Usa Civil War, Version 2.0

Discussion in 'Urban Survival' started by Dalewick, Jun 13, 2020.

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Will the USA be at war before 2021?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Justice Perverted: We Need a New Magna Carta"

    Begin quote:

    Both before and after the indictment of former President Trump, there has been a heated debate about how our polarized country should proceed. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene went so far as to call for a “National Divorce,” though decrying violence in a later statement.

    Certainly, the partisan divide between Democrats and Republicans is as great as it has been at any time in my life, and probably since the election of Abraham Lincoln, which was seen as the spark that ignited four years of devastating war.

    So it’s no wonder that Americans are on edge. Watching a former president, the leader of 75 million people who voted for him in 2020, called into a courtroom to defend himself against people who hate him and fear him could easily be the spark that ignites violence again.

    Magna Carta, translated from Latin as the Great Charter, is a document sealed and accepted under duress by the tyrannical King John of England in 1215. It established the principle that everyone, including the king, is subject to the law and that no one can be deprived of their rights without due process. Magna Carta was the result of a political battle between the barons of England and their king, but it became a symbol of the protection of all citizens against the demands of an authoritarian ruler.

    Now, Donald Trump has become the symbol of how the law can be wielded as a weapon against anyone. Although Trump is a billionaire and a former president, he wields no power of office and is, in fact, at the mercy of both the federal Department of Justice and any petty tyrant with a law license, including Alvin Bragg Jr., the district attorney of Manhattan.

    From a historical perspective, the arrest of Trump is no different than the unjust arrest and seizure of assets of the barons who opposed King John. As many have mentioned before me, the 34-count indictment against Trump is bereft not just of due process but of common sense. The indictment fails to identify an underlying crime, which is required to prosecute the case as a felony. Without that information, the district attorney provides no opportunity for Trump to wage a defense. This is the very definition of lack of due process.

    Moreover, when you read the actual list of the 34 instances of falsifying business records, you discover that they are multiples of the same core offense. In other words, the prosecutor is charging Trump with the same crime over and over again. Although this is not the usual definition of double jeopardy, perhaps that’s because no prosecutor has ever been so brazen as Bragg in trying to use the law to crush a political opponent.

    If Alvin Bragg actually thinks he could convict Trump on this threadbare skein of manufactured charges, then he is either the dumbest graduate of Harvard Law School in history or the reincarnation of King John. Because only a tyrannical king whose edicts were law could possibly expect to see his enemies sent to jail without evidence.

    So that brings us back to Magna Carta, and the need for some kind of legal protections equivalent to those demanded by the British barons at Runnymede in 1215. Where are the Republicans, where are the libertarians, where are the ACLU Democrats who supposedly want to protect the people from the power of the state? Few and far between. Nor is Trump the only victim of an overzealous justice system that too often tramples on the rights of the people. Ask Moussa Diarra, the New York City garage worker who was initially arrested and charged with attempted murder after shooting a suspected thief who had first shot him. Even more absurd, Diarra was charged with illegal possession of a weapon because the gun he used was the one he had wrestled away from the suspect after being shot himself. Thank God, the charges against Diarra were dropped, but this is just one of the many cases where prosecution is used as a political weapon to promote policies like gun control.

    That’s why I’m calling for an American Magna Carta that reaffirms the rights of the people and gives them specific legal recourse if their due process rights are violated. We need to clarify the rights and responsibilities of citizens and the government, especially in the context of emerging technologies and new forms of communication. If King John was an absolute despot who needed to be put in his place, then we patriots must also confront the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a few individuals and corporations, which threatens the democratic process and the rule of law.

    This isn’t about saving Donald Trump; it’s about saving our country.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    See my post on and about the Woke Agenda..

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Absolute Power....Divine Right of Kings.

    That is what you are describing Olde Geezer.....a system of Unlimited the hands of the Deep State...a non representative government...representing private interests...not the oath of office.

    Someone or something out there, wanting to be unseen or unknown, is trying to use this case against Trump to bring about their "Unlimited Government."

    To bring back to them....while they remain unseen and unknown the background..operating through leaders they control....through puppets in their pay....absolue power...divine right of kings.

    To me our government has been stolen from us as far back as before the Spanish American War...and we have been fighting wars for these Deep State people war after another after another...and clearly wars in which we get no spoils or new territories....

    That is how I know we are being had...stage managed...for the victors are supposed to get the spoils and we do not.

    This means we are and have been fighting someone else's wars for someone else's gain and profits.

    I am often want to say that only Americans can be this giftedly stupid and never seem to catch on....

    The Ukraine is the latest continuance of this more than a hundred year olde pattern of Operation.....on the backs of America and Americans.

    The huge problem with Trump is that he caught this Conspiracy of the Deep State totally unprepared.....with their pants down. Hillary was supposed to win....

    They do not plan to make that mistake again. America is supposed to belong to the Deep State...not to Americans.

    For these Deep State people are internationalists...and not loyal to a people or nation..but to their international power and control.

    Asking myself if Trump has a Dead Man's Switch...????

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    The divine right of kings hasnt applied in Britain since the English Civil War, and the execution of a previous King Charles, Parliament became supreme as far back as 1689.
    The Royal Family does not involve itself in politics apart from giving Royal Assent to new laws.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The nests of vipers controlling Western massively centralized governments could be said to wield more control over the commoners than did the royalty of centuries past.

    Lord knows that the people in Europe do not have the means to oppose their governments. Only the governments and criminal gangs own effective weaponry (government gang members and criminal gang members can be difficult to differentiate -- throughout history this has been true; the most efficient criminals are crowned kings or sworn-in to Congress, Parliaments, or presidencies). The people of Europe couldn't even pull-off a semi-decent guerilla war. The masses are disarmed and their will is broken atop that. "We need big government to provide for us," whimpered the commoner.

    We here in the States are only beginning to get furious over our rigged elections. If an entire political grouping of civilians are are cheated out of their vote, they look to other means to make their will known. Our Founding Fathers knew and supported the people's inherent rights over the rights allowed government. They believed that unjust government should be overthrown -- and by violence, if necessary.

    Bullies must be crushed. Their demise should be sufficiently hideous to inculcate dread in any wanna-be bullies.

    Mental and spiritual disease is now rife in Western governments and in the offices filled ad perpetuum by the deep-state weasels. All of this must be dug-out by the root. The mechanisms that create such cancers must be disassembled and Constitutional rule reestablished.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  6. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    The French are good at protesting, protests in Paris about raising the age at which people can retire from 62 to 64, dont know what their complaining about, the British retirement age is much higher than that, but then thats the Gallic for you.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Remember what John F, Kennedy stated in one of his speeches....]

    That secrecy was repugnant to an open society.......

    JFK - Secrecy is Repugnant (1961 Speech) - YouTube

    Think about this in relation to the lies and deceit coming out in regards to what is actually going on in the Ukraine and being with held from the America people and for some time now..

    Not just the Ukraine but other things as America..

    Here...about economics...

    Stephen Miller: Americans must have the right to decide what type of vehicle they want - YouTube

    how about what kind of stove you can have???

    Understand about Ishmaelites now???

    Catching on yet???

    My non Ishmaelite .02
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    At some point we are going to have to make some adjustments and those are NOT goig to be well recieved. In the past good hardworking people had more kids that they do now. The trash of our population has always had several times more kids than were needed to just replace them. The worker class people did too. It isn't that way now. How many nonwelfare people do you know that have had 6 kids?

    We need to make it a law that if you are not going to work you should not have more than two kids. If you do you either get a job and support them or you will be put in prison and either work and support your kids or YOU starve to death. NO MORE FREE RIDES FOR FREELOADERS!!! What we are doing now is selling out our kids and grandkids futures.

    The prisons in Texas offer a person the ability to learn a trade and or get an education all the way up and through a college degree. If you refuse to work you need to die. We need to take the kids from these monsters and their breeding partners. A man that does this is bad but the women that allow them to have endless kids that they won't support are just as bad.
  9. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    there was a conversation on UK tv news programme about child care costs /child minders, the point was asked " if you cant afford to have kids then dont have them!" I didnt watch the whole piece as it dosent personally affect me as I dont have any kids.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    In several states of the U.S., if a man doesn't pay child support, he can be arrested. That's not only law, but Morality 101. Foisting everything off onto the mother is deeply wrong; to me, such behavior is infuriating. Where I'm from there were many "shotgun weddings" -- still are. A young man can get stomped (or worse) by a girl's family if he doesn't "do the right thing."

    These child support laws are usually only enforced on white men. In the black community, there often was no marriage to begin with, plus sometimes the father is not known to the woman.

    Here's what I think should happen: For a woman to get child welfare payments and W.I.C. food coupons, she should be required to name the father (or a list of potential fathers). Paternity could be easily determined via DNA testing. If the biologic father refused to contribute to the financial costs of raising his offspring, then he should be held in Contempt of Court and jailed (made to work) should it come to that. He shouldn't be driving around in a Cadillac Escalade.

