Ways to Conquer Fear

Discussion in 'Mental Preparedness' started by martorano_e, May 27, 2016.

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  1. martorano_e

    martorano_e New Member

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    Being caught off guard in a stressful situation can quickly become overwhelming. Coming from someone who suffers from anxiety, I know it can be hard to overcome those feelings of fear before, during, and after a situation has occurred. What are some ways you handle dealing with fear? What steps can be done to prevent fear from overtaking an emergency situation?
  2. cluckeyo

    cluckeyo Well-Known Member

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    I have first hand experience with fear. I went through a period of time in my life when I was almost constantly paralyzed by it. It went on for years. My analysis of my own experience suggests that I was in a situation where I could trust no one. There was really no one in charge and I could not trust myself either. I believe what it really was, was a lack of faith. I think, deep down, I did not really have a mature belief in God. What I needed was someone to guide me toward a better belief. A surrogate, if you will. I found this person, and he led me through the experiences I needed, to find my faith. Once I became fully aware that God is in charge, my fear was relegated to it's rightful, less powerful place.
  3. Arboreal

    Arboreal Active Member

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    It may sound silly, but I found out that reminding myself that "Panic will only make things worse" (or similar) lets me keep fear under control in highly stressful situations. I don't know if it makes much sense for other people, and it's possible that the trick is not the thought itself, but its constant repetition, like a mantra - meditation always helps keep emotions in check.

    More conventional solution is, well, being prepared. If you have been trained or rehearsed for the emergency situation, you will be able to carry on despite anxiety, since the tasks will be routine for you.
  4. Valerie

    Valerie Active Member

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    PTSD, anxiety and depression--I know these things well. Overtime, I honestly got tired of allowing myself to fear everything. I got tired of becoming overridden with weakness. Looking in the mirror, I told myself that if something terrible happens and I react in such a way that I'm useless, then I will never come out alive. Worse, I'd hinder the efforts of those around me. Hurting others because of my internal fears or from a panic attack is not something I aim for. Rather, I'd want to be level-headed enough to use my strengths to protect others. So, whenever panic strikes, I breathe and tell myself that I've already survived so much, whatever is troubling me now is a gnat compared to the past.

    As others have mentioned, having a level of preparedness is also smart. If you have a plan and tools set aside, you've already attained a level of stability.
    sunnytn likes this.
  5. John Snort

    John Snort Well-Known Member

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    The easiest way to conquer fear is by picturing what you'd lose if you give in to fear. If you are afraid you'll panic. When you panic you'll make decisions that might get you killed.

    Who do you love most in your life? Would you want to lose them? Of course not! Use them as the weapon that helps you conquer fear.
  6. remnant

    remnant Expert Member

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    I remember a period when I was so consumed by fear of the unknown to the level of paralysis. I literally moved to another neighbourhood only for it to exacerbate. Until I realised the power of deep Christian faith and prayer. I am not proselytizing but I have observed an unexplainable peace of mind and I don't fear any situation like before. This was not a solution by itself to start with but the inner peace I experience in any situation is a positive dividend in the midst of many others that is my pillar of strength.
  7. cluckeyo

    cluckeyo Well-Known Member

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    We really are not supposed to have fear. We are supposed to trust God. When I got to the point where I could do that, then I was ok.
  8. Endure

    Endure Expert Member

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    "Fear cut deeper than swords" Taugh Syrio Forel to Arya Stark during her water dancing lessons. Is a fictional quote, but that doesn't mean It haven't some truth in it. Handling fear can be pretty tricky, since is a feeling that could raise as a defence mechanism, and It certainly helps us to avoid some life threatening or unpleasant situations. But it also have drawbacks, fear can make some things more overwhelming than they are, also it could prevent us to act in a dire situation that demands it.

