What Do You Guys Think About Trump Being President?

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by branchd77, Jan 4, 2017.

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  1. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I watch Trump and company carefully in like manner to which I watch the MSM.

    Trump is also exposing the phony Republican Party for what they truly are.....Democrat Lite....Ishmaelites.

    The Republicans seem to be for the Republican Party and party politics before the American People.

    I think both political parties need to be exposed for the phonies they are...Ishmaelites. In like manner to how Trump is also exposing the MSM.

    My .02,


    Not an Ishmaelite.
    coffee likes this.
  2. John Grit

    John Grit New Member

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    Why would Russia want him in power??? It was Hillary who sold tons of nuclear weapons fuel to Russia!!! (And kept the cash) Trump wants to build up our military. Hillary hates the military. She is a hippie war protestor. She demanded generals not wear their uniforms in the Whitehouse. The first thing he did was blow up Russian military bases. Gas was used on children and he stopped it. For that he was called insane? I thought the cry was "Never again!" BTW, lawyers tell us there is no crime called "collusion." It's not on the books. One reporter said Trump's love for children (after he responded do the gas attack) was evidence of mental illness! What the hell? We are waaaay beyond fake news, it's insane news! This sudden love for criminals who are invading us is also insane. It was ok when Obama sent that little boy back to Cuba - a Communist hellhole.
    coffee, poltiregist and koolhandlinc like this.
  3. koolhandlinc

    koolhandlinc Expert Member

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    And yet I see him as the best chance we have going for us. I admire him for patience in handling the past criminals who have been in and ran for office. :)
    coffee and poltiregist like this.
  4. koolhandlinc

    koolhandlinc Expert Member

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    I see the people who oppose what he has been doing as the mentally ill. :)
    coffee and poltiregist like this.
  5. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    The reactions to Trump have exceeded the actions of Trump.

    WatcherChris said in this discussion, "What Trump is slowly and gradually doing is exposing the left for what they are ...putting the people and nation into Bondage...herding Americans."

    In their reactions to the Trump administration, the Left has gone bonkers. They are in full adolescent tantrum. Utterly fascinating. Talk about coming out of the closet!

    Here is a list of beliefs the Left has finally owned up to:

    > Nations, particularly successful nations such as America, must open their borders to any an all who wish to enter. To do otherwise is oppression writ large.
    > The principles of secular humanism should now be made the principles of the U.S. government -- a de facto state religion, as it were. Any expression of Judaeo-Christian belief or any mention of a deity is to be banned -- especially in state-run schools.
    > Abortion is sacred. Adoption is evil. You see, should a white couple adopt a minority child, they would be oppressing the child by denying him or her their cultural heritage.
    > America's military represents raw evil. Military funding must be slashed.
    > Israel is an oppressor nation and all support must cease.
    > Oppressor middle class white Americans do not pay anywhere near the amount of taxes they should be paying. Their savings and their properties should be redistributed to the minorities on whose necks they put their boots.
    > The citizens of the United States are insufficiently mature to own firearms or private property. Their "betters" in government and on college campuses know what is best for the peasants and must act on the people's behalf.
    > Free speech is perfectly acceptable so long as there is official state approval. Ideas that conflict with the government elite's view are dangerous. If ideas are not in keeping with Secular Humanist tenets, then such is overt oppression.
    > The concept of a man and a woman coming together for the purpose of bringing children into the world is only one permutation of the meaning of family. To say that the male/female paradigm is the only form of marriage is, of course, oppression.

    Oppression is a needed component of the Secular Humanist Religion. We have been hearing this word a lot of late.

    The screams of the Left I find refreshing. They are finally getting out their anger. They are finally exhibiting honesty. And speaking of anger, acts of violence on the part of their fellow travelers are being treated as being acceptable.

    In Charlottesville, Virginia, only 200 to 300 right-wingers showed up to protest the bringing down of statues of Confederate heroes. They engaged in zero violence -- they did scream and shout a whole lot. Over 1,500 Antifa and BLM showed up and started the violence. The latter crews had outside funding for transportation and expenses. A minority of Antifa carried semi-auto "black rifles". BLM were the most aggressive / put the most people into the hospital. My sources were on the ground there (they were not on any side, they were simply locals, one a construction worker, I've seen the videos and the photos off these iPhone thingies) and sources include a couple of personnel in the UVa Hospital's Emergency Ward.

    Again, what is happening in America is a total meltdown of the Left in reaction to a conservative administration. It is the Left who states that they will vote out conservatives, however their actions have turned vitriolic and in many instances quite violent.

    The mainstream media stirs up the anger thinking that this will win more votes during the mid-term elections. What this anger is doing is to deeply divide the American nation. Personally speaking, I do not believe that America can ever again be reunited. This is the beginning of the end. This country has divided into Heartland America + urban Republican versus Urban Left + old guard Communists.

