Usa Civil War, Version 2.0

Discussion in 'Urban Survival' started by Dalewick, Jun 13, 2020.

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Will the USA be at war before 2021?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I suppose our members are aware of a possible shootout " tomorrow " between National guard troops from multiple states gathered for the war and their opponent the federal military the Biden /communist are sending to make the national guard surrender the boarder and leave it open for the drug traffickers and terrorist cells that want to strengthen their ranks inside the United States .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      You and I know these people, don't we. Have you ever been beside a person placing blasting caps into sticks of dynamite? I have. You've been to war. We've seen how many fights?! Down Texas way, people are essentially f###ing with blasting caps daily. This stands to go bad, REALLY bad. All around this planet, people are f###ing with blasting caps. Could anything go wrong? Hmmmm ....
      Old Geezer, Jan 25, 2024
      poltiregist likes this.
  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    This is a VERY big deal -- Texas vs the White House.


    It is a core Constitutional fight.

    What started the first civil war? Sure, slavery was the issue; however the proximal detonator was states rights.

    Constitutionally, the fed gov protects the national borders ... which it is intentionally not doing -- just the opposite. Constitutionally, the individual states have the right and the duty to protect themselves.

    Texas is putting up barriers such as razor wire and Rio Grand floating stringed-out barriers to protect itself from the current tsunami of illegally-entering migrants. These migrants are not just Hispanic people. There is no shortage of Middle Eastern, African, and now Chinese men of military age. Most migrants are men, NOT families -- some women and children, sure; however, they are a distinct minority.

    The Supreme Court this past week ruled that the federal government via the Border Patrol, (Department of Homeland Security) was in its rights to cut the rolls of barbed wire and razor wire the state of Texas is deploying.

    As the feds are cutting the barriers, Texas is replacing the barriers. I wish I had invested money in these razor wire companies. They must be making a fortune right now. This is one form of physical conflict.

    Currently, Texas and the fed gov are fighting it out in the courts. Trouble is though, this is an extremely emotional issue. The anger levels have already entered the Hot Realm. Note also that other states and the populaces therein are carefully watching what is happening on the Texas/Mexico border. Even though Texas lost this one little small fight, this sure doesn't mean that the feds have won the core fight.

    Hey kids, this is just the beginnings of a real conflict. States vs the Federals is going to go big. Could there be overt violence? Me, I think that some fill-in-the-blank clash could turn into a shooting. Those men down there being placed in opposition mode could easily let their emotions get the better of them. Humanz iz humanz.

    Are Texans known for their passivity? They ended up fighting off the Mexican Army. Texas was founded by Southerners, many of whom were from Tennessee, specifically East Tennessee (Davy Crockett among them), i.e. Southern Appalachia, i.e. Scots-Irish, i.e. the same folk who wiped-out the Brits at King's Mountain during the Revolutionary War. Killing Red Coats was almost a recreational activity for my ancestors. True, a lot wimpy city folk have moved to Texas, but they seem to gather in enclaves such as Austin. But too, some city folk aren't wimpy -- factor that. The balance of attitude still existing in Texas leans towards the fighting side.

    Any exacerbating factors? This is an election year and America has never been so divided since before the first Civil War. The federal government has weaponized agencies (witness the FBI and Justice Department) to imprison conservative Americans. This administration says that the dollar is sound and that inflation is under control. These are flagrant lies and the citizenry -- people who have to feed their families and pay ever-increasing taxes -- are anything but happy about the situation. It's not just an atmosphere of anger. We are talking about fury.

    Will the border situation turn into the next Fort Sumter? Maybe. Maybe not. However, we are looking at a national situation wherein if it doesn't go violent down Texas way, it will go violent somewhere else. I'm an old man and I've witnessed no shortage of explosive anger and fighting. I've seen people "lose it". I know what the atmosphere is like leading up to fights. We are now in the lead-up to a fight phase as a nation and Americans know it.

    There are now Americans who will vote for Trump even if he is in prison. Many who'd vote for Trump do not like Trump at all. He can be a bombastic idiot to the max. Plus, he's a Yankee city-boy raised with a silver spoon in his mouth. Yet, during his first term in office, he upheld the Constitution. The current "administration" is using the Constitution as toilet paper. This results in overt fury, so Heartlanders WILL hold their noses and vote for this Trump fellow. Biden isn't the President of the United States now. He's fully senile. Whoever runs on the Democratic Party ticket this November will be just another anti-Constitution shill. They'll further crash the American economy and raise taxes. Heartland America isn't going to vote for that. Most conservatives believe that the elections will be rigged. Already, it's been discovered that tens of thousands of mail-in votes during the 2020 election were totally invalid.

    So it's anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger anger .....

    If we do not get into full-blown Civil War, we could easily see a reticular conflict wherein there will be shootings, acts of sabotage, assassinations, violent rioting, ... all manner of blood-letting hither thither and yon all across this once unified nation. Think about it; whatever the name, conflict is conflict, war is war.

    Me, as a "prepper" (not formally so, just raised this way), I'm going to stay as far away from all this crap as I can. My fear is that the disease of human stupidity and evil will find its way to me and my family. As much as I would like to believe that my family lives in an enclave of reasonable order, I still know how things can go sideways and rapidly so. I've been blindsided many, many times, thus I perpetually prepare as best I can for my family. Me, I'm already as good as dead. If it were just me, I'd have no problem with going out in some firefight -- get it done. Yet, I have responsibilities to family. I'll make what I can of the days this body has left -- seems to be my one and only choice.

    My not being alone is me not being anywhere near alone in my observations. Look at these numbers:

    "83 percent in new poll concerned about political violence"


    "A majority of Americans in a new survey said they are concerned about political violence, with many linking the idea to the Jan. 6, 2021, riots on the Capitol.

    "The new poll from Navigator — a Democratic research firm — found 83 percent of participants were concerned about the threat of political violence in the U.S. today. About 42 percent of this group said they are 'very concerned,' while 41 percent said they are 'somewhat concerned.'

    "They also indicated they are worried about rising political violence in the future, with 85 percent expressing some degree of concern."

    Last edited: Jan 25, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      "BORDER SHOWDOWN: Republican Governors Across U.S. Stand with Texas Against Feds"

      "A who’s who of Republican governors announced their support for the State of Texas and Governor Abbott’s fight against the Biden administration’s open border policies. The list includes Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, Montana Governor Greg Gianforte, Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, Virginia Governor Glen Youngkin, and West Virginia Governor Jim Justice."
      Old Geezer, Jan 25, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
    2. Old Geezer
      Old Geezer, Jan 25, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
    3. Old Geezer
      "U.S. House Republicans move ahead with drive to impeach Mayorkas over immigration policy"

      WASHINGTON — U.S. House Republicans Thursday held a second hearing on the impeachment of Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, even as Mayorkas works to reach a deal on changes in immigration law with a group of senators.

      Two of the Republican witnesses who testified, both mothers, said that administration immigration policies played a role in their daughters’ deaths.
      Old Geezer, Jan 25, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Fourteen states have now joined the rebellion . Some of these states are sending their troops to the border . This link is the only source that I could find on the now fifteen state coalition " including Texas that are preparing for the war . It seems the Biden / communist coalition is doing as they always do and are busy trying to delete all the negative information relating to their endeavors , thus explaining the lack of detailed information on the escalation of the situation between the Communist and the Freedom Fighters .
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
  5. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    re: Above video.

    It is good that this fellow brings-up having some cash at home (put this in your safe or gun safe, lock-up cash, financial paperwork, and family keepsakes/sentimental items. I have one fire safe to protect needed documents (vehicle titles, home / land deeds, family photos, toss-back emergency cash, whatever; wish I had more money!!!:D). After some SHTF event, cash will still be taken as payment for some short period of time, so have it for emergencies during this period. Examples: medical treatment; buying something for kids/relatives who didn't stock all that they needed; who knows? nobody knows. The things you imagine can never happen, do happen. Can't know when we'll be injured.

    If the feds arrest Texas' Governor Abbot, there will be hell to pay. Blood will be spilled.

    Here's a video of governor Abbot speaking with Tucker Carlson. The video defaults to MUTE, so you'll have to turn the audio on. Governor Abbot is adamant about fighting for Texas. He is NOT going to back down. Thus, we are going to watch matters down there get HOT. Pushing-shoving? Firefights? Who knows. An unstoppable bullet is going to hit an impenetrable wall. If the biden regime attempts to take control of the Texas National Guard, a shooting civil war could ensue.


    " 'POWDER KEG': Texas rep warns Biden seizing control of national guard will light a match "

    Old Gzr: There are Democratic Socialists in Texas who want the fed government to nationalize the Texas National Guard. I can only guess that it is their intention to start a war.

    From Wiki

    "Joaquin Castro (born September 16, 1974)[1] is an American lawyer and Democratic politician who has represented Texas's 20th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives since 2013. The district includes just over half of his native San Antonio. He currently serves on the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. "

    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      "GOP Governors Have Already Sent Troops to Texas Amid 'Civil War' Fears"

      "Multiple Republican-led states began sending personnel and resources months ago to combat increased migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border, with one state saying 'nothing is off the table' as tensions bubble between Texas Governor Greg Abbott and the Biden administration.

      "On Thursday, 25 Republican governors backed Abbott and "Texas's constitutional authority to defend and protect itself" against what he has referred to as a migrant "invasion" of his state. Some believe the situation is escalating towards a civil war.

      Old Geezer, Jan 26, 2024
      TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  6. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    hasnt the federal govt sent troops to Texas to move the razor wire??
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The FedGov have sent armed border patrol to cut the razor wire, but not military / combat infantry sorts. Were the feds to do this, the situation could go violent and quickly so. The White House could attempt to take over command of the Texas National Guard. President Eisenhower took over a state's NatGrd in the 1950's to end school segregation (Arkansas). Were the W.House to do this, this would also result in violence. Conservatives are not just angry anymore, they are furious.

    Currently, as the feds cut the wire, the Texas National Guard lays more down. This is why there is going to be a clash.

    Other states have sent their own Nat. Guard and Air Nat Grd units to Texas. This means that there are now several hundred, maybe over a thousand (???), out-of-state military personnel there helping Tex secure its border with Mexico. So far, 25 Republican governors have signed a joint statement supporting Texas and condemning the White House for not securing our borders.

