Western Banks,the Dollar, Fiat Currencies Going Bust

Discussion in 'Other Not Listed Situations' started by Old Geezer, May 19, 2023.

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  1. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I think the title says it all.

    I created this thread as a place for bank collapse and dollar devaluation/threat issues. The two are tied together in today's fragile economy.

    The dollar is vastly overprinted and banks count real estate current values toward their own value. The mess is the proverbial "House of Cards".

    Obviously as economies collapse, society will not react well, requiring sensible people to prepare for that chaos.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Bumper Week For Banks & Big-Tech But Bonds Suffer Biggest Bloodbath In A Year"


    " 'The things we were most worried about didn't get worse...' was the phrase overheard on one business media channel to sum up why the markets rallied this week..

    " Comments from Treasury Secretary Yellen were interesting given the big gains in regional banks this week as CNN reported her telling the big bank CEOs that 'more mergers may be necessary'...

    "Which roughly translated means: more bank failures are imminent - which is ironic given that regional bank stocks soared almost 10% this week - the best week since Nov 2020 - but Yellen's comments spooked them today...

    "Then Washington peed in the punchbowl as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s top debt-ceiling negotiators reportedly 'abruptly left a closed-door meeting with White House representatives soon after it began Friday morning, throwing the status of talks to avoid a US default into doubt.' Thus crushing optimism over the debt-ceiling talks.

    "While a handful of MegaCap Tech names led the markets higher, retail stocks were clubbed like a baby seal after TGT, WMT, and FL (FootLocker) also signaled the consumer may be weakening significantly this week...

    "Source: Bloomberg

    "...and remember, a seemingly / outwardly “bullish” debt-ceiling deal getting done actually perversely instead releases a new wave of tightening, particularly due to a massive TGA rebuild thereafter with ENORMOUS T-Bill issuance in the months thereafter, creating a monster liquidity drain.

    "So, be careful what you wish for and maintain light positioning (the latter harder than it sounds amid the AI-phoria)."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Raising Financially-Educated Children"


    "As parents of little ones, if our job is to prepare them for the world that awaits, shouldn’t that include the money system? Not just the basics of finance – saving, spending, investing, and debt – but the essence of money: What is money, what works well in the role, and how is money created?

    "Article 1, Section 10 of the US Constitution calls for that: 'No State shall… make anything but gold or silver coin a legal tender.'

    "America’s founders understood the importance of money backed by gold or silver. But today’s money isn’t backed by anything. It can be created from nothing by banks and bureaucrats.

    "This is a problem.

    "Sound money, along with liberty, personal responsibility, limited government, and the concept of natural law, unleashed an economic engine that raised the living standards of America, creating the most prosperous nation the world had ever known. Americans lived like kings, white picket fence around a tire swing hanging in the yard, two cars, three kids, and central air-conditioning.

    "Because fiat money does not require gold backing, it can be created at will by governments and banking cartels, siphoning productivity gains from working people to the rentier class.

    This freshly printed money is used to grow the bureaucracy, funding endless wars, massive entitlements, and ever-increasing boondoggles. We pay for this through inflation, theft of purchasing power from the dollars held in our bank accounts, and increasing prices from all the new money not earned through work or trade but created from nothing to chase the same level of goods and services.

    "Worse, entrepreneurs receive distorted signals about supply and demand, creating ‘malinvestment’, a boom-bust cycle of financial bubbles blowing, bursting, then being bailed out (selectively).

    "American families are poked, prodded, nudged, and cajoled into borrowing because a debt-based system requires endless growth. Every dollar in existence is issued as a loan and therefore requires repayment of principal plus interest – more dollars tomorrow than today – more GDP, more energy, oil, coal, corn, copper, cattle, and cobalt. If it’s not growing, the financial system is collapsing.

    "Today’s system of money requires endless growth on a finite planet. It’s quite literally doomed to fail, the root of the world’s biggest, most intractable problems.

    "As it unwinds, a huge concern is all the US Dollars held overseas. As confidence wanes in our ability to maintain their purchasing power, a tsunami of dollars risks flooding back to American shores.

    "They can’t teach it in school because that would reveal the con. Kids are pushed out at 18 like wind-up toys to get chewed by a debt machine, offered only two choices by a political system that both feast on the power to create money from nothing and reward insiders. It’s cronyism, not capitalism.