    When this much division is seen in any nation, any blasting cap will set it off. Should there be a serious economic turn-down, a natural disaster, a war, ... things will go sideways. "But don't hard times bring people together?!" Not when the people are already at each other's throats. The volcano in Hawaii has seen Leftists blaming the energy company's drilling nearby as the cause. Everything from now on will be blames tossed from both sides. And also from now on, I'm thinking we will be seeing increasing violence. Whether the violence be between a few people in a restaurant to looting in the streets. Boys and girls, things are going to get hotter and hotter.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2018
  6. koolhandlinc

    koolhandlinc Expert Member

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  7. koolhandlinc

    koolhandlinc Expert Member

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    yep you r spot on friend! opps this was supposed to be apart of the reply to your post geezer!
    coffee likes this.
  8. John Grit

    John Grit New Member

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  9. John Grit

    John Grit New Member

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    Great post! I believe freedom and human rights is more valuable than anything else on Earth. Much more important than "social programs." Every story I have ever written was about freedom and what it is that makes a human a human. Why did those Americans storm the beaches of Normandy? Was it for medals? Hell no! At that moment, it wasn't even about wining the war. They thought about those things before and after the battle. It was about the brother in front; the brother beside; the brother behind. They screamed into their hearts and minds: "I will not let my brothers down!" It was about saying :" I am a human being! And I will fight, suffer, kill, and die for my freedom and my life!" My life is not free! And I will demand the highest price possible before you take it from me!"
    coffee likes this.
  10. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    I don't like Trump, he is just as corrupt as Turnbull!
  11. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I don't totally trust him either but I like that he is pissing off so many professional politician's. About time too.

    We Yanks have had our fill of Professional Politicians.

    The understanding that so many Republicans and Democrats, both, don't like him is telling me something significant.

    Trump must be pissing in their corn flakes.

    That so many do not want him to meet Putin also tells me something very important about our past leadership and how corrupt they have been with and about Russia.

    There is something someone does not want Americans to know about the meeting between Putin and Trump.
    Something they may no longer be able to conceal from Americans if they meet.

    They would, to me, rather that Americans remain ignorant and in Ishmaelite bondage rather than know what is going on out here.

    My thoughts,


    Not an Ishmaelite
  12. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    My read of History is that Putin and Trump both are fighting the same "Deep State" People who have been maneuvering Russia and America both against each other and for their profit. This going back to the October 1917 Revolution in Russia.

    For Communism is their brainchild..

    Communism appears to be a way or technique of putting whole nations and their resources into storage and off the market while these "Deep State Internationalists" maneuver for time to create conditions wherein the resources can be used best for their profit.

    This is sometimes called Hegelian Dialectic...or "Thesis , anti thesis, synthesis."

    Another version of this is called "Good Cop/Bad Cop."

    The manufacturing of a bad guy to keep people afraid and control how they think. Thus keeping certain leadership in power and control.

    Now since the fall of Communism....the "Deep State Internationalists " seem want to back radical Islam to cover up what they are doing. They also seem to be backing illegal immigration to reach their internationalist goals.

    World Conquest...dominion. To put the whole world under Ishmaelite bondage.

    And I think both Trump and Putin are on to them. The Deep State Internationalists are afraid of Trump and Putin becoming a tag team against them once they compare notes.

    My .02,


    Not an Ishmaelite
    coffee likes this.
  13. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    the rhetoric coming from American politicians and the media towards Russia seems to almost be a continuation of the Macarthy era of the 50s and "Reds under the bed", at least from this side of the pond.
    Morgan101 likes this.
  14. Dunmaghlas

    Dunmaghlas Expert Member

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    He won so Imma leave it there and let the Asses (it's their fault the chose a donkey) wallow in defeat for a while.
    coffee likes this.
  15. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

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    Is this a good thread to resurrect now that we are a year and a half further down the road?

    I was glad to see Trump elected. This country definitely needs to swing back to the right. The liberal policies of the last administration were a dismal failure. The economy is better. Unemployment is lower. Useless regulations are being eliminated. I have been very pleased with both Supreme Court appointees.This country desperately needed a business man to extricate us from the horrible trade agreements signed by previous administrations. Who better to understand a trade agreement than a self made billionaire?

    The media has fought this administration from Day 1. They don't give this President one ounce of credit for what he has accomplished in spite of the opposition he faced. They are losing their power, and they can't stand that.

    The Democratic Party has moved so far to the left that John Kennedy and Harry Truman wouldn't even be called Democrats today. They embrace a Socialist agenda which has been an utter failure every place it has ever been tried. They offer nothing to the American people. A common practice among Democrats is what they can't legislate; they will litigate. The Democrats put judges in place for 40 years when they controlled both Houses of Congress. Check the record and see if the judges ruling against the current administration aren't Carter, Clinton, or Obama appointees. That pendulum needs to swing back to the right as well.
  16. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

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    Lonewolf: I think you will find that the rhetoric coming from politicians is only coming from Democratic politicians. None of this comes from the Republican side. The media in this country is hopelessly biased against the Conservative side. This has been investigated for two years, and there is no evidence there was any collusion with Russia. In fact, just the opposite. There is strong evidence that this was all started by Democrats, and the plan backfired on them.

    The Democrats, and the media are grasping at straws to maintain power.
  17. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    My observation after reading posts on here , it seems US citizens that have tasted freedom or more willing to stand up to government tyranny to protect their personal weapons from government restrictions and seizure and or quicker to jeopardize their life for freedom . I know I did , as a teen I watched the movie staring John Wayne titled " the Green Berets " . I found me a army recruiter and joined the military . I was fired up and ready to fight those communist bastards wanting to take freedom away from the South Vietnamese people . Whether Donald Trump is credited in the history books or not as a great president , to me he is the greatest president this country has ever had . Donald Trump is fighting the communist trying to take over the United States .
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2019
  18. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