    Matters are now really heating-up. People who would never use the phrase "civil war" are now talking about the real possibility of civil war. Tens of millions of Americans are now paying close attention to what is happening at the border. The division between conservatives and liberals grows deeper by the week. I really don't see how much further this can go without there being a blood-letting.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  8. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    In the mix is armed militas and simply some patriots under no affiliation , ready for the war . It may take only one individual to get this thing kick started .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Here's some positive news. I was glad to read this. Hope it's true.

    "Border Patrol Says Agents Will NOT Remove Texas Razor Wire Barriers"

    Steve Watson 27th January 2024

    "Union says agents will not interfere with 'lawful' operations to protect the border "

    Begin quote

    In defiance of the Biden Administration’s wishes, senior figures within Customs and Border Protection have stated that there are no plans to have Border Patrol agents remove razor wire barriers erected along sections of the border by the Texas National Guard.

    Fox News reports that a high ranking CBP official told the network that their relationship with the Guard is “strong”.

    “While this issue plays out in the courts, the relationship between Border Patrol, Texas DPS [Department of Public Safety], & TMD [Texas Military Dept.] remains strong,” the official said, adding “Our focus is and will always be the mission of protecting this country and its people.”

    “On the ground, we continue to work alongside these valuable partners in that endeavor,” the official continued, adding “Bottom line: Border Patrol has no plans to remove infrastructure (c-wire) placed by Texas along the border.”

    “Our posture remains the same. If we need to access an area for emergency response, we will do so. When that happens, we will coordinate with Texas DPS & TMD,” the official further declared.
    Border Patrol has 'no plans' to remove razor wire set up by Texas amid feud with Biden admin

    — Fox News (@FoxNews) January 26, 2024
    The Border Patrol Union also issued a statement outlining that agents will not interfere with Texas National Guard members carrying out “lawful” operations.

    “TX NG and rank-and-file BP agents work together and respect each other’s jobs. Period. If TX NG members have LAWFUL orders, then they have to carry out those orders,” the statement notes.

    “Rank-and-file BP agents appreciate and respect what TX has been doing to defend their state in the midst of this catastrophe that the Biden Admin has unleashed on America,” the statement continues, adding “We want to be perfectly clear, there is no fight between rank-and-file BP agents and the TX NG, Gov. Abott, or TX DPS.”

    Rank-and file BP agents are not going to start arresting TX NG members for following their LAWFUL orders. That's fake news.

    The development comes as Texas Governor Greg Abbott told Tucker Carlson the State is “prepared” for conflict with the federal government.

    Twenty five States have expressed support for Texas, with ten of them, according to Abbot, deploying their own National Guard to Texas to help.

    End quote


    Glad to see real men and women defying biden regime! Armed men and women in uniform not obeying this anti-Constitutional administration is massively gratifying to my heart. This is America, not some candy-@$$ socialist state, after all. Only slaves and sheeple obey invalid government dictates. An armed citizenry is a Free citizenry. Votes mean nothing unless you can back them up. A paper deed to a house means nothing. A paper deed and a rifle means that you actually own the place.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Old Geezer, Jan 27, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    America divided / tensions increasing / Western nation

    "Mess In The West: 'Army Of God' Convoy Heads To US Border While EU Farmers Block Cities"

    Begin quote

    In the US, a convoy of truckers, calling themselves "God's Army," is preparing to embark on a journey from several locations across the Lower 48 to the southern border as tensions soar between Texas and the Biden administration. Meanwhile across the Atlantic, farmers are bearing down on Europe's capitals - from Bucharest to Warsaw to Brussels - venting frustrations about climate policies. These social instabilities are breaking out ahead of key European and US elections this year.

    The organizers of the "Take Our Border Back" convoy are "calling all active & retired law enforcement and military, Veterans, Mama Bears, elected officials, business owners, ranchers, truckers, bikers, media and LAW ABIDING, freedom-loving Americans" to "assemble in honor of our US Constitution and Bill of Rights" at the southern border, in protest against the federal government's inability to secure the border, according to the convoy's website.

    The convoy plans to "send a message" to government officials at all levels about the need to secure the board amid the multi-year invasion of millions of illegals. Chambers believes Americans are "besieged on all sides" by evil "dark forces."

    As we've noted, journalists have uncovered a "shadowy network" of what appears to be taxpayer-funded non-government agencies, facilitating the most massive border invasion this nation has ever seen.

    Last week, Texas Governor Greg Abbott declared the migrant crisis an "invasion" and invoked Texas' constitutional authority to defend and protect itself.

    Abbott stated, "That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary. The Texas National Guard, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and other Texas personnel are acting on that authority, as well as state law, to secure the Texas border."

    Across the Atlantic, farmers have been venting their anger in several of Europe's capitals that will likely "slow the implementation of environmental reforms in the European Union and make it harder for Brussels to negotiate free trade agreements," according to research firm Stratfor.

    Uprisings in the West, among the working class, objecting to unpopular "globalist" policies are happening ahead of major elections.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  11. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Instead of state governors using their state's National Guard units, they could activate their State Guard units which are currently very small or non-existent. This move would side-step the federal government's usurpation of state military powers and create armies only beholding to their respective states. This would be the logical next step towards states divorcing themselves from the current anti-Constitutional, treasonous, White House. This would make the country more ripe for civil war, but then the current White House has already declared war against the Constitution and Americans who love their country.

    "Greg Abbott Urged To 'Fully Militarize' Texas State Guard To Counter Biden"

    Begin quote

    A leading Texan nationalist has urged Governor Greg Abbott to dramatically expand and militarize the Texas State Guard if President Biden federalizes the Texas National Guard, as some Democrats are demanding, in response to the ongoing border crisis.

    Posting on X, formerly Twitter, Daniel Miller, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM) which campaigns for the Lone Star State to declare independence from the U.S., called on Abbott to radically expand the State Guard and place them along the Mexican border if the National Guard is federalized.

    He said: "If Biden federalizes the Texas National Guard, Greg Abbott should immediately throw enlistment in the Texas State Guard WIDE OPEN, fully militarize them, and deploy them as a Border Protection Force along the entire border."

    Unlike their counterparts in the Texas Army National Guard and Texas Air National Guard, a mechanism doesn't currently exist to federalize the State Guard.

    The Texas State Guard comprises around 1,900 personnel, making it substantially smaller than the roughly 23,000-strong Texas National Guard.

    Speaking to Newsweek, Miller said: "When Abbott first began using the Texas National Guard for Operation Lone Star, there was always a risk that the federal government would call the Guard into federal service and order them to stand down.

    "This is precisely why it's been our position since 2012 that the Texas State Guard should be the primary vehicle used by the Texas Military Department for border protection. By law, the Texas State Guard cannot be federalized and remain solely under the authority of the Governor of the State of Texas.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Big Brother kidnapping children and spiritually raping parents:

    "State of Montana Takes Custody of Daughter After Transgender Claim"

    Begin quote

    A Montana family has reportedly lost custody of their teenage daughter after expressing opposition to her identifying as the opposite sex.

    A family is accusing Montana’s child protective services of “kidnapping” their teenage daughter after she began to identify as a “boy,” according to a report by Reduxx.

    Krista and Todd Kolstad of Glasgow, Montana, told the outlet that their daughter had been taken from them and is now going to be sent to Canada.

    The Kolstads looked up Wyoming’s laws on transitioning minors and became concerned after they saw that it appeared children could get transgender-related medical procedures without parental consent. Then, hours after being assured that Jennifer was next in line for a bed at a Montana-based facility, they received a call that she would be sent to Wyoming instead.

    “They called and told us that a bed had opened up in Wyoming and that Jennifer needed to go,” Krista said. “No one talked to us about the the name of the facility — we had no one to answer our questions. We told them we wanted our questions answered before we accepted the bed.”

    Police and CFS arrived at their home ten minutes later to collect Jennifer so that she could be shipped out of state.

    “They told me the reason was that we were ‘unable or refusing to provide medical care.’ That’s just not true,” Krista said.

    To make matters worse, Todd and Krista were not allowed to speak to Jennifer directly while she was in Wyoming. They had to relay their communications through a counselor instead.

    A month later, Jennifer was sent back to Montana and placed in a Youth Dynamics group home, where she has remained ever since. Then the court reportedly decided to hand custody of Jennifer over to CFS at a January 19 hearing.

    “We were told that letting Jennifer transition and live as a boy was in her ‘therapeutic best interest’ and because we aren’t willing to follow that recommendation, the court gave CFS custody of Jennifer for six months,” Krista said.

    “CFS is now going to place Jennifer in the care of her birth mother in Canada, who has never really been a part of her life,” she added. “The judge said to us, ‘You need to expect that reunification with your family may not be what you are expecting.'”

    Jennifer’s birth mother, Christine, reportedly left her child with Todd after she was born, and has never been involved in her daughter’s care since.

    Krista, who has been in Jennifer’s life since the child was 7, said Christine “has never called to see how [Jennifer] is. She’s never sent her anything. Nothing.”

    “Our family has been destroyed by this,” Krista said. “We have little to no contact with Jennifer and our rights as her parents have been trampled on.”

    “We will continue to fight,” she added. “We will never give up on our daughter and for what we believe is morally right. We will continue to tell our story, even though we are currently in contempt of court, and try to keep other families from going through this.”

    “Our greatest fear is that our daughter is now going to become a victim of this system and eventually take her own life,” Krista said.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    "Radical Leftists Threaten to ‘Bird Dog’ Conservatives at Home, Church"


    Begin quote

    Radical leftists plotting to stop former President Donald Trump from winning re-election in 2024 recently came to Washington, DC, to stage a rally and intimidate staffers for a conservative think tank working on plans to join his prospective administration should Trump win.

    The rally took place steps away from the Capitol in front of the main office of the Heritage Foundation, which has been working on “Project 2025,” a plan to staff a prospective Republican administration as well as counter the left’s influence in federal government by recruiting more conservative employees.

    One of the activists speaking at the rally on Saturday was captured on video threatening to harass staffers at their homes and churches.

    “We need to go find out where they live, where they go to church, who they hang around with, and bird dog they asses.” Cheering and a reply of “Hell yeah!” could be heard in the video.

    End quote

    Sometimes bird dogs accidentally get shot. Tragedy, but it happens.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  14. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    legitimate opposition to a politician is called democracy, but attempting to harass them at home , at church or when out with their family members is an offence and SHOULD be treated accordingly by law enforcement.
    recently an MP here has announced he will not seek re-selection at the next election after he has been threatened by Muslim's and his office torched.
    he and his staff have had to resort to wearing stab proof vests.
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  15. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Thnx for that info on the MP who had his offices torched. I haven't seen an article about that here across the pond. Our Leftist media covers-up Muslim terrorism whenever they can.