    "10 Typical Drug Dealer Cars Seized"

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Speak Your Truth: Don’t Let the Government Criminalize Free Speech"

    “ 'If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.'—George Washington

    "What the police state wants is a silent, compliant, oblivious citizenry.

    "What the First Amendment affirms is an engaged citizenry that speaks truth to power using whatever peaceful means are available to us.

    "Speaking one’s truth doesn’t have to be the same for each person, and that truth doesn’t have to be palatable or pleasant or even factual.

    "We can be loud.

    "We can be obnoxious.

    "We can be politically incorrect.

    "We can be conspiratorial or mean or offensive.

    "We can be all these things because the First Amendment takes a broad, classically liberal approach to the free speech rights of the citizenry: in a nutshell, the government may not encroach or limit the citizenry’s right to freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and protest.

    "This is why the First Amendment is so critical."


    Old Gzr: This is why the Second Amendment is so crucial.

    You have no property, you have no rights unless you can defend them with physical power. Governments, people in office, people working for government must fear the people.

    There are two types of government. One wherein the people fear the government and one wherein the government fears the people. Only in the latter situation can the people enjoy the freedom ordained by their Creator.

    I am not owned. If my freedom is threatened, I will fight to the death. AND, I am soooooooo NOT alone. The collectivists in D.C. are pushing the people of this nation beyond the point of elasticity. Some in government fear the populist movement. They should.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    Men that spawn kids and refuse to support them need to be fixed. Women that have kids and refuse to support them need to be fixed. ALL Americans need to work. Welfare should only offered to those with some sort of REAL physical or mental infirmity that will not allow them to do ANY sort of work.

    Kids should be in school until they are 18 or they prove that they have the equivilant of a highschool education. If you turn 18 and are still illiterate and unable to support yourself you should be tested and sterized if it is a genetic problem and maybe even if you are just too lazy or dumb to try and learn. All 19 year old illiterates should be sterile. What ca a person do that can't even fill out a job aplication.

    I worked for a placeone time and the boss used to bring out the "Best" job aplications and show them to us. It was shocking, funny as hell, and SAD. It had a section on the bottom that was clearly labeled in CAPITAL letters for interviewers comments. An amazing number of people filled it out!!! One guy wrote a full analasis telling us how well dressed and spoken he was!!!

    I think that ALL Highschool kids should have a class in the important things that you NEED to know when applying for a job. Get an application and fill it out at home in your leasure and make sure that it is true but best reflects you. Make sure that you spell things correctly. (This is especially important for me because I didn't spell very well.) Spelling in English is MASSIVLY illogical and stupid. I before E except after C is a "rule"?? The first two words I think of are Weird and Science.
    1. Old Geezer
      East European languages are phonetic, a letter for a sound, a sound for a letter. Russian is phonetic -- if you know the sound, you know the Cyrillic letter and visa-versa. English being almost anti-phonetic makes life hell for people with dyslexia and children with severe hearing loss. Trying to teach the deaf to spell is bad enough, add non phonetic "rules", now your job is near impossible. You pump-in amplified sound (LOUD) in an attempt to make the alphabet-sound pairing, then have to explain that this isn't always true. Until the 1820s or so, people just spelled words as they sounded. Then here come the dictionary writers. I'm dyslexic a tad; my youngest son is very dyslexic.
      Old Geezer, Apr 22, 2023
      watcherchris likes this.
    2. Old Geezer
      And don't get me started on job applications and interviews. Engineering students, brilliant right? Wrong!!!

      Math skills? Sure. Everything else in the gutter! Irrespective of one's profession, one must communicate with others via the written word. Eng reports, instructions, technical manual instructions, problem reports, corrective actions, ... all of these written documents MUST be beyond just understandable, they must be profoundly precise. Just being a genius doesn't mean jack-sh## if you cannot communicate. :mad:
      Old Geezer, Apr 22, 2023
    3. Old Geezer
      I'm not finished ranting. Topic: proof-reading instruction manuals for high tech equipment.

      OK, so the company has a team of "technical writers" (quotation marks indicate "in theory") who get paid big bucks to write these documents. Poor instruction manuals and you get innumerable calls from the field. When Tech Services can't handle the issue, they pass it off to, guess who! They call Quality Control Eng (you tested the product last). Before the manuals go out, you have to read them. I can fully understand my having to correct technical issues, but why should I (dyslexic me) have to correct the English of someone who has a Masters in English?!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
      Old Geezer, Apr 22, 2023
      watcherchris likes this.
  13. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    its not just the men, the women are just as bad, especially the inner city type, several kids all by different fathers and most of them dont know who.
    friends sister was on welfare, she said if she had to get a job(when the kids reach a certain age sanctions are applied) she would just have another kid, I dont think she cared who it was having another baby that was the important bit.
    this was the female who said " meat comes from McDonalds" presumably chicken comes from KFC??
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
  14. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    And this should be called "civilization rotting".

    The mission of a prepper to protect his family and be of aid to his friends is complicated enough, but now you must add having to deal-with / get-rid-of knuckle-draggers who wish you to "share" post-SHTF. Were humans semi-rational and had the ability to control their emotions, shoot, during SHTF events, everyone could pull together, survive, and then rebuild -- it's happened before in history.

    But no. What we have today are oceans of ignorance And greed, me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me. Zero maturity. Zero abilities -- can't even take care of themselves. Add anger and aggression, now you have the perfect storm.

    The ONLY reasons I'd have to own guns would be for hunting/survival and informal target shooting ... add collecting, I'm a bit of a history nut. That's it. But, NO, I have to deal with the damned, the out-of-control, psychos let out of hospital, felons too-soon freed from prison, knuckle-draggers of every ilk. Meanwhile, the ivory-tower oligarchs have private security teams to protect them and say things like, "I can't imagine why anyone would need to have a gun." I'd like to grab-up these pukes, take them into the inner cities, and turn them out unarmed at 2:00 am. I'd let them get to know the local "culture".
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    It is heart warming to me to know that I am not alone with my distaste for dealing with SOME aspects of western culture and ways. Throw in dealing with being lefthanded in a right hand world as a kid and it explaines a lot of why some kids just have a hard time fitting in.

    Added on later...

    I am bidexterous. That means that I do some things left handed and some things right handed. I am right eyeed and right footed but left handed. In my case it has often been advantagious BUT it drove my Dad crazy trying to teach me anything. He was TOTALY right handed and couldn't even scratch his ass with his left hand. LOL. I throw and write left handed but shoot be it gun or bow right handed. Some things like swinging a hammer or batting I do with which ever is handiest.
    Last edited: May 10, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    LOL LOL LOL Texdanm....I'm with you on being left handed....and bidexterous...

    Don't much worry about fitting in..I am driving my own to speak..

    Oh...I can work with others as a team....or individually...but on my property..and on my time...I am driving my own bus...the rest can hit the bricks.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I've never fitted in, even as a kid and even less as an adult.
    dont have much/anything in common with most people.
    as we say here I have never "ticked the box", I do my own thing and just want to be left alone, thats why I'm a loner/recluse, I'm happiest when its just me in the outdoors with the birds and nature.
    I can work with others if I have to and I've had to at times, but hate it, I prefer to work alone .
    every time I've heard the words "our jolly little team" at a job interview I wanted to scream and run away, fast.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I'm very dependently right-handed. Of course I use my left hand; however, insufficiently often. I tell people to practice weak-hand handgun shooting. What a hypocrite I am. I've not trained my left hand enough at all.

    It's my belief that I'm left-eyed. As an instructor, you first find out which is a person's dominant eye, then teach them to shoot using hand & arm of that side. Oops.

    In social situations I've always been able to hang-out with multiple cultures, many different types of people. I can be the consummate chameleon, yet I can be honest and still get along also ... I think. I'm not totally certain that there exists a core "me" inside my psyche. I witness. It is said that one should love their own self. I totally do not understand what that means.

    Those who are uninteresting or crude, I write-off. Those specimens do not exist for me. When studying myself, I witness a marked tendency to study people as if they were another species or lab rats. With quality people, I can be more human. Those people have substance; something real is in there. Most humans are boring cartoons. A genius friend of mine (much smarter than I) has made observations about my personality that could be taken as exceedingly negative. Though I like the character Hannibal Lector in the Thomas Harris novels, I'm not Hannibal. I swear.

    upload_2023-4-24_18-2-36.png upload_2023-4-24_18-7-3.png
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Just a note before moving on to the story. When the next civil war breaks out, there will be no place to go where you will be safe in the USSA. This is especially true given that the coming conflicts will be guerilla attacks and a totally reticular war, i.e. no army vs. army on a battlefield -- engagements will be all over the place, random stuff. Going rural is good and if in Heartland America, there are tons of ready-made friends and companions for those of the same culture; however, as was the case of the first civil war, everywhere could turn into a battleground. Where I currently live, hundreds of thousands were killed during the first civil war. I've walked the battlefields with a grandson of mine. One Civil War cemetery is within walking distance of my house. And where I live, one's regional accent deems one friend or foe, yet you never know.