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    IMHO he has a long way to go before he catches up with Ronald Reagan, but he is heading in the right direction. Reagan was the greatest in my lifetime. There are a couple of others who I would put before him if we go back in history.
  19. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    I do find it odd that so many people ignore Trump's corruption & environmental degradation. I simply can't understand this way of thinking. I would have thought that the general welfare of the people worldwide & the protection of our environment was far more important that anything else.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Keith, if there was corruption, then President Trump would have been impeached already. The dems spent the last two years investigating and came up with NADA. Now please point to his environmental degradation. Facts not feeling or opinions would be real nice. As for the whole world. President Trump is not the the president of the whole world. His duty is only to the American people, not the rest of the world, they have their own leaders, sort of, anyway.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2019
  21. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

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    Sorry Keith,, but I think we are on different sides on this. Why would the President of the United States think that the most important thing was the environment, and general welfare of the people worldwide? The President should be concerned about the environment and the general welfare of the people of the United States. They are the ones that elected him. They are the ones he is responsible for protecting. They are the ones paying for his policies. They are the ones he took an oath to protect.

    I believe we should be good stewards of the planet, but I don't see why the United States always has to pick up the tab (pay for it). Climate changes. Climate always changes. How much is caused by mankind is highly debatable. How much change is damaging or harmful is also highly debatable. I would like someone to explain to me what the Neanderthals did to cause an Ice Age. They lived through them. That is why they were called Cave Men. They took refuge in caves to escape the cold. Mother Nature will do whatever she wants to do.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2019
  22. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    No sorry, can't agree. Trump's move to take away environmental protection has been all over the news, & I have no intention of chasing all those links now. His involvement in the gold mine in West Papua & the genocide of West Papuans is also known as is the involvement of the Australian government. Trump is a puppet, so long as he keeps doing what he is told by corporatism, he will keep his place. People see only what they want to see.
  23. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I have to agree with Morgan 101 and also TMT Tactical. Trump was elected by the American People....not by the world and that also as I recall...Trump stated in one of his early speeches that he was the President of the United States... not of the world.

    I suspect from the beginning ...that was one of the speeches that angered the Deep State as well as the Crown Merchants.

    As to Climate Change....Keith ..I realize that Trump has a much higher obligation to Climate Change sufficient that he needs to hold All of America Hostage and in Bondage to climate change on a world wide scale. Trump has a higher obligation and duty to Tax Americans and get them to cede their liberty and freedoms ...their monies and families for Climate Change.....

    Climate Change ...the holy of holies....everyone knows that Keith.

    Trump and Company have a higher obligation to "Shakedown" America and Americans to Climate Change.....forever.
    It is in his oath of office.........right???!!

    It states somewhere in the Constitution that Americans can be held Hostage and in bondage to involuntary servitude and slavery forever....for Climate Change...

    I think it is in Amendment 13 of the Constitution...............isn't it???? That has to be it!!

    What is the name of that Gold mine over there and the company running it????

    Americans need to quit paying for and dying all over the world for someone else's profits.

    For all that matter ...so too should the Anzacs. You folks also have too many people buried all over the world for someone else's profits.

    A great movie set against the background of history and the tragedy that happened to the Anzacs at Gallipoli in WW1 is..."The Water Diviner." I verily enjoyed that movie. I consider it one of Russell Crowe's best.
    And Gallipoli was a tragedy for the Allies....a huge tragedy.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    Last edited: Mar 7, 2019
    Sonofliberty and TMT Tactical like this.
  24. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I'm sorry Kieth but the Global Warming thing is a scam just like the Hole in the Ozone layer and the Iceage that pollution was going to cause and So many other farcical things that people have come up with to scare people into giving them money. It is no different than the never-ending second Comming of Christ that crooked preachers are always coming out with.

    I am aware that you are having a bad time with drought and heat but that is WEATHER and not CLIMATE CHANGE. A few years ago we had the same thing in Texas. No rain and fires everywhere! I went to a gathering sponsored by Texas A&M about this problem. They told us that this was just the way it was going to be from now on. It was part of a 40-year cycle that was thrown into an even worse swing because of global warming. They said that the pine forests would die and the more arid prairies were going to take their place. Well, guess what? The following 10 years have been the wettest in our history. I remember when they added a bunch of names to the Hurricane list because they predicted more and more hurricanes after a single bad year. We went ten years without a major storm making landfall.

    We are having the wettest most miserable winter in my memory. Yesterday the temperatures were running 30 degrees below the normal average. I don't know how much more global warming they can stand up north it is freezing them to death!! Nonetheless, I don't see this as the end. Spring will come and it wouldn't surprise me if we had either a super hot or strangely cool summer. That is just the way the weather is.

    If any other profession was as chronically WRONG as the weather and climate people are they would be a laughing stock. They can't even tell me if it is going to rain two or three days in the future so what makes me think that their predictions about 10 or 50 years will be any better. All of the crap about global warming is based on computer-generated senarios. When it comes to that you have to remember GIGO...Garbage IN means Garbage Out.
  25. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Tex what you were saying about the poles moving would explain a lot about the weather . I also saw this pole shifting warning a few days ago . Donald Trump is not causing the poles to shift , even though I am sure the fake news media would like to link him to it . Unlike the globel warming / globel cooling theory, the pole shifting can and has been definitely proven factual . Likely the equater is moving closer to Keith .
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2019
    Sonofliberty and TMT Tactical like this.
  26. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Seems to me that a pole shift would also indicate a significant change in the Earth's magnetic field...a re polarization if you like.

    Thinking that a change in the Earth's magnetic field...would also have an effect on the weather.