    "They grow up fast. One second, you’re cutting grapes in half, and the next, they’re fending for themselves in a mixed-up world, an unanchored mess of finance and debt. Don’t miss the opportunity to open their mind, revealing the True North that our modern money system lost long ago."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    "Treasury set to borrow $776 billion next quarter, the most ever borrowed in the fourth quarter"



    "UK net debt hits highest level in more than 60 years, topping 100% of GDP"



    "Germany’s true economic disease"


    "Germany is indeed ‘sick’, Peter Bofinger writes—but not for the reason most commentators think.

    "For the second time, the Economist has diagnosed Germany as ‘the sick man of Europe’.

    "... Germany is the only country apart from Argentina whose gross domestic product will decline in 2023. In 2024, it will still be one of the countries with very weak growth.

    "Of course, Germans are aware of this poor performance. But in the public debate the main culprit is ‘bureaucracy’—the government. While German bureaucracy is often slow and inefficient, one has to ask whether this really explains the underperformance of the economy.

    "The International Institute for Management Development provides an annual international ranking of government efficiency. In 27th place, Germany’s bureaucracy is not outstanding. But its competitors tend not to fare much better: the United States ranks 25th, the United Kingdom 28th and China 35th, while Japan, France, Spain and Italy are even further adrift."


    Hilarious thing about the guy writing about the decline in the German economy is that he recommends as a solution more Keynesian pump-priming! :confused::confused::confused: What an idiot!!!! :D:D:D

    The uber-controlling German banks need to just drop dead and take the stupid euro with them. Socialism and its supporters need to go to hell and stay there. The banks in Greece, Spain, and Italy are dead -- only life-support keeps up the pretense. Let all of the arrogance collapse and die.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "What is Money? Who Controls Money?"


    Begin quote

    In 1973, Henry Kissinger is purported to have said (though it is disputed): “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls the money can control the world.”

    Whether he said it or not, it is true. However, he would have to have been talking about credit.

    Since the United States closed the gold window in 1971, the dollar has had less and less gold backing it as the US Federal Reserve banksters have created more and more fiat currency.

    It is worth noting that Henry Kissinger was a founding member of the Club of Rome, which had as one of its goals to control the world population and its resources. He was also the guy who got the Arab Emirates and Saudis to only sell oil in US dollars; hence, he oversaw the creation of the petrodollar. The latter has aided in this control.

    It follows that, in the current world system, petroleum is also money. However, cracks are starting to form in that system as the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and now Saudi Arabia, among other countries) have created an alternative trading bloc, and the Saudis are taking other currencies for their oil. However, unless the BRICS nations use real money—gold—to exchange goods and services in their trade, they will just be trading another fiat currency for the US dollar. All fiat currencies will go to zero eventually because they always have. When they do, the theft is exposed to all those holding the useless currency.

    By that time though, the banksters have gotten what they wanted. They have sucked the wealth (gold, oil, land, and other real commodities) out of the nations using their banking cartels and the military of the US and other Western countries.

    In line with Kissinger’s 1973 statement, the same banksters are now coming for your food supply and your energy supply. Man-made global warming is being used as the excuse to shut down agriculture and so-called fossil-fuel electric power generation, which is the backbone of our modern industrial world. The megabillionaire corporate and bank owners already control much of these, but they want it all. As a result, “climate change” is being used now to take everything else they haven’t taken though the debasement of the currency.

    Think about that! For six thousand years, gold and silver was money! Since 1971, the globalist bankers have moved the population off honest moneys onto fiat bank notes, then electronic digits, and now they are going “full monty” with central bank digital currencies backed by nothing of any substance.

    There is nothing new under the sun. All fiat currencies of whatever kind will collapse! The cycle of life tells us that the wicked will be destroyed eventually as the edifice of their fiat money system collapses and we have a global reset. It might be their planned Great Reset, but even that will only be for a short time because even central bank digital currencies are just another fiat currency.