    Side note: While on business trips to northern states, & Canada, ... whatnot, I've been asked to speak ... just say a few sentences. Why? I'm a Southerner and even when I tame my accent, Yankees have laughed at me. Here in the South, my accent deems me a brother. Loyalty here means everything. A handshake is a contract. I've had friends who would kill for me. I would do the same for them. Outsiders are not welcome. When it hits the fan, outsiders will be risking their lives should they attempt to come here. We are armed to the teeth and we have plenty of ammo to meet the occasion.

    The political atmosphere here in the States is hotter than citizens of many other countries can understand. Americans have a history of going turbo violent. Where I was raised and in the family I was raised, killing evil people was accepted as righteous. As a child, I knew no shortage of men who had killed other men. I considered them heroes.

    "Alito: Dobbs Leak Made Supreme Court Justices ‘Targets of Assassination’"

    Begin quote

    WASHINGTON, DC — Leaking the draft Dobbs opinion overruling the infamous Roe v. Wade made Supreme Court justices “targets of assassination,” Justice Samuel Alito told the Wall Street Journal in a rare interview published Friday.

    Alito covered a number of topics, including how accusations from the Left denying the court’s legitimacy drives down the court’s support among the American people and ultimately degrades the rule of law.

    It can also be dangerous, however. The Dobbs leak literally made the justices “targets of assassination.” In fact, one left-wing activist named Nicholas Roske was charged with attempting to assassinate Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

    One of the most chilling aspects of that from the standpoint of America’s constitutional system is the idea that someone would assassinate a justice to change the direction of the nation by reversing the outcome of a pending major Supreme Court decision.

    Alito spoke to precisely that possibility, saying, “It was rational for people to believe that they might be able to stop the decision in Dobbs by killing one of us.” He also explained that the leak was designed to mobilize external pressure on the justices to intimidate one or more justices into changing their votes. The Supreme Court marshal’s investigation did not uncover enough evidence to accuse someone of being the leaker.

    “I personally have a pretty good idea who is responsible, but that’s different from the level of proof that is needed to name somebody,” the 73-year-old jurist told the interviewers.

    It is a federal crime under 18 U.S.C. § 1507 to protest outside a federal judge’s home with the intent of influencing the outcome of a pending case. Such angry protests continue outside the justices’ homes, but the Biden Justice Department has not made arrests or brought charges.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    "Percentage of population in the United States owning at least one gun in 2022, by political party affiliation"



    If Big Brother is unable to ban firearms, then access to ammunition will be severely restricted. Common Leftist view (though many liberals want all firearms' ownership banned; they see hunting as being cruel, all should be vegetarioans or eat bugs):

    "Opinion: Forget gun control; it's time for ammunition control"

    "Guns don’t kill people; it’s the bullets from guns that kill. After yet another mass murder, this one in Uvalde, Texas, now is a good time to bypass the sterile debate on gun control and deal with ammunition control.

    "What is a reasonable figure for individual possession of ammunition at any time? That would need to be determined in a national debate. My own view is that 10-12 rounds per gun are sufficient for self-defense.

    "Limits exist elsewhere. Israel, for example, requires a permit to own a gun and limits the number of rounds for each firearm to 50 per year. Any American who wants to shoot at targets, a legitimate sport, would buy and keep extra ammunition at a gun range. Limiting the number of rounds anyone can have at home would cut down, perhaps drastically, on gun deaths."


    "Why Is It Easier to Buy Bullets Than Cold Medicine?"

    "But a reader recently asked us: “Why aren’t bullets regulated like pharmaceuticals, with a database and license to purchase that will tip off law enforcement when large quantities are purchased?”

    "First, a quick fact-check: While the reader’s question presupposes that police are notified if a patient is prescribed a lot of pills in a short time period, that’s not actually the case. Prescriptions for controlled substances, including opioids, are logged in state-run databases that can be accessed by doctors, pharmacists, and law enforcement looking to stem substance misuse. But bulk purchases don’t automatically trigger a police response.

    "The reader is correct that in all but a handful of states, you don’t need a license to purchase bullets in the same way that patients need prescriptions for controlled substances or to show ID when buying regulated medications. In fact, in most of the country it’s harder to buy Sudafed than it is to buy ammunition. But that wasn’t always the case. Here’s what we learned.

    "It seems like a strange omission: If guns and ammunition carry the same criminal penalties, why don’t we run background checks for both?

    "The Gun Control Act of 1968, enacted in the wake of prominent political assassinations, required ammunition sellers to obtain federal licenses and keep sales records. It also banned interstate sales of bullets through the mail. But several of the law’s ammunition-related provisions were undone 18 years later by the Firearm Owners’ Protection Act of 1986, which the National Rifle Association has referred to as “the law that saved gun rights.”

    "FOPA, the same law that banned the civilian sale of most machine guns and prohibited the creation of a national firearm registry, also removed the requirement that ammo sellers obtain federal licenses; said licensed dealers didn’t have to keep ammunition sales records anymore; and eliminated the ban on interstate mail-o

    "What are the different approaches to regulating ammunition?

    "One is to levy hefty taxes on ammunition as a way of discouraging its use, a concept immortalized in a bit by the comedian Chris Rock: 'If a bullet cost $5,000,' he said, 'there’d be no more innocent bystanders.'

    "A couple of measures that stalled in the last Congress are expected to be reintroduced this session. The Ammunition Background Check Act, also known as Jaime’s Law, was first unveiled after the 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Florida, and is named for Jaime Guttenberg, one of the victims. It would require background checks on ammunition sales, an issue that Jamie’s father, Fred Guttenberg, calls the “holy grail of solving the gun violence problem.”

    'Someone who can’t walk into a store and buy a gun can walk into a store, buy bullets, and nobody checks,' he said. 'If you close that loophole, that is something that will save lives immediately. Because the gun is nothing more than a paperweight without that ammunition.' "
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Old Geezer, May 10, 2023
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    I have been a gun owner since I was a kid. I started with a BB gun at 8, then moved up to a pellet rifle and then a 20 ga shotgun and then a lever action 22LR. In between when at home a carried a slingshot (that is not what we called them back then) and was LETHAL with it. I could probably easily feed myself with one. My daughter has been a gun owner since she was a kid as well.

    To me a gun in the home is for protection fist off but it is also something that comforts you and lowers your fear of being alone. When you hear a sound that makes you wonder if someone has, or is trying to get into your home You can get it and take control of the situation.

    I taught my daughter that if she was alone and someone came into the house to get her gun load it and get in the closet in her room. If she hears more sound she is to yell and let them know that she was there and armed and that they would die if they came in her door.

    There was NOTHING else in my house worth her protecting. I just wanted her to be safe. We lived WAY out in the country and cops would have been 30 minutes to an hour away.

    On the subject of a civil war, IF it happens it will be a left versus right sort of thing with most of the forces of the left being nonwhite. It will be a short war. After it is over we need to give the people that don't like a free America where people are AMERICANS first, we need to offer them a ticket elsewhere. No second chance they will either become AMERICANS or be killed after that.

    If we executed ANYONE convicted of three felonies immediately after their third conviction we could close 75% of our prisons. I don't understand why people have the right to rob, assault and kill people over and over and over. We don't need people that have a list of arrests and convictions that is as long as your arm.

    As far as I'm concerned for violent offenders, build a wall around 10 square miles and just throw them over the wall. Make sure there is plenty of water and throw food over the wall a couple of times a day and just let them sort it out. Prisons are EXPENSIVE.
    Last edited: May 10, 2023
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  22. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    A co-worker of mine was a fan of "wrist-rocket" sling shots. They utilize thick-walled rubber tubing. From industrial supply houses one can order any variation of tubing you wish -- been there done that. This chap was fond of using his wrist-rocket and large ball-bearings to blow-out the windows of cars belonging to people of whom he was less than fond.

    While at university, one detailed paper I wrote dealt with traumatic brain injury. Fascinating topic / I actually enjoyed writing this one. The topic was exceedingly narrow, yet gee golly gosh did I ever read innumerable surgery reports of glancing war injuries to the skull (a veteran's administration library was there for my ongoing perusal) wherein the patients survived (and they do survive, got stories, not pretty; friend was a surgical tech in-country Vietnam; God rest his soul eternally; what a golden soul he was!). Seen a glass hit with a BB-gun? Note the small hole on the outside and the large hole on the inside. Can you say debridement surgery of the cerebral cortex?! :) Wrist rocket + steel ball + cranial fracture = wheelchair + urinary catheter + drooling. Oooh, that's not pretty. Seen unpretty things galore. :( What a beautiful world in which we live!

    Using a freaking urinary catheter as the rubber tubing!!!!! :p:p:p:p:p:D:D:D:D Get a friend to nick outdated caths for this (hospital workers nick things out obsolete supplies that are going to be thrown away; I've 14 ga IV caths to use as make-do pneumothorax pressure release "darts" -- pneumothorax = death, if not treated immediately; done a bunch of instruction in this technique; look up the best cath length, 3.5" is right, I think; male & female humans differ due to chest thickness, 3.5" I remember as being good, but don't trust me on this one; look-up what is now recommended; better yet ask a 68 Whiskey).