    I recall...many years back... reading an article that this had more to do with the planetary alignment taking place....something about the planets in this solar system aligning every so many thousands of years.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

  27. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    its funny really, it seems to be only Americans that have a problem with climate change.
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  28. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Lonewolf and other Non Americans...

    What you say here seems particularly true about Americans.

    This is because Americans in particular do not like to be "Herded" and particularly among those who are not easily affrighted by everything constantly coming down the de evolutionary pipeline of "Control/Herding."

    In particular this by Americans who can still think for themselves. They believe, through and through, that thinking and acting for themselves and not joining the herd is not immoral or criminal.

    Many of us do not like being "herded" period by our own government ...much less any other nation or people and we feel no such obligation....nor do we desire to feel any such obligation for ourselves and our posterity.

    And to us....who still try to think for ourselves...Climate Change represents the ultimate power grab amounting to Absolute Power or if you prefer.....a return to Divine Right of Kings.

    The ultimate irony on this, to me, is that it was an Englishman who set the pace and standard for us here in our founders when this Englishman was instrumental in the execution of a King on January 30, 1649 and put an end to Divine Right of Kings. And our founders were well aware of this history.

    Now someone is privily and sneakily trying to bring back Absolute Power/Divine Right of Kings via the fear of Climate Change and put people back into the "Herd" and away from their liberties and freedoms....economically , socially , and politically.

    Climate Change....the ultimate Herding......a return to Absolute Power/Divine Right of Kings.

    Putting people into Herding by more and more manufactured fear.

    Climate Change is Ishmael....bondage....involuntary Servitude....slavery.....a political social economic "Shakedown."

    And Ishmael through his mother Hagar...is in bondage with her children.

    And most of politics today is totally leftist....is Ishmael....is Herding...socially, economically, politically. So too public education/indoctrination into the same. And politics pays for public education. So too is our Main Stream Media/MSM...Herders all....Ishmaelites.

    It is clear to some of us that this current President does not like being "Herded" and does not also trust the MSM and I am in agreement with him.
    He is not a textbook typical Politician...raised and groomed in a rigged system. And it is also clear that this rigged system hates him for it. The Ishmaelites hate him for this.

    Nonetheless...Americans do not have a default obligation to join the herd of the rest of the world.
    I, for one, am proud of a President with a pair hanging big enough to declare that he is the President of the United States...not the President of the world.
    And such an President is long overdue for America and Americans.

    May the God of our fathers watch over him and his house.

    My non Ishmaelte .02,

  29. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    in the meantime the ice at the polar regions melts and dumps fresh water in the seas, the climates get wetter and the hurricanes and flooding get worse.
    still there is nothing like digging ones head into the sand and ignoring the problem, which wont go away but will only get worse.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    People around the globe for years have been conditioned by the one world government , one world dictator , one world communist leader , want it to be reality idiots . Apparently world leaders in one of their meetings decided to implement their plan to indoctrinate the common man and woman " what they deem "useful idiots " to believe in global warming . That way the corrupt leaders can control the masses and herd them toward their one world government agenda . At least that's what I believe though I can not prove it any more than they can prove global warming . I would suggest for folks to look up this poler shift thing , I found a informative film on it on youtube . This poler shift may be hard for some to fully comprehend what this spells for the future . And no it's not the US citizens or Donald Trump's fault .
    Sonofliberty and TMT Tactical like this.
  31. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

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    How do you propose to solve this problem? Climate Change/Global Warming whatever?
    How do you know that this solution will work? What hard evidence do you have?
    How much will this solution cost?
    Who will be responsible for implementing this solution?
    Who is responsible for paying for this solution?
    How will you know that the solution worked, and will continue to work into the foreseeable future? How will you measure the results?

    I would think the resounding answer to all of these questions is " I DON'T KNOW ". And all of this for a problem that a lot of people think doesn't exist to begin with. I will approach this from a totally different angle. The Sun and the Earth are 4.6 and 4.5 Billion years old respectively. We have been studying the entire solar system for arguably 400 years. How do we know that anything we have done comes anywhere close to being statistically relevant?
  32. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    You are 100% on target. That is exactly why I don't care to hear about the "Climate Warming" B.S,. Nobody has any answers, they are just tossing out fear. For all the Climate folks, call me when you have and actual plan and not just fear mongering. The concept of a plan is that it has quantifiable starting point, and quantifiable goal and a quantifiable ending date and can be proven. Anything else is just B.S.
  33. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Part of what you are seeing is that a lot of Americans are still resisting the sheeple syndrome where whatever the people in authority say is gospel. It is the same reason why we are still a free gun owning people and why we have the highest standard of living in the world.

    Most of the restrictions that OTHER countries want to place on mostly America are more based on bringing us down to their level than really having any effect on the climate. I know, it sucks that you live in a place where the criminals have so many rights and you are forbidden to even try and protect yourself. I understand that being taxed into almost poverty to finance the liberal giveaways is depressing. Dragging the US down won't make your life any better.

    Contrary to what you are being told America has made huge strides in cleaning up our pollution issues. We are at the forefront of the science and changes that allow us to both be productive and be less polluting. A lot of the things that people are told about pollution are outright lies told by the left to hopefully destroy our economy to allow them the gain more power.