    End quote

    OldGzr: I like to think about guns and ammunition as being currency. This in that you don't own anything unless you can protect it. Why were armies formed? For tribes, then nation-states, then countries to protect their treasures. Seems treasures are of primary worth, because historically-speaking, human lives mean next to nothing. Wars are bleed-offs for population growth. The coming planned massive wars could also be considered bleed-offs. The global oligarchs want to reduce populations AND steal the treasures -- a common theme throughout human history.


    Are fiat currencies in deep trouble? Central banks sure do think so! They are literally buying hundreds of tons of gold -- just lately, 800 more tons of gold, to be precise.

    "Central Banks’ Gold Buying Frenzy Set To Continue in 2024"


    "Central banks have been buying gold at record levels, with China and Russia leading the way, as a strategic response to economic uncertainty and de-dollarization.

    "The U.S. Federal Reserve's potential easing of monetary policies in 2024 and existing inflation fears are driving central banks to hedge with gold.

    "Global political instability, including the upcoming U.S. presidential election, is further encouraging central banks to increase their gold reserves.

    "The first half of 2023 was a record-breaking moment for central bank gold buying, led by none other than China and Russia. Organizations like the World Gold Council reported a staggering increase compared to 2022:

    “ 'On a year-to-date basis, central banks have bought an astonishing net 800t, 14% higher than the same period last year.' ”
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I think that the prices of gold and silver have grown too high -- certainly too high for me to buy.

    However, there are reasons to believe that these prices will go even more ridiculously high.

    Precious metals won't do you any good (or very little good) during a Mad Max SHTF scenario. During economic free-fall times prior to full-scale chaos, these could pay your bills / allow you to trade when paper currency has turned to toilet paper. Me I don't go for gold. Flash that in hard times and you'll get knifed & robbed. Old silver coins I've always liked. One great uncle of mine would give me a silver dollar when we visited, great guy not just a great uncle. God bless his soul in the next world!

    Anyway, those among y'all who wish to still buy gold or silver, right now could be your very last chance to do so. The world banks have gone full hinky. Why? Because the important bankers believe fiat currencies are soon going to die.

    "The Incoming Gold Shortage Nobody Is Talking About"


    Begin quote

    "Having been a bank director, Alasdair MacLeod knows a thing or two about the health of the banking system, and how to spot one that’s contracted something. Talking to Liberty and Finance, MacLeod explained that the banking crisis we’ve been seeing is very much a top-down issue starting from central banks.

    It’s a tale as old as bailouts: if the average person managed their money as badly as big banks, they wouldn’t have a penny to their name. But then the same applies to an even greater extent in comparison between central and private banks, says MacLeod, with the former having basically zero accountability.

    Liquidity is another thing they’re lacking, to summarize MacLeod’s lengthy and well-presented overview of the banking sector.

    Most interestingly, perhaps, MacLeod says that central banks aren’t so much buying gold as they are getting rid of paper currency. We’ve all heard of this interpreted as diversification or de-dollarization. Maybe that’s just a polite way of talking around the issue. In reality, central banks are using paper money to buy gold – and not just foreign currencies, but their own as well.

    Why would they do that? MacLeod says we only need to look to gold’s fundamentals for an answer. By 2025, the U.S. federal government will owe some $40 trillion in debt, which (if you’ll forgive the pun) there’s absolutely zero interest in ever paying off. Politicians might talk about balancing the budget, they might hand-wave about paying down the debt. Instead of listening to what they say, watch what they do. Find any elected government official willing to spend less on his own constituents – I challenge you.

    I just don’t think the federal government is able to pay down its debt. Not without truly massive changes to “business as usual.” Interest payments already set us back over $1 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2023! As we’ve noted many times, inflation is the preferred method of “paying off” debt a government owes in its own currency.

    To this end, MacLeod notes that governments are printing trillions in currency annually to prop up their economies with limited results – other than the certainty of inflation and higher interest rates down the line. As interest rates rise, money-printing will accelerate to match, resulting in even higher inflation to offset the debt and relieve pressure. (And to think, we’re yet to experience the effects of a single rate cut despite the current high rates!)

    Despite gold’s price rising over the last three years, MacLeod believes we aren’t really seeing a bull market yet. He says that interest in gold is disappointing, with nearly every investor, public and private, severely underweight in gold. MacLeod estimates that, of the $150 trillion in global savings, less than 1% is currently in gold.