    Here's me buddy, Joerg Sprave (I've posted his videos before; he's a hoot!, great sense of humor!):

    The best slingshots have an arm brace so that your holding hand does not bend back. Thus, one can stretch the tubing to the max and not lose sight-picture.

    Nail slingshots:

    Making your own machetes:
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    most English kids in the 50s and 60s had slingshots, we call them catapults.
    you can also make a sling bow that fires smaller arrows by using a split ring and a couple of zip ties.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Asheville, North Carolina, population 90,000:

    "Ten Calls Asheville, NC Police Will No Longer Respond To"

    "It sounds bad, but it really isn’t the PD’s fault for refusing to respond to a list of crimes and other calls. Nor is Asheville the only city in the country to do this; not by a long shot. With the current political climate causing officers to leave police forces in droves (according to Greenville’s WYFF4 news, Asheville lost 84 officers since the beginning of 2020) even when there aren’t budget cuts and layoffs, the actual work of policing simply gets stretched too thin.

    "Due to this 'staffing crisis,' the Asheville Police Department will no longer be responding to the following types of calls and crimes:

    > Theft under $1,000 where there is no suspect information (this does not include stolen vehicles or guns)
    > Theft from a vehicle where there is no suspect information
    > Minimal damage and/or graffiti to property where there is no suspect information
    > Non-life-threatening harassing phone calls (does not include incidents that are related to domestic violence and/or stalking)
    > Fraud, scams, or identity theft
    > Simple assaults that are reported after they have occurred
    > Reports that do not require immediate police actions and/or enforcement (information only reports)
    > Funeral escorts
    > Lost/found property
    > Trespassing where the property owner does not want to press charges

    "In addition, noise complaints made during normal business hours and after-hours may have a significant delay in response…"

    Here is a super article. Please read. It sums-up a nation, not just one town of under 100K population. Police note that outside communist agitators such as Antifa are very active in Asheville. Soros-backed (add other international Leftist money sources) insurgents are active nation-wide.

    "Democrat-run tourist town in North Carolina sees violent crime spike as police dwindle: 'Perfect storm' "

    "Asheville, North Carolina — Multiple local law enforcement sources who spoke to Fox News Digital laid partial blame for the deteriorating condition of a North Carolina tourist town on the city's liberal political leadership and on left-wing activists who undermine police.

    " 'I think what you're seeing in Asheville right now is a culmination of the last several years of pulling police back and not letting them do their jobs like they're able to do,' former Buncombe County Sheriff Van Duncan told Fox News Digital in a phone interview.

    "Asheville, a city of approximately 90,000 people nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Buncombe County, North Carolina, has seen a 31% surge in violent crime per 100,000 people from 2016 to 2020, according to statistics released in the spring. Asheville's growth in violent crime is nearly double that of the national average and ranks among the highest in North Carolina, where violent crime has increased 13% statewide.

    "Asheville has so far seen 11 homicides in 2022, setting it on pace to surpass the homicide rate of 2021 and 2020. Rates of homelessness have increased 21% since 2021, according to data released in May. There is also evidence of increased Mexican drug cartel activity in the area, according to multiple law enforcement sources who spoke to Fox News Digital.

    "Duncan, who was a longtime registered Democrat, retired as sheriff and became politically unaffiliated in 2018, citing 'an anti-law enforcement sentiment in the Democratic Party right now,' according to the Asheville Citizen-Times. He told Fox News Digital that police who do wrong must be held accountable, but also said officers both locally and around the country have become hesitant to do their jobs 'because they can be right, but it can be the wrong set of facts, and they can still wind up in trouble.'

    "Duncan further noted that when he was serving as county sheriff, 'left-wing activists' from outside the community would sweep in to disrupt community meetings. 'They would really try to get into it with the police, and a lot of times, they would try to shout down things,' he said. 'And the first people who quit coming to those meetings were the people within the community. They really didn't get to speak, and they really didn't get anything done.'

    " 'Personally, I think that is the agenda of the left: for law enforcement not to be able to do anything that's effective and makes the community safer,' he added.

    "An officer currently with the Buncombe County Sheriff's Office who spoke to Fox News Digital on condition of anonymity attributed the exodus of officers to policy changes that hamstring them. The officer also cited an overall lack of leadership and the 'liberal agenda' of some county commissioners and members of city council. Neither the Asheville City Council nor the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners responded to Fox News Digital's request for comment.

    "The officer laid particular blame on Buncombe County District Attorney Todd Williams, a Democrat whose office did not respond to a request for comment from Fox News Digital. The officer claimed Williams' office often doesn't charge criminals at all or reduces felony charges to misdemeanors.

    "APD Chief David Zack told Fox News Digital that the reasons behind the steady flood of resignations in his department are complicated and multi-faceted. Zack said the APD has lost more than 100 sworn officers since May 2020, which he noted is roughly equivalent to 600 years of experience walking out the door."

    More from Asheville:

    "Vandalized pregnancy center in NC blasts city leaders' silence, praises police: 'Silence speaks volumes'"

    "Mountain Area Pregnancy Services has seen a 16% surge in clients since last year.

    "The director of a crisis pregnancy center in North Carolina that was vandalized last year said city and county leaders have been silent about the crime, but noted local police continue to go out of their way to protect her faith-based organization.

    " 'From the day of the attack to today, I haven't had anyone [in leadership] just call me and say, ‘I’m sorry, we hate this happened in our town,'" Kristi Brown, executive director of Mountain Area Pregnancy Services (MAPS) in Asheville, told Fox News Digital.

    "MAPS was among several crisis pregnancy centers nationwide that were damaged last summer in acts of arson or vandalism that were claimed by the radical pro-abortion group Jane's Revenge. The group declared 'open season' on such pro-life establishments after the leak of the Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade.

    "Local police said they found broken windows and red paint splattered on the ministry's facility in West Asheville, along with an anarchist symbol and graffiti demanding 'no forced births.' A message scrawled in red on the sidewalk in front the entrance read: 'If abortions aren't safe, neither are you!' "


    Photo: "If abortions aren't safe neither are you!"

    Last edited: May 14, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer

      "Last week, the city of Philadelphia agreed to pay $9.25 million to 343 left-wing protesters who alleged they suffered “physical and emotional injuries” when police used tear gas and pepper spray to clear them off a major highway in downtown at a Black Lives Matter-style direct action in 2020.

      "Videos recorded at the time showed the mob shut down the highway while vandalizing public property."

      Old Geezer, May 14, 2023
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "60,000 Lbs. Explosive Ammonium Nitrate Missing from Train in California"

    "Sixty thousand pounds of ammonium nitrate, used as a fertilizer but also in explosives, are missing from a rail shipment that was due to arrive in California from Wyoming.

    "Ammonium nitrate was the explosive in the massive bomb used in the Oklahoma City terror attack of 1995. It was also the substance that caused a deadly explosion in a warehouse in the port of Beirut, Lebanon, in 2020.

    "Foul play is not suspected yet, but the loss of a hazardous chemical is just the latest rail problem in the past several months. In February, a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, eventually leading to a massive explosion that spread potentially hazardous substances to the surrounding community."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Getting ready for the coming armed conflicts ...

    First let me state that the flowers of southern Nevada -- a desert/semi-desert -- prove the unimaginable, the Infinite, the indestructible Grace of our Creator. I'm at a loss for words -- beauty in chaos -- I'm struck numb. It's just too much to hold in one's mind, one's soul!


    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      If you were trained with "assault rifles" in the military or in law enforcement, then you know their capabilities and their limitations. For most civilians, "assault rifles" are NOT a go-to weapon for the inevitable SHTF scenarios. During a guerrilla warfare situation, ACCURATE weapons are your Go-To firearms. Handguns allow you time to get to accurate / effective weaponry. Nine out of ten handgun injuries DO NOT result in death/incapacitation.
      Old Geezer, May 19, 2023
      TMT Tactical likes this.
    2. Old Geezer
      Find the ammo that a firearm "likes" / with which it accurately shoots. One variety of ammo will produce crap accuracy with a given rifle. Moving to another brand/bullet, type/weight, results in great accuracy. Go figure! Welcome to Earth. Welcome to engineering in the realm of precision. It is the same with biology. This world can be complicated. So it goes. Deal with it. Not accurate? Change ammo brand -- even change bullet weight. Make sure your scope rings are affixed in a manner that is SOLID and unmoving / TOTALLY unmoving.
      Old Geezer, May 20, 2023
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The communist view, the view of an anti-Constitution traitor

    This traitor to America makes some interesting points -- maybe even useful points. He is a good read. Always pay attention to the words of your enemies.

    Any civil war is going to trash the U.S. dollar. Oops, the dollar is dead anyway. We are currently pretending into existence.

    "Some thoughts on how we might get from where we’re at now to a Second Civil War"

    Begin quote:

    Many people in the South and heartland in general often think of themselves as patriotic, loyal Americans, more so than “liberals,” “Yankees,” “elites” and people from the North and urban areas. I know this well from two decades in the Army. Southerners nowadays, including Texans, often see themselves as the “realer Americans,” the people who really stand up for the country, who have a better feel for what it stands for.