    I used to waste my time trying to educate people about things like the oil industry but basically, it is stupidity rather than ignorance that is the problem. Drilling for oil is not pollution. In the end, all it is is a 10" hole in the ground. The tarballs on the beach are not caused by offshore drilling. The drilling is because there were tar balls on the beach before the white man came to America. The oil oozes up from the bottom of the Gulf because there is so much of it and the pressure of the deep water. THAT is where the tarballs come from.

    If we would stop financing the world via NATO, the UN and trying to maintain peace all over the place and cut back on our HUGE food giveaway programs and only grow what we need we could easily reduce our carbon footprint. We could park our Military fleet inside our international borders and that would really help. Bring home all of our troops and their equipment and that would further reduce our emissions.

    We could shut down all the American owned factories all over the world and reopen our factories. This would reduce the shipping of these things across the oceans to America. That would be good, wouldn't it?

    Unfortunately, this would make a lot of places instantly start to starve to death. The economies of a lot of nations that we support would crash. The various more aggressive nations would probably take over the smaller nations. Without the US paying the bills for NATO and the UN, they would become paper tigers. I'm sorry Lonewolf but you need us a lot more than we need you. Tearing us down will leave you alone. Let's be honest, what are the chances of your French and EURO friends ever coming to your assistance as we have repeatedly?
  34. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    You know lonewolf......Guilt politics and Guilt Socialization works very well on Americans who work in fields wherein they face severe hazards in their occupations....and are not drama queens...

    Nor do these types of Americans become easily affrighted or intimidated by everything people try to put on us in the form of guilt and shame.

    These Americans do not live behind their televisions and or movies...per se...again not easily put on the government social and political guilt treadmill..or shame treadmill.

    I wouldn't trust most of our leadership here in the states to feed my pets....much less these Hollywood types. I never want these people to represent me.....and especially Hollywood.

    What I want them to do is leave me alone and stop trying to "Herd" me and mine.

    I have little use for Ishmaelites trying to herd me by shame or guilt techniques. I figured that one out years ago.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,


    TENNGRIZZ Expert Member

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    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  36. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I think we can dispense with the capital letters, thank you.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  37. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    TENNGRIZZ and other members...

    They are not Communists per se....but internationalists. True they sponsored , created, and manufactured Communism as a means to an end...but clearly Communism collapsed of its own dead and inert weight...it could not any longer sustain itself without massive outside help and aid.
    The Internationalists had to drop their Communist Hoax...it could no longer be sustained...
    They then proceeded to quickly take up the mantle of Islam to promote their brand of internationalism..for it too is a system of bondage. The internationalist need bondage..for they know of no other way.

    Classic example is western nations building up Communist China with know how and or technology going back to the late 1970s and the Nixon Administration. Without western help and know how China would be nothing.

    And Communism in America must survive on College Campuses wherein it can be subsidized by government largess...only to infiltrate these Communist Graduates into government offices.

    Are some of you catching on yet???

    This is the same pattern being repeated in Europe and England. For they are much further down the Internationalist road to Ishmaelite bondage than are we here in the West.

    And this is why they hate Trump and Company...for they have set back the time tables for international global take over of this world into International....Ishmaelite bondage.

    Internationalism is a religious/political belief system and it is not new...but has attached itself to other governments going back into history.

    Early Nimrod...before the Egyptians is the first historical example of a world government. Nimrod ....the hunter.

    Then the Egyptian Empire...followed by the Babylonians, the Assyrians/Persians..Greeks, Romans and into attempts since the Romans to establish world empires..

    The Mongols were short lived...Islam was short lived once they ran into Charles the hammer Martel....but they tried it again in the eastern part of Europe centuries later.

    The French tried it under Napoleon...so too the Germans...under the Kaiser and even under Hitler.

    What you are not told is that many of these attempts at world empire ....Napolean, the Kaiser, Hitler.....failed because they ran into competition from other world empires. ...often operated privily ..and in secret with each other.

    In this case the Pax Britania....and it's boot lackey ...the United States of America.

    The attempt at world empire is still going on and very concealed to those not trained to see it for what it is.

    Our public education systems are paid for and financed by our own government who are trying desperately to hide from us the Truth of what is going on out here. For our own government was secretly and privily stolen from us after the American Civil war by the 1890s when we found ourselves fighting for England and the Crown in the Boxer Rebellion in China.

    There is a religious war going on out here for world empire and with it a dedicated attempt to hide this Truth from us...that this war for world empire is centuries and millenniums olde....and continues.

    And at some level...I believe Trump and Company are aware of the Truth and nature of this war...

    For the West is one of the last remaining bastions of Judeo Christian thinking and belief which has created and produced systems of thought and philosophy which have created the greatest plenty this world has ever known.

    Anywhere in this world you see massive production taking place...the know how to do this was exported from one of these Western nations...with Judeo/Christian background/history.

    This is why Communism/Islam or any other Ishmaelite system of bondage is trying to infiltrate and bear seed to take over these western nations...to as to destroy our Judeo/Christian roots...and replace it with internationalism.

    One of the primary tools used by the internationalists is infiltration of the public education system to get to the next and up and coming generations. This public education curriculum has taken a radical change in the last 50 years to internationalism....not Americanism.

    Anyone with any historical background or knowledge knows that the fruit of Internationalism/Communism/Islam..is dead inert economies......testifying to the nature of their religion.....deadness and inertness.
    It also testifies clearly to the name of their god.....by name.

    Take a close magnifying glass look at the up and coming leftist Presidential Candidates and what they are promoting and you will see that it is a variation of internationalism....Communism/Socialism/Islam....Climate Change for the purpose of herding people into socialism....Communism...Islam....Controls..and not liberty and freedom....extending from western Judeo/Christianity backgrounds.