    Nevermind prices: when these portfolios adjust to 5%, 10% or even what MacLeod finds a more reasonable 15%, where is the gold going to come from? Merely adjusting to 2% would require 23,000 tons of physical gold! That’s 10% of all the gold mined in human history…

    We already know what a 1,000 ton annual purchase for two consecutive years does for gold. We’ve seen it over the past two years with the official sector. Since central banks aren’t likely to stop these purchases, MacLeod leaves us wondering just how soon the rest of the world will catch on.

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    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    if its no good post SHTF I dont want it or need it, whatever IT is.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    There is not just one SHTF scenario.

    There are varying degrees of collapse -- mild, medium, and total.

    Were there to be a cobalt bomb nuclear exchange, this would result in all people living in the northern hemisphere to die. No matter your prep.s, no matter where you live in the northern hemisphere, you WOULD die -- zero chance of living.

    We likely will see an incremental descent into chaos. One prepares for each stage of the downfall of their own country / region. Should your country go full Mad Max, then only the young and very robust will make it to the other side of the SHTF years / decades.

    There will be numerous events which combined over time will lead to a massively grim world situation. Mass die-offs will not likely come in one fell swoop.

    Me, I see there being regions hither-thither in the northern hemisphere where living through it all will occur for the prepared. If one is living in an over-populated country, then that person's odds of living through a 9 out of 10, or a 10 out of 10 scenario is rather low. Very many countries are now unable to feed their own populations with the agricultural base they possess. They must import food. This is a exceedingly dangerous situation. Western Canada is one large area with a low-density population that could be spared the worst of the worst -- if you can make it through the winters. Cities and regions near urban areas are at the highest risk.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    IF this country were to go full Mad Max the young would NOT succeed, they only know about computers and smart phones neither of which would be any good post SHTF, if they cant grow their own food, kill and butcher wild animals and a lot of other skills then they will not survive.
    the old skills are not taught any more as they are deemed out of date and not required in 21st century living.
    there would be a huge die off over here and the young and the elderly would be the first to go.
    certainly anyone living in or near one of our many over populated cities and urban areas is at high risk.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Too true. Somewhat true here in the states, except for Heartlanders. Millions of youth go hunting every year. Got a grandson a turkey shotgun for past Christmas. Has other screw-in choke for squirrel and rabbit. I've seen HUGE turkeys on his father's land. In the cities and suburbs however, the youth are total pussies -- weak non-survivors. Minority gang-bangers kill each other and attack responsible people; however, they could never succeed at hunting game for food.

      Old Geezer, Apr 10, 2024
  10. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Faith in the fiat US dollar is falling rapidly.

    "PAMP It: Costco Selling Up To $200 Million In Gold Bars Per Month, Wells Fargo Estimates"


    Begin quote

    Last December, wholesale retailer Costco announced that they had sold over $100 million worth of gold in Q3 2023.

    "You've probably read about the fact that we're selling one-ounce gold bars. We sold over $100 million of gold during the quarter," sad CFO Richard Galenti.

    Now, Wells Fargo estimates that Costco "may now be running at" $100 million to $200 million per month in gold sales.

    "Our work suggests there has been significant interest given COST’s aggressive pricing and high level of customer trust," said analyst Edward Kelly in a Tuesday note to clients. "The accelerating frequency of Reddit posts, quick on-line sell-outs of product, and COST’s robust monthly eComm sales suggests a sharp uptick in momentum since the launch," CNBC reports.

    Sales of Costco gold bars are now limited to five per customer (up from two), while executive members receive 2% back. Those who use their Citigroup credit cards will receive a further 2%.

    Spot prices for gold have notably been on a tear this year, rising over 13% YTD amid persistent inflation, nearly $35 trillion in national debt (and growing), and investor fears over the state of the 'deteriorating US fiscal situation,' according to the report.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Congressional Spending Goes Full Weimar"


    Begin quote

    It has become a speculative game in the blogosphere to predict what black swan calamities could lead to a breakdown in civil order and the imposition of some form of martial law. Wars and rumors of war abound. We have already seen a container ship mysteriously knocking down a bridge and closing a key port. Other such scenarios include massive cyber-attacks that shut down the grid and block communication and transportation networks nationwide. The speculation on the variations of such events is virtually endless.