    In the other hand, overall anticipation and prevention could be encourage by fear. And that's healthy.
  9. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    "there is nothing to fear but fear itself".
    sunnytn likes this.
  10. lexinonomous

    lexinonomous Member

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    I suffer from terrible anxiety and know the trials that come with day to day anxiety attacks. My fears have festered in me and have become nightmares. I think that every fear should be handled differently. If I am having anxiety in a social situation, I usually walk away to the bathroom and take a few deep breaths in private. I also try to maintain my breathing in all situations in order to keep my anxiety at bay. :)

    I can understand believing in God, but there is still a means to protect ourselves. There are terrible things that happen in this world. Without the fear of what could happen, you have a pretty strong case of not surviving. Personally, I can't give my trust to God when there's a life threatening situation presented to me. I'd rather make sure that I can handle it on my own and survive the situation.
  11. cluckeyo

    cluckeyo Well-Known Member

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    It has really helped to have that fear relegated to it's proper place. Where it once overwhelmed and crippled me, it is now manageable. Because now I know that I will do everything in my power to survive, but the result of things is in God's hands. And that knowledge brings me peace and acceptance of life. So I know where my job begins and ends in this. It helps me stay calm and focus.
  12. jeannie

    jeannie New Member

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    For me, the worst kind of fear is when I get up in the middle of night, and find that I can't move any part of my body. I want to open my eyes, or turn my head, or move my hand or leg, or just turn around in bed but the more I try to move, the more immobilize I become. This has been happening since my childhood, though not frequently.

    Later in life, I learned to become calm and began waiting out the almost never-ending time until I was able to get out of that stage. Fear can be so devastating on you, and it would take much efforts to stay awake while I wanted to drift off in sleep then. It really helped me to become calm and think rationally when I was suffering that spell of immobility the most...

    I don't know what the name of that disorder is, but I think I have got the key to survive that spell. The instinct to be calm even when the spell begins usually in deep sleep and suddenly. Staying calm has become second nature to me, and rightly so. During any calamity, any sudden traumatic experience, or any sudden shocking event, I am sure that the calm will help me begin the walk back to normalcy.

    Friends, try to make calmness your second nature. You won't know when you're in any kind of dangerous situation, but staying calm will help then to think rationally. Begin now, and it will definitely help. Spread the word around, and you'll do a magnificent service to mankind! In any calamity-like situation, the first thing one should get into is a calm -- it really helps to be calm; it also helps you to be ready to help others around you if there is a serious situation. You might help others to begin a fast recovery as well! I can't stress the importance of being calm enough, especially when all hopes seems to have faded away and there seems to be no help in sight (it will come in due time of course) -- and then you'll begin a new and a wonderful ray of hope for everyone even in the darkest moment, because you've learned the art of staying calm! :)

    Thank you, friends!
  13. NormaD

    NormaD New Member

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    I would use what I call my '90% rule that puts you 100% in control'- Life happens. things happen to us all the tie that we have no control over and our lives can change rapidly and radically. Ultimately, the impact that any outside situation has on your life comes down to how you respond to it. I have three rules for when calamity strikes:

    1. Stop, take a breath and assess the situation. don't jump into reaction mode. take the time to actually process what's happening and think through what your reaction is going to be. You stand a better chance of making the right decisions and have more control over your situation.
    2. Ask yourself this when something unexpected happens and you're tempted to freak out: "Am I OK in this moment?"
    3. Trust your intuition. When you have taken the first two steps, chances are that the next thing you think to do will likely be the right course of action.

    This has always worked for me no matter what has happened in my life, and I hope it will help me if I'm ever in such a situation as the one you described.
  14. djordjem87

    djordjem87 Member

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    Conquering fear comes from your head as everything else and with your experience. For example, first time you get into a fight you will have your knees shaking, your eyes blurred and your focus nowhere. Second time will be better but after several times you will be ready and you will be composed enough to strike first, to see the strike and to defend properly. Fear is going to be there but you will feel just a little bit of it. Your mind is going to be preoccupied with planning and with instincts that you will have overtime.
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