    For the West is one of the last remaining bastions of Judeo Christian thinking and belief which has created and produced systems of thought and philosophy which have created the greatest plenty this world has ever known.

    Have you been to the West....???

    Have you been to Bethel in the West...and not Hai in the East??

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    Last edited: Mar 9, 2019
    Sonofliberty and TMT Tactical like this.
  38. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    For those who do not know the history ....the Communist party or Communist principles came out of meetings of a group which came to be known as the Internationale....in the 1830s ane 1840s. You have to go off the beaten path in history books to find out this information.

    These revolutionaries tried a Revolution in Germany in 1848...and it failed. They wound up running to America where they set up shop in or about what is today Wisconsin...as well as several other states. They became known as the 48ers.

    What they did in America is continue their leftist socialist methods they tried in Europe...and moved key people into politics to facilitate this movement. They were also instrumental on the Union side in the American Civil War.....many having enlisted in the Union Army.

    Not much is taught about the 48ers in history ..it is mostly avoided.

    But much of their doctrine has it's origins in the Internationale...which became the basis for The Communist Party. Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels were in the Internationale.

    History is an interesting phenomenon if you ever learn much of what someone does not want us to know.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  39. Sonofliberty

    Sonofliberty Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Let's ask a basic question. What was the "crime committed" here? What was the result of the supposed collusion with Russia? The TRUTH about the DNC came out. That was the "crime". Why is that being hidden? Why is it not discussed, even by the GOP? Makes no sense. The whole thing is a smoke screen they are trying to use to get Trump. Originally, I did not like Trump. I did not vote "for" Trump. I voted "against" shrillary. Since then, I have been mostly happy with his actions right up until he folded with the government shut down. He should have stood his ground. He could have beaten the dhims. He was also close to the point where he could have legally fired thousands of "non-essential" government workers. The vast majority of whom are dhimmis and swamp denizens. Why the hell did he fold? He will never be in as strong a position as he was right then.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  40. coffee

    coffee Expert Member

    Blog Posts:

    The corruption you attach to President Trump is all Democrap party, like the previous administration. The environmental degradation you speak about, like climate control, is made up crap, from yes, the Democrap party to steal more money from the taxpayers for their pockets. It is a hoax, not real, made up, PERIOD. Our wonderful President cares so much for all Americans that he is trying to protect all of them, and by the way, HE works for free, no one else has or will have do the same.
  41. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Olde Geezer...

    This from up on this page..very interesting if one knows some history....

    This is about as stupid as it gets....but it sells well to people who mostly have feelings and emotions.
    What they are not telling you is that if you do away with the borders you do away with the nation and eventually the form of government. Also the plan is to put these people coming across the border on public handouts...welfare. This meaning the continued bondage and herding of the people of that nation to pay for it.
    Involuntary servitude, bondage and Slavery..to pick up the tab . No one on the phony left and the phony right seem want to speak of this to the American People. They are assiduously avoiding this topic and or arena.

    This too is as stupid as it gets. And Secular Humanism has been defined in court cases as a religion. Remember what is in Amendment 1 of the Constitution of the United States. Leaders who vote for this stuff are in violation of their oath of office.
    Secular Humanism is bondage...Herding....Ishmael.
    The people are to decide on their religion ...not government. TAlk about stupid personified.

    Government shall Establish No religion....Amendment 1.

    When government establishes a religion it is always the religion of Government and we are back to absolute power and or divine right of kings. NO rocket science needed here. But people who have never been taught any history would not know this about absolute power and or divine right of Kings. Many would never have heard of this dogma.

    This is what happens when people become educated...highly educated...they become stupid. Race and racism is about the best they will ever have. They do not realize that they have become the racists and their careers soon enough depend on their promoting their brand of racism to keep employed and carry out their form of racist planning and engineering.

    This is necessary for them because they tend to work off a Hegelian dialectic...or good cop/bad cop for short. They must manufacture in the minds of the untutored and unsuspecting public..a bad guy in order to manipulate public sentiment.

    These people have been promoting racism across this nation to keep and maintain power through elections.
    You can see them stroking the racism fires as elections near.

    You can see Joe Biden doing it via White Privilege as he prepares for the 2020 elections. These people become predictable.

    You could see it in the 2016 elections as well. Buckle up....some form of racism is going to become rabid as 2020 nears. ...you will be able to see it coming. It does get tiring in it's predictability.

    Oh..by the way....the state is going to promote abortion to control populations...while admitting illegals wholesale across the borders. Are some of you yet catching on how stupid this is???? Or is there something else going on here..something no one wants us to see or recognize.

    This is similar to opening our borders....
    Also in contrast...leftist pabulum and or phony right politics...is raw evil...and must be exposed.
    It is selling Americans into bondage...herding.

    The military must go because it represents a very conservative outlook on Americanism..and the American way.

    People who tend to work in dangerous occupations and or put their lives on the line for their monies are not eager to volunteer into leftist bondage and so do not wish this for other Americans as well.
    They tend to defend our Constitution and way of life..... not try to destroy or replace it.

    This too is why the military must go in the rabid leftist secular religion.

    I am not pro Israel...nor am I anti Israel...but I do know this ....

    Get rid of Israel and watch what replaces it in the Middle East...Watch what is trying to replace it and struggling for power there now!!!