    However, one crisis is no black swan and is entirely expected, already happening, and growing in scale by the day. That would be the ballooning debt crisis. If Washington does not change its free-spending ways, the debt will become a catastrophe of devastating proportions that will tear the nation apart. So long as Congress continues its multi-trillion-dollar deficit spending, we will have a financial death spiral, similar to events a century ago in the Weimar Republic of Germany.

    The total discretionary spending for the U.S. government in Fiscal Year 2024 is approximately $1.70 trillion. This amount is split between $886 billion for defense and $688 billion for non-defense programs. In the fiscal year, the U.S. government is also projected to spend approximately $4.19 trillion on mandatory programs. These programs include interest on the debt, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, and other programs. We have an annual structural deficit in excess of $2 trillion that will soon grow exponentially.

    As a result of their incompetence, the debt is now growing at an accelerating rate. The $1 trillion move from $31 to $32 trillion took about eight months, and the increase from $33 trillion to $34 trillion took about 100 days. While these numbers are bad enough, it becomes alarming knowing that another trillion dollars of debt will be added every 90 days, then 80, then 70, and in ever smaller time frames into the future.

    Currently, gross interest on the debt is roughly $1 trillion annually. But in three years, annual interest could surpass $2 trillion. In 10 years, interest on the debt could reach $5 trillion yearly.
    The problem with rolling over old debt is compounded by borrowing at vastly higher interest rates than when those Treasuries were first issued. So, the old debt will be rolled over this year at about 4.2% to 5.5%, depending on the term. That’s troubling when most of the debt being rolled over was issued around 2%. They are doubling the cost to service that debt. As more of this old, cheap debt comes due and is reissued at higher rates, the cost of servicing the debt will grow exponentially. That additional expense adds to the deficit, and the vicious cycle feeds on itself.

    What follows is an ugly pattern of the debt crises fueling accelerating inflation. As jobs dry up, the goods on store shelves skyrocket, followed by social unrest and increased centralization from the extreme left or right. This pattern is as old as history itself.

    Look back to the Weimar Republic of Germany in the years following the First World War. Faced with budgetary deficits due to war reparations, the German government printed money wildly to meet its expenses. The result was hyperinflation. The runaway inflation caused the cost of a loaf of bread to rise from 3 Marks in 1922 to 80 billion Marks in November 1923. Prices were rising so fast that people hurried to spend their pay during lunch hour before it lost any more of its value. Foreign trade and the German ability to pay reparations became impossible, while personal savings were wiped out. Commercial dealings in Germany were replaced by barter, and food riots broke out. The drop in the value of their wages devastated the working class. This instability, coupled with the Depression a few years later, undermined the republic’s foundations, leading to the rise of Adolf Hitler.

    Every day, we are getting closer to the point of no return. We know that we’re headed in the wrong direction, and if we stay on this path, we’ll go full Weimar, carrying our cash not in wallets but in wheelbarrows.

    End quote

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    When government is spending trillions...and again trillions.....and we are all...drawing goods and services out of the same economy.........

    People eventually figure out...usually too late ....that we as American Citizens are competitors...against government excesses....government spending..government largess.

    We are not citizens ...but competition for goods and services as we are all drawing out of the same economy.

    Remember...government gets it without work and without Risk...and we must delay ....by work and risk taking....and government does not...do any of these things..but creates monies out of nothing...and then goes out into the same economy as do we...and buys up goods and services..and we live off what is left....

    Understand now????

    Eventuallly you become second, third, and fourth place Americans in your own country as government uses/misuses this money power to buy up more and more votes and influence.....but not to protect the public felicity..

    Catching on yet???

    We eventually have such dumb things going on like......the Ukraine is more important than we as Americans.

    Understand now??????

    This is what happens when you have Ishmaelites turning everything American upside down ....and trying to call it normal...and hiding this abnormality ... behind something called Woke.

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites....whose specialty is a form of very sophisticated....bondage..

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Me, I don't think America can be repaired at this juncture in history.

    If this nation is to progress, it must first crumble.

    To prepare a field for next year's crop, the farmer burns off his field and turns it over with a plow.

    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
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