    You set out to marginalize your opposition. You declare that your enemies are the anti-American “elites,” concentrated in “Sanctuary Cities” that are economically thriving — and thumbing their noses are the rest of the country. They’re looking at you, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Austin, Miami, Atlanta, Charlotte, Philadelphia, New York and Boston.

    The Disruptors would accept violence as part of the equation. I don’t foresee set-piece battles between great armies, but I think they understand the strategy would involve persistent conflict that kills hundreds or even thousands on the way to achieving its aims. If they can get away with it with minimal bloodshed, great; if not, “so be it.”

    In March, my totally unscientific hunch was a second civil war had less than a 20% chance of happening. Now I’m guessing it’s closer to 40%. The revision is less a reaction to the current president or perceived deterioration of the political environment as it is a revision of my own understanding of “where we are.” I’ve lately become persuaded that our current leaders are nearly incapable of mediation, reconciliation, or compromise in much of anything, regardless of the stakes; nor do I expect that to improve. If anything, I expect it to worsen.

    Robert F. McTague retired in 2016 as a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army. He did two tours in Iraq, and also served in Kuwait, Qatar, Korea, Croatia, Romania, and Turkey. He completed two NATO tours as well. He now makes his home in Bucharest, Romania.

    End quote

    Note that the upper brass, to include hundreds of officers in the Pentagon, are enemies of the U.S.
    Constitution. Note that this former U.S. military officer now makes his home in Romania. In the current USSA, the damned have gotten more than a foothold. They even occupy the White House. Sacred Liberty is the life blood of those who would survive the hellish years that are on the immediate horizon. Without freedom, one is very restricted in making preparations for the coming dark days. Preppers are NOT part of the herd.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The Left vs. Western Civilization.

    Another battle in the socialist National Education Association's war against America and morality.

    Make no mistake, this is war. Personally, I'm not a member of the Christian religion, but I sure can recognize hatred when I see it. The NAZIs hated Jewish people. The Left hates Christians.

    "Kellogg student banned from graduation for saying 'Guys are guys and girls are girls'”

    "On Thursday, Kellogg High School senior Travis Lohr took part in an activity where seniors share advice for lowerclassmen. In a departure from his preapproved remarks, Lohr spoke from his heart, saying, 'Guys are guys and girls are girls. There is no in-between.'

    "Speaking the truth is revolutionary and exciting in a world full of lies.

    "At least 100 students and parents gathered outside the school at 9:00am, including a popular bus driver named Dakota Mailloux who decided to join the walkout on his own time. Before the protest had even finished, Mailloux was called into Davidian’s office and summarily fired with no specific reason given.

    "Mailloux took a few minutes to speak to Wayne Hoffman Friday afternoon, explaining why he joined the walkout with his American flag. 'I saw the thing on Facebook last night about how he was not being allowed to walk because of his very factual assertion that there is only two genders, and it did not sit well with me.'

    "Kellogg High School decided to cancel classes for the afternoon, releasing students at 10:45am rather than face continued disruption. Shortly thereafter, they released a statement postponing their graduation ceremony as well. In the statement, they blamed 'outside groups and agitators' for threatening the safety of students, staff, and families."


    "Teachers' Unions: How AEA-parent organization NEA gained political clout to promote radical ideologies in American public education"

    "Teachers' unions have long been controversial in the United States, especially now, as polarizing discussions about public education in America are front and center.

    "The late Samuel Blumenfeld, who wrote extensively on education, phonics, and illiteracy in American education, also wrote a full-length treatise on the NEA. 'NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education' was first published in 1984 and dealt with the ideological foundation of the NEA, as well as its evolution into a political lobbying army.

    "The NEA's dominant position in the Democratic Party has already made that party virtually a captive of the far left," Blumenfeld wrote. 'And there are many liberal politicians who like what the teachers are doing because it serves their political ambitions. Meanwhile, the public schools are falling apart and academic standards are at their lowest. At least a million students emerge from high school each year as functional illiterates, thanks to the educational malpractice rampant in American public schools. The students may not be learning much, but they are getting heavy doses of propaganda from their politicized teachers.'

    "Others are critical of the NEA's historical relationship with socialism as a political ideology, as well as its relationship with prominent socialist types such as John Dewey, Michael Harrington and Michael Chase.

    "The NEA’s political arm has caused even more concern than the ideological leanings of its members. The NEA spends millions on lobbying and millions on political contributions yearly. The cash-flush nature of the NEA has made its political leanings more concerning due to the NEAs ability to lobby effectively.

    "According to Alex Newman, author of the book 'Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's Children,' the NEA 'has barely bothered to conceal its leadership's affinity for communism, collectivism, socialism, humanism, globalism, and other dangerous ‘isms’ that threaten individual liberty.'"

    "Perspective: National teachers’ unions aren’t on your side"

    "Unions are supposed to fight for their members on issues like fair wages and benefits. But today’s unions have strayed far from their original purposes, particularly teachers’ unions like the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association.

    "Teachers’ unions fight for themselves, not teachers, parents or students. And membership dues often go to political campaigns and candidates, rather than bargaining for better teacher pay and benefits.

    "The American Federation of Teachers, led by longtime president Randi Weingarten, last year spent $49 million of membership dues on politics and an additional $6 million on contributions, gifts and grants to political organizations, which comprised 27% of the union’s spending.

    "Some examples of political organizations that received AFT funds are America Bridge 21st Century, a group created to attack Republican candidates during elections; the Sixteen Thirty Fund, which donates to groups that threaten to replace moderate Democrats with far-left candidates; and People for the American Way, which fights to end the Senate filibuster.

    "Overall, only 9% of AFT’s spending went to employee benefits, 14% went to general overhead, and 4% to union administration. The majority of AFT’s spending is political.

    "Not only did the union spend millions on politics, but Weingarten’s official biography on AFT’s website proudly says she is 'an active member of the Democratic National Committee.' She was recently quoted in The Washington Post in her capacity as an active member of the DNC’s rules and bylaws committee."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      "If You Stand In The Way Of Their Agenda, You Will Pay A Price"

      "In other areas of the country, radical activists have been making bomb threats against Target just because the retailer removed “some of its Pride Month merchandise after significant backlash”

      "Our nation is being ripped in two, and there are no quick fixes on the horizon.

      "Everywhere around us, we are being bombarded by propaganda that has been carefully designed to promote the new culture that is relentlessly being imposed upon us.

      "If you dare to stand in the way of this agenda, you will be punished."

      Old Geezer, Jun 5, 2023
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    I am not really worried about that much anymore. The LEFT will never actually be willing to fight physically for ANYTHING. The right is getting less and less willing to do much either. All any of them seem to want to do is wail and beg for money. IF anything ever happens it will come from one of two places.

    One and possibly the most likely is that the minorities will riot and push the majority into finally settling things for once and all. Our idiotic government has tried to fix things with reverse discrimination and that makes NOBODY happy. It has also made it so that businesses can't hire and keep people that will and are capable of doing the jobs. So more and more move their factories out of the country.

    The second possibility is that the government will push people so far that they will just shut this country down. Why work if the government steals most of your money from you and gives it to people that refuse to work and keep popping out kids for the rest of us to support.

    I was fortunate in that my various chosen professions were not such that just any idiot could do it. You could hire an idiot but they would never learn enough to actually EARN their pay.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Fights Outside California School Board Meeting over LGBT Curriculum"

    "LOS ANGELES, California — Fights broke out Tuesday between a group of conservative protesters and left-wing counter-demonstrators outside a school board meeting in Glendale, California, that discussed LGBT issues in the curriculum.

    "It is not clear whether, or how many, counter-protesters were affiliated with Antifa, but a few appeared to be wearing black clothing and black masks, which are often associated with the movement. Otherwise, the protesters and counter-protesters reflected the general tone of public controversy around the issue.

    "As Breitbart News reported last month, parents in nearby North Hollywood pulled their children out of a local school to protest a Pride month assembly. Many of the parents were conservative Christians from the Armenian community.

    "The boycott was accompanied by a protest outside the school, in which parents and sympathetic activists voiced their opposition to teaching about alternative sexualities and gender transitions in the school.

    "Democrats, including White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, have described reactions to LGBT issues in school curricula as “hateful,” but many parents feel such instruction is not age-appropriate, whether the sexuality in question is gay, straight, or otherwise."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Bloodshed coming ...

    Unless Christian Californians reject their religious beliefs and kowtow to the pro-sodomy and pro-pedophilia office-holders in their state government, their children will be taken away by the state.

    "California bill would charge parents who reject transgenderism with 'child abuse' ”

    "The recently passed Assembly Bill 957 in California was quietly amended after hours to include a new requirement that parents in the Golden State must now be “affirming” of their children’s sexual “transitions” or else face potential “child abuse” charges.