    This is textbook Communist/Socialist technique...Hegelian Dialectic...good cop/bad cop...and preditable. It is also open blatant racism. Guilt and shame technique...

    It is also textbook Slavery and involuntary servitude.
    This is also a guaranteed formula for equality will be found when everyone is at the poverty level...and will lead to poverty.
    It is Venezuela...as well as other nations in history.

    LOL LOL LOL>>.textbook in predictability . Once again ..if you cannot be trusted with a gun...you will never be trusted with a vote. This is also a variation of feudalism....Royalty...running things. If you must have a educated..illuminated...enlightened class running things...what difference does a vote make???

    I've been around several college trained engineers.....Good Lord....don't ever give them a wrench. Not all of them mind you...but just be aware of what they are turning out in colleges today...

    Censorship....more herding....thought herding. Americans who can still think for themselves ...do not want to be herded by any one...neither left for right...nor anyone else for any reason. They want the ability to go and choose for themselves.

    No free speech...no free vote...it will all be rigged. NO rocket material needed here to figure it out.


    People who can still think for themselves do not want to be herded via their sex and or sexuality. They think that anyone who defines who and what they are by their sexual orientation are stupid. ...the epitome of stupidity run amok.

    For they know that educated, disciplined , thinking people are so much much more than sexuality and or sexual orientation.

    They also know that only base animals attempt to define themselves by sexuality and or sexual orientation.

    It used to be that a educated person defined themselves by their lineage, their occupation, or some great work they have done and left to posterity.

    Under lineage and posterity...you can substituted their children....

    If you understand this ....you know now that someone is trying to control population ....via this method.

    If you read certain works on Satanism, the Occult, and it's ties to internationalism.....this is exactly the goal.

    If you know much about demonism and the "Fallen" it fits there as well.
    More Herding and or bondage...Ishmael.

    Ok..enough of that. I just wanted to comment on that portion of Olde Geezers post.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    TMT Tactical, TENNGRIZZ and Morgan101 like this.
  42. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Watcherchris: Who wrote this idiocy? If there weren't so many references to the United States and Israel I would guess Karl Marx, or Mao Tse Tung. Was it Little Rocket Man?

    Hard to even imagine that people believe this. Harder still to imagine that anybody in this country would believe it. Do these people, whoever they are, realize that the only reason they can spew this hate against this country is because of the fundamental, God Given, rights that are provided in the Constitution that they so hate? They are living proof that the system works.

    I would challenge them to try those tactics in China, or North Korea, or Venezuela, or Cuba and see how long they last.
    TMT Tactical and TENNGRIZZ like this.
  43. Colorado Prepper

    Colorado Prepper Expert Member

    Blog Posts:

    Global warming is the biggest fraud in history
    Watch the whole thing, 3:00 is about where it gets juicy.
    Morgan101, TMT Tactical and TENNGRIZZ like this.
  44. Sonofliberty

    Sonofliberty Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    If Israel were to disappear, I would expect a revived Ottoman Empire to return. I am pro-Israel BTW
    TMT Tactical and TENNGRIZZ like this.
  45. Sonofliberty

    Sonofliberty Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I am only in my 50s, but I clearly them yelling about global cooling and the coming ice age back in the 70s. They were demanding the same sorts of international "cooperation" and a stronger UN to deal with the problem. The sun got warmer, so they switched to global warming, but that didn't explain higher temperatures on the other planets in the system. Now it is "climate change" and "over population" even though the population of the whole world could live in Texas with NYC type conditions.
    Morgan101, TMT Tactical and TENNGRIZZ like this.
  46. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Morgan 101,

    What I know about the early days of Communism..is that it came out of what is Western Europe by way of meetings of people who called themselves "The Internationale..." There were several sets of meetings over the years before the movement took off and gained recognition. My point here being it came from the West...not from Russia Or China.

    The Revolutionary Army which moved into Russia in 1917 was trained here in America in New Jersey and boarded ships with their arms and munitions to Russia financed by people here in the United States and Germany.

    This ship was stopped and boarded in Canada and was demanded to be released by someone here in our government....high up.

    The Internationale branched out to promote Communism and tried to overthrow many governments in Europe...but failed.

    Many of the intellectuals behind the International/Communist movement have always been trained and protected by the institutions of higher learning.

    After the failed attempt at the overthrow of many European governments many of these intellectual failed revolutionaries fled here to America moving into some of the western states like Minnestoa and Wisconsin. They became known as the 48ers.
    And they began the same process here in America ..and through our universities...which is bearing fruit today.


    Communisms roots are in the West...not in the East...this is a very very covered up history.

    The Internationale created Communism...from the West..not the East.

    Karl Marx and Fredrick Engles...only came on the stage later in the Internationale..they are not the big guys...they are what someone wants us to see. Fredrick Engles was the "Handler" for Karl Marx.

    As to Rocket man...I think someone is running rocket man....someone in the west...not in the east. And I think rocked man wants out of the hands of his controllers. He is a puppet on a string and made to look powerful and helped in looking powerful by our phony media..including fox news.

    Just like I think someone in the west is also running Communist China as their private fiefdom.

    I also believe these people running the west...the deep state...types have been running the United States since some time before WW1..perhapsed back to the boxer rebellion and our participation in it.

    I also think that someone in this country and the Trump administration knows this history and is acting on it.
    A history denied to the knowledge of most Americans in public school.

    Unless you dig deeply you will most likely never be aware of this history or that Communism...Internationalism..is a Western invention.

