Note that poltiregist is stating that they believe not that many people will kill themselves.

    If this is so.....these people reason, by Gnosis/Enlightenment...will needs be helped along down this path of killing themselves or at least giving up the ghost.

    Here this..

    The Georgia Guidestones....

    Note line one of the Georgia Guidestones..

    Notice it states..."Maintain." It does not say let nature take it's course.

    Then go on to read the other nine items on the Georgia Guidestones and then seriously think of what the very religiously Devout and Zealous promoters of the Climate Change agenda are speaking....and you will spot clearly the connection.

    Strongly suggest some of you bookmark that link to the Georgia Guidestones on Wiki as you are going to see variations of the Guidestones philosophy cropping up in politics and SJWs tied/linked to politicians and political/social movements for the purpose of facilitating in the "Herding" being planned for future generations.

    You are going to see the philosophy of the Guidestones/Climate Change coming to pass under newly invented names to control the narrative and fool a lot of people into joining the "Herd." But make no is the same olde Internationale program...of Herding People. One size fits all. Ishmael.

    Unless you know some of the names under which this stuff has Traveled in past will loose the trail and not recognize it when it crops up again in new names and guises.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  25. Sonofliberty

    Sonofliberty Master Survivalist

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    Climate change is happening, that is a fact. Humans have little to nothing to do with said changes. The sun is causing the vast majority of the changes. I remember the article in Time magazine(IIRC) from the early 1970s predicting the coming ice age. Then it was the hole in the ozone over Antarctica. Then global warming. Now, it is climate change. IMO, it is all bull shit. It is just another way to enslave us. If this were a real issue, we would be building Thorium reactors to provide all the electricity we could need with little to no radioactive waste. Thorium is cheap, it is very plentiful; way more available than Uranium. The only "problem" with it? You can't weaponize it. You can't make plutonium or any other weapons grade materials. You can make loads of cheap electricity. Do you hear any of the "greenbots" talking about it? Hell no. That isn't the "solution" they want.
    coffee, TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  26. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    You had me busting out laughing at this one for the "Gaslighting " that it is by way of some common sense.

    The "Experts" used to drill into us very often about how bad the ozone depletion would be on the earth...if the ozone went away.


    If this lack of Ozone is so dangerous....why do they constantly shoot Astronauts up through the protective Ozone to be radiated ...often for periods of a year or more???

    When you begin to understand that begin to realize the concept of Gaslighting...and or Experts....with a huge question mark.

    This also puts a huge question mark on the concept of deep space travel....with known methods of shielding etc etc etc.

    But I mean to tell you ...this stuff sounds so great in games....television etc etc al.

    Star Wars, Babylon Bologna.... Deep Space this or that...etc. al. They never quit feeding you this stuff.

    It just gives me the warm about you folks??? Not!!!!

    And don't worry...I live about three miles down the road from the NASA Langley Research Center...lots of moon rocks to be found in this town. The only building of interest to me on NASA Langley is the Antenna Research Facility...and that is a highly restricted area.

    Now on visitors day years NASA Langely ..I did see a strikingly beautiful extensively modified F 16 jet on the parking ramp. It is some kind of delta wing modified F 16...and the lines on this airplane were strikingly beautiful..very graceful.
    The regular F 16 is a nice looking bird.....but this variant was even more beautiful to me.

    Ok....I researched it..,.and it is called an F 16XL.

    Here at this wiki link..

    For some reason this aircraft never went into production..but she sure is a looker.

    Well...I am rambling now...but the point is ...once in awhile you can come up with a question or line of thinking where no one wants you to go.....

    If ozone depletion is so bad...why do they shoot astronauts up above the protective ozone for such lengthy tours in space...way above the protective ozone levels ????

    My Non Ishmaelite .02,

    TMT Tactical and Sonofliberty like this.
  27. coffee

    coffee Expert Member

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    I don't understand how it is that you can talk against President Trump and the excellent job he is doing for our country, and tell us not to watch this video unless we can have a positive response to it and to "your" anti-Trump comments. This is not fair. Maybe you should just post the video, if you feel so strongly about the people on this forums' need for it, and deal with the outcome comments. Now I know how you feel, and I choose to boycott the watching of said video, so I will not have to be upset over what may be my opinion of it and fear or voicing said opinion might result. No Thank you.
    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  28. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    With great respect Coffee....

    When you deal with Ishmaelites and in particular the type of Ishmaelite being manufactured/groomed/indoctrinated/programmed today...."Fair" has nothing to do with it.

    They are not interested in "fair."

    One look at what has become of international news media and in particular...American News media...for the purpose of Ishmaelite Herding....should clear this up for us. Same with what has become of public education too has become an international/Ishmaelite education.....of the blame game variety.

    And their current biggest target is Donald Trump. It becomes like a predictable schedule...a program....even boring at times in it's predictability.....more and more and more blame nausea.

    They are not interested in President Trump doing a good job...not at all. They are interested in Americans remaining on and part of the "Herd"...controlled by International beliefs...standards and devout zeal...a religion if you like.

    They intend for us to cede...give up ...let loose of our Americans beliefs....our rights and liberties and forever pay for the rest of the world.....with our monies and labors.

    They intend Europe and the have us take second, third, and fourth place in our own country while paying for first place for others...who are not even American. We will be required to pay twice or more...while others ride for free.

    They genuinely believe that Americans have a higher duty and obligation to drop our American beliefs and take on world class beliefs and make ourselves servants to these international beliefs....indentured servants...and away from our founding principles and away from the Public oath of office.

    I gave up on "Fair" a long time ago and began learning to look under the rug...for the Occult/concealed beliefs behind this international religion taking place all around us and by many in our own leadership selling us down the international cess pool drain.

    And make no is a religion...a very devout and zealous religion taking place here.

    And it is not the product advertised....

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    TMT Tactical, poltiregist and coffee like this.
  29. coffee

    coffee Expert Member

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    This fan is called a whole house fan. And I have lived in a house that had one, and WOW do they work very well. See when it's really hot the movement of the air from outside in through the whole house fan, and out all the open windows takes out all the humidity, that's why it feels so much cooler, wonderful.
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  30. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Members on here have a unique view of the planet . Recently I have noticed the increased global alarm going off . Some are experiencing catastrophic weather changes , some as we have heard from Brazil and Venezuela are facing starvation as their corrupt government's economy crashes , Mexico is practically a war torn country , refugees desperately trying to get into the United States as a refuge . South Africa in the stages of white ethnic cleansing . And there ain't a dam thing anyone can do to stop it . Prepare to try to survive , it's going to get a lot worse .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    that's about the one thing we as preppers can take for certain.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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