Very Very Interesting...and This Is A Brit....on Target!!!!

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by watcherchris, Feb 5, 2023.

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  1. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Want to see something very very interesting....this is a Englishman.....observing Ishmaelite wildlife taking over England.

    And when you listen to think he is talking about America....very interesting...

    Here...this link....this guy is in the bulls eye.....on target...about Ishmaelites...

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I m going to be looking for this fellow in more U Tube videos...this guy talks good sense....I like his tact.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Thing is that sheeple vote-in supposed do-gooder career politicians.

    Here is another way of putting the above, "Masochists enjoy being ruled by Sadists." There are men out there who pay prostitutes to lash them bloody with leather whips. Men such as these speak glowingly of micromanagers and the overtly corrupt; plus, they perpetually vote for such mutants. "He cares so much about children and the poor, so I simply must vote for him!" The politician in question might be a pederast and have a profoundly dead soul; however, the monster speaks well and throws money (stolen from the people) at the problems he and his ilk caused in the first place .

    One cannot fix those who are possessed with an inferior intelligence and who live in their little cages and fish-tanks. Their narrow environs breed narrow minds. These sheeple vote. There are lots and lots and lots of sheeple.

    If you go out and visit other cultures, you'll discover interesting customs, costumes, and coinage. The people however will love you only so long as you are spending money where they live. Anything goes wrong and you are still hanging around in their country, they will foist all of the blame onto you and your "oppressor" culture. They'll not admit that they themselves screwed-up, oh noooo! You did something to hurt them. In the 1930's and 40's, the Germans blamed the Jewish people. Each culture when it tips of the fragile cliff of sanity finds somebody to blame ... sometimes they are right in doing so. Genghis Khan and his band of merry men weren't exactly stopping by to borrow a cup of sugar.

    Dictators such as Adolf, Mussolini, Stalin, Xi Jinping, Pol Pot, the Castro brothers, Nicolás Maduro, Mao Zedong, et. al. were/are a dime a dozen. Hitler was a genetic throwback, so any number of psycho-monsters possessing a "dynamic personality" could have been chosen by the German people to lead them on a mission of revenge. Truth be told, many of them would have done a much better job AND WOULD HAVE WON WWII (Hitler made over a half-dozen fatal mistakes during his rule). The people loved Adolf the Idiot -- he simply told them what they wanted to hear and gave them permission to kill lots of people ... people who the Germans thought had wronged them. Hatred feels good for humans and hurting other people gives a lot of people a rush superior to snorting cocaine. It feels good to hurt someone you don't like -- I learned this as child. I hurt nasty kids and it felt really, really good. Thus, self-discipline is mandatory for humans ... yet rarely practiced.

    The human race is an incredibly flawed species. This tragic featherless biped has come up with all manner of powerful mechanisms of war and "benevolent" centralized governments which they always lose control of and thus get unimaginably gruesome wars and the occasional genocide. Every so often, a few tens of millions go missing here or there, but the humans breed back and make the same mistakes. History unstudied is dark humor.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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