    Someone in the Trump administration is trying to bust the chops of Internationalism....and its front organization in America called The Deep State.

    I think that these people ...these internationalist deep staters are very very heavily entrenched in our State Department and our CIA.

    The State Department and the CIA have always been very pro Communist.

    The Defense Department has mostly been pro Israel.

    What I am saying here is that I believe at some level there is an internal struggle going on in our government between these groups for dominance. And I also believe most Americans are totally unawares of this going on.

    They did not expect Trump...to become president and believed it would be politics as usual.

    Trump needs very very very good security.

    These groups backed by the Internationalists do not want another four years of Trump....if they can help it.

    For they prefer their methods of bondage....Ishmael...and not of Isaac....for all of us.

    My non Ishmaelite .02

    Last edited: Mar 31, 2019
  47. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Son Of Liberty ,

    I too remember all that stuff in the 70s about the coming ice age...etc etc etc. Always something coming down the pipe to create fear and or Herding of the American Public.

    If you are olde enough..of sufficient vintage...you remember this stuff and detect another one coming..

    We are supposed to stop thinking for ourselves and get on the bandwagon...and only emote. This is Ishmael...bondage.

    My non Ishmaelite .02.

  48. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    There were several people in the late 1960s into the 1970s then 1980s and early 1990s who went around gathering information/data and watching ...observing for patterns..pattern recognition.

    These people...originally isolated and disconnected.... began to communicate with each other and with other groups and hold meetings to teach what they had learned...by study and observation.

    Some were specializing in propaganda/brainwashing and conditioning, some in education....some in Money issues...others in religion.

    What came out of this was a set of teachings/lectures to demonstrate that government ..in particular the US government was promoting a religion...and this religion was Secular Humanism to replace the religion of the People....with scientific reason...and get rid of the peoples Judeo Christian traditions.

    This involved brainwashing...conditioning...money issues to finance this religion...from kindergarten to college level.

    It also involved avoidance or rewriting of our history.

    Secular Humanism is a door way to socialist communism...where the basic tenant is that Man is the ultimate reality in the universe...and that some men are more suited to rule than other men....

    For example...Hollywood is more qualified to know what is best of America and Americans than the people themselves...and that Hollywood belongs in bed with Washington DC in a type of politically incestuous relationship. The rest of us are socially bound and obligated to follow the lead of Hollywood..since they know better what is good for the rest of us.

    Secular Humanism at its finest.

    Many of the speakers I am describing came to the attention of the Deep State and were marked out as a threat to the government and the direction the government sought to lead or herd the public.

    These speakers were breaking no law or laws but what they were doing, which was so dangerous to the deep state of the day, was speaking with people in these meetings and demonstrating how rigged the system was against them and teaching people to think and act outside of the "Herd.." To teach people to ask the questions no one in the Deep State "Herding " mechanism..wanted to be asked or even thought up by Americans.

    Some of these people were put in jail for speaking up under Trumped up charges....every pun intended here.

    What I am suspecting is that some of the "fruits" or issues, of which these people were speaking and lecturing on so long ago, have matured across this country and culminated in the American people turning against the Deep State manipulated system by electing Donald Trump.

    I suspect that Donald Trump is slowly dismantling the Deep State and it's control mechanisms. I also suspect that the big changes and movements against the Deep State are coming if Donald Trump can be re elected in 2020. I also think that the Deep State is willing to cause massive chaos...even Civil War to prevent Donald Trump from being re elected.
    The Deep State and their true "Handlers" are desperate to stop Trump and Company.

    If what I am thinking by way of these teachers of olde...is true....at some point the gloves will be coming off and it will be bare knuckles...as the expression goes.

    What these people/teachers also taught me is about the nature of revolution which will never be taught in public schools as people are never to know this definition.

    The Deep State spent two plus years trying to discredit and accelerate steps to remove Donald Trump and without success. I do not believe this movement is over by the Deep State...and the true Handlers of the Deep State....whom I believe are not even Americans....but internationalists.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2019
  49. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Son of Liberty ....

    With respect I want to qualify this for you and the members here..

    I agree with you here...but...

    I should state and or clarify here...I am not pro Israel ...nor pro other stuff ..with the exception of being Pro American.

    I am an American, like my father and mother before me. I stand with the God who blessed this land and it's people to be great and exceptional..even peculiar...to have liberty and freedom in our Life choices..and not to be like and or bound with the rest of the word......America first and always.

    I am not interested in Ishmaelite Internationalism...or other such nonsense.

    Hate to use a movie reference here as I am often mocking a movie and television education...but I stand with Dorothy and Toto..and click my heels three times.............................."There's no place like home."

    I was born in Libya as a result of my fathers military service...I know what is out there in other countries. Been around the world....been around America herself.

    "There's no place like home."

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

  50. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    On news today , Donald Trump will probably shut down the border to all ground travel including commerce between the U.S. and Mexico within the next seven days . Those in U.S. need to get their food supply in order as much of the food in grocery stores comes from Mexico . One of our members that works in the U.S. that likes to run back to Mexico to reside to keep from supporting the U.S. with taxes is going to be in a bind .Actually I am not sure but that member may have been kicked off this site . This is great news and this plan to shut down the border I am fully in support of . No word yet if ship and air commerce between the two countries will also be shut down . This is a great time to be a U.S. prepper . I am looking forward to it and hope it happens .
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2019
    TENNGRIZZ and TMT Tactical like this.
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