    You may have read in the news that Leftists here in the USSA have published the addresses of conservative Supreme Court judges and protest outside their homes. This action could certainly make the job of terrorists much easier to assassinate these justices. The Left has no problem concerning violence against their political enemies.

    Chuck Schumer, Democrat, senior senator from New York and Senate Majority Leader openly threatened Supreme Court members.

    "U.S. chief justice slams Schumer for 'dangerous' comment on justices in abortion case"

    Begin quote

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts on Wednesday issued an unusual rebuke of "dangerous" comments by top U.S. Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer about two conservative Supreme Court justices appointed by President Donald Trump and how they might rule in a major abortion case.

    Schumer earlier on Wednesday assailed Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, saying they "won't know what hit" them if they rule in favour of abortion restrictions.

    "Justices know that criticism comes with the territory, but threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous," Roberts said in a statement.

    "All members of the court will continue to do their job, without fear or favour, from whatever quarter," Roberts added.

    End quote

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  17. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Communist officials within state governments and the federal government are using tax dollars to wage a war against the people of the United States via the mechanism of an invasion of foreign peoples. These foreigners have zero respect for our culture and zero respect for Americans individually. The overwhelming majority of these invaders are young males of military age who pose the threat of violence. Many have already committed an untold and undocumented number of felonies. It is as if some insane farmer were to say, "Let's give the locusts a chance. Maybe they will be friendly."

    "Washington state diverted $340M in federal COVID funds to immigrants, including via $1,000 checks"

    "A new report is highlighting how federal COVID funds were used in Washington state to give $1,000 checks to illegal immigrants who were ineligible to receive federal economic impact payments during the pandemic due to their immigration status.

    "The report, by the Economic Policy Innovation Center (EPIC), points to money administered by the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF), which was created by the American Rescue Plan Act and was intended to help state and local governments with their response and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Washington state received $4.4 billion in funding overall from that program.

    "The report from the group, which calls for a smaller federal government, highlighted how $340 million in funding went to a program that sent $1,000 checks to illegal immigrants in the state. The funds, approved by the Washington state legislature in April 2021, provided 'another round of funding for undocumented Washingtonians,' according to an impact report on the program said."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Two separate Americas:

    "ABC host abruptly ends interview with JD Vance over Supreme Court remarks: 'No, no George' "

    Begin quote

    Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, was shut down by ABC News "This Week" anchor George Stephanopoulos on Sunday after suggesting that former President Trump could defy "illegitimate" Supreme Court rulings.

    "The Constitution says that the Supreme Court can make rulings, but if the Supreme Court ― and look, I hope that they would not do this ― but if the Supreme Court said the president of the United States can’t fire a general, that would be an illegitimate ruling and the president has to have Article 2 prerogative under the Constitution to actually run the military as he sees fit," Vance said.

    "This is just basic constitutional legitimacy. You're talking about a hypothetical where the Supreme Court tries to run the military. I don't think that's going to happen, George. But of course, if it did, the president would have to respond to it. There are multiple examples throughout American history of the president doing just that."

    Stephanopoulos asked if the president must abide by legitimate Supreme Court rulings, and when Vance responded, the ABC News personality said, "You've made it very clear you believe the president can defy the Supreme Court."

    Vance attempted to respond by saying, "No, no, George …" but had his mic muted before the show went to break.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Trump-supporting truckers REFUSE to take loads to New York after former president was fined $355 million in NYC fraud case"

    Begin quote

    Trump-supporting truckers have said they will refuse to take loads to and from New York City after the former president was fined $355 million in a civil fraud verdict.

    In a video shared to X by a driver known as Chicago Ray, the trucker said that he had spoken to colleagues who all agreed they would start refusing loads to the city.

    According to Ray, those he had spoken to had already alerted their bosses that as of Monday, they would no longer conduct business in the Big Apple.

    'I don't know how far across the country this is, or how many truckers are going to start denying loads to New York City.

    Since sharing the video, others have chimed in on the alleged boycott saying they supported the move.

    One person posted: 'Do it! Let us know how we can help! You’re NOT alone in this fight!'

    Another added: 'We can always rely on the trucker to restore some semblance of the right thing in response.

    'Thank you from the many here on X for your courage to stand up to the Marxist leftists.'

    End quote

    Old Gzr: Let the socialists go out and forage for their own food. They hate us "deplorables", so why should we support them?!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    A bit of a history lesson here. Just ran across this video I'd never seen. It's very concise.

    Anyway, the lead-up to America's second civil war goes back decades. So too does the weaponisation of federal police agencies by the deep state. Before Ruby Ridge, the FBI murdered the Branch Davidians -- the nut-case David Koresh used to go to a local bar every Friday evening, yet the FBI wanted to make a public statement, so they attacked the compound in Waco, planted evidence, and concealed evidence (a local young man from an adjacent community to ours was part of the government invasion and was shot in the back by ammunition only very-recently dispersed to government agencies; i.e. he was killed by friendly fire accidentally or intentionally; I don't know, really, I just don't know; situation stinks / makes tens of thousands of people distrust big government).

    Here's a vid about Ruby Ridge and the events leading up to the murder of Randy Weaver's son and wife by US government Stasi. Warning! The following video contains profoundly foul language that is NOT censored. Watch / listen to the video, but if you're sensitive to foul language, then avoid. CRUDE language, not kidding!

    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  21. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I along with many others had my membership info of a certain political organisation leaked, I had a threatening phone call from some goons of a rival organisation (Labour), that was some years ago when I lived somewhere else. only Labour and Muslim supporters behave like this.
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
  22. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    A former co-worker's husband was some technical guy working for a nearby city's water treatment plant (large city, large plant). He and everybody else there (except city management) had to be members of the local union. At a union meeting, circa 50 people present, two state or national representatives were there to determine who the next union boss at the plant would be (it was either union boss job or plant union representative -- some union official, whatever) . By a show of hands they asked who voted Republican. A whole bunch raised their hands. Then it was who voted Democrat. Only two men raised their hands. Only the two Democrats were valid candidates on whom plant employees were to vote.

    Here in the USSA, Democratic Party "machines" run most urban areas. The system has been fixed for decades, well over 100 years.


    "Former Employees Reveal Fani Willis’s Extreme DEI Training: Forced to Associate ‘White’ with ‘Bad’, Judges Ranked on Skin Color"

    Begin quote

    The allegations of extremist training on racial issues are the latest revelation in the DA Willis scandal. Multiple sources exclusively told Breitbart News that Nathan Wade, Willis’s one-time lover and fellow Trump prosecutor, was a key decision-maker on which employees to hire or fire in the DA’s office following her election victory in November 2020.

    In addition, multiple sources familiar with the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office exclusively told Breitbart News the Biden administration planted Democrat operative Jeff DiSantis inside Fulton County’s office to target Trump. If the Biden administration planted the operative, as the sources say, it would present a strong argument that the administration interfered in the 2024 presidential election.

    Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis subjected her employees to mandatory race training, forcing the entire office to rate “Black” or “White” skin colors as either “Good” or “Bad,” according to training slides and video exclusively obtained by Breitbart News.

    “If you didn’t participate in the quiz, you got fired,” a source exclusively told Breitbart News about Willis’s policy.

    Sources who shared the race training with Breitbart News wished to remain anonymous for fear of retribution due to their direct knowledge of the “corrupt” and “hostile work environment” inside the District Attorney’s Office.

    Sources described the race training as a directive straight from Willis, “[who] injected racism [into the office] from the second she got hired.” Willis won election in 2020 and is up for reelection this November. In 2021, she began probing former President Donald Trump.

    Dubbed an “implicit bias test,” a Harvard website generated the “diversity, equity, and inclusion” slides that made some sources feel ashamed of being white employees.

    The training suggested the United States was founded on the sins of white men and the slaughter of native Americans, one source described. “I thought it was so wrong.”

    “Willis pulled it off as diversity [training], but it was more so an attack on the race [relations] thing,” a source explained.

    One element of the training described by a source was a slide test where users had to choose to move an image of a “white” person to a block that said “bad” in order to complete the program.

    End quote


    America is a divided nation. This nation is a pressure cooker without any safety blow-off valve whatsoever. Voting used to be a pressure release mechanism. However, citizens now believe that the elections are no longer fair, no longer valid.

    The pressure cooker is now too hot to touch and it's going to explode.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Reasons why America is now a tender-box.

    > Hordes of illegal migrants are streaming in. This pushes support agencies -- governmental and private -- beyond their ability to cope. America had major homeless issues before the biden administration's migrant attack on American citizens.

    > Racial tensions are at very high levels. Varying races are now divided along racial lines. Americans of all races and religions have been attacked, robbed, and worse by black and Hispanic gangs. Fear and anger usually result in bloodshed. Gang members may feel like they are in charge; however, if armed citizens -- many of whom are ex-combat-military -- rise up and begin liquidating all of those they consider to be gang members, then the gangs will not do well. Illegal migrants, many of whom are Hispanic, are actively displacing black families from neighborhoods that were once majority black. This is causing severe tensions.

    > Inflation and economic insecurity are now rampant within America's middle class.

    > Polls are showing that well over 30% of Americans now feel that violent civil conflict is now inevitable. Believing something can't be prevented often results in that very thing coming true. Americans have been purchasing guns and ammunition at high rates for the past several years and still are doing so.

    > Upwards of 40% of Americans (depending on which group one polls) no longer believe that their vote counts.

    > Only 20 - 30% of Americans say that they trust the federal government.

    > The coming November 2024 election is causing tensions to rise from high to explosive.


    The above are reasons that just came to my mind. All of you likely can add to this list.

    We here in the States are reliving 1859 / 1860. What will be our age's Fort Sumter, I haven't a clue. Were I a betting man, I'd say that an economic collapse would be the blasting cap. If this administration declares martial law, that most assuredly would result in unimaginable bloodshed.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "MSNBC, Paul Krugman Panic Over 'White Rural Rage' "

    Begin quote

    “Tom, I’ll start with you,” began Mika Brzezinski. “Why are rural white voters a threat to democracy at this point?”

    Fastball delivered, University of Maryland professor and co-author of just-released White Rural Rage: The Threat To American Democracy Tom Schaller took a swing. He and Mika first complained rural voters should be supporting Joe Biden, given his roots — you’d have to be pretty high to call Scranton “rural,” but whatever — then Schaller read off small town America’s charge sheet: rural whites, he said, are the most “racist,” “xenophobic,” “anti-immigrant and anti-gay,” “conspiracist,” “anti-democratic,” they “don’t believe in an independent press or free speech,” and are “most likely to accept or excuse violence,” for starters.