    "Written and introduced by Assembly Member Lori Wilson (D-Suisun City) on February 14 – Wilson’s child self-identifies as transgender, by the way – and co-sponsored by state Sen. Scott Weiner (D-San Francisco), AB 957 centers around the handling of child custody cases based on how “gender-affirming” the parents are.

    "In order to comply with California’s official standards of parental responsibility and child welfare, AB 957, with the new amendment that was added post-passage by the state Assembly, parents must “affirm” their children’s “gender identity as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child.”

    "The change represents a fundamental alteration to the California Family Code, which will now cater exclusively to LGBT-affirming parents in custody cases. Should a “trans” child end up torn between two separate or divorced parents, judges will now only side with the trans-affirming parent – or in the event that neither parent is affirming, the child will be handed over to the state." [emphasis Old Geezer]


    Democrats’ war on parents just took a radical new turn: Taking conservatives’ children away

    "California just launched a sickening new attack on parents. It’s part of a growing trend among Democrats.

    "(LifeSiteNews) – If Democrats have their way, parents who oppose transgender ideology or irreversible drugs and surgeries for kids may lose custody of their children in the near future.

    "That may sound too radical to be real, but it’s happening.

    "In late September, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill, SB 107, that allows California courts to take “emergency jurisdiction” of children who come to the state for “gender transitions.”

    "In other words, starting in January, California will be able to strip parents in any state of their custody rights if their children seek chemical or surgical mutilation within California’s borders, or even through telemedicine with a California-based doctor.

    "Moreover, the law, authored by a homosexual lawmaker from San Francisco and co-sponsored by Planned Parenthood, could promote abduction of minors to California – and leave parents powerless to stop it.

    "SB 107 includes a broad carve-out that protects the 'taking of a child' to pursue transgender drugs or surgeries, as conservative legal group Alliance Defending Freedom has pointed out.

    “ 'This gives a relative who secretly takes a child to California and arranges for gender identity procedures on the child a pathway to also strip the parents of their rights and obtain sole custody of the child,' the group explained. 'Parents whose child visits a relative in California could lose custody of their child forever if the relative persuades the child to identify as a different gender during the visit.' ”


    Many parents would be willing to kill over far less. This is an open declaration of war on parenthood and morality.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  32. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    To hold a job in Leftist states, you have to toe the Democratic Party line:

    "Country singer claims venue canceled her gig because she performed national anthem at Trump rally: 'That’s not okay' "

    Begin quote:

    A country music singer has claimed that a Massachusetts venue where she had been performing for seven years canceled her gig for the remainder of the year after owners learned she had performed the national anthem at a rally for former President Donald Trump.

    On April 27, Carly Tefft, who hails from Massachusetts, had the honor of performing "The Star-Spangled Banner" at a Trump rally in New Hampshire. "When 45 calls you to sing the anthem, just letting God use my voice as a vessel. @realdonaldtrump, thank you mr. president," she posted to Instagram.

    While Tefft suspected that her appearance at the rally might ruffle a few feathers, she did not expect to lose work because of it. She was wrong. About five days later, one of the managers of Harvest Gallery — a restaurant and bar in Dennis, Massachusetts, near Cape Cod — reportedly called to say that all of her scheduled performances for the rest of the year had been canceled.

    According to an interview Tefft gave on "The Howie Carr Show" this week, the unnamed manager claimed that patrons might feel "threatened" and even likened having her perform to obscene art. "'I can’t have nude artistry hanging in my space,' he said, and he was comparing that to what I did," Tefft told host Taylor Cormier.

    The manager then went even further and allegedly probed Tefft about her personal opinions regarding the former president. "Are you a Trump supporter?" he demanded to know. "I just sighed," said Tefft, who has never publicly endorsed Trump and who claimed to support only God "wholeheartedly." "I knew that no matter what I said, he had already made up his mind. That’s his business, and that’s his prerogative." She said he later complimented her for having "a great head on [her] shoulders" and insisted that she was still welcome to frequent Harvest Gallery as a patron, but not as a performer.

    "It's funny because Massachusetts — you know, liberal — is supposed to be more 'open,'" she said.

    End quote

    The above is nothing new. Here's an article from 2020.

    "Conservative Employees Run Risk of Job Loss for Personal Political Views"

    "Earlier this month, Lancaster, PA’s Democrat Mayor Danene Sorace announced the “retirement” of the town’s Police Chief, Jarrad Berkihiser. The President of Lancaster’s Fraternal Order of Police subsequently issued a statement saying that Berkihiser was given the choice to retire or be fired because his wife had made a post on Facebook favorable to President Donald Trump

    "In Michigan, 28 year old teacher Justin Kucera of Walled Lake Western High School was fired after posting tweets in support of the President [Trump] and suggesting that schools should be open in the fall. While the school denies that was the reason for termination, no other reason was given. Kucera reported that other teachers at the school had posted anti-Trump messages on social media and were not disciplined.

    "It is not only support of President Trump that can lead to termination. Criticism of any contemporary liberal orthodoxy can result in an employee losing his or her position. In Fresno, CA, teacher Timothy Gordon lost his position at Garces Memorial High School for criticizing Black Lives Matter. Gordon has been unrepentant since his termination citing the need to “always be on the offensive.” Gordon’s tough stance aside, the termination did create personal hardship for him as he has a daughter suffering from serious medical issues.

    "These types of stories do not appear to have counterparts that involve liberal employees losing their positions for statements that might be deemed offensive to others not sharing their views. To the contrary, it appears that attacks on the President or conservative causes are falling under the heading of “protected speech” in today’s American employment climate. A temporary suspension seems to be the most drastic response an employer is willing to make in even the most extreme cases.

    "At Marshall University, Professor Jennifer Mosher was only suspended after a having a video of herself posted online where she says of Trump supporters '…I hope they all die before the election. That’s the only saving hope I have right now. Definitely bootlickers.'

    "While these instances of conservative employees being terminated from their positions because of their, or their spouses, political views may not be per se First Amendment legal violations, they do represent a violation of the spirit of the First Amendment. Regardless of the outcome of the November election, such workplace persecutions are likely to only become more commonplace."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The biden White House regime not only is weaponizing the FBI, it is also using the IRS to commit acts of aggression against those who dare oppose them ("them" = the nest of daemons occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue). Other dictatorial acts include this administration's political party attempting to imprison a former president to keep him from running in the 2024 national election. To prevent the 2024 elections, one wonders to what depths this Wash. D.C. regime will stoop. They've been escalating the Russian/Ukrainian war. They have been censoring unfavorable news via their MSM lackies -- a blatant attack on the 1st Amendment. They are seeking to further restrict citizens' 2nd Amendment rights. Seems they see themselves as sacrosanct from any limitations of power.

    The biden banana republic -- bringing the Venezuelan socialist dream to Amerika

    "It’s Not Just the FBI: The IRS goes into ‘Beast Mode’ "

    "We have seen for some time how off-the-rails the FBI has become, a danger to a free society. More and more evidence now shows it’s not just the FBI. Every federal employee with a badge and gun seems to think he’s a law unto himself. This week the spotlight is on the IRS, and the Congress has to step up and rein the agency in.

    "While Matt Taibbi was testifying before Congress on the administration’s extensive censoring of social media content, the IRS appeared at his door, ostensibly to question him about his taxes, but obviously to intimidate him for showing up government censorship.

    "The bigger question is when did the IRS start to dispatch agents for surprise house calls? Typically, when the IRS challenges some part of a tax return, it sends a dunning letter. Or it might seek more information from the taxpayer or tax preparer. If the IRS wants to audit a return, it schedules a meeting at the agent’s office. It doesn’t drop by unannounced.

    "As Congressman Jim Jordan detailed in a letter to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel this week:

    " 'We have recently received allegations that an Internal Revenue Service Agent provided a false name to an Ohio taxpayer as part of a deception to gain entry into the taxpayer’s home to confront her about delinquent tax filings. When the taxpayer rightfully objected to the agent’s tactics, the IRS agent insisted that he 'can …go into anyone’s house at any time” as an IRS agent.' '

    "The overreach by armed IRS agents didn’t stop after these two incidents. Twenty armed IRS agents raided a gun store in Great Falls, Montana, earlier this week. The owner reports that these agents confiscated all the 4473 forms, none of which contain any financial information. David Paulides tweeted: “20 armed IRS agents raided his store in Great Falls earlier this week. Tom [the shop owner] informed me that these agents confiscated all the 4473 forms, none of which contain any financial information; instead, the IRS now has access to these forms with sensitive personal details of every customer who purchased a firearm from Highwood Creek Outfitters.”

    "Does any of this bother you? The debt deal on the Inflation Reduction Act did cut $21 billion out of the IRS’ $80 billion budget, but did not reduce or eliminate the Administration’s plan to hire 87,000 more of these armed, over-the-top Fearless Fosdicks. Forbes dismissed the objections to retaining this expense.