    White Rural Rage, which I made the mistake of reading,is a vicious manifesto in the anti-populist tradition nailed by Thomas Frank in The People, No. When rural voters in the late 1800s defied New York banking interests and demanded currency reform to allow farmers an escape from one of the original “rigged games” in finance, relentless propaganda ensued. Rural populists were depicted as dirty, bigoted, ignorant. They refused expert wisdom, represented a “frantic challenge against every feature of our civilization,” and waged a “shameful insurrection against law and national honesty.” ...

    Nobel-winning columnist Paul Krugman of the New York Times spent the last year telling “ignorant” Middle America its negative feelings about the economy are “demonstrably false,” because despite what their bank accounts or home evaluations might say, “Bidenomics is still working very well.” When White Rural Rage came out this week he rushed to review it, the intransigent refusal of yokels to accept his wisdom being his favored current hobby horse. ...

    “For so long,” complained Waldman on Morning Joe, “Democrats have been told… that in order to get rural voters… you have to go there… you have to show them that you understand… You have to put on a Carhartt jacket and go down to somebody's farm, right? Maybe milk a cow?”

    “Yes!” exclaimed* Mika.

    But it turns out, a sad Waldman pronounced, that you “don’t have to do any of that,” because Donald Trump didn’t. He just “gave [rural voters] a way to essentially give a big middle finger to Democrats, to people who live in cities and to the rest of the country.”

    End quote


    Old Gzr: Today, there is yet the economic incentive for Heartland America to continue sending food and fuel to the urban areas. Tomorrow, that may not be true. Certainly after it hits the fan, we'll no longer feed and fuel the cities. Maybe they'll be having Donner Party dinners, Donner Party parties. If they dare come here to freeload off of us, they'll get traumatic lead poisoning.

    We are angry. We are armed. We can feed ourselves. We did before there was electricity and gasoline. We can do it again. I broke ground and planted before our family bought a rototiller. We've known hell. The city-folk are going to get to know it ... prepared or not, they will.

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Rank and file law enforcement members have zero respect for the Left.

    "Gov. Hochul leaves wake for slain NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller after confrontation"

    Begin quote

    Gov. Kathy Hochul was confronted by an emotional mourner as she left the wake for slain NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller Friday afternoon.

    Hochul arrived at the Massapequa Funeral Home on Long Island for the second day of viewings around 1:45 p.m.

    She was only in the venue for about 10 minutes before she was spotted in a clash with a man in a black suit, video shows.

    Several cops waiting outside the funeral home then clapped as he walked away.

    Hochul and other New York lawmakers have come under fire in the days since Diller’s death over bail reform, as it was revealed that one of the men implicated in the shooting was allowed to walk on a gun charge last spring.

    Ahead of the weekend services, Sergeants Benevolent Association president Vincent J. Vallelong wrote a scathing letter warning members of the City Council not to show their faces.

    “Their presence is more than a distraction. It is a stain on the legacy of a true hero who made the ultimate sacrifice,” Vallelong argued, adding that the leaders should feel “morally responsible” for the officer’s killing.


    End quote


    "Former President Donald Trump addressed mourners and the media outside of slain NYPD officer Jonathan Diller’s wake on Thursday, calling for the 'toughening up' of law and order.

    "Diller’s alleged killer, Guy Rivera, had a lengthy rap sheet including 21 prior arrests.

    “ 'What happened is such a sad event,' Trump told reporters. 'It’s happening all too often and we’re just not going to let it happen.'

    "Trump was among the hundreds who turned up to pay their respects to Diller at Massapequa Funeral Home on Long Island.

    "Diller, 31, left behind a 1-year-old son."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Trump Camp: Biden Must Apologize to Christians After Declaring Easter Sunday ‘Trans Day,’ Banning Kids from Religious Egg Designs at WH"

    Begin quote

    Former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is lighting up Democrat Joe Biden and the White House for the president’s “appalling and insulting” behavior towards Christians on Easter.

    “It is appalling and insulting that Joe Biden’s White House prohibited children from submitting religious egg designs for their Easter Art Event, and declared Easter Sunday as ‘Trans Day of Visibility,’” Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt told Breitbart News on Saturday. “Sadly, these are just two more examples of the Biden Administration’s years-long assault on the Christian faith. We call on Joe Biden’s failing campaign and White House to issue an apology to the millions of Catholics and Christians across America who believe tomorrow is for one celebration only — the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

    The Trump campaign’s move here comes after Biden issued an official proclamation as president of the United States on Good Friday declaring that Easter Sunday this year will be “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

    In addition to that, Biden and his White House have now banned children from submitting “overtly religious” artwork at the annual White House Easter Egg Roll. The annual event is normally nonpartisan and not controversial, but Biden and his radical leftist White House employees have got their agenda infiltrating even this yearly tradition.

    The event, hosted by First Lady Jill Biden, sent out a flyer to participants barring children from submitting any Easter eggs from containing religious content on their designs. “The Submission must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes, or partisan political statements,” the flyer stated.

    End quote


    "Nearly half of Americans think U.S. should be ‘Christian nation,’ poll finds"

    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Old Geezer, Mar 31, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Democrats Are Already Planning Their Own ‘Insurrection’ If Trump Wins"

    Begin quote

    A Democrat-controlled Congress might vote to disallow a GOP Electoral College victory and hand the election to Biden or a replacement.

    Democrats have spent the last three years labeling former President Donald Trump and any other Republican who questioned the 2020 presidential election results as “insurrectionists.” But as their efforts to either imprison Trump or throw him off the ballot have shown, they are ready to do just about anything to ensure he can’t win a second term in 2024. But with President Joe Biden falling in the polls and Trump demonstrating that he could win, they need a backup plan if the courts won’t do their bidding.

    As an article in The Atlantic last week made clear, they have one in mind. The only problem is that it involves Democrats doing exactly what they labeled as “insurrection” when Republicans half-heartedly played at doing the same thing in January 2021, when some of them voted not to certify the vote of the Electoral College that handed the election to Biden. And if Democrats win control of Congress in November, something that could happen even if Trump also wins the presidency, they could succeed where the GOP failed and overturn the election.

    Democratic prosecutors and judges have imprisoned thousands of people for being present at the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. Democrats also spent years labeling the efforts of Trump supporters to find a legal way to overturn the 2020 results they considered potentially fraudulent as another form of insurrection or even, in the case of the tainted Georgia prosecutions led by Fani Willis, a violation of the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations statute that aimed at curbing mafia activity.

    But anyone who imagines that the charge of hypocrisy will stop Democrats from doing anything they can to stop Trump from taking office hasn’t been paying attention to American politics for the last eight years. Having convinced themselves that Trump is an authoritarian threat to American democracy as well as a stooge of Vladimir Putin — with the Russian collusion hoax now being revived — it is inconceivable that even a clear defeat in the November election would prevent them from using every means at their disposal to overturn such a result.

    Since 2021, Democrats and their corporate media cheering section have been consistent in alleging that Republicans were going to attempt to steal the 2024 election. Indeed the first anniversary of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, which has now assumed the nature of a Democrat holy day — was the occasion for a series of articles in outlets such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, The Guardian, and New York magazine that centered on unhinged scaremongering about alleged plots for a GOP coup. That was the background for the Democrats’ Jan. 6 Committee dog-and-pony show, when blame for the riot expanded from the participants to more or less every Republican who voiced doubts about the count in a 2020 election in which the normal guardrails for voter integrity had been discarded during the Covid panic.

    But as Trump and the Republicans have learned in the last year, the hyperbole about defending democracy wasn’t just disingenuous. It was also a matter of projection. Democrats have unleashed a far-ranging lawfare campaign aimed at throwing Trump off the ballot and convicting him on an array of bogus crimes. In New York state, a bizarre lawsuit has used a legitimate real estate transaction as the excuse for a case in which a partisan judge and legal system seeks to destroy Trump’s family business and confiscate his wealth in a manner reminiscent of banana republic proscriptions.

    According to Atlantic staff writer Russell Berman, the key to overturning a Trump victory at the ballot box is for the Democrats to win back control of Congress, the odds for which, even in the event of a Trump presidential win, must be assessed as at least even. If they do, then the stage is set for a Jan. 6 rerun, this time with the Democrats voting not to certify the Electoral College results.

    If Democrats didn’t blush at the use of such naked authoritarian tactics — New York Gov. Kathy Hochul even said the quiet part out loud when she assured other business owners that they needn’t fear being the victims of a similarly arbitrary prosecution because it could only be applied to Trump — what would prevent them from trying to overturn an election they lost to the former president?

    1988 was the last time Democrats accepted a presidential election loss without attempting to overturn the results. Since then, every Republican victory, including George W. Bush’s decisive 2004 win, has been questioned by both Democrat politicians and conspiracy theorists on the left. Indeed Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin, who voted not to certify Trump’s win in 2016 and then treated Republicans who did the same four years later as traitors, said he might be willing to consider decertifying a Trump win in 2024 if that’s what will happen.

    A Trump victory would almost certainly set off bloody riots in every American city in the manner of the “mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter riots of the summer of 2020. If anything, the next round of left-wing violence might be even worse. But no matter how much America burns following a Trump win on Nov. 5, 2024, you can count on Washington to be swarming with angry leftists and liberals next January in a manner to put the “Stop the Steal” rally MAGA demonstrators of 2021 to shame.

    The pressure on Democratic politicians to stop the Electoral College results from being certified would be far greater than the desultory protests that Trump supporters put together to head off a Biden presidency. The entire left-wing intersectional activist wing of the party will know that another Trump presidency could begin the process of rolling back the tide of woke control of the government and American society. That factor alone, along with the visceral hatred for Trump and his working-class fans, will generate the kind of mass demonstrations that will be impossible for Democrat members of Congress to ignore.

    There is also the possibility that the House wouldn’t be able to resolve the impasse before Jan. 21, when a president must be sworn in. In that case, the Senate would elect a vice president who would serve as president. There again, a Democratic majority could elect Biden or his running mate. But the wording of the 12th Amendment, which says that “no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States,” raises the possibility of them choosing someone who had not been on the ballot, such as fantasy league options like Michelle Obama. Like virtually everything that would happen once the existing system failed to produce a result, it would also mean subsequent court challenges to resolve the meaning of the text, which, like the Democrats’ attempt to use the 14th Amendment to stop Trump, is something the courts have never fully adjudicated.

    At this moment, it’s just one scenario that the political left is contemplating. But it would be foolish to dismiss the possibility of it becoming reality, especially when one considers the underhanded and authoritarian tactics Democrats have already employed to take out Trump in the courts.

    End quote


    Old Gzr: Should Trump win the 2o24 election and should he overcome the tactics of socialists to negate the Electoral College results, there will be massive rioting.

    In times past, Trump has stated that he will not allow America's "great cities" to be destroyed. If Trump attempts to stop the rioting, this will give the communist Left great victories. The Left loves martyrs as much as Christians love Jesus. The Left is every bit as neurotic as religious zealots ... to include radical Muslims.

    If the cities burn, I want those close to Trump to keep him from attempting to stop the riots. I also want this future Trump White House to offer ZERO aid to the burned cities plus any suburbs caught-up in the foray.

    Leftist urbanites and suburbanites should get what they voted for. Let the liberals take it in the teeth.

    Why should responsible Americans pay for urban convulsions of violence?!

    No, this should never occur. Never reward a child or adolescent for throwing a tantrum. Leftists -- irrespective of age -- are NOT grownups.

    If violence happens, it happens.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Ishmaelites spreading confusion....and or design...

    This is not new...and goes back in history to Europe in the 1830s and 40s and the rise of the International.

    The wars of the 1870s and eventually WW1.

    Be warned these Ishmaelites whom in essence believe that this country and it's people belong to them en toto.

    Not certifying the will of the people.... confirms for me that we have a non representative government instead of a representative government.

    Is our government now become a private affair of the Deep State and their puppets in a non representative government???

    Are we even supposed to be able to think this far outside the box??

    Give me the name of the god of a non representative Occult hidden and concealed name please....

    In this god we are to trust????

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Civil war and race war coming to America in leaps and bounds:

    "Biden: I’ll Consider Further Unilateral Action on Guns, Can’t Believe Trump Said ‘No One’s Going to Touch Your Guns’ "

    "During an interview with Univision that took place last Wednesday and aired on Tuesday, President Joe Biden stated that he would consider taking further executive action on guns and criticized 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump because Trump “famously told the NRA that, don’t worry, no one’s going to touch your guns” if Trump won.

    "Interviewer Enrique Acevedo asked, '[G]un violence remains the number one cause of death for children in America. Latinos have made it a top priority across the country, especially in places like El Paso and Uvalde in Texas. Your administration called on Congress to pass common-sense gun laws, but that’s unlikely to happen in the next few months. If you’re re-elected, would you consider taking further executive action on this issue?'

    "Biden responded, 'Absolutely. Look, I, along with Dianne Feinstein, passed the first limitation on assault weapons and the number of bullets that could be in a rifle. The idea anybody needs 100 rounds in a rifle, in an AR-15, I was out in Uvalde. I met with every one of those families. I spent four hours with them. I looked at the pain in their faces. I saw what they felt. I could feel it. And the idea that — and his phrase [in] another context where there was a mass shooting, I think it was in El Paso, he said — they said, what to do about it, and he said, just get over it, you’ve got to get over it, the idea we don’t have background checks for anybody purchasing a weapon, the idea that we’re going to be in a position where he says that — he famously told the NRA that, don’t worry, no one’s going to touch your guns if I — from the very beginning, I used to teach the Second Amendment in law school, from the very beginning, there were limitations. You couldn’t own a cannon. You couldn’t — you could own a rifle or a gun, but there were certain things you couldn’t do. They weren’t weapons of war. And so, look, we passed the first major gun legislation in over 30 years when we passed the law that we recently passed that outlaws weapons that are made that you can’t trace and so on and so forth. And — but it’s not enough. I think we have to do more, and I am absolutely committed. And I’ve asked the Congress, and if I get a Congress and get re-elected, we’re going to do it again. We’re going to make sure we eliminate these weapons.' "


    "Nearly Half of U.S. Muslims, Like U.K. Muslims, Support Hamas in War"

    "A similar poll by the Pew Research Center in the U.S. released March 21 found that 49% of U.S. Muslims believed that Hamas’s reasons for fighting were 'valid.' Only 22% said that Hamas’s reasons for fighting were 'not valid.'

    "The Muslim population in the U.S. is largely made up of immigrants and first-generation Americans. The Muslim population in the U.S. is growing “much faster” than the Jewish population, and coincides with a rise of antisemitism on college campuses, as well as the Democratic Party’s drift away from its historically pro-Israel position."


    "Senior Editor: NPR Employs 87 Democrats in Editorial Positions, 0 Republicans in DC Newsroom"


    Even the Left realizes the truth; yet they do not care. The media is out for a socialist takeover of the US.

    "NPR Editor: Hunter Biden Laptop Revealed ‘Connection to the Corrupt World of Multimillion-Dollar Influence Peddling’ "


    "Woman heading to church randomly shoved down steps, robbed, video shows"

    "The suspect who attacked 68-year-old woman is a man with 'dark complexion,' 18-25 years old, 5-foot 8-inches with medium build, NYPD said

    "The suspect, who remains on the loose, shoved the woman Sunday morning and stole $300 from her purse, her cellphone and her car while the woman writhed in agony on the ground, security video shows. "


    "Venezuelan gang members arrested after entering US illegally "

    "SAN ANTONIO (NewsNation) — U.S. Border Patrol is alarmed by the infiltration of Venezuela’s most dangerous gang, Tren de Aragua, into cities across the United States, as law enforcement arrests members from Texas to New York.

    "Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens reports agents arrested a Venezuelan national affiliated with the Tren de Aragua gang at the Texas border this month.

    "Owens said the gang is known for violent offenses, including murder, drug trafficking and sex crimes.

    "In New York, Yerbin Lozada Munoz, a Venezuelan national and Tren de Aragua member, was arrested Friday by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. This follows his prior arrest in March for allegedly squatting in a home filled with guns and drugs."


    "REVEALED: The U.S. cities Biden is flying hundreds of thousands of migrants in controversial program that sparked national security fears"

    "The vast majority of migrant flights President Joe Biden's White House is transporting directly from foreign countries to U.S. airports to bypass the southern border are landing in Florida.

    "A new analysis from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reveals that 326,000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela arrived in Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' state since the program started in January 2023.

    "Lawyers for Biden's immigration agencies refused to disclose through a FOIA request data on which airports were receiving the undocumented migrants, claiming it would compromise safety and create national security 'vulnerabilities.'

    "While the latest analysis reveals the eight cities with the highest number of arrivals, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) revealed last month that the flights landed in at least 43 different American airports from January through December 2023."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The coming civil war will have a very strong racial component.

    The following happens weekly, yet is not carried by the national news. This time a 14 year old boy was murdered, this got out on social media, thus the national media was a tad compelled to report it. A photo of the white boy who was murdered by blacks is shown; however, the photos of the perpetrators aren't being shown even though they are being charged with murder as adults.


    "'Hero' Wyoming teen stabbed to death while protecting girlfriend in mall attack: report"

    Begin quote

    A Wyoming teenager is being hailed as a hero after he was stabbed to death outside a shopping mall, reportedly while protecting his girlfriend.

    Casper police detained two juveniles, 15-year-old Jarreth JoseFlee Plunkett and 15-year-old Dominique Antonio Richard Harris, in connection with the April 7 stabbing death of 14-year-old Robert "Bobby" Maher at the Eastridge Mall. Both suspects are being charged as adults.

    Bobby's girlfriend reportedly called him and said the two suspects were following her and her friends around the mall, according to court documents obtained by the Cowboy State Daily.

    When Bobby and his friend arrived, they reportedly saw the two suspects walking in front of the group of girls. Bobby and his friend made an attempt to get the girls out of the mall and "kept telling JJ and Dom to leave," at which point a physical altercation ensued, as Bobby's friend told Casper police, according to the affidavit.

    Harris "slammed [Bobby] to the ground," and Plunkett "walked up and stabbed [Bobby]," with a "kitchen-style knife" that was not encased in a sheath, the affidavit states, according to the Cowboy State Daily.

    Cellphone video of the incident obtained by police reportedly shows the two suspects wearing balaclava-style masks as they surrounded Bobby outside the mall.

    Plunkett allegedly told Bobby "to swing on him several times," but the 14-year-old victim "clearly did not want to fight as he is seen moving in a continuous backwards motion away from" the suspect, the affidavit states, according to the Cowboy State Daily. Video evidence also allegedly shows that Bobby tried to circle "back by the mall door," but he was surrounded by other teenagers at that point and "unable to get back inside the mall."

    At one point, Bobby apparently told Plunkett "put the knife away, this isn’t fair." The suspect responded, "I don’t fight fair," according to Plunkett's own admission to police, the State Cowboy Daily reported.

    Casper police said they detained the two suspects after the stabbing on Sunday afternoon, and they were charged on Monday. Plunkett is charged with first-degree murder, conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, aggravated assault and shoplifting. Harris is charged with conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, aggravated assault and shoplifting, Casper police confirmed to Fox News Digital.

    End quote


    The rise of black on white attacks go back decades. Back in the year 2006:

    "Unanticipated Consequences of Hate Crime Legislation"

    "One of the most glaring unanticipated consequences of hate crime legislation is that, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), there is more minority-on-White hate crime than White-on-minority hate crime. As a consequence, if hate crimes legislation is applied rigorously to all bias-motivated inter-racial crimes, far more minority members would be subjected to enhanced penalties than their White counterparts. ..."


    The list of hyper-violent attacks on white people goes on and on and on and ...........
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      "Texas high school teacher recruited female students to work as prostitutes for her PIMP son, and school officials didn’t care…"

      "When the dark and sordid situation became known to school officials, instead of investigating and getting to the bottom of it, they attacked the teacher who brought the disgusting scheme to light."
      Old Geezer, Apr 11, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    any break down in society even in the UK is likely to be along racial and religious lines.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  32. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Democrats Vote Unanimously to Include Illegal Immigrants in Census"

    Begin quote

    Senate Democrats have unanimously defeated Sen. Bill Hagerty’s (R-Tenn.) proposal to bar illegal immigrants from being counted in the national census, warning that their numbers go toward informing the apportioning of House seats and the Electoral College.

    Soon after President Joe Biden took office in 2021, he signed an executive order requiring the Census Bureau to determine the population of each state in the United States without regard to whether residents have lawful immigration status.