    'The Inflation Reduction Act past [sic] last year, gave the IRS billions to go into what the Wall Street Journal at the time called “beast mode.” That law was doling out about $80 billion to the IRS for increased enforcement, operational improvements, customer service, and systems modernization. That stands at more than six times the 2022 annual IRS budget of $12.6 billion. Of the $80 billion, a whopping $45.6 billion was for enforcement. Earlier reports had suggested that the IRS would hire 87,000 new agents. Unfortunately, the ‘87,000 new IRS agents’ line because [sic] a rallying cry for some groups, and some of those lines may resurface again now.' ”

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Communist media chooses communist to interview "deplorables" who are fed-up with communist indoctrination of their children:

    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Old Geezer, Jun 25, 2023
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  35. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Amerika's communist universities have little, if any, tolerance for conservative professors. Those who claim to be "independent" must toe-the-line lest they never get tenure, or be fired. Universities only tolerate "uni-think" and that is the worship of the collective. Belief in individual Liberties has vanished on campuses all across Western Nations.

    "California school district is sued after administrator said he wanted to bring voices that oppose DEI measure 'to the slaughterhouse' and another called America a 'f*****g piece of s*** nation'"

    "Professor Daymon Johnson filed a suit against Bakersfield College after claiming he was targeted for being outspoken about his political beliefs.

    "It was filed after Johnson replied to a post from another faculty member who had called America a 'f***ing piece of s**** nation.'

    "Bond filed a complaint with the college against Johnson for 'harassment and bullying', which sparked Johnsons' lawsuit with The Institute for Free Speech.

    "The lawsuit also stated that recently fired professor Matthew Garrett was let go after being outspoken about anti-racist initiatives from the district.

    "Bakersfield College is a public institution operated by the Kern Community College District, with the District Vice President John Corkins being named in the suit for lashing out against faculty who opposed the diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.

    "He said: 'They're in that five percent that we have to continue to cull. Got them in my livestock operation and that's why we put a rope on some of them and take them to the slaughterhouse. [emphasis, Old Gzr]

    "Johnsons' lawsuit states that Corkins was referring to Bakersfield College staff and that he 'refrains' from expressing his political views 'for fear of being subjected to further investigations and termination.'

    "The suit added: 'The First Amendment, however, guarantees Professor Johnson's right to express himself, and it forbids the state from mandating that he subscribe to or promote any official ideology."

    "The Disappearing Conservative Professor"

    "By most accounts, 1969 was not a banner year for conservatism, at least not on America's college campuses. Looking back, however, it is striking just how well represented conservatives were in the ranks of the American professoriate. In that turbulent year, about one in four professors were at least moderately conservative, according to survey data collected by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education.

    "That substantial minority of conservative voices on college campuses began to diminish sharply in the late 1980s and early 1990s. When the Carnegie Foundation conducted its faculty survey in 1999, it found that a mere 12% of professors were conservatives, down from 27% in 1969. Using a different dataset from the Higher Education Research Institute, political scientist Samuel Abrams discovered a similar decline. Overall, Abrams estimated that the ratio of liberal to conservative professors has increased by about 350% since 1984, even though there was no equivalent change among the American public or college students. As a consequence, very few of today's college presidents can claim that one in four of their faculty members are conservatives."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  36. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Straight white men ‘dangerous’ says San Francisco campaigner for slavery"reparations

    Begin quote:

    Nikcole Cunningham, who serves on the African American reparations advisory committee, wants black people to be paid millions of dollars

    A member of San Francisco’s reparations committee, which has proposed paying the city’s black inhabitants millions of dollars in compensation for slavery, has described straight white men as a “danger to society” and claimed “white supremacy is ingrained in the DNA” of America.

    Nikcole Cunningham, who serves on the 15-strong African American reparations advisory committee, told The Telegraph that white people should be held responsible for the actions of slave owners as they are “still benefiting from the harms that… [their] ancestor caused”.

    The committee was set up in 2020 to advise local officials on how to address discrimination in the city, and is proposing to give every eligible black resident $5 million (£3.9 million) in reparations for slavery.

    Ms Cunningham’s remarks, in a rare public interview, are likely to inflame tensions between advocates and sceptics of the reparations policy.

    The comments come at a time of heightened racial tensions in America after the Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that universities cannot discriminate in their selection of students based on their skin colour.

    In an interview with this newspaper, Ms Cunningham said “even though” straight white men were “privileged, he [sic] has a lot of s--- wrong, and I say that because even straight white men are abusive, straight white men are serial killers”.

    “So until white people come to grips with their ancestry too and make amends with them, to say, I want to be the change.”

    When asked if the state can afford the payments, he said: “There’s always a way to afford [it]… But we do have a pretty disastrous budget right now but that will shift over time.”

    According to one estimate from conservative think-tank the Hoover Institution, the San Francisco reparations proposals would amount to around $175 billion, costing every non-African American household in the city $600,000.

    End quote

    The Left and minorities want white people dead; therefore, a race war in addition to a second civil war in Amerika is inevitable.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  37. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Reparations for what? slavery was abolished centuries ago.
    1834 in Britain 1865 in America.
    anyone back then who could be compensated is long dead.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  38. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The word "reparations" should be replaced by "pay-offs".

    Urbanites are frighted of black aggression. It is their belief that pay-off money will placate those they fear.


    "Philadelphia mass shooting suspect identified as 40-year-old black male Kimbrady Carricker"

    "PHILADELPHIA – The individual responsible for the mass shooting in Philadelphia last night has been identified as Kimbrady Carricker, a 40-year-old African American male.

    "Philadelphia Police discovered the fifth deceased victim from the mass shooting on South 56th St. inside a residence on the same block after midnight. Prior to this, 36 bullet shells fired by the shooter were found outside. According to a detective, the shooter pursued a 31-year-old man into his home and tragically shot him in the face and torso.

    "According to Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw, a shooting rampage occurred in Philadelphia on Monday night, resulting in the deaths of four individuals and injuries to two children.


    "3 dead, 8 hurt in mass shooting in Fort Worth hours after the end of the neighborhood’s annual ComoFest"

    "The Fort Worth Police Department received a call regarding the shooting and promptly dispatched officers to Horne Street on the city’s west side.

    "Upon their arrival, the officers discovered multiple individuals with gunshot wounds in a parking lot. As of now, authorities have identified a total of 11 victims, consisting of 10 adults and one child.

    "According to sources within the police department, the tragic shooting took place in Fort Worth’s Como neighborhood following the conclusion of ComoFest, an annual July 4 event.

    "The Como neighborhood is primarily inhabited by a small, predominantly Black community, which has been grappling with elevated crime levels and the presence of rival gangs in the vicinity."


    "Armed Las Vegas worker stopped likely mass shooter in his tracks but received little attention: expert"

    "A gunman wearing a helmet and carrying an 'AR-15 style rifle' was caught on camera at the entrance of an upscale Las Vegas apartment complex before an armed employee of the building opened fire and stopped him in his tracks.

    "Questions on how the incident played out remained unanswered for days as media coverage was minimal despite the worker having foiled what appeared to be a mass shooting attempt, Heritage Foundation senior legal fellow Amy Swearer claimed.

    "The unidentified employee told police that at about 2:50 on the day of the shooting, a valet employee at the hotel alerted him that Warrender was 'about to point a firearm at him.' The armed security guard who thwarted the suspect told police he is not asked to carry a firearm while at work, but 'chooses to do so on his own free will.' The employee had the Smith & Wesson in a holster on his waist with additional ammunition on his person, according to the report.

    "Swearer said in a Twitter thread on June 27, before the arrest report was reported, that it appeared the police department wanted to downplay the crime as to not highlight that a 'good guy with a gun' prevented a tragedy.

    "A gunman wearing a helmet and carrying an 'AR-15 style rifle' was caught on camera at the entrance of an upscale Las Vegas apartment complex before an armed employee of the building opened fire and stopped him in his tracks.

    "Questions on how the incident played out remained unanswered for days as media coverage was minimal despite the worker having foiled what appeared to be a mass shooting attempt, Heritage Foundation senior legal fellow Amy Swearer claimed."
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  39. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Raskin: We Are Still in the Thick of Fight to Defend America Against Kleptocrat Trump"


    Old Gzr:

    The Left loves to hate Trump. The Left imagines Trump to be the first choice of the Right. The actual truth is that city-boy Trump kept his promises to conservative voters. That's all they wanted. Therefore, many Republicans go with him due to his past actions. Which is NOT to say that they worship him nor grovel before him. Personally, I held my nose and voted for him. He was the only American candidate. I had zero choice. Gosh, I figured that he'd roll-over on us in a "New York minute". He didn't. The 2024 election, I hope the Republicans choose someone other than Trump.

    In times past and even today, most "Republicans" are "Republicans in name only", i.e. RINOs. These professional politicians are aligned with the deep state to perpetuate the status quo -- which is to say keep up the "pork-barrel politics", compromise on core values, and stretch the Constitution like cheap Latex to cover all manner of socialist programs, i.e. vote buying.

    Everyone should remember that America is no longer America. There was never any sort of great unity in this nation save for war-times. Shoot, even then ...