    “With this vote, Senate Democrats chose to trample on the rights of each American’s voice. I will continue to fight and press this issue in the Senate,” Sen. Hagerty added.

    Elon Musk, the CEO of social media platform X, also commented on the legislation’s failure to pass, repeating similar claims made by Sen. Hagerty. According to Mr. Musk, the Census Bureau currently counts all people in a district, regardless of citizenship, for purposes of voting, upsetting the balance of power.

    “Since illegals are mostly in Democrat states, both the House and the Presidential vote are shifted ~5% to the left, which is enough to change the entire balance of power,” he said.

    “This is a major reason why the Biden administration is ushering in record levels of illegals and doing so few deportations,” Mr Musk added.

    Republicans have been pushing for stricter border laws for years. However, recently, congressional Republicans started calling for President Biden to close the border immediately in the wake of 22-year-old nursing student Laken Hope Riley being murdered by a man who was illegally living in the United States.

    In a Feb. 24 post on social media platform X, House Speaker Mike Johnson urged President Biden to use his “existing statutory authority” and close the border now.

    “The brutal murderer who took the life of Laken was one of the millions of illegal aliens that the Biden Administration simply released and unleashed upon our country,” Mr. Johnson said.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Blue city mayor defunds police force by more than $8 million to aid migrants"

    Begin quote

    A Democrat-controlled city announced $45 million in funding for programs to help deal with the skyrocketing number of migrant arrivals it is facing, resulting in over $8 million in budget cuts for the police department.

    Denver Mayor Mike Johnston announced last week a package of $45.9 million to fully fund programs for "newcomers" for 2024 and avoid worst-case scenarios projected by the city. That’s in addition to $44 million in spending already secured for the program through previous budget moves.

    Spending on migrants in the city skyrocketed last year from $2 million a month in August to $15 million in December. In January, migrant numbers peaked at around 5,000 in shelters but have since dropped to around 1,000, according to official figures.

    There will also be a "WorkReady" program, described as an "innovative pre-work authorization readiness program" by which migrants can be connected with training opportunities, including language instruction.

    Funded as part of the new spending will be a new "Denver Asylum Seekers Program." It will apply to around 1,000 people in the shelter system and will connect them with housing assistance options for six months until they can get a work permit under their asylum claims.

    End quote


    "Massachusetts Asks Citizens to Take in Migrants Amid State of Emergency"

    "The lieutenant governor of Massachusetts has asked residents and those with spare space to house migrants after the state declared an emergency over an influx of migrants that has caused 'a severe lack of shelter availability in the state.'

    "In a press conference on Thursday, Kim Driscoll urged citizens to 'step up if you're willing to have an additional family be part of your family.' "


    New York City:

    "Adams floats idea of New Yorkers housing migrants in ‘private residences’ "

    "Any spare rooms at Gracie Mansion?

    "Mayor Eric Adams now wants to start paying every day New Yorkers to shelter migrants in their own homes – as the Big Apple struggles to find beds for the thousands of asylum seekers still flooding into the city.

    "In his latest attempt to battle the ongoing migrant crisis, Adams on Monday floated a half baked 'private residence' plan, which could possibly see local homeowners getting compensation to put up asylum seekers."


    "South Texas ranchers could see reimbursement for damages from migrant passing thanks to new state program"

    Begin quote

    CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — For years South Texas ranchers and property owners have complained about migrants passing through their land and leaving a wake of destruction.

    On Monday, the South Texas Property Rights Association met with law enforcement to discuss a program that could offer reimbursement options for property owners.

    It's all part of Senate Bill 1133.

    Brooks County Judge Eric Ramos said that broken fences and property damage aren't just minor inconveniences, but impact the livelihood of those who own them.

    "We are now offering them up to $75,000, per incident, depending on what the damages are," he said.

    Those damages can range in severity.

    "Livestock being killed, and recently, we've seen them use fire…they'll start a fire," he said.

    Falfurrias farmer Larry Boykin said those damages can directly impact a farmer's day-to-day life.

    "You tear down a fence, you can't go out there and fix a fence for $50 anymore; you can't replace a tractor for $500," Boykin said. "It all cost lots of money."

    End quote
  34. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "America Is Hurtling Toward a Full Blown Hot Civil War"

    Justin Smith; Posted on April 6, 2024

    Begin quote

    It never ceases to amaze me at how little so many people in this country have done to train their minds to critically analyze information. They have eyes to see and ears to see, and yet, somehow the truth of any major issue still seems to evade them, or they simply refuse to recognize the truth with it standing right in front of them, slapping them in the face.

    So many things are currently plumb damned fouled up by this Biden regime and going awry on their own through the dynamics set in motion by this anti-American, lawless regime, that it’s nearly impossible to properly address them all in a single commentary. But I’ve tried to give the Reader as comprehensive an assessment as I possibly can with this piece.

    We have a national debt that’s rapidly approaching $35 trillion and counting, that to be sure rests on the shoulders of both parties, but it couldn’t have arrived to this abysmal point without both Marxist-Maoists and RINOs accepting the tenets of the Marxist-Keynesian Modern Monetary Theory and the notion that any one nation could print and borrow an endless supply of money forever without any terrible consequence, which is currently being proven wrong. Our people struggle to pay for food and rent and new high mortgage rates have put home ownership out of reach for this new Generation Z that is coming up and expecting a successful way of life to be attainable in some form or fashion, even tho’ many of them are a great part of the problem, some thirty percent claiming to be either queer themselves or supportive of the LGBTQ sickness running rampant through American society, advocating for every known sexual perversion and deviancy one might care to mention.

    In unbelievable fashion, when the largest economic collapse in U.S. history hit in March 2020, to be followed by the Covid Lockdowns, pushed and kept going for years by traitors to America, such as Dr Anthony Fauci and Dr Deborah Birx, many of us saw it for the fraud it was. Still, whole swaths of our cultural freedoms and norms were very nearly destroyed, as a timid American people complied, by and large, because they couldn’t simply stand on their hind feet and tell the government despots “NO”. Even now, as many careers no longer exist and jobs are disappearing like cotton-candy on a rainy day, far too many, especially the communists among us, hold to the delusion that all is well and deny that out-of-control spending and massive national debt really do matter for the health of the nation’s economy.

    Who could have possibly known at the time — other than those Deep State bad actors behind the curtain — that this was a dire harbinger of things to come and but one of the first precursors to a validation of this current system of economic fascism as the preeminent and defining feature of what everyone still mistakenly calls our “free market capitalist system”. Who knew that — if one believes Obama and now Biden — the cure for debt was more debt; the cure for greed was more greed, and that envy of the neighbors’ possessions was perfectly acceptable, even if one easily walked on over to take them by force, through armed robbery. And who could have foreseen that every Marxist-Maoist of the Democratic Party would become modern day Jezebels, condemning the innocent by way of one false accusation after another, paving the way for a vile new phenomena and way of life for the misguided youth of America.

    But never in my wildest imagination did I expect to see every single government institution corrupted to its very core and heavily infiltrated by men and women seeking to destroy traditional America — to “transform America” — and bring great harm to all Americans in the process, as evil was called “good” and good was called “evil”, turning the world upside down as foretold in Isaiah 5:20, as we all witnessed in 2020, driven by the Democratic Party Communists and fascists and globalists of the country, for the most part. Never did I expect to see U.S. science so corrupted and in denial of real science, reality itself, as supposedly “educated” people were soon trying to convince the entire nation that men could really become women and women could become men — that men actually have periods and can have babies.

    In listening to many proponents of the Democratic Party Communist platform and agenda — Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Senator Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer for three in particular — I cannot help but wonder when did the wards for the mentally ill release all the inmates. And so here we are in America, where the inmates of mental institutions, federal prisons, Illegal Aliens, drug dealers and sexual deviants and child predators are running the country and the Oval Office today.

    I have noted in several past articles, I do believe the “united States” is currently hurling down a path on a fast track to a full blown, hot civil war. What will emerge will either be a nation squashed under an iron-fisted communist government or a people united in freedom and liberty under a limited government, restrained from ever growing or overreaching as the current Federal System has allowed and the Biden regime has done, trampling on the entire Constitution and our Inalienable God-given Rights in the process.

    Twenty-five state governors stood alongside Governor Abbot of Texas in the border dispute with the Biden regime, and the Governor of South Carolina sent his own National Guardsmen to the border to assist the Texas National Guard and Texas’s various law enforcement agencies who are in this struggle for America’s survival. So although I was speaking of the average citizen in the preceding paragraph, there are some holding key positions who see the rapidly approaching existential threats to all America and are reacting with a high level of urgency and accordingly, using everything within their power to stop this one segment of the madness emanating from the Biden regime.

    America has been cleaved into two separate and antithetical ideologies — two opposing worldviews — with the communists and radical takers of the country supporting a dark vision of tyranny and the conservatives and independent producers supporting the light of truth and a vision of freedom and liberty. They are both hanging in the balance and waiting for gravity or some monumental event to throw the lever that moves them to act and take the country by storm, with the Democrats willing to use every illegal means imaginable.

    The heavy infiltration of Illegal Aliens from many foreign countries that are unfriendly or outright enemies of America is one more dynamic and issue of concern for all who love America, since they will certainly come down on the side which is trying to destroy America. No one should be oblivious to the fact that various “sleeper cells” of Hamas and Hezbollah have been in America for several decades now. Taken in conjunction with thousands of military aged Chinese men entering the country illegally the coming chaos will be Biblical in proportion to anything we have witnessed in all American history.

    Nineteenth century French economist and writer, Frederic Bastiat could have been speaking of America today and the situation She currently finds Herself, as he once stated:

    “When misguided public opinion honors what is despicable and despises what is honorable, punishes virtue and rewards vice, encourages what is harmful and discourages what is useful, applauds falsehood and smothers truth under indifference or insult, a nation turns its back on progress and can be restored only by the terrible lessons of catastrophe.”

    All good and decent Americans, who can still remember what America used to be or who have been well taught from childhood and know what a great nation — an exceptional nation — She has been in years gone by, will soon be forced to fight against enemies-from-within and foreign enemies supported by the World Economic Forum and the United Nations, so that our friends, families and communities can survive this period and freedom and liberty shall not perish in our land. And as we fight, we must pray and hope that our side emerges victoriously from the din and cacophony of the conflagration and chaos, in order that we may purge the land of those who hate America and restore Her to a land that truly understands what “equality under the law” actually means, to be governed in a manner that actually defends and protects the Inalienable God-given Rights for all, restoring America as something better than She has been in a long, long time.

    This is the war that lays ahead of us, looming just over the horizon, and our very lives and the lives of our loved ones depend on our success. The death of America as She has stood is guaranteed, unless liberty-minded patriots rise from the ashes of the next civil war. That is the reality and the future we now must face.

    End quote

    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  35. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    not just in the USA, in the UK we have all this woke, trans, shutting down free speech, to say nothing of the Gaza protests arranged by terrorist backing Muslim organisations + rampant hatred of anything and anyone Jewish, the Police and Politicians are next to useless, its only a matter of time before this blows up into a full blown revolution.
    what does the govt focus on ? they are trying to bring in a law to ban smoking thats what! pathetic.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  36. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I do not know enough about where English culture stands in this day and age.

    As you say, the cities will go up in flames when the world spins out of control. That's a given.

    However, I don't see English Heartlanders engaging in assassinations nor sabotaging national infrastructure assets. I could be wrong, but I do not witness anger levels there in England as being anywhere near as bad as here in the States. Americans are getting beyond boiling point angry at each other, this along both political and racial lines.

    As has been covered in media, Americans are fleeing the cities due to taxation, too high real estate prices, ever-increasing crime to include the fear of muggings and random violence that is now omnipresent, ... on and on ... the cities are cesspits.

    The upcoming November elections -- the run-up, the time of the polls, and post election months -- are going to get ugly ... as in violence. There will be riots. There will be shootings. I expect people to begin shooting into masses of rioters. If rioters enter the wrong neighborhoods, there will be rivers of blood running into the gutters. Again, people are getting angry to the degree that rationality is going to disappear.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  37. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I dont think its as bad in UK as it is in US that is true, not yet anyway, but what happens to our cousins in America will eventually happen in Britain, its just a matter of time, both governments are made up of globalists and millionaires who have no concept of the lives of ordinary people.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  38. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    You guys do your best to keep out the Arabs and North Africans. These crews have throughout history defaulted to vicious when times go bad.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  39. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    While I agree with both governments being made up of globalists......

    I still remember being very very shocked at the killing/murder in in London and in broad daylight of Lee Rigby in 2013.

    That caught me flat footed....

    The fake phony news media in both yours and my country tries to make horror of white on black crime....when most of the crime is the very opposite or black on black crime.

    We are being hugely gaslighted by our leadership and the phony media in bed with leadership....for control of the herd while letting two legged wildlife run amok all around us and clearly for political capital......and I mean highly gaslighted.

    Also...this is not is whoredom.....political, social whoredom.

    America is running a very similar program....telling me that the same bunch secretly running the UK is also running secretly the USA. It is the same program run by the same global internationalists...the same deep state bunch ......and for/towards the same goal.....

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites.......on a global scale.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  40. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Yet another declaration of war by the anti-American Left:

    "Washington Post Editors: Rebuild Middle America with Mass Immigration"

    "The federal government and state officials ought to rebuild America’s heartland by driving waves of mass immigration to the region, the editors of the Washington Post suggest.

    "Rather than putting incentives in place to increase birth rates or entice residents to stay, the Washington Post editorial board writes that the government should use mass immigration to spike population in middle America.

    "Despite the Post editors’ suggestion, President Joe Biden has already increased the foreign-born population to a whopping 51.4 million — the largest ever recorded in American history. In Biden’s first three years as president, he grew the foreign-born population by 6.4 million.

    "For comparison, in 1990, fewer than 20 million foreign-born residents lived in the United States."
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  41. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    America and Americans in last place.....while working and supporting/paying for their own demise....

    A 180 degree lack of support and caring by leadership clearly running a foreign/fallen Ishmaelite program over the will of the American people.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  42. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I only post the following article about pro-Palestinian/Hamas protests and occupations as an example of the effectiveness of communist university professors' indoctrination of our youth. This sort of polarization will play into the rapid evolution of America's second civil war.

    I am amazed that no one has shot into these protesters nor driven over these protesters when they block roads. Post-SHTF, looters/protesters will be shot or crushed by trucks. This will especially be true when the dollar catastrophically tanks resulting in police and military personnel no longer getting paid. Post-SHTF, police and military personnel will go back to their home states if not paid. What would you do if your family was suffering and you were never going to get paid with TRUE money / money that had value?! Me, I'd go back home and take care of my own people. The cities burning means nothing to me. I'll help farmers protect their farms and ranches, but I sure as dickens won't do anything whatsoever to help urbanites.

    "Anti-Israel Encampment Established at Fordham University Hours After Police Raided Others"

    Begin quote

    An anti-Israel encampment was established at Fordham University in New York City on Wednesday, hours after similar ones at other universities were raided.

    Tents were seen set up inside a building on the university’s campus as part of a “Gaza solidarity encampment.”

    The raids came after anti-Israel protesters at Columbia University had seized control of Hamilton Hall in the early hours of Tuesday morning and smashed the glass doors of the building, carried barriers inside, and hung pro-Palestinian banners from the windows.

    While Columbia University removed the initial encampment, another one popped up in its place.

    Anti-Israel encampments have been established at colleges and universities across the nation, including George Washington University, Harvard University, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Princeton University, and the University of California Los Angeles.

    Protesters at the various encampments on college and university campuses have a varying list of demands, including for the universities to divest from Israeli companies, end academic ties with Israeli educational institutions, provide full amnesty for protesters involved in the encampments who have either been suspended or arrested, a ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas, and for the United States to stop arming Israel.

    Hamas launched an attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, leaving 1,200 people dead and more than 200 people taken as hostages.

    The attack also saw roughly 3,000 Hamas terrorists invade Israel by land, sea, and air and kill concert-goers at a music festival, while others went on to hunt down Jewish men, women, and children, subjecting many to torture, rape, and even death.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  43. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Americans trust the military, but they sure don't trust the federal government.

    "The US Is The Only G-7 Nation To See Trust In Government Plummet"

    Begin quote

    It’s likely that your level of confidence probably depends on a wide range of factors, such as perceived competency, historical context, economic performance, accountability, social cohesion, and transparency.

    And for these same reasons, trust levels in government institutions also change all the time, even in the world’s most developed countries: the G7.

    This chart, via Visual Capitaist's Nick Routley, looks at the changes in trust in government institutions between the years 2006 and 2023, based on data from a multi-country Gallup poll.


    Specifically, this dataset aggregates confidence in multiple national institutions, including the military, the judicial system, the national government, and the integrity of the electoral system.

    What’s interesting here is that in the G7, a group of the world’s most developed economies, there is only one country bucking the general trend: the United States.

    Across most G7 countries, confidence in institutions has either improved or stayed the same between 2006 and 2023. The largest percentage point (p.p.) increases occur in Italy and Japan, which saw +13 p.p. and +11 p.p. increases in trust over the time period.

    In the U.S., however, confidence in government institutions has fallen by 13 p.p. over the years. What happened?

    In 2006, the U.S. was tied with the UK as having the highest confidence in government institutions, at 63%.

    But here’s where the scores stand in 2023, across various institutions:


    Based on this data, it’s clear that the U.S. lags behind in three key indicators: confidence in the national government, confidence in the justice system, and confidence in fair elections. It ranked in last place for each indicator in the G7.

    End quote


    Americans hate members of the opposing party:

    "Affective polarization is being driven primarily by dislike of the other party rather than positive feelings toward one’s own, since positive feelings toward one’s own party has also dropped slightly since the late 1980s (see upper lines in figure 4). Republicans reported liking their own party more in 2016, in correlation with the MAGA movement. Affective polarization, however, is quite symmetric across the parties."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  44. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    " 41% Of Americans Think Civil War Likely By 2029, Some Say Sooner Amid Chaos "

    "Americans have been stunned by the Democratic megadonors funneling money into Marxist groups, sparking mass chaos across colleges and universities nationwide as risks are mounting that 'BLM-style' riots could spill over into city streets this summer.

    "Law-abiding Americans have taken notice of radical left-wing policies pushing this nation further into chaos, from failed progressive cities ignoring law and order to open borders igniting the greatest illegal alien invasion this nation has ever seen. There is a growing sense among the population that possibly a controlled demolition of the country is underway by the radical left.

    "The spark that could ignite the next round of social unrest is possibly Marxist 'useful idiots' (some of which are professional and paid protesters) on school campuses who quite literally have said they want a revolution to usher in a "socialist reconstruction of America."

    "A new survey by Rasmussen Reports found that 41% of Americans are concerned a civil war could erupt sometime over the next five years, including 16% who say civil war is 'very likely' in that same time-frame.

    "As Americans brace for more chaos, radical leftist non-governmental organizations are artificially driving the nation into turmoil. The FBI's silence on this matter raises questions, with some suggesting their priorities may lie elsewhere, such as targeting President Biden's political adversaries ahead of the presidential elections in November. "
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  45. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The polarization continues:

    "Racist Secession? Conservatives Escape Democrat-Run Baton Rouge With Creation Of New City"

    Begin quote

    The battle started a decade ago with conservative parents in the eastern areas of Baton Rouge, Louisiana seeking the right to send their children to better public schools. Their requests for a redistricting to build a new school in their area was denied by the city. Year after year Louisiana public schools have been rated some of the worst performing schools in the US, not just in education but also in safety.

    Then there was the ongoing threat of rising crime combined with persistent Democrat controlled leadership; the policies of progressives directly contributed to repeat offenders being released onto the streets. Conservative residents, feeling that Baton Rouge leaders had no intention of representing their interests or listening to their concerns, decided they had to take drastic measures to make a change.

    The result was an effort of citizens in the east to break away from Baton Rouge entirely and create their own city, called St. George. The problem for Democrats was that citizen proponents of the new city would be taking away access to their money, their businesses and their children. This was apparently unacceptable.

    The corporate media and elements of the Democratic Party immediately launched a propaganda effort to paint the breakaway community (and other movements like it) as "white flight" and a new form of segregation. Their argument was that the petitions for St. George were racially motivated and a return to the Jim Crow era of Louisiana politics.

    Keep in mind, the St.George movement started in 2014, well before the full bore institution of woke propaganda in Democrat run public schools districts. In hindsight, the people in eastern Baton Rouge timed their efforts perfectly and there are a lot of reasons to leave, as the city has only become worse in the past ten years.

    Advocates for St. George argue that the move was never racially motivated, only policy motivated. Everything Democrats touch eventually turns to rot. This has been consistently proven with the top most violent cities in the US being managed by Democrats and the top worst cities for school safety in the US managed by Democrats. Progressives have tried to deny this for years but they can't argue with the numbers; their only retort is that the issue is "more nuanced" than conservatives believe.