    Today, the former USA is two completely different nations. This is the reality that people will not grow-up and face/understand. Hey kids, we can't pretend anymore. Conservatives vs. Leftists, Leftists vs. Conservatives, we don't just hate each other, we loathe each other.

    Time for a divorce. If not an amicable divorce, then we will see bloody conflicts. The gutters will fill with blood.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  40. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    some people have Trump on the brain, the last US election was built on " anyone but Trump".
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  41. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Again, one must state that many of those who voted for Trump had to hold their nose to do so. He was the lesser of two evils. Me, I'm conservative/Libertarian. When I see people fawning over Trump, I have to turn away.

    The overt hatred for Trump seems almost a religious practice for the Left. Their hatred for him bolsters his fame among his followers. The Left never was good with math nor logic in general.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  42. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Louder than cannons

    "Florida Business Raided by Dozens of Heavily Armed IRS Agents: Is This the New Normal?"

    Begin quote

    Picture this – a business in Florida raided not by the police, but by dozens of IRS agents armed with tactical gear.

    Is this the typical image we associate with tax collectors?

    It’s enough to raise eyebrows and spark a flurry of questions about the true role and responsibilities of the IRS.

    The fact that IRS agents, whose primary job is to investigate fraud and tax evasion, are authorized to carry guns and wear tactical gear points to a potential overreach in the scope of their duties.

    How dangerous could tax investigation be to warrant such measures?

    It’s clear that this is an unprecedented and startling display of force.

    What’s worse is that it wasn’t even the FBI or local police who carried out the raid.

    It was the IRS – and what reason could the IRS possibly have to raid a place with guns?

    One witness described as something straight out of a movie.

    Joe Biden promised a return to normal.

    Instead, we’re getting an expansion of big brother government.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  43. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Make the lives of middle class America hell.

    Break the backs of all conservatives and potential conservatives. "War! You will submit even as have the European masses! Know your place! Kneel before us, you deplorables! Godda## religion -- there is no god save government!"

    "Biden admin crackdown on water heaters would go into effect in 2029 as it targets more home appliances"

    "The Biden administration has targeted a variety of home appliances, including gas stoves, clothes washers and air conditioners.

    "Gutfeld: Biden's energy secretary wants an army of EVs

    "The Biden administration's newest crackdown on home appliances, specifically water heaters, would take effect in 2029 if its regulatory proposal is enacted as it continues to implement its aggressive energy efficiency campaign.

    "White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday acknowledged the president was going after home appliances.

    "In addition to water heaters, in recent months, the DOE has proposed new standards for a variety of home appliances, including gas stoves, clothes washers, refrigerators and air conditioners.

    "The Biden administration is moving forward with new rules that could impact more appliances, including consumer furnaces, pool pumps, battery chargers, ceiling fans and dehumidifiers."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  44. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Other acts of war against Americans perpetrated by the biden regime: asset grabbing and weaponization of the FBI.

    "DOJ eyeing Americans ‘like ATMs,’ spending over $6 billion to aid civil asset forfeitures, watchdog says"

    Begin quote (emphasis put on words or phrases are those made by Old Gzr)

    The Department of Justice is shelling out more than $6 billion to private companies to manage its asset forfeiture investigations, raising alarm from one nonprofit law firm that accuses police of "treating ordinary Americans like ATMs" and seizing their cash.

    "You've probably heard the adage, 'You've gotta spend money to make money.' Here, it's 'You've gotta spend money to take money,'" said Dan Alban, head of the Institute for Justice's National Initiative to End Forfeiture.

    Asset forfeiture is the process through which the government seizes money or other property that is believed to be linked to a crime. Most federal forfeitures are civil, meaning the government can keep the seized property without ever charging the owner with a crime.

    The DOJ announced earlier this year more than $6 billion in contracts awarded to multiple private companies to help with asset forfeiture investigations. Contractors are expected to help with everything from investigating and identifying assets for seizure to record keeping and providing courtroom testimony, according to DOJ records.

    Forfeiture generated more than $45.7 billion in revenue for the federal government alone between 2000 and 2019, according to IJ. Proceeds are often split between federal and local police agencies

    "Federal forfeiture is a big business," Alban said. "And it's a particularly big business for the law enforcement agencies that get to spend the money out of these funds."

    "Forfeiture can also serve as a deterrent to others who might be considering criminal activities," the FBI wrote in a 2017 release.

    But critics like IJ argue innocent Americans are often targeted by forfeiture. Fighting to get seized property back is difficult and expensive since forfeiture effectively places the burden of proof on the property owner, not the government, and because it's a civil case, there is no right to a public defender, according to Alban.

    One of IJ's clients had her nest egg seized during an FBI raid on U.S. Private Vaults in 2021. The FBI seized safety deposit boxes and their contents — totaling around $86 million in cash and tens of millions more in gold, silver, jewelry and other valuables — from 58-year-old Linda Martin and other customers.

    "The FBI, they feel like they can get away with anything," Martin previously told Fox News. "I just feel like it's unfair."

    End quote
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  45. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The following prepper believes that if US has a second civil war, the Left will bring in foreign troops.

    Far fetched speculation? Would China or the European Union send in troops to states requesting troops and equipment? Cities and states who have Democratic Socialist administrations have no problems with international troops coming in. They love centralized government and Liberty restrictions of the surfs under their rule.

    Though it sounds a bit far-fetched -- the economies of the West are already in dire straits. Who's gonna fund these armies? Who's gonna feed these soldiers? Rebels will be cutting roads and railroads feeding cities. Rebels will be shutting-down power grids. Nevertheless, the prepper in the following video makes some very valid points. Me, I listened to the fellow. He is very articulate and mentally organized. His brain is a sharp cutting instrument. He cuts to the chase. Even when digressing a tad, he comes around to inserting that info into the central thread of his argument. I think that it is only 12 to 14 minutes in length.

    Last edited: Aug 21, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  46. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    as an outsider I find that very unlikely.
    Old Geezer likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      The other nations would have to be in a place militarily and financially to project troupes ... lots of troupes.

      When economic collapse comes, all Western nations are going to take nosedive into paralysis.

      China can at best project into Taiwan -- not across and ocean. It is said that China has troops in China. The photographs of troops I've seen were all female in uniform. That tells me that that Chinese operation is medical in nature. Chinese troops (real bad-guys) were allowed in one Canadian maneuver which was an arctic training operation.
      Old Geezer, Aug 21, 2023
  47. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Violence erupts among protesting groups outside New York City mayor’s home as migrant crisis hits fever pitch"

    "Clashes between protesters and counterprotesters sprang up outside New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ official residence in Manhattan on Sunday as hundreds of people from Staten Island protested the opening of new migrant shelters in the borough.

    "Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa called on Adams to house asylum seekers at Gracie Mansion, the official residence of New York City mayors, instead of shelters spread throughout the five boroughs. Adams had previously pledged to house migrants in Gracie Mansion before backing away from the idea.

    "Footage captured outside Gracie Mansion shows counterprotesters clashing with the group. People can be heard in the video calling the counterprotesters Antifa.

    " 'Antifa had been sending out emails and texts all weekend," Sliwa told Fox News Digital, "saying that they would be there to smash the xenophobes, including me and Eric Adams.' "
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  48. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
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  49. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "AOC, other Dems drowned out by screaming protesters at NYC migrant crisis news conference"

    "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and other Democrats were loudly heckled Friday at a press conference in New York City regarding the migrant crisis there.

    "The Democrats, who spoke outside the Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan, which has become a relief center for asylum seekers, were drowned out by shouting protesters chanting, "Send them back!" and "Close the border!"

    " 'Close the border! Close the border! Respect the constitution, AOC! I am your constituent!,' a man was heard among the angry crowd, shouting into a megaphone. "

    "Chaos erupts as furious protesters heckle AOC during Dems’ press conference for NYC’s escalating migrant crisis"

    "Furious protestors screaming “close the border” heckled Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Jerry Nadler and other Democrats Friday druing a Midtown a press conference on the Big Apple’s escalating migrant crisis.

    "The New York pols were drowned out by the angry screams as they tried to talk outside the Roosevelt Hotel mega shelter Friday morning.

    "The protestors – brandishing 'Americans first: Vetted & legal migrants only' signs – descended on the hotel at East 45th Street as the lawmakers were addressing the city’s asylum-seeking crisis."


    Two weeks back:

    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Old Geezer, Sep 15, 2023
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  50. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Post-SHTF; don't stand out!; dress like a laborer; act like an everyday guy / , maybe even a dumb guber; ...

    This post-deployment Marine has some good suggestions. I like him because he's a fellow Southerner (northern Alabama maybe?). Same accent. He's a young man full of common sense. Glad these men are around in great numbers. These are the survivors once I'm gone. He goes by "Modern Frontiersman" and has numerous videos.


    Fascinating interview with this same young man:

    Food self-reliance comments. Talks about "people down the road", how much food canning they do as an example. I like this guy, so I'm biased positively about his views. I was raised and live around these folk, this culture. So, it's not "prepping" to us. It's just how things are / always have been. Poverty vs. "prepping" ... uhh ... what's the difference?!

    Other links
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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