    Racially speaking (if Democrats really want to go there), it's fair to point out that the worst hit areas for crime in cities like Baton Rouge are consistently in neighborhoods with a black demographic. It's not racist to say this, it's just a reality. Politically speaking, it makes sense that conservatives would want to protect their children from far-left ideological narratives now permeating public schools within progressive areas, as well as keep them safe from random violence. ...

    Luckily, a majority in the Louisiana Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the creation of St. George and the residents there have been given a chance to go their own way. The media is calling it an attempt at "secession" and maybe it is, but is that really a bad thing? Shouldn't different communities and people with different ideals be allowed to break away if they want and manage their own affairs in the way they prefer? As long as they follow basic constitutional principles then there's no reason for Democrats to object, unless the issue is really all about control.

    End quote


    "Louisiana has high murder rate compared to rest of US, data shows"

    "In Louisiana, murder crimes are 2.8 times more than the national average.

    "Baton Rouge ranks high for two types of crime — murder and burglary. According to data, the city has almost six times more murder crimes and four times more burglary crimes compared to the national average."


    "Baton Rouge’s murder triangle: An inside look at the deadliest area of the Capital City "

    BATON ROUGE — The first four months of 2024 have marked one of the deadliest periods on record in Baton Rouge. With nearly 40 homicides recorded in the city alone thus far, we are matching the pace set in 2021, a year distinguished as the deadliest on record for Baton Rouge.

    In 2021, the city witnessed 131 murders, ranking Baton Rouge among the most dangerous cities in America for that year.

    This year, Baton Rouge appears poised to match that grim record if the current rate of homicides persists.

    UWK has tracked the locations of these homicides from January 1st through April 16th. More than three-quarters of these violent acts have been concentrated within a specific area of the city, forming a triangle extending from near downtown to Windsor Place.

    The mayor-president and police chief’s assertion that crime is being contained to specific areas of the city holds true, particularly concerning homicides. Analysis conducted by UWK has mapped out all homicides that have occurred in Baton Rouge since January 1. The incidents tend to cluster in specific areas of the city, primarily along the I-110 corridor and Windsor Place.

    Approximately 80% of the 38 homicides in Baton Rouge this year are concentrated within a triangle bounded approximately by I-110 to Flannery Rd. between Greenwell St. and Florida Blvd.

    End quote


    Google search string = louisiana "baton rouge" AND "wanted for murder"

    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  46. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    People are getting tired and disgusted in being "Herded" by these Leftists in positions of power ...doing and forcing stuff and policy on these people which does not even make good nonsense.

    When even olde leftists start catching on have a system in drastic decline.

    Yet I do not believe these "Entitlement" minded leftist catch on....that they are not representing the people and get mad/angry when stuff happens like in Baton Rouge.

    I suspect strongly drastic measures to attempt to keep America properly herded and under their control between now and the election. They have to....the power is too much of a drug for them to not do this and also their Entitlement beliefs are also that to deny the will of the people...a non representative government.

    Which is what you are describing as happening in Baton Rouge...that people are catching on and taking action.

    It needs to happen more across this country....and particularly to the Main Stream Media ...Pimping for the Body Politic....lying and deceiving the public....way too in Cities like Baton Rouge and other places.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  47. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    And Americans are buying millions of guns and billions of rounds of ammunition.

    People are beyond fed-up, they are angry. The MSM is brain dead -- they do not perceive the degree to which the American poeple have written them off. Big Brother and its fifth-column media lackies herded people out of their jobs and into their isolation cell homes and apartments. This was a boon for commie Jeff Bezos plus the big pharmaceutical companies -- they made well over a hundred billion dollars off of the covid panic. The masses have learned that they were economically and spiritually raped by that government ginned-up faux plague. Shoot, taxpayers now know that their tax dollars paid for a China lab to develop the covid contagion. Currently, the people are learning about the other "gain of function) labs around the world (to include Ukraine). There was even found a Chinese-owned bio-lab in California. Our law enforcement got to that one too late -- the Chinese had already shut that one down. Nobody knows what went on there.

    America, a nation whose citizens are furious at each other, armed, and ready to go for each others throats. Oh, I think I also mentioned the upcoming election thingy. Oh what fun.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  48. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Continuing the above post:

    The media cover-story for the California lab was that the Chinese owner was only making fake covid test-kits.

    "CDC detects coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis and herpes at unlicensed California lab"

    "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tested the substances and detected at least 20 potentially infectious agents, including coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis and herpes, according to a Health and Human Services letter dated June 6."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  49. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Peaceful Pro-Lifer Gets Years In Prison After Biden DOJ Targeted Her Under FACE Act"

    "Biden’s DOJ charged dozens of pro-life Americans but has repeatedly failed to bring the hammer down on pro-abortion lawbreakers.

    "U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly sentenced a pro-life activist on Tuesday to 57 months in prison and three years supervision for her participation in a peaceful pro-life protest at one the capital city’s most controversial abortion facilities.

    "Lauren Handy, 30, was one of several members of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU), a primarily leftist organization with a pro-life streak, who initiated a “rescue and protest” at late-term abortionist Cesare Santangelo’s Washington, D.C., facility in October 2020.

    “ 'Some simply kneeled and prayed at Santangelo’s facility, some passed out pro-life literature and counseled abortion-minded women, and others roped and chained themselves together inside the facility,' Handy’s lawyers at the Thomas More Society noted.

    "Handy, PAAU’s director of Activism and Mutual Aid, decided to protest at Santangelo’s facility in particular after she heard him admit on an undercover video that he “would not help” a baby born alive after a botched abortion.

    “ 'My belief that was formed after watching the video was if the fetus survived the abortion attempt, they were left to die,' Handy told the court during witness testimony.

    "Handy was also among those who recovered a box of five dead preemie-sized babies outside of Santagelo’s facility. The discovery of the “D.C. Five” should have prompted an investigation into Santangelo’s possibly illegal abortion methods. Instead, it put Handy at risk for more scrutiny from law enforcement and pro-abortion Democrats."

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  50. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The deep divide continues to deepen.

    "Republican National Committee’s Headquarters Evacuated After Vials of Blood Addressed to Trump"

    "Hazardous-materials teams were called in after the vials were discovered, according to the U.S. Capitol Police, who said they would continue to investigate. It was unclear if anyone came into contact with the blood and to whom it belonged.

    "The vials were addressed to Trump, according to a person familiar with the situation but not authorized to speak about it publicly. It was unclear if any message accompanied the vials explaining why they were sent."


    The mainstream media does its part to take sides and continues its attempt to propagandize the populace:

    "Bill Maher Tells Joy Behar She Is Losing Credibility By Self-Censoring Criticisms Of Biden"

    Begin quote

    Political commentator Bill Maher told “The View” co-host Joy Behar she is losing credibility by self-censoring criticisms of President Joe Biden.

    Behar said she censors herself from criticizing Biden in order to prevent former President Donald Trump from defeating him in the 2024 election. Maher said he is ensuring his sincerity and credibility by expressing honest critiques of the president.

    “I’m nervous about saying anything against Biden because I feel, not that I have so much power — and you have some more than I do obviously. Are you afraid that might influence people who are on the fence?” Behar asked during a Tuesday segment.

    “I think you lose all credibility,” Maher said. “I do. I mean, my bond with my audience has always been [that] I don’t pull a punch. My bond with my audience is you’re not gonna like everything I say, but you know I’m saying what I really think is true.”

    End quote


    "Parents say school principal 'humiliated' their son, barred him from delivering patriotic election speech"'humiliated'_their_son

    Begin quote

    Saint Bonaventure Catholic School student Jimmy Heyward, who was running for "Commissioner of School Spirit & Patriotism," was "completely humiliated" after principal Mary Flock barred him from giving his speech at a school election rally, his parents say.

    Heyward's mother, Hattie Ruggles, claims her son was told to remove "all parts about patriotism" from his campaign speech or he would not be allowed to deliver it before the school assembly. In the speech, the student talks about the importance of showing respect to veterans during the National Anthem or when reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

    "Jimmy stood up to her and said he wasn’t going to take the parts about patriotism out of his speech," Ruggles wrote in a petition calling on Flock to be fired. "She then told him he would not be speaking. Jimmy sat on stage with all the other candidates while they said their speeches. Mary Flock directed the kids hosting the rally to skip Jimmy entirely. He was on the stage for an hour in front of his peers/teachers/parents being completely humiliated by Mary Flock."

    End quote


    "Democrats should fear ‘lawfare’ tactics being turned against them "

    "Unhinged partisan politics is quickly propelling our nation down the path of the normalization of the weaponization of law to take out a political opponent — a path that is destructive to all.

    "New York Times columnist David Brooks said the quiet part out loud recently while on left-of-center 'PBS Newshour': 'if you look at democracies in decline, then it is a pattern that people in office use their power to indict and criminalize and throw in jail the people who were in office before them of the opposing party. And so we are a nation, democracy in decline.'

    "There has already been open speculation by conservative and Republican pundits that red state attorneys general, district attorneys and prosecutors should employ the exact same tactics the Democrats are using to go after Trump to investigate Hillary Clinton, former President Barack Obama and President Biden. "


    The rise of antisemitism continues.

    "Concerns over antisemitism rise as Jews begin observing Passover"

    Begin quote

    The Anti-Defamation League issued a report earlier this year that included nearly 3,300 anti-Semitic instances in the final three months of last year, including 56 physical assaults, 554 incidents of vandalism, 1,347 examples of verbal or written harassment, and 1,307 rallies on colleges campuses that involved anti-Semitic rhetoric — including ones that involved support for terrorism.

    Perhaps most acute on this first day of the Jewish holiday is the ongoing situation on college campuses. Columbia University 3rd year student Eden Yadegar is from Los Angeles and president of the group Students Supporting Israel. Because of her leadership role, she's witnessed and heard from other students about scores of instances.

    "Saturday night was horrible," she says, describing, how a couple of Jewish students on campus holding an Israeli flag had it ripped from their hands and set on fire. "Someone threw fake blood at my friends on campus," Yadegar says.

    That increasingly heated language as well as instances of actual violence have American Jewish Committee CEO Ted Deutch alarmed.

    "When protestors take to city streets and college quads to sing the praises of Hamas," Deutch says, "and when they applaud Iran launching missiles at Israel, we should be appalled."

    End quote
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